Esempio n. 1
void MCS_loadurl(MCObject *p_object, const char *p_url, const char *p_message)
    bool t_success = true;
    MCSLoadUrlState *t_state = nil;
    char *t_processed = nil;
    MCNameRef t_message = nil;
    t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_state) &&
                MCSystemProcessUrl(p_url, kMCSystemUrlOperationStrip, t_processed) &&
                MCNameCreateWithCString(p_message, t_message);

    if (t_success)
        t_state->url = t_processed;
        t_state->message = t_message;
        t_state->status = kMCSystemUrlStatusNone;
        t_state->object = p_object -> gethandle();
        t_state->data . bytes = nil;
        t_state->data . size = 0;

        t_success = MCSystemLoadUrl(t_processed, MCS_loadurl_callback, t_state);

    if (t_success)
        MCurlresult -> clear();
        MCresult->sets("error: load URL failed");
Esempio n. 2
bool __MCValueCreate(MCValueTypeCode p_type_code, size_t p_size, __MCValue*& r_value)
	void *t_value;
    // MW-2014-03-21: [[ Faster ]] If we are pooling this typecode, and the
    //   pool isn't empty grab the ptr from there.
    if (p_type_code <= kMCValueTypeCodeList && s_value_pools[p_type_code] . count > 0)
        t_value = s_value_pools[p_type_code] . values;
        s_value_pools[p_type_code] . count -= 1;
        s_value_pools[p_type_code] . values = *(__MCValue **)t_value;
        MCMemoryClear(t_value, p_size);
        if (!MCMemoryNew(p_size, t_value))
            return false;
	__MCValue *self = (__MCValue *)t_value;

	self -> references = 1;
	self -> flags = (p_type_code << 28);

	r_value = self;

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool MCGImageCreateWithSkBitmap(const SkBitmap &p_bitmap, MCGImageRef &r_image)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;
	__MCGImage *t_image;
	t_image = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_image);
	SkBitmap *t_bitmap;
	t_bitmap = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_bitmap = new SkBitmap(p_bitmap);
        t_bitmap -> lockPixels();
		t_success = nil != t_bitmap;
	if (t_success)
		t_image -> bitmap = t_bitmap;
		t_image -> is_valid = true;
		t_image -> references = 1;
		r_image = t_image;
		if (t_bitmap != nil)
			delete t_bitmap;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 4
bool MCPatternCreate(MCGImageRef p_image, MCGFloat p_scale, MCPatternRef &r_pattern)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;
	MCPatternRef t_pattern;
	t_pattern = nil;
	t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_pattern);
	if (t_success)
		t_pattern -> image = MCGImageRetain(p_image);
		t_pattern -> scale = p_scale;
		t_pattern -> references = 1;
		r_pattern = t_pattern;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 5
void MCSystemRequestUserAttention(void)
	if (s_bounce_nmr != nil)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(s_bounce_nmr);
	if (t_success)
		s_bounce_nmr -> nmMark = 1;
		s_bounce_nmr -> qType = nmType;
		if (NMInstall(s_bounce_nmr) != noErr)
			t_success = false;
	if (!t_success)
		s_bounce_nmr = nil;
Esempio n. 6
void *android_font_create(const char *name, uint32_t size, bool bold, bool italic)
	MCAndroidFont *t_font = nil;
	if (MCMemoryNew(t_font))
		SkTypeface::Style t_style = SkTypeface::kNormal;
		if (bold)
			if (italic)
				t_style = SkTypeface::kBoldItalic;
				t_style = SkTypeface::kBold;
		else if (italic)
			t_style = SkTypeface::kItalic;
        // MM-2012-03-06: Check to see if we have a custom font of the given style and name available
        if (!create_skia_font_face_from_custom_font_name_and_style(name, bold, italic, t_font->sk_typeface))
            t_font->sk_typeface = SkTypeface::CreateFromName(name, t_style);
		MCAssert(t_font->sk_typeface != NULL);
		t_font->size = size;
	return t_font;
Esempio n. 7
static bool MCTextLayoutFontFromHFONT(void *p_font, MCTextLayoutFont*& r_font)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	// First fetch the HFONT's LOGFONT structure
	LOGFONTA t_logfont;
	if (t_success)
		if (!GetObjectA(p_font, sizeof(LOGFONTA), &t_logfont))
			t_success = false;

	if (t_success)
		t_logfont . lfHeight = -256;

	// Now use this to search for an existing layout font
	MCTextLayoutFont *self;
	self = nil;
	if (t_success)
		self = MCTextLayoutFontFind(t_logfont);
		if (self != nil)
			r_font = self;
			return true;

	// Otherwise we must go ahead and create a new font
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(self);

	if (t_success)
		self -> handle = CreateFontIndirectA(&t_logfont);
		if (self -> handle == nil)
			t_success = false;

	if (t_success)
		MCListPushFront(s_fonts, self);
		self -> info = t_logfont;

		// Now see if the font is a linked font
		for(MCTextLayoutLinkedFont *t_links = s_linked_fonts; t_links != nil; t_links = t_links -> next)
			if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_links -> name, self -> info . lfFaceName))
				self -> linking = t_links;

		r_font = self;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 8
// MW-2011-09-13: [[ Masks ]] Updated to store data in an MCWindowMask struct.
MCWindowShape *MCImage::makewindowshape(void)
	bool t_success = true;
	MCWindowShape *t_mask = nil;
	CGImageRef t_mask_image = nil;
	MCImageBitmap *t_bitmap = nil;
	uint8_t *t_alpha = nil;
	uindex_t t_alpha_stride = 0;
	uindex_t t_width, t_height;
	t_success = lockbitmap(t_bitmap, true);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCImageBitmapHasTransparency(t_bitmap);
	if (t_success)
		t_width = t_bitmap->width;
		t_height = t_bitmap->height;
		t_alpha_stride = (t_width + 3) & ~3;
		t_success = MCMemoryAllocate(t_alpha_stride * t_height, t_alpha);
	if (t_success)
		surface_extract_alpha(t_bitmap->data, t_bitmap->stride, t_alpha, t_alpha_stride, t_width, t_height);
		t_success = MCAlphaToCGImage(t_width, t_height, t_alpha, t_alpha_stride, t_mask_image);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_mask);
	if (!t_success)
		return nil;
	t_mask->width = t_width;
	t_mask->height = t_height;
	t_mask->is_sharp = false;
	t_mask->data = (char*)t_alpha;
	t_mask->stride = t_alpha_stride;
	t_mask->handle = t_mask_image;
	return t_mask;
Esempio n. 9
bool MCAndroidStartTrackingHeading(bool p_loosely)
    bool t_success = true;
    if (s_heading_reading == nil)
        t_success = MCMemoryNew(s_heading_reading);
    if (t_success)
        MCAndroidEngineRemoteCall("startTrackingHeading", "bb", &t_success, p_loosely);
    return t_success;
Esempio n. 10
inline bool MCMatrixNew(integer_t p_rows, integer_t p_cols, integer_t p_row_offset, integer_t p_col_offset, matrix_t*& r_matrix)
	if (!MCMemoryNew(sizeof(matrix_t) + sizeof(real64_t) * p_rows * p_cols, (void*&)r_matrix))
		return false;

	r_matrix->columns = p_cols;
	r_matrix->column_offset = p_col_offset;

	r_matrix->rows = p_rows;
	r_matrix->row_offset = p_row_offset;

	return true;
Esempio n. 11
bool MCSessionCreateSession(MCSessionIndexRef p_index, MCStringRef p_session_id, MCSession *&r_session)
	bool t_success = true;
	MCSession *t_session = NULL;

	MCAutoStringRef t_remote_addr_string;
	char *t_remote_addr;
	t_remote_addr = NULL;

	if (MCS_getenv(MCSTR("REMOTE_ADDR"), &t_remote_addr_string))
		MCCStringClone(MCStringGetCString(*t_remote_addr_string), t_remote_addr);
	t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_session);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringClone(t_remote_addr ? t_remote_addr : "", t_session->ip);

	if (t_success)
		if (p_session_id != nil && !MCStringIsEmpty(p_session_id))
			t_session->id = strdup(MCStringGetCString(p_session_id));
			t_success = true;
			MCAutoStringRef t_session_id;
			t_success = MCSessionGenerateID(&t_session_id);
			t_session->id = strdup(MCStringGetCString(*t_session_id));
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringFormat(t_session->filename, "%s_%s", t_remote_addr ? t_remote_addr : "", t_session->id);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCSessionIndexAddSession(p_index, t_session);
	if (t_success)
		r_session = t_session;
		if (t_session != NULL)
			MCSessionCloseSession(t_session, false);
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 12
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_runrev_android_Engine_doRotationRateChanged(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat z, jfloat timestamp)
    // MM-2012-03-13: Create first reading value only when we get a callback.  
    //     This means we can properly handle the case where the user requests a reading before one has been taken.
    if (s_rotation_rate_reading == nil)
        if (!MCMemoryNew(s_rotation_rate_reading))
    s_rotation_rate_reading->x = x;
    s_rotation_rate_reading->y = y;
    s_rotation_rate_reading->z = z;
    s_rotation_rate_reading->timestamp = timestamp;
Esempio n. 13
// TD-2013-07-02: [[ DynamicFonts ]]
// MERG-2013-08-14: [[ DynamicFonts ]] Refactored to use MCLoadedFont
bool MCFontLoad(MCStringRef p_path, bool p_globally)
    bool t_success;
    t_success = true;
    if (t_success)
        // check if already loaded and unload if globally is not the same as loaded version
        for(MCLoadedFont *t_font = s_loaded_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font -> next)
            if (MCStringIsEqualTo(t_font -> path, p_path, kMCStringOptionCompareCaseless))
				if (t_font -> is_global != p_globally)
					t_success = MCFontUnload(p_path);
					return true;
    if (t_success)
        void * t_loaded_font_handle;
        if (!MCscreen -> loadfont(p_path, p_globally, t_loaded_font_handle))
            return false;
        MCLoadedFontRef self;
        if (!MCMemoryNew(self))
            return false;
        self -> is_global = p_globally;
        self -> handle = t_loaded_font_handle;
        MCValueAssign(self -> path, p_path);
		self -> next = s_loaded_fonts;
		s_loaded_fonts = self;
		// MW-2013-09-11: [[ DynamicFonts ]] Make sure the engine reloads all fonts.
		MCstacks -> purgefonts();

    return t_success;
Esempio n. 14
bool storeURLInfo(const char *p_url, MCSystemUrlCallback p_callback, void *p_context, MCUrlInfo *&r_info)
	bool t_success = true;

	MCUrlInfo *t_info = nil;

	t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_info);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringClone(p_url, t_info->url);
	if (t_success)
		t_info->callback = p_callback;
		t_info->context = p_context;

		if (s_urlinfo_list == nil)
			s_urlinfo_list = t_info;
			t_info->id = 1;
			uint32_t t_id = s_urlinfo_list->id + 1;
			MCUrlInfo *t_list = s_urlinfo_list;
			while (t_list->next != NULL && t_list->next->id == t_id)
				t_list = t_list->next;
			t_info->next = t_list->next;
			t_list->next = t_info;
			t_info->id = t_id;

	if (t_success)
		r_info = t_info;
		if (t_info != nil)

	return t_success;
Esempio n. 15
// TD-2013-07-02: [[ DynamicFonts ]]
// MERG-2013-08-14: [[ DynamicFonts ]] Refactored to use MCLoadedFont
Exec_stat MCFontLoad(MCExecPoint& ep, const char *p_path, bool p_globally)
    Exec_stat t_stat;
    t_stat = ES_NORMAL;
    if (t_stat == ES_NORMAL)
        // check if already loaded and unload if globally is not the same as loaded version
        for(MCLoadedFont *t_font = s_loaded_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font -> next)
            if (MCU_strcasecmp(t_font -> path, p_path) == 0)
				if (t_font -> is_global != p_globally)
					t_stat = MCFontUnload(ep,p_path);
					return ES_NORMAL;
    if (t_stat == ES_NORMAL)
        void * t_loaded_font_handle;
        if (!MCscreen -> loadfont(p_path, p_globally, t_loaded_font_handle))
            return ES_ERROR;
        MCLoadedFontRef self;
        if (!MCMemoryNew(self))
            return ES_ERROR;
        self -> is_global = p_globally;
        self -> handle = t_loaded_font_handle;
        self -> path = strdup(p_path);
		self -> next = s_loaded_fonts;
		s_loaded_fonts = self;
		// MW-2013-09-11: [[ DynamicFonts ]] Make sure the engine reloads all fonts.
		MCstacks -> purgefonts();

    return t_stat;
Esempio n. 16
bool MCGRegionCreate(MCGRegionRef &r_region)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;
	MCGRegionRef t_region;
	t_region = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_region);

	if (t_success)
		r_region = t_region;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 17
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNICALL Java_com_runrev_android_Engine_doHeadingChanged(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jdouble heading, jdouble magnetic_heading, jdouble true_heading, jfloat timestamp, jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat z, jfloat accuracy)
    // MM-2012-03-13: Create first reading value only when we get a callback.  
    //     This means we can properly handle the case where the user requests a reading before one has been taken.
    if (s_heading_reading == nil)
        if (!MCMemoryNew(s_heading_reading))

    s_heading_reading->heading = heading;
    s_heading_reading->magnetic_heading = magnetic_heading;
    s_heading_reading->true_heading = true_heading;
    s_heading_reading->timestamp = timestamp;
    s_heading_reading->x = x;
    s_heading_reading->y = y;
    s_heading_reading->z = z;
    s_heading_reading->accuracy = accuracy;
Esempio n. 18
bool MCSessionReadIndex(MCSessionIndexRef p_index)
	bool t_success = true;
	t_success = read_uint32(p_index->file, p_index->session_count);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(p_index->session_count, p_index->session);

	for (uint32_t i = 0; t_success && i < p_index->session_count; i++)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(p_index->session[i]);
		if (t_success)
			t_success = read_cstring(p_index->file, p_index->session[i]->id) &&
						read_cstring(p_index->file, p_index->session[i]->ip) &&
						read_cstring(p_index->file, p_index->session[i]->filename) &&
						read_real64(p_index->file, p_index->session[i]->expires);

	return t_success;
Esempio n. 19
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_runrev_android_Engine_doLocationChanged(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jdouble latitude, jdouble longitude, jdouble altitude, jfloat timestamp, jfloat accuracy, jdouble speed, jdouble course)
    // MM-2012-03-13: Create first reading value only when we get a callback.  
    //     This means we can properly handle the case where the user requests a reading before one has been taken.
    if (s_location_reading == nil)
        if (!MCMemoryNew(s_location_reading))
    s_location_reading->latitude = latitude;
    s_location_reading->longitude = longitude;
    s_location_reading->altitude = altitude;
    s_location_reading->timestamp = timestamp;
    s_location_reading->horizontal_accuracy = accuracy;
    s_location_reading->vertical_accuracy = 0;
    // MM-2013-02-21: Added speed and course to location sensor readings.
    s_location_reading->speed = speed;
    s_location_reading->course = course;
Esempio n. 20
bool MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositorConfigure(MCTileCacheRef p_tilecache, MCTileCacheCompositor& r_compositor)
	MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositorContext *t_context;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(t_context))
		return false;
	t_context -> tilecache = p_tilecache;
	r_compositor . context = t_context;
	r_compositor . cleanup = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_Cleanup;
	r_compositor . allocate_tile = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_AllocateTile;
	r_compositor . deallocate_tile = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_DeallocateTile;
	r_compositor . begin_frame = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_BeginFrame;
	r_compositor . end_frame = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_EndFrame;
	r_compositor . begin_layer = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_BeginLayer;
	r_compositor . end_layer = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_EndLayer;
	r_compositor . composite_tile = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_CompositeTile;
	r_compositor . composite_rect = MCTileCacheSoftwareCompositor_CompositeRect;
	return true;
Esempio n. 21
bool MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositorConfigure(MCTileCacheRef p_tilecache, MCTileCacheCompositor& r_compositor)
	MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositorContext *t_context;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(t_context))
		return false;
	t_context -> tilecache = p_tilecache;
	/* UNCHECKED */ MCImageGetCGColorSpace(t_context -> colorspace);
	r_compositor . context = t_context;
	r_compositor . cleanup = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_Cleanup;
	r_compositor . allocate_tile = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_AllocateTile;
	r_compositor . deallocate_tile = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_DeallocateTile;
	r_compositor . begin_frame = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_BeginFrame;
	r_compositor . end_frame = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_EndFrame;
	r_compositor . begin_layer = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_BeginLayer;
	r_compositor . end_layer = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_EndLayer;
	r_compositor . composite_tile = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_CompositeTile;
	r_compositor . composite_rect = MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_CompositeRect;
	return true;
Esempio n. 22
bool MCSessionOpenIndex(MCSessionIndexRef &r_index)
	bool t_success = true;
	MCSessionIndexRef t_index = nil;

	t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_index);
	MCAutoStringRef t_save_path;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCS_get_session_save_path(&t_save_path);
	if (t_success)
        t_success = MCStringCopy(*t_save_path, t_index->save_path);
	MCAutoStringRef t_path_string;
	if (t_success)
        t_success = MCStringFormat(&t_path_string, "%@/lcsessions.idx", t_index->save_path);
	// open file
	if (t_success)
		t_success = NULL != (t_index->file = MCsystem->OpenFile(*t_path_string, kMCOpenFileModeUpdate, false));

	// lock file
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCSystemLockFile(t_index->file, false, true);
	// read index
	if (t_success && t_index->file->GetFileSize() > 0)
		t_success = MCSessionReadIndex(t_index);
	if (t_success)
		r_index = t_index;
		MCSessionCloseIndex(t_index, false);
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 23
bool MCFiberCreate(size_t p_stack_size, MCFiberRef& r_fiber)
	MCFiberRef self;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(self))
		return false;
	if (s_fibers == nil)
	self -> thread = nil;
	self -> next = s_fibers;
	s_fibers = self;

	if (pthread_create(&self -> thread, nil, MCFiberOwnedThreadRoutine, self) != 0)
		return false;
	r_fiber = self;
	return true;
Esempio n. 24
bool MCFiberConvert(MCFiberRef& r_fiber)
	MCFiberRef self;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(self))
		return false;
	// If we have no fibers already, initialize ourselves.
	if (s_fibers == nil)
	// Get the thread id of the fiber and link it into the fiber chain.
	self -> thread = pthread_self();
	self -> next = s_fibers;
	s_fibers = self;
	// As we are converting the current thread, the current fiber becomes
	// self.
	s_fiber_current = self;
	// Return successfully.
	r_fiber = self;
	return true;
Esempio n. 25
bool MCSessionCopySession(MCSession *p_src, MCSession *&r_dst)
	bool t_success = true;
	MCSession *t_session;
	t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_session);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringClone(p_src->id, t_session->id);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringClone(p_src->ip, t_session->ip);
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringClone(p_src->filename, t_session->filename);
	if (t_success)
		t_session->expires = p_src->expires;
	if (t_success)
		r_dst = t_session;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 26
bool MCGCacheTableCreate(uindex_t p_size, uindex_t p_max_occupancy, uindex_t p_max_bytes, MCGCacheTableRef &r_cache_table)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;
	__MCGCacheTable *t_cache_table;
	t_cache_table = NULL;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_cache_table);
	__MCGCacheTableEntry *t_pairs;
	t_pairs = NULL;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(p_size, t_pairs);
	if (t_success)
		t_cache_table -> total_buckets = p_size;
		t_cache_table -> used_buckets = 0;
		t_cache_table -> max_occupancy = p_max_occupancy;
		t_cache_table -> max_bytes = p_max_bytes;
		t_cache_table -> bytes_used = sizeof(__MCGCacheTable) + sizeof(__MCGCacheTableEntry) * p_size;
		t_cache_table -> pairs = t_pairs;
		t_success =  p_max_bytes > t_cache_table -> bytes_used;
	if (t_success)
		r_cache_table = t_cache_table;
	return t_success;
Esempio n. 27
bool MCPurchaseInit(MCPurchase *p_purchase, MCStringRef p_product_id, void *p_context)
    bool t_success = true;
    if (p_context != nil)
        p_purchase->platform_data = p_context;
        MCAndroidPurchase *t_android_data = nil;
        t_success = MCStringGetLength(p_product_id) != 0;
        if (t_success)
            t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_android_data);
        if (t_success)
			t_android_data->product_id = MCValueRetain(p_product_id);
        if (t_success)
            p_purchase->platform_data = t_android_data;
    return t_success;
Esempio n. 28
static bool MCEventQueuePostAtFront(MCEventType p_type, MCEvent*& r_event)
	MCEvent *t_event;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(t_event))
		return false;
	if (s_first_event == nil)
		s_first_event = s_last_event = t_event;
		t_event -> next = s_first_event;
		s_first_event = t_event;
	t_event -> type = p_type;
	// MW-2011-08-16: [[ Wait ]] Ping any running wait loop to make sure it
	//   picks up the new event if it wants to.
	MCscreen -> pingwait();
	r_event = t_event;
	return true;
Esempio n. 29
void MCGContextDrawPlatformText(MCGContextRef self, const unichar_t *p_text, uindex_t p_length, MCGPoint p_location, const MCGFont &p_font)
	// MW-2013-12-19: [[ Bug 11559 ]] Do nothing if no text support.
	if (!s_has_text_support)
	if (!MCGContextIsValid(self))
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	if (t_success)
		t_success = s_layout != NULL;
	char *t_text;
	t_text = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringFromUnicodeSubstring(p_text, p_length / 2, t_text);
	MCGAffineTransform t_transform;
	MCGPoint t_device_location;	
	PangoLayoutLine *t_line;
	t_line = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_transform = MCGContextGetDeviceTransform(self);
		t_device_location = MCGPointApplyAffineTransform(p_location, t_transform);		
		t_transform . tx = modff(t_device_location . x, &t_device_location . x);
		t_transform . ty = modff(t_device_location . y, &t_device_location . y);		
		PangoMatrix t_ptransform;		
		t_ptransform . xx = t_transform . a;
		t_ptransform . xy = t_transform . b;
		t_ptransform . yx = t_transform . c;
		t_ptransform . yy = t_transform . d;
		t_ptransform . x0 = t_transform . tx;
		t_ptransform . y0 = t_transform . ty;
		pango_context_set_matrix(s_pango, &t_ptransform);
		pango_layout_set_font_description(s_layout, (PangoFontDescription *) p_font . fid);
		pango_layout_set_text(s_layout, t_text, -1);
		extern PangoLayoutLine *(*pango_layout_get_line_readonly_ptr)(PangoLayout *, int);
		if (pango_layout_get_line_readonly_ptr != nil)
			t_line = pango_layout_get_line_readonly_ptr(s_layout, 0);
			t_line = pango_layout_get_line(s_layout, 0);
		t_success = t_line != nil;
	MCGIntRectangle t_text_bounds, t_clipped_bounds;
	if (t_success)
		PangoRectangle t_pbounds;
		pango_layout_line_get_extents(t_line, NULL, &t_pbounds);
		MCGRectangle t_float_text_bounds;
        t_float_text_bounds . origin . x = t_pbounds . x / PANGO_SCALE;
        t_float_text_bounds . origin . y = t_pbounds . y / PANGO_SCALE;
        t_float_text_bounds . size . width = t_pbounds . width / PANGO_SCALE;
        t_float_text_bounds . size . height = t_pbounds . height / PANGO_SCALE;		
		MCGRectangle t_device_clip;
		t_device_clip = MCGContextGetDeviceClipBounds(self);
		t_device_clip . origin . x -= t_device_location . x;
		t_device_clip . origin . y -= t_device_location . y;
		MCGRectangle t_float_clipped_bounds;
		t_float_clipped_bounds = MCGRectangleIntersection(t_float_text_bounds, t_device_clip);
		t_text_bounds = MCGRectangleIntegerBounds(t_float_text_bounds);
		t_clipped_bounds = MCGRectangleIntegerBounds(t_float_clipped_bounds);
		if (t_clipped_bounds . width == 0 || t_clipped_bounds . height == 0)
	void *t_data;
	t_data = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_clipped_bounds . width * t_clipped_bounds . height, t_data);
	if (t_success)
		FT_Bitmap t_ftbitmap;
		t_ftbitmap . rows = t_clipped_bounds . height;
		t_ftbitmap . width = t_clipped_bounds . width;
		t_ftbitmap . pitch = t_clipped_bounds . width;
		t_ftbitmap . buffer = (unsigned char*) t_data;
		t_ftbitmap . num_grays = 256;
		t_ftbitmap . pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY;
		t_ftbitmap . palette_mode = 0;
		t_ftbitmap . palette = nil;
		pango_ft2_render_layout_line(&t_ftbitmap, t_line, -(t_clipped_bounds . x - t_text_bounds . x), -(t_clipped_bounds . y - t_text_bounds . y) - t_text_bounds . y);
		SkPaint t_paint;
		t_paint . setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style);	
		t_paint . setAntiAlias(self -> state -> should_antialias);
		t_paint . setColor(MCGColorToSkColor(self -> state -> fill_color));
		SkXfermode *t_blend_mode;
		t_blend_mode = MCGBlendModeToSkXfermode(self -> state -> blend_mode);
		t_paint . setXfermode(t_blend_mode);
		if (t_blend_mode != NULL)
			t_blend_mode -> unref();		
		SkBitmap t_bitmap;
		t_bitmap . setConfig(SkBitmap::kA8_Config, t_clipped_bounds . width, t_clipped_bounds .  height);
		t_bitmap . setIsOpaque(false);
		t_bitmap . setPixels(t_data);
		self -> layer -> canvas -> drawSprite(t_bitmap, t_clipped_bounds . x + t_device_location . x, 
											  t_clipped_bounds . y + t_device_location . y, &t_paint);
	self -> is_valid = t_success;
Esempio n. 30
bool MCFontCreate(MCNameRef p_name, MCFontStyle p_style, int32_t p_size, MCFontRef& r_font)
	for(MCFont *t_font = s_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font -> next)
		if (p_name == t_font -> name &&
			p_style == t_font -> style &&
			p_size == t_font -> size)
			t_font -> references += 1;
			r_font = t_font;
			return true;

	MCFontRef self;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(self))
		return false;

	self -> references = 1;
	/* UNCHECKED */ MCNameClone(p_name, self -> name);
	self -> style = p_style;
	self -> size = p_size;

	uint2 t_temp_size;
	t_temp_size = self -> size;
	self -> fontstruct = MCdispatcher -> loadfont(self -> name, t_temp_size, MCFontStyleToTextStyle(self -> style), (self -> style & kMCFontStylePrinterMetrics) != 0);

	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11535 ]] Test to see if the font is fixed-width, at least for
	//   Roman script.
    MCGFont t_gfont;
	t_gfont = MCFontStructToMCGFont(self -> fontstruct);
	t_gfont . fixed_advance = 0;

	// We check the width of ' ', i, l, m and w. If they are all the same width
	// we assume the font is monospaced and subsequently set the fixed_advance
	// field to a suitable value.
	MCGFloat t_last_width;
	for(uindex_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		unichar_t t_char;
		t_char = (unichar_t)((" ilmw")[i]);
		// MM-2014-04-16: [[ Bug 11964 ]] MCGContextMeasurePlatformText prototype updated to take scale. Pass identity.
		MCGFloat t_this_width;
		t_this_width = MCGContextMeasurePlatformText(nil, &t_char, 2, t_gfont, MCGAffineTransformMakeIdentity());
		if (t_this_width == 0.0 ||
			(i != 0 && t_this_width != t_last_width))
			t_last_width = 0;
		t_last_width = t_this_width;
	self -> fixed_advance = floorf(t_last_width + 0.5);
	self -> next = s_fonts;
	s_fonts = self;

	r_font = self;

	return true;