Esempio n. 1
void Dde_Item::Advise ( HWND Server, HWND Client, BOOL Hot ) {

   if ( Hot ) {
      // Search for a matching entry in the hot link list.  Return if found.
      for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(HotLinks)/sizeof(HotLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( HotLinks[i][0] == Server ) AND ( HotLinks[i][1] == Client ) ) {
            Log ( "WARNING: Link already established." ) ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */
      // Search for an empty entry in the hot link list.  Use if not found.
      for ( i=0; i<sizeof(HotLinks)/sizeof(HotLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( HotLinks[i][0] == 0 ) AND ( HotLinks[i][1] == 0 ) ) {
            HotLinks[i][0] = Server ;
            HotLinks[i][1] = Client ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */

      Log ( "  WARNING: Hot link table full." ) ;

   } else {
      // Search for a matching entry in the warm link list.  Return if found.
      for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(WarmLinks)/sizeof(WarmLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( WarmLinks[i][0] == Server ) AND ( WarmLinks[i][1] == Client ) ) {
            Log ( "WARNING: Link already established." ) ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */
      // Search for an empty entry in the warm link list.  Use if not found.
      for ( i=0; i<sizeof(WarmLinks)/sizeof(WarmLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( WarmLinks[i][0] == 0 ) AND ( WarmLinks[i][1] == 0 ) ) {
            WarmLinks[i][0] = Server ;
            WarmLinks[i][1] = Client ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */

      Log ( "  WARNING: Warm link table full." ) ;

   } /* endif */

   // Reply with an error.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_NOTPROCESSED, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 2
static char SendData( message *msg, char send_init )
    initiate_data       *idata;
    goto_data           *gdata;
    DDESTRUCT           *dde;

    gdata = MemAlloc( sizeof( goto_data ) + strlen( msg->error ) );
    if( gdata == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );
    if( send_init ) {
        idata = MemAlloc( sizeof( initiate_data ) +
                          strlen( CurrSession->help_library ) );
        if( idata == NULL ) {
            MemFree( gdata );
            return( FALSE );
        idata->errorcount = 1;
        idata->errors[0].errorline = msg->row;
        idata->errors[0].offset = msg->col;
        idata->errors[0].length = msg->len;
        idata->errors[0].magic = 0;
        idata->liblength = strlen( CurrSession->help_library );
        strcpy( idata->libname, CurrSession->help_library );
        dde = MakeDDEObject( CurrSession->hwnd, "Initialize", 0, DDEFMT_TEXT,
                             idata, sizeof( initiate_data ) + idata->liblength );
        WinDdePostMsg( CurrSession->hwnd, hwndDDE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, dde,
                       DDEPM_RETRY );
    gdata->errorline = msg->row;
    gdata->offset = msg->col;
    gdata->resourceid = msg->resourceid;
    gdata->magic = 0;
    gdata->textlength = strlen( msg->error );
    strcpy( gdata->errortext, msg->error );
    dde = MakeDDEObject( CurrSession->hwnd, "Goto", 0, DDEFMT_TEXT,
                         gdata, sizeof( goto_data ) + gdata->textlength );
    WinDdePostMsg( CurrSession->hwnd, hwndDDE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, dde,
                   DDEPM_RETRY );
    if( send_init ) {
        MemFree( idata );
    MemFree( gdata );
    return( TRUE );
Esempio n. 3
void Dde_Item::BroadcastUpdate ( ) {

   // Send data complete to all hot links.
   for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(HotLinks)/sizeof(HotLinks[0]); i++ ) {
      if ( HotLinks[i][0] ) {
         PDDESTRUCT Message = MakeDDEObject ( HotLinks[i][1], PSZ(Name), 0, Format, Data, Size ) ;
         WinDdePostMsg ( HotLinks[i][1], HotLinks[i][0], WM_DDE_DATA, Message, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
      } /* endif */
   } /* endfor */

   // Send advisory to all warm links.
   for ( i=0; i<sizeof(WarmLinks)/sizeof(WarmLinks[0]); i++ ) {
      if ( WarmLinks[i][0] ) {
         PDDESTRUCT Message = MakeDDEObject ( WarmLinks[i][1], PSZ(Name), DDE_FNODATA, Format, 0, 0 ) ;
         WinDdePostMsg ( WarmLinks[i][1], WarmLinks[i][0], WM_DDE_DATA, Message, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
      } /* endif */
   } /* endfor */
Esempio n. 4
void Dde_Item::Unadvise ( HWND Server, HWND Client ) {

   // Cancel any links on this item for this Server/Client pair.
   Terminate ( Server, Client ) ;

   // Reply with an ACK.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 5
void Dde_Topic::Execute ( HWND Server, HWND Client, char *ItemName, int Format, PVOID Data, int Size ) {

   // Search for the item and ask it to reply.
   Dde_Item *Item = First ;
   while ( Item ) {
      if ( !strcmpi ( ItemName, Item->QueryName() ) ) {
         Item->Execute ( Server, Client, Format, Data, Size ) ;
         return ;
      } /* endif */
      Item = Item->QueryNext() ;
   } /* endwhile */

   // Reply with an error if the topic was not found.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_NOTPROCESSED, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 6
void Dde_Item::Execute ( HWND Server, HWND Client, int, PVOID, int ) {

   // Reply with an error, as we don't support this function.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_NOTPROCESSED, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 7
void Dde_Item::Request ( HWND Server, HWND Client ) {

   // Reply with the item data.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), 0, Format, Data, Size ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_DATA, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;