Esempio n. 1
bool MCGRasterToCGImage(const MCGRaster &p_raster, const MCGIntegerRectangle &p_src_rect, CGColorSpaceRef p_colorspace, bool p_copy, bool p_invert, CGImageRef &r_image)
	bool t_success = true;
	CGImageRef t_image = nil;
	CGDataProviderRef t_data_provider = nil;
	uint32_t t_dst_stride;

	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCGRasterCreateCGDataProvider(p_raster, p_src_rect, p_copy, p_invert, t_data_provider, t_dst_stride);
	// IM-2014-05-20: [[ GraphicsPerformance ]] Opaque rasters should indicate no alpha in the bitmap info
	bool t_alpha;
	t_alpha = p_raster.format != kMCGRasterFormat_xRGB;
	// IM-2013-08-21: [[ RefactorGraphics ]] Refactor CGImage creation code to be pixel-format independent
	CGBitmapInfo t_bm_info;
	t_bm_info = MCGPixelFormatToCGBitmapInfo(kMCGPixelFormatNative, t_alpha);
	if (t_success)
		t_image = CGImageCreate(p_src_rect.size.width, p_src_rect.size.height, 8, 32, t_dst_stride, p_colorspace, t_bm_info, t_data_provider, nil, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
		t_success = t_image != nil;
	if (t_success)
		r_image = t_image;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 2
bool MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_AllocateTile(void *p_context, int32_t p_size, const void *p_bits, uint32_t p_stride, void*& r_tile)
	MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositorContext *self;
	self = (MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositorContext *)p_context;
	// If the stride is exactly one tile wide, we don't need a copy.
	void *t_data;
	t_data = nil;
	if (p_stride == p_size * sizeof(uint32_t))
		t_data = (void *)p_bits;
	else if (MCMemoryAllocate(p_size * p_size * sizeof(uint32_t), t_data))
		// Copy across each scanline of the tile into the buffer.
		for(int32_t y = 0; y < p_size; y++)
			memcpy((uint8_t *)t_data + y * p_size * sizeof(uint32_t), (uint8_t *)p_bits + p_stride * y, p_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
	CGImageRef t_tile;
	t_tile = nil;
	if (t_data != nil)
		// IM-2013-08-21: [[ RefactorGraphics ]] Refactor CGImage creation code to be pixel-format independent
		CGBitmapInfo t_bm_info;
		t_bm_info = MCGPixelFormatToCGBitmapInfo(kMCGPixelFormatNative, true);
		CGContextRef t_cgcontext;
		t_cgcontext = CGBitmapContextCreate((void *)t_data, p_size, p_size, 8, p_size * sizeof(uint32_t), self -> colorspace, t_bm_info);
		if (t_cgcontext != nil)
			t_tile = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(t_cgcontext);
	if (t_data != p_bits)
	if (t_tile == nil)
		return false;

	r_tile = t_tile;
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool MCGImageToCGImage(MCGImageRef p_src, const MCGIntegerRectangle &p_src_rect, CGColorSpaceRef p_colorspace, bool p_invert, CGImageRef &r_image)
	MCGRaster t_raster;
	if (!MCGImageGetRaster(p_src, t_raster))
		return false;
	if (p_invert)
		return MCGRasterToCGImage(t_raster, p_src_rect, p_colorspace, true, true, r_image);
	// If we don't need to modify the data then create image with data provider that references the MCGImageRef
	bool t_success = true;
	CGImageRef t_image = nil;
	CGDataProviderRef t_data_provider = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCGImageCreateCGDataProvider(p_src, p_src_rect, t_data_provider);
	bool t_alpha;
	t_alpha = !MCGImageIsOpaque(p_src);
	CGBitmapInfo t_bm_info;
	t_bm_info = MCGPixelFormatToCGBitmapInfo(kMCGPixelFormatNative, t_alpha);
	if (t_success)
		t_image = CGImageCreate(p_src_rect.size.width, p_src_rect.size.height, 8, 32, t_raster.stride, p_colorspace, t_bm_info, t_data_provider, nil, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
		t_success = t_image != nil;
	if (t_success)
		r_image = t_image;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 4
bool MCGRasterToCGImage(const MCGRaster &p_raster, MCGRectangle p_src_rect, CGColorSpaceRef p_colorspace, bool p_copy, bool p_invert, CGImageRef &r_image)
	bool t_success = true;
	int32_t t_x, t_y;
	uint32_t t_width, t_height;
	t_x = p_src_rect.origin.x;
	t_y = p_src_rect.origin.y;
	t_width = p_src_rect.size.width;
	t_height = p_src_rect.size.height;
	/* OVERHAUL - REVISIT: pixel formats */
	const uint8_t *t_src_ptr = (uint8_t*)p_raster.pixels;
	t_src_ptr += t_y * p_raster.stride + t_x * sizeof(uint32_t);
	uint32_t t_dst_stride;
	if (p_invert)
		p_copy = true;
	CGImageRef t_image = nil;
	CGDataProviderRef t_data_provider = nil;
	if (!p_copy)
		t_dst_stride = p_raster.stride;
		t_success = nil != (t_data_provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(nil, t_src_ptr, t_height * p_raster.stride, nil));
		uint8_t* t_buffer = nil;
		t_dst_stride = t_width * sizeof(uint32_t);
		uindex_t t_buffer_size = t_height * t_dst_stride;
		t_success = MCMemoryAllocate(t_buffer_size, t_buffer);
		if (t_success)
			int32_t t_src_stride;
			uint8_t* t_dst_ptr = t_buffer;
			if (!p_invert)
				t_src_stride = p_raster.stride;
				t_src_ptr += ((int32_t)t_height - 1) * p_raster.stride;
				t_src_stride = -p_raster.stride;
			for (uindex_t y = 0; y < t_height; y++)
				MCMemoryCopy(t_dst_ptr, t_src_ptr, t_dst_stride);
				t_dst_ptr += t_dst_stride;
				t_src_ptr += t_src_stride;
		if (t_success)
			t_success = nil != (t_data_provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(nil, t_buffer, t_buffer_size, __CGDataProviderDeallocate));
		if (!t_success)
	// IM-2013-08-21: [[ RefactorGraphics ]] Refactor CGImage creation code to be pixel-format independent
	CGBitmapInfo t_bm_info;
	t_bm_info = MCGPixelFormatToCGBitmapInfo(kMCGPixelFormatNative, true);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = nil != (t_image = CGImageCreate(t_width, t_height, 8, 32, t_dst_stride, p_colorspace, t_bm_info, t_data_provider, nil, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault));
	if (t_success)
		r_image = t_image;
	return t_success;