Esempio n. 1
LargeMemoryBlock *LargeObjectCache::get(ExtMemoryPool *extMemPool, size_t size)
    MALLOC_ASSERT( size%largeBlockCacheStep==0, ASSERT_TEXT );
    LargeMemoryBlock *lmb = NULL;
    size_t idx = sizeToIdx(size);
    if (idx<numLargeBlockBins) {
        lmb = bin[idx].get(extMemPool, size);
        if (lmb) {
            STAT_increment(getThreadId(), ThreadCommonCounters, allocCachedLargeBlk);
    return lmb;
Esempio n. 2
LargeMemoryBlock *LargeObjectCacheImpl<Props>::get(uintptr_t currTime, size_t size)
    MALLOC_ASSERT( size%Props::CacheStep==0, ASSERT_TEXT );
    int idx = sizeToIdx(size);
    bool setNonEmpty = false;

    LargeMemoryBlock *lmb = bin[idx].get(size, currTime, &setNonEmpty);
    // Setting to true is possible out of lock. As bitmask is used only for cleanup,
    // the lack of consistency is not violating correctness here.
    if (setNonEmpty)
        bitMask.set(idx, true);
    if (lmb) {
        STAT_increment(getThreadId(), ThreadCommonCounters, allocCachedLargeObj);
    return lmb;