/* Utility function that formats a number as a string [ToDo] - Duplicate of a function in FMC_Utils - Consider making an infrastructure utility function */ const char *_MCP_BTS_SP_FormatNumber(const char *formatMsg, McpUint number, char *tempStr,McpUint maxTempStrSize) { McpU16 formatMsgLen; formatMsgLen=MCP_HAL_STRING_StrLen(formatMsg); /*Verfiy that the tempStr allocation is enough */ if ((McpU16)(formatMsgLen+MAX_MCP_UINT_SIZE_IN_ASCII)>maxTempStrSize) { return invalidMcpempStr; } MCP_HAL_STRING_Sprintf(tempStr, formatMsg, number); return tempStr; }
const char * FMC_UTILS_FormatNumber(const char *formatMsg, FMC_UINT number, char *tempStr,FMC_UINT maxTempStrSize) { FMC_U16 formatMsgLen; formatMsgLen=MCP_HAL_STRING_StrLen(formatMsg); /*Verify that the tempStr allocation is enough */ if ((FMC_U16)(formatMsgLen+MAX_FMC_UINT_SIZE_IN_ASCII)>maxTempStrSize) { return invalidFmcTempStr; } MCP_HAL_STRING_Sprintf (tempStr, formatMsg, number); return tempStr; }