Esempio n. 1
 *	L0 -> L1 trace information to trace driver
i4b_l1_trace_ind(i4b_trace_hdr_t *hdr, int len, u_char *data)
	int *tab;
	if((tab = getl1tab(L0DRVR(hdr->unit))) == NULL)
		panic("i4b_l1_trace_ind: unknown driver type %d\n", L0DRVR(hdr->unit));

	NDBGL1(L1_PRIM, "(drv %d / drvunit %d) -> unit %d", L0DRVR(hdr->unit), L0UNIT(hdr->unit), tab[L0UNIT(hdr->unit)]);
	hdr->unit = tab[L0UNIT(hdr->unit)];

	return(MPH_Trace_Ind(hdr, len, data));
Esempio n. 2
 * this is the real interrupt routine
static void
avm_pnp_hscx_intr(int h_chan, int stat, int cnt, struct isic_softc *sc)
	register isic_Bchan_t *chan = &sc->sc_chan[h_chan];
	int activity = -1;
	DBGL1(L1_H_IRQ, "avm_pnp_hscx_intr", ("%#x\n", stat));

	if((stat & HSCX_INT_XDU) && (chan->bprot != BPROT_NONE))/* xmit data underrun */
		DBGL1(L1_H_XFRERR, "avm_pnp_hscx_intr", ("xmit data underrun\n"));
		/* abort the transmission */
		sc->avma1pp_txl = 0;
		sc->avma1pp_cmd |= HSCX_CMD_XRS;
		hscx_write_reg(h_chan, HSCX_STAT, sc, 1);
		sc->avma1pp_cmd &= ~HSCX_CMD_XRS;
		hscx_write_reg(h_chan, HSCX_STAT, sc, 1);

		if (chan->out_mbuf_head != NULL)  /* don't continue to transmit this buffer */
			chan->out_mbuf_cur = chan->out_mbuf_head = NULL;

	 * The following is based on examination of the Linux driver.
	 * The logic here is different than with a "real" HSCX; all kinds
	 * of information (interrupt/status bits) are in stat.
	 *		HSCX_INT_RPR indicates a receive interrupt
	 *			HSCX_STAT_RDO indicates an overrun condition, abort -
	 *			otherwise read the bytes ((stat & HSCX_STZT_RML_MASK) >> 8)
	 *			HSCX_STAT_RME indicates end-of-frame and apparently any
	 *			CRC/framing errors are only reported in this state.
	 *					CRC/framing error
	if(stat & HSCX_INT_RPR)
		register int fifo_data_len;
		int error = 0;
		/* always have to read the FIFO, so use a scratch buffer */
		u_char scrbuf[HSCX_FIFO_LEN];

		if(stat & HSCX_STAT_RDO)
			DBGL1(L1_H_XFRERR, "avm_pnp_hscx_intr", ("receive data overflow\n"));
		fifo_data_len = cnt;
		if(fifo_data_len == 0)
			fifo_data_len = sc->sc_bfifolen;

		/* ALWAYS read data from HSCX fifo */
		HSCX_RDFIFO(h_chan, scrbuf, fifo_data_len);
		chan->rxcount += fifo_data_len;

		/* all error conditions checked, now decide and take action */
		if(error == 0)
			if(chan->in_mbuf == NULL)
				if((chan->in_mbuf = i4b_Bgetmbuf(BCH_MAX_DATALEN)) == NULL)
					panic("L1 avm_pnp_hscx_intr: RME, cannot allocate mbuf!\n");
				chan->in_cbptr = chan->in_mbuf->m_data;
				chan->in_len = 0;

			if((chan->in_len + fifo_data_len) <= BCH_MAX_DATALEN)
			   	/* OK to copy the data */
				bcopy(scrbuf, chan->in_cbptr, fifo_data_len);
				chan->in_cbptr += fifo_data_len;
				chan->in_len += fifo_data_len;

				/* setup mbuf data length */
				chan->in_mbuf->m_len = chan->in_len;
				chan->in_mbuf->m_pkthdr.len = chan->in_len;

				if(sc->sc_trace & TRACE_B_RX)
					i4b_trace_hdr_t hdr;
					hdr.unit = sc->sc_unit;
					hdr.type = (h_chan == HSCX_CH_A ? TRC_CH_B1 : TRC_CH_B2);
					hdr.dir = FROM_NT;
					hdr.count = ++sc->sc_trace_bcount;
					MPH_Trace_Ind(&hdr, chan->in_mbuf->m_len, chan->in_mbuf->m_data);

				if (stat & HSCX_STAT_RME)
					 activity = ACT_RX;
					 /* mark buffer ptr as unused */
					 chan->in_mbuf = NULL;
					 chan->in_cbptr = NULL;
					 chan->in_len = 0;
						DBGL1(L1_H_XFRERR, "avm_pnp_hscx_intr", ("CRC/RAB\n"));
					  if (chan->in_mbuf != NULL)
						  chan->in_mbuf = NULL;
						  chan->in_cbptr = NULL;
						  chan->in_len = 0;
			} /* END enough space in mbuf */
				 if(chan->bprot == BPROT_NONE)
					  /* setup mbuf data length */
					  chan->in_mbuf->m_len = chan->in_len;
					  chan->in_mbuf->m_pkthdr.len = chan->in_len;

					  if(sc->sc_trace & TRACE_B_RX)
							i4b_trace_hdr_t hdr;
							hdr.unit = sc->sc_unit;
							hdr.type = (h_chan == HSCX_CH_A ? TRC_CH_B1 : TRC_CH_B2);
							hdr.dir = FROM_NT;
							hdr.count = ++sc->sc_trace_bcount;
							MPH_Trace_Ind(&hdr, chan->in_mbuf->m_len, chan->in_mbuf->m_data);

					  /* move rx'd data to rx queue */

					  IF_ENQUEUE(&chan->rx_queue, chan->in_mbuf);

					  if(!(isic_hscx_silence(chan->in_mbuf->m_data, chan->in_mbuf->m_len)))
						 activity = ACT_RX;
					  /* alloc new buffer */
					  if((chan->in_mbuf = i4b_Bgetmbuf(BCH_MAX_DATALEN)) == NULL)
						 panic("L1 avm_pnp_hscx_intr: RPF, cannot allocate new mbuf!\n");
					  /* setup new data ptr */
					  chan->in_cbptr = chan->in_mbuf->m_data;
					  /* OK to copy the data */
					  bcopy(scrbuf, chan->in_cbptr, fifo_data_len);

					  chan->in_cbptr += fifo_data_len;
					  chan->in_len = fifo_data_len;

					  chan->rxcount += fifo_data_len;
					  DBGL1(L1_H_XFRERR, "avm_pnp_hscx_intr", ("RAWHDLC rx buffer overflow in RPF, in_len=%d\n", chan->in_len));
					  chan->in_cbptr = chan->in_mbuf->m_data;
					  chan->in_len = 0;
		} /* if(error == 0) */
		  	/* land here for RDO */
			if (chan->in_mbuf != NULL)
				chan->in_mbuf = NULL;
				chan->in_cbptr = NULL;
				chan->in_len = 0;
			sc->avma1pp_txl = 0;
			sc->avma1pp_cmd |= HSCX_CMD_RRS;
			hscx_write_reg(h_chan, HSCX_STAT, sc, 1);
			sc->avma1pp_cmd &= ~HSCX_CMD_RRS;
			hscx_write_reg(h_chan, HSCX_STAT, sc, 1);

	/* transmit fifo empty, new data can be written to fifo */
	if(stat & HSCX_INT_XPR)
		 * for a description what is going on here, please have
		 * a look at isic_bchannel_start() in i4b_bchan.c !

		DBGL1(L1_H_IRQ, "avm_pnp_hscx_intr", ("unit %d, chan %d - XPR, Tx Fifo Empty!\n", sc->sc_unit, h_chan));

		if(chan->out_mbuf_cur == NULL || chan->out_mbuf_head == NULL) 	/* last frame is transmitted */
			IF_DEQUEUE(&chan->tx_queue, chan->out_mbuf_head);

			if(chan->out_mbuf_head == NULL)
				chan->state &= ~HSCX_TX_ACTIVE;
				chan->state |= HSCX_TX_ACTIVE;
				chan->out_mbuf_cur = chan->out_mbuf_head;
				chan->out_mbuf_cur_ptr = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data;
				chan->out_mbuf_cur_len = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len;

				if(sc->sc_trace & TRACE_B_TX)
					i4b_trace_hdr_t hdr;
					hdr.unit = sc->sc_unit;
					hdr.type = (h_chan == HSCX_CH_A ? TRC_CH_B1 : TRC_CH_B2);
					hdr.dir = FROM_TE;
					hdr.count = ++sc->sc_trace_bcount;
					MPH_Trace_Ind(&hdr, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data);
				if(chan->bprot == BPROT_NONE)
					if(!(isic_hscx_silence(chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len)))
						activity = ACT_TX;
					activity = ACT_TX;
		isic_hscx_fifo(chan, sc);

	/* call timeout handling routine */
	if(activity == ACT_RX || activity == ACT_TX)
		(*chan->drvr_linktab->bch_activity)(chan->drvr_linktab->unit, activity);
Esempio n. 3
static void
avm_pnp_bchannel_start(int unit, int h_chan)
	struct isic_softc *sc = &isic_sc[unit];
	register isic_Bchan_t *chan = &sc->sc_chan[h_chan];
	int s;
	int activity = -1;

	s = SPLI4B();				/* enter critical section */
	if(chan->state & HSCX_TX_ACTIVE)	/* already running ? */
		return;				/* yes, leave */

	/* get next mbuf from queue */
	IF_DEQUEUE(&chan->tx_queue, chan->out_mbuf_head);
	if(chan->out_mbuf_head == NULL)		/* queue empty ? */
		splx(s);			/* leave critical section */
		return;				/* yes, exit */

	/* init current mbuf values */
	chan->out_mbuf_cur = chan->out_mbuf_head;
	chan->out_mbuf_cur_len = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len;
	chan->out_mbuf_cur_ptr = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data;	
	/* activity indicator for timeout handling */

	if(chan->bprot == BPROT_NONE)
		if(!(isic_hscx_silence(chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len)))
			activity = ACT_TX;
		activity = ACT_TX;

	chan->state |= HSCX_TX_ACTIVE;		/* we start transmitting */
	if(sc->sc_trace & TRACE_B_TX)	/* if trace, send mbuf to trace dev */
		i4b_trace_hdr_t hdr;
		hdr.unit = unit;
		hdr.type = (h_chan == HSCX_CH_A ? TRC_CH_B1 : TRC_CH_B2);
		hdr.dir = FROM_TE;
		hdr.count = ++sc->sc_trace_bcount;
		MPH_Trace_Ind(&hdr, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data);

	isic_hscx_fifo(chan, sc);

	/* call timeout handling routine */
	if(activity == ACT_RX || activity == ACT_TX)
		(*chan->drvr_linktab->bch_activity)(chan->drvr_linktab->unit, activity);

Esempio n. 4
 *	fill HSCX fifo with data from the current mbuf
 *	Put this here until it can go into i4b_hscx.c
static int
isic_hscx_fifo(isic_Bchan_t *chan, struct isic_softc *sc)
	int len;
	int nextlen;
	int i;
	/* using a scratch buffer simplifies writing to the FIFO */
	u_char scrbuf[HSCX_FIFO_LEN];

	len = 0;

	 * fill the HSCX tx fifo with data from the current mbuf. if
	 * current mbuf holds less data than HSCX fifo length, try to
	 * get the next mbuf from (a possible) mbuf chain. if there is
	 * not enough data in a single mbuf or in a chain, then this
	 * is the last mbuf and we tell the HSCX that it has to send
	 * CRC and closing flag
	while(chan->out_mbuf_cur && len != sc->sc_bfifolen)
		nextlen = min(chan->out_mbuf_cur_len, sc->sc_bfifolen - len);

#ifdef NOTDEF
		printf("i:mh=%p, mc=%p, mcp=%p, mcl=%d l=%d nl=%d # ",

		/* collect the data in the scratch buffer */
		for (i = 0; i < nextlen; i++)
			scrbuf[i + len] = chan->out_mbuf_cur_ptr[i];

		len += nextlen;
		chan->txcount += nextlen;
		chan->out_mbuf_cur_ptr += nextlen;
		chan->out_mbuf_cur_len -= nextlen;
		if(chan->out_mbuf_cur_len == 0) 
			if((chan->out_mbuf_cur = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_next) != NULL)
				chan->out_mbuf_cur_ptr = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data;
				chan->out_mbuf_cur_len = chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len;
				if(sc->sc_trace & TRACE_B_TX)
					i4b_trace_hdr_t hdr;
					hdr.unit = sc->sc_unit;
					hdr.type = (chan->channel == HSCX_CH_A ? TRC_CH_B1 : TRC_CH_B2);
					hdr.dir = FROM_TE;
					hdr.count = ++sc->sc_trace_bcount;
					MPH_Trace_Ind(&hdr, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_len, chan->out_mbuf_cur->m_data);
				chan->out_mbuf_head = NULL;
	/* write what we have from the scratch buf to the HSCX fifo */
	if (len != 0)
		HSCX_WRFIFO(chan->channel, scrbuf, len);
