void NonGradient::optimize_vertex_positions(PatchData &pd, 
                                            MsqError &err)
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "NonGradient::optimize_vertex_positions" );
  int numRow = getDimension();
  int numCol = numRow+1;  
  std::vector<double> height(numCol); 

  for(int col = 0; col < numCol; col++)
    height[col] =  evaluate(&simplex[col*numRow], pd, err);//  eval patch stuff
  if(mNonGradDebug > 0)
    printSimplex( simplex, height );

  // standardization
  TerminationCriterion* term_crit=get_inner_termination_criterion();
  int maxNumEval = getMaxNumEval();
  double threshold = getThreshold();
//  double ftol = getTolerance();
  int ilo = 0;  //height[ilo]<=...
  int inhi = 0; //...<=height[inhi]<=
  int ihi = 0;  //<=height[ihi] 
//  double rtol = 2.*ftol;
  double ysave;
  double ytry;
  bool afterEvaluation = false;
  std::vector<double> rowSum(numRow);
  getRowSum( numRow, numCol, simplex, rowSum);
  while( !( term_crit->terminate() ) )

    if(mNonGradDebug > 0)
      printSimplex( simplex, height );
    //std::cout << "rtol " << rtol << " ftol " << ftol << " MesquiteIter " << term_crit->get_iteration_count() << " Done " << term_crit->terminate() << std::endl;

    if( afterEvaluation )   
      // reflect highPt through opposite face
      // height[0] may vanish
      if( !testRowSum( numRow, numCol, &simplex[0], &rowSum[0]) )
        // Before uncommenting here and ... 
        //MSQ_SETERR(err)("Internal check sum test A failed", MsqError::INTERNAL_ERROR);
      ytry=amotry(simplex,height,&rowSum[0],ihi,-1.0, pd, err);
      if( !testRowSum( numRow, numCol, &simplex[0], &rowSum[0]) )
         // ... here, determine a maxVal majorizing the previous as well as the current simplex.
         //MSQ_SETERR(err)("Internal check sum test B failed", MsqError::INTERNAL_ERROR);
      if( height[0] == 0.)
         MSQ_SETERR(err)("(B) Zero objective function value", MsqError::INTERNAL_ERROR);
      if (ytry <= height[ilo])   
        if( mNonGradDebug >= 3 ) 
         std::cout << "Reflect and Expand from highPt " << ytry << std::endl;
        //MSQ_PRINT(3)("Reflect and Expand from highPt : %e\n",ytry);
        if (ytry >= height[inhi]) 
          ysave=height[ihi]; // Contract along highPt
          if (ytry >= ysave)
          { // contract all directions toward lowPt
            for (int col=0;col<numCol;col++)
              if (col != ilo)
                for (int row=0;row<numRow;row++)
                height[col] = evaluate(&rowSum[0], pd, err); 
                if( mNonGradDebug >= 3 ) 
                  std::cout << "Contract all directions toward lowPt value( " << col << " ) = " << height[col] << " ilo = " << ilo << std::endl;
                //MSQ_PRINT(3)("Contract all directions toward lowPt value( %d ) = %e    ilo = %d\n", col, height[col], ilo);
      } // ytri > h(ilo) 
    } // after evaluation
    ilo=1; // conditional operator or inline if 
    ihi = height[0] > height[1] ? (inhi=1,0) : (inhi=0,1);
    for (int col=0;col<numCol;col++)
      if (height[col] <= height[ilo])
        ilo=col;  // ilo := argmin height
      if (height[col] > height[ihi])
      else  // height[ihi] >= height[col]
        if (col != ihi && height[col] > height[inhi] ) inhi=col;
//    rtol=2.0*fabs( height[ihi]-height[ilo] )/
//         ( fabs(height[ihi])+fabs(height[ilo])+threshold );
    afterEvaluation = true;
  } //  while not converged 

  // Always set to current best mesh.
    if( ilo != 0 )
      double yTemp = height[0];
      height[0] = height[ilo]; // height dimension numCol
      height[ilo] = yTemp;
      for (int row=1;row<numRow;row++)
          yTemp = simplex[row];
          simplex[row] = simplex[row+ilo*numRow];
          simplex[row+ilo*numRow] = yTemp;
  if( pd.num_free_vertices() > 1 )
    MSQ_SETERR(err)("Only one free vertex per patch implemented", MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);

  Vector3D newPoint( &simplex[0] ); 
  size_t vertexIndex = 0; // fix c.f. freeVertexIndex
  pd.set_vertex_coordinates( newPoint, vertexIndex, err ); 
  pd.snap_vertex_to_domain( vertexIndex, err );
  if( term_crit->terminate() )
    if( mNonGradDebug >= 1 ) 
         std::cout << "Optimization Termination OptStatus: Max Iter Exceeded" << std::endl;
    //MSQ_PRINT(1)("Optimization Termination OptStatus: Max Iter Exceeded\n"); 
/*! \fn MeshSet::get_next_patch(PatchData &pd, MsqError &err )
  \brief This function fills up a PatchData object with the mesh information
  necessary for optimization algorithms.
  The return value is true as long there exists a next patch, false otherwise.
  The list culling is performed in this function.
  This function is a friend of the PatchData class. Therefore the PatchData
  object passed as an argument is filled up directly.
  \param PatchData &pd: this is the PatchData object that will be filled up.
bool MeshSet::get_next_patch(PatchData &pd,
                             PatchDataParameters &pd_params,
                             MsqError &err )
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "MeshSet::get_next_patch" );

    // get rid of previous Patch information (but keep memory allocated).

    // Mark this MeshSet as the originator
  pd.meshSet = this;
  pd.domainSet = (mDomain != NULL);

  bool result = false;
  switch (pd_params.get_patch_type())
      result = get_next_elem_on_vert_patch( pd, pd_params, err );
    case PatchData::GLOBAL_PATCH:
      result = get_next_global_patch( pd, pd_params, err );
      MSQ_SETERR(err)( "no implementation for specified patch type.",
                       MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED );
      result = false;

  return !MSQ_CHKERR(err) && result;
  void I_DFT_NoBarrierSmoother::optimize_vertex_positions(PatchData &pd, 
                                                          MsqError &err)
    MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "I_DFT_NoBarrierSmoother::optimize_vertex_positions" );
      // does the I_DFT_NoBarrier smoothing
    MsqFreeVertexIndexIterator free_iter(pd, err);  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      //m is the free vertex.
    size_t m=free_iter.value();
      //move vertex m
    i_dft_no_barrier_smooth_mesh(pd, m, err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      //snap vertex m to domain
Esempio n. 4
/*!Performs Conjugate gradient minimization on the PatchData, pd.*/
void ConjugateGradient::optimize_vertex_positions(PatchData &pd, 
                                                MsqError &err){
  // pd.reorder();

  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "ConjugateGradient::optimize_vertex_positions" );

  Timer c_timer;
  size_t num_vert=pd.num_free_vertices();
     MSQ_DBGOUT(1) << "\nEmpty free vertex list in ConjugateGradient\n";
    //zero out arrays
  int zero_loop=0;
  // get OF evaluator
  OFEvaluator& objFunc = get_objective_function_evaluator();
  size_t ind;
    //Michael cull list:  possibly set soft_fixed flags here
   //MsqFreeVertexIndexIterator free_iter(pd, err);  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
   double f=0;
   //Michael, this isn't equivalent to CUBIT because we only want to check
   //the objective function value of the 'bad' elements
   //if invalid initial patch set an error.
   bool temp_bool = objFunc.update(pd, f, fGrad, err);
   assert(fGrad.size() == num_vert);
  if( ! temp_bool){
    MSQ_SETERR(err)("Conjugate Gradient not able to get valid gradient "
                    "and function values on intial patch.", 
  double grad_norm=MSQ_MAX_CAP;
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nCG's DEGUB LEVEL = %i \n",conjGradDebug);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nCG's FIRST VALUE = %f,grad_norm = %f",f,grad_norm);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n   TIME %f",c_timer.since_birth());

    //Initializing pGrad (search direction).  
  for (ind = 0; ind < num_vert; ++ind)

  int j=0; // total nb of step size changes ... not used much
  int i=0; // iteration counter
  unsigned m=0; // 
  double alp=MSQ_MAX_CAP; // alp: scale factor of search direction
    //we know inner_criterion is false because it was checked in
    //loop_over_mesh before being sent here.
  TerminationCriterion* term_crit=get_inner_termination_criterion();
    //while ((i<maxIteration && alp>stepBound && grad_norm>normGradientBound)
    //     && !inner_criterion){
      //std::cout<<"\Michael delete i = "<<i;
    int k=0;
      MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n  Alp initial, alp = %20.18f",alp);

     // if alp == 0, revert to steepest descent search direction
      for (m = 0; m < num_vert; ++m) {
        MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n CG's search direction reset.");
          MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n  Alp was zero, alp = %20.18f",alp);
      pd.move_free_vertices_constrained( arrptr(pGrad), num_vert, alp, err );
      if (! objFunc.update(pd, f, fNewGrad, err)){
        MSQ_SETERR(err)("Error inside Conjugate Gradient, vertices moved "
                        "making function value invalid.", 
      assert(fNewGrad.size() == (unsigned)num_vert);
        MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nCG's VALUE = %f,  iter. = %i,  grad_norm = %f,  alp = %f",f,i,grad_norm,alp);
        MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n   TIME %f",c_timer.since_birth());
      double s11=0;
      double s12=0;
      double s22=0;
      //while (free_iter.next()) {
      //  m=free_iter.value();
      for (m = 0; m < num_vert; ++m) {
        // Steepest Descent (takes 2-3 times as long as P-R)
        //double bet=0;
        // Fletcher-Reeves (takes twice as long as P-R)
        //double bet = s22/s11;

        // Polack-Ribiere  
      double bet;  
      if (!divide( s22-s12, s11, bet ))
        return; // gradient is zero    
      //while (free_iter.next()) {
      //  m=free_iter.value();
      for (m = 0; m < num_vert; ++m) {
    }//end if on alp == 0

    term_crit->accumulate_patch( pd, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    term_crit->accumulate_inner( pd, f, arrptr(fGrad), err );  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
  }//end while
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nConjugate Gradient complete i=%i ",i);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n-  FINAL value = %f, alp=%4.2e grad_norm=%4.2e",f,alp,grad_norm);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n   FINAL TIME %f",c_timer.since_birth());
Esempio n. 5
/*! \brief creates a sparse structure for a Hessian, based on the
  connectivity information contained in the PatchData.
  Only the upper triangular part of the Hessian is stored. */
void MsqHessian::initialize(PatchData &pd, MsqError &err)
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "MsqHession::initialize" );
  delete[] mEntries;
  delete[] mRowStart;
  delete[] mColIndex;
  size_t num_vertices = pd.num_free_vertices();
  size_t num_elements = pd.num_elements();
  size_t const * vtx_list;
  size_t e, r, rs, re, c, cs, ce, nz, nnz, nve, i, j;
  MsqMeshEntity* patchElemArray = pd.get_element_array(err); MSQ_CHKERR(err);

  if (num_vertices == 0) {
    MSQ_SETERR( err )( "No vertices in PatchData", MsqError::INVALID_ARG);

  mSize = num_vertices;

  // Calculate the offsets for a CSC representation of the accumulation
  // pattern.

  size_t* col_start = new size_t[num_vertices + 1];
  //mAccumElemStart = new size_t[num_elements+1];
  //mAccumElemStart[0] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    col_start[i] = 0;

  for (e = 0; e < num_elements; ++e) {
    nve = patchElemArray[e].node_count();
    vtx_list = patchElemArray[e].get_vertex_index_array();
    int nfe = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nve; ++i) {
      r = vtx_list[i];
      if (r < num_vertices)
      for (j = i; j < nve; ++j) {
        c = vtx_list[j];

        if (r <= c) {
          if (c < num_vertices)
        else {
          if (r < num_vertices)
    //mAccumElemStart[e+1] = mAccumElemStart[e] + (nfe+1)*nfe/2;

  nz = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    j = col_start[i];
    col_start[i] = nz;
    nz += j;
  col_start[i] = nz;

  // Finished putting matrix into CSC representation

  int* row_instr = new int[5*nz];
  size_t* row_index = new size_t[nz];

  nz = 0;
  for (e = 0; e < num_elements; ++e) {
    nve = patchElemArray[e].node_count();
    vtx_list = patchElemArray[e].get_vertex_index_array();

    for (i = 0; i < nve; ++i) {
      r = vtx_list[i];

      for (j = i; j < nve; ++j) {
        c = vtx_list[j];

        if (r <= c) {
          if (c < num_vertices) {
            row_index[col_start[c]] = r;
            row_instr[col_start[c]] = nz++;
        else {
          if (r < num_vertices) {
            row_index[col_start[r]] = c;
            //can't use -nz, but can negate row_instr[col_start[r]]
            row_instr[col_start[r]] = nz++;
            row_instr[col_start[r]] = -row_instr[col_start[r]];

  for (i = num_vertices-1; i > 0; --i) {
    col_start[i+1] = col_start[i];
  col_start[1] = col_start[0];
  col_start[0] = 0;

  //   cout << "col_start: ";
  //   for (int t=0; t<num_vertices+1; ++t)
  //     cout << col_start[t] << " ";
  //   cout << endl;
  //   cout << "row_index: ";
  //   for (int t=0; t<nz; ++t)
  //     cout << row_index[t] << " ";
  //   cout << endl;
  //   cout << "row_instr: ";
  //   for (int t=0; t<nz; ++t)
  //     cout << row_instr[t] << " ";
  //   cout << endl;
  // Convert CSC to CSR
  // First calculate the offsets in the row

  size_t* row_start = new size_t[num_vertices + 1];
  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    row_start[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < nz; ++i) {

  nz = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    j = row_start[i];
    row_start[i] = nz;
    nz += j;
  row_start[i] = nz;
  // Now calculate the pattern

  size_t* col_index = new size_t[nz];
  int* col_instr = new int[nz];

  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    cs = col_start[i];
    ce = col_start[i+1];

    while(cs < ce) {
      r = row_index[cs];

      col_index[row_start[r]] = i;
      col_instr[row_start[r]] = row_instr[cs];


  for (i = num_vertices-1; i > 0; --i) {
    row_start[i+1] = row_start[i];
  row_start[1] = row_start[0];
  row_start[0] = 0;

  delete[] row_index;

  // Now that the matrix is CSR
  // Column indices for each row are sorted

  // Compaction -- count the number of nonzeros
  mRowStart = col_start;   // don't need to reallocate
  //mAccumulation = row_instr;   // don't need to reallocate
  delete [] row_instr;

  for (i = 0; i <= num_vertices; ++i) {
    mRowStart[i] = 0;

  nnz = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    rs = row_start[i];
    re = row_start[i+1];

    c = num_vertices;
    while(rs < re) {
      if (c != col_index[rs]) {
        // This is an unseen nonzero

        c = col_index[rs];

      //if (col_instr[rs] >= 0) {
      //  mAccumulation[col_instr[rs]] = nnz - 1;
      //else {
      //  mAccumulation[-col_instr[rs]] = 1 - nnz;

  nnz = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    j = mRowStart[i];
    mRowStart[i] = nnz;
    nnz += j;
  mRowStart[i] = nnz;

  delete [] col_instr;

  // Fill in the compacted hessian matrix

  mColIndex = new size_t[nnz];

  for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
    rs = row_start[i];
    re = row_start[i+1];

    c = num_vertices;
    while(rs < re) {
      if (c != col_index[rs]) {
        // This is an unseen nonzero

        c = col_index[rs];
        mColIndex[mRowStart[i]] = c;

  for (i = num_vertices-1; i > 0; --i) {
    mRowStart[i+1] = mRowStart[i];
  mRowStart[1] = mRowStart[0];
  mRowStart[0] = 0;
  delete [] row_start;
  delete [] col_index;

  mEntries = new Matrix3D[nnz]; // On Solaris, no initializer allowed for new of an array 
  for (i=0;i<nnz;++i) mEntries[i] = 0.; // so we initialize all entries manually. 

  //origin_pd = &pd;

Esempio n. 6
/*! uses the preconditionned conjugate gradient algebraic solver
  to find d in \f$ H * d = -g \f$ .
  \param x : the solution, usually the descent direction d.
  \param b : -b will be the right hand side. Usually b is the gradient.
void MsqHessian::cg_solver(Vector3D x[], Vector3D b[], MsqError &err)
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "MsqHessian::cg_solver" );
  // reallocates arrays if size of the Hessian has changed too much.
  if (mSize > cgArraySizes || mSize < cgArraySizes/10 ) {
    delete[] mR;
    delete[] mZ;
    delete[] mP;
    delete[] mW;
    mR = new Vector3D[mSize];
    mZ = new Vector3D[mSize];
    mP = new Vector3D[mSize];
    mW = new Vector3D[mSize];
    cgArraySizes = mSize;

  size_t i;
  double alpha_, alpha, beta; 
  double cg_tol = 1e-2; // 1e-2 will give a reasonably good solution (~1%). 
  double norm_g = length(b, mSize);
  double norm_r = norm_g;
  double rzm1; // r^T_{k-1} z_{k-1}
  double rzm2; // r^T_{k-2} z_{k-2}

  this->compute_preconditioner(err); MSQ_CHKERR(err); // get M^{-1} for diagonal blocks

  for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  x[i] = 0. ;  
  for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  mR[i] = -b[i] ;  // r = -b because x_0 = 0 and we solve H*x = -b
  norm_g *= cg_tol;

  this->apply_preconditioner(mZ, mR, err); // solve Mz = r (computes z = M^-1 r)
  for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  mP[i] = mZ[i] ; // p_1 = z_0  
  rzm1 = inner(mZ,mR,mSize); // inner product r_{k-1}^T z_{k-1} 
  size_t cg_iter = 0;
  while ((norm_r > norm_g) && (cg_iter < maxCGiter)) {
    axpy(mW, mSize, *this, mP, mSize, 0,0,err); // w = A * p_k
    alpha_ = inner(mP,mW,mSize); // alpha_ = p_k^T A p_k
    if (alpha_ <= 0.0) {
      if (1 == cg_iter) {
        for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  x[i] += mP[i]; // x_{k+1} = x_k + p_{k+1} 
      break; // Newton goes on with this direction of negative curvature 

    alpha = rzm1 / alpha_;
    for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  x[i] += alpha*mP[i]; // x_{k+1} = x_k + alpha_{k+1} p_{k+1} 
    for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  mR[i] -= alpha*mW[i]; // r_{k+1} = r_k - alpha_{k+1} A p_{k+1} 
    norm_r = length(mR, mSize);
    this->apply_preconditioner(mZ, mR, err); // solve Mz = r (computes z = M^-1 r)
    rzm2 = rzm1;
    rzm1 = inner(mZ,mR,mSize); // inner product r_{k-1}^T z_{k-1} 
    beta = rzm1 / rzm2;
    for (i=0; i<mSize; ++i)  mP[i] = mZ[i] + beta*mP[i]; // p_k = z_{k-1} + Beta_k * p_{k-1}
void SteepestDescent::optimize_vertex_positions(PatchData &pd, 
                                                MsqError &err)
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "SteepestDescent::optimize_vertex_positions" );

  const int SEARCH_MAX = 100;
  const double c1 = 1e-4;
  //std::vector<Vector3D> unprojected(pd.num_free_vertices()); 
  std::vector<Vector3D> gradient(pd.num_free_vertices()); 
  bool feasible=true;//bool for OF values
  double min_edge_len, max_edge_len;
  double step_size=0, original_value=0, new_value=0;
  double norm_squared=0;
  PatchDataVerticesMemento* pd_previous_coords;
  TerminationCriterion* term_crit=get_inner_termination_criterion();
  OFEvaluator& obj_func = get_objective_function_evaluator();
    // get vertex memento so we can restore vertex coordinates for bad steps.
  pd_previous_coords = pd.create_vertices_memento( err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    // use auto_ptr to automatically delete memento when we exit this function
  std::auto_ptr<PatchDataVerticesMemento> memento_deleter( pd_previous_coords );

    // Evaluate objective function.
    // Always use 'update' version when beginning optimization so that
    // if doing block coordinate descent the OF code knows the set of
    // vertices we are modifying during the optimziation (the subset
    // of the mesh contained in the current patch.)  This has to be
    // done up-front because typically an OF will just store the portion
    // of the OF value (e.g. the numeric contribution to the sum for an
    // averaging OF) for the initial patch.
  feasible = obj_func.update( pd, original_value, gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    // calculate gradient dotted with itself
  norm_squared = length_squared( gradient );
    //set an error if initial patch is invalid.
    MSQ_SETERR(err)("SteepestDescent passed invalid initial patch.",

    // use edge length as an initial guess for for step size
  pd.get_minmax_edge_length( min_edge_len, max_edge_len );
  //step_size = max_edge_len / std::sqrt(norm_squared);
  //if (!finite(step_size))  // zero-length gradient
  //  return;
//  if (norm_squared < DBL_EPSILON)
//    return;
  if (norm_squared >= DBL_EPSILON)
    step_size = max_edge_len / std::sqrt(norm_squared) * pd.num_free_vertices();

    // The steepest descent loop...
    // We loop until the user-specified termination criteria are met.
  while (!term_crit->terminate()) {
    MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "Iteration " << term_crit->get_iteration_count() << std::endl;
    MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "  o  original_value: " << original_value << std::endl;
    MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "  o  grad norm suqared: " << norm_squared << std::endl;

      // Save current vertex coords so that they can be restored if
      // the step was bad.
    pd.recreate_vertices_memento( pd_previous_coords, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);

      // Reduce step size until it satisfies Armijo condition
    int counter = 0;
    for (;;) {
      if (++counter > SEARCH_MAX || step_size < DBL_EPSILON) {
        MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "    o  No valid step found.  Giving Up." << std::endl;
      // Move vertices to new positions.
      // Note: step direction is -gradient so we pass +gradient and 
      //       -step_size to achieve the same thing.
      pd.move_free_vertices_constrained( arrptr(gradient), gradient.size(), -step_size, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      // Evaluate objective function for new vertices.  We call the
      // 'evaluate' form here because we aren't sure yet if we want to
      // keep these vertices.  Until we call 'update', we have the option
      // of reverting a block coordinate decent objective function's state
      // to that of the initial vertex coordinates.  However, for block
      // coordinate decent to work correctly, we will need to call an
      // 'update' form if we decide to keep the new vertex coordinates.
      feasible = obj_func.evaluate( pd, new_value, err ); 
      if (err.error_code() == err.BARRIER_VIOLATED) 
        err.clear();  // barrier violated does not represent an actual error here
      MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "    o  step_size: " << step_size << std::endl;
      MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "    o  new_value: " << new_value << std::endl;

      if (!feasible) {
        // OF value is invalid, decrease step_size a lot
        step_size *= 0.2;
      else if (new_value > original_value - c1 * step_size * norm_squared) {
        // Armijo condition not met.
        step_size *= 0.5;
      else {
        // Armijo condition met, stop
      // undo previous step : restore vertex coordinates
      pd.set_to_vertices_memento( pd_previous_coords, err );  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      // Re-evaluate objective function to get gradient.
      // Calling the 'update' form here incorporates the new vertex 
      // positions into the 'accumulated' value if we are doing a 
      // block coordinate descent optimization.
    obj_func.update(pd, original_value, gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    if (projectGradient) {
      //if (cosineStep) {
      //  unprojected = gradient;
      //  pd.project_gradient( gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      //  double dot = inner_product( arrptr(gradient), arrptr(unprojected), gradient.size() );
      //  double lensqr1 = length_squared( gradient );
      //  double lensqr2 = length_squared( unprojected );
      //  double cossqr = dot * dot / lensqr1 / lensqr2;
      //  step_size *= sqrt(cossqr);
      //else {
        pd.project_gradient( gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      // Update terination criterion for next iteration.
      // This is necessary for efficiency.  Some values can be adjusted
      // for each iteration so we don't need to re-caculate the value
      // over the entire mesh.
    term_crit->accumulate_patch( pd, err );  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    term_crit->accumulate_inner( pd, original_value, arrptr(gradient), err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err); 
      // Calculate initial step size for next iteration using step size 
      // from this iteration
    step_size *= norm_squared;
    norm_squared = length_squared( gradient );
//    if (norm_squared < DBL_EPSILON)
//      break;
  if (norm_squared >= DBL_EPSILON)
    step_size /= norm_squared;
// Currently, the only thing supported is updating each vertices
// coordinates and flags.  Connectivity changes aren't supported yet.
void Mesquite::MeshSet::update_mesh(const PatchData &pd, MsqError &err)
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "MeshSet::update_mesh" );
  if (pd.num_nodes() == 0)
  size_t i;
  switch (pd.type())
    // If the patch type is marked as local,
    // all handles belong to the currentMesh.
      // For each vertex, update the coordinates
        // and the "mesquite byte".
      for (i = 0; i < pd.num_nodes(); i++)
        if(!pd.vertexArray[i].is_flag_set( MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED))
                                                 err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
                                        err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    // If the patch type is marked as global,
    // the handles may belong to more than
    // one Mesh.
  case PatchData::GLOBAL_PATCH:
      list<Mesquite::Mesh*>::iterator mesh_itr = meshSet.begin();
      assert( mesh_itr != meshSet.end() );
      Mesquite::Mesh* cur_mesh = *mesh_itr;
      Mesquite::VertexIterator *vert_itr = cur_mesh->vertex_iterator(err);
      for (i = 0; i < pd.num_nodes(); i++)
        if (vert_itr->is_at_end())
          if ( mesh_itr==meshSet.end() )
          cur_mesh = *mesh_itr;
          delete vert_itr;
          vert_itr = cur_mesh->vertex_iterator(err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
        if(!pd.vertexArray[i].is_flag_set( MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED))
                                           err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
                                  err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      delete vert_itr;
      MSQ_SETERR(err)("PatchData Type not accepted yet.", MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);