static void ar5210_decode_txstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5210_desc txs; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5210_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXSTATUS\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); /* ds_txstatus0 */ printf(" Frmok=%d, xretries=%d, fifounderrun=%d, filt=%d\n", MF(txs.ds_status0, AR_FrmXmitOK), MF(txs.ds_status0, AR_ExcessiveRetries), MF(txs.ds_status0, AR_FIFOUnderrun), MF(txs.ds_status0, AR_Filtered)); printf(" LongRetryCnt=%d, ShortRetryCnt=%d\n", MS(txs.ds_status0, AR_LongRetryCnt), MS(txs.ds_status0, AR_ShortRetryCnt)); printf(" SndTimestamp=0x%04x\n", MS(txs.ds_status0, AR_SendTimestamp)); /* ds_txstatus1 */ printf(" Done=%d, SeqNum=0x%04x, AckRSSI=%d\n", MF(txs.ds_status1, AR_Done), txs.ds_status1 & AR_SeqNum, MS(txs.ds_status1, AR_AckSigStrength)); printf("\n ------\n"); }
int OCCFace::createPolygonal(std::vector<OCCStruct3d> points) { try { BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon MP; for (unsigned i=0; i<points.size(); i++) { MP.Add(gp_Pnt(points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z)); } MP.Close(); if (!MP.IsDone()) { StdFail_NotDone::Raise("failed to create face");; } BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace MF(MP.Wire(), false); this->setShape(MF.Face()); // possible fix shape if (!this->fixShape()) StdFail_NotDone::Raise("Shapes not valid"); } catch(Standard_Failure &err) { Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught(); const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString(); if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) { setErrorMessage(msg); } else { setErrorMessage("Failed to create face"); } return 0; } return 1; }
static void ar5210_decode_rxstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5210_desc rxs; /* XXX assumes rxs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&rxs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5210_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] RXSTATUS\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); printf(" link=0x%08x, data=0x%08x\n", rxs.ds_link, rxs.ds_data); /* ds_rxstatus0 */ printf(" DataLen=%d, ArMore=%d, RSSI=%d, RcvAntenna=0x%x\n", rxs.ds_status0 & AR_DataLen, MF(rxs.ds_status0, AR_More), MS(rxs.ds_status0, AR_RcvSigStrength), MF(rxs.ds_status0, AR_RcvAntenna)); /* ds_rxstatus1 */ printf(" RxDone=%d, RxFrameOk=%d, CrcErr=%d, DecryptCrcErr=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_status1, AR_Done), MF(rxs.ds_status1, AR_FrmRcvOK), MF(rxs.ds_status1, AR_CRCErr), MF(rxs.ds_status1, AR_DecryptCRCErr)); printf(" KeyIdxValid=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_status1, AR_KeyIdxValid)); printf(" PhyErrCode=0x%02x\n", MS(rxs.ds_status1, AR_PHYErr)); printf(" KeyMiss=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_status1, AR_KeyCacheMiss)); printf(" Timetamp: 0x%05x\n", MS(rxs.ds_status1, AR_RcvTimestamp)); printf("\n ------\n"); }
void occQt::makeFillet() { gp_Ax2 anAxis; anAxis.SetLocation(gp_Pnt(0.0, 50.0, 0.0)); TopoDS_Shape aTopoBox = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(anAxis, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0); BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet MF(aTopoBox); // Add all the edges to fillet. for (TopExp_Explorer ex(aTopoBox, TopAbs_EDGE); ex.More(); ex.Next()) { MF.Add(1.0, TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current())); } Handle_AIS_Shape anAisShape = new AIS_Shape(MF.Shape()); anAisShape->SetColor(Quantity_NOC_VIOLET); mContext->Display(anAisShape); }
static void ar5212_decode_txstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5212_desc txs; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5212_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXSTATUS: TxDone=%d, TS=0x%08x\n\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid), MF(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_Done), MS(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_SendTimestamp)); /* ds_txstatus0 */ printf(" Frmok=%d, xretries=%d, fifounderrun=%d, filt=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_FrmXmitOK), MF(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_ExcessiveRetries), MF(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_FIFOUnderrun), MF(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_Filtered)); printf(" RTScnt=%d, FailCnt=%d, VCollCnt=%d\n", MS(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_RTSFailCnt), MS(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_DataFailCnt), MS(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_VirtCollCnt)); printf(" SndTimestamp=0x%04x\n", MS(txs.u.tx.status0, AR_SendTimestamp)); /* ds_txstatus1 */ printf(" Done=%d, SeqNum=0x%04x, AckRSSI=%d, FinalTSI=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_Done), MS(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_SeqNum), MS(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_AckSigStrength), MS(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_FinalTSIndex)); printf(" CompSuccess=%d, XmitAntenna=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_CompSuccess), MF(txs.u.tx.status1, AR_XmitAtenna)); printf("\n ------\n"); }
int AgentCalcReward (int *area) { static int ball = 0; int reward = MAX_E(ball); int rot; rot = AGENT_MOT(AGENT_SCL,AGENT_DIR,4) ? 1 : -1; /* * Randomly permute reward signal */ MF(d)[MAX_E(ball)][MAY_E(ball)] = EMPTY; reward += rot * (rand() % (ScoreDiff+1)); MAX_E(ball) = reward; ball += reward; reward = 0; return reward; }
int OCCFace::createFace(std::vector<OCCWire *> wires) { try { const TopoDS_Wire& outerwire = wires[0]->getWire(); if (!wires[0]->isClosed()) StdFail_NotDone::Raise("Outer wire not closed"); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace MF(outerwire); // add optional holes for (unsigned i = 1; i < wires.size(); i++) { const TopoDS_Wire& wire = wires[i]->getWire(); if (!wires[i]->isClosed()) StdFail_NotDone::Raise("Outer wire not closed"); if (wire.Orientation() != outerwire.Orientation()) { MF.Add(TopoDS::Wire(wire.Reversed())); } else { MF.Add(wire); } } this->setShape(MF.Shape()); // possible fix shape if (!this->fixShape()) StdFail_NotDone::Raise("Shapes not valid"); } catch(Standard_Failure &err) { Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught(); const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString(); if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) { setErrorMessage(msg); } else { setErrorMessage("Failed to create face"); } return 0; } return 1; }
int mpac_print_ipheader(sniff_cntx* context){ printf("\n\n---------IP Header Starts----\n\n"); printf("Version : %d \n", IP_V(context->ipHeader)); printf("Header length : %d \n", context->ipHeaderSize); printf("Type of service : %d \n", context->ipHeader->ip_tos); printf("Datagram length : %d \n", context->ipHeader->ip_len); printf("Identication no. : %d \n", context->ipHeader->ip_id); printf("Offset : %d \n", IP_OFF(context->ipHeader)); printf("Reserved fragment bit : %d \n", RF(context->ipHeader)); printf("Dont fragment bit : %d \n", DF(context->ipHeader)); printf("More fragment bit : %d \n", MF(context->ipHeader)); printf("Time to live : %d \n", context->ipHeader->ip_ttl); printf("Protocol : %d \n", context->ipHeader->ip_p); printf("Checksum : %d \n", context->ipHeader->ip_sum); printf("Source IP : %s\n",inet_ntoa(context->ipHeader->ip_src)); printf("Destination IP : %s\n",inet_ntoa(context->ipHeader->ip_dst)); printf("\n\n---------IP Header Ends----\n\n"); return 0; }
static void ar5210_decode_txdesc(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5210_desc txc; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txc, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5210_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXD\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); printf(" link=0x%08x, data=0x%08x\n", txc.ds_link, txc.ds_data); /* ds_ctl0 */ printf(" Frame Len=%d\n", txc.ds_ctl0 & AR_FrameLen); printf(" TX Rate=0x%02x, RtsEna=%d, ClrDstMask=%d AntModeXmit=0x%02x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_XmitRate), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_RTSCTSEnable), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_ClearDestMask), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_AntModeXmit)); printf(" FrmType=0x%02x, TxIntrReq=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_FrmType), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_TxInterReq)); printf(" LongPkt=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_LongPkt)); /* ds_ctl1 */ printf(" BufLen=%d, TxMore=%d, EncryptKeyIdx=%d, RtsDuration=%d\n", txc.ds_ctl1 & AR_BufLen, MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_More), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_EncryptKeyIdx), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_RTSDuration)); printf("\n ------ \n"); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ if(argc != 3){ printf("Useage: input_name output_name"); exit(0); } char file_answer; printf("Select mode:\n" "1.bin to bmp\n" "2.bmp to bmp\n" "3.bin to bin\n"); file_answer=getchar(); fflush(stdin); char *Input=argv[1], *Output=argv[2];//retrive input/output name from commandline BmpHead *pBmpHeader = new BmpHead; unsigned char **pucImageData; char *pcColorMap=NULL; if((file_answer == '1')||(file_answer == '3')){ //read bin file system("cls"); //assign header information courtersy of Lena.bin (*pBmpHeader).bfType=19778; (*pBmpHeader).bfSize=54 + 1024+ 512*512 ; // raw data size = 512*512 = 262144 bytes, modify when necessary (*pBmpHeader).bfReserved=0; (*pBmpHeader).bfOffBits=1078; (*pBmpHeader).biSize=40; (*pBmpHeader).biWidth= 512; //number of columns of the image (*pBmpHeader).biHeight= 512; //number of rows of the image (*pBmpHeader).biPlanes=1; (*pBmpHeader).biBitCount=8; (*pBmpHeader).biCompression=0; (*pBmpHeader).biSizeImage= 512*512; //raw data size = 512*512 = 26144 bytes, modify when necessary, e.g., a 256x256 image: raw data size = 256*256 (*pBmpHeader).biXPelsPerMeter=2834; (*pBmpHeader).biYpelsPerMeter=2834; (*pBmpHeader).biClrUsed=0; (*pBmpHeader).biClrImportant=0; //read provided colormap FILE *colormap=NULL; pcColorMap = new char [1024]; if((colormap=fopen("colormap.bin", "rb")) == NULL){ printf("Failed to find colormap.bin\n"); exit(0); } fread(pcColorMap, sizeof(char), pBmpHeader->bfOffBits-64, colormap); fclose(colormap); //read raw data fron input pucImageData = ReadImage( Input, pBmpHeader->biWidth, 0); printf("successfully read raw data from %s.\n\n", Input); } else if(file_answer == '2'){ //read bmp file system("cls"); //read input header infomation pBmpHeader=ReadBmpHeader(Input); printf("raw data size: %d\n", pBmpHeader->biSizeImage); printf("Image Width: %d\n", pBmpHeader->biWidth); printf("Image Height %d\n", pBmpHeader->biHeight); printf("Header occupies 54 bytes\n"); printf("Color map occupies 1024 bytes\n"); //read input colormap pcColorMap=ReadColorMap(Input, 1024); //read raw data from input //set offset=1024+54 pucImageData=ReadImage(Input, pBmpHeader->biWidth, 1078); printf("successfully read raw data from %s.\n\n", Input); } srand(time(NULL));//plant random seed //function menu char fx_answer; int width, cutoff; do{ printf( "Select function:\n" "A.Turn Lena upside down\n" "B.Turn Lena around\n" "C.Rotate Lena by 45 deg clockwise\n" "D.Shrink Lena by half\n" "E.Invert Lena\n" "F.Add normal noise to Lena\n" "G.Add impluse noise to Lena\n" "H.Moving average filtering\n" "I.Midian filtering\n" "J.Differential flitering\n" "K.LPF\n" "L.HPF\n" "\n0.Exit\n"); printf("Your choice: [_]\b\b"); fx_answer = getchar(); fx_answer = tolower(fx_answer); fflush(stdin); switch(fx_answer){//savefile(): ask user to save as picture or not case 'a':// selected: turn lena upside down UpsideDown(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'b'://selected: turn lena around LeftRight(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'c'://selected: rotate lena ImgRotate(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, 45); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'd'://selected: shrink lena Shrink(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, pBmpHeader, 2); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'e'://selected: invert lena Invert(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'f'://selected: add noise NormalNoise(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'g'://selected: add paper n salt noise ImpluseNoise(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'h'://selected: moving average filter //ask user to input sampling width printf("Enter sampling width:"); scanf("%d", &width); fflush(stdin); MAF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, width); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'i'://selected: moving midian filter //ask user to input sampling width printf("Enter sampling width:"); scanf("%d", &width); fflush(stdin); MF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, width); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'j'://selected: differential filter DIF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'k'://selected: low-pass filter //ask user to input cutoff frequency printf("Enter cutoff frenquency(0~%d):", (int)pBmpHeader->biWidth/2); scanf("%d", &cutoff); fflush(stdin); LPF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, cutoff); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'l'://selected: high-pass filter //ask user to input cutoff frequency printf("Enter cutoff frenquency(0~%d):", (int)pBmpHeader->biWidth/2); scanf("%d", &cutoff); fflush(stdin); HPF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, cutoff); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case '0'://selected: exit //ask one last time whether user want to save or not savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; default: system("cls"); printf("Your choice is not in the list!\n"); break; } if(fx_answer == 0) break;//selected: exit. break the loop } while(fx_answer != '0'); //returning dynamic allocated memory delete [] pcColorMap; delete [] pucImageData; delete pBmpHeader; pcColorMap=NULL; pucImageData=NULL; pBmpHeader=NULL; printf("EOP\n"); }
static void ar5416_decode_txstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5416_desc txs; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5416_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXSTATUS: TxDone=%d, FrmOk=%d, filt=%d, TS=0x%08x\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid), MF(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_TxDone), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_FrmXmitOK), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_Filtered), txs.u.tx.status[2]); /* ds_txstatus0 */ printf(" RX RSSI 0 [%d %d %d]", MS(txs.u.tx.status[0], AR_TxRSSIAnt00), MS(txs.u.tx.status[0], AR_TxRSSIAnt01), MS(txs.u.tx.status[0], AR_TxRSSIAnt02)); /* ds_txstatus5 */ printf(" RX RSSI 1 [%d %d %d] Comb=%d\n", MS(txs.u.tx.status[5], AR_TxRSSIAnt10), MS(txs.u.tx.status[5], AR_TxRSSIAnt11), MS(txs.u.tx.status[5], AR_TxRSSIAnt12), MS(txs.u.tx.status[5], AR_TxRSSICombined)); /* ds_txstatus0 */ printf(" BA Valid=%d", MF(txs.u.tx.status[0], AR_TxBaStatus)); /* ds_txstatus1 */ printf(", Frmok=%d, xretries=%d, fifounderrun=%d, filt=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_FrmXmitOK), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_ExcessiveRetries), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_FIFOUnderrun), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_Filtered)); printf(" DelimUnderrun=%d, DataUnderun=%d, DescCfgErr=%d," " TxTimerExceeded=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_TxDelimUnderrun), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_TxDataUnderrun), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_DescCfgErr), MF(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_TxTimerExpired)); printf(" RTScnt=%d, FailCnt=%d, VRetryCnt=%d\n", MS(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_RTSFailCnt), MS(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_DataFailCnt), MS(txs.u.tx.status[1], AR_VirtRetryCnt)); /* ds_txstatus2 */ printf(" TxTimestamp=0x%08x", txs.u.tx.status[2]); /* ds_txstatus3 */ /* ds_txstatus4 */ printf(", BALow=0x%08x", txs.u.tx.status[3]); printf(", BAHigh=0x%08x\n", txs.u.tx.status[4]); /* ds_txstatus6 */ /* ds_txstatus7 */ /* ds_txstatus8 */ printf(" TxEVM[0]=0x%08x, TxEVM[1]=0x%08x, TxEVM[2]=0x%08x\n", txs.u.tx.status[6], txs.u.tx.status[7], txs.u.tx.status[8]); /* ds_txstatus9 */ printf(" TxDone=%d, SeqNum=0x%04x, TxOpExceeded=%d, FinalTsIdx=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_TxDone), MS(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_SeqNum), MF(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_TxOpExceeded), MS(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_FinalTxIdx)); printf(" PowerMgmt=%d, TxTid=%d\n", MF(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_PowerMgmt), MS(txs.u.tx.status[9], AR_TxTid)); printf("\n ------\n"); }
static void ar5416_decode_rxstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5416_desc rxs; /* XXX assumes rxs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&rxs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5416_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] RXSTATUS: RxDone=%d, RxRate=0x%02x, TS=0x%08x\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_RxDone), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RxRate), rxs.ds_rxstatus2); printf(" link=0x%08x, data=0x%08x, ctl0=0x%08x, ctl2=0x%08x\n", rxs.ds_link, rxs.ds_data, rxs.ds_ctl0, rxs.ds_ctl1); /* status0 */ /* * XXX TODO: For AR9285, the chain 1 and chain 2 RSSI values * acutally contain the RX mixer configuration */ printf(" RSSICtl[0]=%d, RSSICtl[1]=%d, RSSICtl[2]=%d\n", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RxRSSIAnt00), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RxRSSIAnt01), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RxRSSIAnt02)); /* status4 */ printf(" RSSIExt[0]=%d, RSSIExt[1]=%d, RSSIExt[2]=%d, RSSIComb=%d\n", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus4, AR_RxRSSIAnt10), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus4, AR_RxRSSIAnt11), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus4, AR_RxRSSIAnt12), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus4, AR_RxRSSICombined)); /* status2 */ printf(" RxTimestamp=0x%08x,", rxs.ds_rxstatus2); /* status1 */ printf(" DataLen=%d, RxMore=%d, NumDelim=%d\n", rxs.ds_rxstatus1 & AR_DataLen, MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_RxMore), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_NumDelim)); /* status3 - RxRate however is for Owl 2.0 */ printf(" GI=%d, 2040=%d, RxRate=0x%02x, DupFrame=%d, RxAnt=0x%08x\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus3, AR_GI), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus3, AR_2040), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RxRate), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus3, AR_DupFrame), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus3, AR_RxAntenna)); /* status5 */ /* status6 */ /* status7 */ printf(" RxEvm0=0x%08x, RxEvm1=0x%08x, RxEvm2=0x%08x\n", rxs.ds_rxstatus5, rxs.ds_rxstatus6, rxs.ds_rxstatus7); /* status8 */ printf(" RxDone=%d, RxFrameOk=%d, CrcErr=%d, DecryptCrcErr=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_RxDone), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_RxFrameOK), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_CRCErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_DecryptCRCErr)); printf(" PhyErr=%d, MichaelErr=%d, PreDelimCRCErr=%d, KeyIdxValid=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_PHYErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_MichaelErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_PreDelimCRCErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_RxKeyIdxValid)); printf(" RxMoreAggr=%d, RxAggr=%d, PostDelimCRCErr=%d, HiRxChain=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_RxMoreAggr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_RxAggr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_PostDelimCRCErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_HiRxChain)); /* If PHY error, print that out. Otherwise, the key index */ if (MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_PHYErr)) printf(" PhyErrCode=0x%02x", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_PHYErrCode)); else printf(" KeyIdx=0x%02x", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_KeyIdx)); printf(", KeyMiss=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus8, AR_KeyMiss)); printf("\n ------\n"); }
static void ar5416_decode_txdesc(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5416_desc txc; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txc, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5416_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXD\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); printf(" link=0x%08x, data=0x%08x\n", txc.ds_link, txc.ds_data); /* ds_ctl0 */ printf(" Frame Len=%d, VMF=%d\n", txc.ds_ctl0 & AR_FrameLen, MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_VirtMoreFrag)); printf(" TX power0=%d, RtsEna=%d, Veol=%d, ClrDstMask=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_XmitPower), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_RTSEnable), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_VEOL), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_ClrDestMask)); printf(" TxIntrReq=%d, DestIdxValid=%d, CtsEnable=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_TxIntrReq), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_DestIdxValid), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_CTSEnable)); /* ds_ctl1 */ printf(" BufLen=%d, TxMore=%d, DestIdx=%d," " FrType=0x%x\n", txc.ds_ctl1 & AR_BufLen, MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_TxMore), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_DestIdx), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_FrameType)); printf(" NoAck=%d, InsertTs=%d, CorruptFcs=%d, ExtOnly=%d," " ExtAndCtl=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_NoAck), MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_InsertTS), MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_CorruptFCS), MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_ExtOnly), MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_ExtAndCtl)); printf(" MoreAggr=%d, IsAggr=%d, MoreRifs=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_MoreAggr), MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_IsAggr), MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_MoreRifs)); /* ds_ctl2 */ printf(" DurUpEna=%d, Burstdur=0x%04x\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_DurUpdateEn), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_BurstDur)); printf(" Try0=%d, Try1=%d, Try2=%d, Try3=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries0), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries1), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries2), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries3)); /* ds_ctl3, 4 */ printf(" try 0: Rate=0x%02x, PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate0), MS(txc.ds_ctl4, AR_PacketDur0), MF(txc.ds_ctl4, AR_RTSCTSQual0)); printf(" try 1: Rate=0x%02x, PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate1), MS(txc.ds_ctl4, AR_PacketDur1), MF(txc.ds_ctl4, AR_RTSCTSQual1)); /* ds_ctl3, 5 */ printf(" try 2: Rate=0x%02x, PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate2), MS(txc.ds_ctl5, AR_PacketDur2), MF(txc.ds_ctl5, AR_RTSCTSQual2)); printf(" try 3: Rate=0x%02x, PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate3), MS(txc.ds_ctl5, AR_PacketDur3), MF(txc.ds_ctl5, AR_RTSCTSQual3)); /* ds_ctl6 */ printf(" AggrLen=%d, PadDelim=%d, EncrType=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl6, AR_AggrLen), MS(txc.ds_ctl6, AR_PadDelim), MS(txc.ds_ctl6, AR_EncrType)); /* ds_ctl7 */ printf(" try 0: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_ChainSel0), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_GI0), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_2040_0), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_STBC0)); printf(" try 1: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_ChainSel1), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_GI1), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_2040_1), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_STBC1)); printf(" try 2: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_ChainSel2), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_GI2), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_2040_2), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_STBC2)); printf(" try 3: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_ChainSel3), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_GI3), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_2040_3), MF(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_STBC3)); printf(" RTSCtsRate=0x%02x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_RTSCTSRate)); /* ds_ctl8 */ printf(" try 0: ant=0x%08x\n", txc.ds_ctl8 & AR_AntCtl0); /* ds_ctl9 */ printf(" try 1: TxPower=%d, ant=0x%08x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl9, AR_XmitPower1), txc.ds_ctl9 & AR_AntCtl1); /* ds_ctl10 */ printf(" try 2: TxPower=%d, ant=0x%08x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl10, AR_XmitPower2), txc.ds_ctl10 & AR_AntCtl2); /* ds_ctl11 */ printf(" try 3: TxPower=%d, ant=0x%08x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_XmitPower3), txc.ds_ctl11 & AR_AntCtl3); printf("\n ------ \n"); }
static void ar9300_decode_txstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar9300_txs txs; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar9300_txs)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXSTATUS\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); printf(" DescId=0x%08x\n", txs.status1); printf(" DescLen=%d, TxQcuNum=%d, CtrlStat=%d, DescId=0x%04x\n", txs.ds_info & 0xff, MS(txs.ds_info, AR_tx_qcu_num), MS(txs.ds_info, AR_ctrl_stat), MS(txs.ds_info, AR_desc_id)); printf(" TxTimestamp=0x%08x\n", txs.status4); printf(" TxDone=%d, SeqNo=%d, TxOpExceed=%d, TXBFStatus=%d\n", MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_done), MS(txs.status8, AR_seq_num), MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_op_exceeded), MS(txs.status8, AR_TXBFStatus)); printf(" TXBfMismatch=%d, BFStreamMiss=%d, FinalTxIdx=%d\n", MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_bf_bw_mismatch), MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_bf_stream_miss), MS(txs.status8, AR_final_tx_idx)); printf(" TxBfDestMiss=%d, TxBfExpired=%d, PwrMgmt=%d, Tid=%d," " FastTsBit=%d\n", MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_bf_dest_miss), MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_bf_expired), MF(txs.status8, AR_power_mgmt), MS(txs.status8, AR_tx_tid), MF(txs.status8, AR_tx_fast_ts)); printf(" Frmok=%d, xretries=%d, fifounderrun=%d, filt=%d\n", MF(txs.status3, AR_frm_xmit_ok), MF(txs.status3, AR_excessive_retries), MF(txs.status3, AR_fifounderrun), MF(txs.status3, AR_filtered)); printf(" DelimUnderrun=%d, DataUnderun=%d, DescCfgErr=%d," " TxTimerExceeded=%d\n", MF(txs.status3, AR_tx_delim_underrun), MF(txs.status3, AR_tx_data_underrun), MF(txs.status3, AR_desc_cfg_err), MF(txs.status3, AR_tx_timer_expired)); printf(" RTScnt=%d, FailCnt=%d, VRetryCnt=%d\n", MS(txs.status3, AR_rts_fail_cnt), MS(txs.status3, AR_data_fail_cnt), MS(txs.status3, AR_virt_retry_cnt)); printf(" RX RSSI 0 [%d %d %d]\n", MS(txs.status2, AR_tx_rssi_ant00), MS(txs.status2, AR_tx_rssi_ant01), MS(txs.status2, AR_tx_rssi_ant02)); printf(" RX RSSI 1 [%d %d %d] Comb=%d\n", MS(txs.status7, AR_tx_rssi_ant10), MS(txs.status7, AR_tx_rssi_ant11), MS(txs.status7, AR_tx_rssi_ant12), MS(txs.status7, AR_tx_rssi_combined)); printf(" BA Valid=%d\n", MF(txs.status2, AR_tx_ba_status)); printf(" BALow=0x%08x\n", txs.status5); printf(" BAHigh=0x%08x\n", txs.status6); printf("\n ------ \n"); }
/* * Note - these are rounded up to 128 bytes; but we * only use 96 bytes from it. */ static void ar9300_decode_txdesc(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar9300_txc txc; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txc, &a->payload, 96); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXD\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); printf(" DescLen=%d, TxQcuNum=%d, CtrlStat=%d, DescId=0x%04x\n", txc.ds_info & 0xff, MS(txc.ds_info, AR_tx_qcu_num), MS(txc.ds_info, AR_ctrl_stat), MS(txc.ds_info, AR_desc_id)); /* link */ printf(" Link 0x%08x\n", txc.ds_link); /* data0 */ printf(" Data0 0x%08x Len %d\n", txc.ds_data0, MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_buf_len)); /* data1 */ printf(" Data1 0x%08x Len %d\n", txc.ds_data1, MS(txc.ds_ctl5, AR_buf_len)); /* data2 */ printf(" Data2 0x%08x Len %d\n", txc.ds_data2, MS(txc.ds_ctl7, AR_buf_len)); /* data3 */ printf(" Data3 0x%08x Len %d\n", txc.ds_data3, MS(txc.ds_ctl9, AR_buf_len)); /* ctl10 */ printf(" Desc ID=0x%04x, Chksum=0x%04x (ctl10=0x%08x)\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl10, AR_tx_desc_id), txc.ds_ctl10 & AR_tx_ptr_chk_sum, txc.ds_ctl10); /* ctl11 */ printf(" Frame Len=%d, VMF=%d, LowRxChain=%d, TxClrRetry=%d\n", txc.ds_ctl11 & AR_frame_len, MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_virt_more_frag), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_low_rx_chain), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_tx_clear_retry)); printf(" TX power 0 = %d, RtsEna=%d, Veol=%d, ClrDstMask=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_xmit_power0), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_rts_enable), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_veol), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_clr_dest_mask)); printf(" TxIntrReq=%d, DestIdxValid=%d, CtsEnable=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_tx_intr_req), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_dest_idx_valid), MF(txc.ds_ctl11, AR_cts_enable)); /* ctl12 */ printf(" Paprd Chain Mask=0x%x, TxMore=%d, DestIdx=%d," " FrType=0x%x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_paprd_chain_mask), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_tx_more), MS(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_dest_idx), MS(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_frame_type)); printf(" NoAck=%d, InsertTs=%d, CorruptFcs=%d, ExtOnly=%d," " ExtAndCtl=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_no_ack), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_insert_ts), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_corrupt_fcs), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_ext_only), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_ext_and_ctl)); printf(" IsAggr=%d, MoreRifs=%d, LocMode=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_is_aggr), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_more_rifs), MF(txc.ds_ctl12, AR_loc_mode)); /* ctl13 */ printf(" DurUpEna=%d, Burstdur=0x%04x\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl13, AR_dur_update_ena), MS(txc.ds_ctl13, AR_burst_dur)); printf(" Try0=%d, Try1=%d, Try2=%d, Try3=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl13, AR_xmit_data_tries0), MS(txc.ds_ctl13, AR_xmit_data_tries1), MS(txc.ds_ctl13, AR_xmit_data_tries2), MS(txc.ds_ctl13, AR_xmit_data_tries3)); /* ctl14 */ printf(" rate0=0x%02x, rate1=0x%02x, rate2=0x%02x, rate3=0x%02x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl14, AR_xmit_rate0), MS(txc.ds_ctl14, AR_xmit_rate1), MS(txc.ds_ctl14, AR_xmit_rate2), MS(txc.ds_ctl14, AR_xmit_rate3)); /* ctl15 */ printf(" try 0: PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl15, AR_packet_dur0), MF(txc.ds_ctl15, AR_rts_cts_qual0)); printf(" try 1: PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl15, AR_packet_dur1), MF(txc.ds_ctl15, AR_rts_cts_qual1)); /* ctl16 */ printf(" try 2: PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl16, AR_packet_dur2), MF(txc.ds_ctl16, AR_rts_cts_qual2)); printf(" try 3: PktDur=%d, RTS/CTS ena=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl16, AR_packet_dur3), MF(txc.ds_ctl16, AR_rts_cts_qual3)); /* ctl17 */ printf(" AggrLen=%d, PadDelim=%d, EncrType=%d, TxDcApStaSel=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl17, AR_aggr_len), MS(txc.ds_ctl17, AR_pad_delim), MS(txc.ds_ctl17, AR_encr_type), MF(txc.ds_ctl17, AR_tx_dc_ap_sta_sel)); printf(" Calib=%d LDPC=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl17, AR_calibrating), MF(txc.ds_ctl17, AR_ldpc)); /* ctl18 */ printf(" try 0: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_chain_sel0), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_gi0), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_2040_0), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_stbc0)); printf(" try 1: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_chain_sel1), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_gi1), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_2040_1), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_stbc1)); printf(" try 2: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_chain_sel2), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_gi2), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_2040_2), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_stbc2)); printf(" try 3: chainMask=0x%x, GI=%d, 2040=%d, STBC=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_chain_sel3), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_gi3), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_2040_3), MF(txc.ds_ctl18, AR_stbc3)); /* ctl19 */ printf(" NotSounding=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl19, AR_not_sounding)); printf(" try 0: ant=0x%08x, antsel=%d, ness=%d\n", txc.ds_ctl19 & AR_tx_ant0, MF(txc.ds_ctl19, AR_tx_ant_sel0), MS(txc.ds_ctl19, AR_ness)); /* ctl20 */ printf(" try 1: TxPower=%d, ant=0x%08x, antsel=%d, ness=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl20, AR_xmit_power1), txc.ds_ctl20 & AR_tx_ant1, MF(txc.ds_ctl20, AR_tx_ant_sel1), MS(txc.ds_ctl20, AR_ness1)); /* ctl21 */ printf(" try 2: TxPower=%d, ant=0x%08x, antsel=%d, ness=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl21, AR_xmit_power2), txc.ds_ctl21 & AR_tx_ant2, MF(txc.ds_ctl21, AR_tx_ant_sel2), MS(txc.ds_ctl21, AR_ness2)); /* ctl22 */ printf(" try 3: TxPower=%d, ant=0x%08x, antsel=%d, ness=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl22, AR_xmit_power3), txc.ds_ctl22 & AR_tx_ant3, MF(txc.ds_ctl22, AR_tx_ant_sel3), MS(txc.ds_ctl22, AR_ness3)); printf("\n ------ \n"); }
static void ar5212_decode_txdesc(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5212_desc txc; /* XXX assumes txs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&txc, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5212_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] TXD\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid)); printf(" link=0x%08x, data=0x%08x\n", txc.ds_link, txc.ds_data); /* ds_ctl0 */ printf(" Frame Len=%d\n", txc.ds_ctl0 & AR_FrameLen); printf(" TX power0=%d, RtsEna=%d, Veol=%d, ClrDstMask=%d AntModeXmit=0x%02x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_XmitPower), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_RTSCTSEnable), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_VEOL), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_ClearDestMask), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_AntModeXmit)); printf(" TxIntrReq=%d, DestIdxValid=%d, CtsEnable=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_TxInterReq), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_DestIdxValid), MF(txc.ds_ctl0, AR_CTSEnable)); /* ds_ctl1 */ printf(" BufLen=%d, TxMore=%d, DestIdx=%d," " FrType=0x%x\n", txc.ds_ctl1 & AR_BufLen, MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_More), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_DestIdx), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_FrmType)); printf(" NoAck=%d, CompProc=%d, CompIVLen=%d, CompICVLen=%d\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_NoAck), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_CompProc), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_CompIVLen), MS(txc.ds_ctl1, AR_CompICVLen)); /* ds_ctl2 */ printf(" DurUpEna=%d, Burstdur=0x%04x\n", MF(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_DurUpdateEna), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_RTSCTSDuration)); printf(" Try0=%d, Try1=%d, Try2=%d, Try3=%d\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries0), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries1), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries2), MS(txc.ds_ctl2, AR_XmitDataTries3)); /* ds_ctl3 */ printf(" rate0=0x%02x, rate1=0x%02x, rate2=0x%02x, rate3=0x%02x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate0), MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate1), MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate2), MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_XmitRate3)); printf(" RtsCtsRate=0x%02x\n", MS(txc.ds_ctl3, AR_RTSCTSRate)); printf("\n ------ \n"); }
static void ar5212_decode_rxstatus(struct if_ath_alq_payload *a) { struct ar5212_desc rxs; /* XXX assumes rxs is smaller than PAYLOAD_LEN! */ memcpy(&rxs, &a->payload, sizeof(struct ar5212_desc)); printf("[%u.%06u] [%llu] RXSTATUS: RxOK=%d TS=0x%08x\n", (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_sec), (unsigned int) be32toh(a->hdr.tstamp_usec), (unsigned long long) be64toh(a->hdr.threadid), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_Done), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_RcvTimestamp)); printf(" link=0x%08x, data=0x%08x, ctl0=0x%08x, ctl2=0x%08x\n", rxs.ds_link, rxs.ds_data, rxs.ds_ctl0, rxs.ds_ctl1); /* ds_rxstatus0 */ printf(" DataLen=%d, ArMore=%d, DecompCrcError=%d, RcvRate=0x%02x\n", rxs.ds_rxstatus0 & AR_DataLen, MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_More), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_DecompCRCErr), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RcvRate)); printf(" RSSI=%d, RcvAntenna=0x%x\n", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RcvSigStrength), MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus0, AR_RcvAntenna)); /* ds_rxstatus1 */ printf(" RxDone=%d, RxFrameOk=%d, CrcErr=%d, DecryptCrcErr=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_Done), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_FrmRcvOK), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_CRCErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_DecryptCRCErr)); printf(" PhyErr=%d, MichaelErr=%d, KeyIdxValid=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_PHYErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_MichaelErr), MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_KeyIdxValid)); /* If PHY error, print that out. Otherwise, the key index */ if (MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_PHYErr)) printf(" PhyErrCode=0x%02x\n", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_PHYErrCode)); else printf(" KeyIdx=0x%02x\n", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_KeyIdx)); printf(" KeyMiss=%d\n", MF(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_KeyCacheMiss)); printf(" Timetamp: 0x%05x\n", MS(rxs.ds_rxstatus1, AR_RcvTimestamp)); printf("\n ------\n"); }
static void _cairo_test_init (cairo_test_context_t *ctx, const cairo_test_context_t *parent, const cairo_test_t *test, const char *test_name, const char *output) { char *log_name; MF (MEMFAULT_DISABLE_FAULTS ()); #if HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT feenableexcept (FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW); #endif ctx->test = test; ctx->test_name = _cairo_test_fixup_name (test_name); ctx->output = output; _cairo_test_mkdir (ctx->output); ctx->malloc_failure = 0; #if HAVE_MEMFAULT if (getenv ("CAIRO_TEST_MALLOC_FAILURE")) ctx->malloc_failure = atoi (getenv ("CAIRO_TEST_MALLOC_FAILURE")); if (ctx->malloc_failure && ! RUNNING_ON_MEMFAULT ()) ctx->malloc_failure = 0; #endif ctx->timeout = cairo_test_timeout; if (getenv ("CAIRO_TEST_TIMEOUT")) ctx->timeout = atoi (getenv ("CAIRO_TEST_TIMEOUT")); xasprintf (&log_name, "%s/%s%s", ctx->output, ctx->test_name, CAIRO_TEST_LOG_SUFFIX); _xunlink (NULL, log_name); ctx->log_file = fopen (log_name, "a"); if (ctx->log_file == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error opening log file: %s\n", log_name); ctx->log_file = stderr; } free (log_name); ctx->ref_name = NULL; ctx->ref_image = NULL; ctx->ref_image_flattened = NULL; if (parent != NULL) { ctx->targets_to_test = parent->targets_to_test; ctx->num_targets = parent->num_targets; ctx->limited_targets = parent->limited_targets; ctx->own_targets = FALSE; ctx->srcdir = parent->srcdir; ctx->refdir = parent->refdir; } else { int tmp_num_targets; cairo_bool_t tmp_limited_targets; ctx->targets_to_test = cairo_boilerplate_get_targets (&tmp_num_targets, &tmp_limited_targets); ctx->num_targets = tmp_num_targets; ctx->limited_targets = tmp_limited_targets; ctx->own_targets = TRUE; ctx->srcdir = getenv ("srcdir"); if (ctx->srcdir == NULL) ctx->srcdir = "."; ctx->refdir = getenv ("CAIRO_REF_DIR"); } #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H if (*fail_face == '\0' && isatty (2)) { fail_face = "\033[41;37;1m"; xfail_face = "\033[43;37;1m"; normal_face = "\033[m"; if (isatty (1)) print_fail_on_stdout = FALSE; } #endif printf ("\nTESTING %s\n", ctx->test_name); }
static cairo_test_status_t cairo_test_for_target (cairo_test_context_t *ctx, const cairo_boilerplate_target_t *target, int dev_offset, cairo_bool_t similar) { cairo_test_status_t status; cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; cairo_t *cr; const char *empty_str = ""; char *offset_str; char *base_name, *base_path; char *out_png_path; char *ref_path = NULL, *ref_png_path, *cmp_png_path = NULL; char *new_path = NULL, *new_png_path; char *xfail_path = NULL, *xfail_png_path; char *base_ref_png_path; char *base_new_png_path; char *base_xfail_png_path; char *diff_png_path; char *test_filename = NULL, *pass_filename = NULL, *fail_filename = NULL; cairo_test_status_t ret; cairo_content_t expected_content; cairo_font_options_t *font_options; const char *format; cairo_bool_t have_output = FALSE; cairo_bool_t have_result = FALSE; void *closure; double width, height; cairo_bool_t have_output_dir; #if HAVE_MEMFAULT int malloc_failure_iterations = ctx->malloc_failure; int last_fault_count = 0; #endif /* Get the strings ready that we'll need. */ format = cairo_boilerplate_content_name (target->content); if (dev_offset) xasprintf (&offset_str, ".%d", dev_offset); else offset_str = (char *) empty_str; xasprintf (&base_name, "%s.%s.%s%s%s", ctx->test_name, target->name, format, similar ? ".similar" : "", offset_str); if (offset_str != empty_str) free (offset_str); ref_png_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, target->name, target->basename, format, CAIRO_TEST_REF_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); new_png_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, target->name, target->basename, format, CAIRO_TEST_NEW_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); xfail_png_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, target->name, target->basename, format, CAIRO_TEST_XFAIL_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); base_ref_png_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, NULL, NULL, format, CAIRO_TEST_REF_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); base_new_png_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, NULL, NULL, format, CAIRO_TEST_NEW_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); base_xfail_png_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, NULL, NULL, format, CAIRO_TEST_XFAIL_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); if (target->file_extension != NULL) { ref_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, target->name, target->basename, format, CAIRO_TEST_REF_SUFFIX, target->file_extension); new_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, target->name, target->basename, format, CAIRO_TEST_NEW_SUFFIX, target->file_extension); xfail_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, target->name, target->basename, format, CAIRO_TEST_XFAIL_SUFFIX, target->file_extension); } have_output_dir = _cairo_test_mkdir (ctx->output); xasprintf (&base_path, "%s/%s", have_output_dir ? ctx->output : ".", base_name); xasprintf (&out_png_path, "%s" CAIRO_TEST_OUT_PNG, base_path); xasprintf (&diff_png_path, "%s" CAIRO_TEST_DIFF_PNG, base_path); if (ctx->test->requirements != NULL) { const char *required; required = target->is_vector ? "target=raster" : "target=vector"; if (strstr (ctx->test->requirements, required) != NULL) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Skipping for %s target %s\n", target->is_vector ? "vector" : "raster", target->name); ret = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; goto UNWIND_STRINGS; } required = target->is_recording ? "target=!recording" : "target=recording"; if (strstr (ctx->test->requirements, required) != NULL) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Skipping for %s target %s\n", target->is_recording ? "recording" : "non-recording", target->name); ret = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; goto UNWIND_STRINGS; } } width = ctx->test->width; height = ctx->test->height; if (width && height) { width += dev_offset; height += dev_offset; } #if HAVE_MEMFAULT REPEAT: MEMFAULT_CLEAR_FAULTS (); MEMFAULT_RESET_LEAKS (); ctx->last_fault_count = 0; last_fault_count = MEMFAULT_COUNT_FAULTS (); /* Pre-initialise fontconfig so that the configuration is loaded without * malloc failures (our primary goal is to test cairo fault tolerance). */ #if HAVE_FCINIT FcInit (); #endif MEMFAULT_ENABLE_FAULTS (); #endif have_output = FALSE; have_result = FALSE; /* Run the actual drawing code. */ ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; surface = (target->create_surface) (base_path, target->content, width, height, ctx->test->width + 25 * NUM_DEVICE_OFFSETS, ctx->test->height + 25 * NUM_DEVICE_OFFSETS, CAIRO_BOILERPLATE_MODE_TEST, &closure); if (surface == NULL) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to set %s target\n", target->name); ret = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; goto UNWIND_STRINGS; } #if HAVE_MEMFAULT if (ctx->malloc_failure && MEMFAULT_COUNT_FAULTS () - last_fault_count > 0 && cairo_surface_status (surface) == CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY) { goto REPEAT; } #endif if (cairo_surface_status (surface)) { MF (MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS ()); cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Created an error surface: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (surface))); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_STRINGS; } /* Check that we created a surface of the expected type. */ if (cairo_surface_get_type (surface) != target->expected_type) { MF (MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS ()); cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Created surface is of type %d (expected %d)\n", cairo_surface_get_type (surface), target->expected_type); ret = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; goto UNWIND_SURFACE; } /* Check that we created a surface of the expected content, * (ignore the artificial CAIRO_TEST_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA_FLATTENED value). */ expected_content = cairo_boilerplate_content (target->content); if (cairo_surface_get_content (surface) != expected_content) { MF (MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS ()); cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Created surface has content %d (expected %d)\n", cairo_surface_get_content (surface), expected_content); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_SURFACE; } if (cairo_surface_set_user_data (surface, &cairo_boilerplate_output_basename_key, base_path, NULL)) { #if HAVE_MEMFAULT cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); goto REPEAT; #else ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_SURFACE; #endif } cairo_surface_set_device_offset (surface, dev_offset, dev_offset); cr = cairo_create (surface); if (cairo_set_user_data (cr, &_cairo_test_context_key, (void*) ctx, NULL)) { #if HAVE_MEMFAULT cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); goto REPEAT; #else ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; #endif } if (similar) cairo_push_group_with_content (cr, expected_content); /* Clear to transparent (or black) depending on whether the target * surface supports alpha. */ cairo_save (cr); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_restore (cr); /* Set all components of font_options to avoid backend differences * and reduce number of needed reference images. */ font_options = cairo_font_options_create (); cairo_font_options_set_hint_style (font_options, CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_NONE); cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics (font_options, CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_ON); cairo_font_options_set_antialias (font_options, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GRAY); cairo_set_font_options (cr, font_options); cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options); cairo_save (cr); alarm (ctx->timeout); status = (ctx->test->draw) (cr, ctx->test->width, ctx->test->height); alarm (0); cairo_restore (cr); if (similar) { cairo_pop_group_to_source (cr); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_paint (cr); } #if HAVE_MEMFAULT MEMFAULT_DISABLE_FAULTS (); /* repeat test after malloc failure injection */ if (ctx->malloc_failure && MEMFAULT_COUNT_FAULTS () - last_fault_count > 0 && (status == CAIRO_TEST_NO_MEMORY || cairo_status (cr) == CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY || cairo_surface_status (surface) == CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY)) { cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); cairo_debug_reset_static_data (); #if HAVE_FCFINI FcFini (); #endif if (MEMFAULT_COUNT_LEAKS () > 0) { MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS (); MEMFAULT_PRINT_LEAKS (); } goto REPEAT; } #endif /* Then, check all the different ways it could fail. */ if (status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Function under test failed\n"); ret = status; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } #if HAVE_MEMFAULT if (MEMFAULT_COUNT_FAULTS () - last_fault_count > 0 && MEMFAULT_HAS_FAULTS ()) { VALGRIND_PRINTF ("Unreported memfaults..."); MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS (); } #endif if (target->finish_surface != NULL) { #if HAVE_MEMFAULT /* We need to re-enable faults as most recording-surface processing * is done during cairo_surface_finish(). */ MEMFAULT_CLEAR_FAULTS (); last_fault_count = MEMFAULT_COUNT_FAULTS (); MEMFAULT_ENABLE_FAULTS (); #endif /* also check for infinite loops whilst replaying */ alarm (ctx->timeout); status = target->finish_surface (surface); alarm (0); #if HAVE_MEMFAULT MEMFAULT_DISABLE_FAULTS (); if (ctx->malloc_failure && MEMFAULT_COUNT_FAULTS () - last_fault_count > 0 && status == CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY) { cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); cairo_debug_reset_static_data (); #if HAVE_FCFINI FcFini (); #endif if (MEMFAULT_COUNT_LEAKS () > 0) { MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS (); MEMFAULT_PRINT_LEAKS (); } goto REPEAT; } #endif if (status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to finish surface: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (status)); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } } /* Skip image check for tests with no image (width,height == 0,0) */ if (ctx->test->width != 0 && ctx->test->height != 0) { cairo_surface_t *ref_image; cairo_surface_t *test_image; cairo_surface_t *diff_image; buffer_diff_result_t result; cairo_status_t diff_status; if (ref_png_path == NULL) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Cannot find reference image for %s\n", base_name); /* we may be running this test to generate reference images */ _xunlink (ctx, out_png_path); /* be more generous as we may need to use external renderers */ alarm (4 * ctx->timeout); test_image = target->get_image_surface (surface, 0, ctx->test->width, ctx->test->height); alarm (0); diff_status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (test_image, out_png_path); cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); if (diff_status) { if (cairo_surface_status (test_image) == CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_STATUS) ret = CAIRO_TEST_CRASHED; else ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to write output image: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (diff_status)); } have_output = TRUE; ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (target->file_extension != NULL) { /* compare vector surfaces */ char *filenames[] = { ref_png_path, ref_path, new_png_path, new_path, xfail_png_path, xfail_path, base_ref_png_path, base_new_png_path, base_xfail_png_path, }; xasprintf (&test_filename, "%s.out%s", base_path, target->file_extension); xasprintf (&pass_filename, "%s.pass%s", base_path, target->file_extension); xasprintf (&fail_filename, "", base_path, target->file_extension); if (cairo_test_file_is_older (pass_filename, filenames, ARRAY_SIZE (filenames))) { _xunlink (ctx, pass_filename); } if (cairo_test_file_is_older (fail_filename, filenames, ARRAY_SIZE (filenames))) { _xunlink (ctx, fail_filename); } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, ref_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Vector surface matches reference.\n"); have_output = FALSE; ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, new_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Vector surface matches current failure.\n"); have_output = FALSE; ret = CAIRO_TEST_NEW; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, xfail_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Vector surface matches known failure.\n"); have_output = FALSE; ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (test_filename, pass_filename)) { /* identical output as last known PASS */ cairo_test_log (ctx, "Vector surface matches last pass.\n"); have_output = TRUE; ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (test_filename, fail_filename)) { /* identical output as last known FAIL, fail */ cairo_test_log (ctx, "Vector surface matches last fail.\n"); have_result = TRUE; /* presume these were kept around as well */ have_output = TRUE; ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } } /* be more generous as we may need to use external renderers */ alarm (4 * ctx->timeout); test_image = target->get_image_surface (surface, 0, ctx->test->width, ctx->test->height); alarm (0); if (cairo_surface_status (test_image)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to extract image: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (test_image))); if (cairo_surface_status (test_image) == CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_STATUS) ret = CAIRO_TEST_CRASHED; else ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } _xunlink (ctx, out_png_path); diff_status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (test_image, out_png_path); if (diff_status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to write output image: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (diff_status)); cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } have_output = TRUE; /* binary compare png files (no decompression) */ if (target->file_extension == NULL) { char *filenames[] = { ref_png_path, new_png_path, xfail_png_path, base_ref_png_path, base_new_png_path, base_xfail_png_path, }; xasprintf (&test_filename, "%s", out_png_path); xasprintf (&pass_filename, "%s.pass.png", base_path); xasprintf (&fail_filename, "", base_path); if (cairo_test_file_is_older (pass_filename, filenames, ARRAY_SIZE (filenames))) { _xunlink (ctx, pass_filename); } if (cairo_test_file_is_older (fail_filename, filenames, ARRAY_SIZE (filenames))) { _xunlink (ctx, fail_filename); } if (cairo_test_files_equal (test_filename, pass_filename)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches last pass.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, ref_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches reference image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, new_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches current failure image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_NEW; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, xfail_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches known failure image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (test_filename, fail_filename)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches last fail.\n"); have_result = TRUE; /* presume these were kept around as well */ cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } } else { if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, ref_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches reference image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, new_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches current failure image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_NEW; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, xfail_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly matches known failure image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, base_ref_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly reference image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, base_new_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly current failure image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_NEW; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, base_xfail_png_path)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "PNG file exactly known failure image.\n"); have_result = TRUE; cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } /* first compare against the ideal reference */ ref_image = cairo_test_get_reference_image (ctx, base_ref_png_path, target->content == CAIRO_TEST_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA_FLATTENED); if (cairo_surface_status (ref_image)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Cannot open reference image for %s: %s\n", base_ref_png_path, cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (ref_image))); cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } diff_image = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, ctx->test->width, ctx->test->height); cmp_png_path = base_ref_png_path; diff_status = image_diff (ctx, test_image, ref_image, diff_image, &result); _xunlink (ctx, diff_png_path); if (diff_status || image_diff_is_failure (&result, target->error_tolerance)) { /* that failed, so check against the specific backend */ ref_image = cairo_test_get_reference_image (ctx, ref_png_path, target->content == CAIRO_TEST_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA_FLATTENED); if (cairo_surface_status (ref_image)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Cannot open reference image for %s: %s\n", ref_png_path, cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (ref_image))); cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } cmp_png_path = ref_png_path; diff_status = image_diff (ctx, test_image, ref_image, diff_image, &result); if (diff_status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to compare images: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (diff_status)); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; } else if (image_diff_is_failure (&result, target->error_tolerance)) { ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; diff_status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (diff_image, diff_png_path); if (diff_status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to write differences image: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (diff_status)); } else { have_result = TRUE; } cairo_test_copy_file (test_filename, fail_filename); } else { /* success */ cairo_test_copy_file (test_filename, pass_filename); } } else { /* success */ cairo_test_copy_file (test_filename, pass_filename); } /* If failed, compare against the current image output, * and attempt to detect systematic failures. */ if (ret == CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE) { char *image_out_path; image_out_path = cairo_test_reference_filename (ctx, base_name, ctx->test_name, "image", "image", format, CAIRO_TEST_OUT_SUFFIX, CAIRO_TEST_PNG_EXTENSION); if (image_out_path != NULL) { if (cairo_test_files_equal (out_png_path, image_out_path)) { ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; } else { ref_image = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png (image_out_path); if (cairo_surface_status (ref_image) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { diff_status = image_diff (ctx, test_image, ref_image, diff_image, &result); if (diff_status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS && !image_diff_is_failure (&result, target->error_tolerance)) { ret = CAIRO_TEST_XFAILURE; } cairo_surface_destroy (ref_image); } } free (image_out_path); } } cairo_surface_destroy (test_image); cairo_surface_destroy (diff_image); } if (cairo_status (cr) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Function under test left cairo status in an error state: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (cairo_status (cr))); ret = CAIRO_TEST_ERROR; goto UNWIND_CAIRO; } UNWIND_CAIRO: free (test_filename); free (fail_filename); free (pass_filename); test_filename = fail_filename = pass_filename = NULL; #if HAVE_MEMFAULT if (ret == CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE) MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS (); #endif cairo_destroy (cr); UNWIND_SURFACE: cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); #if HAVE_MEMFAULT cairo_debug_reset_static_data (); #if HAVE_FCFINI FcFini (); #endif if (MEMFAULT_COUNT_LEAKS () > 0) { if (ret != CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE) MEMFAULT_PRINT_FAULTS (); MEMFAULT_PRINT_LEAKS (); } if (ret == CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS && --malloc_failure_iterations > 0) goto REPEAT; #endif if (have_output) cairo_test_log (ctx, "OUTPUT: %s\n", out_png_path); if (have_result) { if (cmp_png_path == NULL) { /* XXX presume we matched the normal ref last time */ cmp_png_path = ref_png_path; } cairo_test_log (ctx, "REFERENCE: %s\nDIFFERENCE: %s\n", cmp_png_path, diff_png_path); } UNWIND_STRINGS: free (out_png_path); free (ref_png_path); free (base_ref_png_path); free (ref_path); free (new_png_path); free (base_new_png_path); free (new_path); free (xfail_png_path); free (base_xfail_png_path); free (xfail_path); free (diff_png_path); free (base_path); free (base_name); return ret; }