Esempio n. 1
* R_BrushModelBBox
float R_BrushModelBBox( const entity_t *e, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, qboolean *rotated )
	int i;
	const model_t	*model = e->model;

	if( !Matrix3_Compare( e->axis, axis_identity ) )
		if( rotated )
			*rotated = qtrue;
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			mins[i] = e->origin[i] - model->radius * e->scale;
			maxs[i] = e->origin[i] + model->radius * e->scale;
		return model->radius * e->scale;
		if( rotated )
			*rotated = qfalse;
		VectorMA( e->origin, e->scale, model->mins, mins );
		VectorMA( e->origin, e->scale, model->maxs, maxs );
		return RadiusFromBounds( mins, maxs );
Esempio n. 2
* R_AddPortalSurface
portalSurface_t *R_AddPortalSurface( const entity_t *ent, const mesh_t *mesh, 
	const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const shader_t *shader )
	unsigned int i;
	float dist;
	cplane_t plane, untransformed_plane;
	vec3_t v[3];
	portalSurface_t *portalSurface;

	if( !mesh ) {
		return NULL;

		// r_fastsky doesn't affect portalmaps
		return NULL;

	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
		VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[i]], v[i] );

	PlaneFromPoints( v, &untransformed_plane );
	untransformed_plane.dist += DotProduct( ent->origin, untransformed_plane.normal );
	CategorizePlane( &untransformed_plane );

	if( shader->flags & SHADER_AUTOSPRITE )
		vec3_t centre;

		// autosprites are quads, facing the viewer
		if( mesh->numVerts < 4 ) {
			return NULL;

		// compute centre as average of 4 vertices
		VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[3]], centre );
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			VectorAdd( centre, v[i], centre );
		VectorMA( ent->origin, 0.25, centre, centre );

		VectorNegate( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_FORWARD], plane.normal );
		plane.dist = DotProduct( plane.normal, centre );
		CategorizePlane( &plane );
		vec3_t temp;
		mat3_t entity_rotation;

		// regular surfaces
		if( !Matrix3_Compare( ent->axis, axis_identity ) )
			Matrix3_Transpose( ent->axis, entity_rotation );

			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
				VectorCopy( v[i], temp );
				Matrix3_TransformVector( entity_rotation, temp, v[i] ); 
				VectorMA( ent->origin, ent->scale, v[i], v[i] );

			PlaneFromPoints( v, &plane );
			CategorizePlane( &plane );
			plane = untransformed_plane;

	if( ( dist = PlaneDiff( rn.viewOrigin, &plane ) ) <= BACKFACE_EPSILON )
		// behind the portal plane
		if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) ) {
			return NULL;

		// we need to render the backplane view

	// check if portal view is opaque due to alphagen portal
	if( shader->portalDistance && dist > shader->portalDistance ) {
		return NULL;

	// find the matching portal plane
	for( i = 0; i < rn.numPortalSurfaces; i++ ) {
		portalSurface = &rn.portalSurfaces[i];

		if( portalSurface->entity == ent &&
			portalSurface->shader == shader &&
			DotProduct( portalSurface->plane.normal, plane.normal ) > 0.99f &&
			fabs( portalSurface->plane.dist - plane.dist ) < 0.1f ) {
				goto addsurface;

		// not enough space
		return NULL;

	portalSurface = &rn.portalSurfaces[rn.numPortalSurfaces++];
	portalSurface->entity = ent;
	portalSurface->plane = plane;
	portalSurface->shader = shader;
	portalSurface->untransformed_plane = untransformed_plane;
	ClearBounds( portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs );
	memset( portalSurface->texures, 0, sizeof( portalSurface->texures ) );

	AddPointToBounds( mins, portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs );
	AddPointToBounds( maxs, portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs );
	VectorAdd( portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs, portalSurface->centre );
	VectorScale( portalSurface->centre, 0.5, portalSurface->centre );

	return portalSurface;
Esempio n. 3
* R_TraceLine
static msurface_t *R_TransformedTraceLine( rtrace_t *tr, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
										   entity_t *test, int surfumask ) {
	model_t *model;

	r_traceframecount++;    // for multi-check avoidance

	// fill in a default trace
	memset( tr, 0, sizeof( *tr ) );

	trace_surface = NULL;
	trace_umask = surfumask;
	trace_fraction = 1;
	VectorCopy( end, trace_impact );
	memset( &trace_plane, 0, sizeof( trace_plane ) );

	ClearBounds( trace_absmins, trace_absmaxs );
	AddPointToBounds( start, trace_absmins, trace_absmaxs );
	AddPointToBounds( end, trace_absmins, trace_absmaxs );

	model = test->model;
	if( model ) {
		if( model->type == mod_brush ) {
			mbrushmodel_t *bmodel = ( mbrushmodel_t * )model->extradata;
			vec3_t temp, start_l, end_l;
			mat3_t axis;
			bool rotated = !Matrix3_Compare( test->axis, axis_identity );

			// transform
			VectorSubtract( start, test->origin, start_l );
			VectorSubtract( end, test->origin, end_l );
			if( rotated ) {
				VectorCopy( start_l, temp );
				Matrix3_TransformVector( test->axis, temp, start_l );
				VectorCopy( end_l, temp );
				Matrix3_TransformVector( test->axis, temp, end_l );

			VectorCopy( start_l, trace_start );
			VectorCopy( end_l, trace_end );

			// world uses a recursive approach using BSP tree, submodels
			// just walk the list of surfaces linearly
			if( test->model == rsh.worldModel ) {
				R_RecursiveHullCheck( bmodel->nodes, start_l, end_l );
			} else if( BoundsIntersect( model->mins, model->maxs, trace_absmins, trace_absmaxs ) ) {
				R_TraceAgainstBmodel( bmodel );

			// transform back
			if( rotated && trace_fraction != 1 ) {
				Matrix3_Transpose( test->axis, axis );
				VectorCopy( tr->plane.normal, temp );
				Matrix3_TransformVector( axis, temp, trace_plane.normal );

	// calculate the impact plane, if any
	if( trace_fraction < 1 && trace_surface != NULL ) {
		VectorNormalize( trace_plane.normal );
		trace_plane.dist = DotProduct( trace_plane.normal, trace_impact );
		CategorizePlane( &trace_plane );

		tr->shader = trace_surface->shader;
		tr->plane = trace_plane;
		tr->surfFlags = trace_surface->flags;
		tr->ent = R_ENT2NUM( test );

	tr->fraction = trace_fraction;
	VectorCopy( trace_impact, tr->endpos );

	return trace_surface;
Esempio n. 4
* R_UpdatePortalSurface
void R_UpdatePortalSurface( portalSurface_t *portalSurface, const mesh_t *mesh,
	const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const shader_t *shader ) {
	unsigned int i;
	float dist;
	cplane_t plane, untransformed_plane;
	vec3_t v[3];
	const entity_t *ent;

	if( !mesh || !portalSurface ) {

	ent = portalSurface->entity;

	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
		VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[i]], v[i] );

	PlaneFromPoints( v, &untransformed_plane );
	untransformed_plane.dist += DotProduct( ent->origin, untransformed_plane.normal );
	untransformed_plane.dist += 1; // nudge along the normal a bit
	CategorizePlane( &untransformed_plane );

	if( shader->flags & SHADER_AUTOSPRITE ) {
		vec3_t centre;

		// autosprites are quads, facing the viewer
		if( mesh->numVerts < 4 ) {

		// compute centre as average of 4 vertices
		VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[3]], centre );
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			VectorAdd( centre, v[i], centre );
		VectorMA( ent->origin, 0.25, centre, centre );

		VectorNegate( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_FORWARD], plane.normal );
		plane.dist = DotProduct( plane.normal, centre );
		CategorizePlane( &plane );
	} else {
		vec3_t temp;
		mat3_t entity_rotation;

		// regular surfaces
		if( !Matrix3_Compare( ent->axis, axis_identity ) ) {
			Matrix3_Transpose( ent->axis, entity_rotation );

			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
				VectorCopy( v[i], temp );
				Matrix3_TransformVector( entity_rotation, temp, v[i] );
				VectorMA( ent->origin, ent->scale, v[i], v[i] );

			PlaneFromPoints( v, &plane );
			CategorizePlane( &plane );
		} else {
			plane = untransformed_plane;

	if( ( dist = PlaneDiff( rn.viewOrigin, &plane ) ) <= BACKFACE_EPSILON ) {
		// behind the portal plane
		if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) ) {

		// we need to render the backplane view

	// check if portal view is opaque due to alphagen portal
	if( shader->portalDistance && dist > shader->portalDistance ) {

	portalSurface->plane = plane;
	portalSurface->untransformed_plane = untransformed_plane;

	AddPointToBounds( mins, portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs );
	AddPointToBounds( maxs, portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs );
	VectorAdd( portalSurface->mins, portalSurface->maxs, portalSurface->centre );
	VectorScale( portalSurface->centre, 0.5, portalSurface->centre );