Esempio n. 1
 * meta_background_actor_set_visible_region:
 * @self: a #MetaBackgroundActor
 * @visible_region: (allow-none): the area of the actor (in allocate-relative
 *   coordinates) that is visible.
 * Sets the area of the background that is unobscured by overlapping windows.
 * This is used to optimize and only paint the visible portions.
meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (MetaBackgroundActor *self,
                                          cairo_region_t      *visible_region)
  MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->visible_region)
      cairo_region_destroy (priv->visible_region);
      priv->visible_region = NULL;

  if (visible_region)
      cairo_rectangle_int_t screen_rect = { 0 };
      meta_screen_get_size (priv->background->screen, &screen_rect.width, &screen_rect.height);

      /* Doing the intersection here is probably unnecessary - MetaWindowGroup
       * should never compute a visible area that's larger than the root screen!
       * but it's not that expensive and adds some extra robustness.
      priv->visible_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&screen_rect);
      cairo_region_intersect (priv->visible_region, visible_region);
Esempio n. 2
static void
meta_window_group_reset_culling (MetaWindowGroup *group)
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (group);
  ClutterActor *child;
  ClutterActorIter iter;

  /* Now that we are done painting, unset the visible regions (they will
   * mess up painting clones of our actors)
  clutter_actor_iter_init (&iter, actor);
  while (clutter_actor_iter_next (&iter, &child))
      if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (child))
          MetaWindowActor *window_actor = META_WINDOW_ACTOR (child);
          meta_window_actor_reset_visible_regions (window_actor);
      else if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (child))
          MetaBackgroundActor *background_actor = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (child);
          meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (background_actor, NULL);
Esempio n. 3
 * meta_background_actor_get_clip_region:
 * @self: a #MetaBackgroundActor
 * Return value (transfer full): a #cairo_region_t that represents the part of
 * the background not obscured by other #MetaBackgroundActor or
 * #MetaWindowActor objects.
cairo_region_t *
meta_background_actor_get_clip_region (MetaBackgroundActor *self)
  MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox content_box;
  cairo_rectangle_int_t content_area = { 0 };
  cairo_region_t *clip_region;

  g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  if (!priv->clip_region)
      return NULL;

  clutter_actor_get_content_box (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self), &content_box);

  content_area.x = content_box.x1;
  content_area.y = content_box.y1;
  content_area.width = content_box.x2 - content_box.x1;
  content_area.height = content_box.y2 - content_box.y1;

  clip_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&content_area);
  cairo_region_intersect (clip_region, priv->clip_region);

  return clip_region;
Esempio n. 4
 * meta_background_actor_set_visible_region:
 * @self: a #MetaBackgroundActor
 * @visible_region: (allow-none): the area of the actor (in allocate-relative
 *   coordinates) that is visible.
 * Sets the area of the background that is unobscured by overlapping windows.
 * This is used to optimize and only paint the visible portions.
meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (MetaBackgroundActor *self,
                                          cairo_region_t      *visible_region)
  MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->top_actor != NULL)
    meta_background_set_visible_region (META_BACKGROUND (priv->top_actor), visible_region);
Esempio n. 5
static void
meta_window_group_cull_out (MetaWindowGroup *group,
                            ClutterActor    *unredirected_window,
                            gboolean         has_unredirected_window,
                            cairo_region_t  *unobscured_region,
                            cairo_region_t  *clip_region)
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (group);
  ClutterActor *child;
  ClutterActorIter iter;

  /* We walk the list from top to bottom (opposite of painting order),
   * and subtract the opaque area of each window out of the visible
   * region that we pass to the windows below.
  clutter_actor_iter_init (&iter, actor);
  while (clutter_actor_iter_prev (&iter, &child))
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child))

      if (has_unredirected_window && child == unredirected_window)

      /* If an actor has effects applied, then that can change the area
       * it paints and the opacity, so we no longer can figure out what
       * portion of the actor is obscured and what portion of the screen
       * it obscures, so we skip the actor.
       * This has a secondary beneficial effect: if a ClutterOffscreenEffect
       * is applied to an actor, then our clipped redraws interfere with the
       * caching of the FBO - even if we only need to draw a small portion
       * of the window right now, ClutterOffscreenEffect may use other portions
       * of the FBO later. So, skipping actors with effects applied also
       * prevents these bugs.
       * Theoretically, we should check clutter_actor_get_offscreen_redirect()
       * as well for the same reason, but omitted for simplicity in the
       * hopes that no-one will do that.
      if (clutter_actor_has_effects (child))

      if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (child))
          MetaWindowActor *window_actor = META_WINDOW_ACTOR (child);
          int x, y;

          if (!meta_actor_is_untransformed (CLUTTER_ACTOR (window_actor), &x, &y))

          /* Temporarily move to the coordinate system of the actor */
          cairo_region_translate (unobscured_region, - x, - y);
          cairo_region_translate (clip_region, - x, - y);

          meta_window_actor_set_unobscured_region (window_actor, unobscured_region);
          meta_window_actor_set_visible_region (window_actor, clip_region);

          if (clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (CLUTTER_ACTOR (window_actor)) == 0xff)
              cairo_region_t *obscured_region = meta_window_actor_get_obscured_region (window_actor);
              if (obscured_region)
                  cairo_region_subtract (unobscured_region, obscured_region);
                  cairo_region_subtract (clip_region, obscured_region);

          meta_window_actor_set_visible_region_beneath (window_actor, clip_region);

          cairo_region_translate (unobscured_region, x, y);
          cairo_region_translate (clip_region, x, y);
      else if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (child))
          int x, y;

          if (!meta_actor_is_untransformed (child, &x, &y))

          cairo_region_translate (clip_region, - x, - y);

          meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (child), clip_region);

          cairo_region_translate (clip_region, x, y);
Esempio n. 6
static void
meta_window_group_paint (ClutterActor *actor)
  cairo_region_t *visible_region;
  ClutterActor *stage;
  cairo_rectangle_int_t visible_rect;
  GList *children, *l;
  int paint_x_origin, paint_y_origin;
  int actor_x_origin, actor_y_origin;
  int paint_x_offset, paint_y_offset;

  MetaWindowGroup *window_group = META_WINDOW_GROUP (actor);
  MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (window_group->screen);

  /* Normally we expect an actor to be drawn at it's position on the screen.
   * However, if we're inside the paint of a ClutterClone, that won't be the
   * case and we need to compensate. We look at the position of the window
   * group under the current model-view matrix and the position of the actor.
   * If they are both simply integer translations, then we can compensate
   * easily, otherwise we give up.
   * Possible cleanup: work entirely in paint space - we can compute the
   * combination of the model-view matrix with the local matrix for each child
   * actor and get a total transformation for that actor for how we are
   * painting currently, and never worry about how actors are positioned
   * on the stage.
  if (!painting_untransformed (window_group, &paint_x_origin, &paint_y_origin) ||
      !meta_actor_is_untransformed (actor, &actor_x_origin, &actor_y_origin))
      CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (meta_window_group_parent_class)->paint (actor);

  paint_x_offset = paint_x_origin - actor_x_origin;
  paint_y_offset = paint_y_origin - actor_y_origin;

  /* We walk the list from top to bottom (opposite of painting order),
   * and subtract the opaque area of each window out of the visible
   * region that we pass to the windows below.
  children = clutter_actor_get_children (actor);
  children = g_list_reverse (children);

  /* Get the clipped redraw bounds from Clutter so that we can avoid
   * painting shadows on windows that don't need to be painted in this
   * frame. In the case of a multihead setup with mismatched monitor
   * sizes, we could intersect this with an accurate union of the
   * monitors to avoid painting shadows that are visible only in the
   * holes. */
  stage = clutter_actor_get_stage (actor);
  clutter_stage_get_redraw_clip_bounds (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage),

  visible_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&visible_rect);

  if (info->unredirected_window != NULL)
      cairo_rectangle_int_t unredirected_rect;
      MetaWindow *window = meta_window_actor_get_meta_window (info->unredirected_window);

      meta_window_get_outer_rect (window, (MetaRectangle *)&unredirected_rect);
      cairo_region_subtract_rectangle (visible_region, &unredirected_rect);

  for (l = children; l; l = l->next)
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (l->data))

      if (l->data == info->unredirected_window)

      /* If an actor has effects applied, then that can change the area
       * it paints and the opacity, so we no longer can figure out what
       * portion of the actor is obscured and what portion of the screen
       * it obscures, so we skip the actor.
       * This has a secondary beneficial effect: if a ClutterOffscreenEffect
       * is applied to an actor, then our clipped redraws interfere with the
       * caching of the FBO - even if we only need to draw a small portion
       * of the window right now, ClutterOffscreenEffect may use other portions
       * of the FBO later. So, skipping actors with effects applied also
       * prevents these bugs.
       * Theoretically, we should check clutter_actor_get_offscreen_redirect()
       * as well for the same reason, but omitted for simplicity in the
       * hopes that no-one will do that.
      if (clutter_actor_has_effects (l->data))

      if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaWindowActor *window_actor = l->data;
          int x, y;

          if (!meta_actor_is_untransformed (CLUTTER_ACTOR (window_actor), &x, &y))

          x += paint_x_offset;
          y += paint_y_offset;

          /* Temporarily move to the coordinate system of the actor */
          cairo_region_translate (visible_region, - x, - y);

          meta_window_actor_set_visible_region (window_actor, visible_region);

          if (clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (CLUTTER_ACTOR (window_actor)) == 0xff)
              cairo_region_t *obscured_region = meta_window_actor_get_obscured_region (window_actor);
              if (obscured_region)
                cairo_region_subtract (visible_region, obscured_region);

          meta_window_actor_set_visible_region_beneath (window_actor, visible_region);
          cairo_region_translate (visible_region, x, y);
      else if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (l->data) ||
               META_IS_BACKGROUND_GROUP (l->data))
          ClutterActor *background_actor = l->data;
          int x, y;

          if (!meta_actor_is_untransformed (CLUTTER_ACTOR (background_actor), &x, &y))

          x += paint_x_offset;
          y += paint_y_offset;

          cairo_region_translate (visible_region, - x, - y);

          if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_GROUP (background_actor))
            meta_background_group_set_visible_region (META_BACKGROUND_GROUP (background_actor), visible_region);
            meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (background_actor), visible_region);
          cairo_region_translate (visible_region, x, y);

  cairo_region_destroy (visible_region);

  CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (meta_window_group_parent_class)->paint (actor);

  /* Now that we are done painting, unset the visible regions (they will
   * mess up painting clones of our actors)
  for (l = children; l; l = l->next)
      if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaWindowActor *window_actor = l->data;
          meta_window_actor_reset_visible_regions (window_actor);
      else if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaBackgroundActor *background_actor = l->data;
          meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (background_actor, NULL);

  g_list_free (children);
Esempio n. 7
static void
meta_window_group_paint (ClutterActor *actor)
  cairo_region_t *visible_region;
  cairo_region_t *unredirected_window_region = NULL;
  ClutterActor *stage;
  cairo_rectangle_int_t visible_rect, unredirected_rect;
  GList *children, *l;

  MetaWindowGroup *window_group = META_WINDOW_GROUP (actor);
  MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (window_group->screen);
  if (info->unredirected_window != NULL)
      meta_window_actor_get_shape_bounds (META_WINDOW_ACTOR (info->unredirected_window), &unredirected_rect);
      unredirected_window_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&unredirected_rect);

  /* We walk the list from top to bottom (opposite of painting order),
   * and subtract the opaque area of each window out of the visible
   * region that we pass to the windows below.
  children = clutter_container_get_children (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (actor));
  children = g_list_reverse (children);

  /* Get the clipped redraw bounds from Clutter so that we can avoid
   * painting shadows on windows that don't need to be painted in this
   * frame. In the case of a multihead setup with mismatched monitor
   * sizes, we could intersect this with an accurate union of the
   * monitors to avoid painting shadows that are visible only in the
   * holes. */
  stage = clutter_actor_get_stage (actor);
  clutter_stage_get_redraw_clip_bounds (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage),

  visible_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&visible_rect);

  if (unredirected_window_region)
    cairo_region_subtract (visible_region, unredirected_window_region);

  for (l = children; l; l = l->next)
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (l->data))

      /* If an actor has effects applied, then that can change the area
       * it paints and the opacity, so we no longer can figure out what
       * portion of the actor is obscured and what portion of the screen
       * it obscures, so we skip the actor.
       * This has a secondary beneficial effect: if a ClutterOffscreenEffect
       * is applied to an actor, then our clipped redraws interfere with the
       * caching of the FBO - even if we only need to draw a small portion
       * of the window right now, ClutterOffscreenEffect may use other portions
       * of the FBO later. So, skipping actors with effects applied also
       * prevents these bugs.
       * Theoretically, we should check clutter_actor_get_offscreen_redirect()
       * as well for the same reason, but omitted for simplicity in the
       * hopes that no-one will do that.
      if (clutter_actor_has_effects (l->data))

      if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaWindowActor *window_actor = l->data;
          int x, y;

          if (!actor_is_untransformed (CLUTTER_ACTOR (window_actor), &x, &y))

          /* Temporarily move to the coordinate system of the actor */
          cairo_region_translate (visible_region, - x, - y);

          meta_window_actor_set_visible_region (window_actor, visible_region);

          if (clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (CLUTTER_ACTOR (window_actor)) == 0xff)
              cairo_region_t *obscured_region = meta_window_actor_get_obscured_region (window_actor);
              if (obscured_region)
                cairo_region_subtract (visible_region, obscured_region);

          meta_window_actor_set_visible_region_beneath (window_actor, visible_region);
          cairo_region_translate (visible_region, x, y);
      else if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaBackgroundActor *background_actor = l->data;
          meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (background_actor, visible_region);

  cairo_region_destroy (visible_region);

  if (unredirected_window_region)
    cairo_region_destroy (unredirected_window_region);

  CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (meta_window_group_parent_class)->paint (actor);

  /* Now that we are done painting, unset the visible regions (they will
   * mess up painting clones of our actors)
  for (l = children; l; l = l->next)
      if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaWindowActor *window_actor = l->data;
          window_actor = l->data;
          meta_window_actor_reset_visible_regions (window_actor);
      else if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (l->data))
          MetaBackgroundActor *background_actor = l->data;
          meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (background_actor, NULL);

  g_list_free (children);
Esempio n. 8
static void
sync_actor_stacking (MetaCompositor *compositor)
  GList *children;
  GList *expected_window_node;
  GList *tmp;
  GList *old;
  GList *backgrounds;
  gboolean has_windows;
  gboolean reordered;

  /* NB: The first entries in the lists are stacked the lowest */

  /* Restacking will trigger full screen redraws, so it's worth a
   * little effort to make sure we actually need to restack before
   * we go ahead and do it */

  children = clutter_actor_get_children (compositor->window_group);
  has_windows = FALSE;
  reordered = FALSE;

  /* We allow for actors in the window group other than the actors we
   * know about, but it's up to a plugin to try and keep them stacked correctly
   * (we really need extra API to make that reliable.)

  /* First we collect a list of all backgrounds, and check if they're at the
   * bottom. Then we check if the window actors are in the correct sequence */
  backgrounds = NULL;
  expected_window_node = compositor->windows;
  for (old = children; old != NULL; old = old->next)
      ClutterActor *actor = old->data;

      if (META_IS_BACKGROUND_GROUP (actor) ||
          META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (actor))
          backgrounds = g_list_prepend (backgrounds, actor);

          if (has_windows)
            reordered = TRUE;
      else if (META_IS_WINDOW_ACTOR (actor) && !reordered)
          has_windows = TRUE;

          if (expected_window_node != NULL && actor == expected_window_node->data)
            expected_window_node = expected_window_node->next;
            reordered = TRUE;

  g_list_free (children);

  if (!reordered)
      g_list_free (backgrounds);

  /* reorder the actors by lowering them in turn to the bottom of the stack.
   * windows first, then background.
   * We reorder the actors even if they're not parented to the window group,
   * to allow stacking to work with intermediate actors (eg during effects)
  for (tmp = g_list_last (compositor->windows); tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->prev)
      ClutterActor *actor = tmp->data, *parent;

      parent = clutter_actor_get_parent (actor);
      clutter_actor_set_child_below_sibling (parent, actor, NULL);

  /* we prepended the backgrounds above so the last actor in the list
   * should get lowered to the bottom last.
  for (tmp = backgrounds; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
      ClutterActor *actor = tmp->data, *parent;

      parent = clutter_actor_get_parent (actor);
      clutter_actor_set_child_below_sibling (parent, actor, NULL);
  g_list_free (backgrounds);