Esempio n. 1
// Given the specified position and velocity vectors for a given orbit, retuns the position
// and velocity vectors after a specified time
void PredictPosVelVectors(const VECTOR3 &Pos, const VECTOR3 &Vel, double a, double Mu,
						  double Time, VECTOR3 &NewPos, VECTOR3 &NewVel, double &NewVelMag)
	double SqrtMu = sqrt(Mu);

	// Variables for computation
	double X = (SqrtMu * Time) / a;					// Initial guesses for X
	double Z = CalcZ(X, a);							// and Z
	double C, S;									// C(Z) and S(Z)
	double F, FDot, G, GDot;

	// Calculate the X and Z for the specified time of flight
	CalcXandZ(X, Z, Pos, Vel, a, Time, SqrtMu);

	// Calculate C(Z) and S(Z)
	C = CalcC(Z);
	S = CalcS(Z);

	// Calculate the new position and velocity vectors
	F = CalcF(X, C, Mag(Pos));
	G = CalcG(Time, X, S, SqrtMu);
	NewPos = (Pos * F) + (Vel * G);

	FDot = CalcFDot(SqrtMu, Mag(Pos), Mag(NewPos), X, Z, S);
	GDot = CalcGDot(X, C, Mag(NewPos));

	NewVel = (Pos * FDot) + (Vel * GDot);

	NewVelMag = Mag(NewVel);
Esempio n. 2
// Smooth path
void K1999::Smooth(int Step)
 int prev = ((Divs - Step) / Step) * Step;
 int prevprev = prev - Step;
 int next = Step;
 int nextnext = next + Step;
 assert(prev >= 0);
 //std::cout << Divs << ", " << Step << ", " << prev << ", " << tx.size() << std::endl;
 assert(prev < (int)tx.size());
 assert(prev < (int)ty.size());
 assert(next < (int)tx.size());
 assert(next < (int)ty.size());
 for (int i = 0; i <= Divs - Step; i += Step)
  double ri0 = GetRInverse(prevprev, tx[prev], ty[prev], i);
  double ri1 = GetRInverse(i, tx[next], ty[next], nextnext);
  double lPrev = Mag(tx[i] - tx[prev], ty[i] - ty[prev]);
  double lNext = Mag(tx[i] - tx[next], ty[i] - ty[next]);

  double TargetRInverse = (lNext * ri0 + lPrev * ri1) / (lNext + lPrev);

  double Security = lPrev * lNext / (8 * SecurityR);
  AdjustRadius(prev, i, next, TargetRInverse, Security);
  prevprev = prev;
  prev = i;
  next = nextnext;
  nextnext = next + Step;
  if (nextnext > Divs - Step)
   nextnext = 0;
Esempio n. 3
    // Returns true if the IK is complete (either the end effector is at the target or it is not changing from its current position and there is no solution)
    bool Skeleton::ProcessIK2D(MatrixBuffer& buffer, XMFLOAT2 rootPos, XMFLOAT2 destPos)
        // The root position is determined by the pathing algorithm from Project 2 and set here.
        // Since the object has already been moved in GraphicsSystem.cpp, the old, new and current root positions are all the same
        m_OldJointPositions2D[0] = rootPos;
        m_CurrentJointPositions2D[0] = rootPos;
        m_TargetJointPositions2D[0] = rootPos;

        XMFLOAT2 currentPos;
        XMFLOAT2 newPos;

        // This loop represents one iteration of Cyclic Coordinate Descent.
        // The ProcessIK2D function must be called repeatedly for a solution.
        for (int i = (int)m_TargetJointPositions2D.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            currentPos = CalculateTargetPosition2D();

            // If the distance between the current and destination points < epsilon, exit
            if (Mag(destPos - currentPos) < m_IKEpsilon)
                return true;

            Vector2 Vci = currentPos - m_TargetJointPositions2D[i];;
            Vector2 Vdi = destPos - m_TargetJointPositions2D[i];

            if (Mag(Vci) <= 0.f || Mag(Vdi) <= 0.f)
                return false;
            m_TargetJointRotations2D[i] = AngleInRadians(Vci, Vdi);
            // Constrain rotation
            if (i == 0) { m_TargetJointRotations2D[i] = PI / 2.f; }
                // Closer to the root => less rotation allowed
                float upperBound = PI * (float)i / (float)(m_TargetJointRotations2D.size() - 1);
                float lowerBound = -upperBound;

                Clamp(m_TargetJointRotations2D[i], lowerBound, upperBound);
            // Check the new position
            newPos = CalculateTargetPosition2D();

        // If there is little difference between this iteration and the previous one, return
        // true to indicate that the IK is complete
        if (Mag(newPos - currentPos) < m_IKEpsilon)
            return true;

        return false;
Esempio n. 4
static int
complex_abs_cmp_internal(Complex * a, Complex * b)
	double		amag = Mag(a),
				bmag = Mag(b);

	if (amag < bmag)
		return -1;
	if (amag > bmag)
		return 1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
// Iterative method to calculate new X and Z values for the specified time of flight
static inline void CalcXandZ(double &X, double &Z, const VECTOR3 Pos, const VECTOR3 Vel,
							 double a, const double Time, const double SqrtMu)
	const double MAX_ITERS = 10;
	double C, S, T, dTdX, DeltaTime, r = Mag(Pos), IterNum = 0;

	// These don't change over the iterations
	double RVMu = (Pos * Vel) / SqrtMu;		// Dot product of position and velocity divided
											// by the squareroot of Mu
	double OneRA = (1 - (r / a));			// One minus Pos over the semi-major axis

	C = CalcC(Z);
	S = CalcS(Z);
	T = ((RVMu * pow(X, 2) * C) +  (OneRA * pow(X, 3) * S) + (r * X)) / SqrtMu;

	DeltaTime = Time - T;

	// Iterate while the result isn't within tolerances
	while (fabs(DeltaTime) > EPSILON && IterNum++ < MAX_ITERS) {
		dTdX = ((pow(X, 2) * C) + (RVMu * X * (1 - Z * S)) + (r * (1 - Z * C))) / SqrtMu;

		X = X + (DeltaTime / dTdX);
		Z = CalcZ(X, a);

		C = CalcC(Z);
		S = CalcS(Z);
		T = ((RVMu * pow(X, 2) * C) +  (OneRA * pow(X, 3) * S) + (r * X)) / SqrtMu;

		DeltaTime = Time - T;


Esempio n. 6
	Rect::Rect(const vec2& leftBottom, const vec2& rightBottom, 
		const vec2& leftTop, const vec2& rightTop)
		: m_LeftTop(leftTop)
		, m_RightTop(rightTop)
		, m_LeftBottom(leftBottom)
		, m_RightBottom(rightBottom)
		, m_Width()
		, m_Height()
		, m_Diagonal()
		//[COMMENT] This assert is temporarely disabled because of strange scale issues
	//Check if the rect is a  rect! (all angles ~90°)	
		float32 dot1 = Dot(rightTop - leftTop , leftBottom - leftTop);
		float32 dot2 = Dot(leftTop - rightTop , rightBottom - rightTop);
		float32 dot3 = Dot(rightTop - rightBottom, leftBottom - rightBottom);
		float32 tolerance = 0.1f;
		ASSERT((abs(dot1) < 0 + tolerance
			|| abs(dot2) < 0 + tolerance
			|| abs(dot3) < 0 + tolerance)
			, _T("The Rect is not a rectangle!!"));*/
		m_Width = m_RightTop.x - m_LeftTop.x;
		m_Height = m_RightTop.y - m_LeftTop.y;
		m_Diagonal = Mag(m_RightBottom - m_LeftTop);
Esempio n. 7
template <typename T> ork::TVector2<T> ork::TVector2<T>::Normal() const
	T fmag = Mag();
	fmag = (fmag==T(0)) ? Epsilon() : fmag;
	T	s = T(1) / fmag;
	return TVector2<T>(x * s, y * s);
Esempio n. 8
template <typename T> void ork::TVector2<T>::Normalize(void)
	T	distance = T(1) / Mag() ;

	x *= distance;
	y *= distance;
// 下面的函数规范化矢量
CVector3 Normalize(CVector3 vNormal)
	double Magnitude;       
	Magnitude = Mag(vNormal);     // 获得矢量的长度
	vNormal.x /= (float)Magnitude;    
	vNormal.y /= (float)Magnitude;    
	vNormal.z /= (float)Magnitude;    
	return vNormal;        
Esempio n. 10
// This returns the normal of a vector 
void Normalize(float *x,float *y, float *z) 
	double Magnitude;							// This holds the magitude			 
	Magnitude = (double)Mag(*x,*y,*z);					// Get the magnitude 
	*x /= (float)Magnitude;				// Divide the vector's X by the magnitude 
	*y /= (float)Magnitude;				// Divide the vector's Y by the magnitude 
	*z /= (float)Magnitude;				// Divide the vector's Z by the magnitude 
void Normalize( CVector3& vNormal)
	double Magnitude;							

	Magnitude = Mag(vNormal);		
	vNormal.x /= (float)Magnitude;				
	vNormal.y /= (float)Magnitude;				
	vNormal.z /= (float)Magnitude;				
Esempio n. 12
AFComplexVector<fftw_complex, double>& AFComplexVector<fftw_complex, double>::ToPolar()
     * It overwrites the input vector U with its own polar
     * complex coordinates.
     * Here the fftwf_complex type is reinterpretated from Re,Im, to Mag,Phase
    fftw_complex cpxTmp;
    for(AFSampleCount i = 1; i < (m_smpcLength-1); i++)
        Mag(cpxTmp) = Magnitude(m_pcpxUf[i]);
        Ph(cpxTmp)  = -Phase(m_pcpxUf[i]);
        Mag(m_pcpxUf[i]) = Mag(cpxTmp);
        Ph(m_pcpxUf[i])  = Ph(cpxTmp);
    m_bIsPolar = true;
    return *this;
Esempio n. 13
	void Rect::SetPoints(const vec2& leftBottom, const vec2& rightBottom, 
	const vec2& leftTop, const vec2& rightTop)
		m_LeftBottom = leftBottom;
		m_LeftTop = leftTop;
		m_RightBottom = rightBottom;
		m_RightTop = rightTop;
		m_Width = m_RightTop.x - m_LeftTop.x;
		m_Height = m_RightTop.y - m_LeftTop.y;
		m_Diagonal = Mag(m_RightBottom - m_LeftTop);
Esempio n. 14
// This returns the normal of a vector
CVector3 Normalize(CVector3 vNormal)
	double Magnitude;							// This holds the magitude			

	Magnitude = Mag(vNormal);					// Get the magnitude

	vNormal.x /= (float)Magnitude;				// Divide the vector's X by the magnitude
	vNormal.y /= (float)Magnitude;				// Divide the vector's Y by the magnitude
	vNormal.z /= (float)Magnitude;				// Divide the vector's Z by the magnitude

	return vNormal;								// Return the normal
Esempio n. 15
	Rect Rect::operator/(float32 constant) const
		Rect temp;
		temp.m_LeftBottom = m_LeftBottom / constant;
		temp.m_LeftTop = m_LeftTop / constant;
		temp.m_RightBottom = m_RightBottom / constant;
		temp.m_RightTop = m_RightTop / constant;
		temp.m_Width = temp.m_RightTop.x - temp.m_LeftTop.x;
		temp.m_Height = temp.m_RightTop.y - temp.m_LeftTop.y;
		temp.m_Diagonal = Mag(temp.m_RightBottom - temp.m_LeftTop);

		return temp;
Esempio n. 16
	Rect& Rect::operator*=(float32 constant)
		m_LeftBottom *= constant;
		m_LeftTop *= constant;
		m_RightTop *= constant;
		m_RightBottom *= constant;

		m_Width = m_RightTop.x - m_LeftTop.x;
		m_Height = m_RightTop.y - m_LeftTop.y;
		m_Diagonal = Mag(m_RightBottom - m_LeftTop);

		return *this;
Esempio n. 17
  Scales the point down to a unit vector.
void inline IMR_3DPoint::Make_Unit(void)

// Find length of vector:
Length = Mag();

// Devide everything by the length of the vector:
if (Length)
    aX = FixedDev(aX, Length);
    aY = FixedDev(aY, Length);
    aZ = FixedDev(aZ, Length);
Esempio n. 18
	Rect& Rect::operator*=(mat4 matrix)
		matrix = Transpose(matrix);
		vec4 returnVec1 = Mul(vec4(m_LeftBottom.x, m_LeftBottom.y, 0, 0), matrix);
		vec4 returnVec2 = Mul(vec4(m_RightBottom.x, m_RightBottom.y, 0, 0), matrix);
		vec4 returnVec3 = Mul(vec4(m_LeftTop.x, m_LeftTop.y, 0, 0), matrix);
		vec4 returnVec4 = Mul(vec4(m_RightTop.x, m_RightTop.y, 0, 0), matrix);

		m_LeftBottom = vec2(returnVec1.x, returnVec1.y);
		m_RightBottom = vec2(returnVec2.x , returnVec2.y);
		m_LeftTop = vec2(returnVec3.x , returnVec3.y);
		m_RightTop = vec2(returnVec4.x , returnVec4.y);

		m_Width = m_RightTop.x - m_LeftTop.x;
		m_Height = m_RightTop.y - m_LeftTop.y;
		m_Diagonal = Mag(m_RightBottom - m_LeftTop);

		return *this;
Esempio n. 19
  Sets the length of the vector.  (More general Make_Unit function).
void inline IMR_3DPoint::Set_Length(float L)
float Length, InvLength = 0;

// Find length of vector:
Length = Mag();

// Avoid a devide-by-zero:
if (Length) 
    InvLength = (1 / Length) * L;

// Devide everything by the length of the vector and mult by new length:
if (InvLength)
    aX *= InvLength;
    aY *= InvLength;
    aZ *= InvLength;
Esempio n. 20
  Scales the point down to a unit vector.
void inline IMR_3DPoint::Make_Unit(void)
float Length, InvLength = 0;

// Find length of vector:
Length = Mag();

// Avoid a devide-by-zero:
if (Length) 
    InvLength = 1 / Length;

// Devide everything by the length of the vector:
if (InvLength)
    aX *= InvLength;
    aY *= InvLength;
    aZ *= InvLength;
Esempio n. 21
AFComplexVector<fftwf_complex, float>& AFComplexVector<fftwf_complex, float>::ToRectangular()
     * It overwrites the complex 'polar' input vector U with its own rectangular
     * complex coordinates.
     * Here the fftwf_complex type is reinterpretated from Re,Im, to Mag,Phase
    // Devo verificare se la fase della componente DC o Fnyq è pi greca,
    // o multiplo intero se la fase non è un multiplo intero di 2pi allora
    // la assumo negativa.
    //a freq. zero ho solo componente reale
    Im(m_pcpxUf[0]) = 0.0;
    if( (fmodf(Ph(m_pcpxUf[0]), M_PI) > 1.0) && (fmodf(Ph(m_pcpxUf[0]), M_PI) < 3.0) )
        Re(m_pcpxUf[0]) = -Mag(m_pcpxUf[0]); //cioe' se il resto e' non zero,
        Re(m_pcpxUf[0]) = Mag(m_pcpxUf[0]);
    //alla freq. di Nyquist, ho solo valore reale, la Fnyq e' il secondo elemento di h e l'ultimo di hpm
    Im(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]) = 0.0;
    if( (fmodf(Ph(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]), M_PI) > 1.0) && (fmodf(Ph(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]), M_PI) < 3.0) )
        Re(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]) = -Mag(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]); //cioe' se il resto non e' zero,
        Re(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]) = Mag(m_pcpxUf[m_smpcLength-1]);
    fftwf_complex cpxTmp;
    for(AFSampleCount i = 1; i < (m_smpcLength-1); i++)   // altre frequenze, conto fino ad L2
        Re(cpxTmp) = Mag(m_pcpxUf[i]) * cosf(Ph(m_pcpxUf[i]));
        Im(cpxTmp) = Mag(m_pcpxUf[i]) * sinf(Ph(m_pcpxUf[i]));
        Re(m_pcpxUf[i]) = Re(cpxTmp);
        Im(m_pcpxUf[i]) = Im(cpxTmp);
    m_bIsPolar = false;
    return *this;
Esempio n. 22
double Distance(Vector *a, Vector *b){
	Vector temp;

	Sub(&temp, a, b);
	return Mag(&temp);
Esempio n. 23
 inline const std::vector<double>& Re() const { return Mag(0); }
Esempio n. 24
 inline const double Re(const unsigned int i) const { return Mag(0,i); }
Esempio n. 25
  Returns normalized dot product of points (used as vectors).
float inline IMR_3DPoint::Dot_Product_Norm(IMR_3DPoint &V)
return (aX * V.aX) + (aY * V.aY) + (aZ * V.aZ) / Mag();
Esempio n. 26
void CvHOGEvaluator::integralHistogram( const Mat &img, std::vector<Mat> &histogram, Mat &norm, int nbins ) const
  CV_Assert( img.type() == CV_8U || img.type() == CV_8UC3 );
  int x, y, binIdx;

  Size gradSize( img.size() );
  Size histSize( histogram[0].size() );
  Mat grad( gradSize, CV_32F );
  Mat qangle( gradSize, CV_8U );

  AutoBuffer<int> mapbuf( gradSize.width + gradSize.height + 4 );
  int* xmap = (int*) mapbuf + 1;
  int* ymap = xmap + gradSize.width + 2;

  const int borderType = (int) BORDER_REPLICATE;

  for ( x = -1; x < gradSize.width + 1; x++ )
    xmap[x] = borderInterpolate( x, gradSize.width, borderType );
  for ( y = -1; y < gradSize.height + 1; y++ )
    ymap[y] = borderInterpolate( y, gradSize.height, borderType );

  int width = gradSize.width;
  AutoBuffer<float> _dbuf( width * 4 );
  float* dbuf = _dbuf;
  Mat Dx( 1, width, CV_32F, dbuf );
  Mat Dy( 1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width );
  Mat Mag( 1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width * 2 );
  Mat Angle( 1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width * 3 );

  float angleScale = (float) ( nbins / CV_PI );

  for ( y = 0; y < gradSize.height; y++ )
    const uchar* currPtr = + img.step * ymap[y];
    const uchar* prevPtr = + img.step * ymap[y - 1];
    const uchar* nextPtr = + img.step * ymap[y + 1];
    float* gradPtr = (float*) grad.ptr( y );
    uchar* qanglePtr = (uchar*) qangle.ptr( y );

    for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
      dbuf[x] = (float) ( currPtr[xmap[x + 1]] - currPtr[xmap[x - 1]] );
      dbuf[width + x] = (float) ( nextPtr[xmap[x]] - prevPtr[xmap[x]] );
    cartToPolar( Dx, Dy, Mag, Angle, false );
    for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
      float mag = dbuf[x + width * 2];
      float angle = dbuf[x + width * 3];
      angle = angle * angleScale - 0.5f;
      int bidx = cvFloor( angle );
      angle -= bidx;
      if( bidx < 0 )
        bidx += nbins;
      else if( bidx >= nbins )
        bidx -= nbins;

      qanglePtr[x] = (uchar) bidx;
      gradPtr[x] = mag;
  integral( grad, norm, grad.depth() );

  float* histBuf;
  const float* magBuf;
  const uchar* binsBuf;

  int binsStep = (int) ( qangle.step / sizeof(uchar) );
  int histStep = (int) ( histogram[0].step / sizeof(float) );
  int magStep = (int) ( grad.step / sizeof(float) );
  for ( binIdx = 0; binIdx < nbins; binIdx++ )
    histBuf = (float*) histogram[binIdx].data;
    magBuf = (const float*);
    binsBuf = (const uchar*);

    memset( histBuf, 0, histSize.width * sizeof ( histBuf[0] ) );
    histBuf += histStep + 1;
    for ( y = 0; y < qangle.rows; y++ )
      histBuf[-1] = 0.f;
      float strSum = 0.f;
      for ( x = 0; x < qangle.cols; x++ )
        if( binsBuf[x] == binIdx )
          strSum += magBuf[x];
        histBuf[x] = histBuf[-histStep + x] + strSum;
      histBuf += histStep;
      binsBuf += binsStep;
      magBuf += magStep;
Esempio n. 27
// Change lane value to reach a given radius
void K1999::AdjustRadius(int prev, int i, int next, double TargetRInverse, double Security)
 double OldLane = tLane[i];

 double Width = Mag((txLeft[i]-txRight[i]),(tyLeft[i]-tyRight[i]));

 // Start by aligning points for a reasonable initial lane
 tLane[i] = (-(ty[next] - ty[prev]) * (txLeft[i] - tx[prev]) +
              (tx[next] - tx[prev]) * (tyLeft[i] - ty[prev])) /
            ( (ty[next] - ty[prev]) * (txRight[i] - txLeft[i]) -
              (tx[next] - tx[prev]) * (tyRight[i] - tyLeft[i]));
 // the original algorithm allows going outside the track 
 if (tLane[i] < -0.2)
  tLane[i] = -0.2;
 else if (tLane[i] > 1.2)
  tLane[i] = 1.2;
 if (tLane[i] < 0.0)
  tLane[i] = 0.0;
 else if (tLane[i] > 1.0)
  tLane[i] = 1.0;

 // Newton-like resolution method
 const double dLane = 0.0001;
 double dx = dLane * (txRight[i] - txLeft[i]);
 double dy = dLane * (tyRight[i] - tyLeft[i]);
 double dRInverse = GetRInverse(prev, tx[i] + dx, ty[i] + dy, next);
 if (dRInverse > 0.000000001)
  tLane[i] += (dLane / dRInverse) * TargetRInverse;
  double ExtLane = (SideDistExt + Security) / Width;
  double IntLane = (SideDistInt + Security) / Width;
  if (ExtLane > 0.5)
   ExtLane = 0.5;
  if (IntLane > 0.5)
   IntLane = 0.5;
  if (TargetRInverse >= 0.0)
   if (tLane[i] < IntLane)
    tLane[i] = IntLane;
   if (1 - tLane[i] < ExtLane)
    if (1 - OldLane < ExtLane)
     tLane[i] = Min(OldLane, tLane[i]);
     tLane[i] = 1 - ExtLane;
   if (tLane[i] < ExtLane)
    if (OldLane < ExtLane)
     tLane[i] = Max(OldLane, tLane[i]);
     tLane[i] = ExtLane;
   if (1 - tLane[i] < IntLane)
    tLane[i] = 1 - IntLane;
Esempio n. 28
  Returns normalized dot product of points (used as vectors).
FIXEDPNT inline IMR_3DPoint::Dot_Product_Norm(IMR_3DPoint &V)
return (FixedMult(aX, V.aX) + FixedMult(aY, V.aY) + FixedMult(aZ, V.aZ)) / Mag();
Esempio n. 29
// mag
float Mag(const Vector4& v)
	return Mag(v.vec);
Esempio n. 30
// normalize
Vector4 Normalize(const Vector4& v)
	return v/Mag(v);