HRESULT WWMFResampler::GetSampleDataFromMFTransform(WWMFSampleData *sampleData_return) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL; MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO streamInfo; MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER outputDataBuffer; DWORD dwStatus; memset(&streamInfo, 0, sizeof streamInfo); memset(&outputDataBuffer, 0, sizeof outputDataBuffer); assert(sampleData_return); assert(NULL == sampleData_return->data); HRG(MFCreateSample(&(outputDataBuffer.pSample))); HRG(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(sampleData_return->bytes, &pBuffer)); HRG(outputDataBuffer.pSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer)); outputDataBuffer.dwStreamID = 0; outputDataBuffer.dwStatus = 0; outputDataBuffer.pEvents = NULL; hr = m_pTransform->ProcessOutput(0, 1, &outputDataBuffer, &dwStatus); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto end; } HRG(ConvertMFSampleToWWSampleData(outputDataBuffer.pSample, sampleData_return)); end: SafeRelease(&pBuffer); SafeRelease(&outputDataBuffer.pSample); return hr; }
HRESULT CMediaController::AddToAudioTestSample (IMFSample *pSample) { if(!pSample) { return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMFMediaBuffer* pBuffer = NULL; if (! m_pAudioTestSample) { CHECK_HR ( hr = MFCreateSample(&m_pAudioTestSample)); } CHECK_HR (hr = pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&pBuffer)); CHECK_HR (hr = m_pAudioTestSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer)); this->m_fHasTestMedia = TRUE; done: SAFE_RELEASE (pBuffer); return hr; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write the sample // HRESULT VidWriter::writeFrame(BYTE *pData) { HRESULT hr; IMFSample *pSample = NULL; const DWORD cbBuffer = 4 * m_width * m_height; // Unlock the buffer if (m_pBuffer) m_pBuffer->Unlock(); // Set the data length of the buffer hr = m_pBuffer->SetCurrentLength(cbBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; // Create a media sample and add the buffer to it hr = MFCreateSample(&pSample); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; hr = pSample->AddBuffer(m_pBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; // Set the time stamp and the duration hr = pSample->SetSampleTime(m_rtStart); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; hr = pSample->SetSampleDuration(m_frametime); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; // increment the time stamp m_rtStart += m_frametime; // Send the sample to the Sink Writer hr = m_pWriter->WriteSample(m_streamIndex, pSample); done: SafeRelease(&pSample); return hr; }
HRESULT WWMFResampler::ConvertWWSampleDataToMFSample(WWMFSampleData &sampleData, IMFSample **ppSample) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMFSample *pSample = NULL; #ifdef USE_ATL CComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> spBuffer; #else // USE_ATL IMFMediaBuffer *spBuffer = NULL; #endif // USE_ATL BYTE *pByteBufferTo = NULL; //LONGLONG hnsSampleDuration; //LONGLONG hnsSampleTime; int frameCount; assert(ppSample); *ppSample = NULL; HRG(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(sampleData.bytes, &spBuffer)); HRG(spBuffer->Lock(&pByteBufferTo, NULL, NULL)); memcpy(pByteBufferTo,, sampleData.bytes); pByteBufferTo = NULL; HRG(spBuffer->Unlock()); HRG(spBuffer->SetCurrentLength(sampleData.bytes)); HRG(MFCreateSample(&pSample)); HRG(pSample->AddBuffer(spBuffer)); frameCount = sampleData.bytes / m_inputFormat.FrameBytes(); /* hnsSampleDuration = (LONGLONG)(10.0 * 1000 * 1000 * frameCount / m_inputFormat.sampleRate); hnsSampleTime = (LONGLONG)(10.0 * 1000 * 1000 * m_inputFrameTotal / m_inputFormat.sampleRate); HRG(pSample->SetSampleDuration(hnsSampleDuration)); HRG(pSample->SetSampleTime(hnsSampleTime)); */ m_inputFrameTotal += frameCount; // succeeded. *ppSample = pSample; pSample = NULL; //< prevent release end: SafeRelease(&pSample); #ifndef USE_ATL SafeRelease(&spBuffer); #endif // uSE_ATL return hr; }
HRESULT VideoEncoder::WriteTransitionSample(UINT64 sampleDuration, TransitionBase* pTransition, DWORD streamIndex, LONGLONG* startTime) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMFMediaBuffer* pMediaBuffer = nullptr; BYTE* pFrameBuffer = nullptr; IMFSample* pSample = nullptr; BYTE* pOutputFrame = nullptr; for (DWORD i = 0; i < sampleDuration; i++) { CheckHR(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(this->m_frameBufferSize, &pMediaBuffer)); pMediaBuffer->Lock(&pFrameBuffer, nullptr, nullptr); float time = (float)i / (float)sampleDuration; pOutputFrame = pTransition->GetOutputFrame(time); CheckHR(MFCopyImage(pFrameBuffer, this->m_frameStride, pOutputFrame, this->m_frameStride, this->m_frameStride, this->m_frameHeight)); CheckHR(pMediaBuffer->Unlock()); CheckHR(pMediaBuffer->SetCurrentLength(this->m_frameBufferSize)); CheckHR(MFCreateSample(&pSample)); CheckHR(pSample->AddBuffer(pMediaBuffer)); CheckHR(pSample->SetSampleTime(*startTime)); CheckHR(pSample->SetSampleDuration(this->GetFrameDuration())); CheckHR(this->m_pSinkWriter->WriteSample(streamIndex, pSample)); (*startTime) += this->GetFrameDuration(); // 释放示例资源. SafeRelease(&pMediaBuffer); SafeRelease(&pSample); if (pOutputFrame != nullptr) { delete pOutputFrame; pOutputFrame = nullptr; } } cleanup: if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); this->m_logFileStream << "意外错误: " << error << endl; } SafeRelease(&pMediaBuffer); SafeRelease(&pSample); if (pOutputFrame != nullptr) { delete pOutputFrame; pOutputFrame = nullptr; } return hr; }
// This is called each time the stream format has changed, and // deletes and then re-creates the output sample (IMFSample*), // according to the required format. // // Thread context: decoder thread bool DecoderMF::CreateOutputSample() { bool ret = false; HRESULT hr; MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO outputStreamInfo; IMFMediaBuffer* mediaBuffer = NULL; if (m_outputSample != NULL) { m_outputSample->Release(); m_outputSample = NULL; } hr = MFCreateSample(&m_outputSample); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = m_h264Decoder->GetOutputStreamInfo(0, &outputStreamInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(outputStreamInfo.cbSize, MF_16_BYTE_ALIGNMENT, &mediaBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = m_outputSample->AddBuffer(mediaBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; ret = true; bail: if (ret == false) { if (m_outputSample != NULL) { m_outputSample->Release(); m_outputSample = NULL; } } if (mediaBuffer) mediaBuffer->Release(); return ret; }
HRESULT WMFAACDecoder::CreateInputSample(const uint8_t* aData, uint32_t aDataSize, Microseconds aTimestamp, IMFSample** aOutSample) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMFSample> sample = nullptr; hr = MFCreateSample(&sample); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); CComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> buffer = nullptr; int32_t bufferSize = std::max<uint32_t>(uint32_t(mInputStreamInfo.cbSize), aDataSize); UINT32 alignment = (mInputStreamInfo.cbAlignment > 1) ? mInputStreamInfo.cbAlignment - 1 : 0; hr = MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(bufferSize, alignment, &buffer); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); DWORD maxLength = 0; DWORD currentLength = 0; BYTE* dst = nullptr; hr = buffer->Lock(&dst, &maxLength, ¤tLength); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); // Copy data into sample's buffer. memcpy(dst, aData, aDataSize); hr = buffer->Unlock(); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); hr = buffer->SetCurrentLength(aDataSize); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); hr = sample->AddBuffer(buffer); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); hr = sample->SetSampleTime(UsecsToHNs(aTimestamp)); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); *aOutSample = sample.Detach(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT WMFAACDecoder::CreateOutputSample(IMFSample** aOutSample) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMFSample> sample = nullptr; hr = MFCreateSample(&sample); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); CComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> buffer = nullptr; int32_t bufferSize = mOutputStreamInfo.cbSize; UINT32 alignment = (mOutputStreamInfo.cbAlignment > 1) ? mOutputStreamInfo.cbAlignment - 1 : 0; hr = MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(bufferSize, alignment, &buffer); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); hr = sample->AddBuffer(buffer); ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); *aOutSample = sample.Detach(); return S_OK; }
IMFSample* create_sample(void *data, DWORD len, DWORD alignment, LONGLONG duration) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMFMediaBuffer *buf = NULL; IMFSample *sample = NULL; hr = MFCreateSample(&sample); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(L"Unable to allocate a sample", hr); return NULL; } // Yes, the argument for alignment is the actual alignment - 1 hr = MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(len, alignment - 1, &buf); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(L"Unable to allocate a memory buffer for sample", hr); return NULL; } if (data) { BYTE *buffer; // lock the MediaBuffer // this is actually not a thread-safe lock hr = buf->Lock(&buffer, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { SafeRelease(&sample); SafeRelease(&buf); return NULL; } memcpy(buffer, data, len); buf->SetCurrentLength(len); buf->Unlock(); } sample->AddBuffer(buf); hr = sample->SetSampleDuration(duration); SafeRelease(&buf); return sample; }
// Process the incomming NAL from the queue: wraps it up into a // IMFMediaSample, sends it to the decoder. // // Thread context: decoder thread bool DecoderMF::DoProcessInputNAL(IBMDStreamingH264NALPacket* nalPacket) { bool ret = false; HRESULT hr; IMFMediaBuffer* newBuffer = NULL; BYTE* newBufferPtr; void* nalPacketPtr; // IMFSample* newSample = NULL; ULONGLONG nalPresentationTime; const BYTE nalPrefix[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; // Get a pointer to the NAL data hr = nalPacket->GetBytes(&nalPacketPtr); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Create the MF media buffer (+ 4 bytes for the NAL Prefix (0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01) // which MF requires. hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(nalPacket->GetPayloadSize()+4, &newBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Lock the MF media buffer hr = newBuffer->Lock(&newBufferPtr, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Copy the prefix and the data memcpy(newBufferPtr, nalPrefix, 4); memcpy(newBufferPtr+4, nalPacketPtr, nalPacket->GetPayloadSize()); // Unlock the MF media buffer hr = newBuffer->Unlock(); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Update the current length of the MF media buffer hr = newBuffer->SetCurrentLength(nalPacket->GetPayloadSize()+4); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // We now have a IMFMediaBuffer with the contents of the NAL // packet. We now construct a IMFSample with the buffer hr = MFCreateSample(&newSample); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = newSample->AddBuffer(newBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Get the presentation (display) time in 100-nanosecond units // TODO: this is pretty meaningless without setting the start time. hr = nalPacket->GetDisplayTime(1000 * 1000 * 10, &nalPresentationTime); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Set presentation time on the sample hr = newSample->SetSampleTime(nalPresentationTime); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Now parse it to the decoder for (;;) { hr = m_h264Decoder->ProcessInput(0, newSample, 0); if (hr == S_OK) break; if (hr != MF_E_NOTACCEPTING || DoProcessOutput() == false) goto bail; } ret = true; bail: if (newBuffer != NULL) newBuffer->Release(); if (newSample != NULL) newSample->Release(); return ret; }
HRESULT WavStream::CreateAudioSample(IMFSample **ppSample) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL; IMFSample *pSample = NULL; DWORD cbBuffer = 0; BYTE *pData = NULL; LONGLONG duration = 0; // Start with one second of data, rounded up to the nearest block. cbBuffer = AlignUp<DWORD>(m_pRiff->Format()->nAvgBytesPerSec, m_pRiff->Format()->nBlockAlign); // Don't request any more than what's left. cbBuffer = min(cbBuffer, m_pRiff->BytesRemainingInChunk()); // Create the buffer. hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(cbBuffer, &pBuffer); // Get a pointer to the buffer memory. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBuffer->Lock(&pData, NULL, NULL); } // Fill the buffer if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pRiff->ReadDataFromChunk(pData, cbBuffer); } // Unlock the buffer. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBuffer->Unlock(); pData = NULL; } // Set the size of the valid data in the buffer. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBuffer->SetCurrentLength(cbBuffer); } // Create a new sample and add the buffer to it. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = MFCreateSample(&pSample); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer); } // Set the time stamps, duration, and sample flags. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSample->SetSampleTime(m_rtCurrentPosition); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { duration = AudioDurationFromBufferSize(m_pRiff->Format(), cbBuffer); hr = pSample->SetSampleDuration(duration); } // Set the discontinuity flag. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (m_discontinuity) { hr = pSample->SetUINT32(MFSampleExtension_Discontinuity, TRUE); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update our current position. m_rtCurrentPosition += duration; // Give the pointer to the caller. *ppSample = pSample; (*ppSample)->AddRef(); } if (pData && pBuffer) { hr = pBuffer->Unlock(); } SafeRelease(&pBuffer); SafeRelease(&pSample); return hr; }
void MfVideoEncoder::WriteFrame(uint8_t* data, int stride) { CComPtr<IMFSample> pSample; CComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> pBuffer; const LONG cbWidth = 4 * mWidth; const DWORD cbBuffer = cbWidth * mHeight; BYTE *pData = NULL; // Create a new memory buffer. HRESULT hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(cbBuffer, &pBuffer); // Lock the buffer and copy the video frame to the buffer. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBuffer->Lock(&pData, NULL, NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = MFCopyImage( pData, // Destination buffer. cbWidth, // Destination stride. (BYTE*)data, // First row in source image. stride, // Source stride. cbWidth, // Image width in bytes. mHeight // Image height in pixels. ); } if (pBuffer) { pBuffer->Unlock(); } // Set the data length of the buffer. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBuffer->SetCurrentLength(cbBuffer); } // Create a media sample and add the buffer to the sample. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = MFCreateSample(&pSample); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer); } // Set the time stamp and the duration. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSample->SetSampleTime(mCurrentTime); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSample->SetSampleDuration(mFrameTime); } // Send the sample to the Sink Writer. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = mSinkWriter->WriteSample(mStreamIndex, pSample); } if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { throw TempleException("Unable to write video frame: {}", hr); } mCurrentTime += mFrameTime; }
video_writer::video_writer( std::wstring& target_path, IMFMediaTypePtr& audio_media_type, ID3D11DeviceContext2Ptr& context, ID3D11Texture2DPtr& texture /*, unsigned int width, unsigned int height*/) : target_path_(target_path), audio_media_type_(audio_media_type), context_(context), texture_(texture) { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {}; texture->GetDesc(&desc); width_ = desc.Width; height_ = desc.Height; const unsigned int WIDTH = width_; const unsigned int HEIGHT = height_; const unsigned int BITRATE = 3000000; const unsigned int ASPECT_NUM = 1; const unsigned int ASPECT_DENOM = 1; const unsigned long BPP_IN = 32; const unsigned long cbMaxLength = WIDTH * HEIGHT * BPP_IN / 8; const unsigned int ONE_SECOND = RATE_NUM / RATE_DENOM; const unsigned int FRAME_NUM = 10 * ONE_SECOND; samples_per_second = 44100; average_bytes_per_second = 24000; channel_count = 2; bits_per_sample = 16; // 入力ストリームから SinkWriterを生成する CHK(MFCreateFile(MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE::MF_ACCESSMODE_WRITE, MF_FILE_OPENMODE::MF_OPENMODE_DELETE_IF_EXIST, MF_FILE_FLAGS::MF_FILEFLAGS_NONE, target_path.c_str(), &byte_stream_)); CHK(MFCreateAttributes(&attr_, 10)); CHK(attr_->SetUINT32(MF_READWRITE_ENABLE_HARDWARE_TRANSFORMS, true)); CHK(attr_->SetUINT32(MF_READWRITE_DISABLE_CONVERTERS, false)); CHK(attr_->SetUINT32(MF_SINK_WRITER_DISABLE_THROTTLING, true)); IMFSinkWriterPtr sinkWriter; CHK(MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL(L".mp4", byte_stream_.Get(), attr_.Get(), &sinkWriter)); CHK(sinkWriter.As(&sink_writer_)); //CHK(MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL(L".mp4", byte_stream_.Get(), attr_.Get(), &sink_writer_)); // // 出力メディアタイプのセットアップ // // ビデオ CHK(MFCreateMediaType(&media_type_out_)); CHK(media_type_out_->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video)); CHK(media_type_out_->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_H264)); CHK(media_type_out_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_MPEG2_PROFILE, eAVEncH264VProfile_Main)); //CHK(media_type_out_->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_RGB32)); CHK(media_type_out_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE, BITRATE)); CHK(media_type_out_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, MFVideoInterlace_Progressive)); CHK(MFSetAttributeSize(media_type_out_.Get(), MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, WIDTH, HEIGHT)); CHK(MFSetAttributeRatio(media_type_out_.Get(), MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, RATE_NUM, RATE_DENOM)); CHK(MFSetAttributeRatio(media_type_out_.Get(), MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, ASPECT_NUM, ASPECT_DENOM)); CHK(sink_writer_->AddStream(media_type_out_.Get(), &stream_index_)); IMFTransformPtr mft; //IMFRateSupportPtr ptr; //CHK(sink_writer_->GetServiceForStream(stream_index_, MF_RATE_CONTROL_SERVICE, __uuidof(IMFRateSupport), &ptr)); // オーディオ CHK(MFCreateMediaType(&media_type_out_audio_)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_AAC)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, samples_per_second)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, bits_per_sample)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, channel_count)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND, average_bytes_per_second)); CHK(media_type_out_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT, 1)); CHK(sink_writer_->AddStream(media_type_out_audio_.Get(), &stream_index_audio_)); // // 入力メディアタイプのセットアップ // // ビデオ CHK(MFCreateMediaType(&media_type_in_)); CHK(media_type_in_->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video)); CHK(media_type_in_->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_RGB32)); CHK(media_type_in_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, MFVideoInterlace_Progressive)); CHK(MFSetAttributeSize(media_type_in_.Get(), MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, WIDTH, HEIGHT)); CHK(MFSetAttributeRatio(media_type_in_.Get(), MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, RATE_NUM, RATE_DENOM)); CHK(MFSetAttributeRatio(media_type_in_.Get(), MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, ASPECT_NUM, ASPECT_DENOM)); // エンコーダーのセットアップ //prop_variant prop; //IPropertyStorePtr pPropertyStore; //IMFAttributesPtr pEncoderParameters; //CHK(PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(__uuidof(IPropertyStore), (void**) &pPropertyStore)); //prop.value().vt = VT_BOOL; //prop.value().boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; //CHK(pPropertyStore->SetValue(MFPKEY_VBRENABLED, prop.value())); //prop.value().vt = VT_I4; //prop.value().lVal = 100; //CHK(pPropertyStore->SetValue(MFPKEY_VBRQUALITY, prop.value())); //CHK(MFCreateAttributes(&pEncoderParameters, 5)); //CHK(attr_->SetUnknown(MF_SINK_WRITER_ENCODER_CONFIG, pPropertyStore.Get())); CHK(sink_writer_->SetInputMediaType(stream_index_, media_type_in_.Get(), nullptr /*pEncoderParameters.Get()*/)); // オーディオ CHK(MFCreateMediaType(&media_type_in_audio_)); //CHK(media_type_in_audio_->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio)); //CHK(media_type_in_audio_->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_PCM)); //CHK(media_type_in_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, bits_per_sample)); //CHK(media_type_in_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, samples_per_second)); //CHK(media_type_in_audio_->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, channel_count)); audio_media_type_->CopyAllItems(media_type_in_audio_.Get()); CHK(sink_writer_->SetInputMediaType(stream_index_audio_, media_type_in_audio_.Get(), NULL)); // ハードウェアエンコーダが使われているかの確認 { IMFTransformPtr transform; ICodecAPIPtr codec; GUID guid; CHK(sink_writer_->GetServiceForStream(stream_index_, GUID_NULL, IID_IMFTransform, &transform)); IMFAttributesPtr attributes; CHK(transform->GetAttributes(&attributes)); UINT32 l = 0; std::wstring str; bool use_hw = false; HRESULT hr = attributes->GetStringLength(MFT_ENUM_HARDWARE_URL_Attribute, &l); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { str.reserve(l + 1); hr = attributes->GetString(MFT_ENUM_HARDWARE_URL_Attribute, (LPWSTR), l + 1, &l); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)){ use_hw = true; DOUT2(L"/////// HARDWARE ENCODE IS USED. ////\n"); } } } // // 出力開始 // CHK(sink_writer_->BeginWriting()); // // メディア・サンプルの作成 // CHK(MFCreateSample(&sample_)); video_sample_time_ = 0; CHK(sample_->SetSampleDuration(hnsSampleDuration)); // // メディア・バッファの生成と、メディア・サンプルへの追加 // CHK(MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(cbMaxLength, MF_16_BYTE_ALIGNMENT, &buffer_));// 16 byteアラインメント CHK(buffer_->SetCurrentLength(cbMaxLength)); CHK(sample_->AddBuffer(buffer_.Get())); // // 読み込みテクスチャをマップ sf::map<> map(context,texture, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0); copy_image_.reset(new video_writer::copy_image(width_, height_, map.row_pitch())); copy_func_ = (copy_func_t)copy_image_->getCode(); }
void EncodeTransform::Init(int width, int height) { VTUNE_TASK(g_pDomain, "Encoder Init"); mStreamHeight = height; mStreamWidth = width; mCompressedBuffer = new DWORD[(width*height) / 2]; HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || (FAILED(hr) && hr == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE)) { hr = FindEncoder(MFVideoFormat_H264); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "failed to find/Create specified encoder mft" << std::endl; } // set the media output info hr = SetOutputMediaType(); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "failed to SetOutputMediaType " << std::endl; } // set the media input info hr = SetInputMediaType(); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "failed to SetInputMediaType" << std::endl; } // query media input stream info hr = QueryInputStreamInfo(); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "failed to QueryInputStreamInfo" << std::endl; } { //used to be NUM_PIXELS_YUY2 * 4 HRESULT hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer((mStreamWidth*mStreamHeight) * 2, &mpInputBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "Failed to MFCreateMemoryBuffer" << std::endl; } hr = MFCreateSample(&pSampleProcIn); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "Failed to MFCreateSample" << std::endl; } hr = pSampleProcIn->AddBuffer(mpInputBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "Failed to AddBuffer to sample" << std::endl; } } { //used to be NUM_PIXELS_YUY2 * 4 hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(mStreamWidth * mStreamWidth * 2, &mpEncodedBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "Failed to MFCreateMemoryBuffer" << std::endl; } hr = MFCreateSample(&pSampleProcOut); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "Failed to MFCreateSample" << std::endl; } hr = pSampleProcOut->AddBuffer(mpEncodedBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) { std::cout << "Failed to AddBuffer to sample" << std::endl; } } } }
VideoCompressorResult VideoCompressor::OpenFile(const String &Filename, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT BitRate, UINT FrameRate, UINT AudioDeviceIndex, Clock *Timer) { VideoCompressorResult Result = VideoCompressorResultSuccess; _Width = Width; _Height = Height; _CapturingAudio = (AudioDeviceIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF); _Clock = Timer; HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); //PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "CoInitializeEx failed"); hr = MFStartup(MF_VERSION); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "MFStartup failed"); hr = MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL( UnicodeString(Filename).CString(), NULL, NULL, &_Writer ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL failed"); const UINT RawBufferSize = Width * Height * 4; IMFMediaType *OutputMediaType; MFCreateMediaType(&OutputMediaType); InitMediaType(OutputMediaType, MFVideoFormat_H264, BitRate, Width, Height, FrameRate); IMFMediaType *InputMediaType; MFCreateMediaType(&InputMediaType); InitMediaType(InputMediaType, MFVideoFormat_RGB32, RawBufferSize, Width, Height, FrameRate); DWORD VideoStreamIndex; hr = _Writer->AddStream(OutputMediaType, &VideoStreamIndex); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "AddStream failed"); OutputMediaType->Release(); /*hr = MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID( __uuidof(CColorConvertDMO), MFT_CATEGORY_VIDEO_PROCESSOR, L"", MFT_ENUM_FLAG_SYNCMFT, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID failed");*/ hr = _Writer->SetInputMediaType(VideoStreamIndex, InputMediaType, NULL); InputMediaType->Release(); if(FAILED(hr)) { if(Width > 1920 || Height > 1080) { MessageBox(NULL, "The maximum resolution for H.264 video is 1920x1080.", "Invalid Window Dimensions", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } else { MessageBox(NULL, "There was an error when attempting to initialize video capture. The maximum resolution for H.264 video is 1920x1080.", "Invalid Window Dimensions", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } _Writer->Release(); _Writer = NULL; _Clock = NULL; return VideoCompressorResultFailure; } if(_CapturingAudio) { // // Setup the output media type // IMFMediaType *OutputAudioType; hr = MFCreateMediaType( &OutputAudioType ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "MFCreateMediaType failed"); const UINT SamplesPerSecond = 44100; const UINT AverageBytesPerSecond = 24000; const UINT ChannelCount = 2; const UINT BitsPerSample = 16; OutputAudioType->SetGUID( MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio ) ; OutputAudioType->SetGUID( MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_AAC ) ; OutputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, SamplesPerSecond ) ; OutputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, BitsPerSample ) ; OutputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, ChannelCount ) ; OutputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND, AverageBytesPerSecond ) ; OutputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ) ; //OutputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AAC_AUDIO_PROFILE_LEVEL_INDICATION, 0x29 ) ; DWORD AudioStreamIndex; hr = _Writer->AddStream( OutputAudioType, &AudioStreamIndex ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "AddStream failed"); // // Setup the input media type // IMFMediaType *InputAudioType; MFCreateMediaType( &InputAudioType ); InputAudioType->SetGUID( MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio ); InputAudioType->SetGUID( MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_PCM ); InputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, BitsPerSample ); InputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, SamplesPerSecond ); InputAudioType->SetUINT32( MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, ChannelCount ); hr = _Writer->SetInputMediaType( AudioStreamIndex, InputAudioType, NULL ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetInputMediaType failed"); _AudioCapture.StartCapture(this, AudioDeviceIndex); } hr = _Writer->BeginWriting(); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "BeginWriting failed"); hr = MFCreateSample(&_Sample); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "MFCreateSample failed"); hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(RawBufferSize, &_Buffer); _Buffer->SetCurrentLength(RawBufferSize); _Sample->AddBuffer(_Buffer); return Result; }
void VideoCompressor::AudioSample32Bit2Channel(float *Samples, UINT FrameCount, UINT64 CaptureStartTime) { //double TimeInSeconds = _Clock->Elapsed(); const UINT SamplesPerSecond = 44100; const UINT ChannelCount = 2; const UINT SampleCount = FrameCount * ChannelCount; const UINT BitsPerSample = 16; const UINT BufferLength = BitsPerSample / 8 * ChannelCount * FrameCount; const LONGLONG SampleDuration = LONGLONG(FrameCount) * LONGLONG(10000000) / SamplesPerSecond; // in hns // // Write some data // IMFSample *spSample; IMFMediaBuffer *spBuffer; BYTE *pbBuffer = NULL; // // Create a media sample // HRESULT hr = MFCreateSample( &spSample ); hr = spSample->SetSampleDuration( SampleDuration ); //hr = spSample->SetSampleTime( LONGLONG( TimeInSeconds * 10000000.0 ) ); //CaptureStartTime = 10,000,000 * t / f; //t = CaptureStartTime * f / 10,000,000 LONGLONG FileStartCounter = _Clock->StartTime(); LONGLONG CaptureStartCounter = CaptureStartTime * _Clock->TicksPerSecond() / LONGLONG(10000000); hr = spSample->SetSampleTime( ( CaptureStartCounter - FileStartCounter ) * LONGLONG(10000000) / _Clock->TicksPerSecond() ); // // Add a media buffer filled with random data // hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer( BufferLength, &spBuffer ); hr = spBuffer->SetCurrentLength( BufferLength ); hr = spSample->AddBuffer( spBuffer ); hr = spBuffer->Lock( &pbBuffer, NULL, NULL ); __int16 *OutputAudioBuffer = (__int16 *)pbBuffer; for(UINT SampleIndex = 0; SampleIndex < SampleCount; SampleIndex++) { // // Floats are in the range -1 to 1 // OutputAudioBuffer[SampleIndex] = int(Samples[SampleIndex] * 32768.0f); } hr = spBuffer->Unlock(); // // Write the media sample // hr = _Writer->WriteSample( 1, spSample ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "WriteSample failed"); spSample->Release(); spBuffer->Release(); }
virtual void doGetNextFrame() { if (!_isInitialised) { _isInitialised = true; if (!initialise()) { printf("Video device initialisation failed, stopping."); return; } } if (!isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) return; DWORD processOutputStatus = 0; IMFSample *videoSample = NULL; DWORD streamIndex, flags; LONGLONG llVideoTimeStamp, llSampleDuration; HRESULT mftProcessInput = S_OK; HRESULT mftProcessOutput = S_OK; MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO StreamInfo; IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL; IMFSample *mftOutSample = NULL; DWORD mftOutFlags; bool frameSent = false; CHECK_HR(_videoReader->ReadSample( MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_VIDEO_STREAM, 0, // Flags. &streamIndex, // Receives the actual stream index. &flags, // Receives status flags. &llVideoTimeStamp, // Receives the time stamp. &videoSample // Receives the sample or NULL. ), "Error reading video sample."); if (videoSample) { _frameCount++; CHECK_HR(videoSample->SetSampleTime(llVideoTimeStamp), "Error setting the video sample time.\n"); CHECK_HR(videoSample->GetSampleDuration(&llSampleDuration), "Error getting video sample duration.\n"); // Pass the video sample to the H.264 transform. CHECK_HR(_pTransform->ProcessInput(0, videoSample, 0), "The resampler H264 ProcessInput call failed.\n"); CHECK_HR(_pTransform->GetOutputStatus(&mftOutFlags), "H264 MFT GetOutputStatus failed.\n"); if (mftOutFlags == MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_SAMPLE_READY) { printf("Sample ready.\n"); CHECK_HR(_pTransform->GetOutputStreamInfo(0, &StreamInfo), "Failed to get output stream info from H264 MFT.\n"); CHECK_HR(MFCreateSample(&mftOutSample), "Failed to create MF sample.\n"); CHECK_HR(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(StreamInfo.cbSize, &pBuffer), "Failed to create memory buffer.\n"); CHECK_HR(mftOutSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer), "Failed to add sample to buffer.\n"); while (true) { _outputDataBuffer.dwStreamID = 0; _outputDataBuffer.dwStatus = 0; _outputDataBuffer.pEvents = NULL; _outputDataBuffer.pSample = mftOutSample; mftProcessOutput = _pTransform->ProcessOutput(0, 1, &_outputDataBuffer, &processOutputStatus); if (mftProcessOutput != MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { CHECK_HR(_outputDataBuffer.pSample->SetSampleTime(llVideoTimeStamp), "Error setting MFT sample time.\n"); CHECK_HR(_outputDataBuffer.pSample->SetSampleDuration(llSampleDuration), "Error setting MFT sample duration.\n"); IMFMediaBuffer *buf = NULL; DWORD bufLength; CHECK_HR(_outputDataBuffer.pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&buf), "ConvertToContiguousBuffer failed.\n"); CHECK_HR(buf->GetCurrentLength(&bufLength), "Get buffer length failed.\n"); BYTE * rawBuffer = NULL; auto now = GetTickCount(); printf("Writing sample %i, spacing %I64dms, sample time %I64d, sample duration %I64d, sample size %i.\n", _frameCount, now - _lastSendAt, llVideoTimeStamp, llSampleDuration, bufLength); fFrameSize = bufLength; fDurationInMicroseconds = 0; gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL); buf->Lock(&rawBuffer, NULL, NULL); memmove(fTo, rawBuffer, fFrameSize); FramedSource::afterGetting(this); buf->Unlock(); SafeRelease(&buf); frameSent = true; _lastSendAt = GetTickCount(); } SafeRelease(&pBuffer); SafeRelease(&mftOutSample); break; } } else { printf("No sample.\n"); } SafeRelease(&videoSample); } if (!frameSent) { envir().taskScheduler().triggerEvent(eventTriggerId, this); } return; done: printf("MediaFoundationH264LiveSource doGetNextFrame failed.\n"); }