int main(int argc, char **argv )
    me,              /* holds the index of "this" process */
    nprocs,          /* holds the number of processes involved */
    nprows, npcols,  /* mesh sizes */
    myrow, mycol,    /* this node's mesh coordinates */
    n,               /* global matrix size */
    local_m,         /* local row size of A, B, C */
    local_n;         /* local column size of A, B, C */

    *global_A,       /* array in which to hold matrix A */
    *global_B,       /* array in which to hold matrix B */
    *global_C,       /* array in which to hold matrix C */
    *local_A,        /* array in which to hold local part of matrix A */
    *local_B,        /* array in which to hold local part of matrix B */
    *local_C,        /* array in which to hold local part of matrix C */
    *local_C_ref,    /* array in which to hold local part of matrix C */
    local_diff,      /* hold difference between sequential and */
    diff,            /*			parallel result */
    d_one = 1.0;     /* double precision one, to pass by address */

    comm_row, comm_col;  /* communicators for the row and col in which this 
			    node exists */

  /* Initialize MPI, passing in the command-line parameters.  MPI_Init
     strips out the command-line parameters for MPI (e.g., the -np 5
     in our example) and then returns argc and argv with without those
     parameters. */
  MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

  /* Inquire how many processes were started up by mpiexec */
  MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs );

  /* Inquire the index (rank) of "this" process within the proceses
     started up by mpiexec */
  MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me );

  /* Process 0 accepts input */
  if ( me == 0 ){
    printf("enter matrix size n:");
    scanf( "%d", &n );
    printf("enter nprows, npcols:");
    scanf( "%d%d", &nprows, &npcols );

  /* share parameters  with all nodes */
  MPI_Bcast( &n, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  MPI_Bcast( &nprows, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  MPI_Bcast( &npcols, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

  if ( nprows * npcols != nprocs ){
    printf( "mesh not of right size\n" );
    exit( 0 );
  /* Figure out what my index is */
  mycol = me / nprows;
  myrow = me % nprows;

  /* create a communicator for the row of which I am part */
  MPI_Comm_split( MPI_COMM_WORLD, myrow, mycol, &comm_row );

  /* create a communicator for the column of which I am part */
  MPI_Comm_split( MPI_COMM_WORLD, mycol, myrow, &comm_col );

  /* create buffers into which to hold the global A, B, C (everyone will have a copy) */
  global_A = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * n * n );
  global_B = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * n * n );
  global_C = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * n * n );

  /* create random matrices on node zero and share with all nodes */
  if ( me == 0 ){
    random_matrix( n, n, global_A, n );
    random_matrix( n, n, global_B, n );
    random_matrix( n, n, global_C, n );
  MPI_Bcast( global_A, n*n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  MPI_Bcast( global_B, n*n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  MPI_Bcast( global_C, n*n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

  /* compute local matrix sizes */
  local_m   = n / nprows + ( myrow < n % nprows ? 1 : 0 );
  local_n   = n / npcols + ( mycol < n % npcols ? 1 : 0 );

  /* create buffer into which to hold the ocal A, B, C */
  local_A = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * local_m * local_n );
  local_B = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * local_m * local_n );
  local_C = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * local_m * local_n );

  /* copy the local parts */
  CopyMatrixGlobalToLocal( n, n, 
			   global_A, n, 
			   local_A, local_m, 
			   comm_row, comm_col );
  CopyMatrixGlobalToLocal( n, n, 
			   global_B, n, 
			   local_B, local_m, 
			   comm_row, comm_col );
  CopyMatrixGlobalToLocal( n, n, 
			   global_C, n, 
			   local_C, local_m, 
			   comm_row, comm_col );

  /* Compute parallel matrix-matrix multiply */
  ParallelMMult( n, n, n, 
		 local_A, local_m, 
		 local_B, local_m, 
		 local_C, local_m, 
		 comm_row, comm_col );

  /* Compute sequential matrix-matrix multiply on all nodes */
  dgemm_( "N", "N", &n, &n, &n,
  	  &d_one, global_A, &n, global_B, &n,
  	  &d_one, global_C, &n );

  local_C_ref = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof( double ) * local_m * local_n );

  CopyMatrixGlobalToLocal( n, n, 
			   global_C, n, 
			   local_C_ref, local_m, 
			   comm_row, comm_col );

  local_diff = compare_matrices( local_m, local_n, 
				 local_C, local_m, 
				 local_C_ref, local_m );

  MPI_Allreduce( &local_diff, &diff, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

  if ( me == 0 )
    printf("\ndiff = %le\n", diff );

  free( global_A );
  free( global_B );
  free( global_C );
  free( local_A );
  free( local_B );
  free( local_C );
  free( local_C_ref);

  MPI_Comm_free( &comm_row );
  MPI_Comm_free( &comm_col );

  /* Cleanup up the MPI environment */

  exit( 0 );
Esempio n. 2
static PetscErrorCode triangulateAndFormProl(IS selected_2,PetscInt data_stride,PetscReal coords[],PetscInt nselected_1,const PetscInt clid_lid_1[],const PetscCoarsenData *agg_lists_1,
                                             const PetscInt crsGID[],PetscInt bs,Mat a_Prol,PetscReal *a_worst_best)
  PetscErrorCode       ierr;
  PetscInt             jj,tid,tt,idx,nselected_2;
  struct triangulateio in,mid;
  const PetscInt       *selected_idx_2;
  PetscMPIInt          rank;
  PetscInt             Istart,Iend,nFineLoc,myFine0;
  int                  kk,nPlotPts,sid;
  MPI_Comm             comm;
  PetscReal            tm;

  ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)a_Prol,&comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISGetSize(selected_2, &nselected_2);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (nselected_2 == 1 || nselected_2 == 2) { /* 0 happens on idle processors */
    *a_worst_best = 100.0; /* this will cause a stop, but not globalized (should not happen) */
  } else *a_worst_best = 0.0;
  ierr = MPI_Allreduce(a_worst_best, &tm, 1, MPIU_REAL, MPIU_MAX, comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (tm > 0.0) {
    *a_worst_best = 100.0;
  ierr     = MatGetOwnershipRange(a_Prol, &Istart, &Iend);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  nFineLoc = (Iend-Istart)/bs; myFine0 = Istart/bs;
  nPlotPts = nFineLoc; /* locals */
  /* traingle */
  /* Define input points - in*/
  in.numberofpoints          = nselected_2;
  in.numberofpointattributes = 0;
  /* get nselected points */
  ierr = PetscMalloc1(2*nselected_2, &in.pointlist);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISGetIndices(selected_2, &selected_idx_2);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  for (kk=0,sid=0; kk<nselected_2; kk++,sid += 2) {
    PetscInt lid = selected_idx_2[kk];
    in.pointlist[sid]   = coords[lid];
    in.pointlist[sid+1] = coords[data_stride + lid];
    if (lid>=nFineLoc) nPlotPts++;
  if (sid != 2*nselected_2) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"sid %D != 2*nselected_2 %D",sid,nselected_2);

  in.numberofsegments      = 0;
  in.numberofedges         = 0;
  in.numberofholes         = 0;
  in.numberofregions       = 0;
  in.trianglelist          = 0;
  in.segmentmarkerlist     = 0;
  in.pointattributelist    = 0;
  in.pointmarkerlist       = 0;
  in.triangleattributelist = 0;
  in.trianglearealist      = 0;
  in.segmentlist           = 0;
  in.holelist              = 0;
  in.regionlist            = 0;
  in.edgelist              = 0;
  in.edgemarkerlist        = 0;
  in.normlist              = 0;

  /* triangulate */
  mid.pointlist = 0;            /* Not needed if -N switch used. */
  /* Not needed if -N switch used or number of point attributes is zero: */
  mid.pointattributelist = 0;
  mid.pointmarkerlist    = 0; /* Not needed if -N or -B switch used. */
  mid.trianglelist       = 0;    /* Not needed if -E switch used. */
  /* Not needed if -E switch used or number of triangle attributes is zero: */
  mid.triangleattributelist = 0;
  mid.neighborlist          = 0; /* Needed only if -n switch used. */
  /* Needed only if segments are output (-p or -c) and -P not used: */
  mid.segmentlist = 0;
  /* Needed only if segments are output (-p or -c) and -P and -B not used: */
  mid.segmentmarkerlist = 0;
  mid.edgelist          = 0;    /* Needed only if -e switch used. */
  mid.edgemarkerlist    = 0; /* Needed if -e used and -B not used. */
  mid.numberoftriangles = 0;

  /* Triangulate the points.  Switches are chosen to read and write a  */
  /*   PSLG (p), preserve the convex hull (c), number everything from  */
  /*   zero (z), assign a regional attribute to each element (A), and  */
  /*   produce an edge list (e), a Voronoi diagram (v), and a triangle */
  /*   neighbor list (n).                                            */
  if (nselected_2 != 0) { /* inactive processor */
    char args[] = "npczQ"; /* c is needed ? */
    triangulate(args, &in, &mid, (struct triangulateio*) NULL);
    /* output .poly files for 'showme' */
    if (!PETSC_TRUE) {
      static int level = 1;
      FILE       *file; char fname[32];

      sprintf(fname,"C%d_%d.poly",level,rank); file = fopen(fname, "w");
      /*First line: <# of vertices> <dimension (must be 2)> <# of attributes> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>*/
      fprintf(file, "%d  %d  %d  %d\n",in.numberofpoints,2,0,0);
      /*Following lines: <vertex #> <x> <y> */
      for (kk=0,sid=0; kk<in.numberofpoints; kk++,sid += 2) {
        fprintf(file, "%d %e %e\n",kk,in.pointlist[sid],in.pointlist[sid+1]);
      /*One line: <# of segments> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)> */
      fprintf(file, "%d  %d\n",0,0);
      /*Following lines: <segment #> <endpoint> <endpoint> [boundary marker] */
      /* One line: <# of holes> */
      fprintf(file, "%d\n",0);
      /* Following lines: <hole #> <x> <y> */
      /* Optional line: <# of regional attributes and/or area constraints> */
      /* Optional following lines: <region #> <x> <y> <attribute> <maximum area> */

      /* elems */
      sprintf(fname,"C%d_%d.ele",level,rank); file = fopen(fname, "w");
      /* First line: <# of triangles> <nodes per triangle> <# of attributes> */
      fprintf(file, "%d %d %d\n",mid.numberoftriangles,3,0);
      /* Remaining lines: <triangle #> <node> <node> <node> ... [attributes] */
      for (kk=0,sid=0; kk<mid.numberoftriangles; kk++,sid += 3) {
        fprintf(file, "%d %d %d %d\n",kk,mid.trianglelist[sid],mid.trianglelist[sid+1],mid.trianglelist[sid+2]);

      sprintf(fname,"C%d_%d.node",level,rank); file = fopen(fname, "w");
      /* First line: <# of vertices> <dimension (must be 2)> <# of attributes> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)> */
      /* fprintf(file, "%d  %d  %d  %d\n",in.numberofpoints,2,0,0); */
      fprintf(file, "%d  %d  %d  %d\n",nPlotPts,2,0,0);
      /*Following lines: <vertex #> <x> <y> */
      for (kk=0,sid=0; kk<in.numberofpoints; kk++,sid+=2) {
        fprintf(file, "%d %e %e\n",kk,in.pointlist[sid],in.pointlist[sid+1]);

      sid /= 2;
      for (jj=0; jj<nFineLoc; jj++) {
        PetscBool sel = PETSC_TRUE;
        for (kk=0; kk<nselected_2 && sel; kk++) {
          PetscInt lid = selected_idx_2[kk];
          if (lid == jj) sel = PETSC_FALSE;
        if (sel) fprintf(file, "%d %e %e\n",sid++,coords[jj],coords[data_stride + jj]);
      if (sid != nPlotPts) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"sid %D != nPlotPts %D",sid,nPlotPts);
#if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
  ierr = PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[FIND_V],0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  { /* form P - setup some maps */
    PetscInt clid,mm,*nTri,*node_tri;

    ierr = PetscMalloc2(nselected_2, &node_tri,nselected_2, &nTri);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* need list of triangles on node */
    for (kk=0; kk<nselected_2; kk++) nTri[kk] = 0;
    for (tid=0,kk=0; tid<mid.numberoftriangles; tid++) {
      for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) {
        PetscInt cid = mid.trianglelist[kk++];
        if (nTri[cid] == 0) node_tri[cid] = tid;
#define EPS 1.e-12
    /* find points and set prolongation */
    for (mm = clid = 0; mm < nFineLoc; mm++) {
      PetscBool ise;
      ierr = PetscCDEmptyAt(agg_lists_1,mm,&ise);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if (!ise) {
        const PetscInt lid = mm;
        /* for (clid_iterator=0;clid_iterator<nselected_1;clid_iterator++) { */
        PetscScalar  AA[3][3];
        PetscBLASInt N=3,NRHS=1,LDA=3,IPIV[3],LDB=3,INFO;
        PetscCDPos   pos;
        ierr = PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_lists_1,lid,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        while (pos) {
          PetscInt flid;
          ierr = PetscLLNGetID(pos, &flid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          ierr = PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_lists_1,lid,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);

          if (flid < nFineLoc) {  /* could be a ghost */
            PetscInt       bestTID = -1; PetscReal best_alpha = 1.e10;
            const PetscInt fgid    = flid + myFine0;
            /* compute shape function for gid */
            const PetscReal fcoord[3] = {coords[flid],coords[data_stride+flid],1.0};
            PetscBool       haveit    =PETSC_FALSE; PetscScalar alpha[3]; PetscInt clids[3];

            /* look for it */
            for (tid = node_tri[clid], jj=0;
                 jj < 5 && !haveit && tid != -1;
                 jj++) {
              for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++) {
                PetscInt cid2 = mid.trianglelist[3*tid + tt];
                PetscInt lid2 = selected_idx_2[cid2];
                AA[tt][0] = coords[lid2]; AA[tt][1] = coords[data_stride + lid2]; AA[tt][2] = 1.0;
                clids[tt] = cid2; /* store for interp */

              for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++) alpha[tt] = (PetscScalar)fcoord[tt];

              /* SUBROUTINE DGESV(N, NRHS, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO) */
              PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKgesv",LAPACKgesv_(&N, &NRHS, (PetscScalar*)AA, &LDA, IPIV, alpha, &LDB, &INFO));
                PetscBool have=PETSC_TRUE;  PetscReal lowest=1.e10;
                for (tt = 0, idx = 0; tt < 3; tt++) {
                  if (PetscRealPart(alpha[tt]) > (1.0+EPS) || PetscRealPart(alpha[tt]) < -EPS) have = PETSC_FALSE;
                  if (PetscRealPart(alpha[tt]) < lowest) {
                    lowest = PetscRealPart(alpha[tt]);
                    idx    = tt;
                haveit = have;
              tid = mid.neighborlist[3*tid + idx];

            if (!haveit) {
              /* brute force */
              for (tid=0; tid<mid.numberoftriangles && !haveit; tid++) {
                for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++) {
                  PetscInt cid2 = mid.trianglelist[3*tid + tt];
                  PetscInt lid2 = selected_idx_2[cid2];
                  AA[tt][0] = coords[lid2]; AA[tt][1] = coords[data_stride + lid2]; AA[tt][2] = 1.0;
                  clids[tt] = cid2; /* store for interp */
                for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++) alpha[tt] = fcoord[tt];
                /* SUBROUTINE DGESV(N, NRHS, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO) */
                PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKgesv",LAPACKgesv_(&N, &NRHS, (PetscScalar*)AA, &LDA, IPIV, alpha, &LDB, &INFO));
                  PetscBool have=PETSC_TRUE;  PetscReal worst=0.0, v;
                  for (tt=0; tt<3 && have; tt++) {
                    if (PetscRealPart(alpha[tt]) > 1.0+EPS || PetscRealPart(alpha[tt]) < -EPS) have=PETSC_FALSE;
                    if ((v=PetscAbs(PetscRealPart(alpha[tt])-0.5)) > worst) worst = v;
                  if (worst < best_alpha) {
                    best_alpha = worst; bestTID = tid;
                  haveit = have;
            if (!haveit) {
              if (best_alpha > *a_worst_best) *a_worst_best = best_alpha;
              /* use best one */
              for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++) {
                PetscInt cid2 = mid.trianglelist[3*bestTID + tt];
                PetscInt lid2 = selected_idx_2[cid2];
                AA[tt][0] = coords[lid2]; AA[tt][1] = coords[data_stride + lid2]; AA[tt][2] = 1.0;
                clids[tt] = cid2; /* store for interp */
              for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++) alpha[tt] = fcoord[tt];
              /* SUBROUTINE DGESV(N, NRHS, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO) */
              PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKgesv",LAPACKgesv_(&N, &NRHS, (PetscScalar*)AA, &LDA, IPIV, alpha, &LDB, &INFO));

            /* put in row of P */
            for (idx=0; idx<3; idx++) {
              PetscScalar shp = alpha[idx];
              if (PetscAbs(PetscRealPart(shp)) > 1.e-6) {
                PetscInt cgid = crsGID[clids[idx]];
                PetscInt jj   = cgid*bs, ii = fgid*bs; /* need to gloalize */
                for (tt=0; tt < bs; tt++, ii++, jj++) {
                  ierr = MatSetValues(a_Prol,1,&ii,1,&jj,&shp,INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        } /* aggregates iterations */
      } /* a coarse agg */
    } /* for all fine nodes */

    ierr = ISRestoreIndices(selected_2, &selected_idx_2);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(a_Prol,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(a_Prol,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    ierr = PetscFree2(node_tri,nTri);CHKERRQ(ierr);
#if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
  ierr = PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[FIND_V],0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(in.pointlist);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)a_Prol),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"configure with TRIANGLE to use geometric MG");
		bool isFinished() {
			int ret;
			MPI_Allreduce(&active, &ret, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			return ret == 0;
Esempio n. 4
//Here's the main...
int poisson_main(int argc, char** argv,
                 MPI_Comm comm, int numProcs, int localProc){
  int outputLevel;
  int masterProc = 0, err = 0;

  double start_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  std::vector<std::string> stdstrings;
  CHK_ERR( fei_test_utils::get_filename_and_read_input(argc, argv,
						comm, localProc,
						stdstrings) );
  const char** params = NULL;
  int numParams = 0;
  fei::utils::strings_to_char_ptrs(stdstrings, numParams, params);
  fei::ParameterSet paramset;
  fei::utils::parse_strings(stdstrings, " ", paramset);

  std::string which_fei;
  std::string solverName;
  int L = 0;

  int errcode = 0;
  errcode += paramset.getStringParamValue("SOLVER_LIBRARY", solverName);
  errcode += paramset.getStringParamValue("WHICH_FEI", which_fei);
  errcode += paramset.getIntParamValue("L", L);

  if (errcode != 0) {
    fei::console_out() << "Failed to find one or more required parameters in input-file."
	     << FEI_ENDL << "Required parameters:"<<FEI_ENDL
	     << "WHICH_FEI" << FEI_ENDL
	     << "L" << FEI_ENDL;

  if (localProc == 0) {
    int nodes = (L+1)*(L+1);
    int eqns = nodes;
    FEI_COUT << "========================================================" 
	 << FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "Square size     L: " << L << " elements." << FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "Global number of elements: " << L*L << FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "Global number of nodes: " << nodes << FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "Global number of equations: " << eqns <<FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "========================================================" 
	 << FEI_ENDL;

  outputLevel = fei_test_utils::whichArg(numParams, params, "outputLevel 1");
  if (outputLevel >= 0) outputLevel = 1;
  if (outputLevel < 0) outputLevel = 0;

  if ((masterProc == localProc)&&(outputLevel>0)) {
    fei_test_utils::print_args(argc, argv);

  if (outputLevel == 1) {
    if (localProc != 0) outputLevel = 0;

  //PoissonData is the object that will be in charge of generating the
  //data to pump into the FEI object.

  PoissonData poissonData(L, numProcs, localProc, outputLevel);

  double start_init_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::Factory> factory;
  fei::SharedPtr<LibraryWrapper> wrapper;
  fei::SharedPtr<FEI> fei;

  if (which_fei == "OLDFEI") {
    try {
      wrapper = fei::create_LibraryWrapper(comm, solverName.c_str());
    catch (std::runtime_error& exc) {
      fei::console_out() << exc.what()<<FEI_ENDL;
    fei.reset(new FEI_Implementation(wrapper, comm));
  else if (which_fei == "fei::FEI_Impl") {
    try {
      factory = fei::create_fei_Factory(comm, solverName.c_str());
    catch (std::runtime_error& exc) {
      fei::console_out() << exc.what()<<FEI_ENDL;
    fei = factory->createFEI(comm);
  else {
    fei::console_out() << "poisson_main ERROR, value of 'WHICH_FEI' must be 'OLDFEI' or 'fei::FEI_Impl'"<< FEI_ENDL;

  const char* feiVersionString;
  CHK_ERR( fei->version(feiVersionString) );

  if (localProc==0) FEI_COUT << feiVersionString << FEI_ENDL;

  //load some parameters.
  CHK_ERR( fei->parameters( numParams, params ) );

  delete [] params;

  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "setSolveType" << FEI_ENDL;
  CHK_ERR( fei->setSolveType(FEI_SINGLE_SYSTEM) );

  int numFields = poissonData.getNumFields();
  int* fieldSizes = poissonData.getFieldSizes();
  int* fieldIDs = poissonData.getFieldIDs();

  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "initFields" << FEI_ENDL;
  CHK_ERR( fei->initFields( numFields, fieldSizes, fieldIDs ) );

  CHK_ERR( init_elem_connectivities(fei.get(), poissonData) );

  CHK_ERR( set_shared_nodes(fei.get(), poissonData) );

  //The FEI_COUT and IOS_... macros are defined in base/fei_iostream.hpp

  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "initComplete" << FEI_ENDL;
  CHK_ERR( fei->initComplete() );

  double fei_init_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_init_time;

  //Now the initialization phase is complete. Next we'll do the load phase,
  //which for this problem just consists of loading the element data
  //(element-wise stiffness arrays and load vectors) and the boundary
  //condition data.
  //This simple problem doesn't have an constraint relations, etc.

  double start_load_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  CHK_ERR( load_elem_data(fei.get(), poissonData) );

  CHK_ERR( load_BC_data(fei.get(), poissonData) );

  double fei_load_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_load_time;

  //now the load phase is complete, so we're ready to launch the underlying
  //solver and solve Ax=b
  int status;
  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "solve..." << FEI_ENDL;
  double start_solve_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();
  err = fei->solve(status);
  if (err) {
    if (localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "solve returned err: " << err << FEI_ENDL;

  double iTime, lTime, sTime, rTime;
  CHK_ERR(fei->cumulative_cpu_times(iTime, lTime, sTime, rTime) );

  double solve_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_solve_time;

  if (localProc == 0) {
    FEI_COUT << "FEI cpu-times:" << FEI_ENDL
	 << "    init. phase: " << iTime << FEI_ENDL
	 << "    load  phase: " << lTime << FEI_ENDL
	 << "    solve  time: " << sTime << FEI_ENDL;

  double norm = 0.0;
  CHK_ERR( fei->residualNorm(1, 1, &fieldIDs[0], &norm) );
  if (localProc == 0) {
    FEI_COUT << "returned residual norm: " << norm << FEI_ENDL;

  int itersTaken = 0;
  CHK_ERR( fei->iterations(itersTaken) );

  //We oughtta make sure the solution we just computed is correct...

  int numNodes = 0;
  CHK_ERR( fei->getNumLocalNodes(numNodes) );

  double maxErr = 0.0;
  if (numNodes > 0) {
    int lenNodeIDs = numNodes;
    GlobalID* nodeIDs = new GlobalID[lenNodeIDs];
    double* soln = new double[lenNodeIDs];
    if (nodeIDs != NULL && soln != NULL) {
      CHK_ERR( fei->getLocalNodeIDList(numNodes, nodeIDs, lenNodeIDs) );

      int fieldID = 1;
      CHK_ERR( fei->getNodalFieldSolution(fieldID, numNodes, nodeIDs, soln));

      for(int i=0; i<numNodes; i++) {
	int nID = (int)nodeIDs[i];
	double x = (1.0* ((nID-1)%(L+1)))/L;
	double y = (1.0* ((nID-1)/(L+1)))/L;

	double exactSoln = x*x + y*y;
	double error = std::abs(exactSoln - soln[i]);
	if (maxErr < error) maxErr = error;

      delete [] nodeIDs;
      delete [] soln;
    else {
      fei::console_out() << "allocation of nodeIDs or soln failed." << FEI_ENDL; 


#ifndef FEI_SER
  double globalMaxErr = 0.0;
  MPI_Allreduce(&maxErr, &globalMaxErr, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm);
  maxErr = globalMaxErr;
  bool testPassed = true;
  if (maxErr > 1.e-6) testPassed = false;

  if (testPassed && localProc == 0) {
    FEI_COUT << "poisson: TEST PASSED, maxErr = " << maxErr << ", iterations: "
	 << itersTaken << FEI_ENDL;
    //This is something the SIERRA runtest tool looks for in test output...
    FEI_COUT << "SIERRA execution successful" << FEI_ENDL;
  if (testPassed == false && localProc == 0) {
    FEI_COUT << "maxErr = " << maxErr << ", TEST FAILED" << FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "(Test is deemed to have passed if the maximum difference"
	 << " between the exact and computed solutions is 1.e-6 or less.)"
	 << FEI_ENDL;

  double elapsed_cpu_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_time;

  //The following IOS_... macros are defined in base/fei_macros.h
  if (localProc==0) {
    FEI_COUT << "Proc0 cpu times (seconds):" << FEI_ENDL
	 << "   FEI initialize:  " << fei_init_time << FEI_ENDL
         << "   FEI load:        " << fei_load_time << FEI_ENDL
         << "      solve:        " << solve_time << FEI_ENDL
         << "Total program time: " << elapsed_cpu_time << FEI_ENDL;

  //If Prometheus is being used, we need to make sure that the
  //LibraryWrapper inside factory is deleted before MPI_Finalize() is called.
  //(That's why we call the 'reset' methods on these shared-pointers rather
  //than just letting them destroy themselves when they go out of scope.)

Esempio n. 5
double cell_mindt( struct Cell *** theCells, struct Sim * theSim, struct GravMass * theGravMasses ){
    int i_m,j_m,k_m;
    double dt_m = 1.e100;//HUGE_VAL;
    double a_m,r_m,dx_m;
    double mag_vel_m;
    int i,j,k;
    for( k=sim_Nghost_min(theSim,Z_DIR) ; k<sim_N(theSim,Z_DIR)-sim_Nghost_max(theSim,Z_DIR) ; ++k ){
        double zm = sim_FacePos(theSim,k-1,Z_DIR);
        double zp = sim_FacePos(theSim,k,Z_DIR);
        double dz = zp-zm;
        for( i=sim_Nghost_min(theSim,R_DIR) ; i<sim_N(theSim,R_DIR)-sim_Nghost_max(theSim,R_DIR) ; ++i ){
            double rm = sim_FacePos(theSim,i-1,R_DIR);
            double rp = sim_FacePos(theSim,i,R_DIR);
            double dr = rp-rm;
            double r = .5*(rp+rm);
            for( j=0 ; j<sim_N_p(theSim,i) ; ++j ){
                int jm = j-1;
                if( j==0 ) jm = sim_N_p(theSim,i)-1;
                double w = .5*(theCells[k][i][j].wiph+theCells[k][i][jm].wiph);
                double dx = dr;
                double rdphi = .5*(rp+rm)*theCells[k][i][j].dphi;
                if( rdphi<dr ) {
                    dx = rdphi;
                if( dx>dz ) {
                    dx = dz;
                double a  = maxvel( theCells[k][i][j].prim , w , r ,theSim);
                double rho = theCells[k][i][j].prim[RHO]; 
                double Pp  = theCells[k][i][j].prim[PPP]; 

                double dt = sim_CFL(theSim)*dx/a;
                if( sim_EXPLICIT_VISCOSITY(theSim)>0.0 ){
                    double nu;
                    if (sim_VISC_CONST(theSim)==1){
                        nu = sim_EXPLICIT_VISCOSITY(theSim);
                    } else{
                        double tiph = theCells[k][i][j].tiph - 0.5*theCells[k][i][j].dphi;
                        if (sim_InitialDataType(theSim)==SHEAR){
                            double HoR = 0.1;
                            //nu = sim_EXPLICIT_VISCOSITY(theSim)*HoR*HoR*pow(fabs((r*cos(tiph))),1.5);
                            nu = sim_EXPLICIT_VISCOSITY(theSim)*sim_GAMMALAW(theSim)*Pp/rho*pow(fabs(r*cos(tiph)),2.0);
                            if (r*cos(tiph)>20.) nu=0.000000001;
                        } else{
                            double M0 = gravMass_M(theGravMasses,0);
                            double M1 = gravMass_M(theGravMasses,1);
                            double dist_bh0 = gravMass_dist(theGravMasses,0,r,tiph,0.);
                            double dist_bh1 = gravMass_dist(theGravMasses,1,r,tiph,0.);
                            double alpha = sim_EXPLICIT_VISCOSITY(theSim);
                            double eps = sim_G_EPS(theSim);
                            //nu = sim_EXPLICIT_VISCOSITY(theSim)*sim_GAMMALAW(theSim)*Pp/rho*pow(r,1.5);
                            nu = alpha*Pp/rho/sqrt(pow(dist_bh0*dist_bh0+eps*eps,-1.5)*M0+pow(dist_bh1*dist_bh1+eps*eps,-1.5)*M1);
                    double dt_visc = .25*dx*dx/nu;
                    dt = dt/( 1. + dt/dt_visc );
                if( dt_m > dt ) {
                    dt_m = dt;
    double dt2;
    MPI_Allreduce( &dt_m , &dt2 , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE , MPI_MIN , sim_comm );
    return( dt2 );

Esempio n. 6
/* Check the process affinity mask and if it is found to be non-zero,
 * will honor it and disable mdrun internal affinity setting.
 * Note that this will only work on Linux as we use a GNU feature.
gmx_check_thread_affinity_set(FILE            *fplog,
                              const t_commrec *cr,
                              gmx_hw_opt_t    *hw_opt,
                              int  gmx_unused  nthreads_hw_avail,
                              gmx_bool         bAfterOpenmpInit)
    GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(hw_opt, "hw_opt must be a non-NULL pointer");

    if (!bAfterOpenmpInit)
        /* Check for externally set OpenMP affinity and turn off internal
         * pinning if any is found. We need to do this check early to tell
         * thread-MPI whether it should do pinning when spawning threads.
         * TODO: the above no longer holds, we should move these checks later
        if (hw_opt->thread_affinity != threadaffOFF)
            char *message;
            if (!gmx_omp_check_thread_affinity(&message))
                /* TODO: with -pin auto we should only warn when using all cores */
                md_print_warn(cr, fplog, "%s", message);
                hw_opt->thread_affinity = threadaffOFF;

        /* With thread-MPI this is needed as pinning might get turned off,
         * which needs to be known before starting thread-MPI.
         * With thread-MPI hw_opt is processed here on the master rank
         * and passed to the other ranks later, so we only do this on master.
        if (!SIMMASTER(cr))

    int       ret;
    cpu_set_t mask_current;

    if (hw_opt->thread_affinity == threadaffOFF)
        /* internal affinity setting is off, don't bother checking process affinity */

    if ((ret = sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &mask_current)) != 0)
        /* failed to query affinity mask, will just return */
        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Failed to query affinity mask (error %d)", ret);

    /* Before proceeding with the actual check, make sure that the number of
     * detected CPUs is >= the CPUs in the current set.
     * We need to check for CPU_COUNT as it was added only in glibc 2.6. */
#ifdef CPU_COUNT
    if (nthreads_hw_avail < CPU_COUNT(&mask_current))
        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "%d hardware threads detected, but %d was returned by CPU_COUNT",
                    nthreads_hw_avail, CPU_COUNT(&mask_current));
#endif /* CPU_COUNT */

    gmx_bool bAllSet = TRUE;
    for (int i = 0; (i < nthreads_hw_avail && i < CPU_SETSIZE); i++)
        bAllSet = bAllSet && (CPU_ISSET(i, &mask_current) != 0);

#ifdef GMX_LIB_MPI
    gmx_bool  bAllSet_All;

    MPI_Allreduce(&bAllSet, &bAllSet_All, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LAND, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    bAllSet = bAllSet_All;

    if (!bAllSet)
        if (hw_opt->thread_affinity == threadaffAUTO)
            if (!bAfterOpenmpInit)
                md_print_warn(cr, fplog,
                              "Non-default thread affinity set, disabling internal thread affinity");
                md_print_warn(cr, fplog,
                              "Non-default thread affinity set probably by the OpenMP library,\n"
                              "disabling internal thread affinity");
            hw_opt->thread_affinity = threadaffOFF;
            /* Only warn once, at the last check (bAfterOpenmpInit==TRUE) */
            if (bAfterOpenmpInit)
                md_print_warn(cr, fplog,
                              "Overriding thread affinity set outside %s\n",

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Non-default affinity mask found\n");
        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Default affinity mask found\n");
Esempio n. 7
hunt_problem(Comm_Ex *cx,	/* array of communications structures */
	     Exo_DB *exo,	/* ptr to the finite element mesh database */
	     Dpi *dpi)	        /* distributed processing information */
  int    *ija=NULL;           /* column pointer array                         */
  double *a=NULL;             /* nonzero array                                */
  double *a_old=NULL;         /* nonzero array                                */
  double *x=NULL;             /* solution vector                              */

  int     iAC;                /* COUNTER                                      */
  double *x_AC = NULL;        /* SOLUTION VECTOR OF EXTRA UNKNOWNS            */
  double *x_AC_old=NULL;      /* old SOLUTION VECTOR OF EXTRA UNKNOWNS        */
  double *x_AC_dot = NULL; 

  int     iHC;                /* COUNTER                                      */
  int    *ija_attic=NULL;     /* storage for external dofs                    */

  int eb_indx, ev_indx;

   * variables for path traversal 
  double *x_old=NULL;         /* old solution vector                          */
  double *x_older=NULL;       /* older solution vector                        */
  double *x_oldest=NULL;      /* oldest solution vector saved                 */
  double *xdot=NULL;          /* current path derivative of soln              */
  double *xdot_old=NULL;
  double *x_update=NULL;

  double *x_sens=NULL;        /* solution sensitivity */
  double **x_sens_p=NULL;     /* solution sensitivity for parameters */
  int num_pvector=0;          /*  number of solution sensitivity vectors */
  struct Aztec_Linear_Solver_System *ams[NUM_ALSS]={NULL}; 
#else /* COUPLED_FILL */
  struct Aztec_Linear_Solver_System *ams[NUM_ALSS]={NULL, NULL}; 
#endif /* COUPLED_FILL */
                              /* sl_util_structs.h */

  double *resid_vector=NULL;  /* residual */
  double *resid_vector_sens=NULL;    /* residual sensitivity */
  double *scale=NULL;      /* scale vector for modified newton */

  int 	 *node_to_fill = NULL;	

  int		n;            /* total number of path steps attempted */
  int		ni;           /* total number of nonlinear solves */
  int		nt;           /* total number of successful path steps */
  int		path_step_reform; /* counter for jacobian reformation stride */
  int		converged;    /* success or failure of Newton iteration */
  int		success_ds;   /* success or failure of path step */

  int           i;

  int           nprint=0, num_total_nodes;

  int           numProcUnknowns;
  int           *const_delta_s=NULL;
  int           step_print;
  double        i_print;
  int good_mesh = TRUE;
  double	*path=NULL, *path1=NULL;
  double	*delta_s=NULL, *delta_s_new=NULL, *delta_s_old=NULL;
  double        *delta_s_older=NULL, *delta_s_oldest=NULL;
  double        *hDelta_s0=NULL, *hDelta_s_min=NULL, *hDelta_s_max=NULL;
  double        delta_t;
  double	theta=0.0;
  double        eps;
  double        *lambda=NULL, *lambdaEnd=NULL;
  double	hunt_par, dhunt_par, hunt_par_old;	/* hunting continuation parameter */
  double        timeValueRead = 0.0;

   * ALC management variables

  int           alqALC;
  int           *aldALC=NULL; 

   * Other local variables 
  int	        error, err, is_steady_state, inewton;
  int 		*gindex = NULL, gsize;
  int		*p_gsize=NULL;
  double	*gvec=NULL;
  double        ***gvec_elem;
  FILE          *file=NULL;
  double 	toler_org[3],damp_org;
  struct Results_Description  *rd=NULL;
  int		tnv;		/* total number of nodal variables and kinds */
  int		tev;		/* total number of elem variables and kinds */
  int		tnv_post;	/* total number of nodal variables and kinds 
					   for post processing */
  int		tev_post;	/* total number of elem variables and kinds 
					   for post processing */
  int max_unk_elem, one, three; /* variables used as mf_setup arguments*/

  unsigned int

  double evol_local=0.0;
  double evol_global=0.0;

  static char yo[]="hunt_problem"; 


#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "hunt_problem() begins...\n");

  toler_org[0] = custom_tol1;
  toler_org[1] = custom_tol2;
  toler_org[2] = custom_tol3;
  damp_org = damp_factor1;

  is_steady_state = TRUE;

  p_gsize = &gsize;
   * set aside space for gather global vectors to print to exoII file
   * note: this is temporary
   * For 2D prototype problem:  allocate space for T, dx, dy arrays

  if( strlen( Soln_OutFile)  )
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("Trying to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", Soln_OutFile);
      file = fopen(Soln_OutFile, "w");
      if (file == NULL)  {
	DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:  opening soln file for writing\n", yo);
        EH(-1, "\t");
  check_parallel_error("Soln output file error");

   * Some preliminaries to help setup EXODUS II database output.

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "cnt_nodal_vars() begins...\n");

  tnv = cnt_nodal_vars();
  /*  tnv_post is calculated in load_nodal_tkn*/
  tev = cnt_elem_vars();
  /*  tev_post is calculated in load_elem_tkn*/
#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "Found %d total primitive nodal variables to output.\n", tnv);
  fprintf(stderr, "Found %d total primitive elem variables to output.\n", tev);
  if ( tnv < 0 )
      DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:\tbad tnv.\n", yo);
      EH(-1, "\t");

  if ( tev < 0 )
      DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:\tMaybe bad tev? See goma design committee ;) \n", yo);
/*       exit(-1); */
  rd = (struct Results_Description *) 
    smalloc(sizeof(struct Results_Description));

  if (rd == NULL) 
    { EH(-1, "Could not grab Results Description."); }
  (void) memset((void *) rd, 0, sizeof(struct Results_Description));
  rd->nev = 0;			/* number element variables in results */
  rd->ngv = 0;			/* number global variables in results */
  rd->nhv = 0;			/* number history variables in results */
  if ( is_steady_state == TRUE ) {
    rd->ngv = 5;			/* number global variables in results 
					   see load_global_var_info for names*/
    error = load_global_var_info(rd, 0, "CONV");
    error = load_global_var_info(rd, 1, "NEWT_IT");
    error = load_global_var_info(rd, 2, "MAX_IT");
    error = load_global_var_info(rd, 3, "CONVRATE");
    error = load_global_var_info(rd, 4, "MESH_VOLUME");
  /* load nodal types, kinds, names */
  error = load_nodal_tkn( rd,
			  &tnv_post); /* load nodal types, kinds, names */
  if (error !=0)
      DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:  problem with load_nodal_tkn()\n", yo);

  /* load elem types, names */
  error = load_elem_tkn( rd,
			 &tev_post); /* load elem types, names */
  if ( error !=0 )
      DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:  problem with load_elem_tkn()\n", yo);

   * Write out the names of the nodal variables that we will be sending to
   * the EXODUS II output file later.

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "wr_result_prelim() starts...\n", tnv);

  gvec_elem = (double ***) smalloc ( (exo->num_elem_blocks)*sizeof(double **));
  for (i = 0; i < exo->num_elem_blocks; i++) {
    gvec_elem[i] = (double **) smalloc ( (tev + tev_post)*sizeof(double *));

  wr_result_prelim_exo( rd, 
                        gvec_elem );

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d: wr_result_prelim_exo() ends...\n", ProcID, tnv);

   * This gvec workhorse transports output variables as nodal based vectors
   * that are gather from the solution vector. Note: it is NOT a global
   * vector at all and only carries this processor's nodal variables to
   * the exodus database.

  asdv(&gvec, Num_Node);

   * Allocate space and manipulate for all the nodes that this processor
   * is aware of...

  num_total_nodes = dpi->num_universe_nodes;

  numProcUnknowns = NumUnknowns + NumExtUnknowns;

  /* allocate memory for Volume Constraint Jacobian. ACS 2/99 */

  if ( nAC > 0)
      for(iAC=0;iAC<nAC;iAC++) {
	augc[iAC].d_evol_dx = (double*) malloc(numProcUnknowns*sizeof(double));
      } }
  asdv(&resid_vector, numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&resid_vector_sens, numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&scale, numProcUnknowns);

  for (i=0;i<NUM_ALSS;i++) 
      ams[i] = (struct Aztec_Linear_Solver_System *) 
	array_alloc(1, 1, sizeof(struct Aztec_Linear_Solver_System )); 

#ifdef MPI
  AZ_set_proc_config( ams[0]->proc_config, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  if( Explicit_Fill ) AZ_set_proc_config( ams[1]->proc_config, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
#endif /* not COUPLED_FILL */
#else /* MPI */
  AZ_set_proc_config( ams[0]->proc_config, 0 );
  if( Explicit_Fill ) AZ_set_proc_config( ams[1]->proc_config, 0 );
#endif /* not COUPLED_FILL */
#endif /* MPI */

   * allocate space for and initialize solution arrays

  asdv(&x,        numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&x_old,    numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&x_older,  numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&x_oldest, numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&xdot,     numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&xdot_old, numProcUnknowns);
  asdv(&x_update, numProcUnknowns);

  asdv(&x_sens, numProcUnknowns);

   * Initialize solid inertia flag


  asdv(&lambda,         nHC);
  asdv(&lambdaEnd,      nHC);
  asdv(&path,           nHC);
  asdv(&path1,          nHC);
  asdv(&hDelta_s0,      nHC);
  asdv(&hDelta_s_min,   nHC);
  asdv(&hDelta_s_max,   nHC);
  asdv(&delta_s,        nHC);
  asdv(&delta_s_new,    nHC);
  asdv(&delta_s_old,    nHC);
  asdv(&delta_s_older,  nHC);
  asdv(&delta_s_oldest, nHC);

  aldALC        = Ivector_birth(nHC);
  const_delta_s = Ivector_birth(nHC);




  alqALC = 1;

  delta_t = 0.0;
  tran->delta_t = 0.0;      /*for Newmark-Beta terms in Lagrangian Solid*/

  nprint = 0;

  MaxPathSteps      = cont->MaxPathSteps;
  eps               = cont->eps;

  for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {

    const_delta_s[iHC] = 0;

    lambda[iHC]       = hunt[iHC].BegParameterValue;
    lambdaEnd[iHC]    = hunt[iHC].EndParameterValue;

    if ((lambdaEnd[iHC]-lambda[iHC]) > 0.0)
      aldALC[iHC] = +1;
      aldALC[iHC] = -1;

    if (hunt[iHC].ramp == 1) {
      hunt[iHC].Delta_s0 = fabs(lambdaEnd[iHC]-lambda[iHC])/((double)(MaxPathSteps-1));
      const_delta_s[iHC] = 1;

    hDelta_s0[iHC]     = hunt[iHC].Delta_s0;
    hDelta_s_min[iHC]  = hunt[iHC].Delta_s_min;
    hDelta_s_max[iHC]  = hunt[iHC].Delta_s_max;

    path[iHC] = path1[iHC] = lambda[iHC];

    if (Debug_Flag && ProcID == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"MaxPathSteps: %d \tlambdaEnd: %f\n", MaxPathSteps, lambdaEnd[iHC]);
      fprintf(stderr,"continuation in progress\n");

    if (hDelta_s0[iHC] > hDelta_s_max[iHC]) 
      hDelta_s0[iHC] = hDelta_s_max[iHC];

    delta_s[iHC] = delta_s_old[iHC] = delta_s_older[iHC] = hDelta_s0[iHC];
    update_parameterHC(iHC, path1[iHC], x, xdot, x_AC, delta_s[iHC], cx, exo, dpi); 

  /*  define continuation parameter */

  if(hunt[0].EndParameterValue == hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
 	{	hunt_par = 1.0;	}
	  hunt_par = (path1[0]-hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
	      /(hunt[0].EndParameterValue - hunt[0].BegParameterValue)  ;
  hunt_par_old = hunt_par;

  /* Call prefront (or mf_setup) if necessary */
  if (Linear_Solver == FRONT)
    if (Num_Proc > 1) EH(-1, "Whoa.  No front allowed with nproc>1");  
#ifdef HAVE_FRONT  
    /* Also got to define these because it wants pointers to these numbers */
    max_unk_elem = (MAX_PROB_VAR + MAX_CONC)*MDE;
    one = 1;
    three = 3;

    /* NOTE: We need a overall flag in the vn_glob struct that tells whether FULL_DG
       is on anywhere in domain.  This assumes only one material.  See sl_front_setup for test.
       that test needs to be in the input parser.  */

    if(vn_glob[0]->dg_J_model == FULL_DG) 
      max_unk_elem = (MAX_PROB_VAR + MAX_CONC)*MDE + 4*vn_glob[0]->modes*4*MDE;

    err = mf_setup(&exo->num_elems, 
    EH(err,"problems in frontal setup ");

    EH(-1,"Don't have frontal solver compiled and linked in");

         *  if compute parameter sensitivities, allocate space for solution
         *  sensitivity vectors

        for(i=0;i<nn_post_fluxes_sens;i++)      {
        for(i=0;i<nn_post_data_sens;i++)        {

  if((nn_post_fluxes_sens + nn_post_data_sens) > 0)
    num_pvector = MAX(num_pvector,2);
        x_sens_p = Dmatrix_birth(num_pvector,numProcUnknowns);
    x_sens_p = NULL;

  if (nAC > 0)
    asdv(&x_AC, nAC);
    asdv(&x_AC_old, nAC);
    asdv(&x_AC_dot, nAC);

  /* Allocate sparse matrix */

  if( strcmp( Matrix_Format, "msr" ) == 0)
     * An attic to store external dofs column names is needed when
     * running in parallel.

			    ija, &ija_attic);
     * Any necessary one time initialization of the linear
     * solver package (Aztec).
    ams[JAC]->bindx   = ija;
    ams[JAC]->val     = a;
    ams[JAC]->belfry  = ija_attic;
    ams[JAC]->val_old = a_old;
     * These point to nowhere since we're using MSR instead of VBR
     * format.
    ams[JAC]->indx  = NULL;
    ams[JAC]->bpntr = NULL;
    ams[JAC]->rpntr = NULL;
    ams[JAC]->cpntr = NULL;
    ams[JAC]->npn      = dpi->num_internal_nodes + dpi->num_boundary_nodes;
    ams[JAC]->npn_plus = dpi->num_internal_nodes + dpi->num_boundary_nodes + dpi->num_external_nodes;

    ams[JAC]->npu      = num_internal_dofs+num_boundary_dofs;
    ams[JAC]->npu_plus = num_universe_dofs;

    ams[JAC]->nnz = ija[num_internal_dofs+num_boundary_dofs] - 1;
    ams[JAC]->nnz_plus = ija[num_universe_dofs];

  else if(  strcmp( Matrix_Format, "vbr" ) == 0)
    alloc_VBR_sparse_arrays ( ams[JAC],
    ija_attic = NULL;
    ams[JAC]->belfry  = ija_attic;

    a = ams[JAC]->val;
    if( !save_old_A ) a_old = ams[JAC]->val_old;
  else if ( strcmp( Matrix_Format, "front") == 0 )
      /* Don't allocate any sparse matrix space when using front */
      ams[JAC]->bindx   = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->val     = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->belfry  = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->val_old = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->indx  = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->bpntr = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->rpntr = NULL;
      ams[JAC]->cpntr = NULL;

    EH(-1,"Attempted to allocate unknown sparse matrix format");

  init_vec(x, cx, exo, dpi, x_AC, nAC, &timeValueRead);

/*  if read ACs, update data floats */
  if (nAC > 0)
    if(augc[0].iread == 1)
	for(iAC=0 ; iAC<nAC ; iAC++)	
	  { update_parameterAC(iAC, x, xdot, x_AC, cx, exo, dpi); }

       * set boundary conditions on the initial conditions 

  find_and_set_Dirichlet(x, xdot, exo, dpi);

  exchange_dof(cx, dpi, x);


  if( nAC > 0)
    dcopy1(nAC,x_AC, x_AC_old);}

       * initialize the counters for when to print out data 

  step_print = 1;

  matrix_systems_mask = 1;
  sl_init(matrix_systems_mask, ams, exo, dpi, cx);

  * Make sure the solver was properly initialized on all processors.
  check_parallel_error("Solver initialization problems");

      ams[JAC]->options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;

    good_mesh = element_quality(exo, x, ams[0]->proc_config);

       * set the number of successful path steps to zero 

  nt = 0;   


  for (n=0;n<MaxPathSteps;n++) {

    alqALC = 1;

    for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {
      switch (aldALC[iHC]) {
	  if (path1[iHC] <= lambdaEnd[iHC]) { 
	    alqALC = -1;
	    path1[iHC] = lambdaEnd[iHC];
	    delta_s[iHC] = path[iHC]-path1[iHC];
	  if (path1[iHC] >= lambdaEnd[iHC]) { 
	    alqALC = -1;
	    path1[iHC] = lambdaEnd[iHC];
	    delta_s[iHC] = path1[iHC]-path[iHC];


      update_parameterHC(iHC, path1[iHC], x, xdot, x_AC, delta_s[iHC], cx, exo, dpi); 
    }   /*  end of iHC loop */

  	if(hunt[0].EndParameterValue == hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
 		{	hunt_par = 1.0;	}
		  hunt_par = (path1[0]-hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
		      /(hunt[0].EndParameterValue - hunt[0].BegParameterValue)  ;


    if(alqALC == -1)
      DPRINTF(stderr,"\n\t ******** LAST PATH STEP!\n");

      dhunt_par = hunt_par-hunt_par_old;
      switch (Continuation) {
      case HUN_ZEROTH:
      case  HUN_FIRST:
          v1add(numProcUnknowns, &x[0], dhunt_par, &x_sens[0]);

     * reset Dirichlet condition Mask, node->DBC to -1 where it
     * is set in order for Dirichlet conditions to be 
     * set appropriately for each path step 
    find_and_set_Dirichlet (x, xdot, exo, dpi); 

    exchange_dof(cx, dpi, x);

    if(ProcID ==0) {
      DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\t----------------------------------");
      switch (Continuation) {
      case HUN_ZEROTH:
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tZero Order Hunting:");
      case  HUN_FIRST:
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tFirst Order Hunting:");
	  break; }
      DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tStep number: %4d of %4d (max)", n+1, MaxPathSteps);
      DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tAttempting solution at: theta = %g",hunt_par);
      for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {
	switch (hunt[iHC].Type) {
	case 1: /* BC */
	    DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tBCID=%3d DFID=%5d", hunt[iHC].BCID, hunt[iHC].DFID);
	case 2: /* MT */
	    DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tMTID=%3d MPID=%5d", hunt[iHC].MTID, hunt[iHC].MPID);
 	case 3: /* AC */
 	    DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tACID=%3d DFID=%5d", hunt[iHC].BCID, hunt[iHC].DFID);
	DPRINTF(stderr, " Parameter= % 10.6e delta_s= %10.6e", path1[iHC], delta_s[iHC]);
    ni = 0;
    do {

#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: starting solve_nonlinear_problem\n", yo);
      err = solve_nonlinear_problem(ams[JAC], 

#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: returned from solve_nonlinear_problem\n", yo);

      if (err == -1) converged = 0;
      inewton = err;
      if (converged)
	EH(error, "error writing ASCII soln file."); /* srs need to check */

	if (Write_Intermediate_Solutions == 0) {    
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "%s: write_solution call WIS\n", yo);
	  write_solution(ExoFileOut, resid_vector, x, x_sens_p, x_old, 
			 xdot, xdot_old, tev, tev_post,NULL,  rd, gindex,
			 p_gsize, gvec, gvec_elem, &nprint, delta_s[0], 
 			 theta, path1[0], NULL, exo, dpi);
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "%s: write_solution end call WIS\n", yo);


	if (nAC > 0) 
	    DPRINTF(stderr, "\n------------------------------\n");
	    DPRINTF(stderr, "Augmenting Conditions:    %4d\n", nAC);
	    DPRINTF(stderr, "Number of extra unknowns: %4d\n\n", nAC);

            for (iAC = 0; iAC < nAC; iAC++)
              if (augc[iAC].Type == AC_USERBC)
                DPRINTF(stderr, "\tAC[%4d] DF[%4d] = %10.6e\n",
                        augc[iAC].BCID, augc[iAC].DFID, x_AC[iAC]);
              else if (augc[iAC].Type == AC_USERMAT  ||
                       augc[iAC].Type == AC_FLUX_MAT )
                DPRINTF(stderr, "\n MT[%4d] MP[%4d] = %10.6e\n",
                        augc[iAC].MTID, augc[iAC].MPID, x_AC[iAC]);
              else if(augc[iAC].Type == AC_VOLUME)
                evol_local = augc[iAC].evol;
                if( Num_Proc > 1 ) {
                     MPI_Allreduce( &evol_local, &evol_global, 1,
                                    MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                evol_local = evol_global;
                DPRINTF(stderr, "\tMT[%4d] VC[%4d]=%10.6e Param=%10.6e\n",
                        augc[iAC].MTID, augc[iAC].VOLID, evol_local,
	      else if(augc[iAC].Type == AC_POSITION)
                evol_local = augc[iAC].evol;
                if( Num_Proc > 1 ) {
                     MPI_Allreduce( &evol_local, &evol_global, 1,
                                    MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                evol_local = evol_global;
                DPRINTF(stderr, "\tMT[%4d] XY[%4d]=%10.6e Param=%10.6e\n",
                        augc[iAC].MTID, augc[iAC].VOLID, evol_local,
               else if(augc[iAC].Type == AC_FLUX)
                DPRINTF(stderr, "\tBC[%4d] DF[%4d]=%10.6e\n",
                        augc[iAC].BCID, augc[iAC].DFID, x_AC[iAC]);

      /* Check element quality */
      good_mesh = element_quality(exo, x, ams[0]->proc_config);



	for (i = 0; i < nn_post_fluxes; i++)
	  evaluate_flux ( exo, dpi, 
			  pp_fluxes[i]->flux_type ,
			  pp_fluxes[i]->flux_type_name ,
			  pp_fluxes[i]->blk_id , 


	for (i = 0; i < nn_post_fluxes_sens; i++)
	  evaluate_flux_sens ( exo, dpi,
			       pp_fluxes_sens[i]->flux_type ,
			       pp_fluxes_sens[i]->flux_type_name ,
			       pp_fluxes_sens[i]->blk_id ,
      	 * Compute global volumetric quantities
     	 for (i = 0; i < nn_volume; i++ ) {
       		evaluate_volume_integral(exo, dpi,
                                NULL,  x, xdot, delta_s[0],
                                path1[0], 1);

      } /* end of if converged block */


       * DID IT CONVERGE ? 

      if (!converged) {

	if (ni > 10) {
 	  DPRINTF(stderr,"\n ************************************\n");
 	  DPRINTF(stderr," W: Did not converge in Newton steps.\n");
 	  DPRINTF(stderr,"    Find better initial guess.       \n");
 	  DPRINTF(stderr," ************************************\n"); 

         * ADJUST STEP SIZE - unless failed on first step

        if ( nt != 0 )
	DPRINTF(stderr, "\n\tFailed to converge:\n");

	for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {

	  delta_s[iHC] *= 0.5;

	  switch (aldALC[iHC]) {
	  case -1: 
	      path1[iHC] = path[iHC] - delta_s[iHC];
	  case +1: 
	      path1[iHC] = path[iHC] + delta_s[iHC];

	   * RESET

	  alqALC = 1;

	  DPRINTF(stderr, "Decreasing step-length to %10.6e.\n", delta_s[iHC]);

	  if (delta_s[iHC] < hDelta_s_min[iHC]) {
 	    DPRINTF(stderr,"\n X: C step-length reduced below minimum.");
 	    DPRINTF(stderr,"\n    Program terminated.\n");
	    /* This needs to have a return value of 0, indicating
	     * success, for the continuation script to not treat this
	     * as a failed command. */

	  update_parameterHC(iHC, path1[iHC], x, xdot, x_AC, delta_s[iHC], cx, exo, dpi);
	}  /* end of iHC loop  */

  	if(hunt[0].EndParameterValue == hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
 		{	hunt_par = 1.0;	}
	  	hunt_par = (path1[0]-hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
	     	 /(hunt[0].EndParameterValue - hunt[0].BegParameterValue)  ;


	dhunt_par = hunt_par-hunt_par_old;

	switch (Continuation) {
	    vcopy(numProcUnknowns, &x[0], 1.0, &x_old[0]);
	case  HUN_FIRST:
	    v2sum(numProcUnknowns, &x[0], 1.0, &x_old[0], dhunt_par, &x_sens[0]);
	/* MMH: Needed to put this in, o/w it may find that the
         * solution and residual HAPPEN to satisfy the convergence
         * criterion for the next newton solve...
        find_and_set_Dirichlet(x, xdot, exo, dpi);
        exchange_dof(cx, dpi, x);

	if (nAC > 0)
	    dcopy1(nAC, x_AC_old, x_AC);
	    for(iAC=0 ; iAC<nAC ; iAC++)	
	      { update_parameterAC(iAC, x, xdot, x_AC, cx, exo, dpi); }

  		if(hunt[0].EndParameterValue == hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
 			{	hunt_par = 1.0;	}
	  		hunt_par = (path1[0]-hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
	      			/(hunt[0].EndParameterValue - hunt[0].BegParameterValue)  ;

 	else if (inewton == -1)
 	DPRINTF(stderr,"\nHmm... trouble on first step \n  Let's try some more relaxation  \n");
 	      if((damp_factor1 <= 1. && damp_factor1 >= 0.) &&
 	         (damp_factor2 <= 1. && damp_factor2 >= 0.) &&
        		 (damp_factor3 <= 1. && damp_factor3 >= 0.))
 		custom_tol1 *= 0.01;
 		custom_tol2 *= 0.01;
 		custom_tol3 *= 0.01;
 	DPRINTF(stderr,"  custom tolerances %g %g %g  \n",custom_tol1,custom_tol2,custom_tol3);
 		damp_factor1 *= 0.5;
 	DPRINTF(stderr,"  damping factor %g  \n",damp_factor1);
 	    vcopy(numProcUnknowns, &x[0], 1.0, &x_old[0]);
 	/* MMH: Needed to put this in, o/w it may find that the
          * solution and residual HAPPEN to satisfy the convergence
          * criterion for the next newton solve...
         find_and_set_Dirichlet(x, xdot, exo, dpi);
         exchange_dof(cx, dpi, x);
 	if (nAC > 0)
 	    dcopy1(nAC, x_AC_old, x_AC);
 	    for(iAC=0 ; iAC<nAC ; iAC++)	
 	      { update_parameterAC(iAC, x, xdot, x_AC, cx, exo, dpi); }
 	DPRINTF(stderr,"\nHmm... could not converge on first step\n Let's try some more iterations\n");
 	      if((damp_factor1 <= 1. && damp_factor1 >= 0.) &&
 	         (damp_factor2 <= 1. && damp_factor2 >= 0.) &&
        		 (damp_factor3 <= 1. && damp_factor3 >= 0.))
 		custom_tol1 *= 100.;
 		custom_tol2 *= 100.;
 		custom_tol3 *= 100.;
 	DPRINTF(stderr,"  custom tolerances %g %g %g  \n",custom_tol1,custom_tol2,custom_tol3);
 		damp_factor1 *= 2.0;
		damp_factor1 = MIN(damp_factor1,1.0);
 	DPRINTF(stderr,"  damping factor %g  \n",damp_factor1);

      }  /* end of !converged */

    } while (converged == 0);

    custom_tol1 = toler_org[0];
    custom_tol2 = toler_org[1];
    custom_tol3 = toler_org[2];
    damp_factor1 = damp_org;
	    "\n\tStep accepted, theta (proportion complete) = %10.6e\n",
    for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {
      switch (hunt[iHC].Type) {
      case 1:		/* BC */
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "\tStep accepted, BCID=%3d DFID=%5d",
		  hunt[iHC].BCID, hunt[iHC].DFID);
      case 2:		/* MT */
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "\tStep accepted, MTID=%3d MPID=%5d",
		  hunt[iHC].MTID, hunt[iHC].MPID);
      case 3:		/* AC */
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "\tStep accepted, ACID=%3d DFID=%5d",
 		  hunt[iHC].BCID, hunt[iHC].DFID);
      DPRINTF(stderr, " Parameter= % 10.6e\n", path1[iHC]);

     * check path step error, if too large do not enlarge path step 

    for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {

      if ((ni == 1) && (n != 0) && (!const_delta_s[iHC])) 
	delta_s_new[iHC] = path_step_control(num_total_nodes, 
					     delta_s[iHC], delta_s_old[iHC], 
					     cont->use_var_norm, inewton);
	if (delta_s_new[iHC] > hDelta_s_max[iHC]) {delta_s_new[iHC] = hDelta_s_max[iHC];}
	success_ds = 1;
	delta_s_new[iHC] = delta_s[iHC];
     * determine whether to print out the data or not 

    i_print = 0;
    if (nt == step_print) {
      i_print = 1;
      step_print += cont->print_freq; }

    if (alqALC == -1) 
    { i_print = 1; }
    if (i_print) {
      error = write_ascii_soln(x, resid_vector, numProcUnknowns,
 			       x_AC, nAC, path1[0], file);
      if (error) {
	DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:  error writing ASCII soln file\n", yo);
      if ( Write_Intermediate_Solutions == 0 ) {
	write_solution(ExoFileOut, resid_vector, x, x_sens_p, 
		       x_old, xdot, xdot_old, tev, tev_post, NULL, 
		       rd, gindex, p_gsize, gvec, gvec_elem, &nprint,
 		       delta_s[0], theta, path1[0], NULL, exo, dpi);
     * backup old solutions
     * can use previous solutions for prediction one day

    dcopy1(nHC,delta_s_old  ,delta_s_older );
    dcopy1(nHC,delta_s      ,delta_s_old   );
    dcopy1(nHC,delta_s_new  ,delta_s       );
    delta_s_oldest = delta_s_older;
    delta_s_older = delta_s_old;
    delta_s_old = delta_s;
    delta_s = delta_s_new;
    if ( nAC > 0) {
      dcopy1(nAC, x_AC, x_AC_old);


    for (iHC=0;iHC<nHC;iHC++) {

      path[iHC]  = path1[iHC];
      switch (aldALC[iHC]) {
      case -1: 
	  path1[iHC] = path[iHC] - delta_s[iHC];
      case +1: 
	  path1[iHC] = path[iHC] + delta_s[iHC];
      update_parameterHC(iHC, path1[iHC], x, xdot, x_AC, delta_s[iHC], cx, exo, dpi); 
    }  /*  end of iHC loop */


	  if(hunt[0].EndParameterValue == hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
 		{	hunt_par = 1.0;	}
	  	hunt_par = (path1[0]-hunt[0].BegParameterValue)
	      		/(hunt[0].EndParameterValue - hunt[0].BegParameterValue)  ;
    dhunt_par = hunt_par-hunt_par_old;
    switch (Continuation) {
    case HUN_ZEROTH:
    case  HUN_FIRST:
	v1add(numProcUnknowns, &x[0], dhunt_par, &x_sens[0]);
        break; }

        if (!good_mesh) goto free_and_clear;


    if (alqALC == -1)
    { alqALC = 0; }
    { alqALC = 1; }

    if (alqALC == 0) {
      DPRINTF(stderr,"\n\n\t I will continue no more!\n\t No more continuation for you!\n");
      goto free_and_clear;
  } /* n */

      if(n == MaxPathSteps &&
	 aldALC[0] * (lambdaEnd[0] - path[0]) > 0)
	  DPRINTF(stderr,"\n\tFailed to reach end of hunt in maximum number of successful steps (%d).\n\tSorry.\n",
      check_parallel_error("Hunting error");



   * Transform the node point coordinates according to the
   * displacements and write out all the results using the
   * displaced coordinates. Set the displacement field to
   * zero, too.

  if (Anneal_Mesh) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: anneal_mesh()...\n", yo);
    err = anneal_mesh(x, tev, tev_post, NULL, rd, path1[0], exo, dpi);
#ifdef DEBUG
    DPRINTF(stderr, "%s: anneal_mesh()-done\n", yo);
    EH(err, "anneal_mesh() bad return.");

   * Free a bunch of variables that aren't needed anymore 
  safer_free((void **) &ROT_Types);
  safer_free((void **) &node_to_fill);

  safer_free( (void **) &resid_vector);
  safer_free( (void **) &resid_vector_sens);
  safer_free( (void **) &scale);
  safer_free( (void **) &x);

  if (nAC > 0) {
    safer_free( (void **) &x_AC);
    safer_free( (void **) &x_AC_old);
    safer_free( (void **) &x_AC_dot);

  safer_free( (void **) &x_old); 
  safer_free( (void **) &x_older); 
  safer_free( (void **) &x_oldest); 
  safer_free( (void **) &xdot); 
  safer_free( (void **) &xdot_old); 
  safer_free( (void **) &x_update); 

  safer_free( (void **) &x_sens); 

  if((nn_post_data_sens+nn_post_fluxes_sens) > 0)

  for(i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_MATLS; i++) {
    for(n = 0; n < MAX_MODES; n++) {
      safer_free((void **) &(ve_glob[i][n]->gn));
      safer_free((void **) &(ve_glob[i][n]));
    safer_free((void **) &(vn_glob[i]));

  sl_free(matrix_systems_mask, ams);

  for (i=0;i<NUM_ALSS;i++) {
    safer_free( (void**) &(ams[i]));

  safer_free( (void **) &gvec);

  safer_free( (void **) &lambda);
  safer_free( (void **) &lambdaEnd);
  safer_free( (void **) &path);
  safer_free( (void **) &path1);
  safer_free( (void **) &hDelta_s0);
  safer_free( (void **) &hDelta_s_min);
  safer_free( (void **) &hDelta_s_max);
  safer_free( (void **) &delta_s);
  safer_free( (void **) &delta_s_new);
  safer_free( (void **) &delta_s_old);
  safer_free( (void **) &delta_s_older);
  safer_free( (void **) &delta_s_oldest);

  Ivector_death(&aldALC[0], nHC);
  Ivector_death(&const_delta_s[0], nHC);

  i = 0;
  for ( eb_indx = 0; eb_indx < exo->num_elem_blocks; eb_indx++ ) {
    for ( ev_indx = 0; ev_indx < rd->nev; ev_indx++ ) {
      if ( exo->elem_var_tab[i++] == 1 ) {
        safer_free ((void **) &(gvec_elem [eb_indx][ev_indx]) );
    safer_free ((void **) &(gvec_elem [eb_indx]));

  safer_free( (void **) &gvec_elem); 

  safer_free( (void **) &rd);
  safer_free( (void **) &Local_Offset);
  safer_free( (void **) &Dolphin);

  if( strlen( Soln_OutFile)  )


} /* END of routine hunt_problem  */
Esempio n. 8
int main( int argc, char **argv )

    MPI_Comm comm;
    int      *sbuf, *rbuf;
    int      rank, size;
    int      *sendcounts, *recvcounts, *rdispls, *sdispls;
    int      i, j, *p, err, toterr;
    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
    err = 0;
    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

    /* Create the buffer */
    MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
    MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
    sbuf = (int *)malloc( size * size * sizeof(int) );
    rbuf = (int *)malloc( size * size * sizeof(int) );
    if (!sbuf || !rbuf) {
	fprintf( stderr, "Could not allocated buffers!\n" );
	MPI_Abort( comm, 1 );
    /* Load up the buffers */
    for (i=0; i<size*size; i++) {
	sbuf[i] = i + 100*rank;
	rbuf[i] = -i;

    /* Create and load the arguments to alltoallv */
    sendcounts = (int *)malloc( size * sizeof(int) );
    recvcounts = (int *)malloc( size * sizeof(int) );
    rdispls    = (int *)malloc( size * sizeof(int) );
    sdispls    = (int *)malloc( size * sizeof(int) );
    if (!sendcounts || !recvcounts || !rdispls || !sdispls) {
	fprintf( stderr, "Could not allocate arg items!\n" );
	MPI_Abort( comm, 1 );
    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
	sendcounts[i] = i;
	recvcounts[i] = rank;
	rdispls[i]    = i * rank;
	sdispls[i]    = (i * (i+1))/2;
    MPI_Alltoallv( sbuf, sendcounts, sdispls, MPI_INT,
		   rbuf, recvcounts, rdispls, MPI_INT, comm );

    /* Check rbuf */
    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
	p = rbuf + rdispls[i];
	for (j=0; j<rank; j++) {
	    if (p[j] != i * 100 + (rank*(rank+1))/2 + j) {
		fprintf( stderr, "[%d] got %d expected %d for %dth\n",
			 rank, p[j],(i*(i+1))/2 + j, j );

    free( sdispls );
    free( rdispls );
    free( recvcounts );
    free( sendcounts );
    free( rbuf );
    free( sbuf );

    MPI_Allreduce( &err, &toterr, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    if (rank == 0) {
	if (toterr > 0) 
	    fprintf( stderr, "Test FAILED with %d errors\n", toterr );
	    fprintf( stderr, "Test passed\n" );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
void LU_decomp(struct problem *info, struct fmatrix *X, int *reorder, MPI_Datatype pivot_type, MPI_Op best_pivot_op)
	MPI_Request req_spiv, req_sa, req_sm;
	MPI_Status status;
	number_type *m = malloc(info->blksz * sizeof(*m));
	int diag;
	for (diag = 0; diag < info->n; diag++) {
		/* we do partial pivoting, so the proc with the pivot is on this column: */
		int pivot_h = diag / info->blksz;
		int r, c, i;
		double start_time = MPI_Wtime();
		double start_time2;

		struct pivot pivot = { -1, 0. };
		/* choose pivot across the column */
		if (info->coords[HDIM] == pivot_h) {
			/* column with pivot in block */
			int pivot_c = diag % info->blksz;
			/* Argo doesn't want aliasing in allreduce */
			struct pivot pivot_cand = { -1, 0. };
			for (i = 0; i < info->blksz; i++) {
				if (reorder[i] > diag && fabs(CELL(X, i, pivot_c)) > fabs(pivot_cand.value)) {
					pivot_cand.row = info->blksz*info->coords[VDIM] + i;
					pivot_cand.value = CELL(X, i, pivot_c);
			start_time2 = MPI_Wtime();
			MPI_Allreduce(&pivot_cand, &pivot, 1, pivot_type, best_pivot_op, info->vcomm);
			pivot_allr_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time2;
		/* broadcast pivot choice across row towards the right */
		start_time2 = MPI_Wtime();
		pipeline_right(info, pivot_h, &pivot, 1, pivot_type, 45, &req_spiv);
		pivot_bcast_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time2;
		pivot_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
		/* find rank of proc with pivot on the vertical communicator */
		int pivot_v = pivot.row / info->blksz;
		/* fill in reorder */
		if (info->coords[VDIM] == pivot_v) {
			reorder[pivot.row % info->blksz] = diag;
		/* calculate and distribute the ms */
		for (r = 0; r < info->blksz; r++) {
			if (reorder[r] > diag) {
				if (info->coords[HDIM] == pivot_h) {
					int pivot_c = diag % info->blksz;
					m[r] = CELL(X, r, pivot_c) / pivot.value;
					CELL(X, r, pivot_c) = m[r];
				/* broadcast m towards right */
				start_time = MPI_Wtime();
				pipeline_right(info, pivot_h, &m[r], 1, MPI_number_type, 64, &req_sm);
				m_bcast_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
		/* distribute the pivot row and eliminate */
		int startc = 0;
		if (info->coords[HDIM] == pivot_h) startc = (diag+1) % info->blksz;
		if (info->coords[HDIM] < pivot_h) startc = info->blksz;
		/* elimination */
		for (c = startc; c < info->blksz; c++) {
			number_type a;
			if (info->coords[VDIM] == pivot_v) {
				a = CELL(X, pivot.row % info->blksz, c);
			start_time = MPI_Wtime();
			int up = (info->coords[VDIM]+info->sqp-1)%info->sqp;
			int down = (info->coords[VDIM]+1)%info->sqp;
			if (info->coords[VDIM] != pivot_v) {
				MPI_Recv(&a, 1, MPI_number_type, up, 78, info->vcomm, &status);
			if (down != pivot_v) {
				MPI_Isend(&a, 1, MPI_number_type, down, 78, info->vcomm, &req_sa);
			a_bcast_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
			for (r = 0; r < info->blksz; r++) {
				if (reorder[r] > diag) {
					CELL(X, r,c) -= m[r]*a;
			if (down != pivot_v) MPI_Wait(&req_sa, &status);
Esempio n. 10
PetscErrorCode DMPlexPreallocateOperator(DM dm, PetscInt bs, PetscSection section, PetscSection sectionGlobal, PetscInt dnz[], PetscInt onz[], PetscInt dnzu[], PetscInt onzu[], Mat A, PetscBool fillMatrix)
  MPI_Comm           comm;
  MatType            mtype;
  PetscSF            sf, sfDof, sfAdj;
  PetscSection       leafSectionAdj, rootSectionAdj, sectionAdj, anchorSectionAdj;
  PetscInt           nroots, nleaves, l, p;
  const PetscInt    *leaves;
  const PetscSFNode *remotes;
  PetscInt           dim, pStart, pEnd, numDof, globalOffStart, globalOffEnd, numCols;
  PetscInt          *tmpAdj = NULL, *adj, *rootAdj, *anchorAdj = NULL, *cols, *remoteOffsets;
  PetscInt           adjSize;
  PetscLayout        rLayout;
  PetscInt           locRows, rStart, rEnd, r;
  PetscMPIInt        size;
  PetscBool          doCommLocal, doComm, debug = PETSC_FALSE, isSymBlock, isSymSeqBlock, isSymMPIBlock;
  PetscBool          useAnchors;
  PetscErrorCode     ierr;

  PetscValidHeaderSpecific(dm, DM_CLASSID, 1);
  PetscValidHeaderSpecific(section, PETSC_SECTION_CLASSID, 3);
  PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sectionGlobal, PETSC_SECTION_CLASSID, 4);
  PetscValidHeaderSpecific(A, MAT_CLASSID, 9);
  if (dnz)  PetscValidPointer(dnz,5);
  if (onz)  PetscValidPointer(onz,6);
  if (dnzu) PetscValidPointer(dnzu,7);
  if (onzu) PetscValidPointer(onzu,8);
  ierr = PetscLogEventBegin(DMPLEX_Preallocate,dm,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)dm,&comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL, "-dm_view_preallocation", &debug, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMGetPointSF(dm, &sf);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSFGetGraph(sf, &nroots, NULL, NULL, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  doCommLocal = (size > 1) && (nroots >= 0) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;
  ierr = MPI_Allreduce(&doCommLocal, &doComm, 1, MPIU_BOOL, MPI_LAND, comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Create dof SF based on point SF */
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Input Section for Preallocation:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(section, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Input Global Section for Preallocation:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(sectionGlobal, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Input SF for Preallocation:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFView(sf, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSFCreateRemoteOffsets(sf, section, section, &remoteOffsets);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSFCreateSectionSF(sf, section, remoteOffsets, section, &sfDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Dof SF for Preallocation:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFView(sfDof, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Create section for dof adjacency (dof ==> # adj dof) */
  ierr = PetscSectionGetChart(section, &pStart, &pEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionGetStorageSize(section, &numDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionCreate(comm, &leafSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionSetChart(leafSectionAdj, 0, numDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionCreate(comm, &rootSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionSetChart(rootSectionAdj, 0, numDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /*   Fill in the ghost dofs on the interface */
  ierr = PetscSFGetGraph(sf, NULL, &nleaves, &leaves, &remotes);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* use constraints in finding adjacency in this routine */
  ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacencyUseAnchors(dm,&useAnchors);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMPlexSetAdjacencyUseAnchors(dm,PETSC_TRUE);CHKERRQ(ierr);

   section        - maps points to (# dofs, local dofs)
   sectionGlobal  - maps points to (# dofs, global dofs)
   leafSectionAdj - maps unowned local dofs to # adj dofs
   rootSectionAdj - maps   owned local dofs to # adj dofs
   adj            - adj global dofs indexed by leafSectionAdj
   rootAdj        - adj global dofs indexed by rootSectionAdj
   sf    - describes shared points across procs
   sfDof - describes shared dofs across procs
   sfAdj - describes shared adjacent dofs across procs
   ** The bootstrapping process involves six rounds with similar structure of visiting neighbors of each point.
  (0). If there are point-to-point constraints, add the adjacencies of constrained points to anchors in anchorAdj
       (This is done in DMPlexComputeAnchorAdjacencies())
    1. Visit unowned points on interface, count adjacencies placing in leafSectionAdj
       Reduce those counts to rootSectionAdj (now redundantly counting some interface points)
    2. Visit owned points on interface, count adjacencies placing in rootSectionAdj
       Create sfAdj connecting rootSectionAdj and leafSectionAdj
    3. Visit unowned points on interface, write adjacencies to adj
       Gather adj to rootAdj (note that there is redundancy in rootAdj when multiple procs find the same adjacencies)
    4. Visit owned points on interface, write adjacencies to rootAdj
       Remove redundancy in rootAdj
   ** The last two traversals use transitive closure
    5. Visit all owned points in the subdomain, count dofs for each point (sectionAdj)
       Allocate memory addressed by sectionAdj (cols)
    6. Visit all owned points in the subdomain, insert dof adjacencies into cols
   ** Knowing all the column adjacencies, check ownership and sum into dnz and onz

  ierr = DMPlexComputeAnchorAdjacencies(dm,section,sectionGlobal,&anchorSectionAdj,&anchorAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  for (l = 0; l < nleaves; ++l) {
    PetscInt dof, off, d, q, anDof;
    PetscInt p = leaves[l], numAdj = PETSC_DETERMINE;

    if ((p < pStart) || (p >= pEnd)) continue;
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacency(dm, p, &numAdj, &tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (q = 0; q < numAdj; ++q) {
      const PetscInt padj = tmpAdj[q];
      PetscInt ndof, ncdof;

      if ((padj < pStart) || (padj >= pEnd)) continue;
      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, padj, &ndof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, padj, &ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (d = off; d < off+dof; ++d) {
        ierr = PetscSectionAddDof(leafSectionAdj, d, ndof-ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (anDof) {
      for (d = off; d < off+dof; ++d) {
        ierr = PetscSectionAddDof(leafSectionAdj, d, anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(leafSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Adjacency Section for Preallocation on Leaves:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(leafSectionAdj, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Get maximum remote adjacency sizes for owned dofs on interface (roots) */
  if (doComm) {
    ierr = PetscSFReduceBegin(sfDof, MPIU_INT, leafSectionAdj->atlasDof, rootSectionAdj->atlasDof, MPI_SUM);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFReduceEnd(sfDof, MPIU_INT, leafSectionAdj->atlasDof, rootSectionAdj->atlasDof, MPI_SUM);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Adjancency Section for Preallocation on Roots:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(rootSectionAdj, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Add in local adjacency sizes for owned dofs on interface (roots) */
  for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
    PetscInt numAdj = PETSC_DETERMINE, adof, dof, off, d, q, anDof;

    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (!dof) continue;
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, off, &adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (adof <= 0) continue;
    ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacency(dm, p, &numAdj, &tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (q = 0; q < numAdj; ++q) {
      const PetscInt padj = tmpAdj[q];
      PetscInt ndof, ncdof;

      if ((padj < pStart) || (padj >= pEnd)) continue;
      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, padj, &ndof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, padj, &ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (d = off; d < off+dof; ++d) {
        ierr = PetscSectionAddDof(rootSectionAdj, d, ndof-ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (anDof) {
      for (d = off; d < off+dof; ++d) {
        ierr = PetscSectionAddDof(rootSectionAdj, d, anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(rootSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Adjancency Section for Preallocation on Roots after local additions:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(rootSectionAdj, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Create adj SF based on dof SF */
  ierr = PetscSFCreateRemoteOffsets(sfDof, rootSectionAdj, leafSectionAdj, &remoteOffsets);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSFCreateSectionSF(sfDof, rootSectionAdj, remoteOffsets, leafSectionAdj, &sfAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Adjacency SF for Preallocation:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFView(sfAdj, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSFDestroy(&sfDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Create leaf adjacency */
  ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(leafSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionGetStorageSize(leafSectionAdj, &adjSize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscCalloc1(adjSize, &adj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (l = 0; l < nleaves; ++l) {
    PetscInt dof, off, d, q, anDof, anOff;
    PetscInt p = leaves[l], numAdj = PETSC_DETERMINE;

    if ((p < pStart) || (p >= pEnd)) continue;
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacency(dm, p, &numAdj, &tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anOff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (d = off; d < off+dof; ++d) {
      PetscInt aoff, i = 0;

      ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(leafSectionAdj, d, &aoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (q = 0; q < numAdj; ++q) {
        const PetscInt padj = tmpAdj[q];
        PetscInt ndof, ncdof, ngoff, nd;

        if ((padj < pStart) || (padj >= pEnd)) continue;
        ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, padj, &ndof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, padj, &ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionGlobal, padj, &ngoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        for (nd = 0; nd < ndof-ncdof; ++nd) {
          adj[aoff+i] = (ngoff < 0 ? -(ngoff+1) : ngoff) + nd;
      for (q = 0; q < anDof; q++) {
        adj[aoff+i] = anchorAdj[anOff+q];
  /* Debugging */
  if (debug) {
    IS tmp;
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Leaf adjacency indices\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISCreateGeneral(comm, adjSize, adj, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISView(tmp, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISDestroy(&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Gather adjacent indices to root */
  ierr = PetscSectionGetStorageSize(rootSectionAdj, &adjSize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscMalloc1(adjSize, &rootAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (r = 0; r < adjSize; ++r) rootAdj[r] = -1;
  if (doComm) {
    const PetscInt *indegree;
    PetscInt       *remoteadj, radjsize = 0;

    ierr = PetscSFComputeDegreeBegin(sfAdj, &indegree);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFComputeDegreeEnd(sfAdj, &indegree);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (p = 0; p < adjSize; ++p) radjsize += indegree[p];
    ierr = PetscMalloc1(radjsize, &remoteadj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFGatherBegin(sfAdj, MPIU_INT, adj, remoteadj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSFGatherEnd(sfAdj, MPIU_INT, adj, remoteadj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (p = 0, l = 0, r = 0; p < adjSize; ++p, l = PetscMax(p, l + indegree[p-1])) {
      PetscInt s;
      for (s = 0; s < indegree[p]; ++s, ++r) rootAdj[l+s] = remoteadj[r];
    if (r != radjsize) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Inconsistency in communication %d != %d", r, radjsize);
    if (l != adjSize)  SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Inconsistency in communication %d != %d", l, adjSize);
    ierr = PetscFree(remoteadj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSFDestroy(&sfAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(adj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Debugging */
  if (debug) {
    IS tmp;
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Root adjacency indices after gather\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISCreateGeneral(comm, adjSize, rootAdj, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISView(tmp, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISDestroy(&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Add in local adjacency indices for owned dofs on interface (roots) */
  for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
    PetscInt numAdj = PETSC_DETERMINE, adof, dof, off, d, q, anDof, anOff;

    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (!dof) continue;
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, off, &adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (adof <= 0) continue;
    ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacency(dm, p, &numAdj, &tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anOff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (d = off; d < off+dof; ++d) {
      PetscInt adof, aoff, i;

      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, d, &adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(rootSectionAdj, d, &aoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      i    = adof-1;
      for (q = 0; q < anDof; q++) {
        rootAdj[aoff+i] = anchorAdj[anOff+q];
      for (q = 0; q < numAdj; ++q) {
        const PetscInt padj = tmpAdj[q];
        PetscInt ndof, ncdof, ngoff, nd;

        if ((padj < pStart) || (padj >= pEnd)) continue;
        ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, padj, &ndof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, padj, &ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionGlobal, padj, &ngoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        for (nd = 0; nd < ndof-ncdof; ++nd) {
          rootAdj[aoff+i] = ngoff < 0 ? -(ngoff+1)+nd : ngoff+nd;
  /* Debugging */
  if (debug) {
    IS tmp;
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Root adjacency indices\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISCreateGeneral(comm, adjSize, rootAdj, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISView(tmp, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISDestroy(&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Compress indices */
  ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(rootSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
    PetscInt dof, cdof, off, d;
    PetscInt adof, aoff;

    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, p, &cdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (!dof) continue;
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, off, &adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (adof <= 0) continue;
    for (d = off; d < off+dof-cdof; ++d) {
      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, d, &adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(rootSectionAdj, d, &aoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSortRemoveDupsInt(&adof, &rootAdj[aoff]);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionSetDof(rootSectionAdj, d, adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Debugging */
  if (debug) {
    IS tmp;
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Adjancency Section for Preallocation on Roots after compression:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(rootSectionAdj, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Root adjacency indices after compression\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISCreateGeneral(comm, adjSize, rootAdj, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISView(tmp, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISDestroy(&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Build adjacency section: Maps global indices to sets of adjacent global indices */
  ierr = PetscSectionGetOffsetRange(sectionGlobal, &globalOffStart, &globalOffEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionCreate(comm, &sectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionSetChart(sectionAdj, globalOffStart, globalOffEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
    PetscInt  numAdj = PETSC_DETERMINE, dof, cdof, off, goff, d, q, anDof;
    PetscBool found  = PETSC_TRUE;

    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, p, &cdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionGlobal, p, &goff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (d = 0; d < dof-cdof; ++d) {
      PetscInt ldof, rdof;

      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(leafSectionAdj, off+d, &ldof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, off+d, &rdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if (ldof > 0) {
        /* We do not own this point */
      } else if (rdof > 0) {
        ierr = PetscSectionSetDof(sectionAdj, goff+d, rdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      } else {
        found = PETSC_FALSE;
    if (found) continue;
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionGlobal, p, &goff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacency(dm, p, &numAdj, &tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (q = 0; q < numAdj; ++q) {
      const PetscInt padj = tmpAdj[q];
      PetscInt ndof, ncdof, noff;

      if ((padj < pStart) || (padj >= pEnd)) continue;
      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, padj, &ndof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, padj, &ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, padj, &noff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (d = goff; d < goff+dof-cdof; ++d) {
        ierr = PetscSectionAddDof(sectionAdj, d, ndof-ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (anDof) {
      for (d = goff; d < goff+dof-cdof; ++d) {
        ierr = PetscSectionAddDof(sectionAdj, d, anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(sectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (debug) {
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Adjacency Section for Preallocation:\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionView(sectionAdj, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Get adjacent indices */
  ierr = PetscSectionGetStorageSize(sectionAdj, &numCols);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscMalloc1(numCols, &cols);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
    PetscInt  numAdj = PETSC_DETERMINE, dof, cdof, off, goff, d, q, anDof, anOff;
    PetscBool found  = PETSC_TRUE;

    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, p, &dof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, p, &cdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section, p, &off);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionGlobal, p, &goff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (d = 0; d < dof-cdof; ++d) {
      PetscInt ldof, rdof;

      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(leafSectionAdj, off+d, &ldof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(rootSectionAdj, off+d, &rdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if (ldof > 0) {
        /* We do not own this point */
      } else if (rdof > 0) {
        PetscInt aoff, roff;

        ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionAdj, goff+d, &aoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(rootSectionAdj, off+d, &roff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscMemcpy(&cols[aoff], &rootAdj[roff], rdof * sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr);
      } else {
        found = PETSC_FALSE;
    if (found) continue;
    ierr = DMPlexGetAdjacency(dm, p, &numAdj, &tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anDof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(anchorSectionAdj, p, &anOff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (d = goff; d < goff+dof-cdof; ++d) {
      PetscInt adof, aoff, i = 0;

      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(sectionAdj, d, &adof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionAdj, d, &aoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (q = 0; q < numAdj; ++q) {
        const PetscInt  padj = tmpAdj[q];
        PetscInt        ndof, ncdof, ngoff, nd;
        const PetscInt *ncind;

        /* Adjacent points may not be in the section chart */
        if ((padj < pStart) || (padj >= pEnd)) continue;
        ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section, padj, &ndof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section, padj, &ncdof);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetConstraintIndices(section, padj, &ncind);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionGlobal, padj, &ngoff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        for (nd = 0; nd < ndof-ncdof; ++nd, ++i) {
          cols[aoff+i] = ngoff < 0 ? -(ngoff+1)+nd : ngoff+nd;
      for (q = 0; q < anDof; q++, i++) {
        cols[aoff+i] = anchorAdj[anOff + q];
      if (i != adof) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Invalid number of entries %D != %D for dof %D (point %D)", i, adof, d, p);
  ierr = PetscSectionDestroy(&anchorSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionDestroy(&leafSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionDestroy(&rootSectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(anchorAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(rootAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(tmpAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Debugging */
  if (debug) {
    IS tmp;
    ierr = PetscPrintf(comm, "Column indices\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISCreateGeneral(comm, numCols, cols, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISView(tmp, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISDestroy(&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Create allocation vectors from adjacency graph */
  ierr = MatGetLocalSize(A, &locRows, NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLayoutCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), &rLayout);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLayoutSetLocalSize(rLayout, locRows);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLayoutSetBlockSize(rLayout, 1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLayoutSetUp(rLayout);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLayoutGetRange(rLayout, &rStart, &rEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLayoutDestroy(&rLayout);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Only loop over blocks of rows */
  if (rStart%bs || rEnd%bs) SETERRQ3(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid layout [%d, %d) for matrix, must be divisible by block size %d", rStart, rEnd, bs);
  for (r = rStart/bs; r < rEnd/bs; ++r) {
    const PetscInt row = r*bs;
    PetscInt       numCols, cStart, c;

    ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(sectionAdj, row, &numCols);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionAdj, row, &cStart);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (c = cStart; c < cStart+numCols; ++c) {
      if ((cols[c] >= rStart*bs) && (cols[c] < rEnd*bs)) {
        if (cols[c] >= row) ++dnzu[r-rStart];
      } else {
        if (cols[c] >= row) ++onzu[r-rStart];
  if (bs > 1) {
    for (r = 0; r < locRows/bs; ++r) {
      dnz[r]  /= bs;
      onz[r]  /= bs;
      dnzu[r] /= bs;
      onzu[r] /= bs;
  /* Set matrix pattern */
  ierr = MatXAIJSetPreallocation(A, bs, dnz, onz, dnzu, onzu);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Check for symmetric storage */
  ierr = MatGetType(A, &mtype);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscStrcmp(mtype, MATSBAIJ, &isSymBlock);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscStrcmp(mtype, MATSEQSBAIJ, &isSymSeqBlock);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscStrcmp(mtype, MATMPISBAIJ, &isSymMPIBlock);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (isSymBlock || isSymSeqBlock || isSymMPIBlock) {ierr = MatSetOption(A, MAT_IGNORE_LOWER_TRIANGULAR, PETSC_TRUE);CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  /* Fill matrix with zeros */
  if (fillMatrix) {
    PetscScalar *values;
    PetscInt     maxRowLen = 0;

    for (r = rStart; r < rEnd; ++r) {
      PetscInt len;

      ierr      = PetscSectionGetDof(sectionAdj, r, &len);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      maxRowLen = PetscMax(maxRowLen, len);
    ierr = PetscCalloc1(maxRowLen, &values);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (r = rStart; r < rEnd; ++r) {
      PetscInt numCols, cStart;

      ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(sectionAdj, r, &numCols);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(sectionAdj, r, &cStart);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatSetValues(A, 1, &r, numCols, &cols[cStart], values, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscFree(values);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* restore original useAnchors */
  ierr = DMPlexSetAdjacencyUseAnchors(dm,useAnchors);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscSectionDestroy(&sectionAdj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(cols);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogEventEnd(DMPLEX_Preallocate,dm,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Esempio n. 11
struct fft_plan_3d *fft_3d_create_plan(
       MPI_Comm comm, int nfast, int nmid, int nslow,
       int in_ilo, int in_ihi, int in_jlo, int in_jhi,
       int in_klo, int in_khi,
       int out_ilo, int out_ihi, int out_jlo, int out_jhi,
       int out_klo, int out_khi,
       int scaled, int permute, int *nbuf)

  struct fft_plan_3d *plan;
  int me,nprocs;
  int /*i,num,*/flag,remapflag;//,fftflag;
  int first_ilo,first_ihi,first_jlo,first_jhi,first_klo,first_khi;
  int second_ilo,second_ihi,second_jlo,second_jhi,second_klo,second_khi;
  int third_ilo,third_ihi,third_jlo,third_jhi,third_klo,third_khi;
  int out_size,first_size,second_size,third_size,copy_size,scratch_size;
  int np1,np2,ip1,ip2;
  //  int list[50];

/* system specific variables */

#ifdef FFT_INTEL
  FFT_DATA dummy;
#ifdef FFT_T3E
  FFT_DATA dummy[5];
  int isign,isys;
  double scalef;

/* query MPI info */


/* compute division of procs in 2 dimensions not on-processor */

  ip1 = me % np1;
  ip2 = me/np1;

/* allocate memory for plan data struct */

  plan = (struct fft_plan_3d *) malloc(sizeof(struct fft_plan_3d));
  if (plan == NULL) return NULL;

/* remap from initial distribution to layout needed for 1st set of 1d FFTs
   not needed if all procs own entire fast axis initially
   first indices = distribution after 1st set of FFTs */

  if (in_ilo == 0 && in_ihi == nfast-1)
    flag = 0;
    flag = 1;


  if (remapflag == 0) {
    first_ilo = in_ilo;
    first_ihi = in_ihi;
    first_jlo = in_jlo;
    first_jhi = in_jhi;
    first_klo = in_klo;
    first_khi = in_khi;
    plan->pre_plan = NULL;
  else {
    first_ilo = 0;
    first_ihi = nfast - 1;
    first_jlo = ip1*nmid/np1;
    first_jhi = (ip1+1)*nmid/np1 - 1;
    first_klo = ip2*nslow/np2;
    first_khi = (ip2+1)*nslow/np2 - 1;
    plan->pre_plan =
    if (plan->pre_plan == NULL) return NULL;

/* 1d FFTs along fast axis */

  plan->length1 = nfast;
  plan->total1 = nfast * (first_jhi-first_jlo+1) * (first_khi-first_klo+1);

/* remap from 1st to 2nd FFT
   choose which axis is split over np1 vs np2 to minimize communication
   second indices = distribution after 2nd set of FFTs */

  second_ilo = ip1*nfast/np1;
  second_ihi = (ip1+1)*nfast/np1 - 1;
  second_jlo = 0;
  second_jhi = nmid - 1;
  second_klo = ip2*nslow/np2;
  second_khi = (ip2+1)*nslow/np2 - 1;
  plan->mid1_plan =
  if (plan->mid1_plan == NULL) return NULL;

/* 1d FFTs along mid axis */

  plan->length2 = nmid;
  plan->total2 = (second_ihi-second_ilo+1) * nmid * (second_khi-second_klo+1);

/* remap from 2nd to 3rd FFT
   if final distribution is permute=2 with all procs owning entire slow axis
     then this remapping goes directly to final distribution
   third indices = distribution after 3rd set of FFTs */

  if (permute == 2 && out_klo == 0 && out_khi == nslow-1)
    flag = 0;
    flag = 1;


  if (remapflag == 0) {
    third_ilo = out_ilo;
    third_ihi = out_ihi;
    third_jlo = out_jlo;
    third_jhi = out_jhi;
    third_klo = out_klo;
    third_khi = out_khi;
  else {
    third_ilo = ip1*nfast/np1;
    third_ihi = (ip1+1)*nfast/np1 - 1;
    third_jlo = ip2*nmid/np2;
    third_jhi = (ip2+1)*nmid/np2 - 1;
    third_klo = 0;
    third_khi = nslow - 1;
  plan->mid2_plan =
  if (plan->mid2_plan == NULL) return NULL;

/* 1d FFTs along slow axis */

  plan->length3 = nslow;
  plan->total3 = (third_ihi-third_ilo+1) * (third_jhi-third_jlo+1) * nslow;

/* remap from 3rd FFT to final distribution
   not needed if permute = 2 and third indices = out indices on all procs */

  if (permute == 2 &&
      out_ilo == third_ilo && out_ihi == third_ihi &&
      out_jlo == third_jlo && out_jhi == third_jhi &&
      out_klo == third_klo && out_khi == third_khi)
    flag = 0;
    flag = 1;


  if (remapflag == 0)
    plan->post_plan = NULL;
  else {
    plan->post_plan =
    if (plan->post_plan == NULL) return NULL;

/* configure plan memory pointers and allocate work space
   out_size = amount of memory given to FFT by user
   first/second/third_size = amount of memory needed after pre,mid1,mid2 remaps
   copy_size = amount needed internally for extra copy of data
   scratch_size = amount needed internally for remap scratch space
   for each remap:
     use out space for result if big enough, else require copy buffer
     accumulate largest required remap scratch space */

  out_size = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) * (out_khi-out_klo+1);
  first_size = (first_ihi-first_ilo+1) * (first_jhi-first_jlo+1) * 
  second_size = (second_ihi-second_ilo+1) * (second_jhi-second_jlo+1) * 
  third_size = (third_ihi-third_ilo+1) * (third_jhi-third_jlo+1) * 

  copy_size = 0;
  scratch_size = 0;

  if (plan->pre_plan) {
    if (first_size <= out_size)
      plan->pre_target = 0;
    else {
      plan->pre_target = 1;
      copy_size = MAX(copy_size,first_size);
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,first_size);

  if (plan->mid1_plan) {
    if (second_size <= out_size)
      plan->mid1_target = 0;
    else {
      plan->mid1_target = 1;
      copy_size = MAX(copy_size,second_size);
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,second_size);

  if (plan->mid2_plan) {
    if (third_size <= out_size)
      plan->mid2_target = 0;
    else {
      plan->mid2_target = 1;
      copy_size = MAX(copy_size,third_size);
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,third_size);

  if (plan->post_plan)
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,out_size);

  *nbuf = copy_size + scratch_size;

  if (copy_size) {
    plan->copy = (FFT_DATA *) malloc(copy_size*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    if (plan->copy == NULL) return NULL;
  else plan->copy = NULL;

  if (scratch_size) {
    plan->scratch = (FFT_DATA *) malloc(scratch_size*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    if (plan->scratch == NULL) return NULL;
  else plan->scratch = NULL;

/* system specific pre-computation of 1d FFT coeffs 
   and scaling normalization */

#ifdef FFT_SGI

  plan->coeff1 = (FFT_DATA *) malloc((nfast+15)*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
  plan->coeff2 = (FFT_DATA *) malloc((nmid+15)*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
  plan->coeff3 = (FFT_DATA *) malloc((nslow+15)*sizeof(FFT_DATA));

  if (plan->coeff1 == NULL || plan->coeff2 == NULL ||
      plan->coeff3 == NULL) return NULL;


  if (scaled == 0) 
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *


#ifdef FFT_INTEL

  flag = 0;

  num = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
    if (list[i] != 2 && list[i] != 3 && list[i] != 5) flag = 1;
  num = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
    if (list[i] != 2 && list[i] != 3 && list[i] != 5) flag = 1;
  num = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
    if (list[i] != 2 && list[i] != 3 && list[i] != 5) flag = 1;

  if (fftflag) {
    if (me == 0) printf("ERROR: FFTs are not power of 2,3,5\n");
    return NULL;

  plan->coeff1 = (FFT_DATA *) malloc((3*nfast/2+1)*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
  plan->coeff2 = (FFT_DATA *) malloc((3*nmid/2+1)*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
  plan->coeff3 = (FFT_DATA *) malloc((3*nslow/2+1)*sizeof(FFT_DATA));

  if (plan->coeff1 == NULL || plan->coeff2 == NULL || 
      plan->coeff3 == NULL) return NULL;

  flag = 0;

  if (scaled == 0) {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = nfast*nmid*nslow;
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *
    plan->scaled = 0;


#ifdef FFT_DEC

  if (scaled == 0) {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = nfast*nmid*nslow;
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *
    plan->scaled = 0;


#ifdef FFT_T3E

  plan->coeff1 = (double *) malloc((12*nfast)*sizeof(double));
  plan->coeff2 = (double *) malloc((12*nmid)*sizeof(double));
  plan->coeff3 = (double *) malloc((12*nslow)*sizeof(double));

  if (plan->coeff1 == NULL || plan->coeff2 == NULL || 
      plan->coeff3 == NULL) return NULL;

  plan->work1 = (double *) malloc((8*nfast)*sizeof(double));
  plan->work2 = (double *) malloc((8*nmid)*sizeof(double));
  plan->work3 = (double *) malloc((8*nslow)*sizeof(double));

  if (plan->work1 == NULL || plan->work2 == NULL || 
      plan->work3 == NULL) return NULL;

  isign = 0;
  scalef = 1.0;
  isys = 0;


  if (scaled == 0) 
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *


#ifdef FFT_FFTW

  plan->plan_fast_forward = 
    fftw_create_plan(nfast,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
  plan->plan_fast_backward = 
    fftw_create_plan(nfast,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);

  if (nmid == nfast) {
    plan->plan_mid_forward = plan->plan_fast_forward;
    plan->plan_mid_backward = plan->plan_fast_backward;
  else {
    plan->plan_mid_forward = 
      fftw_create_plan(nmid,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
    plan->plan_mid_backward = 
      fftw_create_plan(nmid,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);

  if (nslow == nfast) {
    plan->plan_slow_forward = plan->plan_fast_forward;
    plan->plan_slow_backward = plan->plan_fast_backward;
  else if (nslow == nmid) {
    plan->plan_slow_forward = plan->plan_mid_forward;
    plan->plan_slow_backward = plan->plan_mid_backward;
  else {
    plan->plan_slow_forward = 
      fftw_create_plan(nslow,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
    plan->plan_slow_backward = 
      fftw_create_plan(nslow,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);

  if (scaled == 0)
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *


  return plan;
Esempio n. 12
/* This version is the traditional level-synchronized BFS using two queues.  A
 * bitmap is used to indicate which vertices have been visited.  Messages are
 * sent and processed asynchronously throughout the code to hopefully overlap
 * communication with computation. */
void run_bfs(int64_t root, int64_t* pred) {
  const ptrdiff_t nlocalverts = g.nlocalverts;
  const size_t* const restrict rowstarts = g.rowstarts;
  const int64_t* const restrict column = g.column;

  /* Set up the visited bitmap. */
  const int ulong_bits = sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT;
  const int ulong_bits_squared = ulong_bits * ulong_bits;
  int64_t local_queue_summary_size = g_local_queue_summary_size;
  int64_t local_queue_size = g_local_queue_size;
  int lg_local_queue_size = g_lg_local_queue_size;
  int64_t global_queue_summary_size = g_global_queue_summary_size;
  int64_t global_queue_size = g_global_queue_size;

#define SWIZZLE_VERTEX(c) (((int64_t)(VERTEX_OWNER(c)) << lg_local_queue_size) | (int64_t)(VERTEX_LOCAL(c)))
#if 0
  int64_t* restrict column_swizzled = (int64_t*)xmalloc(nlocaledges * sizeof(int64_t));
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < nlocaledges; ++i) {
      int64_t c = column[i];
      column_swizzled[i] = SWIZZLE_VERTEX(c);

  unsigned long* restrict in_queue = g_in_queue;
  memset(in_queue, 0, global_queue_size * sizeof(unsigned long));
  unsigned long* restrict in_queue_summary = g_in_queue_summary;
  memset(in_queue_summary, 0, global_queue_summary_size * sizeof(unsigned long));
  unsigned long* restrict out_queue = g_out_queue;
  unsigned long* restrict out_queue_summary = g_out_queue_summary;
  unsigned long* restrict visited = g_visited;
  memset(visited, 0, local_queue_size * sizeof(unsigned long));

#define SET_IN(v) do {int64_t vs = SWIZZLE_VERTEX(v); size_t word_idx = vs / ulong_bits; int bit_idx = vs % ulong_bits; unsigned long mask = (1UL << bit_idx); in_queue_summary[word_idx / ulong_bits] |= (1UL << (word_idx % ulong_bits)); in_queue[word_idx] |= mask;} while (0)
#define TEST_IN(vs) (((in_queue_summary[vs / ulong_bits / ulong_bits] & (1UL << ((vs / ulong_bits) % ulong_bits))) != 0) && ((in_queue[vs / ulong_bits] & (1UL << (vs % ulong_bits))) != 0))
#define TEST_VISITED_LOCAL(v) ((visited[(v) / ulong_bits] & (1UL << ((v) % ulong_bits))) != 0)
// #define SET_VISITED_LOCAL(v) do {size_t word_idx = (v) / ulong_bits; int bit_idx = (v) % ulong_bits; unsigned long mask = (1UL << bit_idx); __sync_fetch_and_or(&visited[word_idx], mask); __sync_fetch_and_or(&out_queue[word_idx], mask);} while (0)
#define SET_VISITED_LOCAL(v) do {size_t word_idx = (v) / ulong_bits; int bit_idx = (v) % ulong_bits; unsigned long mask = (1UL << bit_idx); visited[word_idx] |= mask; out_queue[word_idx] |= mask;} while (0)

  {ptrdiff_t i; _Pragma("omp parallel for schedule(static)") for (i = 0; i < nlocalverts; ++i) pred[i] = -1;}
  if (VERTEX_OWNER(root) == rank) {
    pred[VERTEX_LOCAL(root)] = root;
  uint16_t cur_level = 0;
  while (1) {
#if 0
    if (rank == 0) fprintf(stderr, "BFS level %" PRIu16 "\n", cur_level);
    memset(out_queue, 0, (nlocalverts + ulong_bits - 1) / ulong_bits * sizeof(unsigned long));
    // memset(out_queue_summary, 0, (nlocalverts + ulong_bits_squared - 1) / ulong_bits_squared * sizeof(unsigned long));
    ptrdiff_t i, ii;
#if 0
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (i = 0; i < global_queue_summary_size; ++i) {
      unsigned long val = 0UL;
      int j;
      unsigned long mask = 1UL;
      for (j = 0; j < ulong_bits; ++j, mask <<= 1) {
        if (in_queue[i * ulong_bits + j]) val |= mask;
      in_queue_summary[i] = val;
    unsigned long not_done = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(|:not_done)
    for (ii = 0; ii < nlocalverts; ii += ulong_bits) {
      size_t i, i_end = ii + ulong_bits;
      if (i_end > nlocalverts) i_end = nlocalverts;
      for (i = ii; i < i_end; ++i) {
        if (!TEST_VISITED_LOCAL(i)) {
          size_t j, j_end = rowstarts[i + 1];
          for (j = rowstarts[i]; j < j_end; ++j) {
            int64_t v1 = column[j];
            int64_t v1_swizzled = SWIZZLE_VERTEX(v1);
            if (TEST_IN(v1_swizzled)) {
              pred[i] = (v1 & INT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFF)) | ((int64_t)cur_level << 48);
              not_done |= 1;
#if 1
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (i = 0; i < local_queue_summary_size; ++i) {
      unsigned long val = 0UL;
      int j;
      unsigned long mask = 1UL;
      for (j = 0; j < ulong_bits; ++j, mask <<= 1) {
        unsigned long full_val = out_queue[i * ulong_bits + j];
        visited[i * ulong_bits + j] |= full_val;
        if (full_val) val |= mask;
      out_queue_summary[i] = val;
      // not_done |= val;
    if (not_done == 0) break;
    MPI_Allgather(out_queue, local_queue_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, in_queue, local_queue_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Allgather(out_queue_summary, local_queue_summary_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, in_queue_summary, local_queue_summary_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Esempio n. 13
void star_density(void)
  int j;

  int i, dummy;
  int ngrp, sendTask, recvTask, place, nexport, nimport, ndone, ndone_flag;

  /* clear Je in all gas particles */

  for(j = 0; j < N_gas; j++)
      if(P[j].Type == 0)
	SphP[j].Je = 0;

#ifdef SFR
      if(P[j].Type == 0)
	  SphP[j].Je += SphP[j].Sfr * All.IonizingLumPerSFR *
	    (PROTONMASS / (P[j].Mass * All.UnitMass_in_g / All.HubbleParam)) * All.UnitTime_in_s /


  /* allocate buffers to arrange communication */

  Ngblist = (int *) mymalloc(NumPart * sizeof(int));

  All.BunchSize =
    (int) ((All.BufferSize * 1024 * 1024) / (sizeof(struct data_index) + sizeof(struct data_nodelist) +
					     2 * sizeof(struct stardata_in)));
  DataIndexTable = (struct data_index *) mymalloc(All.BunchSize * sizeof(struct data_index));
  DataNodeList = (struct data_nodelist *) mymalloc(All.BunchSize * sizeof(struct data_nodelist));

  i = FirstActiveParticle;	/* beginn with this index */

      for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
	  Send_count[j] = 0;
	  Exportflag[j] = -1;

      /* do local particles and prepare export list */
      for(nexport = 0; i >= 0; i = NextActiveParticle[i])
	  if(P[i].Type == 4)
	      if(star_density_evaluate(i, 0, &nexport, Send_count) < 0)

#ifdef MYSORT
      mysort_dataindex(DataIndexTable, nexport, sizeof(struct data_index), data_index_compare);
      qsort(DataIndexTable, nexport, sizeof(struct data_index), data_index_compare);

      MPI_Allgather(Send_count, NTask, MPI_INT, Sendcount_matrix, NTask, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

      for(j = 0, nimport = 0, Recv_offset[0] = 0, Send_offset[0] = 0; j < NTask; j++)
	  Recv_count[j] = Sendcount_matrix[j * NTask + ThisTask];
	  nimport += Recv_count[j];

	  if(j > 0)
	      Send_offset[j] = Send_offset[j - 1] + Send_count[j - 1];
	      Recv_offset[j] = Recv_offset[j - 1] + Recv_count[j - 1];

      StarDataGet = (struct stardata_in *) mymalloc(nimport * sizeof(struct stardata_in));
      StarDataIn = (struct stardata_in *) mymalloc(nexport * sizeof(struct stardata_in));

      /* prepare particle data for export */
      for(j = 0; j < nexport; j++)
	  place = DataIndexTable[j].Index;

	  StarDataIn[j].Pos[0] = P[place].Pos[0];
	  StarDataIn[j].Pos[1] = P[place].Pos[1];
	  StarDataIn[j].Pos[2] = P[place].Pos[2];
	  StarDataIn[j].Hsml = PPP[place].Hsml;
	  StarDataIn[j].Density = P[place].DensAroundStar;
	  StarDataIn[j].Mass = P[place].Mass;

		 DataNodeList[DataIndexTable[j].IndexGet].NodeList, NODELISTLENGTH * sizeof(int));


      /* exchange particle data */
      for(ngrp = 1; ngrp < (1 << PTask); ngrp++)
	  sendTask = ThisTask;
	  recvTask = ThisTask ^ ngrp;

	  if(recvTask < NTask)
	      if(Send_count[recvTask] > 0 || Recv_count[recvTask] > 0)
		  /* get the particles */
			       Send_count[recvTask] * sizeof(struct stardata_in), MPI_BYTE,
			       recvTask, TAG_DENS_A,
			       Recv_count[recvTask] * sizeof(struct stardata_in), MPI_BYTE,


      /* now do the particles that were sent to us */

      for(j = 0; j < nimport; j++)
	star_density_evaluate(j, 1, &dummy, &dummy);

      /* check whether this is the last iteration */
      if(i < 0)
	ndone_flag = 1;
	ndone_flag = 0;

      MPI_Allreduce(&ndone_flag, &ndone, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  while(ndone < NTask);



Esempio n. 14
PetscErrorCode heavyEdgeMatchAgg(IS perm,Mat a_Gmat,PetscInt verbose,PetscCoarsenData **a_locals_llist)
  PetscErrorCode   ierr;
  PetscBool        isMPI;
  MPI_Comm         wcomm = ((PetscObject)a_Gmat)->comm;
  PetscInt         sub_it,kk,n,ix,*idx,*ii,iter,Iend,my0;
  PetscMPIInt      rank,size;
  const PetscInt   nloc = a_Gmat->rmap->n,n_iter=6; /* need to figure out how to stop this */
  PetscInt         *lid_cprowID,*lid_gid;
  PetscBool        *lid_matched;
  Mat_SeqAIJ       *matA, *matB=0;
  Mat_MPIAIJ       *mpimat=0;
  PetscScalar      one=1.;
  PetscCoarsenData *agg_llists = PETSC_NULL,*deleted_list = PETSC_NULL;
  Mat              cMat,tMat,P;
  MatScalar        *ap;
  PetscMPIInt      tag1,tag2;

  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(wcomm, &rank);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_size(wcomm, &size);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatGetOwnershipRange(a_Gmat, &my0, &Iend);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscCommGetNewTag(wcomm, &tag1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscCommGetNewTag(wcomm, &tag2);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = PetscMalloc(nloc*sizeof(PetscInt), &lid_gid);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* explicit array needed */
  ierr = PetscMalloc(nloc*sizeof(PetscInt), &lid_cprowID);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscMalloc(nloc*sizeof(PetscBool), &lid_matched);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = PetscCDCreate(nloc, &agg_llists);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* ierr = PetscCDSetChuckSize(agg_llists, nloc+1);CHKERRQ(ierr); */
  *a_locals_llist = agg_llists;
  ierr = PetscCDCreate(size, &deleted_list);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscCDSetChuckSize(deleted_list, 100);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* setup 'lid_gid' for scatters and add self to all lists */
  for (kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++) {
    lid_gid[kk] = kk + my0;
    ierr = PetscCDAppendID(agg_llists, kk, my0+kk);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* make a copy of the graph, this gets destroyed in iterates */
  ierr = MatDuplicate(a_Gmat,MAT_COPY_VALUES,&cMat);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)a_Gmat, MATMPIAIJ, &isMPI);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  iter = 0;
  while(iter++ < n_iter) {
    PetscScalar    *cpcol_gid,*cpcol_max_ew,*cpcol_max_pe,*lid_max_ew;
    PetscBool      *cpcol_matched;
    PetscMPIInt    *cpcol_pe,proc;
    Vec            locMaxEdge,locMaxPE,ghostMaxEdge,ghostMaxPE;
    PetscInt       nEdges,n_nz_row,jj;
    Edge           *Edges;
    PetscInt       gid;
    const PetscInt *perm_ix, n_sub_its = 120;

    /* get submatrices of cMat */
    if (isMPI) {
      mpimat = (Mat_MPIAIJ*)cMat->data;
      matA = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mpimat->A->data;
      matB = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mpimat->B->data;
      /* force compressed storage of B */
      matB->compressedrow.check = PETSC_TRUE;
      ierr = MatCheckCompressedRow(mpimat->B,&matB->compressedrow,matB->i,cMat->rmap->n,-1.0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    } else {
      matA = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)cMat->data;
    assert(matA && !matA->compressedrow.use);
    assert(matB==0 || matB->compressedrow.use);

    /* set max edge on nodes */
    ierr = MatGetVecs(cMat, &locMaxEdge, 0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatGetVecs(cMat, &locMaxPE, 0);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* get 'cpcol_pe' & 'cpcol_gid' & init. 'cpcol_matched' using 'mpimat->lvec' */
    if (mpimat) {
      Vec         vec; 
      PetscScalar vval;

      ierr = MatGetVecs(cMat, &vec, 0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      /* cpcol_pe */
      vval = (PetscScalar)(rank);
      for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++) {
        ierr = VecSetValues(vec, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* set with GID */
      ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,vec,mpimat->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,vec,mpimat->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecGetArray(mpimat->lvec, &cpcol_gid);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* get proc ID in 'cpcol_gid' */
      ierr = VecGetLocalSize(mpimat->lvec, &n);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscMalloc(n*sizeof(PetscInt), &cpcol_pe);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (kk=0;kk<n;kk++) cpcol_pe[kk] = (PetscMPIInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_gid[kk]);
      ierr = VecRestoreArray(mpimat->lvec, &cpcol_gid);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      /* cpcol_gid */
      for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++) {
        vval = (PetscScalar)(gid);
        ierr = VecSetValues(vec, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* set with GID */
      ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,vec,mpimat->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,vec,mpimat->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecDestroy(&vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecGetArray(mpimat->lvec, &cpcol_gid);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* get proc ID in 'cpcol_gid' */

      /* cpcol_matched */
      ierr = VecGetLocalSize(mpimat->lvec, &n);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscMalloc(n*sizeof(PetscBool), &cpcol_matched);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (kk=0;kk<n;kk++) cpcol_matched[kk] = PETSC_FALSE;

    /* need an inverse map - locals */
    for (kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++) lid_cprowID[kk] = -1;
    /* set index into compressed row 'lid_cprowID' */
    if (matB) {
      ii = matB->compressedrow.i;
      for (ix=0; ix<matB->compressedrow.nrows; ix++) {
        lid_cprowID[matB->compressedrow.rindex[ix]] = ix;

    /* get removed IS, use '' */
    /* if (iter==1) { */
    /*   PetscInt *lid_rem,idx; */
    /*   ierr = PetscMalloc(nloc*sizeof(PetscInt), &lid_rem);CHKERRQ(ierr); */
    /*   for (kk=idx=0;kk<nloc;kk++){ */
    /*     PetscInt nn,lid=kk; */
    /*     ii = matA->i; nn = ii[lid+1] - ii[lid]; */
    /*     if ((ix=lid_cprowID[lid]) != -1) { /\* if I have any ghost neighbors *\/ */
    /*       ii = matB->compressedrow.i; */
    /*       nn += ii[ix+1] - ii[ix]; */
    /*     } */
    /*     if (nn < 2) { */
    /*       lid_rem[idx++] = kk + my0; */
    /*     } */
    /*   } */
    /*   ierr = PetscCDSetRemovedIS(agg_llists, wcomm, idx, lid_rem);CHKERRQ(ierr); */
    /*   ierr = PetscFree(lid_rem);CHKERRQ(ierr); */
    /* } */

    /* compute 'locMaxEdge' & 'locMaxPE', and create list of edges, count edges' */
    for (nEdges=0,kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++){
      PetscReal   max_e = 0., tt;
      PetscScalar vval;
      PetscInt    lid = kk;
      PetscMPIInt max_pe=rank,pe;
      ii = matA->i; n = ii[lid+1] - ii[lid]; idx = matA->j + ii[lid];
      ap = matA->a + ii[lid];
      for (jj=0; jj<n; jj++) {
        PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];
        if (lidj != lid && PetscRealPart(ap[jj]) > max_e) max_e = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]);
        if (lidj > lid) nEdges++;
      if ((ix=lid_cprowID[lid]) != -1) { /* if I have any ghost neighbors */
        ii = matB->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
        ap = matB->a + ii[ix];
        idx = matB->j + ii[ix];
        for (jj=0 ; jj<n ; jj++) {
          if ((tt=PetscRealPart(ap[jj])) > max_e) max_e = tt;
          if ((pe=cpcol_pe[idx[jj]]) > max_pe) max_pe = pe;
      vval = max_e;
      ierr = VecSetValues(locMaxEdge, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      vval = (PetscScalar)max_pe;
      ierr = VecSetValues(locMaxPE, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(locMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(locMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* get 'cpcol_max_ew' & 'cpcol_max_pe' */
    if (mpimat) {
      ierr = VecDuplicate(mpimat->lvec, &ghostMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxEdge,ghostMaxEdge,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxEdge,ghostMaxEdge,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecGetArray(ghostMaxEdge, &cpcol_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      ierr = VecDuplicate(mpimat->lvec, &ghostMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxPE,ghostMaxPE,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr =   VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxPE,ghostMaxPE,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecGetArray(ghostMaxPE, &cpcol_max_pe);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* setup sorted list of edges */
    ierr = PetscMalloc(nEdges*sizeof(Edge), &Edges);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISGetIndices(perm, &perm_ix);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    for (nEdges=n_nz_row=kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++){
      PetscInt nn, lid = perm_ix[kk];
      ii = matA->i; nn = n = ii[lid+1] - ii[lid]; idx = matA->j + ii[lid];
      ap = matA->a + ii[lid];
      for (jj=0; jj<n; jj++) {
        PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];        assert(PetscRealPart(ap[jj])>0.);
        if (lidj > lid) {
          Edges[nEdges].lid0 = lid;
          Edges[nEdges].gid1 = lidj + my0;
          Edges[nEdges].cpid1 = -1;
          Edges[nEdges].weight = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]);
      if ((ix=lid_cprowID[lid]) != -1) { /* if I have any ghost neighbors */
        ii = matB->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
        ap = matB->a + ii[ix];
        idx = matB->j + ii[ix];
        nn += n;
        for (jj=0 ; jj<n ; jj++) {
          Edges[nEdges].lid0 = lid;
          Edges[nEdges].gid1 = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_gid[idx[jj]]);
          Edges[nEdges].cpid1 = idx[jj];
          Edges[nEdges].weight = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]);
      if (nn > 1) n_nz_row++;
      else if (iter == 1){
        /* should select this because it is technically in the MIS but lets not */
        ierr = PetscCDRemoveAll(agg_llists, lid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = ISRestoreIndices(perm,&perm_ix);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    qsort(Edges, nEdges, sizeof(Edge), gamg_hem_compare);

    /* projection matrix */
    ierr = MatCreateAIJ(wcomm, nloc, nloc, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, 1, 0, 1, 0, &P);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* clear matched flags */
    for (kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++) lid_matched[kk] = PETSC_FALSE;
    /* process - communicate - process */
    for (sub_it=0;sub_it<n_sub_its;sub_it++){
      PetscInt nactive_edges;

      ierr = VecGetArray(locMaxEdge, &lid_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (kk=nactive_edges=0;kk<nEdges;kk++){
        /* HEM */
        const Edge *e = &Edges[kk];
        const PetscInt lid0=e->lid0,gid1=e->gid1,cpid1=e->cpid1,gid0=lid0+my0,lid1=gid1-my0;
        PetscBool isOK = PETSC_TRUE;

        /* skip if either (local) vertex is done already */
        if (lid_matched[lid0] || (gid1>=my0 && gid1<Iend && lid_matched[gid1-my0])) {
        /* skip if ghost vertex is done */
        if (cpid1 != -1 && cpcol_matched[cpid1]) {

        /* skip if I have a bigger edge someplace (lid_max_ew gets updated) */
        if (PetscRealPart(lid_max_ew[lid0]) > e->weight + 1.e-12) {

        if (cpid1 == -1) {
          if (PetscRealPart(lid_max_ew[lid1]) > e->weight + 1.e-12) {
        } else {
          /* see if edge might get matched on other proc */
          PetscReal g_max_e = PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_ew[cpid1]);
          if (g_max_e > e->weight + 1.e-12) {
          } else if (e->weight > g_max_e - 1.e-12 && (PetscMPIInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_pe[cpid1]) > rank) {
            /* check for max_e == to this edge and larger processor that will deal with this */

        /* check ghost for v0 */
        if (isOK){
          PetscReal max_e,ew;
          if ((ix=lid_cprowID[lid0]) != -1) { /* if I have any ghost neighbors */
            ii = matB->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
            ap = matB->a + ii[ix];
            idx = matB->j + ii[ix];
            for (jj=0 ; jj<n && isOK; jj++) {
              PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];
              if (cpcol_matched[lidj]) continue;
              ew = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]); max_e = PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_ew[lidj]);
              /* check for max_e == to this edge and larger processor that will deal with this */
              if (ew > max_e - 1.e-12 && ew > PetscRealPart(lid_max_ew[lid0]) - 1.e-12 && (PetscMPIInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_pe[lidj]) > rank){
                isOK = PETSC_FALSE;

          /* for v1 */
          if (cpid1 == -1 && isOK){
            if ((ix=lid_cprowID[lid1]) != -1) { /* if I have any ghost neighbors */
              ii = matB->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
              ap = matB->a + ii[ix];
              idx = matB->j + ii[ix];
              for (jj=0 ; jj<n && isOK ; jj++) {
                PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];
                if (cpcol_matched[lidj]) continue;
                ew = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]); max_e = PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_ew[lidj]);
                /* check for max_e == to this edge and larger processor that will deal with this */
                if (ew > max_e - 1.e-12 && ew > PetscRealPart(lid_max_ew[lid1]) - 1.e-12 && (PetscMPIInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_pe[lidj]) > rank) {
                  isOK = PETSC_FALSE;

        /* do it */
        if (isOK){
          if (cpid1 == -1) {
            lid_matched[lid1] = PETSC_TRUE;  /* keep track of what we've done this round */
            ierr = PetscCDAppendRemove(agg_llists, lid0, lid1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          } else if (sub_it != n_sub_its-1) {
            /* add gid1 to list of ghost deleted by me -- I need their children */
            proc = cpcol_pe[cpid1];
            cpcol_matched[cpid1] = PETSC_TRUE; /* messing with VecGetArray array -- needed??? */
            ierr = PetscCDAppendID(deleted_list, proc, cpid1);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* cache to send messages */
            ierr = PetscCDAppendID(deleted_list, proc, lid0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          } else {
          lid_matched[lid0] = PETSC_TRUE; /* keep track of what we've done this round */
          /* set projection */
          ierr = MatSetValues(P,1,&gid0,1,&gid0,&one,INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          ierr = MatSetValues(P,1,&gid1,1,&gid0,&one,INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        } /* matched */
      } /* edge loop */

      /* deal with deleted ghost on first pass */
      if (size>1 && sub_it != n_sub_its-1){
        PetscCDPos  pos;  PetscBool ise = PETSC_FALSE;
        PetscInt    nSend1, **sbuffs1,nSend2;
#define REQ_BF_SIZE 100
        MPI_Request *sreqs2[REQ_BF_SIZE],*rreqs2[REQ_BF_SIZE];
        MPI_Status  status;

        /* send request */
        for (proc=0,nSend1=0;proc<size;proc++){
          ierr = PetscCDEmptyAt(deleted_list,proc,&ise);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          if (!ise) nSend1++;
        ierr = PetscMalloc(nSend1*sizeof(PetscInt*), &sbuffs1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        /* ierr = PetscMalloc4(nSend1, PetscInt*, sbuffs1, nSend1, PetscInt*, rbuffs1, nSend1, MPI_Request*, sreqs1, nSend1, MPI_Request*, rreqs1);CHKERRQ(ierr); */
        /* PetscFree4(sbuffs1,rbuffs1,sreqs1,rreqs1); */
        for (proc=0,nSend1=0;proc<size;proc++){
          /* count ghosts */
          ierr = PetscCDSizeAt(deleted_list,proc,&n);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          if (n>0){
#define CHUNCK_SIZE 100
            PetscInt    *sbuff,*pt;
            MPI_Request *request;
            n /= 2;
            ierr = PetscMalloc((2 + 2*n + n*CHUNCK_SIZE)*sizeof(PetscInt) + 2*sizeof(MPI_Request), &sbuff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            /* PetscMalloc4(2+2*n,PetscInt,sbuffs1[nSend1],n*CHUNCK_SIZE,PetscInt,rbuffs1[nSend1],1,MPI_Request,rreqs2[nSend1],1,MPI_Request,sreqs2[nSend1]); */
            /* save requests */
            sbuffs1[nSend1] = sbuff;
            request = (MPI_Request*)sbuff;
            sbuff = pt = (PetscInt*)(request+1);
            *pt++ = n; *pt++ = rank;

            ierr = PetscCDGetHeadPos(deleted_list,proc,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              PetscInt lid0, cpid, gid;
              ierr = PetscLLNGetID(pos, &cpid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              gid = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_gid[cpid]);
              ierr = PetscCDGetNextPos(deleted_list,proc,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              ierr = PetscLLNGetID(pos, &lid0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              ierr = PetscCDGetNextPos(deleted_list,proc,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              *pt++ = gid; *pt++ = lid0;
            /* send request tag1 [n, proc, n*[gid1,lid0] ] */
            ierr = MPI_Isend(sbuff, 2*n+2, MPIU_INT, proc, tag1, wcomm, request);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            /* post recieve */
            request = (MPI_Request*)pt;
            rreqs2[nSend1] = request; /* cache recv request */
            pt = (PetscInt*)(request+1);
            ierr = MPI_Irecv(pt, n*CHUNCK_SIZE, MPIU_INT, proc, tag2, wcomm, request);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            /* clear list */
            ierr = PetscCDRemoveAll(deleted_list, proc);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        /* recieve requests, send response, clear lists */
        kk = nactive_edges;
        ierr = MPI_Allreduce(&kk,&nactive_edges,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_SUM,wcomm);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* not correct syncronization and global */
        nSend2 = 0;
#define BF_SZ 10000
          PetscMPIInt flag,count;
          PetscInt    rbuff[BF_SZ],*pt,*pt2,*pt3,count2,*sbuff,count3;
          MPI_Request *request;
          ierr = MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag1, wcomm, &flag, &status);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          if (!flag) break;
          ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPIU_INT, &count);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          if (count > BF_SZ) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"buffer too small for recieve: %d",count);
          proc = status.MPI_SOURCE;
          /* recieve request tag1 [n, proc, n*[gid1,lid0] ] */
          ierr = MPI_Recv(rbuff, count, MPIU_INT, proc, tag1, wcomm, &status);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          /* count sends */
          pt = rbuff; count3 = count2 = 0;
          n = *pt++; kk = *pt++;           assert(kk==proc);
            PetscInt gid1=*pt++, lid1=gid1-my0; kk=*pt++;  assert(lid1>=0 && lid1<nloc);
            if (lid_matched[lid1]){
              PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"\t *** [%d]%s %d) ERROR recieved deleted gid %d, deleted by (lid) %d from proc %d\n",rank,__FUNCT__,sub_it,gid1,kk);
            lid_matched[lid1] = PETSC_TRUE; /* keep track of what we've done this round */
            ierr = PetscCDSizeAt(agg_llists, lid1, &kk);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            count2 += kk + 2;
            count3++; /* number of verts requested (n) */
          if (count2 > count3*CHUNCK_SIZE) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Irecv will be too small: %d",count2);
          /* send tag2 *[lid0, n, n*[gid] ] */
          ierr = PetscMalloc(count2*sizeof(PetscInt) + sizeof(MPI_Request), &sbuff);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          request = (MPI_Request*)sbuff;
          sreqs2[nSend2++] = request; /* cache request */
          if (nSend2==REQ_BF_SIZE) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"buffer too small for requests: %d",nSend2);
          pt2 = sbuff = (PetscInt*)(request+1);
          pt  = rbuff;
          n = *pt++; kk = *pt++;           assert(kk==proc);
            /* read [n, proc, n*[gid1,lid0] */
            PetscInt gid1=*pt++, lid1=gid1-my0, lid0=*pt++;   assert(lid1>=0 && lid1<nloc);
            /* write [lid0, n, n*[gid] ] */
            *pt2++ = lid0;
            pt3 = pt2++; /* save pointer for later */
            /* for (pos=PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_llists,lid1) ; pos ; pos=PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_llists,lid1,pos)){ */
            ierr = PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_llists,lid1,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              PetscInt gid;
              ierr = PetscLLNGetID(pos, &gid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              ierr = PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_llists,lid1,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
              *pt2++ = gid;
            *pt3 = (pt2-pt3)-1;
            /* clear list */
            ierr = PetscCDRemoveAll(agg_llists, lid1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          assert(pt2-sbuff==count2); assert(pt-rbuff==count);
          /* send requested data tag2 *[lid0, n, n*[gid1] ] */
          ierr = MPI_Isend(sbuff, count2, MPIU_INT, proc, tag2, wcomm, request);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* recieve tag2 *[lid0, n, n*[gid] ] */
        for (kk=0;kk<nSend1;kk++){
          PetscMPIInt count;
          MPI_Request *request;
          PetscInt    *pt, *pt2;
          request = rreqs2[kk]; /* no need to free -- buffer is in 'sbuffs1' */
          ierr = MPI_Wait(request, &status);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPIU_INT, &count);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          pt = pt2 = (PetscInt*)(request+1);
          while(pt-pt2 < count){
            PetscInt lid0 = *pt++, n = *pt++;           assert(lid0>=0 && lid0<nloc);
              PetscInt gid1 = *pt++;
              ierr = PetscCDAppendID(agg_llists, lid0, gid1);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* wait for tag1 isends */
          MPI_Request *request;
          request = (MPI_Request*)sbuffs1[nSend1];
          ierr = MPI_Wait(request, &status);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          ierr = PetscFree(request);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscFree(sbuffs1);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* wait for tag2 isends */
          MPI_Request *request = sreqs2[nSend2];
          ierr = MPI_Wait(request, &status);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          ierr = PetscFree(request);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        ierr = VecRestoreArray(ghostMaxEdge, &cpcol_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecRestoreArray(ghostMaxPE, &cpcol_max_pe);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* get 'cpcol_matched' - use locMaxPE, ghostMaxEdge, cpcol_max_ew */
        for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++) {
          PetscScalar vval = lid_matched[kk] ? 1.0 : 0.0;
          ierr = VecSetValues(locMaxPE, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* set with GID */
        ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxPE,ghostMaxEdge,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr =   VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxPE,ghostMaxEdge,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecGetArray(ghostMaxEdge, &cpcol_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecGetLocalSize(mpimat->lvec, &n);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        for (kk=0;kk<n;kk++) {
          cpcol_matched[kk] = (PetscBool)(PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_ew[kk]) != 0.0);

        ierr = VecRestoreArray(ghostMaxEdge, &cpcol_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      } /* size > 1 */

      /* compute 'locMaxEdge' */
      ierr = VecRestoreArray(locMaxEdge, &lid_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++){
        PetscReal   max_e = 0.,tt;
        PetscScalar vval;
        PetscInt    lid = kk;
        if (lid_matched[lid]) vval = 0.;
        else {
          ii = matA->i; n = ii[lid+1] - ii[lid]; idx = matA->j + ii[lid];
          ap = matA->a + ii[lid];
          for (jj=0; jj<n; jj++) {
            PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];
            if (lid_matched[lidj]) continue; /* this is new - can change local max */
            if (lidj != lid && PetscRealPart(ap[jj]) > max_e) max_e = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]);
          if (lid_cprowID && (ix=lid_cprowID[lid]) != -1) { /* if I have any ghost neighbors */
            ii = matB->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
            ap = matB->a + ii[ix];
            idx = matB->j + ii[ix];
            for (jj=0 ; jj<n ; jj++) {
              PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];
              if (cpcol_matched[lidj]) continue;
              if ((tt=PetscRealPart(ap[jj])) > max_e) max_e = tt;
        vval = (PetscScalar)max_e;
        ierr = VecSetValues(locMaxEdge, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* set with GID */
      ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(locMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(locMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      if (size>1 && sub_it != n_sub_its-1){
        /* compute 'cpcol_max_ew' */
        ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxEdge,ghostMaxEdge,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr =   VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxEdge,ghostMaxEdge,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecGetArray(ghostMaxEdge, &cpcol_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecGetArray(locMaxEdge, &lid_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* compute 'cpcol_max_pe' */
        for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++){
          PetscInt    lid = kk;
          PetscReal   ew,v1_max_e,v0_max_e=PetscRealPart(lid_max_ew[lid]);
          PetscScalar vval;
          PetscMPIInt max_pe=rank,pe;
          if (lid_matched[lid]) vval = (PetscScalar)rank;
          else if ((ix=lid_cprowID[lid]) != -1) { /* if I have any ghost neighbors */
            ii = matB->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
            ap = matB->a + ii[ix];
            idx = matB->j + ii[ix];
            for (jj=0 ; jj<n ; jj++) {
              PetscInt lidj = idx[jj];
              if (cpcol_matched[lidj]) continue;
              ew = PetscRealPart(ap[jj]); v1_max_e = PetscRealPart(cpcol_max_ew[lidj]);
              /* get max pe that has a max_e == to this edge w */
              if ((pe=cpcol_pe[idx[jj]]) > max_pe && ew > v1_max_e - 1.e-12 && ew > v0_max_e - 1.e-12) max_pe = pe;
              assert(ew < v0_max_e + 1.e-12 && ew < v1_max_e + 1.e-12);
            vval = (PetscScalar)max_pe;
          ierr = VecSetValues(locMaxPE, 1, &gid, &vval, INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        ierr = VecScatterBegin(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxPE,ghostMaxPE,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr =   VecScatterEnd(mpimat->Mvctx,locMaxPE,ghostMaxPE,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecGetArray(ghostMaxPE, &cpcol_max_pe);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = VecRestoreArray(locMaxEdge, &lid_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      } /* deal with deleted ghost */
      if (verbose>2) PetscPrintf(wcomm,"\t[%d]%s %d.%d: %d active edges.\n",
      if (!nactive_edges) break;
    } /* sub_it loop */

    /* clean up iteration */
    ierr = PetscFree(Edges);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (mpimat){
      ierr = VecRestoreArray(ghostMaxEdge, &cpcol_max_ew);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecDestroy(&ghostMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecRestoreArray(ghostMaxPE, &cpcol_max_pe);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecDestroy(&ghostMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscFree(cpcol_pe);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscFree(cpcol_matched);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    ierr = VecDestroy(&locMaxEdge);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecDestroy(&locMaxPE);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    if (mpimat){
      ierr = VecRestoreArray(mpimat->lvec, &cpcol_gid);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* create next G if needed */
    if (iter == n_iter) { /* hard wired test - need to look at full surrounded nodes or something */
      ierr = MatDestroy(&P);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatDestroy(&cMat);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    } else {
      Vec diag;
      /* add identity for unmatched vertices so they stay alive */
      for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++){
        if (!lid_matched[kk]) {
          gid = kk+my0;
          ierr = MatGetRow(cMat,gid,&n,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          if (n>1){
            ierr = MatSetValues(P,1,&gid,1,&gid,&one,INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
          ierr = MatRestoreRow(cMat,gid,&n,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(P,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(P,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      /* project to make new graph with colapsed edges */
      ierr = MatPtAP(cMat,P,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,1.0,&tMat);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatDestroy(&P);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatDestroy(&cMat);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      cMat = tMat;
      ierr = MatGetVecs(cMat, &diag, 0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatGetDiagonal(cMat, diag);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* effectively PCJACOBI */
      ierr = VecReciprocal(diag);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecSqrtAbs(diag);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatDiagonalScale(cMat, diag, diag);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecDestroy(&diag);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  } /* coarsen iterator */

  /* make fake matrix */
  if (size>1){
    Mat        mat;
    PetscCDPos pos;
    PetscInt   gid, NN, MM, jj = 0, mxsz = 0;

    for (kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++){
      ierr = PetscCDSizeAt(agg_llists, kk, &jj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if (jj > mxsz)  mxsz = jj;
    ierr = MatGetSize(a_Gmat, &MM, &NN);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (mxsz > MM-nloc) mxsz = MM-nloc;

    ierr = MatCreateAIJ(wcomm, nloc, nloc,PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE,0, 0, mxsz, 0, &mat);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* */
    for (kk=0,gid=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,gid++){
      /* for (pos=PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_llists,kk) ; pos ; pos=PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_llists,kk,pos)){ */
      ierr = PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_llists,kk,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        PetscInt gid1;
        ierr = PetscLLNGetID(pos, &gid1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_llists,kk,&pos);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        if (gid1 < my0 || gid1 >= my0+nloc) {
          ierr = MatSetValues(mat,1,&gid,1,&gid1,&one,ADD_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    ierr = PetscCDSetMat(agg_llists, mat);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = PetscFree(lid_cprowID);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(lid_gid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFree(lid_matched);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscCDDestroy(deleted_list);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Esempio n. 15
int read_exoII_file(int Proc,
                    int Num_Proc,
                    PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                    PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
                    MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
  Gen_Error(0, "Fatal:  Nemesis requested but not linked with driver.");
  return 0;

#else /* ZOLTAN_NEMESIS */
  /* Local declarations. */
  char  *yo = "read_exoII_mesh";
  char   par_nem_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], title[MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1];
  char   cmesg[256];

  float  ver;

  int    i, pexoid, cpu_ws = 0, io_ws = 0;
  int   *nnodes = NULL, *etypes = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG_EXO
  int    j, k, elem;
  FILE  *fdtmp;

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  /* since this is a test driver, set error reporting in exodus */
  ex_opts(EX_VERBOSE | EX_DEBUG);

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  gen_par_filename(pio_info->pexo_fname, par_nem_fname, pio_info, Proc,

   * check whether parallel file exists.  do the check with fopen 
   * as ex_open coredumps on the paragon when files do not exist.

  if ((fdtmp = fopen(par_nem_fname, "r")) == NULL) {
    sprintf(cmesg,"fatal: parallel Exodus II file %s does not exist",
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

   * now open the existing parallel file using Exodus calls.

  if ((pexoid = ex_open(par_nem_fname, EX_READ, &cpu_ws, &io_ws,
                        &ver)) < 0) {
    sprintf(cmesg,"fatal: could not open parallel Exodus II file %s",
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

  /* and get initial information */
  if (ex_get_init(pexoid, title, &(mesh->num_dims),
                  &(mesh->num_nodes), &(mesh->num_elems),
                  &(mesh->num_el_blks), &(mesh->num_node_sets),
                  &(mesh->num_side_sets)) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_init");
    return 0;

  /* alocate some memory for the element blocks */
  mesh->data_type = MESH;
  mesh->vwgt_dim = 1;  /* One weight for now. */
  mesh->ewgt_dim = 1;  /* One weight for now. */
  mesh->eb_etypes = (int *) malloc (5 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->eb_etypes) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  mesh->eb_ids = mesh->eb_etypes + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_cnts = mesh->eb_ids + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nnodes = mesh->eb_cnts + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nattrs = mesh->eb_nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  mesh->eb_names = (char **) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(char *));
  if (!mesh->eb_names) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->hindex = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
  mesh->hindex[0] = 0;

  if (ex_get_elem_blk_ids(pexoid, mesh->eb_ids) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_elem_blk_ids");
    return 0;

  /* allocate temporary storage for items needing global reduction.   */
  /* nemesis does not store most element block info about blocks for  */
  /* which the processor owns no elements.                            */
  /* we, however, use this information in migration, so we need to    */
  /* accumulate it for all element blocks.    kdd 2/2001              */

  if (mesh->num_el_blks > 0) {
    nnodes = (int *) malloc(2 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
    if (!nnodes) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;
    etypes = nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  /* get the element block information */
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_el_blks; i++) {

    /* allocate space for name */
    mesh->eb_names[i] = (char *) malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(char));
    if (!mesh->eb_names[i]) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;

    if (ex_get_elem_block(pexoid, mesh->eb_ids[i], mesh->eb_names[i],
                          &(mesh->eb_cnts[i]), &(nnodes[i]),
                          &(mesh->eb_nattrs[i])) < 0) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_elem_block");
      return 0;

    if (mesh->eb_cnts[i] > 0) {
      if ((etypes[i] =  (int) get_elem_type(mesh->eb_names[i],
                                            mesh->num_dims)) == E_TYPE_ERROR) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: could not get element type");
        return 0;
    else etypes[i] = (int) NULL_EL;

  /* Perform reduction on necessary fields of element blocks.  kdd 2/2001 */
  MPI_Allreduce(nnodes, mesh->eb_nnodes, mesh->num_el_blks, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 
  MPI_Allreduce(etypes, mesh->eb_etypes, mesh->num_el_blks, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, 
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_el_blks; i++) {
    strcpy(mesh->eb_names[i], get_elem_name(mesh->eb_etypes[i]));

   * allocate memory for the elements
   * allocate a little extra for element migration latter
  mesh->elem_array_len = mesh->num_elems + 5;
  mesh->elements = (ELEM_INFO_PTR) malloc (mesh->elem_array_len 
                                         * sizeof(ELEM_INFO));
  if (!(mesh->elements)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

   * intialize all of the element structs as unused by
   * setting the globalID to -1
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) 

  /* read the information for the individual elements */
  if (!read_elem_info(pexoid, Proc, prob, mesh)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from read_elem_info");
    return 0;

  /* read the communication information */
  if (!read_comm_map_info(pexoid, Proc, prob, mesh)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from read_comm_map_info");
    return 0;

  /* Close the parallel file */
  if(ex_close (pexoid) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_close");
    return 0;

  /* print out the distributed mesh */
  if (Debug_Driver > 3)
    print_distributed_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;

#endif /* ZOLTAN_NEMESIS */
Esempio n. 16
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	const int MAX_ITER  = 50;
	const double RELTOL = 1e-2;
	const double ABSTOL = 1e-4;

	 * Some bookkeeping variables for MPI. The 'rank' of a process is its numeric id
	 * in the process pool. For example, if we run a program via `mpirun -np 4 foo', then
	 * the process ranks are 0 through 3. Here, N and size are the total number of processes 
	 * running (in this example, 4).

	int rank;
	int size;

	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);               // Initialize the MPI execution environment
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // Determine current running process
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // Total number of processes
	double N = (double) size;             // Number of subsystems/slaves for ADMM

	/* Read in local data */

	int skinny;           // A flag indicating whether the matrix A is fat or skinny
	FILE *f;
	int m, n;
	int row, col;
	double entry;

	 * Subsystem n will look for files called An.dat and bn.dat 
	 * in the current directory; these are its local data and do not need to be
	 * visible to any other processes. Note that
	 * m and n here refer to the dimensions of the *local* coefficient matrix.

	/* Read A */
	char s[20];
	sprintf(s, "data/A%d.dat", rank + 1);
	printf("[%d] reading %s\n", rank, s);

	f = fopen(s, "r");
	if (f == NULL) {
		printf("[%d] ERROR: %s does not exist, exiting.\n", rank, s);
	mm_read_mtx_array_size(f, &m, &n);	
	gsl_matrix *A = gsl_matrix_calloc(m, n);
	for (int i = 0; i < m*n; i++) {
		row = i % m;
		col = floor(i/m);
		fscanf(f, "%lf", &entry);
		gsl_matrix_set(A, row, col, entry);

	/* Read b */
	sprintf(s, "data/b%d.dat", rank + 1);
	printf("[%d] reading %s\n", rank, s);

	f = fopen(s, "r");
	if (f == NULL) {
		printf("[%d] ERROR: %s does not exist, exiting.\n", rank, s);
	mm_read_mtx_array_size(f, &m, &n);
	gsl_vector *b = gsl_vector_calloc(m);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
		fscanf(f, "%lf", &entry);
		gsl_vector_set(b, i, entry);

	m = A->size1;
	n = A->size2;
	skinny = (m >= n);

	 * These are all variables related to ADMM itself. There are many
	 * more variables than in the Matlab implementation because we also
	 * require vectors and matrices to store various intermediate results.
	 * The naming scheme follows the Matlab version of this solver.

	double rho = 1.0;

	gsl_vector *x      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *u      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *z      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *y      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *r      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *zprev  = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *zdiff  = gsl_vector_calloc(n);

	gsl_vector *q      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *w      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *Aq     = gsl_vector_calloc(m);
	gsl_vector *p      = gsl_vector_calloc(m);

	gsl_vector *Atb    = gsl_vector_calloc(n);

	double send[3]; // an array used to aggregate 3 scalars at once
	double recv[3]; // used to receive the results of these aggregations

	double nxstack  = 0;
	double nystack  = 0;
	double prires   = 0;
	double dualres  = 0;
	double eps_pri  = 0;
	double eps_dual = 0;

	/* Precompute and cache factorizations */

	gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, A, b, 0, Atb); // Atb = A^T b

	 * The lasso regularization parameter here is just hardcoded
	 * to 0.5 for simplicity. Using the lambda_max heuristic would require 
	 * network communication, since it requires looking at the *global* A^T b.

	double lambda = 0.5;
	if (rank == 0) {
		printf("using lambda: %.4f\n", lambda);

	gsl_matrix *L;

	/* Use the matrix inversion lemma for efficiency; see section 4.2 of the paper */
	if (skinny) {
		/* L = chol(AtA + rho*I) */
		L = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);

		gsl_matrix *AtA = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);
		gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1, A, 0, AtA);

		gsl_matrix *rhoI = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);
		gsl_matrix_scale(rhoI, rho);

		gsl_matrix_memcpy(L, AtA);
		gsl_matrix_add(L, rhoI);

	} else {
		/* L = chol(I + 1/rho*AAt) */
		L = gsl_matrix_calloc(m,m);

		gsl_matrix *AAt = gsl_matrix_calloc(m,m);
		gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasNoTrans, 1, A, 0, AAt);
		gsl_matrix_scale(AAt, 1/rho);

		gsl_matrix *eye = gsl_matrix_calloc(m,m);

		gsl_matrix_memcpy(L, AAt);
		gsl_matrix_add(L, eye);


	/* Main ADMM solver loop */

	int iter = 0;
	if (rank == 0) {
		printf("%3s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "#", "r norm", "eps_pri", "s norm", "eps_dual", "objective");		
    double startAllTime, endAllTime;
	startAllTime = MPI_Wtime();
	while (iter < MAX_ITER) {

        /* u-update: u = u + x - z */
		gsl_vector_sub(x, z);
		gsl_vector_add(u, x);

		/* x-update: x = (A^T A + rho I) \ (A^T b + rho z - y) */
		gsl_vector_memcpy(q, z);
		gsl_vector_sub(q, u);
		gsl_vector_scale(q, rho);
		gsl_vector_add(q, Atb);   // q = A^T b + rho*(z - u)

        double tmp, tmpq;
		gsl_blas_ddot(x, x, &tmp);
		gsl_blas_ddot(q, q, &tmpq);

		if (skinny) {
			/* x = U \ (L \ q) */
			gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve(L, q, x);
		} else {
			/* x = q/rho - 1/rho^2 * A^T * (U \ (L \ (A*q))) */
			gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, A, q, 0, Aq);
			gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve(L, Aq, p);
			gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, A, p, 0, x); /* now x = A^T * (U \ (L \ (A*q)) */
			gsl_vector_scale(x, -1/(rho*rho));
			gsl_vector_scale(q, 1/rho);
			gsl_vector_add(x, q);

		 * Message-passing: compute the global sum over all processors of the
		 * contents of w and t. Also, update z.

		gsl_vector_memcpy(w, x);
		gsl_vector_add(w, u);   // w = x + u

		gsl_blas_ddot(r, r, &send[0]); 
		gsl_blas_ddot(x, x, &send[1]);
		gsl_blas_ddot(u, u, &send[2]);
		send[2] /= pow(rho, 2);

		gsl_vector_memcpy(zprev, z);

		// could be reduced to a single Allreduce call by concatenating send to w
		MPI_Allreduce(w->data, z->data,  n, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Allreduce(send,    recv,     3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		prires  = sqrt(recv[0]);  /* sqrt(sum ||r_i||_2^2) */
		nxstack = sqrt(recv[1]);  /* sqrt(sum ||x_i||_2^2) */
		nystack = sqrt(recv[2]);  /* sqrt(sum ||y_i||_2^2) */

		gsl_vector_scale(z, 1/N);
		soft_threshold(z, lambda/(N*rho));

		/* Termination checks */

		/* dual residual */
		gsl_vector_memcpy(zdiff, z);
		gsl_vector_sub(zdiff, zprev);
		dualres = sqrt(N) * rho * gsl_blas_dnrm2(zdiff); /* ||s^k||_2^2 = N rho^2 ||z - zprev||_2^2 */

		/* compute primal and dual feasibility tolerances */
		eps_pri  = sqrt(n*N)*ABSTOL + RELTOL * fmax(nxstack, sqrt(N)*gsl_blas_dnrm2(z));
		eps_dual = sqrt(n*N)*ABSTOL + RELTOL * nystack;

		if (rank == 0) {
			printf("%3d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n", iter, 
					prires, eps_pri, dualres, eps_dual, objective(A, b, lambda, z));

		if (prires <= eps_pri && dualres <= eps_dual) {

		/* Compute residual: r = x - z */
		gsl_vector_memcpy(r, x);
		gsl_vector_sub(r, z);


	/* Have the master write out the results to disk */
	if (rank == 0) { 
        endAllTime = MPI_Wtime();
        printf("Elapsed time is: %lf \n", endAllTime - startAllTime);

		f = fopen("data/solution.dat", "w");
		gsl_vector_fprintf(f, z, "%lf");

	MPI_Finalize(); /* Shut down the MPI execution environment */

	/* Clear memory */

Esempio n. 17
/* Set CPU affinity. Can be important for performance.
   On some systems (e.g. Cray) CPU Affinity is set by default.
   But default assigning doesn't work (well) with only some ranks
   having threads. This causes very low performance.
   External tools have cumbersome syntax for setting affinity
   in the case that only some ranks have threads.
   Thus it is important that GROMACS sets the affinity internally
   if only PME is using threads.
gmx_set_thread_affinity(FILE                *fplog,
                        const t_commrec     *cr,
                        const gmx_hw_opt_t  *hw_opt,
                        const gmx_hw_info_t *hwinfo)
    int        nth_affinity_set, thread0_id_node,
               nthread_local, nthread_node;
    int        offset;
    const int *locality_order;
    int        rc;

    if (hw_opt->thread_affinity == threadaffOFF)
        /* Nothing to do */

    /* If the tMPI thread affinity setting is not supported encourage the user
     * to report it as it's either a bug or an exotic platform which we might
     * want to support. */
    if (tMPI_Thread_setaffinity_support() != TMPI_SETAFFINITY_SUPPORT_YES)
        /* we know Mac OS & BlueGene do not support setting thread affinity, so there's
           no point in warning the user in that case. In any other case
           the user might be able to do something about it. */
#if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__bg__)
        md_print_warn(NULL, fplog,
                      "NOTE: Cannot set thread affinities on the current platform.");
#endif  /* __APPLE__ */

    /* threads on this MPI process or TMPI thread */
    if (cr->duty & DUTY_PP)
        nthread_local = gmx_omp_nthreads_get(emntNonbonded);
        nthread_local = gmx_omp_nthreads_get(emntPME);

    /* map the current process to cores */
    thread0_id_node = 0;
    nthread_node    = nthread_local;
#ifdef GMX_MPI
    if (PAR(cr) || MULTISIM(cr))
        /* We need to determine a scan of the thread counts in this
         * compute node.
        MPI_Comm comm_intra;

                       gmx_physicalnode_id_hash(), cr->rank_intranode,
        MPI_Scan(&nthread_local, &thread0_id_node, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm_intra);
        /* MPI_Scan is inclusive, but here we need exclusive */
        thread0_id_node -= nthread_local;
        /* Get the total number of threads on this physical node */
        MPI_Allreduce(&nthread_local, &nthread_node, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm_intra);

    if (hw_opt->thread_affinity == threadaffAUTO &&
        nthread_node != hwinfo->nthreads_hw_avail)
        if (nthread_node > 1 && nthread_node < hwinfo->nthreads_hw_avail)
            md_print_warn(cr, fplog,
                          "NOTE: The number of threads is not equal to the number of (logical) cores\n"
                          "      and the -pin option is set to auto: will not pin thread to cores.\n"
                          "      This can lead to significant performance degradation.\n"
                          "      Consider using -pin on (and -pinoffset in case you run multiple jobs).\n");


    offset = 0;
    if (hw_opt->core_pinning_offset != 0)
        offset = hw_opt->core_pinning_offset;
        md_print_info(cr, fplog, "Applying core pinning offset %d\n", offset);

    int core_pinning_stride = hw_opt->core_pinning_stride;
    rc = get_thread_affinity_layout(fplog, cr, hwinfo,
                                    offset, &core_pinning_stride,

    if (rc != 0)
        /* Incompatible layout, don't pin, warning was already issued */

    /* Set the per-thread affinity. In order to be able to check the success
     * of affinity settings, we will set nth_affinity_set to 1 on threads
     * where the affinity setting succeded and to 0 where it failed.
     * Reducing these 0/1 values over the threads will give the total number
     * of threads on which we succeeded.

    // To avoid warnings from the static analyzer we initialize nth_affinity_set
    // to zero outside the OpenMP block, and then add to it inside the block.
    // The value will still always be 0 or 1 from each thread.
    nth_affinity_set = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(nthread_local) reduction(+:nth_affinity_set)
            int      thread_id, thread_id_node;
            int      index, core;
            gmx_bool setaffinity_ret;

            thread_id      = gmx_omp_get_thread_num();
            thread_id_node = thread0_id_node + thread_id;
            index          = offset + thread_id_node*core_pinning_stride;
            if (locality_order != NULL)
                core = locality_order[index];
                core = index;

            setaffinity_ret = tMPI_Thread_setaffinity_single(tMPI_Thread_self(), core);

            /* store the per-thread success-values of the setaffinity */
            nth_affinity_set += (setaffinity_ret == 0);

            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "On rank %2d, thread %2d, index %2d, core %2d the affinity setting returned %d\n",
                        cr->nodeid, gmx_omp_get_thread_num(), index, core, setaffinity_ret);

    if (nth_affinity_set > nthread_local)
        char msg[STRLEN];

        sprintf(msg, "Looks like we have set affinity for more threads than "
                "we have (%d > %d)!\n", nth_affinity_set, nthread_local);
        /* check & warn if some threads failed to set their affinities */
        if (nth_affinity_set != nthread_local)
            char sbuf1[STRLEN], sbuf2[STRLEN];

            /* sbuf1 contains rank info, while sbuf2 OpenMP thread info */
            sbuf1[0] = sbuf2[0] = '\0';
            /* Only add rank info if we have more than one rank. */
            if (cr->nnodes > 1)
#ifdef GMX_MPI
                sprintf(sbuf1, "In tMPI thread #%d: ", cr->nodeid);
#else           /* GMX_LIB_MPI */
                sprintf(sbuf1, "In MPI process #%d: ", cr->nodeid);
#endif          /* GMX_MPI */

            if (nthread_local > 1)
                sprintf(sbuf2, "for %d/%d thread%s ",
                        nthread_local - nth_affinity_set, nthread_local,
                        nthread_local > 1 ? "s" : "");

            md_print_warn(NULL, fplog,
                          "NOTE: %sAffinity setting %sfailed. This can cause performance degradation.\n"
                          "      If you think your settings are correct, ask on the gmx-users list.",
                          sbuf1, sbuf2);
Esempio n. 18
void wallcycle_sum(t_commrec *cr, gmx_wallcycle_t wc,double cycles[])
    wallcc_t *wcc;
    double buf[ewcNR],*cyc_all,*buf_all;
    int    i;

    if (wc == NULL)

    wcc = wc->wcc;

    if (wcc[ewcDDCOMMLOAD].n > 0)
        wcc[ewcDOMDEC].c -= wcc[ewcDDCOMMLOAD].c;
    if (wcc[ewcDDCOMMBOUND].n > 0)
        wcc[ewcDOMDEC].c -= wcc[ewcDDCOMMBOUND].c;
    if (wcc[ewcPMEMESH].n > 0)
        wcc[ewcFORCE].c -= wcc[ewcPMEMESH].c;
    if (wcc[ewcPMEMESH_SEP].n > 0)
        /* This must be a PME only node, calculate the Wait + Comm. time */
        wcc[ewcPMEWAITCOMM].c = wcc[ewcRUN].c - wcc[ewcPMEMESH_SEP].c;
        /* Correct the PME mesh only call count */
        wcc[ewcPMEMESH_SEP].n = wcc[ewcFORCE].n;
        wcc[ewcPMEWAITCOMM].n = wcc[ewcFORCE].n;
    /* Store the cycles in a double buffer for summing */
    for(i=0; i<ewcNR; i++)
        cycles[i] = (double)wcc[i].c;
    if (wcc[ewcUPDATE].n > 0)
        /* Remove the constraint part from the update count */
        cycles[ewcUPDATE] -= cycles[ewcCONSTR];
#ifdef GMX_MPI    
    if (cr->nnodes > 1)
        for(i=0; i<ewcNR; i++)
            cycles[i] = buf[i];
        if (wc->wcc_all != NULL)
            for(i=0; i<ewcNR*ewcNR; i++)
                cyc_all[i] = wc->wcc_all[i].c;
            for(i=0; i<ewcNR*ewcNR; i++)
                wc->wcc_all[i].c = buf_all[i];
Esempio n. 19
	void system::set_geometry(const bool init) 
		const double dt_max = 1.0/512;
		scheduler = Scheduler(dt_max);

		int np;
		float lx, ly, lz;
		FILE *fin = NULL;
		if (myproc == 0)
			float wp;
			fin = fopen(fin_data, "r");
			int ival;
			size_t nread;

			nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin);		assert(ival == 2*sizeof(int));
			nread = fread(&np, sizeof(int), 1, fin);
			nread = fread(&wp, sizeof(float), 1, fin);
			nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin);		assert(ival == 2*sizeof(int));
			nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin);		assert(ival == 3*sizeof(float));
			nread = fread(&lx, sizeof(float), 1, fin);
			nread = fread(&ly, sizeof(float), 1, fin);
			nread = fread(&lz, sizeof(float), 1, fin);
			nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin);		assert(ival == 3*sizeof(float));

			fprintf(stderr, " np= %d  wp= %g \n",np, wp);
			fprintf(stderr, " lx= %g  ly= %g  lz= %g \n", lx, ly, lz);

		MPI_Bcast(&lx,  1, MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Bcast(&ly,  1, MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Bcast(&lz,  1, MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		t_end   = 0.2;

		n_restart = 2;
		dt_restart = dt_max;

		dt_dump = 0.01;

		di_log = 100;

		global_n = local_n = 0;

//		eulerian = true;

		const vec3 rmin(0.0);
		const vec3 rmax(lx, ly, lz);
		global_domain = boundary(rmin, rmax);
		global_domain_size = global_domain.hsize() * 2.0;

		const vec3 Len3 = global_domain.hsize() * 2.0;

		if (myproc == 0) 


			const int nx = (int)std::pow(np, 1.0/3.0);
			const dvec3 dr = dvec3(Len3.x/nx, Len3.y/nx, Len3.z/nx);
			const real rmax = dr.abs() * 1.0;

			fprintf(stderr, "dr= %g %g %g \n", dr.x, dr.y, dr.z);

			local_n  = ptcl.size();
			global_n = local_n;

				std::vector<float> x(local_n), y(local_n), z(local_n);
				size_t nread;
				int ival;

				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				nread = fread(&x[0], sizeof(float), local_n, fin);
				assert((int)nread == local_n);
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				nread = fread(&y[0], sizeof(float), local_n, fin);
				assert((int)nread == local_n);
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				nread = fread(&z[0], sizeof(float), local_n, fin);
				assert((int)nread == local_n);
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));

				for (int i = 0; i < local_n; i++)
					const dvec3 vel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
					ptcl[i] = Particle(x[i], y[i], z[i], vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, i);
					ptcl[i].rmax = rmax;

			const int var_list[7] = {

			std::vector<float> data(local_n);
			for (int var = 0; var < 7; var++)
				fprintf(stderr, " reading vat %d out of %d \n", var+1, 7);
				int ival;
				size_t nread;
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				nread = fread(&data[0], sizeof(float), local_n, fin);
				assert((int)nread == local_n);
				nread = fread(&ival, sizeof(int), 1, fin); assert(ival == local_n*(int)sizeof(float));
				for (int i = 0; i < local_n; i++)
					U[i][var_list[var]] = data[i];
			for (int i = 0; i < local_n; i++)
				assert(U[i][Fluid::DENS] > 0.0);
				U[i][Fluid::ETHM] = cs2 * U[i][Fluid::DENS];


			fprintf(stderr, "  *** proc= %d : local_n= %d  global_n= %d \n", myproc, local_n, global_n);
		} // myproc == 0

		MPI_Bcast(&global_n,  1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		fprintf(stderr, " proc= %d  distrubite \n", myproc);

		Distribute::int3 nt(1, 1, 1);
		switch(nproc) {
			case 1: break;
			case 2: nt.x = 2; nt.y = 1; nt.z = 1; break;
			case 4: nt.x = 2; nt.y = 2; nt.z = 1; break;
			case 6: nt.x = 3; nt.y = 2; nt.z = 1; break;
			case 8: nt.x = 2; nt.y = 2; nt.z = 2; break;
			case 16: nt.x = 4; nt.y = 2; nt.z = 2; break;
			case 32: nt.x = 4; nt.y = 4; nt.z = 2; break;
			case 64: nt.x = 4; nt.y = 4; nt.z = 4; break;
			case 128: nt.x = 8; nt.y = 4; nt.z = 4; break;
			case 256: nt.x = 8; nt.y = 8; nt.z = 4; break;
			case 512: nt.x = 8; nt.y = 8; nt.z = 8; break;
			default: assert(false);

		const Distribute::int3 nt_glb(nt);
		const pBoundary pglobal_domain(pfloat3(0.0), pfloat3(Len3));
		distribute_glb.set(nproc, nt, pglobal_domain);

		for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
			distribute_data(true, false);

		const int nloc_reserve = (int)(2.0*global_n/nproc);
		fit_reserve_vec(ptcl,      nloc_reserve);
		fit_reserve_vec(ptcl_ppos, nloc_reserve);
		fit_reserve_vec(U,         nloc_reserve);
		fit_reserve_vec(dU,        nloc_reserve);
		fit_reserve_vec(Wgrad,     nloc_reserve);
		fit_reserve_vec(gradPsi,   nloc_reserve);
		fit_reserve_vec(cells,     nloc_reserve);


		fprintf(stderr, " *** proc= %d : local_n= %d  global_n= %d \n", myproc, local_n, global_n);
		fprintf(stderr, " proc= %d  building_mesh \n", myproc);


		const double t10 = mytimer::get_wtime();
		int nattempt = build_mesh(true);
		double dt10 = mytimer::get_wtime() - t10;

		double volume_loc = 0.0;
			std::vector<TREAL> v(local_n);
			for (int i = 0; i < local_n; i++)
				v[i] = cells[i].Volume;
			std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());  // sort volumes from low to high, to avoid roundoff errors
			for (int i = 0; i < local_n; i++)
				volume_loc += v[i];

		double dt10max;
		MPI_Allreduce(&dt10, &dt10max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		double volume_glob = 0.0;	
		int    nattempt_max, nattempt_min;
		MPI_Allreduce(&volume_loc, &volume_glob,  1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Allreduce(&nattempt,   &nattempt_max, 1, MPI_INT,    MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Allreduce(&nattempt,   &nattempt_min, 1, MPI_INT,    MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		const double volume_exact = global_domain_size.x*global_domain_size.y*global_domain_size.z;
		if (myproc == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "first call build_mesh:[ %g  sec ::  %g cells/s/proc/thread ]\n",
			fprintf(stderr, "   computed_volume= %g  exact_volume= %g diff= %g [ %g ]  nattempt= %d %d \n",
					volume_glob, volume_exact, 
					volume_glob - volume_exact,	(volume_glob - volume_exact)/volume_exact,
					nattempt_min, nattempt_max);


Esempio n. 20
/* ************************************************************************ */
calculate_jacobi (struct calculation_arguments const* arguments, struct calculation_results *results, struct options const* options)
    int i, j;                                   /* local variables for loops  */
    int m1, m2;                                 /* used as indices for old and new matrices       */
    double star;                                /* four times center value minus 4 neigh.b values */
    double residuum;                            /* residuum of current iteration                  */
    double maxresiduum;                         /* maximum residuum value of a slave in iteration */

    const int nproc = arguments->nproc;
    const int rank = arguments->rank;

    int const N = arguments->N;
    int const N_global = arguments->N_global;
    double const h = arguments->h;

    int term_iteration = options->term_iteration;

    /* initialize m1 and m2 depending on algorithm */
    if (options->method == METH_JACOBI)
        m1 = 0;
        m2 = 1;
        m1 = 0;
        m2 = 0;

    while (term_iteration > 0)
        double** Matrix_Out = arguments->Matrix[m1];
        double** Matrix_In  = arguments->Matrix[m2];

        maxresiduum = 0;

        /* over all rows */
        for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
            /* over all columns */
            for (j = 1; j < N_global; j++)
                star = 0.25 * (Matrix_In[i-1][j] +
                               Matrix_In[i][j-1] +
                               Matrix_In[i][j+1] +

                if (options->inf_func == FUNC_FPISIN)
                    star += (0.25 * TWO_PI_SQUARE * h * h) *
                            sin((PI * h) * ((double)i + arguments->offset)) *
                            sin((PI * h) * (double)j);

                if (options->termination == TERM_PREC || term_iteration == 1)
                    residuum = Matrix_In[i][j] - star;
                    residuum = (residuum < 0) ? -residuum : residuum;
                    maxresiduum = (residuum < maxresiduum) ? maxresiduum : residuum;

                Matrix_Out[i][j] = star;

        // Communicate lines with each other into each other's extra allocated line
        if(rank > 0) {
            MPI_Sendrecv(Matrix_Out[1], N_global, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, rank ,
                         Matrix_Out[0], N_global, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, rank - 1,
                         MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

        // Last rank can't communicate with higher ranks because there aren't any
        if(rank != nproc - 1) {
            MPI_Sendrecv(Matrix_Out[N - 1], N_global, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, rank,
                         Matrix_Out[N], N_global, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, rank + 1,
                         MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

        /* exchange m1 and m2 */
        i = m1;
        m1 = m2;
        m2 = i;

        // Find lowest maxresiduum in whole process swarm
        MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxresiduum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        results->stat_precision = maxresiduum;

        /* check for stopping calculation, depending on termination method */
        if (options->termination == TERM_PREC)
            if (maxresiduum < options->term_precision)
                term_iteration = 0;
        else if (options->termination == TERM_ITER)

    results->m = m2;
Esempio n. 21
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  LIS_VECTOR		b,x,v;
  LIS_SCALAR		ntimes,nmflops,nnrm2;
  LIS_SCALAR		*value;

  int			nprocs,my_rank;
  int			nthreads, maxthreads;
  int			gn,nnz,mode;
  int			i,j,jj,j0,j1,l,k,n,np,h,ih;
  int			m,nn,ii;
  int			block;
  int			rn,rmin,rmax,rb;
  int			is,ie,clsize,ci,*iw;
  int			err,iter,storage;
  int	       		*ptr,*index;
  double		mem,val,ra,rs,ri,ria,ca,time,time2,convtime,val2,nnzs,nnzap,nnzt;
  double		commtime,comptime,flops;
  FILE			*file;
  char path[1024];

  lis_initialize(&argc, &argv);

#ifdef USE_MPI
  nprocs  = 1;
  my_rank = 0;

  if( argc < 4 )
      if( my_rank==0 ) printf("Usage: spmvtest4 matrix_filename matrix_type iter [block] \n");

  file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
  if( file==NULL ) CHKERR(1);

  storage  = atoi(argv[2]);
  iter = atoi(argv[3]);
  if (argv[4] == NULL) {
    block = 2;
  else {
    block = atoi(argv[4]);

  if( storage<1 || storage>11 )
      if( my_rank==0 ) printf("storage=%d <1 or storage=%d >11\n",storage,storage);
  if( iter<=0 )
      if( my_rank==0 ) printf("iter=%d <= 0\n",iter);

  if( my_rank==0 )
      printf("number of processes = %d\n",nprocs);

#ifdef _OPENMP
  if( my_rank==0 )
      nthreads = omp_get_num_procs();
      maxthreads = omp_get_max_threads();
      printf("max number of threads = %d\n", nthreads);
      printf("number of threads = %d\n", maxthreads);
      nthreads = 1;
      maxthreads = 1;

  /* create matrix and vectors */
  err = lis_input(A0,NULL,NULL,argv[1]);

  n   = A0->n;
  gn  = A0->gn;
  nnz = A0->nnz;
  np  = A0->np-n;
#ifdef USE_MPI
  nnzap = (double)i / (double)nprocs;
  nnzt  = ((double)nnz -nnzap)*((double)nnz -nnzap);
  nnz   = i;
  nnzs  = (nnzs / (double)nprocs)/nnzap;
  np = i;

  err = lis_vector_duplicate(A0,&x);
  if( err ) CHKERR(err);
  err = lis_vector_duplicate(A0,&b);
  if( err ) CHKERR(err);

      err = lis_vector_set_value(LIS_INS_VALUE,i+is,1.0,x);

  err = lis_matrix_convert(A0,A);
  if( err ) CHKERR(err);
  comptime = 0.0;
  commtime = 0.0;

#ifdef USE_MPI
      time = lis_wtime();
      commtime += lis_wtime() - time;
      time2 = lis_wtime();
      comptime += lis_wtime() - time2;

  if( my_rank==0 )
      flops = 2.0*nnz*iter*1.0e-6 / comptime;
      if( A->matrix_type==LIS_MATRIX_BSR || A->matrix_type==LIS_MATRIX_BSC )
	  A->bnr = block;
	  A->bnc = block;
	  printf("format = %s(%dx%d) (%2d), iteration = %d, computation = %e sec., %8.3f MFLOPS, communication = %e sec., communication/computation = %3.3f %%, 2-norm = %e\n",lis_storagename2[storage-1],block,block,storage,iter,comptime,flops,commtime,commtime/comptime*100,val);
	  printf("format = %s (%2d), iteration = %d, computation = %e sec., %8.3f MFLOPS, communication = %e sec., communication/computation = %3.3f %%, 2-norm = %e\n",lis_storagename2[storage-1],storage,iter,comptime,flops,commtime,commtime/comptime*100,val);




  return 0;
void _Pouliquen_etal_UpdateDrawParameters( void* rheology ) {
	Pouliquen_etal*                   self               = (Pouliquen_etal*) rheology;
	Particle_Index                   lParticle_I;
	Particle_Index                   particleLocalCount;
	StrainWeakening*                 strainWeakening    = self->strainWeakening;
	MaterialPoint*                   materialPoint;
	double                           length;
	double                           brightness;
	double                           opacity;
	double                           strainWeakeningRatio;
	double                           localMaxStrainIncrement;
	double                           localMeanStrainIncrement;
	Particle_Index                   localFailed;
	double                           globalMaxStrainIncrement;
	double                           globalMeanStrainIncrement;
	Particle_Index                   globalFailed;
	double                           averagedGlobalMaxStrainIncrement = 0.0;

	double                           oneOverGlobalMaxStrainIncrement;
	double                           postFailureWeakeningIncrement;

	/* Note : this function defines some drawing parameters (brightness, opacity, diameter) as
	 * functions of the strain weakening - this needs to be improved since most of the parameters
	 * that define this dependency are hard coded here. We need to have a more flexible way
	 * to construct the viz parameters as functions of material parameters */

	/* We should only update the drawing parameters if the strain weakening is defined */ 
	if (strainWeakening==NULL)
	localMaxStrainIncrement = 0.0;
	localMeanStrainIncrement = 0.0;
	localFailed = 0;

	/* Update all variables */
	Variable_Update( self->hasYieldedVariable->variable );
	Variable_Update( self->brightness->variable );
	Variable_Update( self->opacity->variable );
	Variable_Update( self->diameter->variable );
	Variable_Update( strainWeakening->postFailureWeakeningIncrement->variable );

	particleLocalCount = self->hasYieldedVariable->variable->arraySize;
	for ( lParticle_I = 0 ; lParticle_I < particleLocalCount ; lParticle_I++ ) { 
		if ( Variable_GetValueChar( self->hasYieldedVariable->variable, lParticle_I )) {

			postFailureWeakeningIncrement = 
					Variable_GetValueDouble( strainWeakening->postFailureWeakeningIncrement->variable, lParticle_I );
			localMeanStrainIncrement += postFailureWeakeningIncrement;
			if(localMaxStrainIncrement < postFailureWeakeningIncrement)
				localMaxStrainIncrement = postFailureWeakeningIncrement;
	(void)MPI_Allreduce( &localMaxStrainIncrement,  &globalMaxStrainIncrement,  1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
	(void)MPI_Allreduce( &localMeanStrainIncrement, &globalMeanStrainIncrement, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
	(void)MPI_Allreduce( &localFailed,              &globalFailed,              1, MPI_INT,    MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
	if(globalFailed == 0) 
	globalMeanStrainIncrement /= (double) globalFailed;
	averagedGlobalMaxStrainIncrement = 
			0.5 * averagedGlobalMaxStrainIncrement + 
			0.25 * globalMeanStrainIncrement +
			0.25 * globalMaxStrainIncrement;
	/* Let's simply assume that twice the mean is a good place to truncate these values */
	oneOverGlobalMaxStrainIncrement = 1.0 / averagedGlobalMaxStrainIncrement;
	for ( lParticle_I = 0 ; lParticle_I < particleLocalCount ; lParticle_I++ ) { 
		materialPoint = (MaterialPoint*)Swarm_ParticleAt( strainWeakening->swarm, lParticle_I );

		if ( Variable_GetValueChar( self->hasYieldedVariable->variable, lParticle_I ) == False ||
					StrainWeakening_GetPostFailureWeakening( strainWeakening, materialPoint ) < 0.0 ) 
			Variable_SetValueFloat( self->brightness->variable, lParticle_I, 0.0 );
			Variable_SetValueFloat( self->opacity->variable, lParticle_I, 0.0 );
			Variable_SetValueFloat( self->diameter->variable, lParticle_I, 0.0 );

		postFailureWeakeningIncrement = 
				Variable_GetValueDouble( strainWeakening->postFailureWeakeningIncrement->variable, lParticle_I );
		strainWeakeningRatio = StrainWeakening_CalcRatio( strainWeakening, materialPoint );
		length     = 0.001 + 0.003 * strainWeakeningRatio;
		brightness = strainWeakeningRatio * postFailureWeakeningIncrement * oneOverGlobalMaxStrainIncrement;
		opacity = 0.5 * brightness; 
		if( brightness > 1.0 )
			brightness = 1.0;
		if( opacity > 0.5 )
			opacity = 0.5;
		if( opacity < 0.1 )
			opacity = 0.0;
		Variable_SetValueFloat( self->brightness->variable, lParticle_I, brightness );
		Variable_SetValueFloat( self->opacity->variable,    lParticle_I, opacity );
		Variable_SetValueFloat( self->diameter->variable,   lParticle_I, (float) length );
Esempio n. 23
File: main.c Progetto: RWTH-OS/Hydro
main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char myhost[256];
  real_t dt = 0;
  int nvtk = 0;
  char outnum[80];
  int time_output = 0;
  long flops = 0;

  // real_t output_time = 0.0;
  real_t next_output_time = 0;
  double start_time = 0, end_time = 0;
  double start_iter = 0, end_iter = 0;
  double elaps = 0;
  struct timespec start, end;
  double cellPerCycle = 0;
  double avgCellPerCycle = 0;
  long nbCycle = 0;

  // array of timers to profile the code
  memset(functim, 0, TIM_END * sizeof(functim[0]));

#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  process_args(argc, argv, &H);
  hydro_init(&H, &Hv);

  if (H.mype == 0)
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro starts in %s precision.\n", ((sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(double))? "double": "single"));
  gethostname(myhost, 255);
  if (H.mype == 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: Main process running on %s\n", myhost);

#ifdef _OPENMP
  if (H.mype == 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro:    OpenMP mode ON\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: OpenMP %d max threads\n", omp_get_max_threads());
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: OpenMP %d num threads\n", omp_get_num_threads());
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: OpenMP %d num procs\n", omp_get_num_procs());
#ifdef MPI
  if (H.mype == 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: MPI run with %d procs\n", H.nproc);
  fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: standard build\n");

  // PRINTUOLD(H, &Hv);
#ifdef MPI
  if (H.nproc > 1)
#if FTI>0
#if FTI==0

  if (H.dtoutput > 0) {
    // outputs are in physical time not in time steps
    time_output = 1;
    next_output_time = next_output_time + H.dtoutput;

  if (H.dtoutput > 0 || H.noutput > 0)
    vtkfile(++nvtk, H, &Hv);

  if (H.mype == 0)
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro starts main loop.\n");

  //pre-allocate memory before entering in loop
  //For godunov scheme
  start = cclock();
  start = cclock();
  allocate_work_space(H.nxyt, H, &Hw_godunov, &Hvw_godunov);
  compute_deltat_init_mem(H, &Hw_deltat, &Hvw_deltat);
  end = cclock();
#ifdef MPI
#if FTI==1
  FTI_Protect(0,functim, TIM_END,FTI_DBLE);
  FTI_Protect(8,Hv.uold,H.nvar * H.nxt * H.nyt,FTI_DBLE);
  if (H.mype == 0) fprintf(stdout, "Hydro: init mem %lfs\n", ccelaps(start, end));
  // we start timings here to avoid the cost of initial memory allocation
  start_time = dcclock();

  while ((H.t < H.tend) && (H.nstep < H.nstepmax)) {
    //system("top -b -n1");
    // reset perf counter for this iteration
    flopsAri = flopsSqr = flopsMin = flopsTra = 0;
    start_iter = dcclock();
    outnum[0] = 0;
    if ((H.nstep % 2) == 0) {
      dt = 0;
      // if (H.mype == 0) fprintf(stdout, "Hydro computes deltat.\n");
      start = cclock();
      compute_deltat(&dt, H, &Hw_deltat, &Hv, &Hvw_deltat);
      end = cclock();
      functim[TIM_COMPDT] += ccelaps(start, end);
      if (H.nstep == 0) {
        dt = dt / 2.0;
	if (H.mype == 0) fprintf(stdout, "Hydro computes initial deltat: %le\n", dt);
#ifdef MPI
      if (H.nproc > 1) {
        real_t dtmin;
        // printf("pe=%4d\tdt=%lg\n",H.mype, dt);
#if FTI==0
	if (sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(double)) {
	    MPI_Allreduce(&dt, &dtmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	  } else {
	    MPI_Allreduce(&dt, &dtmin, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#if FTI>0
	if (sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(double)) {
	  MPI_Allreduce(&dt, &dtmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
	} else {
	  MPI_Allreduce(&dt, &dtmin, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MIN, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
        dt = dtmin;
    // dt = 1.e-3;
    // if (H.mype == 1) fprintf(stdout, "Hydro starts godunov.\n");
    if ((H.nstep % 2) == 0) {
      hydro_godunov(1, dt, H, &Hv, &Hw_godunov, &Hvw_godunov);
      //            hydro_godunov(2, dt, H, &Hv, &Hw, &Hvw);
    } else {
      hydro_godunov(2, dt, H, &Hv, &Hw_godunov, &Hvw_godunov);
      //            hydro_godunov(1, dt, H, &Hv, &Hw, &Hvw);
    end_iter = dcclock();
    cellPerCycle = (double) (H.globnx * H.globny) / (end_iter - start_iter) / 1000000.0L;
    avgCellPerCycle += cellPerCycle;

    H.t += dt;
      real_t iter_time = (real_t) (end_iter - start_iter);
#ifdef MPI
      long flopsAri_t, flopsSqr_t, flopsMin_t, flopsTra_t;
      start = cclock();
#if FTI==0
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsAri, &flopsAri_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsSqr, &flopsSqr_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsMin, &flopsMin_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsTra, &flopsTra_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#if FTI>0
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsAri, &flopsAri_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsSqr, &flopsSqr_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsMin, &flopsMin_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce(&flopsTra, &flopsTra_t, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
      //       if (H.mype == 1)
      //        printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld \n", flopsAri, flopsSqr, flopsMin, flopsTra, flopsAri_t, flopsSqr_t, flopsMin_t, flopsTra_t);
      flops = flopsAri_t * FLOPSARI + flopsSqr_t * FLOPSSQR + flopsMin_t * FLOPSMIN + flopsTra_t * FLOPSTRA;
      end = cclock();
      functim[TIM_ALLRED] += ccelaps(start, end);
      flops = flopsAri * FLOPSARI + flopsSqr * FLOPSSQR + flopsMin * FLOPSMIN + flopsTra * FLOPSTRA;

      if (flops > 0) {
        if (iter_time > 1.e-9) {
          double mflops = (double) flops / (double) 1.e+6 / iter_time;
          MflopsSUM += mflops;
          sprintf(outnum, "%s {%.2f Mflops %ld Ops} (%.3fs)", outnum, mflops, flops, iter_time);
      } else {
        sprintf(outnum, "%s (%.3fs)", outnum, iter_time);
    if (time_output == 0 && H.noutput > 0) {
      if ((H.nstep % H.noutput) == 0) {
        vtkfile(++nvtk, H, &Hv);
        sprintf(outnum, "%s [%04d]", outnum, nvtk);
    } else {
      if (time_output == 1 && H.t >= next_output_time) {
        vtkfile(++nvtk, H, &Hv);
        next_output_time = next_output_time + H.dtoutput;
        sprintf(outnum, "%s [%04d]", outnum, nvtk);
    if (H.mype == 0) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "--> step=%4d, %12.5e, %10.5e %.3lf MC/s%s\n", H.nstep, H.t, dt, cellPerCycle, outnum);
#ifdef MPI
#if FTI==1
  } // while
  end_time = dcclock();

  // Deallocate work spaces
  deallocate_work_space(H.nxyt, H, &Hw_godunov, &Hvw_godunov);
  compute_deltat_clean_mem(H, &Hw_deltat, &Hvw_deltat);

  hydro_finish(H, &Hv);
  elaps = (double) (end_time - start_time);
  timeToString(outnum, elaps);
  if (H.mype == 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Hydro ends in %ss (%.3lf) <%.2lf MFlops>.\n", outnum, elaps, (float) (MflopsSUM / nbFLOPS));
    fprintf(stdout, "       ");
  if (H.nproc == 1) {
    int sizeFmt = sizeLabel(functim, TIM_END);
    printTimingsLabel(TIM_END, sizeFmt);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    if (sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(double)) {
      fprintf(stdout, "PE0_DP ");
    } else {
      fprintf(stdout, "PE0_SP ");
    printTimings(functim, TIM_END, sizeFmt);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "%%      ");
    percentTimings(functim, TIM_END);
    printTimings(functim, TIM_END, sizeFmt);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
#ifdef MPI
  if (H.nproc > 1) {
    double timMAX[TIM_END];
    double timMIN[TIM_END];
    double timSUM[TIM_END];
#if FTI==0
    MPI_Allreduce(functim, timMAX, TIM_END, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Allreduce(functim, timMIN, TIM_END, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Allreduce(functim, timSUM, TIM_END, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#if FTI>0
    MPI_Allreduce(functim, timMAX, TIM_END, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Allreduce(functim, timMIN, TIM_END, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Allreduce(functim, timSUM, TIM_END, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, FTI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (H.mype == 0) {
      int sizeFmt = sizeLabel(timMAX, TIM_END);
      printTimingsLabel(TIM_END, sizeFmt);
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "MIN ");
      printTimings(timMIN, TIM_END, sizeFmt);
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "MAX ");
      printTimings(timMAX, TIM_END, sizeFmt);
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "AVG ");
      avgTimings(timSUM, TIM_END, H.nproc);
      printTimings(timSUM, TIM_END, sizeFmt);
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
  if (H.mype == 0) {
	  fprintf(stdout, "Average MC/s: %.3lf\n", (double)(avgCellPerCycle / nbCycle));

#ifdef MPI
#if FTI>0
  return 0;
Esempio n. 24
//Here's the main...
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  MPI_Comm comm;
  int numProcs = 1, localProc = 0;
  CHK_ERR( fei_test_utils::initialize_mpi(argc, argv, localProc, numProcs) );
  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

  double start_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  //read input parameters from a file specified on the command-line with
  // '-i file'
  std::vector<std::string> stdstrings;
  CHK_ERR( fei_test_utils::get_filename_and_read_input(argc, argv,
						comm, localProc,
						stdstrings) );
  //parse the strings from the input file into a fei::ParameterSet object.
  fei::ParameterSet paramset;
  fei::utils::parse_strings(stdstrings, " ", paramset);

  std::string solverName;
  int L = 0;
  int outputLevel = 0;

  int errcode = 0;
  errcode += paramset.getStringParamValue("SOLVER_LIBRARY", solverName);
  errcode += paramset.getIntParamValue("L", L);
  paramset.getIntParamValue("outputLevel", outputLevel);

  if (errcode != 0) {
    fei::console_out() << "Failed to find one or more required parameters in input-file."
	     << FEI_ENDL << "Required parameters:"<<FEI_ENDL
	     << "L" << FEI_ENDL;
#ifndef FEI_SER

  if (localProc == 0) {
    int nodes = (L+1)*(L+1);
    int eqns = nodes;
    //macros FEI_COUT and FEI_ENDL are aliases for std::cout and std::endl,
    //defined in fei_iostream.hpp.
    FEI_COUT << "\n========================================================\n";
    FEI_COUT << "FEI version: " << fei::utils::version() << "\n";
    FEI_COUT << "Square size     L: " << L << " elements.\n";
    FEI_COUT << "Global number of elements: " << L*L << "\n";
    FEI_COUT << "Global number of nodes: " << nodes << "\n";
    FEI_COUT << "Global number of equations: " << eqns <<"\n";
    FEI_COUT << "========================================================" 
	 << FEI_ENDL;

  if (outputLevel == 1) {
    if (localProc != 0) outputLevel = 0;

  if (outputLevel>0) {
    fei_test_utils::print_args(argc, argv);

  //PoissonData is the object that will be in charge of generating the
  //data to pump into the FEI objects.

  PoissonData poissonData(L, numProcs, localProc, outputLevel);

  double start_init_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::Factory> factory;
  try {
    factory = fei::create_fei_Factory(comm, solverName.c_str());
  catch (std::runtime_error& exc) {
    FEI_COUT << "library " << solverName << " not available."<<FEI_ENDL;
#ifndef FEI_SER

  if (factory.get() == NULL) {
    FEI_COUT << "fei::Factory creation failed." << FEI_ENDL;
#ifndef FEI_SER


  fei::SharedPtr<fei::VectorSpace> nodeSpace =
    factory->createVectorSpace(comm, "poisson3");

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::VectorSpace> dummy;
  fei::SharedPtr<fei::MatrixGraph> matrixGraph =
    factory->createMatrixGraph(nodeSpace, dummy, "poisson3");

  //load some control parameters.

  int numFields = poissonData.getNumFields();
  int* fieldSizes = poissonData.getFieldSizes();
  int* fieldIDs = poissonData.getFieldIDs();
  int nodeIDType = 0;

  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "defineFields" << FEI_ENDL;
  nodeSpace->defineFields( numFields, fieldIDs, fieldSizes );

  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "defineIDTypes" << FEI_ENDL;
  nodeSpace->defineIDTypes( 1, &nodeIDType );

  CHK_ERR( init_elem_connectivities(matrixGraph.get(), poissonData) );

  CHK_ERR( set_shared_nodes(nodeSpace.get(), poissonData) );

  //The following IOS_... macros are defined in base/fei_macros.h
  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "initComplete" << FEI_ENDL;
  CHK_ERR( matrixGraph->initComplete() );

  double fei_init_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_init_time;

  //Now the initialization phase is complete. Next we'll do the load phase,
  //which for this problem just consists of loading the element data
  //(element-wise stiffness arrays and load vectors) and the boundary
  //condition data.
  //This simple problem doesn't have any constraint relations, etc.

  double start_load_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::Matrix> mat = factory->createMatrix(matrixGraph);
  fei::SharedPtr<fei::Vector> solnVec = factory->createVector(nodeSpace, true);
  fei::SharedPtr<fei::Vector> rhsVec  = factory->createVector(nodeSpace);
  fei::SharedPtr<fei::LinearSystem> linSys= factory->createLinearSystem(matrixGraph);


  CHK_ERR( linSys->parameters(paramset));
  CHK_ERR( load_elem_data(matrixGraph.get(), mat.get(), rhsVec.get(), poissonData) );

  CHK_ERR( load_BC_data(linSys.get(), poissonData) );

  CHK_ERR( linSys->loadComplete() );

  double fei_load_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_load_time;

  //now the load phase is complete, so we're ready to launch the underlying
  //solver and solve Ax=b

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::Solver> solver = factory->createSolver();

  int status;
  int itersTaken = 0;

  if (outputLevel>0 && localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "solve..." << FEI_ENDL;
  double start_solve_time = fei::utils::cpu_time();

  int err = solver->solve(linSys.get(),
			  NULL, //preconditioningMatrix
			  paramset, itersTaken, status);

  double solve_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_solve_time;

  if (err!=0) {
    if (localProc==0) FEI_COUT << "solve returned err: " << err <<", status: "
			   << status << FEI_ENDL;

  CHK_ERR( solnVec->scatterToOverlap() );

  //We should make sure the solution we just computed is correct...

  int numNodes = nodeSpace->getNumOwnedAndSharedIDs(nodeIDType);

  double maxErr = 0.0;
  if (numNodes > 0) {
    int lenNodeIDs = numNodes;
    GlobalID* nodeIDs = new GlobalID[lenNodeIDs];
    double* soln = new double[lenNodeIDs];
    if (nodeIDs != NULL && soln != NULL) {
      CHK_ERR( nodeSpace->getOwnedAndSharedIDs(nodeIDType, numNodes,
				      nodeIDs, lenNodeIDs) );

      int fieldID = 1;
      CHK_ERR( solnVec->copyOutFieldData(fieldID, nodeIDType,
				      numNodes, nodeIDs, soln));

      for(int i=0; i<numNodes; i++) {
	int nID = (int)nodeIDs[i];
	double x = (1.0* ((nID-1)%(L+1)))/L;
	double y = (1.0* ((nID-1)/(L+1)))/L;

	double exactSoln = x*x + y*y;
	double error = std::abs(exactSoln - soln[i]);
	if (maxErr < error) maxErr = error;

      delete [] nodeIDs;
      delete [] soln;
    else {
      fei::console_out() << "allocation of nodeIDs or soln failed." << FEI_ENDL; 


#ifndef FEI_SER
  double globalMaxErr = 0.0;
  MPI_Allreduce(&maxErr, &globalMaxErr, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm);
  maxErr = globalMaxErr;
  bool testPassed = true;
  if (maxErr > 1.e-6) testPassed = false;

  double elapsed_cpu_time = fei::utils::cpu_time() - start_time;
  int returnValue = 0;

  //The following IOS_... macros are defined in base/fei_macros.h
  if (localProc==0) {
    FEI_COUT << "Proc0 cpu times (seconds):" << FEI_ENDL
	 << "   FEI initialize:  " << fei_init_time << FEI_ENDL
         << "   FEI load:        " << fei_load_time << FEI_ENDL
         << "      solve:        " << solve_time << FEI_ENDL
         << "Total program time: " << elapsed_cpu_time << FEI_ENDL;

  if (testPassed && returnValue==0 && localProc == 0) {
    FEI_COUT << "poisson: TEST PASSED, maxErr = " << maxErr << ", iterations: "
	 << itersTaken << FEI_ENDL;
    FEI_COUT << "Poisson test successful" << FEI_ENDL;
  if ((testPassed == false || returnValue != 0) && localProc == 0) {
    FEI_COUT << "maxErr = " << maxErr << ", TEST FAILED\n";
    FEI_COUT << "(Test is deemed to have passed if the maximum difference"
	 << " between the exact and computed solutions is 1.e-6 or less, *AND*"
	 << " time-taken matches file-benchmark if available.)"
	 << FEI_ENDL;

#ifndef FEI_SER
Esempio n. 25
int pdshrk(int ndim, int beta, int *resize, int *num)
   * If the best vertex is not replaced at the current step, the
   * convergence theorem requires us to shrink the simplex towards the
   * best vertex.  Since the choice of search schemes may allow us to
   * to "look-ahead" several iterations, we would like to know the
   * size of the smallest simplex seen during the step (which, by the
   * way the scheme is generated, is guaranteed to be a contraction
   * towards the best vertex) and use this smallest simplex to start
   * the search at the next iteration so that we avoid as much as
   * possible needless repetition of points already investigated
   * during the current iteration.
   * This is easily accomplished by simply searching the list of
   * scalars necessary to reconstruct the simplex associated with a
   * given point I (contained in the -1 row of SCHEME) for the
   * smallest value.  We also count the number of times this smallest
   * value has been seen to insure that the entire shrink was
   * computed.
   * Written by Virginia Torczon.
   * Last modification:  January 6, 1994.
   * Parameters
   *    Input
   *       N             dimension of the problem to be solved
   *       SSS           size of the search scheme
   *       SCHEME        matrix used to hold the processor's piece of
   *                     the template to be used for the search scheme
   *    Output
   *       RESIZE        the size of the smallest shrink factor found
   *                     in the given search scheme (at least on this
   *                     processor)
   *       NUM           the number of times this shrink factor was
   *                     seen

  int my_resize, my_num, resultlen, error=0;
  char buffer[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING], emesg[256];

  my_resize = *resize;
  my_num    = *num;

  error = MPI_Allreduce(&my_resize, resize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN,
  if (error != MPI_SUCCESS) {
    MPI_Error_string(error, buffer, &resultlen);
    printf("\npdshrk:  MPI Error - %s\n", buffer);
    strcpy(emesg, "pdshrk:  error returned by MPI_Allreduce\n");
    return 15;

  if (my_resize != *resize) my_num = 0;

  error = MPI_Allreduce(&my_num, num, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,
  if (error != MPI_SUCCESS) {
    MPI_Error_string(error, buffer, &resultlen);
    printf("\npdshrk:  MPI Error - %s\n", buffer);
    strcpy(emesg, "pdshrk:  error returned by MPI_Allreduce\n");
    return 15;

  if (*num < ndim) *resize *= beta;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 26
/*---< main() >-------------------------------------------------------------*/
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
           int     opt;
    extern char   *optarg;
    extern int     optind;
           int     i, j;
           int     isInFileBinary, isOutFileBinary;
           int     is_output_timing, is_print_usage;

           int     numClusters, numCoords, numObjs, totalNumObjs;
           int    *membership;    /* [numObjs] */
           char   *filename;
           float **objects;       /* [numObjs][numCoords] data objects */
           float **clusters;      /* [numClusters][numCoords] cluster center */
           float   threshold;
           double  timing, io_timing, clustering_timing;

           int        rank, nproc, mpi_namelen;
           char       mpi_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
           MPI_Status status;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);

    /* some default values */
    _debug           = 0;
    threshold        = 0.001;
    numClusters      = 0;
    isInFileBinary   = 0;
    isOutFileBinary  = 0;
    is_output_timing = 0;
    is_print_usage   = 0;
    filename         = NULL;

    while ( (opt=getopt(argc,argv,"p:i:n:t:abdorh"))!= EOF) {
        switch (opt) {
            case 'i': filename=optarg;
            case 'b': isInFileBinary = 1;
            case 'r': isOutFileBinary = 1;
            case 't': threshold=atof(optarg);
            case 'n': numClusters = atoi(optarg);
            case 'o': is_output_timing = 1;
            case 'd': _debug = 1;
            case 'h': is_print_usage = 1;
            default: is_print_usage = 1;

    if (filename == 0 || numClusters <= 1 || is_print_usage == 1) {
        if (rank == 0) usage(argv[0], threshold);

    if (_debug) printf("Proc %d of %d running on %s\n", rank, nproc, mpi_name);

    io_timing = MPI_Wtime();

    /* read data points from file ------------------------------------------*/
    objects = mpi_read(isInFileBinary, filename, &numObjs, &numCoords,

    if (_debug) { /* print the first 4 objects' coordinates */
        int num = (numObjs < 4) ? numObjs : 4;
        for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
            char strline[1024], strfloat[16];
            sprintf(strline,"%d: objects[%d]= ",rank,i);
            for (j=0; j<numCoords; j++) {
                strcat(strline, strfloat);
            strcat(strline, "\n");

    timing            = MPI_Wtime();
    io_timing         = timing - io_timing;
    clustering_timing = timing;

    /* allocate a 2D space for clusters[] (coordinates of cluster centers)
       this array should be the same across all processes                  */
    clusters    = (float**) malloc(numClusters *             sizeof(float*));
    assert(clusters != NULL);
    clusters[0] = (float*)  malloc(numClusters * numCoords * sizeof(float));
    assert(clusters[0] != NULL);
    for (i=1; i<numClusters; i++)
        clusters[i] = clusters[i-1] + numCoords;

    MPI_Allreduce(&numObjs, &totalNumObjs, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /* pick first numClusters elements in feature[] as initial cluster centers*/
    if (rank == 0) {
        for (i=0; i<numClusters; i++)
            for (j=0; j<numCoords; j++)
                clusters[i][j] = objects[i][j];
    MPI_Bcast(clusters[0], numClusters*numCoords, MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /* membership: the cluster id for each data object */
    membership = (int*) malloc(numObjs * sizeof(int));
    assert(membership != NULL);

    /* start the core computation -------------------------------------------*/
    mpi_kmeans(objects, numCoords, numObjs, numClusters, threshold, membership,
               clusters, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


    timing            = MPI_Wtime();
    clustering_timing = timing - clustering_timing;

    /* output: the coordinates of the cluster centres ----------------------*/
    mpi_write(isOutFileBinary, filename, numClusters, numObjs, numCoords,
              clusters, membership, totalNumObjs, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


    /*---- output performance numbers ---------------------------------------*/
    if (is_output_timing) {
        double max_io_timing, max_clustering_timing;

        io_timing += MPI_Wtime() - timing;

        /* get the max timing measured among all processes */
        MPI_Reduce(&io_timing, &max_io_timing, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
                   MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Reduce(&clustering_timing, &max_clustering_timing, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
                   MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        if (rank == 0) {
            printf("\nPerforming **** Simple Kmeans  (MPI) ****\n");
            printf("Num of processes = %d\n", nproc);
            printf("Input file:        %s\n", filename);
            printf("numObjs          = %d\n", totalNumObjs);
            printf("numCoords        = %d\n", numCoords);
            printf("numClusters      = %d\n", numClusters);
            printf("threshold        = %.4f\n", threshold);

            printf("I/O time           = %10.4f sec\n", max_io_timing);
            printf("Computation timing = %10.4f sec\n", max_clustering_timing);

Esempio n. 27
PetscErrorCode PCGAMGProlongator_GEO(PC pc,Mat Amat,Mat Gmat,PetscCoarsenData *agg_lists,Mat *a_P_out)
  PC_MG          *mg      = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
  PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
  const PetscInt dim      = pc_gamg->data_cell_cols, data_cols = pc_gamg->data_cell_cols;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  PetscInt       Istart,Iend,nloc,my0,jj,kk,ncols,nLocalSelected,bs,*clid_flid;
  Mat            Prol;
  PetscMPIInt    rank, size;
  MPI_Comm       comm;
  IS             selected_2,selected_1;
  const PetscInt *selected_idx;
  MatType        mtype;

  ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)Amat,&comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GAMGProlongator_GEO,0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatGetOwnershipRange(Amat, &Istart, &Iend);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatGetBlockSize(Amat, &bs);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  nloc = (Iend-Istart)/bs; my0 = Istart/bs;
  if ((Iend-Istart) % bs) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"(Iend %D - Istart %D) % bs %D",Iend,Istart,bs);

  /* get 'nLocalSelected' */
  ierr = PetscCDGetMIS(agg_lists, &selected_1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISGetSize(selected_1, &jj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscMalloc1(jj, &clid_flid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISGetIndices(selected_1, &selected_idx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (kk=0,nLocalSelected=0; kk<jj; kk++) {
    PetscInt lid = selected_idx[kk];
    if (lid<nloc) {
      ierr = MatGetRow(Gmat,lid+my0,&ncols,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if (ncols>1) clid_flid[nLocalSelected++] = lid; /* fiter out singletons */
      ierr = MatRestoreRow(Gmat,lid+my0,&ncols,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISRestoreIndices(selected_1, &selected_idx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISDestroy(&selected_1);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* this is selected_1 in serial */

  /* create prolongator  matrix */
  ierr = MatGetType(Amat,&mtype);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatCreate(comm, &Prol);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatSetSizes(Prol,nloc*bs,nLocalSelected*bs,PETSC_DETERMINE,PETSC_DETERMINE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatSetBlockSizes(Prol, bs, bs);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatSetType(Prol, mtype);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(Prol,3*data_cols,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(Prol,3*data_cols,NULL,3*data_cols,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* can get all points "removed" - but not on geomg */
  ierr =  MatGetSize(Prol, &kk, &jj);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (!jj) {
    ierr = PetscInfo(pc,"ERROE: no selected points on coarse grid\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscFree(clid_flid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MatDestroy(&Prol);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    *a_P_out = NULL;  /* out */

    PetscReal *coords;
    PetscInt  data_stride;
    PetscInt  *crsGID = NULL;
    Mat       Gmat2;

    if (dim != data_cols) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"dim %D != data_cols %D",dim,data_cols);
    /* grow ghost data for better coarse grid cover of fine grid */
#if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
    ierr = PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET5],0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    /* messy method, squares graph and gets some data */
    ierr = getGIDsOnSquareGraph(nLocalSelected, clid_flid, Gmat, &selected_2, &Gmat2, &crsGID);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    /* llist is now not valid wrt squared graph, but will work as iterator in 'triangulateAndFormProl' */
#if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
    ierr = PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET5],0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    /* create global vector of coorindates in 'coords' */
    if (size > 1) {
      ierr = PCGAMGGetDataWithGhosts(Gmat2, dim, pc_gamg->data, &data_stride, &coords);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    } else {
      coords      = (PetscReal*)pc_gamg->data;
      data_stride = pc_gamg->data_sz/pc_gamg->data_cell_cols;
    ierr = MatDestroy(&Gmat2);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* triangulate */
    if (dim == 2) {
      PetscReal metric,tm;
#if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
      ierr = PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET6],0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = triangulateAndFormProl(selected_2, data_stride, coords,nLocalSelected, clid_flid, agg_lists, crsGID, bs, Prol, &metric);CHKERRQ(ierr);
#if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
      ierr = PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET6],0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscFree(crsGID);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      /* clean up and create coordinates for coarse grid (output) */
      if (size > 1) ierr = PetscFree(coords);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      ierr = MPI_Allreduce(&metric, &tm, 1, MPIU_REAL, MPIU_MAX, comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if (tm > 1.) { /* needs to be globalized - should not happen */
        ierr = PetscInfo1(pc," failed metric for coarse grid %e\n",(double)tm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = MatDestroy(&Prol);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      } else if (metric > .0) {
        ierr = PetscInfo1(pc,"worst metric for coarse grid = %e\n",(double)metric);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    } else SETERRQ(comm,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"3D not implemented for 'geo' AMG");
    { /* create next coords - output */
      PetscReal *crs_crds;
      ierr = PetscMalloc1(dim*nLocalSelected, &crs_crds);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      for (kk=0; kk<nLocalSelected; kk++) { /* grab local select nodes to promote - output */
        PetscInt lid = clid_flid[kk];
        for (jj=0; jj<dim; jj++) crs_crds[jj*nLocalSelected + kk] = pc_gamg->data[jj*nloc + lid];

      ierr             = PetscFree(pc_gamg->data);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      pc_gamg->data    = crs_crds; /* out */
      pc_gamg->data_sz = dim*nLocalSelected;
    ierr = ISDestroy(&selected_2);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  *a_P_out = Prol;  /* out */
  ierr     = PetscFree(clid_flid);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GAMGProlongator_GEO,0,0,0,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Esempio n. 28
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    MPI_Datatype *types;
    void         **inbufs, **outbufs;
    char         **names;
    int          *counts, *bytesize, ntype;
    MPI_Comm     comms[20];
    int          ncomm = 20, rank, np, partner, tag;
    int          i, j, k, err, toterr, world_rank, errloc;
    MPI_Status   status, statuses[2];
    int          flag, index;
    char         *obuf;
    MPI_Request  requests[2];

    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

    AllocateForData( &types, &inbufs, &outbufs, &counts, &bytesize, 
		     &names, &ntype );
    GenerateData( types, inbufs, outbufs, counts, bytesize, names, &ntype );

    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank );
    MakeComms( comms, 20, &ncomm, 0 );

/* Test over a wide range of datatypes and communicators */
    err = 0;
    for (i=0; i<ncomm; i++) {
	MPI_Comm_rank( comms[i], &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comms[i], &np );
	if (np < 2) continue;
	tag = i;
	for (j=0; j<ntype; j++) {
		if (world_rank == 0){ 
/* SI make size of outputindependent of number of processes */
		  if (i<2) fprintf( stdout, "Testing type %s\n",names[j] );
	    /* This test does an irsend between both partners, with 
	       a sendrecv after the irecv used to guarentee that the
	       irsend has a matching receive
	    if (rank == 0) {
		partner = np - 1;
#if 0
		MPIR_PrintDatatypePack( stdout, counts[j], types[j], 0, 0 );
		obuf = outbufs[j];
		for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]; k++) 
		    obuf[k] = 0;
		MPI_Irecv(outbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			  comms[i], &requests[0] );

		MPI_Sendrecv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      comms[i], &status );

		MPI_Irsend( inbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			    comms[i], &requests[1] );
		do {
		    MPI_Waitany( 2, requests, &index, &status );
		} while (index != 0);

		/* Always the possiblity that the Irsend is still waiting */
		MPI_Waitall( 2, requests, statuses );
		if ((errloc = CheckData( inbufs[j], outbufs[j], bytesize[j] ))) {
		    char *p1, *p2;
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Error in data with type %s (type %d on %d) at byte %d\n", 
			     names[j], j, world_rank, errloc - 1 );
		    p1 = (char *)inbufs[j];
		    p2 = (char *)outbufs[j];
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Got %x expected %x\n", p1[errloc-1], p2[errloc-1] );
#if 0
		    MPIR_PrintDatatypeUnpack( stderr, counts[j], types[j], 
					      0, 0 );
	    else if (rank == np - 1) {
		partner = 0;
		obuf = outbufs[j];
		for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]; k++) 
		    obuf[k] = 0;
		MPI_Irecv(outbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			  comms[i], &requests[0] );

		MPI_Sendrecv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      comms[i], &status );

		/* Wait for irecv to complete */
		do {
		    MPI_Test( &requests[0], &flag, &status );
		} while (!flag);
		if ((errloc = CheckData( inbufs[j], outbufs[j], bytesize[j] ))) {
		    char *p1, *p2;
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Error in data with type %s (type %d on %d) at byte %d\n", 
			     names[j], j, world_rank, errloc - 1 );
		    p1 = (char *)inbufs[j];
		    p2 = (char *)outbufs[j];
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Got %x expected %x\n", p1[errloc-1], p2[errloc-1] );
#if 0
		    MPIR_PrintDatatypeUnpack( stderr, counts[j], types[j], 
					      0, 0 );

		MPI_Irsend( inbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			    comms[i], &requests[1] );
		MPI_Waitall(1, &requests[1], &status );

    if (err > 0) {
	fprintf( stderr, "%d errors on %d\n", err, rank );
    MPI_Allreduce( &err, &toterr, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if (world_rank == 0) {
	if (toterr == 0) {
	    printf( " No Errors\n" );
	else {
	    printf (" Found %d errors\n", toterr );
    FreeDatatypes( types, inbufs, outbufs, counts, bytesize, names, ntype );
    FreeComms( comms, ncomm );

    return err;
Esempio n. 29
/** The "checksum" is a function of all the field data at a given step.
 *  That field data, in turn, is a function of the checksum at the previous
 *  step.  That way I can be pretty sure that when this restart thing
 *  produces the expected hdf5 files, it's not just fooling me.
EBRestart::updateChecksums( Vector<LevelData<EBCellFAB>*>&  a_ebvector,
                            int                             a_nlevs,
                            EBRestart::CheckSumVect&        a_checksums )
  for ( int lev=0; lev<a_nlevs; ++lev )
    LevelData<EBCellFAB>& field( *a_ebvector[lev] );
    DataIterator dit = field.dataIterator();
    for (dit.begin(); dit.ok(); ++dit)
      EBCellFAB& ebcf((*a_ebvector[lev])[dit]);
      BaseFab<Real>& fab(ebcf.getSingleValuedFAB());
      a_checksums[lev].len_reg +=;
      a_checksums[lev].len_irreg +=
      for ( int i=0; i<; ++i )
        long x = long(fab.dataPtr()[i]);
        a_checksums[lev].sum += x*x;

    // MPI-reduce the various members of a_checksums[lev].
#ifdef CH_MPI
    Real all_proc_sum;
    Real proc_sum( a_checksums[lev].sum );
    if ( MPI_SUCCESS !=
        MPI_Allreduce(&proc_sum, &all_proc_sum, 1, MPI_CH_REAL,
                      MPI_SUM, Chombo_MPI::comm) )
      MayDay::Error("Failure in MPI_Allreduce().");
    a_checksums[lev].sum = long(all_proc_sum);
    // There's no MPI_CH_LONG.  Maybe I should make .sum Real then.

    // Reduce a_checksums[lev].len_reg
    Real all_proc_len_reg;
    Real proc_len_reg( a_checksums[lev].len_reg );
    if ( MPI_SUCCESS !=
        MPI_Allreduce(&proc_len_reg, &all_proc_len_reg, 1, MPI_CH_REAL,
                      MPI_SUM, Chombo_MPI::comm) )
      MayDay::Error("Failure in MPI_Allreduce().");
    a_checksums[lev].len_reg = long(all_proc_len_reg);

    // Reduce a_checksums[lev].len_irreg
    Real all_proc_len_irreg;
    Real proc_len_irreg( a_checksums[lev].len_irreg );
    if ( MPI_SUCCESS !=
        MPI_Allreduce(&proc_len_irreg, &all_proc_len_irreg, 1, MPI_CH_REAL,
                      MPI_SUM, Chombo_MPI::comm) )
      MayDay::Error("Failure in MPI_Allreduce().");
    a_checksums[lev].len_irreg = long(all_proc_len_irreg);
Esempio n. 30
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	/*   Parameter declaration                          */
	// Index params
	int i,j,k = 0;
	// Directory path params
	char input_path[1024] = "/projects/isgs/lidar/champaign/las";
	char scratch_path[1024] = "/gpfs_scratch/ncasler/data/tmp";
	char out_path[1024] = "";
	char tmp_path[1024] = "";

	// MPI Params
	int world_size, world_rank, mpi_err;
	MPI_Comm world_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
	MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
	MPI_Status status;
	MPI_Request request;
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	MPI_Comm_size(world_comm, &world_size);
	MPI_Comm_rank(world_comm, &world_rank);
	MPI_Errhandler_set(world_comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN);
	double starttime, endtime;
	// Set memory limit for grid allocations
	long buffer_lim = 8000000000;
	size_t max_size = buffer_lim / sizeof(Pixel);
	// File specific parameters
	int n_files, file_off, file_blk, file_end = 0;
	char ext[5] = ".las";

	// Metadata
	double g_mins[3] = {DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX}; // Global min coord
	double g_maxs[3] = {-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX}; // Global max coord
	double l_mins[3] = {DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX}; // Local min coord
	double l_maxs[3] = {-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX}; // Local max coord

	// File specific params
	FileCollection *g_files = NULL; // Global file list
	int g_n_files = 0; // Global file count
	int l_n_files = 0; // Local file count
	BBox* g_file_bbox = NULL; // Global array of file bboxes
	BBox* l_file_bbox = NULL; // Local array of file bboxes
	// Grid specific params
	struct Point* origin = new Point();
	DType datatype = DT_Float32;
	struct Grid* g_grid = NULL; // Global grid
	int g_cols = 0; // Global grid column count
	int g_rows = 0; // Global grid row count
	//Specify resolution > should be parameterized in prod
	double res = 5.0f;
	// Block scheme params
	struct BlockScheme* blk_scheme = NULL;
	int *l_blks = NULL; // Local block array
	int *g_blks = NULL; // Global block array
	int l_n_blks = 0; // Local block count
	int g_n_blks = 0; // Global block count
	int *blk_n_files = NULL; // Array holding block specific file counts
	// Las specific params
	las_file las;
	long long g_n_pts = 0; // Global point count
	long long l_n_pts = 0; // Local point count

	/*       Begin first file scan                    */
	starttime = MPI_Wtime();
	g_files = new FileCollection(&input_path[0], &ext[0]);
	// Check the number of available LAS files
	g_n_files = g_files->countFiles();
	g_file_bbox = new BBox[g_n_files];
	l_file_bbox = new BBox[l_n_files];
	// Create tif output dir
	sprintf(&tmp_path[0], "%s/blocks", scratch_path);
	printf("[%i] Using tmp dir: %s\n", tmp_path);
	struct stat st = {0};
	if (stat(tmp_path, &st) == -1) 
		mkdir(tmp_path, 0700);
	// Set file Block size
	file_blk = ceil((float)g_n_files /(float)world_size);
	file_off = file_blk * world_rank;
	if (file_off + file_blk > g_n_files)
		file_end = g_n_files - file_off;
		file_end = file_off + file_blk;

	// Read subset of file paths from dir
	l_n_files = g_files->getMetadata(file_off, file_end);

	// Scan metadata from files
	for (i = file_off; i < file_end; i++) {>fileList[i]);
		l_n_pts = l_n_pts + (long long) las.points_count();
		compareMin(l_mins, las.minimums());
		compareMax(l_maxs, las.maximums());
		double *tmp_min = las.minimums();
		double *tmp_max = las.maximums();
		j = i - file_off;
		l_file_bbox[j].updateMin(tmp_min[0], tmp_min[1], tmp_min[2]);
		l_file_bbox[j].updateMax(tmp_max[0], tmp_max[1], tmp_max[2]);
	endtime = MPI_Wtime();
	printf("[%i] Metadata gathered in %f seconds\n", world_rank, 
			endtime - starttime);
	/*         Gather global min/max point count         */
	/*                 COMMUNICATIONS                    */
	MPI_Allreduce(&l_mins[0], &g_mins[0], 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, world_comm);
	MPI_Allreduce(&l_maxs[0], &g_maxs[0], 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, world_comm);
	MPI_Allreduce(&l_n_pts, &g_n_pts, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM, world_comm);
	// Gather the bounding box values for each file
	printf("[%i] Gather bbox values\n", world_rank);
	MPI_Allgather(&l_file_bbox, l_n_files*sizeof(BBox), MPI_BYTE, &g_file_bbox, l_n_files, l_n_files*sizeof(BBox), world_comm);
	double io_time = MPI_Wtime();
	printf("[%i] Communication finished in %f seconds\n", world_rank, io_time - endtime);

	// Create origin for global grid
	origin->update(g_mins[0], g_maxs[0], g_mins[2]);
	g_cols = (int) ceil((g_maxs[0] - g_mins[0]) / res);
	g_rows = (int) ceil((g_maxs[1] - g_mins[1]) / res);
	// Create global grid
	g_grid = new Grid(origin, g_cols, g_rows, datatype, res, res);
	// Create global block scheme
	blk_scheme = new BlockScheme(g_grid, max_size, datatype, world_size);
	l_n_blks = blk_scheme->getBlockCount(world_rank); // Local block count
	g_n_blks = blk_scheme->cols * blk_scheme->rows; // Global block count
	l_blks = blk_scheme->getBlocks(world_rank); // Local block id array
	printf("[%i] Block Total: %i,Local: %i, first: %i, last: %i \n", g_n_blks, l_n_blks, l_blks[0], l_blks[l_n_blks-1]);
	/*                 Get file list for block                 */

	/*                 Read blocks                             */

	/*                Write                                    */

	/*        Clean up                                         */
	printf("[%i]Cleaning up\n", world_rank);
	delete[] l_file_bbox;
	delete[] g_file_bbox;

	return 0;