Esempio n. 1
// This example demonstrates how to configure MPU regions for different levels
// of memory protection.  The following memory map is set up:
// 0000.0000 - 0000.1C00 - rgn 0: executable read-only, flash
// 0000.1C00 - 0000.2000 - rgn 0: no access, flash (disabled sub-region 7)
// 2000.0000 - 2000.8000 - rgn 1: read-write, RAM
// 2000.8000 - 2000.A000 - rgn 2: read-only, RAM (disabled sub-rgn 4 of rgn 1)
// 2000.A000 - 2000.FFFF - rgn 1: read-write, RAM
// 2200.0000 - 23FF.FFFF - rgn 3: read-write, bit-banded RAM
// 4000.0000 - 4001.0000 - rgn 4: read-write, peripherals
// 4001.0000 - 4002.0000 - rgn 4: no access (disabled sub-region 1)
// 4002.0000 - 4006.0000 - rgn 4: read-write, peripherals
// 4006.0000 - 4008.0000 - rgn 4: no access (disabled sub-region 6, 7)
// E000.E000 - E000.F000 - rgn 5: read-write, NVIC
// The example code will attempt to perform the following operations and check
// the faulting behavior:
// - write to flash                         (should fault)
// - read from the disabled area of flash   (should fault)
// - read from the read-only area of RAM    (should not fault)
// - write to the read-only section of RAM  (should fault)
    unsigned int bFail = 0;

    // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal.

    // Initialize the OLED display and write status.
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("MPU example", 30, 0, 15);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("-----------", 30, 8, 15);

    // Configure an executable, read-only MPU region for flash.  It is an 8 KB
    // region with the last 1 KB disabled to result in a 7 KB executable
    // region.  This region is needed so that the program can execute from
    // flash.
    MPURegionSet(0, FLASH_BASE,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_8K |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_EXEC |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_PRV_RO_USR_RO |
                 MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_7 |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for RAM.  It is a 64 KB region.  There
    // is a 8 KB sub-region in the middle that is disabled in order to open up
    // a hole in which different permissions can be applied.
    MPURegionSet(1, SRAM_BASE,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_64K |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_PRV_RW_USR_RW |
                 MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_4 |

    // Configure a read-only MPU region for the 8 KB of RAM that is disabled in
    // the previous region.  This region is used for demonstrating read-only
    // permissions.
    MPURegionSet(2, SRAM_BASE + 0x8000,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_2K |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_PRV_RO_USR_RO |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for the 32 MB of bit-banded RAM.
    MPURegionSet(3, SRAM_BASE | 0x02000000,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_32M |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_PRV_RW_USR_RW |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for peripherals.  The region is 512 KB
    // total size, with several sub-regions disabled to prevent access to areas
    // where there are no peripherals.  This region is needed because the
    // program needs access to some peripherals.
    MPURegionSet(4, 0x40000000,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_512K |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_PRV_RW_USR_RW |
                 MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_1 |
                 MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_6 |
                 MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_7 |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for access to the NVIC.  The region is
    // 4 KB in size.  This region is needed because NVIC registers are needed
    // in order to control the MPU.
    MPURegionSet(5, NVIC_BASE,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_4K |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |
                 MPU_RGN_PERM_PRV_RW_USR_RW |

    // Need to clear the NVIC fault status register to make sure there is no
    // status hanging around from a previous program.
    g_ulFaultStatus = HWREG(NVIC_FAULT_STAT);
    HWREG(NVIC_FAULT_STAT) = g_ulFaultStatus;

    // Enable the MPU fault.

    // Enable the MPU.  This will begin to enforce the memory protection
    // regions.  The MPU is configured so that when in the hard fault or NMI
    // exceptions, a default map will be used.  Neither of these should occur
    // in this example program.

    // Attempt to write to the flash.  This should cause a protection fault due
    // to the fact that this region is read-only.
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Check flash write", 0, 16, 8);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    HWREG(0x100) = 0x12345678;

    // Verify that the fault occurred, at the expected address.
    if((g_ulMPUFaultCount == 1) &&
       (g_ulFaultStatus == 0x82) &&
       (g_ulMMAR == 0x100))
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw(" OK", 108, 16, 15);
        bFail = 1;
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw("NOK", 108, 16, 15);

    // The MPU was disabled when the previous fault occurred, so it needs to be
    // re-enabled.

    // Attempt to read from the disabled section of flash, the upper 1 KB of
    // the 8 KB region.
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Check flash read", 0, 24, 8);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    g_ulValue = HWREG(0x1C10);

    // Verify that the fault occurred, at the expected address.
    if((g_ulMPUFaultCount == 1) &&
       (g_ulFaultStatus == 0x82) &&
       (g_ulMMAR == 0x1C10))
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw(" OK", 108, 24, 15);
        bFail = 1;
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw("NOK", 108, 24, 15);

    // The MPU was disabled when the previous fault occurred, so it needs to be
    // re-enabled.

    // Attempt to read from the read-only area of RAM, the middle 8 KB of the
    // 64 KB region.
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Check RAM read", 0, 32, 8);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    g_ulValue = HWREG(0x20008440);

    // Verify that the RAM read did not cause a fault.
    if(g_ulMPUFaultCount == 0)
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw(" OK", 108, 32, 15);
        bFail = 1;
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw("NOK", 108, 32, 15);

    // The MPU should not have been disabled since the last access was not
    // supposed to cause a fault.  But if it did cause a fault, then the MPU
    // will be disabled, so re-enable it here anyway, just in case.

    // Attempt to write to the read-only area of RAM, the middle 8 KB of the
    // 64 KB region.
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Check RAM write", 0, 40, 8);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    HWREG(0x20008460) = 0xabcdef00;

    // Verify that the RAM write caused a fault.
    if((g_ulMPUFaultCount == 1) &&
       (g_ulFaultStatus == 0x82) &&
       (g_ulMMAR == 0x20008460))
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw(" OK", 108, 40, 15);
        bFail = 1;
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw("NOK", 108, 40, 14);

    // Display the results of the example program.
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Failure!", 36, 56, 15);
        RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Success!", 36, 56, 15);

    // Disable the MPU, so there are no lingering side effects if another
    // program is run.

    // Finished.
Esempio n. 2
// This example demonstrates how to configure MPU regions for different levels
// of memory protection.  The following memory map is set up:
// 0000.0000 - 0000.1C00 - rgn 0: executable read-only, flash
// 0000.1C00 - 0000.2000 - rgn 0: no access, flash (disabled sub-region 7)
// 2000.0000 - 2000.8000 - rgn 1: read-write, RAM
// 2000.8000 - 2000.A000 - rgn 2: read-only, RAM (disabled sub-rgn 4 of rgn 1)
// 2000.A000 - 2000.FFFF - rgn 1: read-write, RAM
// 4000.0000 - 4001.0000 - rgn 3: read-write, peripherals
// 4001.0000 - 4002.0000 - rgn 3: no access (disabled sub-region 1)
// 4002.0000 - 4006.0000 - rgn 3: read-write, peripherals
// 4006.0000 - 4008.0000 - rgn 3: no access (disabled sub-region 6, 7)
// E000.E000 - E000.F000 - rgn 4: read-write, NVIC
// The example code will attempt to perform the following operations and check
// the faulting behavior:
// - write to flash                         (should fault)
// - read from the disabled area of flash   (should fault)
// - read from the read-only area of RAM    (should not fault)
// - write to the read-only section of RAM  (should fault)
    tRectangle sRect;
    unsigned int bFail = 0;

    // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal.

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Turn on the backlight.

    // Initialize the graphics context.
    GrContextInit(&g_sContext, &g_sFormike128x128x16);

    // Fill the top 15 rows of the screen with blue to create the banner.
    sRect.sXMin = 0;
    sRect.sYMin = 0;
    sRect.sXMax = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) - 1;
    sRect.sYMax = 14;
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrDarkBlue);
    GrRectFill(&g_sContext, &sRect);

    // Put a white box around the banner.
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrWhite);
    GrRectDraw(&g_sContext, &sRect);

    // Put the application name in the middle of the banner.
    GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, &g_sFontFixed6x8);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, "mpu_fault", -1,
                         GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) / 2, 7, 0);

    // Configure an executable, read-only MPU region for flash.  It is a 16 KB
    // region with the last 2 KB disabled to result in a 14 KB executable
    // region.  This region is needed so that the program can execute from
    // flash.
    MPURegionSet(0, FLASH_BASE,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_16K | MPU_RGN_PERM_EXEC |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for RAM.  It is a 64 KB region.  There
    // is a 8 KB sub-region in the middle that is disabled in order to open up
    // a hole in which different permissions can be applied.
    MPURegionSet(1, SRAM_BASE,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_64K | MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |

    // Configure a read-only MPU region for the 8 KB of RAM that is disabled in
    // the previous region.  This region is used for demonstrating read-only
    // permissions.
    MPURegionSet(2, SRAM_BASE + 0x8000,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_2K | MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for peripherals.  The region is 512 KB
    // total size, with several sub-regions disabled to prevent access to areas
    // where there are no peripherals.  This region is needed because the
    // program needs access to some peripherals.
    MPURegionSet(3, 0x40000000,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_512K | MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |
                 MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_6 | MPU_SUB_RGN_DISABLE_7 |

    // Configure a read-write MPU region for access to the NVIC.  The region is
    // 4 KB in size.  This region is needed because NVIC registers are needed
    // in order to control the MPU.
    MPURegionSet(4, NVIC_BASE,
                 MPU_RGN_SIZE_4K | MPU_RGN_PERM_NOEXEC |

    // Need to clear the NVIC fault status register to make sure there is no
    // status hanging around from a previous program.
    g_ulFaultStatus = HWREG(NVIC_FAULT_STAT);
    HWREG(NVIC_FAULT_STAT) = g_ulFaultStatus;

    // Enable the MPU fault.

    // Enable the MPU.  This will begin to enforce the memory protection
    // regions.  The MPU is configured so that when in the hard fault or NMI
    // exceptions, a default map will be used.  Neither of these should occur
    // in this example program.

    // Attempt to write to the flash.  This should cause a protection fault due
    // to the fact that this region is read-only.
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Check flash write", -1, 0, 24, 0);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    HWREG(0x100) = 0x12345678;

    // Verify that the fault occurred, at the expected address.
    if((g_ulMPUFaultCount == 1) && (g_ulFaultStatus == 0x82) &&
       (g_ulMMAR == 0x100))
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, " OK", -1, 108, 24, 0);
        bFail = 1;
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "NOK", -1, 108, 24, 0);

    // The MPU was disabled when the previous fault occurred, so it needs to be
    // re-enabled.

    // Attempt to read from the disabled section of flash, the upper 2 KB of
    // the 16 KB region.
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Check flash read", -1, 0, 32, 0);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    g_ulValue = HWREG(0x3820);

    // Verify that the fault occurred, at the expected address.
    if((g_ulMPUFaultCount == 1) && (g_ulFaultStatus == 0x82) &&
       (g_ulMMAR == 0x3820))
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, " OK", -1, 108, 32, 0);
        bFail = 1;
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "NOK", -1, 108, 32, 0);

    // The MPU was disabled when the previous fault occurred, so it needs to be
    // re-enabled.

    // Attempt to read from the read-only area of RAM, the middle 8 KB of the
    // 64 KB region.
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Check RAM read", -1, 0, 40, 0);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    g_ulValue = HWREG(0x20008440);

    // Verify that the RAM read did not cause a fault.
    if(g_ulMPUFaultCount == 0)
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, " OK", -1, 108, 40, 0);
        bFail = 1;
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "NOK", -1, 108, 40, 0);

    // The MPU should not have been disabled since the last access was not
    // supposed to cause a fault.  But if it did cause a fault, then the MPU
    // will be disabled, so re-enable it here anyway, just in case.

    // Attempt to write to the read-only area of RAM, the middle 8 KB of the
    // 64 KB region.
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Check RAM write", -1, 0, 48, 0);
    g_ulMPUFaultCount = 0;
    HWREG(0x20008460) = 0xabcdef00;

    // Verify that the RAM write caused a fault.
    if((g_ulMPUFaultCount == 1) && (g_ulFaultStatus == 0x82) &&
       (g_ulMMAR == 0x20008460))
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, " OK", -1, 108, 48, 0);
        bFail = 1;
        GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "NOK", -1, 108, 48, 0);

    // Display the results of the example program.
        GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, "Failure!", -1,
                             GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) / 2, 96, 0);
        GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, "Success!", -1,
                             GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) / 2, 96, 0);

    // Disable the MPU, so there are no lingering side effects if another
    // program is run.

    // Loop forever.