BOOL CALLBACK MainBoxCallback(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM param, LPARAM param2) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: mainboxwindow = window; MainBoxDisplay(); // In this case, final touches to this window. ProgressBoxDisplay(); // Create the Progress Box at this time. return(FALSE); // And let Windows display this window. break; case WM_CLOSE: // The "X" in the upper right corner was hit. MainBoxCancelEvent(); return(TRUE); break; case WM_COMMAND: // Do we wish to capture 'ENTER/RETURN' and/or 'ESC' here? switch(LOWORD(param)) { case IDC_0202: // Filename Edit Box MainBoxFileEvent(); // Describe the File's type... return(FALSE); // Let Windows handle the actual 'edit' processing... break; case IDC_0203: // "Browse" Button MainBoxBrowseEvent(); return(TRUE); break; case IDC_0205: // "Ok" Button MainBoxOKEvent(); return(TRUE); break; case IDC_0206: // "Get from Disc" Button MainBoxDeviceEvent(); return(TRUE); break; case IDC_0207: // "Convert" Button MainBoxConversionEvent(); return(TRUE); break; case IDC_0208: // "Cancel" Button MainBoxCancelEvent(); return(TRUE); break; } // ENDSWITCH param- Which object got the message? } // ENDSWITCH msg- what message has been sent to this window? return(FALSE); // Not a recognized message? Tell Windows to handle it. } // END MainBoxEventLoop()
gint MainBoxOKEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent event, gpointer data) { const char *tempisoname; MainBoxUnfocus(); tempisoname = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(mainbox.file)); if (*(tempisoname) != 0) { if (IsIsoFile(tempisoname) == -4) { IsoTableRebuild(tempisoname); MainBoxRefocus(); return(TRUE); } // ENDIF- Do we need to rebuild an image file's index before using it? if (IsIsoFile(tempisoname) < 0) { tempisoname = NULL; MainBoxRefocus(); MessageBoxShow("Not a Valid Image File.", 1); return(TRUE); } // ENDIF- Not an ISO file? Message and Stop here. } // ENDIF- Is there an ISO file to check out? strcpy(conf.isoname, tempisoname); tempisoname = NULL; if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(mainbox.startcheck)) == FALSE) { conf.startconfigure = 0; // FALSE } else { conf.startconfigure = 1; // TRUE } // ENDIF- Was this check button turned off? if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(mainbox.restartcheck)) == FALSE) { conf.restartconfigure = 0; // FALSE } else { conf.restartconfigure = 1; // TRUE } // ENDIF- Was this check button turned off? SaveConf(); MainBoxCancelEvent(widget, event, data); return(TRUE); } // END MainBoxOKEvent()
gint MainBoxOKEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent event, gpointer data) { const char *tempdevice; int retval; MainBoxUnfocus(); tempdevice = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(mainbox.device)); strcpy(conf.devicename, tempdevice); // Temporarily put in new device name tempdevice = NULL; if(*(conf.devicename) != 0) { retval = DeviceOpen(); // Test by opening the device. DeviceClose(); // Failed or not, close it. if(retval != 0) { MainBoxRefocus(); return(TRUE); } // ENDIF- Not an ISO file? Message and Stop here. } // ENDIF- Is there an ISO file to check out? SaveConf(); MainBoxCancelEvent(widget, event, data); return(TRUE); } // END MainBoxOKEvent()
void MainBoxOKEvent() { char tempisoname[256]; MainBoxUnfocus(); GetDlgItemText(mainboxwindow, IDC_0202, tempisoname, 256); if (*(tempisoname) != 0) { if (IsIsoFile(tempisoname) == -4) { IsoTableRebuild(tempisoname); MainBoxRefocus(); return; } // ENDIF- Do we need to rebuild an image file's index before using it? if (IsIsoFile(tempisoname) < 0) { MainBoxRefocus(); MessageBox(mainboxwindow, "Not a Valid Image File.", "CDVDisoEFP Message", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return; } // ENDIF- Not an ISO file? Message and Stop here. } // ENDIF- Do we have a name to check out? strcpy(conf.isoname, tempisoname); if (Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(mainboxwindow, IDC_0209)) == BST_UNCHECKED) { conf.startconfigure = 0; // FALSE } else { conf.startconfigure = 1; // TRUE } // ENDIF- Was this checkbox unchecked? if (Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(mainboxwindow, IDC_0210)) == BST_UNCHECKED) { conf.restartconfigure = 0; // FALSE } else { conf.restartconfigure = 1; // TRUE } // ENDIF- Was this checkbox unchecked? SaveConf(); MainBoxCancelEvent(); return; } // END MainBoxOKEvent()
void MainBoxOKEvent() { int retval; MainBoxUnfocus(); GetDlgItemText(mainboxwindow, IDC_0202, conf.devicename, 256); retval = DeviceOpen(); DeviceClose(); if (retval != 0) { MainBoxRefocus(); MessageBox(mainboxwindow, "Could not open the device", "CDVDlinuz Message", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return; } // ENDIF- Trouble opening device? Abort here. SaveConf(); MainBoxCancelEvent(); return; } // END MainBoxOKEvent()