Esempio n. 1
//Procedure		ScreenShot16
//Author		Paul.
//Date			Mon 21 Apr 1997
void Graphic::ScreenShot16()
//	#pragma message (__HERE__"VidRAM read outside of lock")

    TGA		screenShot;
    ULong	packedlength;

    screenShot.redScale 	= RedShift;							//PD 24Oct97
    screenShot.redMask 		= (1<<RedBits)-1;					//PD 24Oct97
    screenShot.redBits		= RedBits;							//DAW 24Oct97

    screenShot.greenScale 	= GreenShift;						//PD 24Oct97
    screenShot.greenMask	= (1<<GreenBits)-1;					//PD 24Oct97
    screenShot.greenBits	= GreenBits;						//DAW 24Oct97

    screenShot.blueScale	= BlueShift;						//PD 24Oct97
    screenShot.blueMask		= (1<<BlueBits)-1;					//PD 24Oct97
    screenShot.blueBits		= BlueBits;							//DAW 24Oct97


    packedlength = screenShot.MakeBody(&rsd);		//logicalscreenptr,BytesPerScanLine);
    if (screenshotnum>99)	screenshotnum=0;

Esempio n. 2
/** $(class), OnConnect:
 *  Detailed description.
 *  @return TODO
void Screen::OnConnect(){
    m_conDraw = Master()->ConnectOnDraw( boost::bind( &Screen::OnDraw, boost::ref(*this) ) );
    m_conUpdate = Master()->ConnectOnUpdate( boost::bind( &Screen::OnUpdate, boost::ref(*this) ) );
    m_conEvt = Master()->ConnectOnEvent( boost::bind(&Screen::OnEvent, boost::ref(*this), _1) );
Esempio n. 3
			/// Print all registered types derived from T
			/// If multiline is true, each type name is printed on its own line, otherwise
			/// they are printed on a single line with space separation.
			static void Print(bool multiline = true)
				if (!multiline)
					for (auto t : Master().types) std::cout << t.first << " ";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				else for (auto t : Master().types) std::cout << "    " << t.first << std::endl;
Esempio n. 4
    /** HopperScreen, OnDraw:
     *  Detailed description.
     *  @return TODO
    void HopperScreen::OnDraw(){
        static int coldelta = 0;

        CMainCanvas* m_pMainCanvas = Master()->GetMainCanvas();

        //m_pMainCanvas->Blit( m_pMainCanvas->GetDimension(), *m_pBackground, m_pBackground->GetDimension() );
        /*CRectangle frect(700, 500, 185, 185);
           SDL_Color* wavemap = ColorData::Instance()->Wavemap();
           int index = (coldelta * 2 & 63);

           //m_pMainCanvas->FillRect( frect, mcol );
           SDL_Color& fcol = wavemap[index];
           m_pMainCanvas->FillRect( frect, CColor(fcol.r, fcol.g, fcol.b) );

        CRectangle txtDims = m_pScrollText->GetCanvas()->GetDimension();
        CRectangle dstDims = txtDims + CPoint( 335, 200);
        m_pScrollText->Put(m_pBackground.get(), dstDims, txtDims );


        if (coldelta > 64) {
            coldelta = 0;


    } // OnDraw
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  input_file = argv[1];
  mype = shmem_my_pe();
  NumProcs = shmem_n_pes();
  shmemx_am_attach(hid_BESTPATH, &handler_master_bestpath);
  shmemx_am_attach(hid_SUBSCRIBE, &handler_master_subscribe);
  shmemx_am_attach(hid_PUTPATH, &handler_master_putpath);

  if (NumProcs<2) {
    printf("At least 2 processes are required\n");

  // Initialize distance matrix. Ususally done by one process 
  // and bcast, or initialized from a file in a shared file system.
  Fill_Dist();  // process 0 read the data and broadcast it to the others

  if (mype==0) 
//  shmemx_am_detach(hid_BESTPATH);
//  shmemx_am_detach(hid_SUBSCRIBE);
//  shmemx_am_detach(hid_PUTPATH);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void PlanSelect::MPI_Write (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
    if (Master ()) {

        mpi_buffer.Data (&num_select, sizeof (num_select));

        if (num_select > 0) {
            select_map.Pack (mpi_buffer);
        for (int rank=1; rank < MPI_Size (); rank++) {
            Send_MPI_Buffer (rank);

    } else {	//---- slave ----

        num_select = 0;
        select_map.clear ();

        Get_MPI_Buffer (0);

        if (mpi_buffer.Size () > 0) {
            mpi_buffer.Get_Data (&num_select, sizeof (num_select));

            if (num_select > 0) {
                select_map.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
Esempio n. 7
void Renderer::pyHandleCustomCtorArgs(py::tuple& args, py::dict& kw){
		string keys; py::list k(kw.keys());
		for(int i=0; i<py::len(k); i++) keys+=(i>0?", ":"")+py::extract<string>(k[i])();
		Master().instance().checkApi(10102,"Constructing Renderer with keywords ("+keys+") will have no effect unless passed to GlSetup/",/*pyWarn*/true);
Esempio n. 8
void Template::OnDraw(){
    static int coldelta = 0;

    CMainCanvas* m_pMainCanvas = Master()->GetMainCanvas();

    //m_pMainCanvas->Blit( m_pMainCanvas->GetDimension(), *m_pBackground,
    // m_pBackground->GetDimension() );
    CRectangle frect(700, 500, 185, 185);
    SDL_Color* wavemap = ColorData::Instance()->Wavemap();
    int index = (coldelta * 2 & 63);

    //m_pMainCanvas->FillRect( frect, mcol );
    SDL_Color& fcol = wavemap[index];
    CColor color = CColor(fcol.r, fcol.g, fcol.b);
    m_pMainCanvas->RenderFillRect( frect, &color );

    CRectangle dstDims( 0, 0, 200, 200);
    //m_pScrollText->RenderPut(m_pBackground.get(), dstDims, dstDims );


    if (coldelta > 64) {
        coldelta = 0;

}   // OnDraw
Esempio n. 9
/*GroupId Template::GetGroupID()
    static GroupId grpID = CreateNextGroupID();
    return grpID;
    //throw std::exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
bool Template::OnInit( int argc, char* argv[] ){
    // Master()->GetMainCanvas();
    CMainCanvas* m_pMainCanvas = Master()->GetMainCanvas();
    //m_pOverlay.reset(new DebugOverlay(m_Loader, controls::CControl::GetMainControl(), 1,
    // "Template"));
    m_pOverlay.reset( new DebugOverlay(m_Loader, NULL, 1, "Template") );

    //m_pBackground = CCanvas::CreateRGBCompatible(NULL, 1024, 768 - 320);
    //m_pBackground = CCanvas::CreateRGBCompatible(NULL, NULL, NULL);
    // Todo: c:\program files\graphviz 2.28\bin\LIBFREETYPE-6.DLL copy from DEPS
    TTF_Font* m_pArialfont;
    m_pArialfont = m_Loader.FL_LOADFONT("Fonts/ARIAL.TTF", 24);
    mcol = CColor::White();
    SDL_Surface* tmpfsurf = ( m_Loader.FL_LOADIMG("Intro/TemplateBg.png") );

    //SDL_SetColorKey(tmpfsurf, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0xff00ff);
    //SDL_SetColorKey(m_pMainCanvas->GetSurface(), SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0xff00ff);
    //SDL_SetAlpha(tmpfsurf, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0);
    //SDL_SetAlpha(m_pMainCanvas->GetSurface(), SDL_SRCALPHA, 128);
    m_pBackground.reset( new CCanvas( tmpfsurf ) );

    //CCanvas tmpCanvas( tmpfsurf );

    //m_pMainCanvas->Blit(m_pMainCanvas->GetDimension(), tmpCanvas, tmpCanvas.GetDimension());
    //m_pBackground->Blit(m_pBackground->GetDimension(), tmpCanvas, tmpCanvas.GetDimension());
    //m_pMainCanvas->AddUpdateRect( m_pBackground->GetDimension() );

    CColor m_colText = CColor::White();
    std::ostringstream outstring;
    outstring << "Bla fasel:" << gui::CApplication::ShownFrames();
    outstring << " ";

    //std::string pstr;
    outstring <<
        "Error error C2248: 'boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable::noncopyable' : cannot access private member "
        "declared in class " <<
        "'boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable'" << "\t" <<
        "d:/e/projects/c++/humbug/projects/humbug/src/gui/visual/Hookable.h" <<
        "\t" << "48" << "\t" << "Humbug" << "\r\n" <<
        "\r\n" <<
        "Error" << "\t" << "3" << "\t" <<
        "error C2248: 'boost::scoped_ptr<T>::scoped_ptr' : cannot access private member declared in "
        "class " <<
        "'boost::scoped_ptr<T>'" << "\t" <<
        "d:/e/projects/c++/humbug/projects/humbug/src/gui/visual/Hookable.h" << "\t" << "48" << "\t" <<
        "Humbug" << "\r\n" <<

    m_pScrollText.reset( new CText(m_pArialfont, outstring.str(), m_colText) );
    m_pScroller.reset(new CTextScroller(m_pBackground.get(), *m_pScrollText, CPoint(100, 600), 800));

    return Screen::OnInit(argc, argv);

    //return true;
}   // OnInit
Esempio n. 10
/** $(class), OnUpdate:
 *  Detailed description.
 *  @return TODO
void Screen::OnUpdate() {
    // Hookable::OnUpdate() runs SDL_UpdateTexture of the main texture with following
    // SDL_RenderCopy. Means GetSurface()->pixels to texture and then update render copy
    // later this should not need the surface any more
    if(!m_bUsesSDL2Render) {
        // render old SDL1 blit canvas stuff to the main window
Esempio n. 11
/*GroupId TestScreen::GetGroupID()
    static GroupId grpID = CreateNextGroupID();
    return grpID;
    //throw std::exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
  bool TestScreen::OnInit( int argc, char* argv[] ){
      // Master()->GetMainCanvas();
      CMainCanvas* m_pMainCanvas = Master()->GetMainCanvas();

      //m_pBackground = CCanvas::CreateRGBCompatible(NULL, 1024, 768 - 320);
      //m_pBackground = CCanvas::CreateRGBCompatible(NULL, NULL, NULL);
      // Todo: c:\program files\graphviz 2.28\bin\LIBFREETYPE-6.DLL copy from DEPS
      m_pArialfont = TTF_OpenFont("D:/E/Projects/C++/Humbug/build/Humbug/src/Debug/arial.ttf", 30);
      mcol = CColor::White();
      SDL_Surface* tmpfsurf = ( m_Loader.FL_LOADIMG("Intro/TestScreenBg.png") );

      //SDL_SetColorKey(tmpfsurf, SDL_TRUE, 0xff00ff);
      //SDL_SetColorKey(m_pMainCanvas->GetSurface(), SDL_TRUE, 0xff00ff);
      //SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(tmpfsurf, 0);
      //SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(m_pMainCanvas->GetSurface(), 128);
      m_pBackground.reset( new CCanvas( tmpfsurf ) );

      //CCanvas tmpCanvas( tmpfsurf );

      //m_pMainCanvas->Blit(m_pMainCanvas->GetDimension(), tmpCanvas, tmpCanvas.GetDimension());
      //m_pBackground->Blit(m_pBackground->GetDimension(), tmpCanvas, tmpCanvas.GetDimension());
      m_pMainCanvas->AddUpdateRect( m_pBackground->GetDimension() );

      CColor m_colText = CColor::White();
      std::ostringstream outstring;
      outstring << "Bla fasel:" << gui::CApplication::ShownFrames();
      outstring << " ";

      //std::string pstr;
      outstring <<
      "Error error C2248: 'boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable::noncopyable' : cannot access private member "
      "declared in class " <<
      "'boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable'" << "\t" <<
      "d:/e/projects/c++/humbug/projects/humbug/src/gui/visual/Hookable.h" <<
      "\t" << "48" << "\t" << "Humbug" << "\r\n" <<
      "\r\n" <<
      "Error" << "\t" << "3" << "\t" <<
      "error C2248: 'boost::scoped_ptr<T>::scoped_ptr' : cannot access private member declared in "
      "class " <<
      "'boost::scoped_ptr<T>'" << "\t" <<
      "d:/e/projects/c++/humbug/projects/humbug/src/gui/visual/Hookable.h" << "\t" << "48" << "\t" <<
      "Humbug" << "\r\n" <<

      m_pScrollText.reset( new CText(m_pArialfont, outstring.str(), m_colText) );

      return Screen::OnInit(argc, argv);

      //return true;
  } // OnInit
Esempio n. 12
			/// List all available types
			static std::vector<std::string> List()
				std::vector<std::string> result;

				for (auto &t : Master().types)

				return result;
Esempio n. 13
			/// Create instances of all registered classes
			static std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<T>> CreateAll()
				std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<T>> result;

				for (auto &t : Master().types)
					result.insert(std::make_pair(t.first, std::unique_ptr<T>(t.second->constructor())));

				return result;
Esempio n. 14
int sc_main(int ac, char *av[])
  sc_signal<bool> data_ready;
  sc_signal<bool> data_ack;
  sc_signal<int> data;

  sc_clock clock("CLOCK", 10, SC_NS, 0.5, 0.0, SC_NS);

  proc1 Master("MasterProcess", clock, data_ack, data, data_ready);
  proc2 Slave("SlaveProcess", clock, data_ready, data, data_ack);

  cout << "SIMULATION COMPLETED AT TIME " << sc_time_stamp() << endl;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 15
bool Simulator_Base::Step_IO (void)
	if (Num_Threads () > 1) {
		return (io_barrier.Start ());
	} else {
		snapshot_output.Output_Check ();
		link_delay_output.Output_Check ();
		performance_output.Output_Check ();
		ridership_output.Output_Check ();
		turn_vol_output.Output_Check ();
		occupancy_output.Output_Check ();
#ifdef MPI_EXE
		problem_output.MPI_Processing ();
		event_output.MPI_Processing ();
		traveler_output.MPI_Processing ();
		if (Master ()) {
			return (sim_read_plans.Read_Plans ());
		} else {
			return (true);
Esempio n. 16
			/// Create an instance of the class from the given name
			/// Returns an empty unique_ptr if the class name cannot be found
			static std::unique_ptr<T> Create(std::string name)
				return Master().types.count(name)
					? std::unique_ptr<T>(Master().types[name]->constructor())
					: std::unique_ptr<T>();
Esempio n. 17
			/// Constructor takes the class name, referred to by the lowercase hyphenated
			/// name in the lookup table. It also takes a function which instantiates
			/// the derived type in question.
			Type(std::string name, std::function<T *()> constructor) : constructor(constructor)
				Master().types[String::hyphenate(name)] = this;
Esempio n. 18
void TripPrep::MPI_Setup (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	if (MPI_Size () == 1) return;

	int range [2];

	if (Master ()) {
		int num_parts, rank;
		Db_File temp_file;
		String key, dir;
		Integers count;
		Int_Itr itr;
		Int_RItr ritr;

		dir = Get_Control_String (PROJECT_DIRECTORY);
		if (!dir.empty ()) {
			Fix_Directory (dir);
		key = Get_Control_String (System_File_ID (TRIP));
		temp_file.Filename (dir + key);
		num_parts = temp_file.Num_Parts ();
		if (num_parts < 2) return;

		Write (1, "Number of MPI Processors = ") << MPI_Size ();
		Write (1, "Number of Trip Partitions = ") << num_parts;
		Write (1);

		count.assign (MPI_Size (), 0);

		for (itr = count.begin (); itr != count.end (); itr++) {
			if (--num_parts == 0) break;
		while (num_parts > 0) {
			for (ritr = count.rbegin (); ritr != count.rend (); ritr++) {
				if (--num_parts == 0) break;
		num_parts = 0;

		for (rank=0, itr = count.begin (); itr != count.end (); itr++, rank++) {
			range [0] = num_parts;
			num_parts += *itr;
			range [1] = num_parts - 1;

			if (rank == 0) {
				First_Partition (range [0]);
				Last_Partition (range [1]);
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Array (range, 2, rank);

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		Get_MPI_Array (range, 2, 0);

		First_Partition (range [0]);
		Last_Partition (range [1]);
Esempio n. 19
void PlanCompare::MPI_Processing (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	int i, lvalue [7], rank;

	if (Master ()) {
		Write (1);

		for (i=1; i < MPI_Size (); i++) {

			rank = Show_MPI_Message ();

			//---- retrieve the data buffer ----

			Get_MPI_Buffer (rank);
			if (mpi_buffer.Size () == 0) continue;

			//---- retrieve the plan statistics

			mpi_buffer.Get_Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

			plan_file->Add_Files (lvalue [0]);
			plan_file->Add_Records (lvalue [1]);
			plan_file->Add_Households (lvalue [2]);
			plan_file->Add_Persons (lvalue [3]);
			plan_file->Add_Tours (lvalue [4]);
			plan_file->Add_Trips (lvalue [5]);
			num_trips += lvalue [6];

			//---- retrieve the compare statistics

			mpi_buffer.Get_Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

			compare_file.Add_Files (lvalue [0]);
			compare_file.Add_Records (lvalue [1]);
			compare_file.Add_Households (lvalue [2]);
			compare_file.Add_Persons (lvalue [3]);
			compare_file.Add_Tours (lvalue [4]);
			compare_file.Add_Trips (lvalue [5]);
			num_compare += lvalue [6];

			//---- selection map data ----

			selected.UnPack (mpi_buffer);

			//---- time difference data ----

			if (time_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
				Difference_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (time_diff);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				time_diff.Merge_Data (temp);

			//---- cost difference data ----

			if (cost_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
				Difference_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (cost_diff);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				cost_diff.Merge_Data (temp);

			//---- time gap data ----

			if (time_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
				Trip_Gap_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (time_gap);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				time_gap.Merge_Data (temp);

			//---- cost gap data ----

			if (cost_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
				Trip_Gap_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (cost_gap);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				cost_gap.Merge_Data (temp);

		Show_Message (1);

		plan_file->Close ();
		compare_file.Close ();

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		if (Partition_Range ()) {
			Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Read %ss %d..%d") % MPI_Rank () % plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition () % Last_Partition ());
		} else {
			Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Read %s %d") % MPI_Rank () % plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition ());

		//---- send plan statistics ----

		lvalue [0] = plan_file->Num_Files ();
		lvalue [1] = plan_file->Num_Records ();
		lvalue [2] = plan_file->Num_Households ();
		lvalue [3] = plan_file->Num_Persons ();
		lvalue [4] = plan_file->Num_Tours ();
		lvalue [5] = plan_file->Num_Trips ();
		lvalue [6] = num_trips;
		plan_file->Close ();

		mpi_buffer.Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

		//---- send compare statistics ----

		lvalue [0] = compare_file.Num_Files ();
		lvalue [1] = compare_file.Num_Records ();
		lvalue [2] = compare_file.Num_Households ();
		lvalue [3] = compare_file.Num_Persons ();
		lvalue [4] = compare_file.Num_Tours ();
		lvalue [5] = compare_file.Num_Trips ();
		lvalue [6] = num_compare;
		compare_file.Close ();

		mpi_buffer.Add_Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

		//---- selection map data ----

		selected.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- time difference data ----

		if (time_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
			time_diff.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- cost difference data ----

		if (cost_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
			cost_diff.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- time gap data ----

		if (time_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
			time_gap.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- cost gap data ----

		if (cost_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
			cost_gap.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- send the data buffer ----

		Send_MPI_Buffer ();

		if (!new_plan_flag && !select_parts) Exit_Stat (DONE);
Esempio n. 20
    /** HopperScreen, OnInit:
     *  Detailed description.
     *  @param argc TODO
     * @param argv TODO
     * @return TODO
    bool HopperScreen::OnInit( int argc, char* argv[] ){
        // Master()->GetMainCanvas();
        CMainCanvas* m_pMainCanvas = Master()->GetMainCanvas();

        //m_pBackground = CCanvas::CreateRGBCompatible(NULL, 1024, 768 - 320);
        //m_pBackground = CCanvas::CreateRGBCompatible(NULL, NULL, NULL);
        // Todo: c:\program files\graphviz 2.28\bin\LIBFREETYPE-6.DLL copy from DEPS
        m_pArialfont = m_Loader.FL_LOADFONT("Fonts/ARIAL.TTF", 24);
        //m_pArialfont =
        // TTF_OpenFont("E:/Projects/C++/Humbug/projects/Humbug/Resources/Fonts/ARIAL.TTF", 24);
        mcol = CColor::White();
        SDL_Surface* tmpfsurf = ( m_Loader.FL_LOADIMG("Intro/HopperScreenBg.png") );

        //SDL_SetColorKey(tmpfsurf, SDL_TRUE, 0xff00ff);
        //SDL_SetColorKey(m_pMainCanvas->GetSurface(), SDL_TRUE, 0xff00ff);
        //SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(tmpfsurf, 0);
        //SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(m_pMainCanvas->GetSurface(), 128);
        m_pBackground.reset( new CCanvas( tmpfsurf ) );

        //CCanvas tmpCanvas( tmpfsurf );

        //m_pMainCanvas->Blit(m_pMainCanvas->GetDimension(), tmpCanvas, tmpCanvas.GetDimension());
        //m_pBackground->Blit(m_pBackground->GetDimension(), tmpCanvas, tmpCanvas.GetDimension());
        m_pMainCanvas->AddUpdateRect( m_pBackground->GetDimension() );

        CColor m_colText = CColor::White();
        std::ostringstream outstring;
        outstring << "Jedzia";
        outstring << " .................... ";
        outstring << "328.123.847";

        CText* text = new CText(m_pArialfont, outstring.str(), m_colText);

        //const boost::function<void(CCanvas*, int)> textMo = mtextfloat;
        //text->AddAnimator(boost::ref( mtextfloat ));
        text->AddAnimator( WavyTextFloat(64) );

        // ### Sprites ###
        m_pSprEye = new CSprite(m_Loader, "Sprites/male_sprites.png", m_pMainCanvas, CPoint(64, 0),
                CRectangle(0, 0, 64, 64) );
        m_pSprMgr->AddSprite(m_pSprEye, "mytag", hspriv::EyeMover(160, 8));
        //m_pSprMgr->AddSprite(m_pSprEye, boost::ref( pimpl_->eyemover ) );
        CSprite* m_pSprWormler = new CSprite(m_Loader, "Sprites/wormtiles.png", m_pMainCanvas, CPoint(0, 64),
                CRectangle(0, 0, 256, 64) );
        m_pSprWormler->SetColorAndAlpha(0xff00ff, 128);
        m_pSprMgr->AddSprite(m_pSprWormler, "mytag", hspriv::EyeMover(260, 40));

        //_crtBreakAlloc = pimpl_->allocReqNum+4;

        shost::ScriptHost shost;
        // shost.RunScript(m_Loader.FL_LOADASSTRING("Lua/funcret.lua"));
        //shost.RunScript6( m_Loader.FL_LOADASSTRING("Lua/globalclass.lua") );
		//shost.RunScript7( m_Loader.FL_LOADASSTRING("Lua/--FREE--.lua") );

		typedef shost::LuaScript<int, double, double> ScriptType;
		ScriptType::Script s = shost.generate<int, double, double>( m_Loader.FL_LOADASSTRING(
			"Lua/sprite1.lua"), "Ticks", "X", "Y" );
		pimpl_->script = s;

        world.FPS = CApplication::FramesCap();
        CRectangle screenRect = m_pMainCanvas->GetDimension();
        world.ScreenX = screenRect.GetW();
        world.ScreenY = screenRect.GetH();

		// Todo maybe an functor to initialize more global stuff
			.def("greet", &greetHopper)
			.def_readonly("FPS", &World::FPS)
			.def_readonly("ScreenX", &World::ScreenX)
			.def_readonly("ScreenY", &World::ScreenY);

		ScriptType::Script sprInit = shost.generate<int, double, double>( m_Loader.FL_LOADASSTRING(
			"Sprites/male_sprites.spr"), "Ticks", "X", "Y" );
		//ScriptType::Script sprInit = shost.generate<int, double, double>( m_Loader.FL_LOADASSTRING(
		//	"Sprites/male_sprites.spr"), "Ticks", "X", "Y" );

		TestClass st(12,99);

		(*sprInit->AddStatic(st))("TestClass", "tc")
			.def(luabind::constructor<std::vector<int> >())
			.def(luabind::constructor<int, int>())
			.def("get", &TestClass::get);

		//boost::shared_ptr<shost::LuaScript::register_binder<SpriteFrame >>& bla=
		int xyz = 55;

		typedef shost::LuaVarCapsule<luabind::class_<SpriteFrame>> SprCapsule;
		SprCapsule maleSpriteCap = shost::makeFarm(sprInit,
			.def(luabind::constructor<int, int>())
			.def("X", &SpriteFrame::X)
			.def("Y", &SpriteFrame::Y));

			.def(luabind::constructor<std::string, SpriteFrame>())
			.def("X", &SpriteMovieOld::X)
			.def("Y", &SpriteMovieOld::Y);

			.def(luabind::constructor<std::string, std::vector<SpriteFrame>>())
			.def("X", &SpriteMovie::X)
			.def("Y", &SpriteMovie::Y);

		//luabind::class_<SpriteFrame>& xasd = maleSpriteCap.Value();
		//SprCapsule::ObjType mmy(1,2);

				.def(luabind::constructor<std::vector<int> >())
				.def(luabind::constructor<int, int>())
				.def("get", &TestClass::get)

		int success = sprInit->run_script(99);

		luabind::object o3(luabind::globals(sprInit->L())["tcx"]);
		if (o3)
			// is_valid
			// ...

			int luatype = luabind::type(o3);
			if (luabind::type(o3) == LUA_TUSERDATA)
				TestClass otherValue = luabind::object_cast<TestClass>(o3);
				int abc = 4;

		SpriteFrame otherValue2(0,0);
		bool success3 = maleSpriteCap.GetLuaValue("spf", otherValue2);
		SpriteFrame otherValuex = maleSpriteCap.GetLuaValue("spf");

		SpriteFrame otherValue3(0,0);
		bool fsuccess = sprInit->GetLuaValue<SpriteFrame>("spf", otherValue3);

		luabind::object o4(luabind::globals(sprInit->L())["spf"]);
		if (o4)
			// is_valid
			// ...

			int luatype = luabind::type(o4);
			if (luabind::type(o4) == LUA_TUSERDATA)
				SpriteFrame otherValue = luabind::object_cast<SpriteFrame>(o4);
				int abc = 4;

		//SpriteMovie otherValue3(0,0);
		//fsuccess = sprInit->GetLuaValue<SpriteMovie>("spMovie", otherValue3);
		SpriteMovieOld smovieOld = sprInit->GetLuaValue<SpriteMovieOld>("spMovieOld");
		SpriteMovie smovie = sprInit->GetLuaValue<SpriteMovie>("spMovie");

		//int *x = new int(666);

        return Screen::OnInit(argc, argv);
    } // OnInit
Esempio n. 21
void PlanCompare::MPI_Close (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	int i, lvalue [6], rank;

	if (Master ()) {
		if (new_plan_flag) {
			Show_Message (1);

			for (i=1; i < MPI_Size (); i++) {

				rank = Show_MPI_Message ();

				//---- retrieve the new plan statistics

				Get_MPI_Array (lvalue, 6, rank);

				new_plan_file->Add_Files (lvalue [0]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Records (lvalue [1]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Households (lvalue [2]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Persons (lvalue [3]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Tours (lvalue [4]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Trips (lvalue [5]);
			new_plan_file->Close ();

		//---- write the new selection file ----

		if (select_parts) {
			Show_Message (1);

			select_map.swap (selected);
			Write_Selections ();

			for (i=1; i < MPI_Size (); i++) {
				Show_MPI_Message ();
		Show_Message (1);

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		if (new_plan_flag) {
			if (Partition_Range ()) {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %ss %d..%d") % MPI_Rank () % new_plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition () % Last_Partition ());
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %s %d") % MPI_Rank () % new_plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition ());

			//---- send new plan statistics ----

			lvalue [0] = new_plan_file->Num_Files ();
			lvalue [1] = new_plan_file->Num_Records ();
			lvalue [2] = new_plan_file->Num_Households ();
			lvalue [3] = new_plan_file->Num_Persons ();
			lvalue [4] = new_plan_file->Num_Tours ();
			lvalue [5] = new_plan_file->Num_Trips ();
			new_plan_file->Close ();

			Send_MPI_Array (lvalue, 6);

		//---- write the new selection file ----

		if (select_parts) {
			select_map.swap (selected);
			Write_Selections ();

			Selection_File *file = System_Selection_File (true);

			if (Partition_Range ()) {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %ss %d..%d") % MPI_Rank () % file->File_Type () % First_Partition () % Last_Partition ());
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %s %d") % MPI_Rank () % file->File_Type () % First_Partition ());
		Exit_Stat (DONE);
Esempio n. 22
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  //Control number of input parameter
    return 1;
  //MPI vars
  int error = 0; // mi restituisce gli errori mpi
  int nproc = 0; // numero processori totali 
  int myid  = 0; // id singolo processore
  //init MPI
  error = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  //init MPI Comm
  error = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
  error = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
  //check directory
  char * dirIn;
  char * dirOut;
  char * istant;
  dirIn = (char *) malloc(500*sizeof(char ));
  dirOut = (char *) malloc(500*sizeof(char ));
  istant = (char *) malloc(100*sizeof(char ));
  //printf("I'm %d of %d\n",myid,nproc);
  // read number of json file in input dir
  int numFile = 0;
  numFile = readDirectoryNum(dirIn);
  //create file list structure
  char ** list;
  list = (char **) malloc(numFile*sizeof(char*));
  for(int i=0;i<numFile;i++)
    list[i] = (char *) malloc(200*sizeof(char));
  // read list file in input directory
  if(myid == 0)
    printf("GILLESPIE HT v 1.0 \n");
    printf("Gillespie algo high throughput software\n");
    printf("Created by Eric Pascolo (set 2014)\n");
      printf("\tParallel Run with %d slave\n",nproc-1);
      printf("\tSerial Run\n");
    printf("\tThreads/Task : %d \n",omp_get_max_threads());
    printf("\tInput directory : %s \n",dirIn);
    printf("\tOutput directory : %s \n",dirOut);
    printf("\tNumber of file: %d \n",numFile);
    printf("\nBEGIN Simulation at %s\n",getTime(istant));
    printf("\tLIST FILE\n");
    for(int i=0;i<numFile;i++)
      printf("\t%5d %20s\n",i,list[i]);
  if(myid == 0)
  if(myid == 0)
    printf("\nEND Simulation at %s\n",getTime(istant));
  error = MPI_Finalize();
  return 0;
Esempio n. 23
void PlanSum::Program_Control (void)
	String key;
	bool link_flag, report_flag;

	link_flag = report_flag = false;

	if (!Set_Control_Flag (UPDATE_FLOW_RATES) && !Set_Control_Flag (UPDATE_TRAVEL_TIMES)) {
		System_File_False (NEW_LINK_DELAY);

	//---- initialize the MPI thread range ----

	MPI_Setup ();

	//---- set equivalence flags ---
	if (Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP) || Report_Flag (RIDER_GROUP)) {
		Link_Equiv_Flag (true);
		link_flag = true;
	if (skim_flag || trip_flag) {
		Zone_Equiv_Flag (true);
		zone_flag = true;
	Stop_Equiv_Flag (Report_Flag (STOP_GROUP));

	//---- create the network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();
	Read_Select_Keys ();
	Read_Flow_Time_Keys ();

	plan_file = (Plan_File *) System_File_Handle (PLAN);
	if (!plan_file->Part_Flag ()) Num_Threads (1);

	select_flag = System_File_Flag (SELECTION);
	new_delay_flag = System_File_Flag (NEW_LINK_DELAY);

	if (System_File_Flag (LINK_DELAY)) {
		link_flag = true;
		Link_Delay_File *file = (Link_Delay_File *) System_File_Handle (LINK_DELAY);
		turn_flag = file->Turn_Flag ();
	if (new_delay_flag) {
		link_flag = true;
		Link_Delay_File *file = (Link_Delay_File *) System_File_Handle (NEW_LINK_DELAY);
		turn_flag = file->Turn_Flag ();
	} else {
		turn_flag = System_File_Flag (CONNECTION);
	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	//---- new trip time file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TRIP_TIME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		time_file.File_Type ("New Trip Time File");
		time_file.File_ID ("Time");

		if (Master ()) {
			time_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		time_flag = true;

	//---- new link volume file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_VOLUME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		volume_file.File_Type ("New Link Volume File");
		volume_file.File_ID ("Volume");

		if (Master ()) {
			volume_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

			volume_file.Num_Decimals (1);
			volume_file.Data_Units (Performance_Units_Map (FLOW_DATA));
			volume_file.Copy_Periods (sum_periods);

			volume_file.Create_Fields ();
			volume_file.Write_Header ();
		volume_flag = new_delay_flag = link_flag = true;

	//---- read report types ----

	List_Reports ();

	if (Report_Flag (TOP_100) || Report_Flag (VC_RATIO) || Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP)) {
		new_delay_flag = link_flag = report_flag = true;
		cap_factor = (double) sum_periods.Range_Length () / (Dtime (1, HOURS) * sum_periods.Num_Periods ());
	if (link_flag && (!System_File_Flag (LINK) || !System_File_Flag (NODE))) {
		Error ("Link and Node Files are Required for Link-Based Output");
	if (System_File_Flag (LANE_USE) && !System_File_Flag (LINK)) {
		Error ("A Link File is Required for Lane-Use Processing");
	travel_flag = Report_Flag (SUM_TRAVEL);

	//---- ridership summary ----

	passenger_flag = Report_Flag (SUM_PASSENGERS);
	transfer_flag = (Report_Flag (SUM_STOPS) || Report_Flag (STOP_GROUP));
	rider_flag = (System_File_Flag (NEW_RIDERSHIP) || Report_Flag (SUM_RIDERS) || Report_Flag (RIDER_GROUP));
	xfer_flag = Report_Flag (SUM_TRANSFERS);
	xfer_detail = Report_Flag (XFER_DETAILS);

	if (passenger_flag || transfer_flag || rider_flag || xfer_flag || xfer_detail) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) || !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_ROUTE) ||
			!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE)) {

			Error ("Transit Network Files are Required for Ridership Output");
		if ((passenger_flag || rider_flag) && !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER)) {
			Error ("A Transit Driver File is needed for Passengers Summaries");
	} else {
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_STOP);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_ROUTE);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_DRIVER);

	//---- process support data ----

	if (Link_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		link_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (LINK_EQUIV));
	if (Zone_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		zone_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (ZONE_EQUIV));
	if (Stop_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		stop_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (STOP_EQUIV));

	//---- allocate work space ----

	if (time_flag || Report_Flag (TRIP_TIME)) {
		time_flag = true;

		int periods = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();
		start_time.assign (periods, 0);
		mid_time.assign (periods, 0);
		end_time.assign (periods, 0);

	//---- transfer arrays ----

	if (xfer_flag || xfer_detail) {
		Integers rail;

		rail.assign (10, 0);
		total_on_array.assign (10, rail);

		if (xfer_detail) {
			int num = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();
			if (num < 1) num = 1;

			walk_on_array.assign (num, total_on_array);
			drive_on_array.assign (num, total_on_array);

	//---- initialize the trip summary data ----

	if (travel_flag) {
		trip_sum_data.Copy_Periods (sum_periods);

	//---- initialize the passenger summary data ----

	if (passenger_flag) {
		pass_sum_data.Copy_Periods (sum_periods);
Esempio n. 24
bool Simulator_Base::Start_Simulator (void)
	int num;
	Int2_Map_Itr part_itr;
	Int2_Map_Data part_rec;
	Int2_Array int2_array;

	//---- read the first travel plan ----

	if (Master ()) {
		if (!sim_read_plans.First_Plan ()) return (false);

	//---- create simulators ----

	num = Last_Part () - First_Part () + 1;
	Num_Simulators (num);

	simulator = new Sim_Method * [num];

	if (Num_Parts () > 1) {
		for (part_itr = part_map.begin (); part_itr != part_map.end (); part_itr++) {
			if (part_itr->second >= First_Part () && part_itr->second <= Last_Part ()) {
				part_rec = *part_itr;
				num = part_itr->second - First_Part ();
				simulator [num] = new Sim_Method (*this, &part_rec);
	} else {
		*simulator = new Sim_Method (*this);

	//---- create the partition lists ----

	work_step.Num_Workers (Num_Simulators ());
	transfers.assign (Num_Simulators (), int2_array);

	if (Num_Threads () == 1) {
		work_step.Num_Barriers (0);
		xfer_barrier.Num_Barriers (0);
		veh_barrier.Num_Barriers (0);
	} else {
		xfer_barrier.Num_Barriers (Num_Simulators ());
		veh_barrier.Num_Barriers (Num_Simulators ());

	//---- create output threads ----

	if (Num_Threads () > 1) {
		int num_barrier = (int) snapshot_output.Output_Flag () + (int) link_delay_output.Output_Flag () + 
			(int) performance_output.Output_Flag () + (int) ridership_output.Output_Flag () + 
			(int) turn_vol_output.Output_Flag () + (int) occupancy_output.Output_Flag ();

		if (Master ()) {
#ifdef MPI_EXE
		if (problem_output.Output_Flag ()) num_barrier++;
		if (event_output.Output_Flag ()) num_barrier++;
		if (traveler_output.Output_Flag ()) num_barrier++;
		io_barrier.Num_Barriers (num_barrier);

		if (Master ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (sim_read_plans));
		if (snapshot_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (snapshot_output));
		if (link_delay_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (link_delay_output));
		if (performance_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (performance_output));
		if (ridership_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (ridership_output));
		if (turn_vol_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (turn_vol_output));
		if (occupancy_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (occupancy_output));

		//---- not barrier controlled unless MPI ----

		if (problem_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (problem_output));
		if (event_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (event_output));
		if (traveler_output.Output_Flag ()) {
			io_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (traveler_output));

	//---- processing threads ---

	num = (Num_Threads () > Num_Simulators ()) ? Num_Simulators () : Num_Threads ();

	step_preps = new Step_Preps * [num];
	boundaries = new Boundaries * [num];
	processors = new Processors * [num];

	for (int i=0; i < num; i++) {
		step_preps [i] = new Step_Preps (this);
		boundaries [i] = new Boundaries (this);
		processors [i] = new Processors (this);

		if (Num_Threads () > 1) {
			sim_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (*step_preps [i]));
			sim_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (*boundaries [i]));
			sim_threads.create_thread (boost::ref (*processors [i]));
	return (true);
Esempio n. 25
// Do the initialization tasks. This is where all the buttons are created
void Board::init()
    layout = new QVBoxLayout;          // Create a vertical layout for a column of buttons
    QLabel *status =new QLabel("        Score");
    QLabel *status2 = new QLabel("    Chances Left");
    QLabel *Name =new QLabel("         Player Name");

    QPushButton *b = new QPushButton(tr("Restart")); // create a button for restarting the game
    connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restartGame()));           // connect restart button to restartGame function
    layout->addWidget(b);        // add the restart button to the button row

    b = new QPushButton(tr("Top 10"));   // Create a button for showing top 10 high scores
    connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(topTen()));   // connect this button to high score function
    layout->addWidget(b);                           // Add it to the row of buttons

    b = new QPushButton(tr("Help"));    //Creat a button for showing helpful instructions
    connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(help()));  //connect this button to help function
    layout->addWidget(b);                               //add it to the row of buttons

    QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout;
    rbn = new QRadioButton(tr("Novice"));
    connect(rbn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(Novice()));
    vbox->addWidget(rbn);                           // Add it to the row of buttons

    rbe = new QRadioButton(tr("Expert"));
    connect(rbe, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(Expert()));
    vbox->addWidget(rbe);                           // Add it to the row of buttons

    rbm = new QRadioButton(tr("Master"));
    connect(rbm, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(Master()));
    vbox->addWidget(rbm);                           // Add it to the row of buttons

    QGroupBox *bg = new QGroupBox(tr("Game Mode"));

    QWidget *window = new QWidget;      // create a window to whold the row of buttons
    window->setLayout(layout);          // add the row of buttons to this window
    window->move(W+2*T,0);                // position it at the right edge
    this->scene()->addWidget(window);   // add the button window to the scene

    turn=new QLCDNumber(1);     //creates QLCDNumber to hold remaining shots

    layout->addWidget(status);                  //adds text label to say score
    showscore=new QLCDNumber(10);               //creates QLCDNumber to show score
    layout->addWidget(showscore);                //adds a box to display the score
    showscore->display(0);                      //sets the score

    showtimer=new QLabel("     Time Left (ms)");    //label to say time left

    int y=Bubble::R*17+2;

    for(int i=0; i<9; i++)              //draws 9 rows of random coloured bubbles
        int x=Bubble::R+3;
        for(int p=0; p<17; p++)         // draws 17 column of random coloured bubbles
            start.append(new Bubble(random(rand1),shootAngle));
    first=random(first);            //gives first a new random colour
    next=random(next);              //gives next a new random colour
    FirstandSecond.append(new Bubble(first,shootAngle));    //adds new bubble to be shot next
    FirstandSecond.append(new Bubble(next,shootAngle));     //adds new bubble to be shot after that

    gameStart();                                    // calls function to diplay ten highest scores

Esempio n. 26
int mpidag(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int numprocs;
    program = argv[0];
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
    std::list<char *> flags;
    for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
    std::string outfile;
    std::string errfile;
    std::string logfile;
    std::list<std::string> args;
    int loglevel = LOG_INFO;
    bool skiprescue = false;
    int max_failures = 0;
    int tries = 1;
    while (flags.size() > 0) {
        std::string flag = flags.front();
        if (flag == "-h" || flag == "--help") {
            return 0;
        } else if (flag == "-o" || flag == "--stdout") {
            if (flags.size() == 0) {
                if (rank == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "-o/--stdout requires PATH\n");
                return 1;
            outfile = flags.front();
        } else if (flag == "-e" || flag == "--stderr") {
            if (flags.size() == 0) {
                if (rank == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "-e/--stderr requires PATH\n");
                return 1;
            errfile = flags.front();
        } else if (flag == "-q" || flag == "--quiet") {
            loglevel -= 1;
        } else if (flag == "-v" || flag == "--verbose") {
            loglevel += 1;
        } else if (flag == "-L" || flag == "--logfile") {
            if (flags.size() == 0) {
                if (rank == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "-L/--logfile requires PATH\n");
                return 1;
            logfile = flags.front();
        } else if (flag == "-s" || flag == "--skip-rescue") {
            skiprescue = true;
        } else if (flag == "-m" || flag == "--max-failures") {
            if (flags.size() == 0) {
                if (rank == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "-m/--max-failures requires N\n");
                return 1;
            std::string N = flags.front();
            if (!sscanf(N.c_str(), "%d", &max_failures)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "N for -m/--max-failures is invalid\n");
                return 1;
            if (max_failures < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "N for -m/--max-failures must be >= 0\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (flag == "-t" || flag == "--tries") {
            if (flags.size() == 0) {
                if (rank == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "-t/--tries requires N\n");
                return 1;
            std::string N = flags.front();
            if (!sscanf(N.c_str(), "%d", &tries)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "N for -t/--tries is invalid\n");
                return 1;
            if (tries < 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "N for -t/--tries must be >= 1\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (flag[0] == '-') {
            if (rank == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized argument: %s\n", flag.c_str());
            return 1;
        } else {
    if (args.size() == 0) {
        return 1;
    if (args.size() > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument\n");
        return 1;
    std::string dagfile = args.front();
    if (numprocs < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "At least one worker process is required\n");
        return 1;
    // Everything is pretty deterministic up until the processes reach
    // this point. Once we get here the different processes can diverge 
    // in their behavior for many reasons (file systems issues, bad nodes,
    // etc.), so be careful how failures are handled after this point
    // and make sure MPI_Abort is called when something bad happens.
    char dotrank[25];
    sprintf(dotrank, ".%d", rank);
    FILE *log = NULL;
    if (logfile.size() > 0) {
        logfile += dotrank;
        log = fopen(logfile.c_str(), "w");
        if (log == NULL) {
            failure("Unable to open log file: %s: %s\n", 
                logfile.c_str(), strerror(errno));
    try {
        if (rank == 0) {
            // IMPORTANT: The rank 0 process figures out the names
            // of these files so that we don't have 1000 workers all
            // slamming the file system with stat() calls to check if
            // the out/err/rescue files exist. The master will figure
            // it out here, and then broadcast it to the workers when
            // it starts up.
            // Determine task stdout file
            if (outfile.size() == 0) {
                outfile = dagfile;
                outfile += ".out";
            log_debug("Using stdout file: %s", outfile.c_str());
            // Determine task stderr file
            if (errfile.size() == 0) {
                errfile = dagfile;
                errfile += ".err";
            log_debug("Using stderr file: %s", errfile.c_str());
            // Determine old and new rescue files
            std::string rescuebase = dagfile;
            rescuebase += ".rescue";
            std::string oldrescue;
            std::string newrescue = rescuebase;
            int next = next_retry_file(newrescue);
            if (next == 0 || skiprescue) {
                // Either there is no old rescue file, or the
                // user doesnt want to read it.
                oldrescue = "";
            } else {
                char rbuf[5];
                snprintf(rbuf, 5, ".%03d", next-1);
                oldrescue = rescuebase;
                oldrescue += rbuf;
            log_debug("Using old rescue file: %s", oldrescue.c_str());
            log_debug("Using new rescue file: %s", newrescue.c_str());
            DAG dag(dagfile, oldrescue);
            Engine engine(dag, newrescue, max_failures, tries);
            return Master(engine, dag, outfile, errfile).run();
        } else {
            return Worker().run();
    } catch (...) {
        // Make sure we close the log
        if (log != NULL) {
    if (log != NULL) {

    return 0;