Esempio n. 1
void LoadEntities (void)
	char 		*data;
	entity_t	*entity;
	char		key[64];	
	epair_t		*epair;

	// jkrige
	double   vec[3];
    int      i;
    int      num_lights;
	// jkrige
	data = dentdata;
// start parsing
	num_entities = 0;
	num_lights = 0; // jkrige
// go through all the entities
	while (1)
	// parse the opening brace	
		data = COM_Parse (data);
		if (!data)
		if (com_token[0] != '{')
			logerror ("LoadEntities: found %s when expecting {",com_token); // jkrige - was Error()

		if (num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES)
			logerror ("LoadEntities: MAX_MAP_ENTITIES"); // jkrige - was Error()
		entity = &entities[num_entities];

		// jkrige
		// flag to indicate use of mangle key
		entity->use_mangle = false;
		// jkrige
	// go through all the keys in this entity
		while (1)
			int		c;

		// parse key
			data = COM_Parse (data);
			if (!data)
				logerror ("LoadEntities: EOF without closing brace"); // jkrige - was Error()
			if (!strcmp(com_token,"}"))
			strcpy (key, com_token);

		// parse value
			data = COM_Parse (data);
			if (!data)
				logerror ("LoadEntities: EOF without closing brace"); // jkrige - was Error()
			c = com_token[0];
			if (c == '}')
				logerror ("LoadEntities: closing brace without data"); // jkrige - was Error()
			epair = malloc (sizeof(epair_t));
			memset (epair, 0, sizeof(epair));
			strcpy (epair->key, key);
			strcpy (epair->value, com_token);
			epair->next = entity->epairs;
			entity->epairs = epair;
			if (!strcmp(key, "classname"))
				strcpy (entity->classname, com_token);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "target"))
				strcpy (entity->target, com_token);			
			else if (!strcmp(key, "targetname"))
				strcpy (entity->targetname, com_token);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "origin"))
				// jkrige
				//if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf",
				//		&entity->origin[0],
				//		&entity->origin[1],
				//		&entity->origin[2]) != 3)
				//	Error ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for origin");
				if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
                    logerror ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for origin"); // jkrige - was Error()
                for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                    entity->origin[i] = vec[i];
				// jkrige
			else if (!strncmp(key, "light", 5))
				entity->light = atoi(com_token);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
				entity->style = atoi(com_token);
				if ((unsigned)entity->style > 254)
					logerror ("Bad light style %i (must be 0-254)", entity->style); // jkrige - was Error()
			else if (!strcmp(key, "angle"))
				entity->angle = (float)atof(com_token);
			// jkrige
			else if (!strcmp(key, "wait"))
                entity->atten = (float)atof(com_token);
            else if (!strcmp(key, "delay"))
                entity->formula = atoi(com_token);
            else if (!strcmp(key, "mangle"))
                // scan into doubles, then assign
				// which makes it vec_t size independent
                if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
                    logerror ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for mangle"); // jkrige - was Error()

                // Precalculate the direction vector
                entity->use_mangle = true;
				//vec_from_mangle(entity->mangle, vec);
                entity->mangle[0] = cos(vec[0]*Q_PI/180)*cos(vec[1]*Q_PI/180);
                entity->mangle[1] = sin(vec[0]*Q_PI/180)*cos(vec[1]*Q_PI/180);
                entity->mangle[2] = sin(vec[1]*Q_PI/180);
#ifdef HX2COLOR
			else if (!strcmp(key, "_color") || !strcmp(key, "color"))
                // scan into doubles, then assign
				// which makes it vec_t size independent
                if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
                    logerror ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for colour"); // jkrige - was Error()
                for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                    //entity->lightcolor[i] = (int)vec[i]*255; // jkrige - added (int)
					entity->lightcolor[i] = (int)vec[i]; // jkrige - added (int)
			else if (!strcmp(key, "_minlight_color") || !strcmp(key, "minlight_color"))
                // scan into doubles, then assign
                // which makes it vec_t size independent
                if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
                    logerror ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for _minlight_color"); // jkrige - was Error()
                for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                    //minlight_color[i] = vec[i]*255;
					minlight_color[i] = vec[i];

			/*else if (!strcmp(key, "_sunlight"))
                sunlight = (int)atof(com_token);
            else if (!strcmp(key, "_sun_mangle"))
                // scan into doubles, then assign
                // which makes it vec_t size independent
                if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
                    Error ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for _sun_mangle");

                // Precalculate sun vector and
                // make it too large to fit into the map
				vec_from_mangle(sunmangle, vec);
                //sunmangle[0] = cos(vec[0]*Q_PI/180)*cos(vec[1]*Q_PI/180);
                //sunmangle[1] = sin(vec[0]*Q_PI/180)*cos(vec[1]*Q_PI/180);
                //sunmangle[2] = sin(vec[1]*Q_PI/180);
                VectorScale(sunmangle, -16384, sunmangle);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "_sunlight_color"))
                // scan into doubles, then assign
                // which makes it vec_t size independent
                if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
                    Error ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for _sunlight_color");
                for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                    sunlight_color[i] = vec[i];
			// jkrige

	// all fields have been parsed
		// jkrige
		//if (!strncmp (entity->classname, "light", 5) && !entity->light)
		//	entity->light = DEFAULTLIGHTLEVEL;
		if (!strncmp (entity->classname, "light", 5))
            if (!entity->light)
                entity->light = DEFAULTLIGHTLEVEL;
            if (entity->atten <= 0.0)
                entity->atten = 1.0;
            if ((entity->formula < 0) || (entity->formula > 3))
                entity->formula = 0;
#ifdef HX2COLOR
            if (!entity->lightcolor[0] && !entity->lightcolor[1] && !entity->lightcolor[2])
				entity->lightcolor[0] = 255;
                entity->lightcolor[1] = 255;
                entity->lightcolor[2] = 255;
		// jkrige

		//if (!strncmp (entity->classname, "light", 5))
		if (!strcmp (entity->classname, "light"))  // jkrige
			if (entity->targetname[0] && !entity->style)
				char	s[16];
				entity->style = LightStyleForTargetname (entity->targetname, true);
				sprintf (s,"%i", entity->style);
				SetKeyValue (entity, "style", s);

		// jkrige
		if (!strcmp (entity->classname, "worldspawn"))
            if (entity->light > 0 && !worldminlight)
                worldminlight = entity->light;
                logprint("Using minlight value %i from worldspawn.\n", worldminlight);
            } else if (worldminlight)
                logprint("Using minlight value %i from command line.\n", worldminlight);
		// jkrige


	//logprint ("%d entities read\n", num_entities);
	logprint ("%d entities read, %d are lights.\n", num_entities, num_lights); // jkrige

	MatchTargets ();
Esempio n. 2
void LoadEntities (void)
	char 		*data;
	entity_t	*entity;
	char		key[64];	
	epair_t		*epair;
	double		vec[3];
	int			i;

	data = dentdata;
// start parsing
	num_entities = 0;
// go through all the entities
	while (1)
	// parse the opening brace	
		data = COM_Parse (data);
		if (!data)
		if (com_token[0] != '{')
			Error ("LoadEntities: found %s when expecting {",com_token);

		if (num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES)
			Error ("LoadEntities: MAX_MAP_ENTITIES");
		entity = &entities[num_entities];
	// go through all the keys in this entity
		while (1)
			int		c;

		// parse key
			data = COM_Parse (data);
			if (!data)
				Error ("LoadEntities: EOF without closing brace");
			if (!strcmp(com_token,"}"))
			strcpy (key, com_token);

		// parse value
			data = COM_Parse (data);
			if (!data)
				Error ("LoadEntities: EOF without closing brace");
			c = com_token[0];
			if (c == '}')
				Error ("LoadEntities: closing brace without data");
			epair = malloc (sizeof(epair_t));
			memset (epair, 0, sizeof(epair));
			strcpy (epair->key, key);
			strcpy (epair->value, com_token);
			epair->next = entity->epairs;
			entity->epairs = epair;
			if (!strcmp(key, "classname"))
				strcpy (entity->classname, com_token);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "target"))
				strcpy (entity->target, com_token);			
			else if (!strcmp(key, "targetname"))
				strcpy (entity->targetname, com_token);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "origin"))
				// scan into doubles, then assign
				// which makes it vec_t size independent
				if (sscanf(com_token, "%lf %lf %lf",
						&vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
					Error ("LoadEntities: not 3 values for origin");
				for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
					entity->origin[i] = vec[i];
			else if (!strncmp(key, "light", 5) || !strcmp (key, "_light") )
				entity->light = atof(com_token);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
				entity->style = atof(com_token);
				if ((unsigned)entity->style > 254)
					Error ("Bad light style %i (must be 0-254)", entity->style);
			else if (!strcmp(key, "angle"))
				entity->angle = atof(com_token);

	// all fields have been parsed
		if (!strncmp (entity->classname, "light", 5) && !entity->light)
			entity->light = DEFAULTLIGHTLEVEL;

		if (!strcmp (entity->classname, "light"))
			if (entity->targetname[0] && !entity->style)
				char	s[16];
				entity->style = LightStyleForTargetname (entity->targetname, true);
				sprintf (s,"%i", entity->style);
				SetKeyValue (entity, "style", s);

	printf ("%d entities read\n", num_entities);

	MatchTargets ();