Esempio n. 1
void R_TranslateForEntity( cl_entity_t *e )
	float	scale = 1.0f;

	if( e == clgame.entities || R_StaticEntity( e ))

	if( e->model->type != mod_brush && e->curstate.scale > 0.0f )
		scale = e->curstate.scale;

	Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( RI.objectMatrix, vec3_origin, e->origin, scale );
	Matrix4x4_ConcatTransforms( RI.modelviewMatrix, RI.worldviewMatrix, RI.objectMatrix );

	pglMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
	GL_LoadMatrix( RI.modelviewMatrix );
	tr.modelviewIdentity = false;
Esempio n. 2

Draw all viewpasess from mirror position
Mirror textures will be drawn in normal pass
void R_DrawMirrors( void )
	ref_instance_t	oldRI;
	mplane_t		plane;
	msurface_t	*surf, *surf2;
	int		i, oldframecount;
	mextrasurf_t	*es, *tmp, *mirrorchain;
	vec3_t		forward, right, up;
	vec3_t		origin, angles;
	matrix4x4		mirrormatrix;
	cl_entity_t	*e;
	model_t		*m;
	float		d;

	if( !tr.num_mirror_entities ) return; // mo mirrors for this frame

	oldRI = RI; // make refinst backup
	oldframecount = tr.framecount;

	for( i = 0; i < tr.num_mirror_entities; i++ )
		mirrorchain = tr.mirror_entities[i].chain;

		for( es = mirrorchain; es != NULL; es = es->mirrorchain )
			RI.currententity = e = tr.mirror_entities[i].ent;
			RI.currentmodel = m = RI.currententity->model;

			surf = INFO_SURF( es, m );

			ASSERT( RI.currententity != NULL );
			ASSERT( RI.currentmodel != NULL );

			// NOTE: copy mirrortexture and mirrormatrix from another surfaces
			// from this entity\world that has same planes and reduce number of viewpasses

			// make sure what we have one pass at least
			if( es != mirrorchain )
				for( tmp = mirrorchain; tmp != es; tmp = tmp->mirrorchain )
					surf2 = INFO_SURF( tmp, m );

					if( !tmp->mirrortexturenum )
						continue;	// not filled?

					if( surf->plane->dist != surf2->plane->dist )

					if( !VectorCompare( surf->plane->normal, surf2->plane->normal ))

					// found surface with same plane!

				if( tmp != es && tmp && tmp->mirrortexturenum )
					// just copy reflection texture from surface with same plane
					Matrix4x4_Copy( es->mirrormatrix, tmp->mirrormatrix );
					es->mirrortexturenum = tmp->mirrortexturenum;
					continue;	// pass skiped

			R_PlaneForMirror( surf, &plane, mirrormatrix );

			d = -2.0f * ( DotProduct( RI.vieworg, plane.normal ) - plane.dist );
			VectorMA( RI.vieworg, d, plane.normal, origin );

			d = -2.0f * DotProduct( RI.vforward, plane.normal );
			VectorMA( RI.vforward, d, plane.normal, forward );
			VectorNormalize( forward );

			d = -2.0f * DotProduct( RI.vright, plane.normal );
			VectorMA( RI.vright, d, plane.normal, right );
			VectorNormalize( right );

			d = -2.0f * DotProduct( RI.vup, plane.normal );
			VectorMA( RI.vup, d, plane.normal, up );
			VectorNormalize( up );

			VectorsAngles( forward, right, up, angles );
			angles[ROLL] = -angles[ROLL];


			RI.clipPlane = plane;
			RI.clipFlags |= ( 1<<5 );

			RI.frustum[5] = plane;
			RI.frustum[5].signbits = SignbitsForPlane( RI.frustum[5].normal );
			RI.frustum[5].type = PLANE_NONAXIAL;

			RI.refdef.viewangles[0] = anglemod( angles[0] );
			RI.refdef.viewangles[1] = anglemod( angles[1] );
			RI.refdef.viewangles[2] = anglemod( angles[2] );
			VectorCopy( origin, RI.refdef.vieworg );
			VectorCopy( origin, RI.cullorigin );

			// put pvsorigin before the mirror plane to avoid get full visibility on world mirrors
			if( RI.currententity == clgame.entities )
				VectorMA( es->origin, 1.0f, plane.normal, origin );
				Matrix4x4_VectorTransform( mirrormatrix, es->origin, origin );
				VectorMA( origin, 1.0f, plane.normal, origin );

			VectorCopy( origin, RI.pvsorigin );

			// combine two leafs from client and mirror views
			r_viewleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf( oldRI.pvsorigin, cl.worldmodel->nodes );
			r_viewleaf2 = Mod_PointInLeaf( RI.pvsorigin, cl.worldmodel->nodes );

			if( GL_Support( GL_ARB_TEXTURE_NPOT_EXT ))
				// allow screen size
				RI.viewport[2] = bound( 96, RI.viewport[2], 1024 );
				RI.viewport[3] = bound( 72, RI.viewport[3], 768 );
				RI.viewport[2] = NearestPOW( RI.viewport[2], true );
				RI.viewport[3] = NearestPOW( RI.viewport[3], true );
				RI.viewport[2] = bound( 128, RI.viewport[2], 1024 );
				RI.viewport[3] = bound( 64, RI.viewport[3], 512 );

			R_RenderScene( &RI.refdef );

			es->mirrortexturenum = R_AllocateMirrorTexture();

			// create personal projection matrix for mirror
			if( VectorIsNull( e->origin ) && VectorIsNull( e->angles ))
				Matrix4x4_Copy( es->mirrormatrix, RI.worldviewProjectionMatrix );
				Matrix4x4_ConcatTransforms( RI.modelviewMatrix, RI.worldviewMatrix, mirrormatrix );
				Matrix4x4_Concat( es->mirrormatrix, RI.projectionMatrix, RI.modelviewMatrix );

			RI = oldRI; // restore ref instance

		// clear chain for this entity
		for( es = mirrorchain; es != NULL; )
			tmp = es->mirrorchain;
			es->mirrorchain = NULL;
			es = tmp;

		tr.mirror_entities[i].chain = NULL; // done
		tr.mirror_entities[i].ent = NULL;

	r_oldviewleaf = r_viewleaf = NULL;	// force markleafs next frame
	tr.framecount = oldframecount;	// restore real framecount
	tr.num_mirror_entities = 0;
	tr.num_mirrors_used = 0;
Esempio n. 3

a glue two entities together
void SV_Physics_Compound( edict_t *ent )
	edict_t	*parent;
	// regular thinking
	if( !SV_RunThink( ent )) return;

	parent = ent->v.aiment;

	if( !SV_IsValidEdict( parent ))
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "%s have MOVETYPE_COMPOUND with no corresponding ent!", SV_ClassName( ent ));
		ent->v.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;

	if( ent->v.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER )
		ent->v.solid = SOLID_NOT;

	switch( parent->v.movetype )
	default: return;

	// not initialized ?
	if( ent->v.ltime == 0.0f )
		VectorCopy( parent->v.origin, ent->v.oldorigin );
		VectorCopy( parent->v.angles, ent->v.avelocity );
		ent->v.ltime = host.frametime;

	if( !VectorCompare( parent->v.origin, ent->v.oldorigin ) || !VectorCompare( parent->v.angles, ent->v.avelocity ))
		matrix4x4	start_l, end_l, temp_l, child;

		// create parent old position
		Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( temp_l, ent->v.avelocity, ent->v.oldorigin, 1.0f );
		Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple( start_l, temp_l );

		// create parent actual position
		Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( end_l, parent->v.angles, parent->v.origin, 1.0f );

		// stupid quake bug!!!
		if( !( host.features & ENGINE_COMPENSATE_QUAKE_BUG ))
			ent->v.angles[PITCH] = -ent->v.angles[PITCH];

		// create child actual position
		Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( child, ent->v.angles, ent->v.origin, 1.0f );

		// transform child from start to end
		Matrix4x4_ConcatTransforms( temp_l, start_l, child );
		Matrix4x4_ConcatTransforms( child, end_l, temp_l );

		// create child final position
		Matrix4x4_ConvertToEntity( child, ent->v.angles, ent->v.origin );

		// stupid quake bug!!!
		if( !( host.features & ENGINE_COMPENSATE_QUAKE_BUG ))
			ent->v.angles[PITCH] = -ent->v.angles[PITCH];

	// notsolid ents never touch triggers
	SV_LinkEdict( ent, (ent->v.solid == SOLID_NOT) ? false : true );

	// shuffle states
	VectorCopy( parent->v.origin, ent->v.oldorigin );
	VectorCopy( parent->v.angles, ent->v.avelocity );