Esempio n. 1
int main(void)
	TMRInit(2);			// Initialize Timer interface with Priority=2
	BLIInit();			// Initialize Signal interface
	I2CInit(5, 0);		// Initialize I2C1 module with IPL=5 and Fscl=400 KHz
	TMRDelay(1000);		// Wait for 1 sec so that the shake from turning on
						// power switch dissipates...
	if (MPUInit(3, 1))	// Initialize motion Sensor - 1 kHz/4 (250 Hz)
		BLIDeadStop("EA", 2);
	#ifdef __MAG_Use__
	if (HMCInit(6, 1, 0))	// Initialize magnetic Sensor
							// ODR  = 6 (max, 75 Hz),
							// Gain = 2 (1.3 Gs)
							// DLPF = 0 (no averaging)
		BLIDeadStop("EM", 2);
	UARTInitTX(6, 48);	// Initialize UART1 for TX on IPL=6 at 115200 bps
	// This initialization routine accepts BaudRate in multiples
	// of 2400 bps; Thus:
	// BaudRate =   1	=>   2400 bps
	// BaudRate =   2	=>   4800 bps
	// ...
	// BaudRate =  48	=> 115200 bps
	// High speed
	// BaudRate =  100	=>   250,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  200	=>   500,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  250	=>   625,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  350	=>   833,333 bps
	// BaudRate =  500	=> 1,250,000 bps
	// BaudRate = 1000	=> 2,500,000 bps
	uint			RC			= 0;
	MPUSample		AGSample;
	#ifdef __MAG_Use__
	HMCSample		MSample;
	if (MPUAsyncStart())
		BLIDeadStop("A", 1);
	#ifdef __MAG_Use__
	if (HMCAsyncStart())
		BLIDeadStop("M", 1);
		ulong	TS;		// Timestamp of the cycle
		ulong	MPUCount;	// Sequential number of MPU sample
		#ifdef __MAG_Use__
		ulong	MAGCount;	// Sequential number of MAG sample
		// Accelerometer (in units of G)
		Vector	A;
		// Gyroscopes	(in Rad/sec)
		Vector	G;
		#ifdef __MAG_Use__
		// Magnetometer (in mGs)
		Vector	M;
		} UData;
		#ifdef __MAG_Use__
		RC 	= HMCAsyncReadWhenReady(&MSample);
		if (RC) BLIDeadStop("M", 1);
		RC 	= MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(&AGSample);
		if (RC) BLIDeadStop("A", 1);
		UData.MPUCount	= AGSample.Count;
		#ifdef __MAG_Use__
		UData.MAGCount	= MSample.Count;
		VectorCopy(&AGSample.A, &UData.A);
		VectorCopy(&AGSample.G, &UData.G);
		#ifdef __MAG_Use__
		VectorCopy(&MSample.M,  &UData.M);
		UData.TS	= AGSample.TS;
		UARTPostWhenReady((uchar*)&UData, sizeof(UData));
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
int main(void)
	TMRInit(2);			// Initialize Timer interface with Priority=2
	BLIInit();			// Initialize Signal interface
	I2CInit(5, 1);		// Initialize I2C1 module with IPL=5 and Fscl=400 KHz
	UARTInitTX(6, 350);	// Initialize UART1 for TX on IPL=6 at 
	// BaudRate =   48	=>   115,200 bps	- ZigBEE
	// BaudRate =  100	=>   250,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  200	=>   500,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  250	=>   625,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  350	=>   833,333 bps	- SD Logger, FTDI cable
	// BaudRate =  500	=> 1,250,000 bps
	// BaudRate = 1000	=> 2,500,000 bps
	if ( MPUInit(0, 3) )	// Initialize motion Sensor
							// 1 kHz/(0+1) = 1000 Hz (1ms)
							// DLPF=3 => Bandwidth 44 Hz (delay: 4.9 msec)
		BLIDeadStop("EG", 2);
	if (HMCInit(6, 1, 0))	// Initialize magnetic Sensor
							// ODR  = 6 (max, 75 Hz),
							// Gain = 1 (1.3 Gs)
							// DLPF = 0 (no averaging)
		BLIDeadStop("EM", 2);
	if ( MPLInit(5) )		// Average over 32 samples providing
							// update rate about 10 Hz
		BLIDeadStop("EA", 2);
	uint			RC			= 0;
	ulong			Alarm		= 0;
	ulong			TS			= 0;
		ulong			TS;
		MPUSample		IMUData;
		HMCSample		MagData;
		MPLSample		AltData;	
		}	UData;
	BLIAsyncStart(100, 50);
	RC = MPLSetGround();
	if (RC) BLIDeadStop("SOS", 3);	// Failure...
	// Testing MPU, HMC, and MPL together in a real-life
	// scenario
	if(MPUAsyncStart()) 	BLIDeadStop("SG", 2);
	if(HMCAsyncStart())		BLIDeadStop("SM", 2);
	if(MPLAsyncStart())		BLIDeadStop("SA", 2);
	RC = MPLAsyncReadWhenReady(&UData.AltData);
	if (RC) BLIDeadStop("SAS", 3);	// Failure...
	while (TRUE)
		Alarm = TMRSetAlarm(500);
		RC 	= MPUAsyncReadIfReady(&UData.IMUData);
		if (MPU_OK != RC && MPU_NRDY != RC)
			BLIDeadStop("G", 1);
		RC 	= HMCAsyncReadIfReady(&UData.MagData);
		if (HMC_OK != RC && HMC_NRDY != RC)
			BLIDeadStop("M", 1);
		RC = MPLAsyncReadIfReady(&UData.AltData);
		if (MPL_OK != RC && MPL_NRDY != RC)
			BLIDeadStop("A", 3);	// Failure...
		UData.TS	= TMRGetTS();
		if (0 == TS)	TS = UData.TS;
		UData.TS -= TS;
		UARTPostIfReady((byte*)&UData, sizeof(UData));

	return 1;
Esempio n. 3
int main(void)

	TMRInit(2);		// Initialize Timer interface with Priority=2
	BLIInit();		// Initialize Signal interface
	// Switch 1 controls the Serial Data Logger (SDL) communication speed
	if (_SW1)
		// Switch 1 is ON - Configuring SDL for PIC-to-PIC
		// high-speed communication at 1 MBaud
		SDLInit(3, BAUD_1M);
		// Switch 1 is OFF - Configuring SDL for ZigBEE
		// wireless communication at 115.2 KBaud
		SDLInit(3, BAUD_115200);
	I2CInit(5, 2);	// First param: IL = 5 (interrupt request priority
					// Second param: I2C speed
					// 0 - lowest (123 kHz at Fcy = 64MHz)
					// 1 - 200 kHz - MPU-6050 stable
					// 2 - 400 kHz
					// 3 - 1 MHz
	uint			RC			= 0;
	ulong			Alarm		= 0;
	if (_SW2)
		// Switch 2 is ON - Configuring MPU fo Alt. sensitivity
		RC = MPUInit(0, 1, MPU_GYRO_1000ds, MPU_ACC_4g);
							// Initialize motion Sensor
							// 1 kHz/(0+1) = 1000 Hz (1ms)
							// DLPF = 3 => Bandwidth 44 Hz (delay: 4.9 msec)
		// Switch 2 is OFF - Configuring MPU fo normal sensitivity
		RC = MPUInit(0, 1, MPU_GYRO_2000ds, MPU_ACC_2g);
							// Initialize motion Sensor
							// 1 kHz/(0+1) = 1000 Hz (1ms)
							// DLPF = 1 => Bandwidth 184 Hz (delay: 2.0 msec)
	if (RC)	BLIDeadStop("EG", 2);
		MPUData	Sample1;
		MPUData	Sample2;
		} MPU;
	// Initialize Asynchronous mode
	if ( (RC = MPUAsyncStart(2)) )
		BLIDeadStop("S2", 2);
	if ( (RC = MPUAsyncStart(1)) )
		BLIDeadStop("S1", 2);
	// Calibrate Gyros
//	BLIAsyncStart(100,100);
//	//------------------------------
//	if ( (RC = MPUCalibrate(1)) )
//		BLIDeadStop("C1", 2);
//	//------------------------------
//	if ( (RC = MPUCalibrate(2)) )
//		BLIDeadStop("C2", 2);
//	//------------------------------
//	BLIAsyncStop();
	// Main Loop
	while (TRUE)
		Alarm = TMRSetAlarm(1000);
		if ( (RC = MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(1, &MPU.Sample1)) )
			BLIDeadStop("SOS", 3);
		if ( (RC = MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(2, &MPU.Sample2)) )
			BLIDeadStop("SOS", 3);
		SDLPostIfReady((byte*)&MPU, sizeof(MPU));

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)

    Init();         // Initialize microprocessor
    TMRInit(2);     // Initialize Timer interface with Priority=2
    BLIInit();      // Initialize Signal interface
    // Switch 1 controls the Serial Data Logger (SDL) communication speed
    if (_SW1)
        // Switch 1 is ON - Configuring SDL for PIC-to-PIC
        // high-speed communication at 1 MBaud
        SDLInit(3, BAUD_1M);
        // Switch 1 is OFF - Configuring SDL for ZigBEE
        // wireless communication at 115.2 KBaud
        SDLInit(3, BAUD_115200);
    // Initialize I2C Library
    I2CInit(5, 2);  // First param: IL = 5 (interrupt request priority
                    // Second param: I2C speed
                    // 0 - lowest (123 kHz at Fcy = 64MHz)
                    // 1 - 200 kHz
                    // 2 - 400 kHz
                    // 3 - 1 MHz
    uint    RC      = 0;
    ulong   Alarm   = 0;
    // Initialize MPUs
    RC = MPUInit(0, 3, MPU_GYRO_2000ds, MPU_ACC_2g);
                        // Initialize motion Sensor
                        // 1 kHz/(0+1) = 1000 Hz (1msec)
                        // DLPF = 3 => Bandwidth 44 Hz (delay: 4.9 msec)
    if (RC)    BLIDeadStop("EG", 2);
    // Initialize MPL3115 Altimeter
    // OSR = 0 => No averaging ( 2^0= 1),   update rate about 166.6 Hz
    // OSR = 1 => Average 2^1=   2 samples, update rate about 111.1 Hz
    // OSR = 2 => Average 2^2=   4 samples, update rate about  67.8 Hz
    // OSR = 3 => Average 2^3=   8 samples, update rate about  37.7 Hz
    // OSR = 4 => Average 2^4=  16 samples, update rate about  20.1 Hz
    // OSR = 5 => Average 2^5=  32 samples, update rate about  10.4 Hz
    // OSR = 6 => Average 2^6=  64 samples, update rate about   5.3 Hz
    // OSR = 7 => Average 2^7= 128 samples, update rate about   2.7 Hz
    byte    OSR    = 3;
    if ( MPL_OK != MPLInit (OSR) )
        BLIDeadStop ("EB", 2);
    // Initialize Asynchronous mode
    if ( (RC = MPUAsyncStart(1)) )
        BLIDeadStop("S1", 2);
    if ( (RC = MPUAsyncStart(2)) )
        BLIDeadStop("S2", 2);
    if ( (RC = MPLAsyncStart()) )
        BLIDeadStop("S3", 2);
    // Provide a few second delay prior to calibrating Gyros to make
    // sure that the board is stable after the "turn-on" shake
    // Calibrate Gyros
    if ( (RC = MPUCalibrateGyro(1)) )
        BLIDeadStop("C1", 2);
    if ( (RC = MPUCalibrateGyro(2)) )
        BLIDeadStop("C2", 2);
        MPUData        MPUSample1;
        MPUData        MPUSample2;
        MPLData        MPLSample;
        } SensorData;
    // Main Loop
    while (TRUE)
        Alarm = TMRSetAlarm(1000);
        if ( (RC = MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(1, &SensorData.MPUSample1)) )
            BLIDeadStop("SOS", 3);
        if ( (RC = MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(2, &SensorData.MPUSample2)) )
            BLIDeadStop("SOS", 3);
        if (MPL_OK != MPLAsyncReadWhenReady(&SensorData.MPLSample))
            BLIDeadStop("SOS", 3);
        SDLPostIfReady((byte*)&SensorData, sizeof(SensorData));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(void)

    TMRInit(2);        // Initialize Timer interface with Priority=2
    BLIInit();        // Initialize Signal interface
    // Provide a 5 second delay prior to initialization of I2C interface
    // to avoid false-start during programming by PIC Kit 3
    // Switch 1 controls the Serial Data Logger (SDL) communication speed
    if (_SW1)
        // Switch 1 is ON - Configuring SDL for PIC-to-PIC
        // high-speed communication at 1 MBaud
        SDLInit(3, BAUD_1M);
        // Switch 1 is OFF - Configuring SDL for ZigBEE
        // wireless communication at 115.2 KBaud
        SDLInit(3, BAUD_115200);
    // Initialize I2C Library
    I2CInit(5, 2);  // First param: IL = 5 (interrupt request priority
                    // Second param: I2C speed
                    // 0 - lowest (123 kHz at Fcy = 64MHz)
                    // 1 - 200 kHz
                    // 2 - 400 kHz
                    // 3 - 1 MHz
    uint    RC      = 0;
    ulong   Alarm   = 0;
    // Initialize MPUs
    RC = MPUInit(0, 3, MPU_GYRO_2000ds, MPU_ACC_2g);
                        // Initialize motion Sensor
                        // 1 kHz/(0+1) = 1000 Hz (1msec)
                        // DLPF = 3 => Bandwidth 44 Hz (delay: 4.9 msec)
    if (RC)    BLIDeadStop("EG", 2);
    // Initialize Asynchronous mode
    if ( (RC = MPUAsyncStart(2)) )
        BLIDeadStop("S2", 2);
    if ( (RC = MPUAsyncStart(1)) )
        BLIDeadStop("S1", 2);
    // Provide a few second delay prior to calibrating Gyros to make
    // sure that the board is stable after the "turn-on" shake
    // Calibrate Gyros
    //  MPUSetOptions(Rotate, TempComp, CrossAxis)
    MPUSetOptions(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
    if ( (RC = MPUCalibrateGyro(1)) )
        BLIDeadStop("C1", 2);
    if ( (RC = MPUCalibrateGyro(2)) )
        BLIDeadStop("C2", 2);
        MPUData    Sample1;
        MPUData    Sample2;
        } MPU;
    // Main Loop
    while (TRUE)
        Alarm = TMRSetAlarm(20);
        if ( (RC = MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(1, &MPU.Sample1)) )
            BLIDeadStop("SM1", 3);
        if ( (RC = MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(2, &MPU.Sample2)) )
            BLIDeadStop("SM2", 3);
        SDLPostIfReady((byte*)&MPU, sizeof(MPU));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
uint	IMUReset()
	_IMUReady 		= 0;
	BLIAsyncMorse("W", 1);
	MPUData		MPUReading;
	DCMData		IMUResult;
	HMCSample	HMCReading;
	// Start HMC module so that it may accumulate multiple
	// samples for averaging while DCM stabilizes
	if (HMCAsyncStart())
		BLIDeadStop("M", 1);
	// Clear accumulated sensor readings
	if (HMCAsyncReadWhenReady(&HMCReading))
		BLIDeadStop("M", 1);
	// Reset DCM algorithm
	uint		IsReady	= 0;
	ulong		StCount	= 0;
	ulong		Alarm	= 0;
	// Start MPU6050 and calibrate Gyro offset
	if (MPUAsyncStart())
		// Async start failed...
		BLIDeadStop("A", 1);
	if (MPUCalibrate () != MPU_OK)
		// Gyro Calibration failed
		BLIDeadStop ("CA", 2);

	// Read first sample orientation vector
	if (MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(&MPUReading)) 
		BLIDeadStop("A", 1);
	// Update DCM until it is synchronized with current
	// orientation vector
	// Set Alarm for 10 msec so we read an average of
	// about 10 MPU6050 samples for each DCM step
	Alarm = TMRSetAlarm(10);
	while (0 == IsReady)
		// Read average of MPU6050 samples
		if (MPUAsyncReadWhenReady(&MPUReading)) 
			BLIDeadStop("A", 1);
		Alarm = TMRSetAlarm(10);	// Set Alarm for next measurement
		IsReady = DCMPerformStep(	 MPUReading.TS,
	// Attitude calculation stabilized; now we may adjust
	// Acc Zx base...
	if (MPU_OK != MPUAsyncAdjustAccZBase(IMUResult.Incl)) 
		BLIDeadStop("A", 1);
	// Now that we are done with the attitude calculation we
	// may finalize calculation of true Azimuth from the
	// magnetometer.
	if (HMC_OK == HMCAsyncReadWhenReady(&HMCReading))
	// Stop magnetometer as it is not used in flight
	_IMUReady = 1;
	return StCount;