Esempio n. 1
// ====================================================================== 
int GetAggregates(Epetra_RowMatrix& A, Teuchos::ParameterList& List,
                  double* thisns, Epetra_IntVector& aggrinfo)
  if (!A.RowMatrixRowMap().SameAs(aggrinfo.Map()))
    ML_THROW("map of aggrinfo must match row map of operator", -1);
  std::string CoarsenType     = List.get("aggregation: type", "Uncoupled");
  double Threshold       = List.get("aggregation: threshold", 0.0);
  int    NumPDEEquations = List.get("PDE equations", 1);
  int    nsdim           = List.get("null space: dimension",-1);
  if (nsdim==-1) ML_THROW("dimension of nullspace not set", -1);
  int size = A.RowMatrixRowMap().NumMyElements();

  ML_Aggregate* agg_object;
  //agg_object->curr_threshold = 0.0;
  ML_Operator* ML_Ptent = 0;
  ML_Ptent = ML_Operator_Create(GetML_Comm());
  if (!thisns)
    ML_THROW("nullspace is NULL", -1);
  ML_Aggregate_Set_NullSpace(agg_object, NumPDEEquations,
                             nsdim, thisns,size);

  if (CoarsenType == "Uncoupled") 
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_UNCOUPLED;
  else if (CoarsenType == "Uncoupled-MIS")
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_HYBRIDUM;
  else if (CoarsenType == "MIS") {
   /* needed for MIS, otherwise it sets the number of equations to
    * the null space dimension */
    agg_object->max_levels  = -7;
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_MIS;
  else if (CoarsenType == "METIS")
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_METIS;
  else {
    ML_THROW("Requested aggregation scheme (" + CoarsenType +
             ") not recognized", -1);

  ML_Operator* ML_A = ML_Operator_Create(GetML_Comm());

  int NextSize = ML_Aggregate_Coarsen(agg_object, ML_A, 
                                      &ML_Ptent, GetML_Comm());

  int* aggrmap = NULL;
  if (!aggrmap) ML_THROW("aggr_info not available", -1);

#if 0 // debugging  
  for (int proc=0; proc<A.GetRowMatrix()->Comm().NumProc(); ++proc)
    if (A.GetRowMatrix()->Comm().MyPID()==proc)
      std::cout << "Proc " << proc << ":" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "aggrcount " << aggrcount << std::endl;
      std::cout << "NextSize " << NextSize << std::endl;
      for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        std::cout << "aggrmap[" << i << "] = " << aggrmap[i] << std::endl;
  assert (NextSize * nsdim != 0);
  for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) aggrinfo[i] = aggrmap[i];


  return (NextSize/nsdim);
Esempio n. 2
// ====================================================================== 
void GetPtent(const Operator& A, Teuchos::ParameterList& List,
              const MultiVector& ThisNS, 
              Operator& Ptent, MultiVector& NextNS)
  std::string CoarsenType     = List.get("aggregation: type", "Uncoupled");
  /* old version
  int    NodesPerAggr    = List.get("aggregation: per aggregate", 64);
  double Threshold       = List.get("aggregation: threshold", 0.0);
  int    NumPDEEquations = List.get("PDE equations", 1);

  ML_Aggregate* agg_object;
  //agg_object->curr_threshold = 0.0;
  ML_Operator* ML_Ptent = 0;
  ML_Ptent = ML_Operator_Create(GetML_Comm());

  if (ThisNS.GetNumVectors() == 0)
    ML_THROW("zero-dimension null space", -1);
  int size = ThisNS.GetMyLength();

  double* null_vect = 0;
  ML_memory_alloc((void **)(&null_vect), sizeof(double) * size * ThisNS.GetNumVectors(), "ns");

  int incr = 1;
  for (int v = 0 ; v < ThisNS.GetNumVectors() ; ++v)
    DCOPY_F77(&size, (double*)ThisNS.GetValues(v), &incr,
              null_vect + v * ThisNS.GetMyLength(), &incr);

  ML_Aggregate_Set_NullSpace(agg_object, NumPDEEquations,
                             ThisNS.GetNumVectors(), null_vect, 

  if (CoarsenType == "Uncoupled") 
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_UNCOUPLED;
  else if (CoarsenType == "Uncoupled-MIS")
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_HYBRIDUM;
  else if (CoarsenType == "MIS") {
   /* needed for MIS, otherwise it sets the number of equations to
    * the null space dimension */
    agg_object->max_levels  = -7;
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_MIS;
  else if (CoarsenType == "METIS")
    agg_object->coarsen_scheme = ML_AGGR_METIS;
  else {
    ML_THROW("Requested aggregation scheme (" + CoarsenType +
             ") not recognized", -1);

  int NextSize = ML_Aggregate_Coarsen(agg_object, A.GetML_Operator(), 
                                      &ML_Ptent, GetML_Comm());

  /* This is the old version
  int NextSize;
  if (CoarsenType == "Uncoupled") {
    NextSize = ML_Aggregate_CoarsenUncoupled(agg_object, A.GetML_Operator(),
  else if (CoarsenType == "MIS") {
    NextSize = ML_Aggregate_CoarsenMIS(agg_object, A.GetML_Operator(),
                                       &ML_Ptent, GetML_Comm());
  else if (CoarsenType == "METIS") {
    ML ml_object;
    ml_object.ML_num_levels = 1; // crap for line below
    NextSize = ML_Aggregate_CoarsenMETIS(agg_object, A.GetML_Operator(),
                                         &ML_Ptent, GetML_Comm());
  else {
    ML_THROW("Requested aggregation scheme (" + CoarsenType +
             ") not recognized", -1);


  int NumMyElements = NextSize;
  Space CoarseSpace(-1,NumMyElements);

  assert (NextSize * ThisNS.GetNumVectors() != 0);

  NextNS.Reshape(CoarseSpace, ThisNS.GetNumVectors());

  size = NextNS.GetMyLength();
  for (int v = 0 ; v < NextNS.GetNumVectors() ; ++v)
    DCOPY_F77(&size, agg_object->nullspace_vect + v * size, &incr,
              NextNS.GetValues(v), &incr);

Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int num_PDE_eqns=5, N_levels=3;
    /* int nsmooth=1; */

	int    leng, level, N_grid_pts, coarsest_level;

  /* See Aztec User's Guide for more information on the */
  /* variables that follow.                             */

  int    proc_config[AZ_PROC_SIZE], options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE];
  double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE], status[AZ_STATUS_SIZE];

  /* data structure for matrix corresponding to the fine grid */

  int    *data_org = NULL, *update = NULL, *external = NULL;
  int    *update_index = NULL, *extern_index = NULL;
  int    *cpntr = NULL;
  int    *bindx = NULL, N_update, iii;
  double *val = NULL;
	double *xxx, *rhs;

	ML *ml;
	FILE *fp;
  int ch,i;
   struct AZ_SCALING *scaling;
double solve_time, setup_time, start_time;
ML_Aggregate *ag;
int *ivec;
ML_Operator *B, *C, *D;
int *vbr_cnptr, *vbr_rnptr, *vbr_indx, *vbr_bindx, *vbr_bnptr, total_blk_rows;
int total_blk_cols, blk_space, nz_space;
double *vbr_val;
struct ML_CSR_MSRdata *csr_data;

#ifdef ML_MPI

  /* get number of processors and the name of this processor */

  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, AZ_NOT_MPI);

#ifdef binary
	if (fp==NULL)
			printf("couldn't open file .data\n");
#ifdef binary
        fread(&leng, sizeof(int), 1, fp);



  /* initialize the list of global indices. NOTE: the list of global */
  /* indices must be in ascending order so that subsequent calls to  */
  /* AZ_find_index() will function properly. */

  AZ_read_update(&N_update, &update, proc_config, N_grid_pts, num_PDE_eqns,

  AZ_read_msr_matrix(update, &val, &bindx, N_update, proc_config);

  /* This code is to fix things up so that we are sure we have */
  /* all block (including the ghost nodes the same size.       */

  AZ_block_MSR(&bindx, &val, N_update, num_PDE_eqns, update);

  AZ_transform(proc_config, &external, bindx, val,  update, &update_index,
	       &extern_index, &data_org, N_update, 0, 0, 0, &cpntr,

  Amat = AZ_matrix_create( leng );


  AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matrix_type  = data_org[AZ_matrix_type];

  data_org[AZ_N_rows]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];


total_blk_rows = N_update/num_PDE_eqns;
total_blk_cols = total_blk_rows;
blk_space      = total_blk_rows*20;
nz_space       = blk_space*num_PDE_eqns*num_PDE_eqns;

vbr_cnptr = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(total_blk_cols+1));
vbr_rnptr = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(total_blk_cols+1));
vbr_bnptr = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(total_blk_cols+2));
vbr_indx  = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(blk_space+1));
vbr_bindx = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(blk_space+1));
vbr_val   = (double *) ML_allocate(sizeof(double)*(nz_space+1));

for (i = 0; i <= total_blk_cols; i++) vbr_cnptr[i] = num_PDE_eqns;

  AZ_msr2vbr(vbr_val, vbr_indx, vbr_rnptr,  vbr_cnptr, vbr_bnptr,
                vbr_bindx, bindx, val,
                total_blk_rows, total_blk_cols, blk_space,
                nz_space, -1);

  data_org[AZ_N_rows]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];
  data_org[AZ_N_int_blk]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal]/num_PDE_eqns;
  data_org[AZ_N_bord_blk] = data_org[AZ_N_bord_blk]/num_PDE_eqns;
  data_org[AZ_N_ext_blk]  = data_org[AZ_N_ext_blk]/num_PDE_eqns;
  data_org[AZ_matrix_type] = AZ_VBR_MATRIX;

  AZ_set_VBR(Amat, vbr_rnptr, vbr_cnptr, vbr_bnptr, vbr_indx, vbr_bindx,
             vbr_val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matrix_type  = data_org[AZ_matrix_type];

  start_time = AZ_second();

  ML_Create(&ml, N_levels);

  /* set up discretization matrix and matrix vector function */

  AZ_ML_Set_Amat(ml, N_levels-1, N_update, N_update, Amat, proc_config);

  ML_Aggregate_Create( &ag );
   To run SA:
     a) set damping factor to 1 and use power method
        ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, 4./3.);
   To run NSA:
     a) set damping factor to 0
        ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, 0.);
   To run NSR
     a) set damping factor to 1 and use power method
        ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, 1.);
        ag->Restriction_smoothagg_transpose = ML_FALSE;
     b) hack code so it calls the energy minimizing restriction
          line 2973 of ml_agg_genP.c
     c) turn on the NSR flag in ml_agg_energy_min.cpp
   To run Emin
     a) set min_eneryg = 2 and keep_agg_info = 1;
      ag->cheap_minimizing_energy = 0;
      ag->block_scaled_SA = 1;
  ag->block_scaled_SA = 1;

  ML_Aggregate_Set_NullSpace(ag, num_PDE_eqns, num_PDE_eqns, NULL, N_update);
  ML_Aggregate_Set_MaxCoarseSize( ag, 20);

ML_Aggregate_Set_RandomOrdering( ag );
ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, .1);
ag->drop_tol_for_smoothing = 1.0e-3;
ML_Aggregate_Set_Threshold(ag, 1.0e-3);
ML_Aggregate_Set_MaxCoarseSize( ag, 300);

	coarsest_level = ML_Gen_MultiLevelHierarchy_UsingAggregation(ml, N_levels-1, ML_DECREASING, ag);
	coarsest_level = N_levels - coarsest_level;
	if ( proc_config[AZ_node] == 0 )
		printf("Coarse level = %d \n", coarsest_level);

	/* set up smoothers */

        AZ_defaults(options, params);

	for (level = N_levels-1; level > coarsest_level; level--) {
          /* This is the Aztec domain decomp/ilu smoother that we */
          /* usually use for this problem.                        */

          options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp;
          options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_ilut;
          params[AZ_ilut_fill] = 1.0;
          options[AZ_reorder] = 1;
          ML_Gen_SmootherAztec(ml, level, options, params,
                        proc_config, status, AZ_ONLY_PRECONDITIONER,

          /*  Sparse approximate inverse smoother that acutally does both */
          /*  pre and post smoothing.                                     */

          ML_Gen_Smoother_ParaSails(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth,
                                parasails_sym, parasails_thresh,
                                parasails_nlevels, parasails_filter,
                                parasails_loadbal, parasails_factorized);

          parasails_thresh /= 4.;

          /* This is the symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing. In parallel,    */
          /* it is not a true Gauss-Seidel in that each processor          */
          /* does a Gauss-Seidel on its local submatrix independent of the */
          /* other processors.                                             */
	  ML_Gen_Smoother_SymGaussSeidel(ml,level,ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth,1.);

          /* Block Gauss-Seidel with block size equal to #DOF per node.    */
          /* Not a true Gauss-Seidel in that each processor does a         */
          /* Gauss-Seidel on its local submatrix independent of the other  */
          /* processors.                                                   */

                                           nsmooth,0.67, num_PDE_eqns);
                                           nsmooth, 0.67, num_PDE_eqns);

                                                1, 1.0, num_PDE_eqns);

        ML_Gen_CoarseSolverSuperLU( ml, coarsest_level);
	ML_Gen_Solver(ml, ML_MGW, N_levels-1, coarsest_level);
	AZ_defaults(options, params);

        options[AZ_solver]   = AZ_gmres;
        options[AZ_scaling]  = AZ_none;
        options[AZ_precond]  = AZ_user_precond;
        options[AZ_conv]     = AZ_r0;
        options[AZ_output]   = 1;
        options[AZ_max_iter] = 1500;
        options[AZ_poly_ord] = 5;
        options[AZ_kspace]   = 130;
        params[AZ_tol]       = 1.0e-8;
options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp;
options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_ilut;
params[AZ_ilut_fill] = 2.0;

	AZ_set_ML_preconditioner(&Pmat, Amat, ml, options);
setup_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

	xxx = (double *) malloc( leng*sizeof(double));
	rhs=(double *)malloc(leng*sizeof(double));

	for (iii = 0; iii < leng; iii++) xxx[iii] = 0.0;

        /* Set rhs */

        fp = fopen("AZ_capture_rhs.mat","r");
        if (fp == NULL) {
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) printf("taking random vector for rhs\n");
           AZ_random_vector(rhs, data_org, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(rhs, data_org, update_index, NULL);
        else {
	   ivec =(int *)malloc((leng+1)*sizeof(int));
           AZ_input_msr_matrix("AZ_capture_rhs.mat", update, &rhs, &ivec,
                                N_update, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(rhs, data_org, update_index, NULL);

        /* Set x */

        fp = fopen("AZ_capture_init_guess.mat","r");
        if (fp != NULL) {
	   ivec =(int *)malloc((leng+1)*sizeof(int));
           AZ_input_msr_matrix("AZ_capture_init_guess.mat",update, &xxx, &ivec,
                                N_update, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(xxx, data_org, update_index, NULL);

        /* if Dirichlet BC ... put the answer in */

        for (i = 0; i < data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]; i++) {
           if ( (val[i] > .99999999) && (val[i] < 1.0000001))
              xxx[i] = rhs[i];

        fp = fopen("AZ_no_multilevel.dat","r");
        scaling = AZ_scaling_create();
start_time = AZ_second();
        if (fp != NULL) {
           options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
           options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_diag;
           options[AZ_ignore_scaling] = AZ_TRUE;

           options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);

           options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);
        else {
           options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
           options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
   solve_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

   if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
      printf("Solve time = %e, MG Setup time = %e\n", solve_time, setup_time);

   AZ_free((void *) Amat->data_org);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->val);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->bindx);
   AZ_free((void *) update);
   AZ_free((void *) external);
   AZ_free((void *) extern_index);
   AZ_free((void *) update_index);
   if (Amat  != NULL) AZ_matrix_destroy(&Amat);
   if (Pmat  != NULL) AZ_precond_destroy(&Pmat);

#ifdef ML_MPI

  return 0;

Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int num_PDE_eqns=3, N_levels=3, nsmooth=1;

	int    leng, level, N_grid_pts, coarsest_level;

  /* See Aztec User's Guide for more information on the */
  /* variables that follow.                             */

  int    proc_config[AZ_PROC_SIZE], options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE];
  double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE], status[AZ_STATUS_SIZE];

  /* data structure for matrix corresponding to the fine grid */

  int    *data_org = NULL, *update = NULL, *external = NULL;
  int    *update_index = NULL, *extern_index = NULL;
  int    *cpntr = NULL;
  int    *bindx = NULL, N_update, iii;
  double *val = NULL;
	double *xxx, *rhs;

	ML *ml;
	FILE *fp;
  int ch,i,j, Nrigid, *garbage;
   struct AZ_SCALING *scaling;
double solve_time, setup_time, start_time, *mode, *rigid;
ML_Aggregate *ag;
int  nblocks, *blocks;
char filename[80];
double alpha;
int one = 1;

#ifdef ML_MPI

  /* get number of processors and the name of this processor */

  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, AZ_NOT_MPI);

leng = 0;
if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) {
#ifdef binary
	if (fp==NULL)
			printf("couldn't open file .data\n");
#ifdef binary
        fread(&leng, sizeof(int), 1, fp);

leng = AZ_gsum_int(leng, proc_config);


  /* initialize the list of global indices. NOTE: the list of global */
  /* indices must be in ascending order so that subsequent calls to  */
  /* AZ_find_index() will function properly. */
  AZ_read_update(&N_update, &update, proc_config, N_grid_pts, num_PDE_eqns,
  AZ_read_msr_matrix(update, &val, &bindx, N_update, proc_config);

  AZ_transform(proc_config, &external, bindx, val,  update, &update_index,
	       &extern_index, &data_org, N_update, 0, 0, 0, &cpntr, 
  Amat = AZ_matrix_create( leng );
  AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matrix_type  = data_org[AZ_matrix_type];
  data_org[AZ_N_rows]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];
  start_time = AZ_second();

AZ_defaults(options, params);
scaling = AZ_scaling_create();
xxx = (double *) calloc( leng,sizeof(double));
rhs=(double *)calloc(leng,sizeof(double));
options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_diag;
options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
options[AZ_max_iter] = 30;
options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling); 
don't forget vector rescaling ...
options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_none;

  ML_Create(&ml, N_levels);
  /* set up discretization matrix and matrix vector function */
  AZ_ML_Set_Amat(ml, N_levels-1, N_update, N_update, Amat, proc_config);
  ML_Aggregate_Create( &ag );

  Nrigid = 0;
if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) {
  while( (fp = fopen(filename,"r")) != NULL) {
Nrigid = AZ_gsum_int(Nrigid,proc_config);

  if (Nrigid != 0) {
     rigid = (double *) ML_allocate( sizeof(double)*Nrigid*(N_update+1) );
     if (rigid == NULL) {
        printf("Error: Not enough space for rigid body modes\n");

rhs=(double *)malloc(leng*sizeof(double));
AZ_random_vector(rhs, data_org, proc_config);
  for (i = 0; i < Nrigid; i++) {
     AZ_input_msr_matrix(filename, update, &mode, &garbage, 
                         N_update, proc_config);

AZ_sym_rescale_sl(mode, Amat->data_org, options, proc_config, scaling);
Amat->matvec(mode, rigid, Amat, proc_config);
for (j = 0; j < N_update; j++) printf("this is %d %e\n",j,rigid[j]);
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
alpha = -AZ_gdot(N_update, mode, &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config)/AZ_gdot(N_update, &(rigid[j*N_update]), &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config);
daxpy_(&N_update, &alpha,  &(rigid[j*N_update]),  &one, mode, &one);
printf("alpha1 is %e\n",alpha);
alpha = -AZ_gdot(N_update, mode, rhs, proc_config)/AZ_gdot(N_update, mode, mode, proc_config);
printf("alpha2 is %e\n",alpha);
daxpy_(&N_update, &alpha,  mode,  &one, rhs, &one);

     for (j = 0; j < N_update; j++) rigid[i*N_update+j] = mode[j];
for (j = 0; j < Nrigid; j++) {
alpha = -AZ_gdot(N_update, rhs, &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config)/AZ_gdot(N_update, &(rigid[j*N_update]), &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config);
daxpy_(&N_update, &alpha,  &(rigid[j*N_update]),  &one, rhs, &one);
printf("alpha4 is %e\n",alpha);

for (i = 0; i < Nrigid; i++) {
  alpha = -AZ_gdot(N_update, &(rigid[i*N_update]), rhs, proc_config);
  printf("alpha is %e\n",alpha);
  if (Nrigid != 0) {
     ML_Aggregate_Set_NullSpace(ag, num_PDE_eqns, Nrigid, rigid, N_update);

	coarsest_level = ML_Gen_MGHierarchy_UsingAggregation(ml, N_levels-1, ML_DECREASING, ag);
	coarsest_level = N_levels - coarsest_level;
ML_Operator_Print(&(ml->Pmat[N_levels-2]), "Pmat");

	if ( proc_config[AZ_node] == 0 )
		printf("Coarse level = %d \n", coarsest_level);
	/* set up smoothers */
	for (level = N_levels-1; level > coarsest_level; level--) {
j = 10;
if (level == N_levels-1) j = 10;
options[AZ_solver] = AZ_cg;
options[AZ_precond]=AZ_sym_GS; options[AZ_subdomain_solve]=AZ_icc;
options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
options[AZ_poly_ord] = 5;
ML_Gen_SmootherAztec(ml, level, options, params, proc_config, status,
ML_Gen_SmootherAztec(ml, level, options, params, proc_config, status,
		ML_Gen_Smoother_SymGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth,1.0);
		ML_Gen_Smoother_SymGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth,1.0);
                nblocks = ML_Aggregate_Get_AggrCount( ag, level );
                ML_Aggregate_Get_AggrMap( ag, level, &blocks);
                ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockSymGaussSeidel( ml , level, ML_BOTH, nsmooth, 1.0,
                                                 nblocks, blocks);
                ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockSymGaussSeidel( ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth, 1.0, 
                                                 nblocks, blocks);
                ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockJacobi( ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth, .5,
                                                 nblocks, blocks);
                ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockJacobi( ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth,.5,
                                                 nblocks, blocks);
		ML_Gen_Smoother_GaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth);
		ML_Gen_Smoother_GaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth);    
need to change this when num_pdes is different on different levels
if (level == N_levels-1) {
		ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth, 0.5, num_PDE_eqns);
		ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth, 0.5, num_PDE_eqns);
else {
		ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth, 0.5, 2*num_PDE_eqns);
		ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth, 0.5, 2*num_PDE_eqns);

			ML_Gen_SmootherJacobi(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth, .67);
			ML_Gen_SmootherJacobi(ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth, .67 );
	ML_Gen_CoarseSolverSuperLU( ml, coarsest_level);
ML_Gen_SmootherSymGaussSeidel(ml , coarsest_level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, 2*nsmooth,1.);
ML_Gen_SmootherBlockGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, 50*nsmooth, 1.0, 2*num_PDE_eqns);
ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, 2*nsmooth, 1.0, num_PDE_eqns);
	ML_Gen_Solver(ml, ML_MGV, N_levels-1, coarsest_level); 
	AZ_defaults(options, params);
        options[AZ_solver]   = AZ_GMRESR;
        options[AZ_scaling]  = AZ_none;
        options[AZ_precond]  = AZ_user_precond;
        options[AZ_conv]     = AZ_rhs;
        options[AZ_output]   = 1;
        options[AZ_max_iter] = 1500;
        options[AZ_poly_ord] = 5;
        options[AZ_kspace]   = 130;
        params[AZ_tol]       = 1.0e-8;
	AZ_set_ML_preconditioner(&Pmat, Amat, ml, options); 
setup_time = AZ_second() - start_time;
	xxx = (double *) malloc( leng*sizeof(double));

        /* Set rhs */
        fp = fopen("AZ_capture_rhs.dat","r");
        if (fp == NULL) {
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) printf("taking random vector for rhs\n");
           AZ_random_vector(rhs, data_org, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(rhs, data_org, update_index, NULL);
           AZ_random_vector(xxx, data_org, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(xxx, data_org, update_index, NULL);
           Amat->matvec(xxx, rhs, Amat, proc_config);
        else {
           ch = getc(fp);
           if (ch == 'S') {
              while ( (ch = getc(fp)) != '\n') ;
           else ungetc(ch,fp);
           for (i = 0; i < data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]; i++) 
	for (iii = 0; iii < leng; iii++) xxx[iii] = 0.0; 

        /* Set x */

        fp = fopen("AZ_capture_init_guess.dat","r");
        if (fp != NULL) {
           ch = getc(fp);
           if (ch == 'S') {
              while ( (ch = getc(fp)) != '\n') ;
           else ungetc(ch,fp);
           for (i = 0; i < data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]; i++)
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;

        /* if Dirichlet BC ... put the answer in */

        for (i = 0; i < data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]; i++) {
           if ( (val[i] > .99999999) && (val[i] < 1.0000001))
              xxx[i] = rhs[i];      

        fp = fopen("AZ_no_multilevel.dat","r");
        scaling = AZ_scaling_create();
start_time = AZ_second();
        if (fp != NULL) {
           options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
           options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_diag;
           options[AZ_ignore_scaling] = AZ_TRUE;

           options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling); 

           options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) 
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling); 
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) 
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling); 
        else {
           options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
options[AZ_max_iter] = 40;
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling); 
for (j = 0; j < Nrigid; j++) {
alpha = -AZ_gdot(N_update, xxx, &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config)/AZ_gdot(N_update, &(rigid[j*N_update]), &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config);
daxpy_(&N_update, &alpha,  &(rigid[j*N_update]),  &one, xxx, &one);
printf("alpha5 is %e\n",alpha);
AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling); 
           options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) 
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling); 
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) 
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling); 
   solve_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

   if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) 
      printf("Solve time = %e, MG Setup time = %e\n", solve_time, setup_time);

   AZ_free((void *) Amat->data_org);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->val);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->bindx);
   AZ_free((void *) update);
   AZ_free((void *) external);
   AZ_free((void *) extern_index);
   AZ_free((void *) update_index);
   if (Amat  != NULL) AZ_matrix_destroy(&Amat);
   if (Pmat  != NULL) AZ_precond_destroy(&Pmat);

#ifdef ML_MPI
  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int num_PDE_eqns=6, N_levels=4, nsmooth=2;

	int    leng, level, N_grid_pts, coarsest_level;

  /* See Aztec User's Guide for more information on the */
  /* variables that follow.                             */

  int    proc_config[AZ_PROC_SIZE], options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE];
  double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE], status[AZ_STATUS_SIZE];

  /* data structure for matrix corresponding to the fine grid */

  double *val = NULL, *xxx, *rhs, solve_time, setup_time, start_time;
  AZ_MATRIX *Amat;
  ML *ml;
  FILE *fp;
  int i, j, Nrigid, *garbage = NULL;
#ifdef ML_partition
  int nblocks;
  int *block_list = NULL;
  int k;
  struct AZ_SCALING *scaling;
  ML_Aggregate *ag;
double *mode, *rigid;
char filename[80];
double alpha;
int allocated = 0;
int old_prec, old_sol;
double old_tol;
double *Amode, beta, biggest;
int big_ind = -1, ii;
ML_Operator *Amatrix;
int *rowi_col = NULL, rowi_N, count2, ccc;
double *rowi_val = NULL;
double max_diag, min_diag, max_sum, sum;
 int nBlocks, *blockIndices, Ndof;
#ifdef ML_partition
   FILE *fp2;
   int count;

   if (argc != 2) {
     printf("Usage: ml_read_elas num_processors\n");
   else sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&nblocks);

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  /* get number of processors and the name of this processor */

  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, AZ_NOT_MPI);

  /* read in the number of matrix equations */
  leng = 0;
  if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) {
#    ifdef binary
#    else
#    endif
     if (fp==NULL) {
        printf("couldn't open file .data\n");
#    ifdef binary
        fread(&leng, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
#    else
#    endif
  leng = AZ_gsum_int(leng, proc_config);


  /* initialize the list of global indices. NOTE: the list of global */
  /* indices must be in ascending order so that subsequent calls to  */
  /* AZ_find_index() will function properly. */

  if (proc_config[AZ_N_procs] == 1) i = AZ_linear;
  else i = AZ_file;
  AZ_read_update(&N_update, &update, proc_config, N_grid_pts, num_PDE_eqns,i);

  AZ_read_msr_matrix(update, &val, &bindx, N_update, proc_config);

  /* This code is to fix things up so that we are sure we have */
  /* all block (including the ghost nodes the same size.       */

  AZ_block_MSR(&bindx, &val, N_update, num_PDE_eqns, update);

  AZ_transform_norowreordering(proc_config, &external, bindx, val,  update, &update_index,
	       &extern_index, &data_org, N_update, 0, 0, 0, &cpntr,

  Amat = AZ_matrix_create( leng );
  AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matrix_type  = data_org[AZ_matrix_type];

  data_org[AZ_N_rows]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];

#ifdef SCALE_ME
  ML_MSR_sym_diagonal_scaling(Amat, proc_config, &scaling_vect);

  start_time = AZ_second();

  options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_none;
  ML_Create(&ml, N_levels);

  /* set up discretization matrix and matrix vector function */

  AZ_ML_Set_Amat(ml, N_levels-1, N_update, N_update, Amat, proc_config);

#ifdef ML_partition

  /* this code is meant to partition the matrices so that things can be */
  /* run in parallel later.                                             */
  /* It is meant to be run on only one processor.                       */
#ifdef	MB_MODIF
  fp2 = fopen(".update","w");
  fp2 = fopen("partition_file","w");

  ML_Operator_AmalgamateAndDropWeak(&(ml->Amat[N_levels-1]), num_PDE_eqns, 0.0);
  ML_Gen_Blocks_Metis(ml, N_levels-1, &nblocks, &block_list);

  for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
     count = 0;
     for (j = 0; j < ml->Amat[N_levels-1].outvec_leng; j++) {
        if (block_list[j] == i) count++;
     fprintf(fp2,"   %d\n",count*num_PDE_eqns);
     for (j = 0; j < ml->Amat[N_levels-1].outvec_leng; j++) {
        if (block_list[j] == i) {
           for (k = 0; k < num_PDE_eqns; k++)  fprintf(fp2,"%d\n",j*num_PDE_eqns+k);
#ifdef	MB_MODIF
  printf(" partition file dumped in .update\n");

  ML_Aggregate_Create( &ag );
#ifdef MB_MODIF
  ML_Aggregate_Set_NodesPerAggr( ml, ag, -1, 35);
  ML_Aggregate_Set_Phase3AggregateCreationAggressiveness(ag, 10.001);

  ML_Aggregate_Set_Threshold(ag, 0.0);
  ML_Aggregate_Set_MaxCoarseSize( ag, 300);

  /* read in the rigid body modes */

   Nrigid = 0;

  /* to ensure compatibility with RBM dumping software */
   if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) {

      while( (fp = fopen(filename,"r")) != NULL) {
	which_filename = 1;
      while( (fp = fopen(filename,"r")) != NULL) {

    Nrigid = AZ_gsum_int(Nrigid,proc_config);

    if (Nrigid != 0) {
       rigid = (double *) ML_allocate( sizeof(double)*Nrigid*(N_update+1) );
       if (rigid == NULL) {
          printf("Error: Not enough space for rigid body modes\n");

    rhs   = (double *) malloc(leng*sizeof(double));
    xxx   = (double *) malloc(leng*sizeof(double));

    for (iii = 0; iii < leng; iii++) xxx[iii] = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i < Nrigid; i++) {
       if (which_filename == 1) sprintf(filename,"rigid_body_mode%02d",i+1);
       else sprintf(filename,"rigid_body_mode%d",i+1);
       AZ_reorder_vec(mode, data_org, update_index, NULL);
       /* here is something to stick a rigid body mode as the initial */
       /* The idea is to solve A x = 0 without smoothing with a two   */
       /* level method. If everything is done properly, we should     */
       /* converge in 2 iterations.                                   */
       /* Note: we must also zero out components of the rigid body    */
       /* mode that correspond to Dirichlet bcs.                      */

       if (i == -4) {
          for (iii = 0; iii < leng; iii++) xxx[iii] = mode[iii];

          ccc = 0;
          Amatrix = &(ml->Amat[N_levels-1]);
          for (iii = 0; iii < Amatrix->outvec_leng; iii++) {
                               &rowi_N, 0);
             count2 = 0;
             for (j = 0; j < rowi_N; j++) if (rowi_val[j] != 0.) count2++;
             if (count2 <= 1) { xxx[iii] = 0.; ccc++; }
          free(rowi_col); free(rowi_val);
          allocated = 0; rowi_col = NULL; rowi_val = NULL;

        *  Rescale matrix/rigid body modes and checking
        AZ_sym_rescale_sl(mode, Amat->data_org, options, proc_config, scaling);
        Amat->matvec(mode, rigid, Amat, proc_config);
        for (j = 0; j < N_update; j++) printf("this is %d %e\n",j,rigid[j]);

        /* Here is some code to check that the rigid body modes are  */
        /* really rigid body modes. The idea is to multiply by A and */
        /* then to zero out things that we "think" are boundaries.   */
        /* In this hardwired example, things near boundaries         */
        /* correspond to matrix rows that do not have 81 nonzeros.   */

        Amode = (double *) malloc(leng*sizeof(double));
        Amat->matvec(mode, Amode, Amat, proc_config);
        j = 0;
        biggest = 0.0;
        for (ii = 0; ii < N_update; ii++) {
           if ( Amat->bindx[ii+1] - Amat->bindx[ii] != 80) {
              Amode[ii] = 0.; j++;
           else {
              if ( fabs(Amode[ii]) > biggest) {
                 biggest=fabs(Amode[ii]); big_ind = ii;
        printf("%d entries zeroed out of %d elements\n",j,N_update);
        alpha = AZ_gdot(N_update, Amode, Amode, proc_config);
        beta  = AZ_gdot(N_update,  mode,  mode, proc_config);
        printf("||A r||^2 =%e, ||r||^2 = %e, ratio = %e\n",
        printf("the biggest is %e at row %d\n",biggest,big_ind);


        /* orthogonalize mode with respect to previous modes. */

        for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
           alpha = -AZ_gdot(N_update, mode, &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config)/
                    AZ_gdot(N_update, &(rigid[j*N_update]),
                               &(rigid[j*N_update]), proc_config);
	   /*           daxpy_(&N_update,&alpha,&(rigid[j*N_update]),  &one, mode, &one); */
#ifndef	MB_MODIF
       printf(" after mb %e %e %e\n",mode[0],mode[1],mode[2]);

        for (j = 0; j < N_update; j++) rigid[i*N_update+j] = mode[j];
        free(garbage); garbage = NULL;


    if (Nrigid != 0) {
       ML_Aggregate_Set_NullSpace(ag, num_PDE_eqns, Nrigid, rigid, N_update);
#ifdef SCALE_ME
    ML_Aggregate_Scale_NullSpace(ag, scaling_vect, N_update);

    coarsest_level = ML_Gen_MGHierarchy_UsingAggregation(ml, N_levels-1,
   AZ_defaults(options, params);
   coarsest_level = N_levels - coarsest_level;
   if ( proc_config[AZ_node] == 0 )
	printf("Coarse level = %d \n", coarsest_level);

   /* set up smoothers */

   for (level = N_levels-1; level > coarsest_level; level--) {

      ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockGaussSeidel(ml, level,ML_BOTH, 1, 1., num_PDE_eqns);

    /*  Sparse approximate inverse smoother that acutally does both */
    /*  pre and post smoothing.                                     */
      ML_Gen_Smoother_ParaSails(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth,
                                parasails_sym, parasails_thresh,
                                parasails_nlevels, parasails_filter,
                                parasails_loadbal, parasails_factorized);

     /* This is the symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing that we usually use. */
     /* In parallel, it is not a true Gauss-Seidel in that each processor */
     /* does a Gauss-Seidel on its local submatrix independent of the     */
     /* other processors.                                                 */

     /* ML_Gen_Smoother_Cheby(ml, level, ML_BOTH, 30., nsmooth); */
     Ndof = ml->Amat[level].invec_leng;

     ML_Gen_Blocks_Aggregates(ag, level, &nBlocks, &blockIndices);

     ML_Gen_Smoother_BlockDiagScaledCheby(ml, level, ML_BOTH, 30.,nsmooth,
					  nBlocks, blockIndices);

      ML_Gen_Smoother_SymGaussSeidel(ml , level, ML_BOTH, nsmooth,1.);

      /* This is a true Gauss Seidel in parallel. This seems to work for  */
      /* elasticity problems.  However, I don't believe that this is very */
      /* efficient in parallel.                                           */
      nblocks = ml->Amat[level].invec_leng/num_PDE_eqns;
      blocks = (int *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int)*N_update);
      for (i =0; i < ml->Amat[level].invec_leng; i++)
         blocks[i] = i/num_PDE_eqns;

      ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockSymGaussSeidelSequential(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER,
                                                  nsmooth, 1., nblocks, blocks);
      ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockSymGaussSeidelSequential(ml, level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER,
                                                  nsmooth, 1., nblocks, blocks);

      /* Block Jacobi Smoothing */
      nblocks = ml->Amat[level].invec_leng/num_PDE_eqns;
      blocks = (int *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int)*N_update);
      for (i =0; i < ml->Amat[level].invec_leng; i++)
         blocks[i] = i/num_PDE_eqns;

      ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockJacobi(ml , level, ML_BOTH, nsmooth,
                                   ML_ONE_STEP_CG, nblocks, blocks);

      /* Jacobi Smoothing                                                 */

      ML_Gen_Smoother_Jacobi(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth, ML_ONE_STEP_CG);
      ML_Gen_Smoother_Jacobi(ml , level, ML_POSTSMOOTHER, nsmooth,ML_ONE_STEP_CG);

      /*  This does a block Gauss-Seidel (not true GS in parallel)        */
      /*  where each processor has 'nblocks' blocks.                      */
      nblocks = 250;
      ML_Gen_Blocks_Metis(ml, level, &nblocks, &blocks);
      ML_Gen_Smoother_VBlockJacobi(ml , level, ML_BOTH, nsmooth,ML_ONE_STEP_CG,
                                        nblocks, blocks);
      num_PDE_eqns = 6;
   /* Choose coarse grid solver: mls, superlu, symGS, or Aztec */

   ML_Gen_Smoother_Cheby(ml, coarsest_level, ML_BOTH, 30., nsmooth);
   ML_Gen_CoarseSolverSuperLU( ml, coarsest_level);
   ML_Gen_Smoother_SymGaussSeidel(ml , coarsest_level, ML_BOTH, nsmooth,1.);

   old_prec = options[AZ_precond];
   old_sol  = options[AZ_solver];
   old_tol  = params[AZ_tol];
   params[AZ_tol] = 1.0e-9;
   params[AZ_tol] = 1.0e-5;
   options[AZ_precond] = AZ_Jacobi;
   options[AZ_solver]  = AZ_cg;
   options[AZ_poly_ord] = 1;
   options[AZ_conv] = AZ_r0;
   options[AZ_orth_kvecs] = AZ_TRUE;

   j = AZ_gsum_int(ml->Amat[coarsest_level].outvec_leng, proc_config);

   options[AZ_keep_kvecs] = j - 6;
   options[AZ_max_iter] =  options[AZ_keep_kvecs];

   ML_Gen_SmootherAztec(ml, coarsest_level, options, params,
            proc_config, status, options[AZ_keep_kvecs], ML_PRESMOOTHER, NULL);

   options[AZ_conv] = AZ_noscaled;
   options[AZ_keep_kvecs] = 0;
   options[AZ_orth_kvecs] = 0;
   options[AZ_precond] = old_prec;
   options[AZ_solver] = old_sol;
   params[AZ_tol] = old_tol;

   /*   */

#ifdef RST_MODIF
   ML_Gen_Solver(ml, ML_MGV, N_levels-1, coarsest_level);
#ifdef	MB_MODIF
   ML_Gen_Solver(ml, ML_SAAMG,   N_levels-1, coarsest_level);
   ML_Gen_Solver(ml, ML_MGFULLV, N_levels-1, coarsest_level);

   options[AZ_solver]   = AZ_GMRESR;
         options[AZ_solver]   = AZ_cg;
   options[AZ_scaling]  = AZ_none;
   options[AZ_precond]  = AZ_user_precond;
   options[AZ_conv]     = AZ_r0;
   options[AZ_conv] = AZ_noscaled;
   options[AZ_output]   = 1;
   options[AZ_max_iter] = 500;
   options[AZ_poly_ord] = 5;
   options[AZ_kspace]   = 40;
   params[AZ_tol]       = 4.8e-6;

   AZ_set_ML_preconditioner(&Pmat, Amat, ml, options);
   setup_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

   /* Set rhs */

   fp = fopen("AZ_capture_rhs.dat","r");
   if (fp == NULL) {
      AZ_random_vector(rhs, data_org, proc_config);
      if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) printf("taking random vector for rhs\n");
      for (i = 0; i < -N_update; i++) {
        rhs[i] = (double) update[i]; rhs[i] = 7.;
   else {
      if (proc_config[AZ_node]== 0) printf("reading rhs guess from file\n");
      AZ_input_msr_matrix("AZ_capture_rhs.dat", update, &rhs, &garbage,
			  N_update, proc_config);
   AZ_reorder_vec(rhs, data_org, update_index, NULL);

   printf("changing rhs by multiplying with A\n");
  Amat->matvec(rhs, xxx, Amat, proc_config);
  for (i = 0; i < N_update; i++) rhs[i] = xxx[i];

   fp = fopen("AZ_capture_init_guess.dat","r");
   if (fp != NULL) {
      if (proc_config[AZ_node]== 0) printf("reading initial guess from file\n");
      AZ_input_msr_matrix("AZ_capture_init_guess.dat", update, &xxx, &garbage,
      			  N_update, proc_config);

      xxx = (double *) realloc(xxx, sizeof(double)*(
					 Amat->data_org[AZ_N_border] +
   AZ_reorder_vec(xxx, data_org, update_index, NULL);

   /* if Dirichlet BC ... put the answer in */

   for (i = 0; i < data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]; i++) {
      if ( (val[i] > .99999999) && (val[i] < 1.0000001))
         xxx[i] = rhs[i];

   fp = fopen("AZ_no_multilevel.dat","r");
   scaling = AZ_scaling_create();
   start_time = AZ_second();

   if (fp != NULL) {
      options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
      options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_diag;
      options[AZ_ignore_scaling] = AZ_TRUE;

      options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
      AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);

      options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
      options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
      if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
      AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);
      if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
      AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);
   else {
      options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
      options[AZ_conv] = AZ_noscaled;
      options[AZ_conv] = AZ_r0;
      params[AZ_tol] = 1.0e-7;
      /* ML_Iterate(ml, xxx, rhs); */
alpha = sqrt(AZ_gdot(N_update, xxx, xxx, proc_config));
printf("init guess = %e\n",alpha);
alpha = sqrt(AZ_gdot(N_update, rhs, rhs, proc_config));
printf("rhs = %e\n",alpha);
#ifdef SCALE_ME
	ML_MSR_scalerhs(rhs, scaling_vect, data_org[AZ_N_internal] +
	ML_MSR_scalesol(xxx, scaling_vect, data_org[AZ_N_internal] +

max_diag = 0.;
min_diag = 1.e30;
max_sum  = 0.;
for (i = 0; i < N_update; i++) {
   if (Amat->val[i] < 0.) printf("woops negative diagonal A(%d,%d) = %e\n",
   if (Amat->val[i] > max_diag) max_diag = Amat->val[i];
   if (Amat->val[i] < min_diag) min_diag = Amat->val[i];
   sum = fabs(Amat->val[i]);
   for (j = Amat->bindx[i]; j < Amat->bindx[i+1]; j++) {
      sum += fabs(Amat->val[j]);
   if (sum > max_sum) max_sum = sum;
printf("Largest diagonal = %e, min diag = %e large abs row sum = %e\n",
max_diag, min_diag, max_sum);

      AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);

      options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
      options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
      if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
      AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
      if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
      AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
   solve_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

   if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
      printf("Solve time = %e, MG Setup time = %e\n", solve_time, setup_time);
   if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
     printf("Printing out a few entries of the solution ...\n");

   for (j=0;j<Amat->data_org[AZ_N_internal]+ Amat->data_org[AZ_N_border];j++)
     if (update[j] == 7) {printf("solution(gid = %d) = %10.4e\n",
			      update[j],xxx[update_index[j]]); fflush(stdout);}
   j = AZ_gsum_int(7, proc_config); /* sync processors */
   for (j=0;j<Amat->data_org[AZ_N_internal]+ Amat->data_org[AZ_N_border];j++)
     if (update[j] == 23) {printf("solution(gid = %d) = %10.4e\n",
			      update[j],xxx[update_index[j]]); fflush(stdout);}
   j = AZ_gsum_int(7, proc_config); /* sync processors */
   for (j=0;j<Amat->data_org[AZ_N_internal]+ Amat->data_org[AZ_N_border];j++)
     if (update[j] == 47) {printf("solution(gid = %d) = %10.4e\n",
			      update[j],xxx[update_index[j]]); fflush(stdout);}
   j = AZ_gsum_int(7, proc_config); /* sync processors */
   for (j=0;j<Amat->data_org[AZ_N_internal]+ Amat->data_org[AZ_N_border];j++)
     if (update[j] == 101) {printf("solution(gid = %d) = %10.4e\n",
			      update[j],xxx[update_index[j]]); fflush(stdout);}
   j = AZ_gsum_int(7, proc_config); /* sync processors */
   for (j=0;j<Amat->data_org[AZ_N_internal]+ Amat->data_org[AZ_N_border];j++)
     if (update[j] == 171) {printf("solution(gid = %d) = %10.4e\n",
			      update[j],xxx[update_index[j]]); fflush(stdout);}

   AZ_free((void *) Amat->data_org);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->val);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->bindx);
   AZ_free((void *) update);
   AZ_free((void *) external);
   AZ_free((void *) extern_index);
   AZ_free((void *) update_index);
   if (Amat  != NULL) AZ_matrix_destroy(&Amat);
   if (Pmat  != NULL) AZ_precond_destroy(&Pmat);

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  return 0;

 |  Constructor (public)                                     m.gee 01/05|
 |  IMPORTANT:                                                          |
 |  No matter on which level we are here, the vector xfine is ALWAYS    |
 |  a fine grid vector here!                                            |
 |  this is the constructor for the ismatrixfree==false case
                          int level, int nlevel, int printlevel, ML* ml, 
                          ML_Aggregate* ag,Epetra_CrsMatrix** P, 
                          ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_Fineinterface& interface,
                          const Epetra_Comm& comm,  const Epetra_Vector& xfine, 
                          bool ismatrixfree, bool matfreelev0, bool isnlnCG,
                          int nitersCG, bool broyden, Epetra_CrsMatrix* Jac, 
                          string fsmoothertype, string smoothertype, 
                          string coarsesolvetype, 
                          int nsmooth_fine, int nsmooth, int nsmooth_coarse,  
                          double conv_normF, double conv_nupdate, 
                          int conv_maxiter,int numPDE, int nullspdim) 
: fineinterface_(interface),
   level_            = level;        // this level
   nlevel_           = nlevel;       // number of total levels
   ml_printlevel_    = printlevel;   // printlevel
   ml_               = ml;           // the global ML object
   ag_               = ag;           // the global ML_Aggregate object
   thislevel_prec_   = 0;            // this level's linear preconditioner
   thislevel_ml_     = 0;            // this level's local ML object 
   thislevel_ag_     = 0;            // this level's local ML_Aggregate object
   coarseinterface_  = 0;            // this level's coarse interface
   coarseprepost_    = 0;
   xthis_            = 0;            // this level's current solution matching this level's map!!!!
   thislevel_A_      = 0;            // this level's NOX Matrixfree operator
   SmootherA_        = 0;            // this level's Epetra_CrsMatrix for thislevel_prec_
   ismatrixfree_     = ismatrixfree; // matrixfree flag
   conv_normF_       = conv_normF;   // NOX convergence test stuff
   conv_nupdate_     = conv_nupdate;
   conv_maxiter_     = conv_maxiter;
   absresid_         = 0;            
   nupdate_          = 0;
   fv_               = 0;
   maxiters_         = 0;
   combo1_           = 0;
   combo2_           = 0;
   thislevel_linSys_ = 0;            // this level's NOX linear system
   nlParams_         = 0;            // NOX parameters
   initialGuess_     = 0;            // NOX initial guess
   group_            = 0;            // NOX group
   solver_           = 0;            // NOX solver
   isnlnCG_          = isnlnCG;
   azlinSys_         = 0;
   clone_            = 0;
   nitersCG_         = nitersCG;
   broyden_          = broyden;
   Broyd_            = 0;

   if (ismatrixfree_==true)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: ismatrixfree_==true on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: in constructor for ismatrixfree_==false - case\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // get the Jacobian of this level
   const Epetra_CrsGraph* graph = 0;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   if (level_==0)
      graph = fineinterface_.getGraph();
      // On fine level this is the fineinterface's Jacobian
      if (matfreelev0==false)
         SmootherA_ = fineinterface_.getJacobian();
      else if (matfreelev0==true && Jac)
         SmootherA_ = Jac;
        cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
             << "**ERR**: something weired happened\n"
             << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // On coarse levels get Jacobian from hierarchy
      // Note: On levels>0 SmootherA_ is a real copy of the Jacobian
      int maxnnz=0;
      double cputime=0.0;
      ML_Operator2EpetraCrsMatrix(&(ml_->Amat[level_]), SmootherA_, maxnnz, 
                                  false, cputime);
      graph = &(SmootherA_->Graph());
   // just to be save
   if (!SmootherA_ || !graph)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: Smoother==NULL on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // generate this level's coarse interface
   coarseinterface_ = new ML_NOX::Nox_CoarseProblem_Interface(

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // generate this level's coarse prepostoperator
   if (level_==0)
     coarseprepost_ = new ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_CoarsePrePostOperator(*coarseinterface_,
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // get the current solution to this level
   xthis_ = coarseinterface_->restrict_fine_to_this(xfine);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // create this level's preconditioner
   // We use a 1-level ML-hierarchy for that
   // set the Jacobian on level 0 of the local ml
   // construct a 1-level ML-hierarchy on this level as a smoother   
   ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(thislevel_ag_, 0.0);
   ML_Aggregate_Set_Threshold(thislevel_ag_, 0.0);
   int thislevel_nlevel = ML_Gen_MGHierarchy_UsingAggregation(thislevel_ml_,0,
   if (thislevel_nlevel != 1)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: ML generated a local hierarchy of " <<  thislevel_nlevel << " on level " << level_ << "\n" 
           << "**ERR**: this is supposed to be 1 Level only!\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // set the smoother
   if (level_==0)

   else if (level_ != nlevel_-1) // set the smoother from the input

   else // set the coarse solver from the input
   // create this level's preconditioner class
   ML_Epetra::MultiLevelOperator* ml_tmp = new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelOperator(
   thislevel_prec_ = new ML_NOX::ML_Nox_ConstrainedMultiLevelOperator(ml_tmp,*coarseinterface_);
   if (!thislevel_prec_)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: thislevel_prec_==NULL on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // set up NOX on this level   
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   nlParams_ = new Teuchos::ParameterList();
   Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = nlParams_->sublist("Printing");        
   printParams.setParameter("MyPID", comm_.MyPID()); 
   printParams.setParameter("Output Precision", 14);
   printParams.setParameter("Output Processor", 0);
   if (ml_printlevel_>9)
      printParams.setParameter("Output Information",
   	                       NOX::Utils::OuterIteration + 
  else if (ml_printlevel_>8)
      printParams.setParameter("Output Information",
      printParams.setParameter("Output Information",0);

  if (level_==0)
    nlParams_->sublist("Solver Options").setParameter("User Defined Pre/Post Operator", *coarseprepost_);
  nlParams_->setParameter("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");         
  Teuchos::ParameterList& searchParams = nlParams_->sublist("Line Search");
  Teuchos::ParameterList* lsParamsptr  = 0;
  if (isnlnCG_)
     searchParams.setParameter("Method", "NonlinearCG");
     Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams_->sublist("Direction"); 
     dirParams.setParameter("Method", "NonlinearCG");
     Teuchos::ParameterList& nlcgParams = dirParams.sublist("Nonlinear CG");
     nlcgParams.setParameter("Restart Frequency", 10);                         
     nlcgParams.setParameter("Precondition", "On");
     nlcgParams.setParameter("Orthogonalize", "Polak-Ribiere");
     //nlcgParams.setParameter("Orthogonalize", "Fletcher-Reeves");

     Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = nlcgParams.sublist("Linear Solver");     
     lsParams.setParameter("Aztec Solver", "CG"); 
     lsParams.setParameter("Max Iterations", 1);  
     lsParams.setParameter("Tolerance", 1e-11);
     lsParams.setParameter("Output Frequency", 0);   
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioning", "User Supplied Preconditioner");   
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioner","User Defined");
  else // Newton's method using ML-preconditioned Aztec as linear solver
     searchParams.setParameter("Method", "Full Step");
     // Sublist for direction
     Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams_->sublist("Direction");
     dirParams.setParameter("Method", "Newton");
     Teuchos::ParameterList& newtonParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
     newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Method", "Constant");
     //newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Method", "Type 1");
     //newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Method", "Type 2");
     newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Minimum Tolerance", 1.0e-6);
     newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Maximum Tolerance", 0.1);

     Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newtonParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
     lsParamsptr = &lsParams;
     lsParams.setParameter("Size of Krylov Subspace", 100);
     lsParams.setParameter("Aztec Solver", "GMRES"); 
     lsParams.setParameter("Max Iterations", nitersCG_);  
     lsParams.setParameter("Tolerance", conv_normF_); // FIXME? is this correct?
     if (ml_printlevel_>8)
        lsParams.setParameter("Output Frequency", 50);   
        lsParams.setParameter("Output Frequency", 0);   
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioning", "User Supplied Preconditioner");
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioner","User Defined");

  // create the initial guess     
  initialGuess_ = new NOX::Epetra::Vector(*xthis_, NOX::DeepCopy, true);
  // NOTE: do not delete xthis_, it's used and destroyed by initialGuess_

  // create the necessary interfaces
  NOX::EpetraNew::Interface::Preconditioner* iPrec = 0; 
  NOX::EpetraNew::Interface::Required*       iReq  = 0;
  NOX::EpetraNew::Interface::Jacobian*       iJac  = 0;

  if (isnlnCG_)
     // create the matrixfree operator used in the nlnCG
     thislevel_A_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::MatrixFree(*coarseinterface_,*xthis_,false);
     // create the necessary interfaces
     iPrec = 0; 
     iReq  = coarseinterface_;
     iJac  = thislevel_A_;
     // create the linear system 
     thislevel_linSys_ = new ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_LinearSystem(
     // create the group
     group_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::Group(printParams,*iReq,*initialGuess_,*thislevel_linSys_);
  else // Modified Newton's method
     if (!broyden_)
       // create the necessary interfaces   
       iPrec = this; 
       iReq  = coarseinterface_;
       //iJac  = this;
       thislevel_A_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::MatrixFree(*coarseinterface_,*xthis_,false);
       // create the initial guess vector
       //clone_  = new Epetra_Vector(*xthis_);

       // create the linear system 
       //azlinSys_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::LinearSystemAztecOO(
       //                                               printParams,*lsParamsptr,
       //                                               *iJac,*SmootherA_,*iPrec,
       //                                               *thislevel_prec_,*clone_);
       azlinSys_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::LinearSystemAztecOO(
     else // use a Broyden update for the Jacobian
       // create the initial guess vector
       //clone_  = new Epetra_Vector(*xthis_);

       // create the necessary interfaces   
       iPrec  = this; 
       iReq   = coarseinterface_;
       Broyd_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::BroydenOperator(*nlParams_,*xthis_,
       // create the linear system 
       azlinSys_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::LinearSystemAztecOO(
     // create the group
     group_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::Group(printParams,*iReq,*initialGuess_,

  // create convergence test

  // create the solver
  solver_ = new NOX::Solver::Manager(*group_,*combo2_,*nlParams_);

 |  Constructor (public)                                     m.gee 01/05|
 |  IMPORTANT:                                                          |
 |  No matter on which level we are here, the vector xfine is ALWAYS    |
 |  a fine grid vector here!                                            |
 |  this is the constructor for the ismatrixfree==true case
                          int level, int nlevel, int printlevel, ML* ml, 
                          ML_Aggregate* ag,Epetra_CrsMatrix** P, 
                          ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_Fineinterface& interface,
                          const Epetra_Comm& comm,  const Epetra_Vector& xfine, 
                          bool ismatrixfree, bool isnlnCG, int nitersCG, bool broyden,
                          string fsmoothertype, string smoothertype, string coarsesolvetype, 
                          int nsmooth_fine, int nsmooth, int nsmooth_coarse,  
                          double conv_normF, 
                          double conv_nupdate, int conv_maxiter,
                          int numPDE, int nullspdim, Epetra_CrsMatrix* Mat,
                          ML_NOX::Nox_CoarseProblem_Interface* coarseinterface) 
: fineinterface_(interface),
   level_            = level;           // this level
   nlevel_           = nlevel;          // number of total levels
   ml_printlevel_    = printlevel;      // printlevel
   ml_               = ml;              // the global ML object
   ag_               = ag;              // the global ML_Aggregate object
   thislevel_prec_   = 0;               // this level's linear preconditioner
   thislevel_ml_     = 0;               // this level's local ML object 
   thislevel_ag_     = 0;               // this level's local ML_Aggregate object
   coarseinterface_  = coarseinterface; // this level's coarse interface
   coarseprepost_    = 0;
   xthis_            = 0;               // this level's current solution matching this level's map!!!!
   thislevel_A_      = 0;               // this level's NOX Matrixfree operator
   SmootherA_        = 0;               // this level's Epetra_CrsMatrix for thislevel_prec_
   ismatrixfree_     = ismatrixfree;    // matrixfree flag
   conv_normF_       = conv_normF;      // NOX convergence test stuff
   conv_nupdate_     = conv_nupdate;
   conv_maxiter_     = conv_maxiter;
   absresid_         = 0;            
   nupdate_          = 0;
   fv_               = 0;
   maxiters_         = 0;
   combo1_           = 0;
   combo2_           = 0;
   thislevel_linSys_ = 0;               // this level's NOX linear system
   nlParams_         = 0;               // NOX parameters
   initialGuess_     = 0;               // NOX initial guess
   group_            = 0;               // NOX group
   solver_           = 0;               // NOX solver
   SmootherA_        = Mat;
   isnlnCG_          = isnlnCG;
   azlinSys_         = 0;
   clone_            = 0;
   nitersCG_         = nitersCG;
   broyden_          = broyden;
   Broyd_            = 0;

#if 0   
   if (isnlnCG_==false && 
      (fsmoothertype   == "Jacobi" || 
       smoothertype    == "Jacobi" || 
       coarsesolvetype == "Jacobi" ))
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: Modified Newton's method not supported for \n"
           << "**ERR**: ismatrixfree_==true && smoothertype == Jacobi-Smoother\n"
           << "**ERR**: because no full Jacobian exists!\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   if (ismatrixfree_==false)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: ismatrixfree_==false on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: in constructor for ismatrixfree_==true - case\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   if (!coarseinterface_)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: ptr to coarseinterface=NULL on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   if (!Mat)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: ptr to Matrix Mat=NULL on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // get the current solution to this level
   xthis_ = coarseinterface_->restrict_fine_to_this(xfine);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // create this level's preconditioner
   // We use a 1-level ML-hierarchy for that
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // set the Jacobian on level 0 of the local ml
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // construct a 1-level ML-hierarchy on this level as a smoother   
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(thislevel_ag_, 0.0);
   ML_Aggregate_Set_Threshold(thislevel_ag_, 0.0);
   int thislevel_nlevel = ML_Gen_MGHierarchy_UsingAggregation(thislevel_ml_,0,
   if (thislevel_nlevel != 1)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: ML generated a local hierarchy of " <<  thislevel_nlevel << " on level " << level_ << "\n" 
           << "**ERR**: this is supposed to be 1 Level only!\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // set the smoother
   if (level_==0)

   else if (level_ != nlevel_-1) // set the smoother from the input

   else // set the coarse solver from the input
   // create this level's preconditioner class
   ML_Epetra::MultiLevelOperator* ml_tmp = new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelOperator(
   thislevel_prec_ = new ML_NOX::ML_Nox_ConstrainedMultiLevelOperator(ml_tmp,*coarseinterface_);

   if (!thislevel_prec_)
      cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel::ML_Nox_NonlinearLevel:\n"
           << "**ERR**: thislevel_prec_==NULL on level " << level_ << "\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // intensive test of this level's ML-smoother
#if 0
   cout << "Test of smoother on level " << level_ << endl;
   Epetra_Vector *out = new Epetra_Vector(Copy,*xthis_,0);
   cout << "Input\n";
   cout << "rhs\n";
   cout << *out;
   double norm = 0.0;
   cout << "Norm of rhs = " << norm << endl;
   cout << "result after smoother\n";
   cout << *xthis_;
   delete out; out = 0;
   if (level_==2) exit(0);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // generate this level's coarse prepostoperator
   if (level_==0)
      coarseprepost_ = new ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_CoarsePrePostOperator(*coarseinterface_,

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // set up NOX on this level   
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   nlParams_ = new Teuchos::ParameterList();
   Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = nlParams_->sublist("Printing");        
   printParams.setParameter("MyPID", comm_.MyPID()); 
   printParams.setParameter("Output Precision", 9);
   printParams.setParameter("Output Processor", 0);
   if (ml_printlevel_>9)
      printParams.setParameter("Output Information",
   	                       NOX::Utils::OuterIteration + 
			       //NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest + 
			       //NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
			       //NOX::Utils::Parameters + 
			       //NOX::Utils::Details + 
  else if (ml_printlevel_>8)
      printParams.setParameter("Output Information",
      printParams.setParameter("Output Information",0);

  if (level_==0)
    nlParams_->sublist("Solver Options").setParameter("User Defined Pre/Post Operator", *coarseprepost_);
  nlParams_->setParameter("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");         
  Teuchos::ParameterList& searchParams = nlParams_->sublist("Line Search");
  Teuchos::ParameterList* lsParamsptr  = 0;
  if (isnlnCG_)
     searchParams.setParameter("Method", "NonlinearCG");
     Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams_->sublist("Direction"); 
     dirParams.setParameter("Method", "NonlinearCG");
     Teuchos::ParameterList& nlcgParams = dirParams.sublist("Nonlinear CG");
     nlcgParams.setParameter("Restart Frequency", 10);                         
     nlcgParams.setParameter("Precondition", "On");
     nlcgParams.setParameter("Orthogonalize", "Polak-Ribiere");
     //nlcgParams.setParameter("Orthogonalize", "Fletcher-Reeves");

     Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = nlcgParams.sublist("Linear Solver");     
     lsParams.setParameter("Aztec Solver", "CG"); 
     lsParams.setParameter("Max Iterations", 1);  
     lsParams.setParameter("Tolerance", 1e-11);
     lsParams.setParameter("Output Frequency", 0);   
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioning", "User Supplied Preconditioner");   
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioner","User Defined");
  else // Newton's method using ML-preconditioned Aztec as linear solver
     searchParams.setParameter("Method", "Full Step");
     // Sublist for direction
     Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams_->sublist("Direction");
     dirParams.setParameter("Method", "Newton");
     Teuchos::ParameterList& newtonParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
     newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Method", "Constant");
     //newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Method", "Type 1");
     //newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Method", "Type 2");
     newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Minimum Tolerance", 1.0e-6);
     newtonParams.setParameter("Forcing Term Maximum Tolerance", 0.1);

     Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newtonParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
     lsParamsptr = &lsParams;
     lsParams.setParameter("Aztec Solver", "CG"); 
     lsParams.setParameter("Max Iterations", nitersCG_);  
     lsParams.setParameter("Tolerance", conv_normF_); // FIXME? is this correct?
     if (ml_printlevel_>8)
        lsParams.setParameter("Output Frequency", 50);   
        lsParams.setParameter("Output Frequency", 0);   
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioning", "User Supplied Preconditioner");
     lsParams.setParameter("Preconditioner","User Defined");
  // create the initial guess   
  initialGuess_ = new NOX::Epetra::Vector(*xthis_, NOX::DeepCopy, true);
  // NOTE: do not delete xthis_, it's used and destroyed by initialGuess_

  // create the necessary interfaces
  NOX::EpetraNew::Interface::Preconditioner* iPrec = 0; 
  NOX::EpetraNew::Interface::Required*       iReq  = 0;
  NOX::EpetraNew::Interface::Jacobian*       iJac  = 0;

  if (isnlnCG_)
     // create the matrixfree operator used in the nlnCG
     thislevel_A_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::MatrixFree(*coarseinterface_,*xthis_,false);
     // create the necessary interfaces
     iPrec = 0; 
     iReq  = coarseinterface_;
     iJac  = thislevel_A_;
     // create the linear system 
     thislevel_linSys_ = new ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_LinearSystem(

     // create the group
     group_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::Group(printParams,*iReq,*initialGuess_,*thislevel_linSys_);
  else // Modified Newton's method
     if (!broyden_)
       // create the necessary interfaces   
       iPrec = this; 
       iReq  = coarseinterface_;
       iJac  = this;
       // create the initial guess vector
       clone_  = new Epetra_Vector(*xthis_);

       // create the linear system 
       azlinSys_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::LinearSystemAztecOO(
       // create the initial guess vector
       clone_  = new Epetra_Vector(*xthis_);

       // create the necessary interfaces   
       iPrec = this; 
       iReq  = coarseinterface_;
       Broyd_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::BroydenOperator(*nlParams_,*clone_,
       // create the linear system 
       azlinSys_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::LinearSystemAztecOO(
     // create the group
     group_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::Group(printParams,*iReq,*initialGuess_,*azlinSys_);

  // create convergence test

  // create the solver
  solver_ = new NOX::Solver::Manager(*group_,*combo2_,*nlParams_);