Esempio n. 1
void CCPUFrequencyMonitor::StartThreads()
	if (!hExitEvent_)
		// Must do all this before creating the child threads.
		SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;
		numCPUs_ = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
		// Clamp to the number of processors that can be identified by
		// SetThreadAffinityMask - 32 or 64.
		if (numCPUs_ > sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * 8)
			numCPUs_ = sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * 8;
		quit_ = false;

		workStartSemaphore_ = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 0, numCPUs_, nullptr);
		resultsDoneSemaphore_ = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 0, numCPUs_, nullptr);
		if (!workStartSemaphore_ || !resultsDoneSemaphore_)

		// Create numCPUs_ threads, set their affinity to individual CPU
		// cores, and raise their priority. This will mostly ensure that they
		// run promptly and on the desired CPU core.
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCPUs_; ++i)
			threads_[i].pOwner = this;
			threads_[i].cpuNumber = i;
			HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(nullptr, 0x10000, StaticPerCPUSamplingThread, &threads_[i], 0, nullptr);
			if (hThread)
				SetThreadAffinityMask(hThread, DWORD_PTR(1) << i);
				SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
			threads_[i].hThread = hThread;

		// Get the initial frequency
		QPCElapsedTimer timer;
		// Run the test long enough so that the OS will ramp up the CPU to
		// full speed.
		startFrequency_ = MeasureFrequency(600);
		float testElapsed = static_cast<float>(timer.ElapsedSeconds());

		ETWMark2F("Startup CPU frequency (MHz) and measurement time (s)", startFrequency_, testElapsed);

		// Once the monitor thread is created the other threads will start
		// being told to do measurements occasionally.
		hExitEvent_ = CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr);
		hThread_ = CreateThread(NULL, 0, StaticMonitorThread, this, 0, NULL);
Esempio n. 2
void CCPUFrequencyMonitor::PerCPUSamplingThread(int cpuNumber)
	for (;;)
		// Wait until its time to measure the CPU frequency.
		WaitForSingleObject(workStartSemaphore_, INFINITE);
		if (quit_)

		float frequency = MeasureFrequency(kRetryCount);
		threads_[cpuNumber].frequency = frequency;

		ReleaseSemaphore(resultsDoneSemaphore_, 1, nullptr);