static SP_BOOL set_singleton(Wam wam, TAGGED val, TAGGED mutable) { TAGGED t1, *h; t1 = RefMutable(mutable); if (!fd_member(val, DomainSet(t1))) return FALSE; else if (TagToSTR(t1) >= w->global_uncond) { /* can safely smash it */ TAGGED *arg = TagToArg(t1,0); h = w->global_top; *h++ = MakeList(arg+2); *h++ = atom_nil; w->global_top = h; arg[1] = MakeList(h-2); arg[2] = val; arg[3] = val; arg[4] = TaggedOne; } else { DECL_UPDATE_MUTABLE; h = w->global_top; *h++ = MakeList(w->global_top+4); *h++ = atom_nil; *h++ = fd.functor_dom4; *h++ = MakeList(w->global_top); *h++ = val; *h++ = val; *h++ = TaggedOne; w->global_top = h; FD_UPDATE_MUTABLE(MakeStructure(h-5), mutable); } return TRUE; }
void PecoApp::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch( msg->what ) { case B_SIMPLE_DATA: RefsReceived (msg); break; case MSG_MENU_NEW: New(); NoRenamer(); break; case MSG_SELECT_FILES: fFilePanel->Show(); break; case MSG_DO_IT: MakeList(); DoIt(); break; case MSG_RENAMER: ChangeRenamer(); break; case MSG_RENAME_SETTINGS: MakeList(); break; case MSG_MENU_SCRIPT: if (!NothingToDo()) fScriptFilePanel->Show(); break; case B_SAVE_REQUESTED: CreateScript(msg); break; default: BApplication::MessageReceived(msg); } };
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char tvalue = '\0', *key = calloc(ARGLENGTH, sizeof(char)), *parse = calloc(10, sizeof(char)), *fileName = calloc(ARGLENGTH, sizeof(char)), **wordList; tvalue = ParseArgs(argc, argv); key = argv[optind]; fileName = argv[optind + 1]; if (optind == argc || argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: look [-dfa] [-t char] string [file]\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (optind + 1 == argc) { fileName = "/usr/share/dict/words"; argFlags[0] = 1; argFlags[1] = 1; } key = CheckFlags(key, tvalue); ParseFile(argv, &parse, fileName); wordList = MakeList(parse); PrintResults(wordList, key, tvalue); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t i; FILE *statfile; ReadParameters(argc, argv); Initialize(); statfile = fopen(outname, "w"); ReadConfiguration(); for(i=0; i<nsteps; i++) { /* a number of single time steps */ ApplyPerBoundaries(); if ((i % liststeps) == 0) { PutInBox(); MakeList(); } ComputeForces(); if (microcanon) { Leapfrog(); } else { NoseHoover(); } if ((i % iosteps) == 0) { fprintf(statfile, "%ld %e %e %e %e %e\n", i, Ekin, Epot, P, eta, Ekin+Epot); } } fclose(statfile); WriteConfiguration(final_conf); return 1; }
struct list* addNode(struct list* Liste) { /****************************************************************************** * Tilføjer en node til den angivne * Hvis det er den sidste node tilføjes den bare ellers indsættes den. *****************************************************************************/ struct list* nyListe; nyListe = MakeList(); if (Liste == 0) { Liste = nyListe; } else if (Liste->post == 0) { Liste->post = nyListe; nyListe->post = 0; nyListe->pre = Liste; } else { nyListe->post = Liste->post; nyListe->pre = Liste; Liste->post = nyListe; nyListe->post->pre = nyListe; } return(Liste); } /* addNode() */
void DataFileDB::LoadContent() { dbtype=StringToType(ReadFile("type")); if(dbtype==DBSingleFile) { Data::operator=(toval(ReadFile("value"))); } else if(dbtype==DBStringKeys) { Data keys=toval(ReadFile("keys")); status=vector<DBEntryStatus>(keys.Size()); MakeList(keys.Size()); for(size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) { vec[i]=keys[i]; status[i].ondisk=true; } } else throw Error::NotYetImplemented("DataFileDB::LoadContent()"); Dump("LoadContent()","load old data"); }
void PecoApp::ChangeRenamer() { BMenuField *myField = (BMenuField *)fWindow->FindView("selectMode"); BMenu *myMenu = myField->Menu(); if (fRenameMode != myMenu->IndexOf(myField->Menu()->FindMarked())) { BView *bottomView = fWindow->FindView("bottomView"); fWindow->Lock(); if (fRenameMode != -1) bottomView->RemoveChild((BView *)((PecoApp *)be_app)->fRenamers[fRenameMode]); else { float deltaHeight = be_plain_font->Size()*2 + 40; fWindow->FindView("topView")->SetResizingMode(0); fWindow->FindView("bottomView")->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM); fWindow->ResizeBy(0, deltaHeight); fWindow->FindView("topView")->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM); fWindow->FindView("bottomView")->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); float min_h, max_h, min_v, max_v; fWindow->GetSizeLimits( &min_h, &max_h, &min_v, &max_v ); fWindow->SetSizeLimits( min_h, max_h, min_v + deltaHeight, max_v ); } fRenameMode = myMenu->IndexOf(myField->Menu()->FindMarked()); bottomView->AddChild(((PecoApp *)be_app)->fRenamers[fRenameMode]); if (((PecoApp *)be_app)->fRenamers[fRenameMode]->ChildAt(0) != NULL) ((PecoApp *)be_app)->fRenamers[fRenameMode]->ChildAt(0)->MakeFocus(); else fWindow->FindView("DoIt")->MakeFocus(); fWindow->Unlock(); MakeList(); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MakeList(); std::string filePath; //filePath = argv[1]; /*if(argc > 1) std::string filePath(argv[1]); else { cout << "Please type in the file path of a SIC Basic or XE source code" << endl; getline(cin, filePath); }*/ cout << ParseLine("first = one1 + two2 - three3 / four4 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("second = one1 * ( ( two2 * three3 ) + ( two2 * three3 ) );") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("third = ONE + twenty - three3 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("third = old * thirty2 / b567 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("one1 * i8766e98e + bignum") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("third = ONE + twenty - three3 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("third = ONE + twenty - three3 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("first = = one1 + two2 - three3 / four4 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("first = one1 + two2 - three3 / four4") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("first = 1 + - two2 - three3 / four4 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("first = one1 + two2 ? three3 / four4 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("second = 4 + ( one1 * two2 ) * ( three3 + four4 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("third = one1 + 24 - three3 ;") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("one1 + - delta") << "\n"; cout << ParseLine("sixty6 / min = fourth ;") << "\n"; filePath = ".\\SICTEST.asm"; WriteResults(); system("PAUSE"); }
void * FbMasterInfoBase::Execute(wxEvtHandler * owner, FbThread * thread, const FbFilterObj &filter) { if (thread->IsClosed()) return NULL; FbCommonDatabase database; database.JoinThread(thread); FbGenreFunction func_genre; FbAggregateFunction func_aggregate; database.CreateFunction(wxT("AGGREGATE"), 1, func_aggregate); database.CreateFunction(wxT("GENRE"), 1, func_genre); database.AttachConfig(); if (thread->IsClosed()) return NULL; wxString sql; switch (GetMode()) { case FB2_MODE_LIST: sql = GetListSQL(database); break; case FB2_MODE_TREE: sql = GetTreeSQL(database); break; } sql = FormatSQL(sql, GetWhere(database), filter); FbSQLite3Statement stmt = database.PrepareStatement(sql); Bind(stmt); FbSQLite3ResultSet result = stmt.ExecuteQuery(); if (!result.IsOk()) return NULL; switch (GetMode()) { case FB2_MODE_LIST: MakeList(owner, thread, result); break; case FB2_MODE_TREE: MakeTree(owner, thread, result); break; } return NULL; }
/* * InitExternEditors() * * This is an initialization function for outside editors. */ void InitExternEditors() { SYS_FILE fn; makeSysName(fn, "editors.sys", &cfg.roomArea); MakeList(&ExtEditors, fn, NULL); }
// list -> '[' commaList ']' { void list() { match(Token::Type::BEGIN_LIST); push({StackItem::Type::START_LIST, nullptr}); commaList(); match(Token::Type::END_LIST); MakeList(); }
int main() { while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &k, &m)) { // Exit. if (!n && !k && !m) { break; } // INIT. MakeList(); official_1 = head; official_2 = tail; num_people = n; // Solving and outputs. while (num_people) { // Count off. CountOff(official_1, k - 1, false); CountOff(official_2, m - 1, true); // Send off. if (official_1 != official_2) { // Outputs. printf("%3d%3d", official_1->num, official_2->num); if (num_people != 2) { printf(","); } else { printf("\n"); } // Delete. Delete(official_1, false); Delete(official_2, true); num_people -= 2; } else { // Outputs. printf("%3d", official_1->num); if (num_people != 1) { printf(","); } else { printf("\n"); } // Delete. official_2 = official_2->pred; Delete(official_1, false); num_people--; } } } return 0; }
Data& Data::operator=(const Data& z) { if(this==&z) return *this; type=z.type; n=z.n; str=z.str; r=z.r; if(z.IsDatabase() && z.type==ListType) { MakeList(z.vec.size()); for(size_t i=0; i<z.vec.size(); i++) vec[i]=z[i]; } else vec=z.vec; return *this; }
Data& DataFileDB::operator=(const Data& z) { Dump("operator=(const Data&)","copy from",z); DestroyContent(); if(dbtype==DBNone) throw Error::IO("DataFileDB::operator=(const Data&)","cannot assign to database type DBNone"); if(dbtype==DBSingleFile) { Data::operator=(z); MarkAllDirty(); return *this; } else if(dbtype==DBStringKeys) { if(!z.IsList()) throw LangErr("DataFileDB::operator=(const DataFileDB&)","only dictionaries can be stored into DBStringKeys"); MakeList(z.Size()); status=vector<DBEntryStatus>(z.Size()); for(size_t i=0; i<z.Size(); i++) { if(!z[i].IsList(2)) throw LangErr("DataFileDB::operator=(const DataFileDB&)","invalid dictionary entry "+tostr(z[i]).String()); else if(!z[i][0].IsString()) throw LangErr("DataFileDB::operator=(const DataFileDB&)","only string valued keys allowed: "+tostr(z[i][0]).String()); vec[i]=z[i]; Touch(i); MarkDirty(i); } return *this; } else throw Error::NotYetImplemented("DataFileDB::operator=(const Data&)"); }
void DataFileDB::CreateEmpty() { Dump("CreateEmpty()","initialize"); if(DatabaseExist()) throw Error::IO("DataFileDB::CreateEmpty()","database "+dir+" already created"); if(dbtype==DBNone) throw Error::IO("DataFileDB::CreateEmpty()","cannot create database of type DBNone"); else if(dbtype==DBSingleFile) { #ifdef WIN32 _mkdir(dir.c_str()); #else mkdir(dir.c_str(),0700); #endif WriteFile("type",TypeToString(dbtype)); WriteFile("value","NULL"); } else if(dbtype==DBStringKeys) { #ifdef WIN32 _mkdir(dir.c_str()); _mkdir((dir+"/data").c_str()); #else mkdir(dir.c_str(),0700); mkdir((dir+"/data").c_str(),0700); #endif WriteFile("type",TypeToString(dbtype)); WriteFile("keys","(,)"); status=vector<DBEntryStatus>(); MakeList(); } else throw Error::NotYetImplemented("DataFileDB::CreateEmpty()"); }
DWORD WINAPI CThread::ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter) { UpdateInfo(true); // Скопируем имена папок в новые переменные что бы не затереть исходные значения m_sSrcFolder = m_TaskInfo.sSrcFolder; m_sDestFolder = m_TaskInfo.sDestFolder; DelSlash(m_sSrcFolder); // Отформатируем имя папки назначения (раскроем макросы) CString sFormatedGenName = FormatDateTime(m_TaskInfo.sDestGenName.C()); // Сформируем окончательное имя папки назначения m_sDestFolder += sFormatedGenName; DelSlash(m_sDestFolder); // Начало лога - запишем информацию о выполняемой задаче AddLog(TEXT("[i] Начало выполнения задачи, параметры:\r\n")); AddLog(TEXT("========================================\r\n")); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Задача: %s\r\n"), m_TaskInfo.sName.C()); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Исходная папка: %s\r\n"), m_TaskInfo.sSrcFolder.C()); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Папка назначения: %s\r\n"), (m_TaskInfo.sDestFolder + m_TaskInfo.sDestGenName).C()); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Папка назначения: %s\r\n"), m_sDestFolder.C()); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Включать файлы: %s\r\n"), m_TaskInfo.sIncludeMask.C()); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Исключать файлы: %s\r\n"), m_TaskInfo.sExcludeMask.C()); AddLog(TEXT("========================================\r\n")); // Если выполнение задачи не прервали - продолжаем if (!IsTerminated()) { // Проверяем что бы папка назначения не была подпапкой исходной папки if (IsSubFolder(m_TaskInfo.sSrcFolder, m_sDestFolder)) { AddLog(TEXT("[!] Папка назначения является подпапкой исходной папки\r\n")); AddLog(TEXT("[x] Невозможно продолжить выполнение задачи\r\n")); } // Проверка что папка назначения существует (или успешно создана) else if (!CheckDestFolder()) { AddLog(TEXT("[!] Не могу создать папку назначения (%s)\r\n"), m_TaskInfo.sDestFolder.C()); AddLog(TEXT("[x] Невозможно продолжить выполнение задачи\r\n")); } else { if (m_TaskInfo.bDoArchive) { // Получим временное (и уникальное) имя файла во временной папке TCHAR cTempPath[MAX_PATH]; // получим временную папку GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, cTempPath); // получим уникальное имя для времнного файла, так же система создаст этот файл GetTempFileName(cTempPath, TEXT("smb"), 0, (LPTSTR) m_sFileList.Buf()); if (!PathFileExists(m_sFileList.C())) { AddLog(TEXT("[!] Не могу создать файл-список (%s)\r\n"), m_sFileList.C()); AddLog(TEXT("[!] Задача будет выполнена без архивирования\r\n")); } } // Сделаем предв. сканирование исходной папки m_bLevel = 0; m_dwPrescanFolders = 1; // Если работа с подпапками - предсканируем их if (m_TaskInfo.bSubFolders) { DoPrescan(m_sSrcFolder); // Узнаем сколько процентов занимает каждая "предсканированная" папка m_fPercentInc = (float) 100 / m_dwPrescanFolders; } // иначе просто подсчитаем кол-во файлов в исходной папке else { DWORD dwFiles = FilesInFolder(m_sSrcFolder); m_fPercentInc = (float) 100 / dwFiles; } UpdateInfo(true); MakeList(m_TaskInfo.sIncludeMask, m_aIncludeList); MakeList(m_TaskInfo.sExcludeMask, m_aExcludeList); // Создадим объект, в который будем записывать файл-лист для архиватора m_pFileList = new CMemTextFile(); // Запускаем копирование файлов m_bLevel = 0; m_fPercents = 0; DoSubFolders(m_sSrcFolder, m_sDestFolder); // Сохраним файл-лист из памяти на диск m_pFileList->SaveFile(m_sFileList.C()); delete m_pFileList; // Это последний вызов updateinfo, пускай получатели сообщения знают об этом m_TaskProgress.bLastInfo = true; UpdateInfo(true); // если задача не прервана - выполняем архивацию, если надо if (!IsTerminated() && m_TaskInfo.bDoArchive) { if (!PathFileExists(m_sArchiverEXE.C())) { AddLog(TEXT("[!] Не найден файл архиватора\r\n")); AddLog(TEXT("[x] Отмена запуска архиватора\r\n")); } else if (PathFileExists(m_sFileList.C())) { CString sArch = FormatC(TEXT("\"%s\" %s"), m_sArchiverEXE.C(), ParseArchiverCmdLine().C()); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Вызов архиватора: %s\r\n"), sArch.C()); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; STARTUPINFO si = {0}; si.cb = sizeof(si); TCHAR cmd[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(cmd, sArch.C()); // Создаём процесс - запускаем архиватор if (CreateProcess(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { // И ждём пока он не завершит работу WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD dwExitCode; GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); AddLog(TEXT("[i] Архиватор завершил работу с кодом %d\r\n"), dwExitCode); // Если указано - удалим скопированный файлы (их имена занесены в список) if (m_TaskInfo.bArchDelFiles) { for (int i = 0; i < m_lFileList.Size(); i++) DelFiles(m_lFileList[i]); } } else AddLog(TEXT("[!] Ошибка при вызове архиватора\r\n")); } // Удалим файл-список для архиватора DeleteFile(m_sFileList.C()); } AddLog(TEXT("========================================\r\n")); if (IsTerminated()) AddLog(TEXT("[i] Выполнение задачи прервано\r\n")); else AddLog(TEXT("[i] Выполнение задачи завершено\r\n")); } } // пошлём сообщения всем подписавшимся слушателям что работа завершена for (int i = 0; i < m_ProgressListenrs.Size(); i++) PostMessage(m_ProgressListenrs[i], RegisterWindowMessage(ThreadDoneMessage), 0, 0); return 0; }
void CLayerManager::ConnectLayers(char *pcList) { MakeList( pcList ) ; // 리스트 만들기 LinkLayer( mp_sListHead ) ; // 링크 연결 }
void mainloop() { /////////////////// // do data logging /////////////////// if (millis() >= ulNextMeas_ms) { ds18b20(); sendTeperatureTS(temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4); ulNextMeas_ms = millis() + ulMeasDelta_ms; pfTemp1[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues] = temp1; pfTemp2[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues] = temp2; pfTemp3[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues] = temp3; pfTemp4[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues] = temp4; pulTime[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues] = millis() / 1000 + ulSecs2000_timer; Serial.print("Logging Temperature1: "); Serial.print(pfTemp1[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues]); Serial.print(" deg Celsius - Temperature2: "); Serial.print(pfTemp2[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues]); Serial.print(" deg Celsius - Temperature3: "); Serial.print(pfTemp3[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues]); Serial.print(" deg Celsius - Temperature4: "); Serial.print(pfTemp4[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues]); Serial.print(" deg Celsius - Time: "); Serial.println(pulTime[ulMeasCount % ulNoMeasValues]); ulMeasCount++; } // Check if a client has connected WiFiClient client = server.available(); if (!client) { return; } // Wait until the client sends some data Serial.println("new client"); unsigned long ultimeout = millis() + 250; while (!client.available() && (millis() < ultimeout) ) { delay(1); } if (millis() > ultimeout) { Serial.println("client connection time-out!"); return; } // Read the first line of the request String sRequest = client.readStringUntil('\r'); //Serial.println(sRequest); client.flush(); // stop client, if request is empty if (sRequest == "") { Serial.println("empty request! - stopping client"); client.stop(); return; } // get path; end of path is either space or ? // Syntax is e.g. GET /?pin=MOTOR1STOP HTTP/1.1 String sPath = "", sParam = "", sCmd = ""; String sGetstart = "GET "; int iStart, iEndSpace, iEndQuest; iStart = sRequest.indexOf(sGetstart); if (iStart >= 0) { iStart += +sGetstart.length(); iEndSpace = sRequest.indexOf(" ", iStart); iEndQuest = sRequest.indexOf("?", iStart); // are there parameters? if (iEndSpace > 0) { if (iEndQuest > 0) { // there are parameters sPath = sRequest.substring(iStart, iEndQuest); sParam = sRequest.substring(iEndQuest, iEndSpace); } else { // NO parameters sPath = sRequest.substring(iStart, iEndSpace); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // output parameters to serial, you may connect e.g. an Arduino and react on it /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (sParam.length() > 0) { int iEqu = sParam.indexOf("="); if (iEqu >= 0) { sCmd = sParam.substring(iEqu + 1, sParam.length()); Serial.print("Die Eingabe ist: "); Serial.println(sCmd); } } /////////////////////////// // format the html response /////////////////////////// // Startseite //////////////////////////////// String sResponse, sResponse2, sHeader; if (sPath == "/") { ulReqcount++; int iIndex = (ulMeasCount - 1) % ulNoMeasValues; sResponse = F("<html>\n<head>\n<title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title>\n"); sResponse += F("</head>\n<body>\n<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\"><h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>SMASE<BR><BR><FONT SIZE=+1>Letzte Messung um "); sResponse += F("Seite: Temperaturen -> Zeigt die gemessenen Temperaturen an <br>"); sResponse += F("<hr>Seite: Grafik -> Zeigt den Temperaturverlauf (Diagramm) der letzten 24 h an <br>"); sResponse += F("<hr>Seite: Grafik -> Zeigt den Temperaturverlauf (Tabelle) der letzten 24 h an <br>"); sResponse += F("<hr>Seite: Settings -> Einstellungen <br>"); sResponse += F(" <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"); sResponse2 = F("<p>Temperaturverlauf - Seiten laden länger:<BR> <a href=\"/anzeige\"><button>Temperaturen</button></a> <a href=\"/grafik\"><button>Grafik</button></a> <a href=\"/tabelle\"><button>Tabelle</button></a> <a href=\"/settings\"><button>Settings</button></a></p>"); sResponse2 += MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); } if (sPath == "/anzeige") { ulReqcount++; int iIndex = (ulMeasCount - 1) % ulNoMeasValues; sResponse = F("<html>\n<head>\n<title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>\n"); sResponse += F("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\ngoogle.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gauge']});\n"); sResponse += F(" google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawGauge); \n"); sResponse += F("\nvar gaugeOptions = {min: 0, max: 100, greenFrom: 50, greenTo:75, yellowFrom: 75, yellowTo: 90,redFrom: 90, redTo: 100, minorTicks: 10, majorTicks: ['0','10','20','30','40','50','60','70','80','90','100']};\n"); sResponse += F(" var gauge; \n"); sResponse += F(" function drawGauge() { \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData = new google.visualization.DataTable(); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.addColumn('number', 'oben'); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.addColumn('number', 'mitte'); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.addColumn('number', 'unten'); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.addColumn('number', 'vorlauf'); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.addRows(2); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.setCell(0, 0, "); sResponse += pfTemp1[iIndex]; sResponse += F(" ); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.setCell(0, 1, "); sResponse += pfTemp2[iIndex]; sResponse += F(" ); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.setCell(0, 2, "); sResponse += pfTemp3[iIndex]; sResponse += F(" ); \n"); sResponse += F(" gaugeData.setCell(0, 3, "); sResponse += pfTemp4[iIndex]; sResponse += F(" ); \n"); sResponse += F(" gauge = new google.visualization.Gauge(document.getElementById('gauge_div')); \n"); sResponse += F(" gauge.draw(gaugeData, gaugeOptions); \n"); sResponse += F(" } \n"); sResponse += F(" </script> \n </head> \n <body> \n<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\"><h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>SMASE<BR><BR><FONT SIZE=+1>Letzte Messung um "); sResponse += epoch_to_string(pulTime[iIndex]).c_str(); sResponse += F(" UTC<BR>\n"); sResponse += F("<fieldset><legend>Pufferspeicher</legend>"); sResponse += F(" <div id=\"gauge_div\" style=\"width:140px; height: 560px;\"></div> \n"); sResponse += F("</fieldset>"); sResponse += F(" <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"); sResponse2 = F("<p>Temperaturverlauf - Seiten laden länger:<BR> <a href=\"/lauf\"><button>Vorlauf</button></a> <a href=\"/grafik\"><button>Grafik</button></a> <a href=\"/tabelle\"><button>Tabelle</button></a> <a href=\"/settings\"><button>Settings</button></a></p>"); sResponse2 += MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); } // Tabelle //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/tabelle") //////////////////////////////////// // format the html page for /tabelle //////////////////////////////////// { ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeTable(&client, false); // get size of table first sResponse = F("<html><head><title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title></head><body>"); sResponse += F("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">"); sResponse += F("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">"); sResponse += F("<h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>"); sResponse += F("<FONT SIZE=+1>"); sResponse += F("<a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR><BR>Letzte Messungen im Abstand von "); sResponse += ulMeasDelta_ms; sResponse += F("ms<BR>"); // here the big table will follow later - but let us prepare the end first // part 2 of response - after the big table sResponse2 = MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client - delete strings after use to keep mem low client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length() + ulSizeList).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); sResponse = ""; MakeTable(&client, true); client.print(sResponse2); } // Diagramm //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/grafik") /////////////////////////////////// // format the html page for /grafik /////////////////////////////////// { ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeList(&client, false); // get size of list first sResponse = F("<html>\n<head>\n<title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{'modules':[{'name':'visualization','version':'1','packages':['corechart']}]}\"></script>\n"); sResponse += F("<script type=\"text/javascript\"> google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\nfunction drawChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n['Zeit / UTC', 'Temperatur1', 'Temperatur2', 'Temperatur3', 'Temperatur4'],\n"); // here the big list will follow later - but let us prepare the end first // part 2 of response - after the big list sResponse2 = F("]);\nvar options = {title: 'Verlauf',\n"); sResponse2 += F("curveType:'function',legend:{ position: 'bottom'}};"); sResponse2 += F("var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('curve_chart'));chart.draw(data, options);}\n</script>\n</head>\n"); sResponse2 += F("<body>\n<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\"><h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1><a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR>"); sResponse2 += F("<BR>\n<div id=\"curve_chart\" style=\"width: 600px; height: 400px\"></div>"); sResponse2 += MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client - delete strings after use to keep mem low client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length() + ulSizeList).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); sResponse = ""; MakeList(&client, true); client.print(sResponse2); } // Einstellungen //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/settings") { EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String apiKey = ""; for (int i = 81; i < 100; i++) { //DEBUG_PRINT(i); apiKey += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Thinkspeak: " + apiKey); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String zeit = ""; for (int i = 100; i < 105; i++) { zeit += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.print("Das ist die Zeitverschiebung: "); Serial.println(zeit); String zeittext = ""; if (zeit != "0000") { zeittext = "Sommerzeit"; } else { zeittext = "Winterzeit"; } ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeTable(&client, false); // get size of table first sResponse = F("<html><head><title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title></head><body>"); sResponse += F("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">"); sResponse += F("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">"); sResponse += F("<h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>"); sResponse += F("<FONT SIZE=+1>"); sResponse += F("<a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR><BR>Thingspeak API ist momentan: "); sResponse += apiKey; sResponse += F("<BR><BR>Das ist die Zeitverschiebung: "); sResponse += zeittext; sResponse += F("<fieldset><legend>EEPROM Setting</legend>"); sResponse += F("<p><a href=\"/reset\"><button>RESET</button></a> <a href=\"?pin=FUNCTION2ON\"><button>AUSLESEN</button></a></p>"); sResponse += F("</fieldset>"); sResponse += F("<fieldset><legend>Allgemein Setting</legend>"); sResponse += F("<p>Zeitumstellung <a href=\"?pin=SOMMERZEIT\"><button>SOMMERZEIT</button></a> <a href=\"?pin=WINTERZEIT\"><button>WINTERZEIT</button></a></p>"); sResponse += F("<form name=\"input\" action=\"\" method=\"get\">THINGSPEAK-API: <input type=\"text\" name=\"$\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form>"); sResponse += F("</fieldset>"); sResponse += F("<fieldset><legend>Temperatur kalibrieren</legend>"); sResponse += F("<p><a href=\"/temp1\"><button>Speicher oben</button></a> <a href=\"/temp2\"><button>Speicher mitte</button></a> <a href=\"/temp3\"><button>Speicher unten</button></a> <a href=\"/temp4\"><button>Vorlauf</button></a></p>"); sResponse += F("</fieldset>"); sResponse2 = MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); delay(100); ////////////////////// // react on parameters ////////////////////// if (sCmd.length() > 0) { // write received command to html page sResponse += "Kommando:" + sCmd + "<BR>"; // EEPROM RESET //////////////////////////////// if (sCmd.indexOf("FUNCTION1ON") >= 0) { EEPROM.begin(512); // write a 0 to all 512 bytes of the EEPROM for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { EEPROM.write(i, 0); EEPROM.end(); } } // SHOW EEPROM //////////////////////////////// else if (sCmd.indexOf("FUNCTION2ON") >= 0) { EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String string3 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { //DEBUG_PRINT(i); string3 += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println(string3); } // SOMMERZEIT EINSTELLEN //////////////////////////////// else if (sCmd.indexOf("SOMMERZEIT") >= 0) { String sommer = "3600"; Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(sommer); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 100; i < 105; i++) { char c; if (si < sommer.length()) { c = sommer[si]; } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + sommer); } // WINTERZEIT EINSTELLEN //////////////////////////////// else if (sCmd.indexOf("WINTERZEIT") >= 0) { String winter = "0000"; Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(winter); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 100; i < 105; i++) { char c; if (si < winter.length()) { c = winter[si]; } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + winter); } // SET THINGSPEAK API //////////////////////////////// else { Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(sCmd); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 81; i < 100; i++) { char c; if (si < sCmd.length()) { c = sCmd[si]; //DEBUG_PRINT("Wrote: "); //DEBUG_PRINT(c); } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + sCmd); } } } // Kalibrieren Temperatur 1 //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/temp1") //////////////////////////////////// // format the html page for /tabelle //////////////////////////////////// { EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String temp1k = ""; for (int i = 110; i < 115; i++) { temp1k += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.print("Das ist die Zeitverschiebung: "); Serial.println(temp1k); // settings(); ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeTable(&client, false); // get size of table first sResponse = F("<html><head><title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title></head><body>"); sResponse += F("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">"); sResponse += F("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">"); sResponse += F("<h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>"); sResponse += F("<FONT SIZE=+1>"); sResponse += F("<a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR><BR>Speicher oben: "); sResponse += temp1k; sResponse += F("Grad C<BR>"); sResponse += F("<form name=\"input\" action=\"\" method=\"get\">Speicher oben: <input type=\"text\" name=\"$\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form>"); sResponse += F("<p>Temperatur kalibrieren: <a href=\"/temp1\"><button>Speicher oben</button></a> <a href=\"/temp2\"><button>Speicher mitte</button></a> <a href=\"/temp3\"><button>Speicher unten</button></a> <a href=\"/temp4\"><button>Vorlauf</button></a> </p>"); sResponse2 = MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); delay(100); ////////////////////// // react on parameters ////////////////////// if (sCmd.length() > 0) { // write received command to html page sResponse += "Kommando:" + sCmd + "<BR>"; // SET THINGSPEAK API //////////////////////////////// if (sCmd.toInt() != 0) { Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(sCmd); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 110; i < 115; i++) { char c; if (si < sCmd.length()) { c = sCmd[si]; //DEBUG_PRINT("Wrote: "); //DEBUG_PRINT(c); } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + sCmd); } else { Serial.println("Der Wert " + sCmd + " war keine Zahl!!!"); } } } // Kalibrieren Temperatur 2 //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/temp2") //////////////////////////////////// // format the html page for /tabelle //////////////////////////////////// { EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String temp2k = ""; for (int i = 115; i < 120; i++) { temp2k += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.print("Das ist die Zeitverschiebung: "); Serial.println(temp2k); // settings(); ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeTable(&client, false); // get size of table first sResponse = F("<html><head><title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title></head><body>"); sResponse += F("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">"); sResponse += F("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">"); sResponse += F("<h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>"); sResponse += F("<FONT SIZE=+1>"); sResponse += F("<a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR><BR>Speicher mitte: "); sResponse += temp2k; sResponse += F("Grad C<BR>"); sResponse += F("<form name=\"input\" action=\"\" method=\"get\">Speicher mitte: <input type=\"text\" name=\"$\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form>"); sResponse += F("<p>Temperatur kalibrieren: <a href=\"/temp1\"><button>Speicher oben</button></a> <a href=\"/temp2\"><button>Speicher mitte</button></a> <a href=\"/temp3\"><button>Speicher unten</button></a> <a href=\"/temp4\"><button>Vorlauf</button></a> </p>"); sResponse2 = MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); delay(100); ////////////////////// // react on parameters ////////////////////// if (sCmd.length() > 0) { // write received command to html page sResponse += "Kommando:" + sCmd + "<BR>"; // SET THINGSPEAK API //////////////////////////////// if (sCmd.toInt() != 0) { Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(sCmd); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 115; i < 120; i++) { char c; if (si < sCmd.length()) { c = sCmd[si]; //DEBUG_PRINT("Wrote: "); //DEBUG_PRINT(c); } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + sCmd); } else { Serial.println("Der Wert " + sCmd + " war keine Zahl!!!"); } } } // Kalibrieren Temperatur 3 //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/temp3") //////////////////////////////////// // format the html page for /tabelle //////////////////////////////////// { EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String temp3k = ""; for (int i = 120; i < 125; i++) { temp3k += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.print("Das ist der aktuelle Korrekturwert: "); Serial.println(temp3k); // settings(); ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeTable(&client, false); // get size of table first sResponse = F("<html><head><title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title></head><body>"); sResponse += F("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">"); sResponse += F("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">"); sResponse += F("<h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>"); sResponse += F("<FONT SIZE=+1>"); sResponse += F("<a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR><BR>Speicher unten "); sResponse += temp3k; sResponse += F("Grad C<BR>"); sResponse += F("<form name=\"input\" action=\"\" method=\"get\">Speicher unten: <input type=\"text\" name=\"$\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form>"); sResponse += F("<p>Temperatur kalibrieren: <a href=\"/temp1\"><button>Speicher oben</button></a> <a href=\"/temp2\"><button>Speicher mitte</button></a> <a href=\"/temp3\"><button>Speicher unten</button></a> <a href=\"/temp4\"><button>Vorlauf</button></a> </p>"); sResponse2 = MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); delay(100); ////////////////////// // react on parameters ////////////////////// if (sCmd.length() > 0) { // write received command to html page sResponse += "Kommando:" + sCmd + "<BR>"; // SET THINGSPEAK API //////////////////////////////// if (sCmd.toInt() != 0) { Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(sCmd); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 120; i < 125; i++) { char c; if (si < sCmd.length()) { c = sCmd[si]; //DEBUG_PRINT("Wrote: "); //DEBUG_PRINT(c); } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + sCmd); } else { Serial.println("Der Wert " + sCmd + " war keine Zahl!!!"); } } } // Kalibrieren Temperatur 4 //////////////////////////////// else if (sPath == "/temp4") //////////////////////////////////// // format the html page for /tabelle //////////////////////////////////// { EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); String temp4k = ""; for (int i = 125; i < 130; i++) { temp4k += char(; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.print("Das ist die Zeitverschiebung: "); Serial.println(temp4k); // settings(); ulReqcount++; unsigned long ulSizeList = MakeTable(&client, false); // get size of table first sResponse = F("<html><head><title>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</title></head><body>"); sResponse += F("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">"); sResponse += F("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">"); sResponse += F("<h1>WLAN Logger für Pufferspeichertemperatur</h1>"); sResponse += F("<FONT SIZE=+1>"); sResponse += F("<a href=\"/\"><button>Startseite</button></a><BR><BR>Anpassung Vorlauf: "); sResponse += temp4k; sResponse += F("Grad C<BR>"); sResponse += F("<form name=\"input\" action=\"\" method=\"get\">Vorlauf: <input type=\"text\" name=\"$\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form>"); sResponse += F("<p>Temperatur kalibrieren: <a href=\"/temp1\"><button>Speicher oben</button></a> <a href=\"/temp2\"><button>Speicher mitte</button></a> <a href=\"/temp3\"><button>Speicher unten</button></a> <a href=\"/temp4\"><button>Vorlauf</button></a> </p>"); sResponse2 = MakeHTTPFooter().c_str(); // Send the response to the client client.print(MakeHTTPHeader(sResponse.length() + sResponse2.length()).c_str()); client.print(sResponse); client.print(sResponse2); delay(100); ////////////////////// // react on parameters ////////////////////// if (sCmd.length() > 0) { // write received command to html page sResponse += "Kommando:" + sCmd + "<BR>"; // SET THINGSPEAK API //////////////////////////////// if (sCmd.toInt() != 0) { Serial.print("Das wird gespeichert in der seite: "); Serial.println(sCmd); EEPROM.begin(512); delay(10); int si = 0; for (int i = 125; i < 130; i++) { char c; if (si < sCmd.length()) { c = sCmd[si]; //DEBUG_PRINT("Wrote: "); //DEBUG_PRINT(c); } else { c = 0; } EEPROM.write(i, c); si++; } EEPROM.end(); Serial.println("Wrote " + sCmd); } else { Serial.println("Der Wert " + sCmd + " war keine Zahl!!!"); } } } // Send the response to the client client.print(sHeader); client.print(sResponse); // and stop the client client.stop(); Serial.println("Client disconnected"); }
void PecoApp::DoIt() { if (NothingToDo()) return; FileListItem *ListItem; BAlert *myAlert = new BAlert(NULL, MESSAGE_REALLY_DOIT, STR_CONTINUE, STR_CANCEL); if (myAlert->Go() == 1) return; for (int32 i = 0; (ListItem = (FileListItem *)fListView->ItemAt(i)) != NULL; i++ ) { if (ListItem->fErrorStatus == 1 ) { BAlert *myAlert = new BAlert(NULL, MESSAGE_WILL_HAVE_PROBS, STR_CONTINUE, STR_CANCEL); if (myAlert->Go() == 1) return; break; } } bool noerror = true, nomoreerrors=false, canceled=false; fWindow->Lock(); fStatusBar->SetText(STATUS_RENAMING); fStatusBar->SetMaxValue(fList->CountItems()); BButton *okButton = (BButton *)fWindow->FindView("DoIt"); okButton->SetEnabled(false); BTextControl* pfadView = (BTextControl *)fWindow->FindView("pfadView"); BString Pfad(pfadView->Text()); fWindow->Unlock(); BString AlterName, NeuerName; BEntry Datei; for (int32 i = 0; (ListItem = (FileListItem *)fListView->ItemAt(i)) != NULL; i++ ) { fWindow->Lock(); fStatusBar->Update(1); fWindow->Unlock(); if (canceled) { ListItem->fErrorStatus=0; continue; } if (ListItem->fNewName.String() != "" ) { AlterName = Pfad; AlterName.Append("/").Append(ListItem->fName); NeuerName = Pfad; NeuerName.Append("/").Append(ListItem->fNewName); Datei.SetTo(AlterName.String()); if ( Datei.Rename(NeuerName.String()) != B_OK ) { ListItem->fErrorStatus=1; fWindow->Lock(); fListView->InvalidateItem(i); fWindow->Unlock(); if (!nomoreerrors) { noerror = false; BString ErrorMessage(MESSAGE_HAVE_PROBLEM); ErrorMessage.ReplaceFirst("%1", ListItem->fName.String()); ErrorMessage.ReplaceFirst("%2", ListItem->fNewName.String()); BAlert *myAlert = new BAlert(NULL, ErrorMessage.String(), STR_CANCEL, STR_CONTINUE, STR_CONTINUE_WO_MSG, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); int32 result = myAlert->Go(); if (result == 0) { canceled = true; continue; } if (result == 2) nomoreerrors = true; } } else { fWindow->Lock(); ListItem->SetName(ListItem->fNewName); ListItem->SetNewName(""); fListView->InvalidateItem(i); fWindow->Unlock(); } } } // NoRenamer(); fWindow->Lock(); fStatusBar->Reset(STATUS_STATUS); fWindow->Unlock(); if (noerror) MakeList(); else { fStatusBar->SetText(STATUS_DIDIT_BAD); BAlert *myAlert = new BAlert(NULL, MESSAGE_MARKED_FILES, STR_OK); myAlert->Go(); } }
void CLayerManager::ConnectLayers(char *pcList) //각 계층들을 연결 하기 위한 함수를 호출하는 함수 { MakeList( pcList ) ; LinkLayer( mp_sListHead ) ; }
STATIC RET_T resolve( TARGET *targ, DEPEND *depend ) /*************************************************** * If there are no dependents, then perform the associated commands, if req'd. * If there are dependents: update them all; compare the date of each dep * to the targ; if any of the deps had an error previously, abort; if targ * is out of date then perform the clist (or attempt to imply). */ { TLIST *tlist; RET_T tmp; bool outofdate; bool exec_cmds; time_t max_time; max_time = OLDEST_DATE; ExpandWildCards( targ, depend ); if( depend->targs == NULL ) { /* make the target if it doesn't exist or it's symbolic */ /* a "::" target with no dependents must be made */ exec_cmds = false; if( !targ->scolon || !targ->existing ) { exec_cmds = true; } if( targ->attr.symbolic || targ->attr.always ) { exec_cmds = true; } /* if all targets must be made, so should this one */ if( Glob.all ) { exec_cmds = true; } if( !exec_cmds && USE_AUTO_DEP( targ ) ) { if( autoOutOfDate( targ, &max_time ) ) { exec_cmds = true; } } if( exec_cmds ) { return( perform( targ, depend, NULL, max_time ) ); } return( RET_SUCCESS ); } MakeList( depend->targs ); getDate( targ ); /* check if out of date with deps */ outofdate = false; for( tlist = depend->targs; tlist != NULL; tlist = tlist->next ) { if( isOutOfDate( targ, tlist->target, &outofdate ) == RET_ERROR ) { return( RET_ERROR ); } } if( targ->attr.always ) { outofdate = true; } if( !outofdate && USE_AUTO_DEP( targ ) ) { if( autoOutOfDate( targ, &max_time ) ) { outofdate = true; } } if( outofdate ) { /* if we get this far, then none of the deps had a previous error, * and at least one of the deps is newer than targ, so we perform */ if( depend->clist != NULL ) { return( perform( targ, depend, NULL, max_time ) ); } else { tmp = tryImply( targ, true ); if( tmp == RET_WARN ) { /* couldn't imply - will do DEFAULT cmds */ return( perform( targ, depend, NULL, max_time ) ); } return( tmp ); } } return( RET_SUCCESS ); }
void PecoApp::RefsReceived ( BMessage* msg ) { entry_ref ref; BPath aPath; BEntry aEntry; off_t size; time_t timer; fWindow->Lock(); BTextControl* pfadView = (BTextControl *)fWindow->FindView("pfadView"); fWindow->Unlock(); //Pfad finden for ( int i=0; msg->FindRef("refs", i, &ref) == B_OK; i++ ) if ( ref.device > 1 ) break; if ( ref.device > 1 ) { New(); fWindow->Lock(); ((PecoApp *)be_app)->fStatusBar->SetText(STATUS_IMPORT); fWindow->Unlock(); aEntry = BEntry(&ref); BPath( &aEntry ).GetParent(&fPfad); fWindow->Lock(); pfadView->SetText( fPfad.Path() ); fWindow->Unlock(); //zählen type_code typeFound; long total = 0; msg->GetInfo("refs", &typeFound, &total); fWindow->Lock(); fStatusBar->SetMaxValue( total ); fWindow->Unlock(); BPath newPath; bool didntshow_msgmultidir = true; for ( int i=0; msg->FindRef("refs", i, &ref) == B_OK; i++ ) { fWindow->Lock(); fStatusBar->Update(1); fWindow->Unlock(); // Laufwerke ausfiltern if ( ref.device == 1 ) continue; // Dateien mit falschem Pfad ausfiltern aEntry = BEntry(&ref); aPath = BPath(&aEntry); BPath( &aEntry ).GetParent(&newPath); if ( (strcmp( fPfad.Path(), newPath.Path() ) != 0 ) ) { if ( didntshow_msgmultidir ) { BAlert* myAlert = new BAlert(NULL, MESSAGE_MULTIDIR, STR_OK); myAlert->Go(); didntshow_msgmultidir = false; } continue; } // Werte auslesen if (aEntry.IsFile()) aEntry.GetSize(&size); else if (aEntry.IsSymLink()) size = -1; else if (aEntry.IsDirectory()) size = -2; else continue; aEntry.GetModificationTime(&timer); fList->AddItem(new FileListItem(aPath.Leaf(), size, timer, &ref)); } fWindow->Lock(); fListView->AddList(fList); float Hoehe = be_plain_font->Size() + 2; if (Hoehe < 18) { BListItem* myListItem; for (int i=0; (myListItem = fListView->ItemAt(i)); i++) myListItem->SetHeight(18); // Zum Updaten: fListView->AddItem(myListItem = new BStringItem("")); fListView->RemoveItem(myListItem); } fStatusBar->Reset(STATUS_STATUS); fStatusBar->SetMaxValue(fList->CountItems()); fWindow->Unlock(); MakeList(); } fWindow->Activate(); UpdateWindowStatus(); }