Esempio n. 1
  MPI_Get_count - Gets the number of "top level" elements

Input Parameters:
+ status - return status of receive operation (Status) 
- datatype - datatype of each receive buffer element (handle) 

Output Parameters:
. count - number of received elements (integer) 
If the size of the datatype is zero, this routine will return a count of
zero.  If the amount of data in 'status' is not an exact multiple of the 
size of 'datatype' (so that 'count' would not be integral), a 'count' of
'MPI_UNDEFINED' is returned instead.

.N Fortran

.N Errors
int MPI_Get_count( const MPI_Status *status, MPI_Datatype datatype, int *count )
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;


	    MPID_Datatype *datatype_ptr = NULL;

	    MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(status, "status", mpi_errno);
	    MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(count, "count", mpi_errno);
	    MPIR_ERRTEST_DATATYPE(datatype, "datatype", mpi_errno);

            /* Validate datatype_ptr */
	    if (HANDLE_GET_KIND(datatype) != HANDLE_KIND_BUILTIN) {
		MPID_Datatype_get_ptr(datatype, datatype_ptr);
		MPID_Datatype_valid_ptr(datatype_ptr, mpi_errno);
                if (mpi_errno) goto fn_fail;
		/* Q: Must the type be committed to be used with this function? */
#   endif /* HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING */

    /* ... body of routine ...  */
    MPIR_Get_count_impl(status, datatype, count);
    /* ... end of body of routine ... */

    return mpi_errno;
	mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(
	    "**mpi_get_count %p %D %p", status, datatype, count);
    mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_return_comm( 0, FCNAME, mpi_errno );
    goto fn_exit;
#   endif
    /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */
Esempio n. 2
static int get_count(MPIR_Comm *comm, int tag, void *state)
    struct shared_state *ss = state;
    int recv_count;
    MPIR_Get_count_impl(&ss->status, ss->recvtype, &recv_count);
    ss->last_recv_count = recv_count;
    ss->curr_count += ss->last_recv_count;
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
int MPIR_Alltoall_intra( 
    const void *sendbuf,
    int sendcount, 
    MPI_Datatype sendtype, 
    void *recvbuf, 
    int recvcount, 
    MPI_Datatype recvtype, 
    MPID_Comm *comm_ptr,
    int *errflag )
    int          comm_size, i, j, pof2;
    MPI_Aint     sendtype_extent, recvtype_extent;
    MPI_Aint recvtype_true_extent, recvbuf_extent, recvtype_true_lb;
    int mpi_errno=MPI_SUCCESS, src, dst, rank, nbytes;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Status status;
    int sendtype_size, pack_size, block, position, *displs, count;
    MPI_Datatype newtype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
    void *tmp_buf;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Request *reqarray;
    MPI_Status *starray;
    MPI_Aint sendtype_true_extent, sendbuf_extent, sendtype_true_lb;
    int k, p, curr_cnt, dst_tree_root, my_tree_root;
    int last_recv_cnt, mask, tmp_mask, tree_root, nprocs_completed;

    if (recvcount == 0) return MPI_SUCCESS;

    comm = comm_ptr->handle;
    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* Get extent of send and recv types */
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, recvtype_extent);
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype, sendtype_extent);

    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype, sendtype_size);
    nbytes = sendtype_size * sendcount;

    /* check if multiple threads are calling this collective function */

    if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {
        /* We use pair-wise sendrecv_replace in order to conserve memory usage,
         * which is keeping with the spirit of the MPI-2.2 Standard.  But
         * because of this approach all processes must agree on the global
         * schedule of sendrecv_replace operations to avoid deadlock.
         * Note that this is not an especially efficient algorithm in terms of
         * time and there will be multiple repeated malloc/free's rather than
         * maintaining a single buffer across the whole loop.  Something like
         * MADRE is probably the best solution for the MPI_IN_PLACE scenario. */
        for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
            /* start inner loop at i to avoid re-exchanging data */
            for (j = i; j < comm_size; ++j) {
                if (rank == i) {
                    /* also covers the (rank == i && rank == j) case */
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_replace_ft(((char *)recvbuf + j*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                                         recvcount, recvtype,
                                                         j, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         j, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         comm, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = TRUE;
                        MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                        MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                else if (rank == j) {
                    /* same as above with i/j args reversed */
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_replace_ft(((char *)recvbuf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                                         recvcount, recvtype,
                                                         i, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         i, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         comm, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = TRUE;
                        MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                        MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
    else if ((nbytes <= MPIR_PARAM_ALLTOALL_SHORT_MSG_SIZE) && (comm_size >= 8)) {

        /* use the indexing algorithm by Jehoshua Bruck et al,
         * IEEE TPDS, Nov. 97 */ 

        /* allocate temporary buffer */
        MPIR_Pack_size_impl(recvcount*comm_size, recvtype, &pack_size);
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, pack_size, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");

        /* Do Phase 1 of the algorithim. Shift the data blocks on process i
         * upwards by a distance of i blocks. Store the result in recvbuf. */
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) sendbuf + 
                           (comm_size - rank)*sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, 
                           (comm_size - rank)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, rank*sendcount, sendtype, 
                        (char *) recvbuf + 
                                   rank*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        /* Input data is now stored in recvbuf with datatype recvtype */

        /* Now do Phase 2, the communication phase. It takes
           ceiling(lg p) steps. In each step i, each process sends to rank+2^i
           and receives from rank-2^i, and exchanges all data blocks
           whose ith bit is 1. */

        /* allocate displacements array for indexed datatype used in
           communication */

        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(displs, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "displs");

        pof2 = 1;
        while (pof2 < comm_size) {
            dst = (rank + pof2) % comm_size;
            src = (rank - pof2 + comm_size) % comm_size;

            /* Exchange all data blocks whose ith bit is 1 */
            /* Create an indexed datatype for the purpose */

            count = 0;
            for (block=1; block<comm_size; block++) {
                if (block & pof2) {
                    displs[count] = block * recvcount;

            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_indexed_block_impl(count, recvcount,
                                                            displs, recvtype, &newtype);
	    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_commit_impl(&newtype);
	    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            position = 0;
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Pack_impl(recvbuf, 1, newtype, tmp_buf, pack_size, &position);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_ft(tmp_buf, position, MPI_PACKED, dst,
                                         MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, recvbuf, 1, newtype,
                                         src, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, comm,
                                         MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, errflag);
            if (mpi_errno) {
                /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                *errflag = TRUE;
                MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);


            pof2 *= 2;

        /* Rotate blocks in recvbuf upwards by (rank + 1) blocks. Need
         * a temporary buffer of the same size as recvbuf. */
        /* get true extent of recvtype */
        MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype, &recvtype_true_lb, &recvtype_true_extent);

        recvbuf_extent = recvcount * comm_size *
            (MPIR_MAX(recvtype_true_extent, recvtype_extent));
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, recvbuf_extent, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");
        /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
        tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - recvtype_true_lb);

        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) recvbuf + (rank+1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                       (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype, tmp_buf, 
                       (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(recvbuf, (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype, 
                       (char *) tmp_buf + (comm_size-rank-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                       (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

        /* Blocks are in the reverse order now (comm_size-1 to 0). 
         * Reorder them to (0 to comm_size-1) and store them in recvbuf. */

        for (i=0; i<comm_size; i++){
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) tmp_buf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent,
                                       recvcount, recvtype, 
                                       (char *) recvbuf + (comm_size-i-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                                       recvcount, recvtype);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

        /* Short message. Use recursive doubling. Each process sends all
           its data at each step along with all data it received in
           previous steps. */
        /* need to allocate temporary buffer of size
           sendbuf_extent*comm_size */
        /* get true extent of sendtype */
        MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(sendtype, &sendtype_true_lb, &sendtype_true_extent);

        sendbuf_extent = sendcount * comm_size *
            (MPIR_MAX(sendtype_true_extent, sendtype_extent));
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, sendbuf_extent*comm_size, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");
        /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
        tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - sendtype_true_lb);
        /* copy local sendbuf into tmp_buf at location indexed by rank */
        curr_cnt = sendcount*comm_size;
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, curr_cnt, sendtype,
                                   ((char *)tmp_buf + rank*sendbuf_extent),
                                   curr_cnt, sendtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);}
        mask = 0x1;
        i = 0;
        while (mask < comm_size) {
            dst = rank ^ mask;
            dst_tree_root = dst >> i;
            dst_tree_root <<= i;
            my_tree_root = rank >> i;
            my_tree_root <<= i;
            if (dst < comm_size) {
                mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_ft(((char *)tmp_buf +
                                             curr_cnt, sendtype,
                                             dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, 
                                             ((char *)tmp_buf +
                                             sendtype, dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, 
                                             comm, &status, errflag);
                if (mpi_errno) {
                    /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                    *errflag = TRUE;
                    MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                    MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                    last_recv_cnt = 0;
                } else
                    /* in case of non-power-of-two nodes, less data may be
                       received than specified */
                    MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, sendtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
            /* if some processes in this process's subtree in this step
               did not have any destination process to communicate with
               because of non-power-of-two, we need to send them the
               result. We use a logarithmic recursive-halfing algorithm
               for this. */
            if (dst_tree_root + mask > comm_size) {
                nprocs_completed = comm_size - my_tree_root - mask;
                /* nprocs_completed is the number of processes in this
                   subtree that have all the data. Send data to others
                   in a tree fashion. First find root of current tree
                   that is being divided into two. k is the number of
                   least-significant bits in this process's rank that
                   must be zeroed out to find the rank of the root */ 
                j = mask;
                k = 0;
                while (j) {
                    j >>= 1;
                tmp_mask = mask >> 1;
                while (tmp_mask) {
                    dst = rank ^ tmp_mask;
                    tree_root = rank >> k;
                    tree_root <<= k;
                    /* send only if this proc has data and destination
                       doesn't have data. at any step, multiple processes
                       can send if they have the data */
                    if ((dst > rank) && 
                        (rank < tree_root + nprocs_completed)
                        && (dst >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {
                        /* send the data received in this step above */
                        mpi_errno = MPIC_Send_ft(((char *)tmp_buf +
                                                 last_recv_cnt, sendtype,
                                                 dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                 comm, errflag);  
                        if (mpi_errno) {
                            /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                            *errflag = TRUE;
                            MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                            MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                    /* recv only if this proc. doesn't have data and sender
                       has data */
                    else if ((dst < rank) && 
                             (dst < tree_root + nprocs_completed) &&
                             (rank >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {
                        mpi_errno = MPIC_Recv_ft(((char *)tmp_buf +
                                                 dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                 comm, &status, errflag); 
                        if (mpi_errno) {
                            /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                            *errflag = TRUE;
                            MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                            MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                            last_recv_cnt = 0;
                        } else
                            MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, sendtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                        curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
                    tmp_mask >>= 1;
            mask <<= 1;
static int get_count(MPIR_Comm * comm, int tag, void *state)
    struct shared_state *ss = state;
    MPIR_Get_count_impl(&ss->status, MPI_BYTE, &ss->curr_count);
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 5
MPI_Dist_graph_create - MPI_DIST_GRAPH_CREATE returns a handle to a new
communicator to which the distributed graph topology information is

Input Parameters:
+ comm_old - input communicator (handle)
. n - number of source nodes for which this process specifies edges
  (non-negative integer)
. sources - array containing the n source nodes for which this process
  specifies edges (array of non-negative integers)
. degrees - array specifying the number of destinations for each source node
  in the source node array (array of non-negative integers)
. destinations - destination nodes for the source nodes in the source node
  array (array of non-negative integers)
. weights - weights for source to destination edges (array of non-negative
  integers or MPI_UNWEIGHTED)
. info - hints on optimization and interpretation of weights (handle)
- reorder - the process may be reordered (true) or not (false) (logical)

Output Parameters:
. comm_dist_graph - communicator with distributed graph topology added (handle)

.N ThreadSafe

.N Fortran

.N Errors
int MPI_Dist_graph_create(MPI_Comm comm_old, int n, const int sources[],
                          const int degrees[], const int destinations[],
                          const int weights[],
                          MPI_Info info, int reorder, MPI_Comm * comm_dist_graph)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPIR_Comm *comm_ptr = NULL;
    MPIR_Comm *comm_dist_graph_ptr = NULL;
    MPIR_Request **reqs = NULL;
    MPIR_Topology *topo_ptr = NULL;
    MPII_Dist_graph_topology *dist_graph_ptr = NULL;
    int i;
    int j;
    int idx;
    int comm_size = 0;
    int in_capacity;
    int out_capacity;
    int **rout = NULL;
    int **rin = NULL;
    int *rin_sizes;
    int *rout_sizes;
    int *rin_idx;
    int *rout_idx;
    int *rs;
    int in_out_peers[2] = { -1, -1 };
    MPIR_Errflag_t errflag = MPIR_ERR_NONE;



    /* Validate parameters, especially handles needing to be converted */
            MPIR_ERRTEST_COMM(comm_old, mpi_errno);
            MPIR_ERRTEST_INFO_OR_NULL(info, mpi_errno);
            if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)
                goto fn_fail;

    /* Convert MPI object handles to object pointers */
    MPIR_Comm_get_ptr(comm_old, comm_ptr);

    /* Validate parameters and objects (post conversion) */
            /* Validate comm_ptr */
            MPIR_Comm_valid_ptr(comm_ptr, mpi_errno, FALSE);
            /* If comm_ptr is not valid, it will be reset to null */
            if (comm_ptr) {
                MPIR_ERRTEST_COMM_INTRA(comm_ptr, mpi_errno);

            MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNEG(n, "n", mpi_errno);
            if (n > 0) {
                int have_degrees = 0;
                MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(sources, "sources", mpi_errno);
                MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(degrees, "degrees", mpi_errno);
                for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                    if (degrees[i]) {
                        have_degrees = 1;
                if (have_degrees) {
                    MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(destinations, "destinations", mpi_errno);
                    if (weights != MPI_UNWEIGHTED)
                        MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(weights, "weights", mpi_errno);

            if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)
                goto fn_fail;

    /* ... body of routine ...  */
    /* Implementation based on Torsten Hoefler's reference implementation
     * attached to MPI-2.2 ticket #33. */
    *comm_dist_graph = MPI_COMM_NULL;

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;

    /* following the spirit of the old topo interface, attributes do not
     * propagate to the new communicator (see MPI-2.1 pp. 243 line 11) */
    mpi_errno = MPII_Comm_copy(comm_ptr, comm_size, &comm_dist_graph_ptr);
    if (mpi_errno)
    MPIR_Assert(comm_dist_graph_ptr != NULL);

    /* rin is an array of size comm_size containing pointers to arrays of
     * rin_sizes[x].  rin[x] is locally known number of edges into this process
     * from rank x.
     * rout is an array of comm_size containing pointers to arrays of
     * rout_sizes[x].  rout[x] is the locally known number of edges out of this
     * process to rank x. */
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rout, int **, comm_size * sizeof(int *), mpi_errno, "rout", MPL_MEM_COMM);
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rin, int **, comm_size * sizeof(int *), mpi_errno, "rin", MPL_MEM_COMM);
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rin_sizes, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "rin_sizes",
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rout_sizes, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "rout_sizes",
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rin_idx, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "rin_idx",
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rout_idx, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "rout_idx",

    memset(rout, 0, comm_size * sizeof(int *));
    memset(rin, 0, comm_size * sizeof(int *));
    memset(rin_sizes, 0, comm_size * sizeof(int));
    memset(rout_sizes, 0, comm_size * sizeof(int));
    memset(rin_idx, 0, comm_size * sizeof(int));
    memset(rout_idx, 0, comm_size * sizeof(int));

    /* compute array sizes */
    idx = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        MPIR_Assert(sources[i] < comm_size);
        for (j = 0; j < degrees[i]; ++j) {
            MPIR_Assert(destinations[idx] < comm_size);
            /* rout_sizes[i] is twice as long as the number of edges to be
             * sent to rank i by this process */
            rout_sizes[sources[i]] += 2;
            rin_sizes[destinations[idx]] += 2;

    /* allocate arrays */
    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
        /* can't use CHKLMEM macros b/c we are in a loop */
        if (rin_sizes[i]) {
            rin[i] = MPL_malloc(rin_sizes[i] * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);
        if (rout_sizes[i]) {
            rout[i] = MPL_malloc(rout_sizes[i] * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);

    /* populate arrays */
    idx = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        /* TODO add this assert as proper error checking above */
        int s_rank = sources[i];
        MPIR_Assert(s_rank < comm_size);
        MPIR_Assert(s_rank >= 0);

        for (j = 0; j < degrees[i]; ++j) {
            int d_rank = destinations[idx];
            int weight = (weights == MPI_UNWEIGHTED ? 0 : weights[idx]);
            /* TODO add this assert as proper error checking above */
            MPIR_Assert(d_rank < comm_size);
            MPIR_Assert(d_rank >= 0);

            /* XXX DJG what about self-edges? do we need to drop one of these
             * cases when there is a self-edge to avoid double-counting? */

            /* rout[s][2*x] is the value of d for the j'th edge between (s,d)
             * with weight rout[s][2*x+1], where x is the current end of the
             * outgoing edge list for s.  x==(rout_idx[s]/2) */
            rout[s_rank][rout_idx[s_rank]++] = d_rank;
            rout[s_rank][rout_idx[s_rank]++] = weight;

            /* rin[d][2*x] is the value of s for the j'th edge between (s,d)
             * with weight rout[d][2*x+1], where x is the current end of the
             * incoming edge list for d.  x==(rin_idx[d]/2) */
            rin[d_rank][rin_idx[d_rank]++] = s_rank;
            rin[d_rank][rin_idx[d_rank]++] = weight;


    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
        /* sanity check that all arrays are fully populated */
        MPIR_Assert(rin_idx[i] == rin_sizes[i]);
        MPIR_Assert(rout_idx[i] == rout_sizes[i]);

    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(rs, int *, 2 * comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "red-scat source buffer",
    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
        rs[2 * i] = (rin_sizes[i] ? 1 : 0);
        rs[2 * i + 1] = (rout_sizes[i] ? 1 : 0);

    /* compute the number of peers I will recv from */
    mpi_errno =
        MPIR_Reduce_scatter_block(rs, in_out_peers, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm_ptr, &errflag);
    if (mpi_errno)
    MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(errflag, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**coll_fail");

    MPIR_Assert(in_out_peers[0] <= comm_size && in_out_peers[0] >= 0);
    MPIR_Assert(in_out_peers[1] <= comm_size && in_out_peers[1] >= 0);

    idx = 0;
    /* must be 2*comm_size requests because we will possibly send inbound and
     * outbound edges to everyone in our communicator */
    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(reqs, MPIR_Request **, 2 * comm_size * sizeof(MPIR_Request *), mpi_errno,
                        "temp request array", MPL_MEM_COMM);
    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
        if (rin_sizes[i]) {
            /* send edges where i is a destination to process i */
            mpi_errno =
                MPIC_Isend(&rin[i][0], rin_sizes[i], MPI_INT, i, MPIR_TOPO_A_TAG, comm_ptr,
                           &reqs[idx++], &errflag);
            if (mpi_errno)
        if (rout_sizes[i]) {
            /* send edges where i is a source to process i */
            mpi_errno =
                MPIC_Isend(&rout[i][0], rout_sizes[i], MPI_INT, i, MPIR_TOPO_B_TAG, comm_ptr,
                           &reqs[idx++], &errflag);
            if (mpi_errno)
    MPIR_Assert(idx <= (2 * comm_size));

    /* Create the topology structure */
    MPIR_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(topo_ptr, MPIR_Topology *, sizeof(MPIR_Topology), mpi_errno, "topo_ptr",
    topo_ptr->kind = MPI_DIST_GRAPH;
    dist_graph_ptr = &topo_ptr->topo.dist_graph;
    dist_graph_ptr->indegree = 0;
    dist_graph_ptr->in = NULL;
    dist_graph_ptr->in_weights = NULL;
    dist_graph_ptr->outdegree = 0;
    dist_graph_ptr->out = NULL;
    dist_graph_ptr->out_weights = NULL;
    dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted = (weights != MPI_UNWEIGHTED);

    /* can't use CHKPMEM macros for this b/c we need to realloc */
    in_capacity = 10;   /* arbitrary */
    dist_graph_ptr->in = MPL_malloc(in_capacity * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);
    if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted) {
        dist_graph_ptr->in_weights = MPL_malloc(in_capacity * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);
        MPIR_Assert(dist_graph_ptr->in_weights != NULL);
    out_capacity = 10;  /* arbitrary */
    dist_graph_ptr->out = MPL_malloc(out_capacity * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);
    if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted) {
        dist_graph_ptr->out_weights = MPL_malloc(out_capacity * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);

    for (i = 0; i < in_out_peers[0]; ++i) {
        MPI_Status status;
        MPI_Aint count;
        int *buf;
        /* receive inbound edges */
        mpi_errno = MPIC_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPIR_TOPO_A_TAG, comm_old, &status);
        if (mpi_errno)
        MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, MPI_INT, &count);
        /* can't use CHKLMEM macros b/c we are in a loop */
        /* FIXME: Why not - there is only one allocated at a time. Is it only
         * that there is no defined macro to pop and free an item? */
        buf = MPL_malloc(count * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);
        MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(!buf, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem");

        mpi_errno =
            MPIC_Recv(buf, count, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPIR_TOPO_A_TAG, comm_ptr,
                      MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, &errflag);
        /* FIXME: buf is never freed on error! */
        if (mpi_errno)

        for (j = 0; j < count / 2; ++j) {
            int deg = dist_graph_ptr->indegree++;
            if (deg >= in_capacity) {
                in_capacity *= 2;
                /* FIXME: buf is never freed on error! */
                MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->in, in_capacity * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM,
                if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted)
                    /* FIXME: buf is never freed on error! */
                    MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->in_weights, in_capacity * sizeof(int),
                                        MPL_MEM_COMM, mpi_errno);
            dist_graph_ptr->in[deg] = buf[2 * j];
            if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted)
                dist_graph_ptr->in_weights[deg] = buf[2 * j + 1];

    for (i = 0; i < in_out_peers[1]; ++i) {
        MPI_Status status;
        MPI_Aint count;
        int *buf;
        /* receive outbound edges */
        mpi_errno = MPIC_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPIR_TOPO_B_TAG, comm_old, &status);
        if (mpi_errno)
        MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, MPI_INT, &count);
        /* can't use CHKLMEM macros b/c we are in a loop */
        /* Why not? */
        buf = MPL_malloc(count * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM);
        MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(!buf, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem");

        mpi_errno =
            MPIC_Recv(buf, count, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPIR_TOPO_B_TAG, comm_ptr,
                      MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, &errflag);
        /* FIXME: buf is never freed on error! */
        if (mpi_errno)

        for (j = 0; j < count / 2; ++j) {
            int deg = dist_graph_ptr->outdegree++;
            if (deg >= out_capacity) {
                out_capacity *= 2;
                /* FIXME: buf is never freed on error! */
                MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->out, out_capacity * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM,
                if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted)
                    /* FIXME: buf is never freed on error! */
                    MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->out_weights, out_capacity * sizeof(int),
                                        MPL_MEM_COMM, mpi_errno);
            dist_graph_ptr->out[deg] = buf[2 * j];
            if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted)
                dist_graph_ptr->out_weights[deg] = buf[2 * j + 1];

    mpi_errno = MPIC_Waitall(idx, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, &errflag);
    if (mpi_errno)

    /* remove any excess memory allocation */
    MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->in, dist_graph_ptr->indegree * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM,
    MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->out, dist_graph_ptr->outdegree * sizeof(int), MPL_MEM_COMM,
    if (dist_graph_ptr->is_weighted) {
        MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->in_weights, dist_graph_ptr->indegree * sizeof(int),
                            MPL_MEM_COMM, mpi_errno);
        MPIR_REALLOC_ORJUMP(dist_graph_ptr->out_weights, dist_graph_ptr->outdegree * sizeof(int),
                            MPL_MEM_COMM, mpi_errno);

    mpi_errno = MPIR_Topology_put(comm_dist_graph_ptr, topo_ptr);
    if (mpi_errno)


    MPIR_OBJ_PUBLISH_HANDLE(*comm_dist_graph, comm_dist_graph_ptr->handle);

    /* ... end of body of routine ... */

    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {


    return mpi_errno;

    if (dist_graph_ptr) {
    mpi_errno =
        MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                             "**mpi_dist_graph_create %C %d %p %p %p %p %I %d %p", comm_old, n,
                             sources, degrees, destinations, weights, info, reorder,
    mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_return_comm(comm_ptr, __func__, mpi_errno);
    goto fn_exit;
    /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */
 * Recursive Doubling Algorithm:
 * Restrictions: power-of-two no. of processes
 * Cost = lgp.alpha + n.((p-1)/p).beta
 * TODO: On TCP, we may want to use recursive doubling instead of the
 * Bruck's algorithm in all cases because of the pairwise-exchange
 * property of recursive doubling (see Benson et al paper in Euro
 * PVM/MPI 2003).
int MPIR_Allgather_intra_recursive_doubling(const void *sendbuf,
                                            int sendcount,
                                            MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                                            void *recvbuf,
                                            int recvcount,
                                            MPI_Datatype recvtype,
                                            MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Errflag_t * errflag)
    int comm_size, rank;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Aint recvtype_extent;
    int j, i;
    MPI_Aint curr_cnt, last_recv_cnt = 0;
    int dst;
    MPI_Status status;
    int mask, dst_tree_root, my_tree_root,
        send_offset, recv_offset, nprocs_completed, k, offset, tmp_mask, tree_root;

    if (((sendcount == 0) && (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE)) || (recvcount == 0))
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* Currently this algorithm can only handle power-of-2 comm_size.
     * Non power-of-2 comm_size is still experimental */
    MPIR_Assert(!(comm_size & (comm_size - 1)));

    MPIR_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, recvtype_extent);

    if (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) {
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
                                   ((char *) recvbuf +
                                    rank * recvcount * recvtype_extent), recvcount, recvtype);
        if (mpi_errno) {

    curr_cnt = recvcount;

    mask = 0x1;
    i = 0;
    while (mask < comm_size) {
        dst = rank ^ mask;

        /* find offset into send and recv buffers. zero out
         * the least significant "i" bits of rank and dst to
         * find root of src and dst subtrees. Use ranks of
         * roots as index to send from and recv into buffer */

        dst_tree_root = dst >> i;
        dst_tree_root <<= i;

        my_tree_root = rank >> i;
        my_tree_root <<= i;

        /* FIXME: saving an MPI_Aint into an int */
        send_offset = my_tree_root * recvcount * recvtype_extent;
        recv_offset = dst_tree_root * recvcount * recvtype_extent;

        if (dst < comm_size) {
            mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv(((char *) recvbuf + send_offset),
                                      curr_cnt, recvtype, dst,
                                      ((char *) recvbuf + recv_offset),
                                      (comm_size - dst_tree_root) * recvcount,
                                      recvtype, dst,
                                      MPIR_ALLGATHER_TAG, comm_ptr, &status, errflag);
            if (mpi_errno) {
                /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                *errflag =
                    MPIX_ERR_PROC_FAILED ==
                    MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno) ? MPIR_ERR_PROC_FAILED : MPIR_ERR_OTHER;
                MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                MPIR_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                last_recv_cnt = 0;
            } else {
                MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, recvtype, &last_recv_cnt);
            curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;

        /* if some processes in this process's subtree in this step
         * did not have any destination process to communicate with
         * because of non-power-of-two, we need to send them the
         * data that they would normally have received from those
         * processes. That is, the haves in this subtree must send to
         * the havenots. We use a logarithmic recursive-halfing algorithm
         * for this. */

        /* This part of the code will not currently be
         * executed because we are not using recursive
         * doubling for non power of two. Mark it as experimental
         * so that it doesn't show up as red in the coverage
         * tests. */

        /* --BEGIN EXPERIMENTAL-- */
        if (dst_tree_root + mask > comm_size) {
            nprocs_completed = comm_size - my_tree_root - mask;
            /* nprocs_completed is the number of processes in this
             * subtree that have all the data. Send data to others
             * in a tree fashion. First find root of current tree
             * that is being divided into two. k is the number of
             * least-significant bits in this process's rank that
             * must be zeroed out to find the rank of the root */
            j = mask;
            k = 0;
            while (j) {
                j >>= 1;

            /* FIXME: saving an MPI_Aint into an int */
            offset = recvcount * (my_tree_root + mask) * recvtype_extent;
            tmp_mask = mask >> 1;

            while (tmp_mask) {
                dst = rank ^ tmp_mask;

                tree_root = rank >> k;
                tree_root <<= k;

                /* send only if this proc has data and destination
                 * doesn't have data. at any step, multiple processes
                 * can send if they have the data */
                if ((dst > rank) && (rank < tree_root + nprocs_completed)
                    && (dst >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Send(((char *) recvbuf + offset),
                                          recvtype, dst, MPIR_ALLGATHER_TAG, comm_ptr, errflag);
                    /* last_recv_cnt was set in the previous
                     * receive. that's the amount of data to be
                     * sent now. */
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag =
                            MPIX_ERR_PROC_FAILED ==
                            MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno) ? MPIR_ERR_PROC_FAILED : MPIR_ERR_OTHER;
                        MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                        MPIR_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                /* recv only if this proc. doesn't have data and sender
                 * has data */
                else if ((dst < rank) &&
                         (dst < tree_root + nprocs_completed) &&
                         (rank >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Recv(((char *) recvbuf + offset),
                                          (comm_size - (my_tree_root + mask)) * recvcount,
                                          recvtype, dst,
                                          MPIR_ALLGATHER_TAG, comm_ptr, &status, errflag);
                    /* nprocs_completed is also equal to the
                     * no. of processes whose data we don't have */
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag =
                            MPIX_ERR_PROC_FAILED ==
                            MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno) ? MPIR_ERR_PROC_FAILED : MPIR_ERR_OTHER;
                        MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                        MPIR_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                        last_recv_cnt = 0;
                    } else {
                        MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, recvtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                    curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
                tmp_mask >>= 1;
        /* --END EXPERIMENTAL-- */

        mask <<= 1;
Esempio n. 7
int MPIR_Allgatherv_intra ( 
    const void *sendbuf,
    int sendcount,
    MPI_Datatype sendtype,
    void *recvbuf,
    const int *recvcounts,
    const int *displs,
    MPI_Datatype recvtype,
    MPID_Comm *comm_ptr,
    mpir_errflag_t *errflag )
    int        comm_size, rank, j, i, left, right;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Aint recvbuf_extent, recvtype_extent, recvtype_true_extent, 
    int curr_cnt, send_cnt, dst, total_count, recvtype_size, pof2, src, rem; 
    int recv_cnt;
    void *tmp_buf;
    int mask, dst_tree_root, my_tree_root, is_homogeneous, position,  
        send_offset, recv_offset, last_recv_cnt, nprocs_completed, k,
        offset, tmp_mask, tree_root;
    int tmp_buf_size, nbytes;
    /* check if multiple threads are calling this collective function */

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;
    total_count = 0;
    for (i=0; i<comm_size; i++)
        total_count += recvcounts[i];

    if (total_count == 0) goto fn_exit;
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro( recvtype, recvtype_extent );
    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype, recvtype_size);

    if ((total_count*recvtype_size < MPIR_CVAR_ALLGATHER_LONG_MSG_SIZE) &&
        !(comm_size & (comm_size - 1))) {
        /* Short or medium size message and power-of-two no. of processes. Use
         * recursive doubling algorithm */   

        is_homogeneous = 1;
        if (comm_ptr->is_hetero)
            is_homogeneous = 0;
        if (is_homogeneous) {
            /* need to receive contiguously into tmp_buf because
               displs could make the recvbuf noncontiguous */

            MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype, &recvtype_true_lb, &recvtype_true_extent);

            MPID_Ensure_Aint_fits_in_pointer(total_count *
                           (MPIR_MAX(recvtype_true_extent, recvtype_extent)));
            MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, total_count*(MPIR_MAX(recvtype_true_extent,recvtype_extent)), mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");

            /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
            tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - recvtype_true_lb);

            /* copy local data into right location in tmp_buf */ 
            position = 0;
            for (i=0; i<rank; i++) position += recvcounts[i];
            if (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE)
                mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
                                           ((char *)tmp_buf + position*
                                           recvcounts[rank], recvtype);
                if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                /* if in_place specified, local data is found in recvbuf */ 
                mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(((char *)recvbuf +
                                           recvcounts[rank], recvtype,
                                           ((char *)tmp_buf + position*
                                           recvcounts[rank], recvtype);
                if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            curr_cnt = recvcounts[rank];
            mask = 0x1;
            i = 0;
            while (mask < comm_size) {
                dst = rank ^ mask;
                /* find offset into send and recv buffers. zero out 
                   the least significant "i" bits of rank and dst to 
                   find root of src and dst subtrees. Use ranks of 
                   roots as index to send from and recv into buffer */ 
                dst_tree_root = dst >> i;
                dst_tree_root <<= i;
                my_tree_root = rank >> i;
                my_tree_root <<= i;
                if (dst < comm_size) {
                    send_offset = 0;
                    for (j=0; j<my_tree_root; j++)
                        send_offset += recvcounts[j];
                    recv_offset = 0;
                    for (j=0; j<dst_tree_root; j++)
                        recv_offset += recvcounts[j];

                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv(((char *)tmp_buf + send_offset * recvtype_extent),
                                                 curr_cnt, recvtype, dst,
                                                 ((char *)tmp_buf + recv_offset * recvtype_extent),
                                                 total_count - recv_offset, recvtype, dst,
                                                 comm_ptr, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno);
                        MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                        MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                        last_recv_cnt = 0;
                    } else
                        /* for convenience, recv is posted for a bigger amount
                           than will be sent */
                        MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, recvtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                    curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
                /* if some processes in this process's subtree in this step
                   did not have any destination process to communicate with
                   because of non-power-of-two, we need to send them the
                   data that they would normally have received from those
                   processes. That is, the haves in this subtree must send to
                   the havenots. We use a logarithmic
                   recursive-halfing algorithm for this. */
                /* This part of the code will not currently be
                 executed because we are not using recursive
                 doubling for non power of two. Mark it as experimental
                 so that it doesn't show up as red in the coverage
                 tests. */  

                if (dst_tree_root + mask > comm_size) {
                    nprocs_completed = comm_size - my_tree_root - mask;
                    /* nprocs_completed is the number of processes in this
                       subtree that have all the data. Send data to others
                       in a tree fashion. First find root of current tree
                       that is being divided into two. k is the number of
                       least-significant bits in this process's rank that
                       must be zeroed out to find the rank of the root */ 
                    j = mask;
                    k = 0;
                    while (j) {
                        j >>= 1;
                    tmp_mask = mask >> 1;
                    while (tmp_mask) {
                        dst = rank ^ tmp_mask;
                        tree_root = rank >> k;
                        tree_root <<= k;
                        /* send only if this proc has data and destination
                           doesn't have data. at any step, multiple processes
                           can send if they have the data */
                        if ((dst > rank) && 
                            (rank < tree_root + nprocs_completed)
                            && (dst >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {

                            offset = 0;
                            for (j=0; j<(my_tree_root+mask); j++)
                                offset += recvcounts[j];
                            offset *= recvtype_extent;

                            mpi_errno = MPIC_Send(((char *)tmp_buf + offset),
                                                     recvtype, dst,
                                                     MPIR_ALLGATHERV_TAG, comm_ptr, errflag);
                            if (mpi_errno) {
                                /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                                *errflag = MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno);
                                MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                                MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                            /* last_recv_cnt was set in the previous
                               receive. that's the amount of data to be
                               sent now. */
                        /* recv only if this proc. doesn't have data and sender
                           has data */
                        else if ((dst < rank) && 
                                 (dst < tree_root + nprocs_completed) &&
                                 (rank >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {

                            offset = 0;
                            for (j=0; j<(my_tree_root+mask); j++)
                                offset += recvcounts[j];

                            mpi_errno = MPIC_Recv(((char *)tmp_buf + offset * recvtype_extent),
                                                     total_count - offset, recvtype,
                                                     dst, MPIR_ALLGATHERV_TAG,
                                                     comm_ptr, &status, errflag);
                            if (mpi_errno) {
                                /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                                *errflag = MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno);
                                MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                                MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                                last_recv_cnt = 0;
                            } else
                                /* for convenience, recv is posted for a
                                   bigger amount than will be sent */
                                MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, recvtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                            curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
                        tmp_mask >>= 1;
                mask <<= 1;

            /* copy data from tmp_buf to recvbuf */
            position = 0;
            for (j=0; j<comm_size; j++) {
                if ((sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) || (j != rank)) {
                    /* not necessary to copy if in_place and
                       j==rank. otherwise copy. */
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(((char *)tmp_buf + position*recvtype_extent),
                                               recvcounts[j], recvtype,
                                               ((char *)recvbuf + displs[j]*recvtype_extent),
                                               recvcounts[j], recvtype);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                position += recvcounts[j];