Esempio n. 1
MVMObject * MVM_proc_clargs(MVMThreadContext *tc) {
    MVMInstance * const instance = tc->instance;
    MVMObject            *clargs = instance->clargs;
    if (!clargs) {
        clargs = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_array_type);
        MVMROOT(tc, clargs, {
            const MVMint64 num_clargs = instance->num_clargs;
            MVMint64 count;

            MVMString *prog_string = MVM_string_utf8_decode(tc,
                instance->prog_name, strlen(instance->prog_name));

            MVMObject *boxed_str = MVM_repr_box_str(tc,
                instance->boot_types.BOOTStr, prog_string);

            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, clargs, boxed_str);

            for (count = 0; count < num_clargs; count++) {
                char *raw_clarg = instance->raw_clargs[count];
                MVMString *string = MVM_string_utf8_decode(tc,
                    instance->VMString, raw_clarg, strlen(raw_clarg));
                boxed_str = MVM_repr_box_str(tc,
                    instance->boot_types.BOOTStr, string);
                MVM_repr_push_o(tc, clargs, boxed_str);
Esempio n. 2
/* Read handler. */
static void on_read(uv_stream_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf) {
    ReadInfo         *ri  = (ReadInfo *)handle->data;
    MVMThreadContext *tc  = ri->tc;
    MVMObject        *arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);
    MVMAsyncTask     *t   = MVM_io_eventloop_get_active_work(tc, ri->work_idx);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, t->body.schedulee);
    if (nread >= 0) {
        MVMROOT(tc, t, {
        MVMROOT(tc, arr, {
            MVMArray *res_buf;

            /* Push the sequence number. */
            MVMObject *seq_boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc,
                tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTInt, ri->seq_number++);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, seq_boxed);

            /* Produce a buffer and push it. */
            res_buf      = (MVMArray *)MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, ri->buf_type);
            res_buf->body.slots.i8 = (MVMint8 *)buf->base;
            res_buf->body.start    = 0;
            res_buf->body.ssize    = buf->len;
            res_buf->body.elems    = nread;
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, (MVMObject *)res_buf);

            /* Finally, no error. */
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTStr);
Esempio n. 3
MVMObject * MVM_radix(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMint64 radix, MVMString *str, MVMint64 offset, MVMint64 flag) {
    MVMObject *result;
    MVMint64 zvalue = 0;
    MVMint64 zbase  = 1;
    MVMint64 chars  = MVM_string_graphs(tc, str);
    MVMint64 value  = zvalue;
    MVMint64 base   = zbase;
    MVMint64   pos  = -1;
    MVMuint16  neg  = 0;
    MVMint64   ch;

    if (radix > 36) {
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Cannot convert radix of %d (max 36)", radix);

    ch = (offset < chars) ? MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset) : 0;
    if ((flag & 0x02) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
        neg = (ch == '-');
        ch = (offset < chars) ? MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset) : 0;

    while (offset < chars) {
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ch = ch - '0';
        else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ch = ch - 'a' + 10;
        else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ch = ch - 'A' + 10;
        else break;
        if (ch >= radix) break;
        zvalue = zvalue * radix + ch;
        zbase = zbase * radix;
        offset++; pos = offset;
        if (ch != 0 || !(flag & 0x04)) { value=zvalue; base=zbase; }
        if (offset >= chars) break;
        ch = MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset);
        if (ch != '_') continue;
        if (offset >= chars) break;
        ch = MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset);

    if (neg || flag & 0x01) { value = -value; }

    /* initialize the object */
    result = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_array_type);
    MVMROOT(tc, result, {
        MVMObject *box_type = MVM_hll_current(tc)->int_box_type;
        MVMROOT(tc, box_type, {
            MVMObject *boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, box_type, value);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, result, boxed);
            boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, box_type, base);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, result, boxed);
            boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, box_type, pos);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, result, boxed);
Esempio n. 4
/* Signal callback; dispatches schedulee to the queue. */
static void signal_cb(uv_signal_t *handle, int sig_num) {
    SignalInfo       *si  = (SignalInfo *)handle->data;
    MVMThreadContext *tc  = si->tc;
    MVMObject        *arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);
    MVMAsyncTask     *t   = (MVMAsyncTask *)MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc,
        tc->instance->event_loop_active, si->work_idx);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, t->body.schedulee);
    MVMROOT(tc, t, {
    MVMROOT(tc, arr, {
        MVMObject *sig_num_boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc,
            tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTInt, sig_num);
        MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, sig_num_boxed);
Esempio n. 5
/* Completion handler for an asynchronous write. */
static void on_write(uv_write_t *req, int status) {
    SpawnWriteInfo   *wi  = (SpawnWriteInfo *)req->data;
    MVMThreadContext *tc  = wi->tc;
    MVMObject        *arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);
    MVMAsyncTask     *t   = (MVMAsyncTask *)MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc,
        tc->instance->event_loop_active, wi->work_idx);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, t->body.schedulee);
    if (status >= 0) {
        MVMROOT(tc, arr, {
        MVMROOT(tc, t, {
            MVMObject *bytes_box = MVM_repr_box_int(tc,
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, bytes_box);
Esempio n. 6
/* Dumps data from all threads into an array of per-thread data. */
static MVMObject * dump_data(MVMThreadContext *tc) {
    MVMObject *threads_array;
    ProfDumpStrs pds;

    /* We'll allocate the data in gen2, but as we want to keep it, but to be
     * sure we don't trigger a GC run. */

    /* Some string constants to re-use. */
    pds.total_time      = str(tc, "total_time");
    pds.call_graph      = str(tc, "call_graph");            = str(tc, "name");              = str(tc, "id");
    pds.file            = str(tc, "file");
    pds.line            = str(tc, "line");
    pds.entries         = str(tc, "entries");
    pds.spesh_entries   = str(tc, "spesh_entries");
    pds.jit_entries     = str(tc, "jit_entries");
    pds.inlined_entries = str(tc, "inlined_entries");
    pds.inclusive_time  = str(tc, "inclusive_time");
    pds.exclusive_time  = str(tc, "exclusive_time");
    pds.callees         = str(tc, "callees");
    pds.allocations     = str(tc, "allocations");
    pds.type            = str(tc, "type");
    pds.count           = str(tc, "count");
    pds.spesh           = str(tc, "spesh");
    pds.jit             = str(tc, "jit");
    pds.gcs             = str(tc, "gcs");
    pds.time            = str(tc, "time");
    pds.full            = str(tc, "full");
    pds.cleared_bytes   = str(tc, "cleared_bytes");
    pds.retained_bytes  = str(tc, "retained_bytes");
    pds.promoted_bytes  = str(tc, "promoted_bytes");
    pds.gen2_roots      = str(tc, "gen2_roots");
    pds.osr             = str(tc, "osr");
    pds.deopt_one       = str(tc, "deopt_one");
    pds.deopt_all       = str(tc, "deopt_all");
    pds.spesh_time      = str(tc, "spesh_time");
    pds.native_lib      = str(tc, "native library");

    /* Build up threads array. */
    /* XXX Only main thread for now. */
    threads_array = new_array(tc);
    if (tc->prof_data)
        MVM_repr_push_o(tc, threads_array, dump_thread_data(tc, &pds, tc->prof_data));

    /* Switch back to default allocation and return result; */
    return threads_array;
Esempio n. 7
/* Read handler. */
static void on_read(uv_stream_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf) {
    ReadInfo         *ri  = (ReadInfo *)handle->data;
    MVMThreadContext *tc  = ri->tc;
    MVMObject        *arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);
    MVMAsyncTask     *t   = (MVMAsyncTask *)MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc,
        tc->instance->event_loop_active, ri->work_idx);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, t->body.schedulee);
    if (nread > 0) {
        MVMROOT(tc, t, {
        MVMROOT(tc, arr, {
            /* Push the sequence number. */
            MVMObject *seq_boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc,
                tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTInt, ri->seq_number++);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, seq_boxed);

            /* Either need to produce a buffer or decode characters. */
            if (ri->ds) {
                MVMString *str;
                MVMObject *boxed_str;
                MVM_string_decodestream_add_bytes(tc, ri->ds, buf->base, nread);
                str = MVM_string_decodestream_get_all(tc, ri->ds);
                boxed_str = MVM_repr_box_str(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTStr, str);
                MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, boxed_str);
            else {
                MVMArray *res_buf      = (MVMArray *)MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, ri->buf_type);
                res_buf->body.slots.i8 = buf->base;
                res_buf->body.start    = 0;
                res_buf->body.ssize    = nread;
                res_buf->body.elems    = nread;
                MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, (MVMObject *)res_buf);

            /* Finally, no error. */
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTStr);
Esempio n. 8
/* Sets the passed thread context's thread up so that we'll run a finalize
 * handler on it in the near future. */
static void finalize_handler_caller(MVMThreadContext *tc, void *sr_data) {
    MVMObject *handler = MVM_hll_current(tc)->finalize_handler;
    if (handler) {
        /* Drain the finalizing queue to an array. */
        MVMObject *drain = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);
        while (tc->num_finalizing > 0)
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, drain, tc->finalizing[--tc->num_finalizing]);

        /* Invoke the handler. */
        handler = MVM_frame_find_invokee(tc, handler, NULL);
        MVM_args_setup_thunk(tc, NULL, MVM_RETURN_VOID, MVM_callsite_get_common(tc, MVM_CALLSITE_ID_INV_ARG));
        tc->cur_frame->args[0].o = drain;
        STABLE(handler)->invoke(tc, handler, MVM_callsite_get_common(tc, MVM_CALLSITE_ID_INV_ARG), tc->cur_frame->args);
Esempio n. 9
/* Returns the lines (backtrace) of an exception-object as an array. */
MVMObject * MVM_exception_backtrace_strings(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *ex_obj) {
    MVMException *ex;
    MVMFrame *cur_frame;
    MVMObject *arr;

    if (IS_CONCRETE(ex_obj) && REPR(ex_obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMException)
        ex = (MVMException *)ex_obj;
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Can only throw an exception object");

    cur_frame = ex->body.origin;
    arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);

    MVMROOT(tc, arr, {
        while (cur_frame != NULL) {
            MVMObject *pobj = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTStr);
            MVM_repr_set_str(tc, pobj, cur_frame->static_info->;
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, pobj);
            cur_frame = cur_frame->caller;
Esempio n. 10
/* Dumps data from a single thread. */
static MVMObject * dump_thread_data(MVMThreadContext *tc, ProfDumpStrs *pds,
                                    const MVMProfileThreadData *ptd) {
    MVMObject *thread_hash = new_hash(tc);
    MVMObject *thread_gcs  = new_array(tc);
    MVMuint32  i;

    /* Add time. */
    MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, thread_hash, pds->total_time,
        box_i(tc, (ptd->end_time - ptd->start_time) / 1000));

    /* Add call graph. */
    if (ptd->call_graph)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, thread_hash, pds->call_graph,
            dump_call_graph_node(tc, pds, ptd->call_graph));

    /* Add GCs. */
    for (i = 0; i < ptd->num_gcs; i++) {
        MVMObject *gc_hash = new_hash(tc);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, gc_hash, pds->time,
            box_i(tc, ptd->gcs[i].time / 1000));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, gc_hash, pds->full,
            box_i(tc, ptd->gcs[i].full));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, gc_hash, pds->cleared_bytes,
            box_i(tc, ptd->gcs[i].cleared_bytes));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, gc_hash, pds->retained_bytes,
            box_i(tc, ptd->gcs[i].retained_bytes));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, gc_hash, pds->promoted_bytes,
            box_i(tc, ptd->gcs[i].promoted_bytes));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, gc_hash, pds->gen2_roots,
            box_i(tc, ptd->gcs[i].num_gen2roots));
        MVM_repr_push_o(tc, thread_gcs, gc_hash);
    MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, thread_hash, pds->gcs, thread_gcs);

    /* Add spesh time. */
    MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, thread_hash, pds->spesh_time,
        box_i(tc, ptd->spesh_time / 1000));

    return thread_hash;
Esempio n. 11
/* Returns the lines (backtrace) of an exception-object as an array. */
MVMObject * MVM_exception_backtrace_strings(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *ex_obj) {
    MVMException *ex;
    MVMFrame *cur_frame;
    MVMObject *arr;

    if (IS_CONCRETE(ex_obj) && REPR(ex_obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMException)
        ex = (MVMException *)ex_obj;
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Op 'backtracestrings' needs an exception object");

    cur_frame = ex->body.origin;
    arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);

    MVMROOT(tc, arr, {
        MVMuint32 count = 0;
        while (cur_frame != NULL) {
            char      *line     = MVM_exception_backtrace_line(tc, cur_frame, count++);
            MVMString *line_str = MVM_string_utf8_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString, line, strlen(line));
            MVMObject *line_obj = MVM_repr_box_str(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTStr, line_str);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, line_obj);
            cur_frame = cur_frame->caller;
Esempio n. 12
/* Adds an method. */
static void add_attribute(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMObject *self, *attr, *attributes;

    /* Get arguments. */
    MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
    MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
    MVM_args_checkarity(tc, &arg_ctx, 3, 3);
    self     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    attr     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 2, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);

    /* Ensure we have the required representations. */
    if (!self || !IS_CONCRETE(self) || REPR(self)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWREPR)
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW methods must be called on object instance with REPR KnowHOWREPR");
    if (REPR(attr)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWAttributeREPR)
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW attributes must use KnowHOWAttributeREPR");

    /* Add to method table. */
    attributes = ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)self)->body.attributes;
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, attributes, attr);

    /* Return added attribute as result. */
    MVM_args_set_result_obj(tc, attr, MVM_RETURN_CURRENT_FRAME);
Esempio n. 13
/* Locates all of the attributes. Puts them onto a flattened, ordered
 * list of attributes (populating the passed flat_list). Also builds
 * the index mapping for doing named lookups. Note index is not related
 * to the storage position. */
static MVMObject * index_mapping_and_flat_list(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *mro, MVMCPPStructREPRData *repr_data) {
    MVMInstance *instance  = tc->instance;
    MVMObject *flat_list, *class_list, *attr_map_list;
    MVMint32  num_classes, i, current_slot = 0;
    MVMCPPStructNameMap *result;

    MVMint32 mro_idx = MVM_repr_elems(tc, mro);

    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&mro);

    flat_list = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_array_type);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&flat_list);

    class_list = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_array_type);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&class_list);

    attr_map_list = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_array_type);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attr_map_list);

    /* Walk through the parents list. */
    while (mro_idx)
        /* Get current class in MRO. */
        MVMObject *type_info     = MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, mro, --mro_idx);
        MVMObject *current_class = MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, type_info, 0);

        /* Get its local parents; make sure we're not doing MI. */
        MVMObject *parents     = MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, type_info, 2);
        MVMint32  num_parents = MVM_repr_elems(tc, parents);
        if (num_parents <= 1) {
            /* Get attributes and iterate over them. */
            MVMObject *attributes     = MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, type_info, 1);
            MVMIter * const attr_iter = (MVMIter *)MVM_iter(tc, attributes);
            MVMObject *attr_map = NULL;

            if (MVM_iter_istrue(tc, attr_iter)) {
                MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attr_iter);
                attr_map = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_hash_type);
                MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attr_map);

            while (MVM_iter_istrue(tc, attr_iter)) {
                MVMObject *current_slot_obj = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->int_box_type, current_slot);
                MVMObject *attr, *name_obj;
                MVMString *name;

                MVM_repr_shift_o(tc, (MVMObject *)attr_iter);

                /* Get attribute. */
                attr = MVM_iterval(tc, attr_iter);

                /* Get its name. */
                name_obj = MVM_repr_at_key_o(tc, attr, instance->;
                name     = MVM_repr_get_str(tc, name_obj);

                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, attr_map, name, current_slot_obj);


                /* Push attr onto the flat list. */
                MVM_repr_push_o(tc, flat_list, attr);

            if (attr_map) {
                MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 2);

            /* Add to class list and map list. */
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, class_list, current_class);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, attr_map_list, attr_map);
        else {
                "CPPStruct representation does not support multiple inheritance");

    MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 4);

    /* We can now form the name map. */
    num_classes = MVM_repr_elems(tc, class_list);
    result = (MVMCPPStructNameMap *) MVM_malloc(sizeof(MVMCPPStructNameMap) * (1 + num_classes));

    for (i = 0; i < num_classes; i++) {
        result[i].class_key = MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, class_list, i);
        result[i].name_map  = MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, attr_map_list, i);

    /* set the end to be NULL, it's useful for iteration. */
    result[i].class_key = NULL;

    repr_data->name_to_index_mapping = result;

    return flat_list;
Esempio n. 14
/* Composes the meta-object. */
static void compose(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMObject *self, *type_obj, *method_table, *attributes, *BOOTArray, *BOOTHash,
              *repr_info_hash, *repr_info, *type_info, *attr_info_list, *parent_info;
    MVMint64   num_attrs, i;
    /* Get arguments. */
    MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
    MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
    self     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    type_obj = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 1, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);
    if (!self || !IS_CONCRETE(self) || REPR(self)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWREPR)
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW methods must be called on object instance with REPR KnowHOWREPR");
    /* Fill out STable. */
    method_table = ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)self)->body.methods;
    MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, STABLE(type_obj), STABLE(type_obj)->method_cache, method_table);
    STABLE(type_obj)->mode_flags              = MVM_METHOD_CACHE_AUTHORITATIVE;
    STABLE(type_obj)->type_check_cache_length = 1;
    STABLE(type_obj)->type_check_cache        = malloc(sizeof(MVMObject *));
    MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, STABLE(type_obj), STABLE(type_obj)->type_check_cache[0], type_obj);
    /* Next steps will allocate, so make sure we keep hold of the type
     * object and ourself. */
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&self);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&type_obj);
    /* Use any attribute information to produce attribute protocol
     * data. The protocol consists of an array... */
    BOOTArray = tc->instance->boot_types->BOOTArray;
    BOOTHash = tc->instance->boot_types->BOOTHash;
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&BOOTArray);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&BOOTHash);
    repr_info = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&repr_info);
    REPR(repr_info)->initialize(tc, STABLE(repr_info), repr_info, OBJECT_BODY(repr_info));
    /* ...which contains an array per MRO entry (just us)... */
    type_info = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&type_info);
    REPR(type_info)->initialize(tc, STABLE(type_info), type_info, OBJECT_BODY(type_info));
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, repr_info, type_info);
    /* ...which in turn contains this type... */
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, type_info, type_obj);
    /* ...then an array of hashes per attribute... */
    attr_info_list = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attr_info_list);
    REPR(attr_info_list)->initialize(tc, STABLE(attr_info_list), attr_info_list,
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, type_info, attr_info_list);
    attributes = ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)self)->body.attributes;
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attributes);
    num_attrs = REPR(attributes)->elems(tc, STABLE(attributes),
        attributes, OBJECT_BODY(attributes));
    for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) {
        MVMObject *attr_info = REPR(BOOTHash)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTHash));
        MVMKnowHOWAttributeREPR *attribute = (MVMKnowHOWAttributeREPR *)
            MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, attributes, i);
        MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attr_info);
        MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attribute);
        if (REPR((MVMObject *)attribute)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWAttributeREPR)
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW attributes must use KnowHOWAttributeREPR");
        REPR(attr_info)->initialize(tc, STABLE(attr_info), attr_info,
        REPR(attr_info)->ass_funcs->bind_key_boxed(tc, STABLE(attr_info),
            attr_info, OBJECT_BODY(attr_info), (MVMObject *)str_name, (MVMObject *)attribute->;
        REPR(attr_info)->ass_funcs->bind_key_boxed(tc, STABLE(attr_info),
            attr_info, OBJECT_BODY(attr_info), (MVMObject *)str_type, attribute->body.type);
        if (attribute->body.box_target) {
            /* Merely having the key serves as a "yes". */
            REPR(attr_info)->ass_funcs->bind_key_boxed(tc, STABLE(attr_info),
                attr_info, OBJECT_BODY(attr_info), (MVMObject *)str_box_target, attr_info);
        MVM_repr_push_o(tc, attr_info_list, attr_info);
        MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 2);
    /* ...followed by a list of parents (none). */
    parent_info = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&parent_info);
    REPR(parent_info)->initialize(tc, STABLE(parent_info), parent_info,
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, type_info, parent_info);
    /* Finally, this all goes in a hash under the key 'attribute'. */
    repr_info_hash = REPR(BOOTHash)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTHash));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&repr_info_hash);
    REPR(repr_info_hash)->initialize(tc, STABLE(repr_info_hash), repr_info_hash, OBJECT_BODY(repr_info_hash));
    REPR(repr_info_hash)->ass_funcs->bind_key_boxed(tc, STABLE(repr_info_hash),
            repr_info_hash, OBJECT_BODY(repr_info_hash), (MVMObject *)str_attribute, repr_info);

    /* Compose the representation using it. */
    REPR(type_obj)->compose(tc, STABLE(type_obj), repr_info_hash);
    /* Clear temporary roots. */
    MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 10);
    /* Return type object. */
    MVM_args_set_result_obj(tc, type_obj, MVM_RETURN_CURRENT_FRAME);
Esempio n. 15
/* Returns a list of hashes containing file, line, sub and annotations. */
MVMObject * MVM_exception_backtrace(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *ex_obj) {
    MVMFrame *cur_frame;
    MVMObject *arr = NULL, *annotations = NULL, *row = NULL, *value = NULL;
    MVMuint32 count = 0;
    MVMString *k_file = NULL, *k_line = NULL, *k_sub = NULL, *k_anno = NULL;

    if (IS_CONCRETE(ex_obj) && REPR(ex_obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMException)
        cur_frame = ((MVMException *)ex_obj)->body.origin;
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Op 'backtrace' needs an exception object");

    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&arr);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&annotations);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&row);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&value);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&k_file);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&k_line);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&k_sub);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&k_anno);

    k_file = MVM_string_ascii_decode_nt(tc, tc->instance->VMString, "file");
    k_line = MVM_string_ascii_decode_nt(tc, tc->instance->VMString, "line");
    k_sub  = MVM_string_ascii_decode_nt(tc, tc->instance->VMString, "sub");
    k_anno = MVM_string_ascii_decode_nt(tc, tc->instance->VMString, "annotations");

    arr = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTArray);

    while (cur_frame != NULL) {
        MVMuint8             *cur_op = count ? cur_frame->return_address : cur_frame->throw_address;
        MVMuint32             offset = cur_op - cur_frame->effective_bytecode;
        MVMBytecodeAnnotation *annot = MVM_bytecode_resolve_annotation(tc, &cur_frame->static_info->body,
                                            offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0);
        MVMint32              fshi   = annot ? (MVMint32)annot->filename_string_heap_index : -1;
        char            *line_number = malloc(16);
        snprintf(line_number, 16, "%d", annot ? annot->line_number : 1);

        /* annotations hash will contain "file" and "line" */
        annotations = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTHash);

        /* file */
        if (fshi >= 0 && fshi < cur_frame->static_info->>body.num_strings)
            value = MVM_repr_box_str(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->str_box_type,
            value = MVM_repr_box_str(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->str_box_type,
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, annotations, k_file, value);

        /* line */
        value = (MVMObject *)MVM_string_ascii_decode_nt(tc, tc->instance->VMString, line_number);
        value = MVM_repr_box_str(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->str_box_type, (MVMString *)value);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, annotations, k_line, value);

        /* row will contain "sub" and "annotations" */
        row = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTHash);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, row, k_sub, cur_frame->code_ref);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, row, k_anno, annotations);

        MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, row);
        cur_frame = cur_frame->caller;
        while (cur_frame && cur_frame->static_info->body.is_thunk)
            cur_frame = cur_frame->caller;

    MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 8);

    return arr;
Esempio n. 16
/* Enters the work loop. */
static void worker(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMObject *updated_static_frames = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc,
    MVMObject *previous_static_frames = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc,

    tc->instance->speshworker_thread_id = tc->thread_obj->body.thread_id;

    MVMROOT2(tc, updated_static_frames, previous_static_frames, {
        while (1) {
            MVMObject *log_obj;
            MVMuint64 start_time;
            unsigned int interval_id;
            if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
                start_time = uv_hrtime();
            log_obj = MVM_repr_shift_o(tc, tc->instance->spesh_queue);
            if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
                    "Received Logs\n"
                    "Was waiting %dus for logs on the log queue.\n\n",
                    (int)((uv_hrtime() - start_time) / 1000));

            if (tc->instance->main_thread->prof_data)

            interval_id = MVM_telemetry_interval_start(tc, "spesh worker consuming a log");

            tc->instance->spesh_working = 1;

            if (log_obj->st->REPR->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMSpeshLog) {
                MVMSpeshLog *sl = (MVMSpeshLog *)log_obj;
                MVM_telemetry_interval_annotate((uintptr_t)sl->body.thread->, interval_id, "from this thread");
                MVMROOT(tc, sl, {
                    MVMThreadContext *stc;
                    MVMuint32 i;
                    MVMuint32 n;

                    /* Update stats, and if we're logging dump each of them. */
                    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
                        start_time = uv_hrtime();
                    MVM_spesh_stats_update(tc, sl, updated_static_frames);
                    n = MVM_repr_elems(tc, updated_static_frames);
                    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
                            "Statistics Updated\n"
                            "%d frames had their statistics updated in %dus.\n\n",
                            (int)n, (int)((uv_hrtime() - start_time) / 1000));
                        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            char *dump = MVM_spesh_dump_stats(tc, (MVMStaticFrame* )
                                MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, updated_static_frames, i));
                            MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "%s==========\n\n", dump);
                    MVM_telemetry_interval_annotate((uintptr_t)n, interval_id, "stats for this many frames");

                    /* Form a specialization plan. */
                    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
                        start_time = uv_hrtime();
                    tc->instance->spesh_plan = MVM_spesh_plan(tc, updated_static_frames);
                    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
                        n = tc->instance->spesh_plan->num_planned;
                            "Specialization Plan\n"
                            "%u specialization(s) will be produced (planned in %dus).\n\n",
                            n, (int)((uv_hrtime() - start_time) / 1000));
                        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            char *dump = MVM_spesh_dump_planned(tc,
                            MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "%s==========\n\n", dump);
                    MVM_telemetry_interval_annotate((uintptr_t)tc->instance->spesh_plan->num_planned, interval_id,
                            "this many specializations planned");

                    /* Implement the plan and then discard it. */
                    n = tc->instance->spesh_plan->num_planned;
                    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        MVM_spesh_candidate_add(tc, &(tc->instance->spesh_plan->planned[i]));
                    MVM_spesh_plan_destroy(tc, tc->instance->spesh_plan);
                    tc->instance->spesh_plan = NULL;

                    /* Clear up stats that didn't get updated for a while,
                     * then add frames updated this time into the previously
                     * updated array. */
                    MVM_spesh_stats_cleanup(tc, previous_static_frames);
                    n = MVM_repr_elems(tc, updated_static_frames);
                    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        MVM_repr_push_o(tc, previous_static_frames,
                            MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, updated_static_frames, i));

                    /* Clear updated static frames array. */
                    MVM_repr_pos_set_elems(tc, updated_static_frames, 0);

                    /* Allow the sending thread to produce more logs again,
                     * putting a new spesh log in place if needed. */
                    stc = sl->body.thread->;
                    if (stc && !sl->body.was_compunit_bumped)
                        if (MVM_incr(&(stc->spesh_log_quota)) == 0) {
                            stc->spesh_log = MVM_spesh_log_create(tc, sl->body.thread);
                            MVM_telemetry_timestamp(stc, "logging restored after quota had run out");

                    /* If needed, signal sending thread that it can continue. */
                    if (sl->body.block_mutex) {
                        MVM_store(&(sl->body.completed), 1);
                        MVMSpeshLogEntry *entries = sl->body.entries;
                        sl->body.entries = NULL;
            else if (MVM_is_null(tc, log_obj)) {
Esempio n. 17
/* Composes the meta-object. */
static void compose(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMObject *self, *type_obj, *method_table, *attributes, *BOOTArray, *BOOTHash,
              *repr_info_hash, *repr_info, *type_info, *attr_info_list, *parent_info;
    MVMuint64   num_attrs, i;
    MVMInstance *instance = tc->instance;

    /* Get arguments. */
    MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
    MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
    MVM_args_checkarity(tc, &arg_ctx, 2, 2);
    self     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    type_obj = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 1, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);
    if (!self || !IS_CONCRETE(self) || REPR(self)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWREPR)
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW methods must be called on object instance with REPR KnowHOWREPR");

    /* Fill out STable. */
    method_table = ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)self)->body.methods;
    MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, &(STABLE(type_obj)->header), STABLE(type_obj)->method_cache, method_table);
    STABLE(type_obj)->mode_flags              = MVM_METHOD_CACHE_AUTHORITATIVE;
    STABLE(type_obj)->type_check_cache_length = 1;
    STABLE(type_obj)->type_check_cache        = MVM_malloc(sizeof(MVMObject *));
    MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, &(STABLE(type_obj)->header), STABLE(type_obj)->type_check_cache[0], type_obj);
    attributes = ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)self)->body.attributes;

    /* Next steps will allocate, so make sure we keep hold of the type
     * object and ourself. */
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attributes);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&type_obj);

    /* Use any attribute information to produce attribute protocol
     * data. The protocol consists of an array... */
    BOOTArray = instance->boot_types.BOOTArray;
    BOOTHash = instance->boot_types.BOOTHash;
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&BOOTArray);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&BOOTHash);
    repr_info = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&repr_info);

    /* ...which contains an array per MRO entry (just us)... */
    type_info = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&type_info);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, repr_info, type_info);

    /* ...which in turn contains this type... */
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, type_info, type_obj);

    /* ...then an array of hashes per attribute... */
    attr_info_list = REPR(BOOTArray)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTArray));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&attr_info_list);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, type_info, attr_info_list);
    num_attrs = REPR(attributes)->elems(tc, STABLE(attributes),
        attributes, OBJECT_BODY(attributes));
    for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) {
        MVMObject *attr_info = REPR(BOOTHash)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTHash));
        MVMKnowHOWAttributeREPR *attribute = (MVMKnowHOWAttributeREPR *)
            MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, attributes, i);
        MVMROOT(tc, attr_info, {
            MVMROOT(tc, attribute, {
                if (REPR((MVMObject *)attribute)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWAttributeREPR)
                    MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW attributes must use KnowHOWAttributeREPR");

                MVM_repr_init(tc, attr_info);
                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, attr_info, instance->, (MVMObject *)attribute->;
                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, attr_info, instance->str_consts.type, attribute->body.type);
                if (attribute->body.box_target) {
                    /* Merely having the key serves as a "yes". */
                    MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, attr_info, instance->str_consts.box_target, attr_info);

                MVM_repr_push_o(tc, attr_info_list, attr_info);
Esempio n. 18
/* Dumps a call graph node. */
static MVMObject * dump_call_graph_node(MVMThreadContext *tc, ProfDumpStrs *pds,
                                        const MVMProfileCallNode *pcn) {
    MVMObject *node_hash  = new_hash(tc);
    MVMuint32  i;

    /* Let's see if we're dealing with a native call or a regular moar call */
    if (pcn->sf) {
        /* Try to resolve the code filename and line number. */
        MVMBytecodeAnnotation *annot = MVM_bytecode_resolve_annotation(tc,
            &(pcn->sf->body), 0);
        MVMint32 fshi = annot ? (MVMint32)annot->filename_string_heap_index : -1;

        /* Add name of code object. */
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->name,
            box_s(tc, pcn->sf->;

        /* Add line number and file name. */
        if (fshi >= 0 && fshi < pcn->sf->>body.num_strings)
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
                box_s(tc, MVM_cu_string(tc, pcn->sf->, fshi)));
        else if (pcn->sf->>body.filename)
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
                box_s(tc, pcn->sf->>body.filename));
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
                box_s(tc, tc->instance->str_consts.empty));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->line,
            box_i(tc, annot ? (MVMint32)annot->line_number : -1));

        /* Use static frame memory address to get a unique ID. */
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->id,
            box_i(tc, (MVMint64)pcn->sf));
    } else {
        MVMString *function_name_string =
            MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString,
                                      pcn->native_target_name, strlen(pcn->native_target_name));

        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->name,
            box_s(tc, function_name_string));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
            box_s(tc, pds->native_lib));

        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->line,
            box_i(tc, -2));

        /* Use the address of the name string as unique ID. a hack, but oh well. */
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->id,
            box_i(tc, (MVMint64)pcn->native_target_name));

    /* Entry counts. */
    if (pcn->total_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->total_entries));
    if (pcn->specialized_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->spesh_entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->specialized_entries));
    if (pcn->jit_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->jit_entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->jit_entries));
    if (pcn->inlined_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->inlined_entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->inlined_entries));

    /* Total (inclusive) time. */
    MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->inclusive_time,
        box_i(tc, pcn->total_time / 1000));

    /* OSR and deopt counts. */
    if (pcn->osr_count)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->osr,
            box_i(tc, pcn->osr_count));
    if (pcn->deopt_one_count)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->deopt_one,
            box_i(tc, pcn->deopt_one_count));
    if (pcn->deopt_all_count)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->deopt_all,
            box_i(tc, pcn->deopt_all_count));

    /* Visit successors in the call graph, dumping them and working out the
     * exclusive time. */
    if (pcn->num_succ) {
        MVMObject *callees        = new_array(tc);
        MVMuint64  exclusive_time = pcn->total_time;
        for (i = 0; i < pcn->num_succ; i++) {
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, callees,
                dump_call_graph_node(tc, pds, pcn->succ[i]));
            exclusive_time -= pcn->succ[i]->total_time;
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->exclusive_time,
            box_i(tc, exclusive_time / 1000));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->callees, callees);
    else {
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->exclusive_time,
            box_i(tc, pcn->total_time / 1000));

    if (pcn->num_alloc) {
        /* Emit allocations. */
        MVMObject *alloc_list = new_array(tc);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->allocations, alloc_list);
        for (i = 0; i < pcn->num_alloc; i++) {
            MVMObject *alloc_info = new_hash(tc);
            MVMProfileAllocationCount *alloc = &pcn->alloc[i];

            MVMObject *type       = pcn->alloc[i].type;

            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->id, box_i(tc, (MVMint64)type));
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->type, type);
            if (alloc->allocations_spesh)
                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->spesh,
                    box_i(tc, alloc->allocations_spesh));
            if (alloc->allocations_jit)
                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->jit,
                    box_i(tc, alloc->allocations_jit));
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->count,
                box_i(tc, alloc->allocations_interp
                          + alloc->allocations_spesh
                          + alloc->allocations_jit));
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, alloc_list, alloc_info);

    return node_hash;
Esempio n. 19
MVMObject * MVM_radix(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMint64 radix, MVMString *str, MVMint64 offset, MVMint64 flag) {
    MVMObject *result;
    MVMint64 zvalue = 0;
    MVMint64 zbase  = 1;
    MVMint64 chars  = MVM_string_graphs(tc, str);
    MVMint64 value  = zvalue;
    MVMint64 base   = zbase;
    MVMint64   pos  = -1;
    MVMuint16  neg  = 0;
    MVMint64   ch;

    if (radix > 36) {
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Cannot convert radix of %"PRId64" (max 36)", radix);

    ch = (offset < chars) ? MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset) : 0;
    if ((flag & 0x02) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
        neg = (ch == '-');
        ch = (offset < chars) ? MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset) : 0;

    while (offset < chars) {
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ch = ch - '0'; /* fast-path for ASCII 0..9 */
        else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ch = ch - 'a' + 10;
        else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ch = ch - 'A' + 10;
        else if (ch >= 0xFF21 && ch <= 0xFF3A) ch = ch - 0xFF21 + 10; /* uppercase fullwidth */
        else if (ch >= 0xFF41 && ch <= 0xFF5A) ch = ch - 0xFF41 + 10; /* lowercase fullwidth */
        else if (ch > 0 && MVM_unicode_codepoint_has_property_value(tc, ch, MVM_UNICODE_PROPERTY_GENERAL_CATEGORY, 
                MVM_unicode_cname_to_property_value_code(tc, MVM_UNICODE_PROPERTY_GENERAL_CATEGORY, STR_WITH_LEN("Nd")))) {
            /* As of Unicode 6.0.0, we know that Nd category numerals are within
             * the range 0..9

            /* the string returned for NUMERIC_VALUE contains a floating point
             * value, so atoi will stop on the . in the string. This is fine
             * though, since we'd have to truncate the float regardless.
            ch = atoi(MVM_unicode_codepoint_get_property_cstr(tc, ch, MVM_UNICODE_PROPERTY_NUMERIC_VALUE));
        else break;
        if (ch >= radix) break;
        zvalue = zvalue * radix + ch;
        zbase = zbase * radix;
        offset++; pos = offset;
        if (ch != 0 || !(flag & 0x04)) { value=zvalue; base=zbase; }
        if (offset >= chars) break;
        ch = MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset);
        if (ch != '_') continue;
        if (offset >= chars) break;
        ch = MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, offset);

    if (neg || flag & 0x01) { value = -value; }

    /* initialize the object */
    result = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_array_type);
    MVMROOT(tc, result, {
        MVMObject *box_type = MVM_hll_current(tc)->int_box_type;
        MVMROOT(tc, box_type, {
            MVMObject *boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, box_type, value);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, result, boxed);
            boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, box_type, base);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, result, boxed);
            boxed = MVM_repr_box_int(tc, box_type, pos);
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, result, boxed);
Esempio n. 20
/* Timer callback; dispatches schedulee to the queue. */
static void timer_cb(uv_timer_t *handle) {
    TimerInfo        *ti = (TimerInfo *)handle->data;
    MVMThreadContext *tc = ti->tc;
    MVMAsyncTask     *t  = MVM_io_eventloop_get_active_work(tc, ti->work_idx);
    MVM_repr_push_o(tc, t->body.queue, t->body.schedulee);