Esempio n. 1
static const char* s_AdjustNetParams(const char*    service,
                                     SConnNetInfo*  net_info,
                                     EReqMethod     req_method,
                                     const char*    cgi_path,
                                     const char*    cgi_args,
                                     const char*    args,
                                     const char*    static_header,
                                     EMIME_Type     mime_t,
                                     EMIME_SubType  mime_s,
                                     EMIME_Encoding mime_e,
                                     char*          dynamic_header/*freed!*/)
    const char *retval = 0;

    net_info->req_method = req_method;

    if (cgi_path)
        strncpy0(net_info->path, cgi_path, sizeof(net_info->path) - 1);

    if (args)
        strncpy0(net_info->args, args, sizeof(net_info->args) - 1);
    ConnNetInfo_DeleteAllArgs(net_info, cgi_args);

    if (ConnNetInfo_PrependArg(net_info, cgi_args, 0)) {
        size_t sh_len = static_header  ? strlen(static_header)  : 0;
        size_t dh_len = dynamic_header ? strlen(dynamic_header) : 0;
        char   c_t[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN];
        size_t ct_len, len;

        if (s_IsContentTypeDefined(service, net_info, mime_t, mime_s, mime_e)
            ||  !MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx(mime_t, mime_s, mime_e,
                                           c_t, sizeof(c_t))) {
            c_t[0] = '\0';
            ct_len = 0;
        } else
            ct_len = strlen(c_t);
        if ((len = sh_len + dh_len + ct_len) != 0) {
            char* temp = (char*) malloc(len + 1/*EOL*/);
            if (temp) {
                strcpy(temp,          static_header  ? static_header  : "");
                strcpy(temp + sh_len, dynamic_header ? dynamic_header : "");
                strcpy(temp + sh_len + dh_len, c_t);
                retval = temp;
        } else
            retval = "";

    if (dynamic_header)
    return retval;
Esempio n. 2
static void TEST_MIME(void)
    /* MIME API */
    EMIME_Type     type;
    EMIME_SubType  subtype;
    EMIME_Encoding encoding;
    char str[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN];
    int i,j,k;

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "MIME test started");

    *str = '\0';
    for (k = 0, type = (EMIME_Type) k;
            k <= (int) eMIME_T_Unknown;  k++, type = (EMIME_Type) k) {
        for (i = 0, subtype = (EMIME_SubType) i;
                i <= (int) eMIME_Unknown;  i++, subtype = (EMIME_SubType) i) {
            for (j = 0, encoding = (EMIME_Encoding) j;
                    j < (int) eENCOD_Unknown;
                    j++, encoding = (EMIME_Encoding) j) {
                assert(!s_Try_MIME(str, type, subtype, encoding));
                MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx(type, subtype, encoding,
                                          str, sizeof(str));
                assert(s_Try_MIME(str, type, subtype, encoding));

    assert(s_Try_MIME("content-type:  x-ncbi-data/x-asn-binary ",
                      eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_AsnBinary, eENCOD_None));
    assert(s_Try_MIME("content-type:  application/x-www-form-urlencoded ",
                      eMIME_T_Application, eMIME_WwwForm, eENCOD_Url));
    assert(s_Try_MIME("content-TYPE: \t x-ncbi-data/x-asn-text-urlencoded\r",
                      eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_AsnText, eENCOD_Url));
                      eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_Unknown, eENCOD_None));
                      eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_Unknown, eENCOD_None));

    assert(!s_Try_MIME("content-TYPE : x-ncbi-data/x-unknown\r",
                       eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_Unknown, eENCOD_None));
                      eMIME_T_Text, eMIME_Html, eENCOD_None));
                      eMIME_T_Application, eMIME_XmlSoap, eENCOD_None));
    assert(!s_Try_MIME("", eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_Unknown, eENCOD_Unknown));
    assert(!s_Try_MIME(0, eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_Unknown, eENCOD_Unknown));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "MIME test completed");
Esempio n. 3
void CSoapHttpClient::Invoke(CSoapMessage& response,
                             const CSoapMessage& request,
                             CConstRef<CSoapFault>* fault /*=0*/,
                             const string& soap_action /*= kEmptyStr*/) const
    vector< TTypeInfoGetter >::const_iterator types_in;
    for (types_in = m_Types.begin(); types_in != m_Types.end(); ++types_in) {

    char content_type[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN + 1];

// SOAPAction:
// "An HTTP client MUST use this header field when issuing a SOAP HTTP Request"

    CConn_HttpStream http(m_ServerUrl, 0,
        "SOAPAction: \"" + soap_action + "\"\r\n"
        + string(MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx(eMIME_T_Text, eMIME_Xml,
        eENCOD_None, content_type, sizeof(content_type) - 1)),

    auto_ptr<CObjectOStream> os(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_Xml, http));
    auto_ptr<CObjectIStream> is(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_Xml, http));

// allow unknown data
// allow missing mandatory data

    if (m_OmitScopePrefixes) {

    *os << request;
    *is >> response;
    if (fault) {
        *fault = SOAP_GetKnownObject<CSoapFault>(response);
Esempio n. 4
/* Set HTTP user header */
static void x_SetupUserHeader (
  SConnNetInfo*  net_info,
  const char*    appName,
  EMIME_Type     type,
  EMIME_SubType  subtype,
  EMIME_Encoding encoding
  const char* userAgentName = NULL;
  char        user_header [MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN + 80];

  /* content-type if specified */
  if (type < eMIME_T_Unknown) {
    VERIFY( MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx (type, subtype, encoding,
                                       user_header, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN) );
    ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader (net_info, user_header);

  /* allow the user to specify a prog. name, otherwise get it from elsewhere */
  if (StringHasNoText (appName)) {
    const char* progName = GetProgramName();
    if (StringHasNoText (progName)) {
      char path [PATH_MAX];
      Nlm_ProgramPath (path, sizeof (path));
      userAgentName = StringRChr (path, DIRDELIMCHR);
      if (userAgentName)
    } else
      userAgentName = progName;
  } else
    userAgentName = appName;
  if (StringDoesHaveText (userAgentName)) {
    sprintf (user_header, "User-Agent: %.80s\r\n", userAgentName);
    ConnNetInfo_ExtendUserHeader (net_info, user_header);
Esempio n. 5
char* SERV_WriteInfo(const SSERV_Info* info)
    char c_t[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN];    
    const SSERV_Attr* attr;
    size_t reserve;
    char* str;

    if (!(attr = s_GetAttrByType(info->type)))
        return 0;
    if (info->type != fSERV_Dns
        &&  MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx(info->mime_t, info->mime_s,
                                      info->mime_e, c_t, sizeof(c_t))) {
        char* p;
        assert(c_t[strlen(c_t) - 2] == '\r' && c_t[strlen(c_t) - 1] == '\n');
        c_t[strlen(c_t) - 2] = 0;
        p = strchr(c_t, ' ');
        memmove(c_t, p, strlen(p) + 1);
    } else
        *c_t = 0;
    reserve = attr->tag_len+1 + MAX_IP_ADDR_LEN + 1+5/*port*/ + 1+10/*flag*/ +
        1+9/*coef*/ + 3+strlen(c_t)/*cont.type*/ + 1+5/*locl*/ + 1+5/*priv*/ +
        1+7/*quorum*/ + 1+14/*rate*/ + 1+5/*sful*/ + 1+12/*time*/ + 1/*EOL*/;
    /* write server-specific info */
    if ((str = attr->vtable.Write(reserve, &info->u)) != 0) {
        char* s = str;
        size_t n;

        memcpy(s, attr->tag, attr->tag_len);
        s += attr->tag_len;
        *s++ = ' ';
        s += SOCK_HostPortToString(info->host, info->port, s, reserve);
        if ((n = strlen(str + reserve)) != 0) {
            *s++ = ' ';
            memmove(s, str + reserve, n + 1);
            s = str + strlen(str);

        assert(info->flag < (int)(sizeof(k_FlagTag)/sizeof(k_FlagTag[0])));
        if (k_FlagTag[info->flag] && *k_FlagTag[info->flag])
            s += sprintf(s, " %s", k_FlagTag[info->flag]);
        s += sprintf(s, " B=%.2f", info->coef);
        if (*c_t)
            s += sprintf(s, " C=%s", c_t);
        s += sprintf(s, " L=%s", info->locl & 0x0F ? "yes" : "no");
        if (info->type != fSERV_Dns && (info->locl & 0xF0))
            s += sprintf(s, " P=yes");
        if (info->host && info->quorum) {
            if (info->quorum == (unsigned short)(-1))
                s += sprintf(s, " Q=yes");
                s += sprintf(s, " Q=%hu", info->quorum);
        s += sprintf(s," R=%.*f", fabs(info->rate) < 0.01 ? 3 : 2, info->rate);
        if (!(info->type & fSERV_Http) && info->type != fSERV_Dns)
            s += sprintf(s, " S=%s", info->sful ? "yes" : "no");
        s += sprintf(s, " T=%lu", (unsigned long)info->time);
    return str;
Esempio n. 6
static int/*bool*/ s_IsContentTypeDefined(const char*         service,
                                          const SConnNetInfo* net_info,
                                          EMIME_Type          mime_t,
                                          EMIME_SubType       mime_s,
                                          EMIME_Encoding      mime_e)
    const char* s;

    for (s = net_info->http_user_header;  s;  s = strchr(s, '\n')) {
        if (s != net_info->http_user_header)
        if (!*s)
        if (strncasecmp(s, "content-type: ", 14) == 0) {
#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(NDEBUG)
            EMIME_Type     m_t;
            EMIME_SubType  m_s;
            EMIME_Encoding m_e;
            char           c_t[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN];
            if (net_info->debug_printout         &&
                mime_t != eMIME_T_Undefined      &&
                mime_t != eMIME_T_Unknown        &&
                (!MIME_ParseContentTypeEx(s, &m_t, &m_s, &m_e)
                 ||   mime_t != m_t
                 ||  (mime_s != eMIME_Undefined  &&
                      mime_s != eMIME_Unknown    &&
                      m_s    != eMIME_Unknown    &&  mime_s != m_s)
                 ||  (mime_e != eENCOD_None      &&
                      m_e    != eENCOD_None      &&  mime_e != m_e))) {
                const char* c;
                size_t len;
                char* t;
                for (s += 15; *s; s++) {
                    if (!isspace((unsigned char)(*s)))
                if (!(c = strchr(s, '\n')))
                    c = s + strlen(s);
                if (c > s  &&  c[-1] == '\r')
                len = (size_t)(c - s);
                if ((t = (char*) malloc(len + 1)) != 0) {
                    memcpy(t, s, len);
                    t[len] = '\0';
                if (!MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx(mime_t, mime_s, mime_e,
                                               c_t, sizeof(c_t))) {
                    *c_t = '\0';
                CORE_LOGF_X(3, eLOG_Warning,
                            ("[%s]  Content-Type mismatch: "
                             "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", service,
                             t  &&  *t           ? "specified=<"  : "",
                             t  &&  *t           ? t              : "",
                             t  &&  *t           ? ">"            : "",
                             t  &&  *t  &&  *c_t ? ", "           : "",
                             *c_t                ? "configured=<" : "",
                             *c_t                ? c_t            : "",
                             *c_t                ? ">"            : ""));
                if (t)
            return 1/*true*/;
    return 0/*false*/;