Esempio n. 1
void MFCallstackInternal_DrawMeterLabel(const MFVector &listPos, const MFVector &colour, const char *pString, const char *pStats)
    MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(listPos.x, listPos.y + 1.0f, listPos.x + 14.0f, listPos.y + 15.0f, MFVector::one);
    MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(listPos.x + 2, listPos.y + 3.0f, listPos.x + 12.0f, listPos.y + 13.0f, colour);
    MFFont_DrawTextf(MFFont_GetDebugFont(), listPos + MakeVector(16.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 16.0f, MFVector::one, pString);

        float width = (float)MFDisplay_GetDisplaySettings()->width;
        MFFont_DrawTextf(MFFont_GetDebugFont(), listPos + MakeVector((width - listPos.x) - 250.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 16.0f, MFVector::one, pStats);
Esempio n. 2
void TitleScreen::Draw()


	MFRect rect;
	rect.x = (MFDisplay_GetAspectRatio() >= 1.5) ? -106.0f : 0.0f;
	rect.y = 0.0f;
	rect.width = (MFDisplay_GetAspectRatio() >= 1.5) ? 852.0f : 640.0f;
	rect.height = 480.0f;

	MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(20, 20, 640-40, 480-40, MakeVector(0,0,0,0.8f));

	CenterText(30, 34, MFVector::yellow, "Main Menu", pHeading);

	float height = TEXT_HEIGHT;
	float y = 90-height;
	float x = 55.0f;

//	MFFont_DrawText(pText, , y+=height, 20, MFVector::white, "H - Enter help screen");

//	CenterText(rect.height - 20 - 54, 44, MFVector::red, "Press ESC to continue", pFancy);

Esempio n. 3
void HKWidgetRenderer::Render(const HKWidget &widget, const MFMatrix &worldTransform)
	MFVector widgetColour = widget.GetColour();
	MFVector size = widget.GetSize();
	size.x -= padding.x + padding.z;
	size.y -= padding.y + padding.w;

	if(colour.w > 0.f)
		float borderWidth = border.x + border.z;
		float borderHeight = border.y + border.w;
		MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(padding.x + border.x, padding.y + border.y, size.x - borderWidth, size.y - borderHeight, colour*widgetColour, worldTransform);

	if(border.x > 0.f) // left
		MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(padding.x, padding.y, border.x, size.y, borderColour*widgetColour, worldTransform);
	if(border.y > 0.f) // top
		MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(padding.x, padding.y, size.x, border.y, borderColour*widgetColour, worldTransform);
	if(border.z > 0.f) // right
		MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(size.x - border.z + padding.x, padding.y, border.z, size.y, borderColour*widgetColour, worldTransform);
	if(border.w > 0.f) // bottom
		MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(padding.x, padding.y + size.y - border.w, size.x, border.w, borderColour*widgetColour, worldTransform);

		if(margin9Cell > 0.f)
			// 9 cell stuff...
			// draw the background image centered in the box

			float offset = 0;
			float tc = MFRenderer_GetTexelCenterOffset();
			if(tc > 0.f)
				if(size.x == texWidth && size.y == texHeight)
					offset = tc;

			MFPrimitive_DrawQuad(padding.x - offset, padding.y - offset, size.x, size.y, widgetColour, 0, 0, 1, 1, worldTransform);
Esempio n. 4
void MFCallstack_Draw()

        const MFDisplaySettings *pDisplaySettings = MFDisplay_GetDisplaySettings();
        float width = (float)pDisplaySettings->width;
        float height = (float)pDisplaySettings->height;
        float xoffset = width / 10.0f;
        float yoffset = height / 6.0f;


        MFRect rect = { 0.f, 0.f, width, height };

        float rtcFreq = 1000000.f / (float)MFSystem_GetRTCFrequency();

        MFVector callstackPos = MakeVector(xoffset, yoffset, 0.f, 0.f);

        // sort the calls
        qsort(gpProfiles, gNumProfileFunctions, sizeof(gpProfiles[0]), MFCallstack_SortPred);

//		if(!drawCallstackMeter)
            // just draw the callstack profiling information..
            MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(callstackPos.x - 10.f, callstackPos.y - 10.f, (width - callstackPos.x) + 10, callstackPos.y + (float)gNumProfileFunctions*16.0f + 10, MakeVector(0, 0, 0, 0.8f));

            for(int a=0; a<gNumProfileFunctions; a++)
                uint32 microseconds = uint32((float)gpProfiles[a]->totalTime * rtcFreq);
                uint32 percent = uint32((float)microseconds / 166.66666f);

//				MFVector colour = gProfileColours[gpProfiles[a]->functionColour];
                MFVector colour = MFVector::one;
                MFFont_DrawTextf(MFFont_GetDebugFont(), callstackPos, 16.0f, colour, "%s", gpProfiles[a]->pFunctionName);
                MFFont_DrawTextf(MFFont_GetDebugFont(), callstackPos + MakeVector((width - xoffset) - 250.0f, 0, 0), 16.0f, colour, "- %dus (%d%%) %d calls", microseconds, percent, gpProfiles[a]->numCalls);
                callstackPos.y += 16.0f;
        			// draw a meter up the top of the screen representing the frame..

        			MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(callstackPos.x - 10.f, callstackPos.y - 10.f, width - callstackPos.x + 10, callstackPos.y + (float)(gNumProfileTotals+1)*16.0f + 18, MakeVector(0, 0, 0, 0.8f));

        			MFVector meterPos = MakeVector(xoffset - 8.f, yoffset*0.5f - 15.0f, 0.0f);
        			MFVector meterDimensions = MakeVector(width - (xoffset-8.0f)*2.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f);

        			// draw the meter container
        			MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(meterPos.x - 2.0f, meterPos.y - 2.0f, meterPos.x + meterDimensions.x + 2.0f, meterPos.y + meterDimensions.y + 2.0f, MakeVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f));
        			MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(meterPos.x, meterPos.y, meterPos.x + meterDimensions.x, meterPos.y + meterDimensions.y, MakeVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

        			// draw the overhead counter
        			uint32 frameDuration = uint32(gBeginTime - gLastBeginTime);
        			float frameTime = (float)frameDuration * rtcFreq;
        			MFCallstackInternal_DrawMeterBlock(meterPos, meterDimensions, (float)(gEndTime - gLastBeginTime) / (float)frameTime, 1.0f, MakeVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
        			MFCallstackInternal_DrawMeterLabel(callstackPos, MakeVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), "Frame Overhead/VSync", NULL);
        			callstackPos.y += 24.0f;

        			// draw all the totals
        			for(int a=0; a<gNumProfileTotals; a++)
        				uint32 microseconds = uint32((float)gpProfiles[a]->totalTime * rtcFreq);
        				uint32 percent = uint32((float)microseconds / 166.66666f);

        				MFCallstackInternal_DrawMeterLabel(callstackPos, gProfileColours[a % gProfileColourCount], gProfileTotals[a].pFunctionName, MFStr("- %dus (%d%%) %d calls", microseconds, percent, gProfileTotals[a].numCalls));
        				callstackPos.y += 16.0f;

        			// draw all the function profiles
        			float totalTime = (float)(gBeginTime - gLastBeginTime);
        			for(int a=0; a<gNumProfileResults; a++)
        				int colour = MFCallstackInternal_GetTotalIndex(a);
        				MFCallstackInternal_DrawMeterBlock(meterPos, meterDimensions, (float)(gProfileResults[a].startTime - gLastBeginTime) / totalTime, (float)(gProfileResults[a].endTime - gLastBeginTime) / totalTime, gProfileColours[colour % gProfileColourCount]);

Esempio n. 5
void MFCallstackInternal_DrawMeterBlock(const MFVector &meterPos, const MFVector &meterDimensions, float start, float end, const MFVector &colour)
    MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(meterPos.x + meterDimensions.x*start, meterPos.y, meterPos.x + meterDimensions.x*end, meterPos.y + meterDimensions.y, colour);
Esempio n. 6
void dBFrame::Draw()
		MFPrimitive_DrawUntexturedQuad(rect.x-10, rect.y-10, rect.width+20, rect.height+20, colours[0]);
		// draw background
		float x, y, xRemaining, yRemaining;

		// calculate number of tiles (including edges)
		int h = (int)MFCeil(rect.width / borderWidth);
		int w = (int)MFCeil(rect.height / borderWidth);
		int numTiles = (h + 2) * (w + 2);

		// begin immediate renderer


		// render tiled background
		yRemaining = rect.height;
		for(y = 0.0f; y < rect.height; y += borderWidth)
			xRemaining = rect.width;
			for(x = 0.0f; x < rect.width; x += borderWidth)
				float xuv = xRemaining < borderWidth ? 0.25f * (xRemaining / borderWidth) : 0.25f;
				float yuv = yRemaining < borderWidth ? 0.25f * (yRemaining / borderWidth) : 0.25f;

				MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f, 0.25f);
				MFSetPosition(rect.x + x, rect.y + y, 0);
				MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f + xuv, 0.25f + yuv);		
				MFSetPosition(rect.x + x + MFMin(borderWidth, xRemaining), rect.y + y + MFMin(borderWidth, yRemaining), 0);

				xRemaining -= borderWidth;

			yRemaining -= borderWidth;

		// draw frame
		// draw corners
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.0f, 0.0f);
		MFSetPosition(rect.x - borderWidth, rect.y - borderWidth, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f, 0.25f);		
		MFSetPosition(rect.x, rect.y, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.5f, 0.0f);
		MFSetPosition(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y - borderWidth, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.75f, 0.25f);		
		MFSetPosition(rect.x + rect.width + borderWidth, rect.y, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.0f, 0.50f);
		MFSetPosition(rect.x - borderWidth, rect.y + rect.height, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f, 0.75f);		
		MFSetPosition(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height + borderWidth, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.5f, 0.5f);
		MFSetPosition(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height, 0.0f);
		MFSetTexCoord1(0.75f, 0.75f);		
		MFSetPosition(rect.x + rect.width + borderWidth, rect.y + rect.height + borderWidth, 0.0f);

		// draw vertical edges
		yRemaining = rect.height;
		for(y = 0.0f; y < rect.height; y += borderWidth)
			float yuv = yRemaining < borderWidth ? 0.25f * (yRemaining / borderWidth) : 0.25f;

			MFSetTexCoord1(0.0f, 0.25f);
			MFSetPosition(rect.x - borderWidth, rect.y + y, 0.0f);
			MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f, 0.25f + yuv);		
			MFSetPosition(rect.x, rect.y + y + MFMin(borderWidth, yRemaining), 0.0f);

			MFSetTexCoord1(0.5f, 0.25f);
			MFSetPosition(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + y, 0.0f);
			MFSetTexCoord1(0.75f, 0.25f + yuv);		
			MFSetPosition(rect.x + rect.width + borderWidth, rect.y + y + MFMin(borderWidth, yRemaining), 0.0f);

			yRemaining -= borderWidth;

		// draw horizontal edges
		xRemaining = rect.width;
		for(x = 0.0f; x < rect.width; x += borderWidth)
			float xuv = xRemaining < borderWidth ? 0.25f * (xRemaining / borderWidth) : 0.25f;

			MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f, 0.0f);
			MFSetPosition(rect.x + x, rect.y - borderWidth, 0.0f);
			MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f + xuv, 0.25f);		
			MFSetPosition(rect.x + x + MFMin(borderWidth, xRemaining), rect.y, 0.0f);

			MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f, 0.5f);
			MFSetPosition(rect.x + x, rect.y + rect.height, 0.0f);
			MFSetTexCoord1(0.25f + xuv, 0.75f);		
			MFSetPosition(rect.x + x + MFMin(borderWidth, xRemaining), rect.y + rect.height + borderWidth, 0.0f);

			xRemaining -= borderWidth;
