Esempio n. 1
static struct solid *transform_poly(const struct solid *solid, int flip,
                                    int key0, int key1, float angle)
    struct solid *ret = snew(struct solid);
    float vx, vy, ax, ay;
    float vmatrix[9], amatrix[9], vmatrix2[9];
    int i;

    *ret = *solid;                     /* structure copy */

    flip_poly(ret, flip);

     * Now rotate the polyhedron through the given angle. We must
     * rotate about the Z-axis to bring the two vertices key0 and
     * key1 into horizontal alignment, then rotate about the
     * X-axis, then rotate back again.
    vx = ret->vertices[key1*3+0] - ret->vertices[key0*3+0];
    vy = ret->vertices[key1*3+1] - ret->vertices[key0*3+1];
    assert(APPROXEQ(vx*vx + vy*vy, 1.0));

    vmatrix[0] =  vx; vmatrix[3] = vy; vmatrix[6] = 0;
    vmatrix[1] = -vy; vmatrix[4] = vx; vmatrix[7] = 0;
    vmatrix[2] =   0; vmatrix[5] =  0; vmatrix[8] = 1;

    ax = (float)cos(angle);
    ay = (float)sin(angle);

    amatrix[0] = 1; amatrix[3] =   0; amatrix[6] =  0;
    amatrix[1] = 0; amatrix[4] =  ax; amatrix[7] = ay;
    amatrix[2] = 0; amatrix[5] = -ay; amatrix[8] = ax;

    memcpy(vmatrix2, vmatrix, sizeof(vmatrix));
    vmatrix2[1] = vy;
    vmatrix2[3] = -vy;

    for (i = 0; i < ret->nvertices; i++) {
        MATMUL(ret->vertices + 3*i, vmatrix, ret->vertices + 3*i);
        MATMUL(ret->vertices + 3*i, amatrix, ret->vertices + 3*i);
        MATMUL(ret->vertices + 3*i, vmatrix2, ret->vertices + 3*i);
    for (i = 0; i < ret->nfaces; i++) {
        MATMUL(ret->normals + 3*i, vmatrix, ret->normals + 3*i);
        MATMUL(ret->normals + 3*i, amatrix, ret->normals + 3*i);
        MATMUL(ret->normals + 3*i, vmatrix2, ret->normals + 3*i);

    return ret;
Esempio n. 2
void KatanaSimCam::update () throw ()
  // data
  ///< \todo consider offsets, focal point not at gripper center and not straight
  _pose = _robot->get_pose();

  // generate axis rotation matrices
#define CELSET(mat,xxx,yyy,val) \
  mat[(xxx)%3][(yyy)%3] = val;
#define ROTMAT(mat,ang,axs) \
  for (_i=0; _i<9; _i++) CELSET(mat,_i,_i/3,0.); \
  CELSET(mat,axs,axs,1.); \
  CELSET(mat,axs+1,axs+1,cos(ang)); \
  CELSET(mat,axs+2,axs+2,cos(ang)); \
  CELSET(mat,axs+1,axs+2,sin(ang)); \
  ROTMAT(_rot1, _pose[5], 2);
  ROTMAT(_rot2, _pose[4], 0);
  ROTMAT(_rot3, _pose[3], 2);

  // compute ZYZ rotation matrix
#define MATMUL(xxx,yyy,zzz) \
  for (_i=0; _i<3; _i++) \
    for (_j=0; _j<3; _j++) { \
      zzz[_i][_j] = 0.; \
      for (_k=0; _k<3; _k++) \
        zzz[_i][_j] += xxx[_i][_k] * yyy[_k][_j]; \
  MATMUL(_rot1, _rot2,_rot12);

  // apply camera translation
  for (_i=0; _i<3; _i++) {
    _d[_i] = 0.;
    for (_j=0; _j<3; _j++)
      _d[_i] += _roto[_i][_j] * (_object_xyz[_j] - _pose[_j]);

  // check if object is in front of camera
  currentObject.known = _current[0].known = false;
  if (_d[2] > 0.) {

    // project object onto sensor
    _d[0] *= 320. / _d[2];
    _d[1] *= 320. / _d[2];

    // check if projected object within camera resolution
    if (fabs(_d[0]) <= 320. && fabs(_d[1]) <= 240) {
      currentObject.pos.x = _current[0].x = _d[0];
      currentObject.pos.y = _current[0].y = _d[1];
      _current[0].x += 320.;
      _current[0].y += 240.;
      currentObject.known = _current[0].known = true;

  if (_draw) {
    // visualize projected object
    int bx=4, by=10;
    for (int a=0; a<641; a+=bx) std::cout << '-';
    std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
    for (int b=0; b<481; b+=by) {
      std::cout << '|';
      for (int a=0; a<641; a+=bx)
        std::cout << (_current[0].known && fabs(_current[0].x-a)<bx && fabs(_current[0].y-b)<by ? 'X' : a==320&&b==240 ? '+' : ' ');
      std::cout << '|' << std::endl;
    for (int a=0; a<641; a+=bx) std::cout << '-';
    std::cout << "--" << std::endl;