Esempio n. 1
int_32  Shell_SNMPd(int_32 argc, char_ptr argv[] )
   uint_32  result;
   boolean  print_usage, shorthelp = FALSE;
   int_32   return_code = SHELL_EXIT_SUCCESS;

   print_usage = Shell_check_help_request(argc, argv, &shorthelp );

   if (!print_usage)  {
      if (argc == 2)  {
         if (strcmp(argv[1], "start") == 0)  {
            result = SNMP_init("SNMP_agent", SHELL_SNMP_PRIO, SHELL_SNMP_STACK );
            if (result ==  0)  {
               printf("SNMP Agent Started.\n");
               /* Install some MIBs for the SNMP agent */
            } else  {
               printf("Unable to start SNMP Agent, error = 0x%x\n",result);
               return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
         } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "stop") == 0)  {
            result = SNMP_stop();
            if (result ==  0)  {
               printf("SNMP Agent Stopped.\n");
            } else  {
               printf("Unable to stop SNMP Agent, error = 0x%x\n",result);
               return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
         } else  {
         printf("Error, %s invoked with incorrect option\n", argv[0]);
            print_usage = TRUE;
      } else  {
         printf("Error, %s invoked with incorrect number of arguments\n", argv[0]);
         print_usage = TRUE;
   if (print_usage)  {
      if (shorthelp)  {
         printf("%s [start|stop]\n", argv[0]);
      } else  {
         printf("Usage: %s [start|stop]\n",argv[0]);
   return return_code;
} /* Endbody */
Esempio n. 2
void Main_task(uint32_t temp)
   #include <ipcfg.h>
   IPCFG_IP_ADDRESS_DATA    ip_data;
   _rtcs_if_handle   ihandle;
   uint32_t           error;
   _ip_address       new_target; 
   _enet_address     enet_address;                                   

    /* runtime RTCS configuration */
    _RTCSPCB_init = 4;
    _RTCSPCB_grow = 2;
    _RTCSPCB_max = 6;
    _RTCS_socket_part_init = 4;
    _RTCS_socket_part_grow = 2;
    _RTCS_socket_part_max  = 6;
    error = RTCS_create();
    if (error) {
        printf("\nFailed to initialize RTCS, error = %X", error);
    } /* Endif */

    ip_data.ip = ENET_IPADDR;
    ip_data.mask = ENET_IPMASK;
    ip_data.gateway = ENET_IPGATEWAY;
    ENET_get_mac_address (BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE, ENET_IPADDR, enet_address);
    error = ipcfg_init_device (BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE, enet_address);
    error = ipcfg_bind_staticip (BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE, &ip_data);
    ihandle = ipcfg_get_ihandle( BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE );

   ** Install some MIBs for the SNMP agent
   ** MIB1213_init must be called before SNMP_init functions 
   ** It should not be removed.
   ** If application wishes to use MQX RTOS, MIBMQX_init must be called
   ** before SNMP_init functions.
   /* init MQX MIB */
#if 0
   /* It conflicts with the sample MIB and should only be reinstated when 
    * "your_company" is changed to a more appropriate identifier. 
    * You can find it in the snmp_demo.def file. */
   /* demo MIB table init */
   ** Initialize the agent. 
   ** There are two functions for initializing SNMP agent.
   ** If application wants to send ColdStart/WarmStart traps at 
   ** the initialization time, it must call: 
   ** SNMP_init_with_traps(agent task name, agent task priority, 
   **                      agent task stack size, list of trap receivers);
   ** Calling this function will initialize SNMP agent and send 
   ** ColdStart/WarmStart (depending on system up time) traps to the 
   ** station(s).
   ** If application does not want to send ColdStart/WarmStart traps at 
   ** the initialization time, it must call:
   ** SNMP_init(agent task name, agent task priority, 
   **           agent task stack size);
   ** Note1: If application wishes to use SNMP_init() to initialize the 
   **        SNMP agent, there is no IP address for trap to be sent.
   **        Application must add trap receivers to the list by calling
   **        RTCS_trap_target_add(_ip_address). To remove receiver from
   **        trap receivers list call RTCS_trap_target_remove(_ip_address).
   ** This function initializes SNMP agent without sending any traps. 
   ** This example will use SNMP_init_with_traps. 
   //error = SNMP_init("SNMP", 7, 3000);
   error = SNMP_init_with_traps("SNMP", 7, 2500, my_trap_list);
   if (error) {
      printf("\nFailed to initialize SNMP agent, error = %X", error);
   } /* Endif */

    printf("Demo started, wait... \n\r");   
   ** RTCS/SNMP agent now supports private and public communities. 
   ** User can add community to the community list, that is defined 
   ** in snmpcfg.h by adding community string to the SNMPCFG_COMMUNITY_LIST
   ** and changing the SNMPCFG_NUM_COMMUNITY respectively.
   ** Note1: Communities cannot be added dynamically.
   ** Note2: RTCS/SNMP agent will respond to get, set and getnext messages 
   **        to communities defined in SNMPCFG_COMMUNITY_LIST.
   ** Application can select communities for send and receive traps by calling
   ** SNMP_trap_select_community(community name); Where community name should 
   ** match one of the strings in the SNMPCFG_COMMUNITY_LIST. By default
   ** current community is set to first string in SNMPCFG_COMMUNITY_LIST[].
   ** This function returns TRUE if the community was changed successfully,
   ** FALSE on failure.
   ** Note3: SNMP_trap_select_community(char *community_name); should be
   **        called after SNMP_init (or with trap) has been called. 
   ** Note4: mylinkdown trap is enterprise specific, therefore application 
   ** need to implement this trap. SNMP_trap_myLinkDown is just an example 
   ** for use as reference.
   /* Send some traps to private and public communities */
   /* trap will be sent to four IPs in my_trap_list */

   new_target = ENET_TRAP_ADDR5;
   /* Add a new IP address to the trap list */
   error = RTCS_trap_target_add(new_target);
   if (error) {
      printf("\nFailed to add target trap, error = %X", error);
   } /* Endif */
   /* trap will be sent to five IPs */

   /* Remove the new IP address from trap list */
   error = RTCS_trap_target_remove(new_target);
   if (error) {
      printf("\nFailed to remove target trap, error = %X", error);
   } /* Endif */
   if (SNMP_trap_select_community("public"))
    /* Call the counter demo function */
