Esempio n. 1
 * g_hash_table_new_full:
 * @hash_func: a function to create a hash value from a key.
 * @key_equal_func: a function to check two keys for equality.
 * @key_destroy_func: a function to free the memory allocated for the key 
 *   used when removing the entry from the #GHashTable or %NULL if you 
 *   don't want to supply such a function.
 * @value_destroy_func: a function to free the memory allocated for the 
 *   value used when removing the entry from the #GHashTable or %NULL if 
 *   you don't want to supply such a function.
 * Creates a new #GHashTable like g_hash_table_new() and allows to specify
 * functions to free the memory allocated for the key and value that get 
 * called when removing the entry from the #GHashTable.
 * Return value: a new #GHashTable.
mono_g_hash_table_new_full (GHashFunc       hash_func,
		       GEqualFunc      key_equal_func,
		       GDestroyNotify  key_destroy_func,
		       GDestroyNotify  value_destroy_func)
  MonoGHashTable *hash_table;
  static gboolean inited = FALSE;
  if (!inited) {
	  MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT (node_free_lists [0]);
	  inited = TRUE;
  hash_table = GC_MALLOC (sizeof (MonoGHashTable));
  hash_table = g_new (MonoGHashTable, 1);
  hash_table->size               = HASH_TABLE_MIN_SIZE;
  hash_table->nnodes             = 0;
  hash_table->hash_func          = hash_func ? hash_func : g_direct_hash;
  hash_table->key_equal_func     = key_equal_func == g_direct_equal ? NULL : key_equal_func;
  hash_table->key_destroy_func   = key_destroy_func;
  hash_table->value_destroy_func = value_destroy_func;
  hash_table->nodes              = GC_MALLOC (sizeof (MonoGHashNode*) * hash_table->size);
  hash_table->nodes              = g_new0 (MonoGHashNode*, hash_table->size);
  hash_table->gc_type            = 0;
  return hash_table;
Esempio n. 2
static void
add_thread_to_finalize (MonoInternalThread *thread)
	mono_finalizer_lock ();
	if (!threads_to_finalize)
		MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT (threads_to_finalize);
	threads_to_finalize = mono_mlist_append (threads_to_finalize, (MonoObject*)thread);
	mono_finalizer_unlock ();
Esempio n. 3
mono_g_hash_table_new_type (GHashFunc    hash_func,
		  GEqualFunc   key_equal_func,
		  MonoGHashGCType type)
  MonoGHashTable *table = mono_g_hash_table_new_full (hash_func, key_equal_func, NULL, NULL);
  if (type == MONO_HASH_KEY_GC || type == MONO_HASH_KEY_VALUE_GC)
	  g_assert (hash_func);
  table->gc_type = type;
#if defined(HAVE_SGEN_GC)
  if (type < 0 || type > MONO_HASH_KEY_VALUE_GC)
	  g_error ("wrong type for gc hashtable");
   * We use a user defined marking function to avoid having to register a GC root for
   * each hash node.
  if (!hash_descr)
	  hash_descr = mono_gc_make_root_descr_user (mono_g_hash_mark);
	  mono_gc_register_root_wbarrier ((char*)table, sizeof (MonoGHashTable), hash_descr);
#elif defined(HAVE_BOEHM_GC)
  if (type < 0 || type > MONO_HASH_KEY_VALUE_GC)
	  g_error ("wrong type for gc hashtable");
  if (!node_gc_descs [type] && type > MONO_HASH_CONSERVATIVE_GC) {
	  gsize bmap = 0;
	  if (type & MONO_HASH_KEY_GC)
		  bmap |= 1; /* the first field in the node is the key */
	  if (type & MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC)
		  bmap |= 2; /* the second is the value */
	  bmap |= 4; /* next */
	  node_gc_descs [type] = mono_gc_make_descr_from_bitmap (&bmap, 3);

	  MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT (node_free_lists [type]);
  return table;