Esempio n. 1
static void espeakdata_SetVoiceByName (const char *name, const char *variantName)
	espeak_VOICE voice_selector;

	memset (& voice_selector, 0, sizeof voice_selector); = Melder_peek32to8 (Melder_cat (Melder_peek8to32 (name), U"+", Melder_peek8to32 (variantName)));  // include variant name in voice stack ??

	if (LoadVoice (name, 1)) {
		LoadVoice (variantName, 2);
		DoVoiceChange (voice);
		SetVoiceStack (& voice_selector, variantName);
Esempio n. 2
char32 * Melder_getenv (const char32 *variableName) {
	#if defined (macintosh) || defined (UNIX) || defined (__MINGW32__) || defined (__CYGWIN__)
		return Melder_peek8to32 (getenv (Melder_peek32to8 (variableName)));
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		static char32 buffer [11] [255];
		static int ibuffer = 0;
		if (++ ibuffer == 11) ibuffer = 0;
		long n = GetEnvironmentVariableW (variableName, buffer [ibuffer], 255);   BUG
		if (n == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) return nullptr;
		return & buffer [ibuffer] [0];
		return nullptr;
Graphics Graphics_create_postscriptjob (MelderFile file, int resolution, enum kGraphicsPostscript_spots spots,
	enum kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize paperSize, enum kGraphicsPostscript_orientation rotation, double magnification)
	autoGraphicsPostscript me = Thing_new (GraphicsPostscript);
	time_t today;
	my postScript = true, my yIsZeroAtTheTop = false, my languageLevel = 2;
	my job = true, my eps = false, my printer = false;
	my d_printf = (int (*)(void *, const char*, ...)) fprintf;
	Graphics_init (me.peek(), resolution);   // virtual resolution; may differ from that of the printer; OK if always 600 dpi
	my photocopyable = spots == kGraphicsPostscript_spots_PHOTOCOPYABLE;
	if (my photocopyable) { my spotsDensity = 85; my spotsAngle = 35; }
	else { my spotsDensity = 106; my spotsAngle = 46; }
 	if (paperSize == kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize_A3) my paperWidth = 842 / 72.0, my paperHeight = 1191 / 72.0;
	else if (paperSize == kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize_US_LETTER) my paperWidth = 612 / 72.0, my paperHeight = 792 / 72.0;
	else my paperWidth = 595 / 72.0, my paperHeight = 842 / 72.0;
	my landscape = rotation == kGraphicsPostscript_orientation_LANDSCAPE;
	my magnification = magnification;
	my includeFonts = true;
	my d_file = Melder_fopen (file, "w");
	 * The Device Coordinates are the PostScript user coordinates.
	 * They are chosen in such a way that a distance of 1 in device coordinates
	 * equals one dot if the printer's resolution is 'resolution' dots per inch.
	 * Take a sensible default margin: half an inch on all sides.
	my d_x1DC = my d_x1DCmin = resolution / 2;
	my d_x2DC = my d_x2DCmax = (my paperWidth - 0.5) * resolution;
	my d_y1DC = my d_y1DCmin = resolution / 2;
	my d_y2DC = my d_y2DCmax = (my paperHeight - 0.5) * resolution;
	 * Now don't just set x1wNDC etc, but force computation of the scaling as well.
	Graphics_setWsWindow ((Graphics) me.peek(), 0, my paperWidth - 1.0, 13.0 - my paperHeight, 12.0);
	 * We will adhere to version 3.0 of the Document Structuring Conventions for print jobs.
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%%%Creator: Praat Shell 4.2\n");
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%%%Title: %s\n", Melder_peek32to8 (MelderFile_name (file)));
	today = time (nullptr);
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", ctime (& today));   // contains newline symbol
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%%%PageOrder: Special\n");
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
	my d_printf (my d_file, "%%%%EndComments\n");
	downloadPrologAndSetUp (me.peek());
	initPage (me.peek());
	return (Graphics) me.transfer();
Esempio n. 4
void Melder_system (const char32 *command) {
	if (! command) command = U"";
	#if defined (macintosh) || defined (UNIX)
		if (system (Melder_peek32to8 (command)) != 0)
			Melder_throw (U"System command failed.");
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
		char32 *comspec = Melder_getenv (U"COMSPEC");   // e.g. "C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM" or "C:\WINNT\windows32\cmd.exe"
		if (! comspec) {
			comspec = Melder_getenv (U"ComSpec");
		autoMelderString buffer;
		if (comspec) {
			MelderString_copy (& buffer, comspec);
		} else {
			memset (& osVersionInfo, 0, sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX));
			osVersionInfo. dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX);
			if (! GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) & osVersionInfo)) {
				osVersionInfo. dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO);
				if (! GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) & osVersionInfo))
					Melder_throw (U"System command cannot find system version.");
			switch (osVersionInfo. dwPlatformId) {
				case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: {
					MelderString_copy (& buffer, U"cmd.exe");
				} break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: {
					MelderString_copy (& buffer, U"");
				} break; default: {
					MelderString_copy (& buffer, U"");
		MelderString_append (& buffer, U" /c ", command);
        memset (& siStartInfo, 0, sizeof (siStartInfo));
        siStartInfo. cb = sizeof (siStartInfo);
		if (! CreateProcess (nullptr, Melder_peek32toW (buffer.string), nullptr, nullptr, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nullptr, nullptr, & siStartInfo, & piProcInfo))
			Melder_throw (U"Cannot create subprocess.");
		WaitForSingleObject (piProcInfo. hProcess, -1);
		CloseHandle (piProcInfo. hProcess);
		CloseHandle (piProcInfo. hThread);
Esempio n. 5
	BSD systems provide ftruncate, several others supply chsize, and a few
	may provide a (possibly undocumented) fcntl option F_FREESP. Under MS-DOS,
	you can sometimes use write(fd, "", 0). However, there is no portable
	solution, nor a way to delete blocks at the beginning.
static void MelderFile_truncate (MelderFile me, long size) {
#if defined(_WIN32)

	HANDLE hFile;
	DWORD fdwShareMode = 0; /* File cannot be shared */

	MelderFile_close (me);

	hFile = CreateFileW (Melder_peek32toW (my path), fdwAccess, fdwShareMode, lpsa, fdwCreate,
	                     FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
		Melder_throw (U"Can't open file ", me, U".");

	// Set current file pointer to position 'size'

	fileSize.LowPart = size;
	fileSize.HighPart = 0; /* Limit the file size to 2^32 - 2 bytes */
	fPos = SetFilePointer (hFile, fileSize.LowPart, &fileSize.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
	if (fPos == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		Melder_throw (U"Can't set the position at size ", size, U"for file ", me, U".");

	// Limit the file size as the current position of the file pointer.

	SetEndOfFile (hFile);
	CloseHandle (hFile);

#elif defined(linux) || defined(macintosh)

	MelderFile_close (me);
	if (truncate (Melder_peek32to8 (my path), size) == -1) Melder_throw (U"Truncating failed for file ",
		        MelderFile_messageName (me), U" (", Melder_peek8to32 (strerror (errno)), U").");
	Melder_throw (U"Don't know what to do.");
Esempio n. 6
static void testData (Daata data) {
	fprintf (stderr, "testData: %p %s\n", data, Melder_peek32to8 (data -> name));
Esempio n. 7
TextGrid TextGrid_readFromTIMITLabelFile (MelderFile file, int phnFile) {
	try {
		double dt = 1.0 / 16000; /* 1 / (TIMIT samplingFrequency) */
		double xmax = dt;
		autofile f = Melder_fopen (file, "r");

		// Ending time will only be known after all labels have been read.
		// We start with a sufficiently long duration (one hour) and correct this later.

		autoTextGrid me = TextGrid_create (0, 3600, U"wrd", 0);
		IntervalTier timit = (IntervalTier) my tiers -> item[1];
		long linesRead = 0;
		char line[200], label[200];
		while (fgets (line, 199, f)) {
			long it1, it2;
			if (sscanf (line, "%ld%ld%s", &it1, &it2, label) != 3) {
				Melder_throw (U"Incorrect number of items.");
			if (it1 < 0 || it2 <= it1) {
				Melder_throw (U"Incorrect time at line ", linesRead);
			xmax = it2 * dt;
			double xmin = it1 * dt;
			long ni = timit -> intervals -> size - 1;
			if (ni < 1) {
				ni = 1;
				// Some files do not start with a first line "0 <number2> h#".
				// Instead they start with "<number1> <number2> h#", where number1 > 0.
				// We override number1 with 0. */

				if (xmin > 0 && phnFile) {
					xmin = 0;
			TextInterval interval = (TextInterval) timit -> intervals -> item[ni];
			if (xmin < interval -> xmax && linesRead > 1) {
				xmin = interval -> xmax;
				Melder_warning (U"File \"", MelderFile_messageName (file), U"\": Start time set to previous end "
				                 U"time for label at line ", linesRead, U".");
			// standard: new TextInterval
			const char *labelstring = (strncmp (label, "h#", 2) ? label : TIMIT_DELIMITER);
			IntervalTier_add (timit, xmin, xmax, Melder_peek8to32 (labelstring));

		// Now correct the end times, based on last read interval.
		// (end time was set to large value!)

		if (timit -> intervals -> size < 2) {
			Melder_throw (U"Empty TextGrid");
		Collection_removeItem (timit -> intervals, timit -> intervals -> size);
		TextInterval interval = (TextInterval) timit -> intervals -> item[timit -> intervals -> size];
		timit -> xmax = interval -> xmax;
		my xmax = xmax;
		if (phnFile) { // Create tier 2 with IPA symbols
			autoIntervalTier ipa = Data_copy (timit);
			Thing_setName (ipa.peek(), U"ipa");
			// First change the data in ipa
			for (long i = 1; i <= ipa -> intervals -> size; i++) {
				interval = (TextInterval) timit -> intervals -> item[i];

				TextInterval_setText ( (TextInterval) ipa -> intervals -> item[i],
				                       Melder_peek8to32 (timitLabelToIpaLabel (Melder_peek32to8 (interval -> text))));
			Collection_addItem (my tiers, ipa.transfer()); // Then: add to collection
			Thing_setName (timit, U"phn");  // rename wrd
		f.close (file);
		return me.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"TextGrid not read from file ", file, U".");
Esempio n. 8
autoSound SpeechSynthesizer_to_Sound (SpeechSynthesizer me, const char32 *text, autoTextGrid *tg, autoTable *events) {
	try {
		int fsamp = espeak_Initialize (AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS, 0, nullptr, // 5000ms
		if (fsamp == -1) {
			Melder_throw (U"Internal espeak error.");
		int synth_flags = espeakCHARS_WCHAR;
		if (my d_inputTextFormat == SpeechSynthesizer_INPUT_TAGGEDTEXT) {
			synth_flags |= espeakSSML;
		if (my d_inputTextFormat != SpeechSynthesizer_INPUT_TEXTONLY) {
			synth_flags |= espeakPHONEMES;
		option_phoneme_events = espeakINITIALIZE_PHONEME_EVENTS; // extern int option_phoneme_events;
		if (my d_outputPhonemeCoding == SpeechSynthesizer_PHONEMECODINGS_IPA) {
			option_phoneme_events |= espeakINITIALIZE_PHONEME_IPA;

		espeak_SetParameter (espeakRATE, my d_wordsPerMinute, 0);
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakPITCH, my d_pitchAdjustment, 0);
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakRANGE, my d_pitchRange, 0);
		const char32 *voiceLanguageCode = SpeechSynthesizer_getVoiceLanguageCodeFromName (me, my d_voiceLanguageName);
		const char32 *voiceVariantCode = SpeechSynthesizer_getVoiceVariantCodeFromName (me, my d_voiceVariantName);
		espeakdata_SetVoiceByName ((const char *) Melder_peek32to8 (voiceLanguageCode), 
			(const char *) Melder_peek32to8 (voiceVariantCode));

		espeak_SetParameter (espeakWORDGAP, my d_wordgap * 100, 0); // espeak wordgap is in units of 10 ms
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakCAPITALS, 0, 0);
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakPUNCTUATION, espeakPUNCT_NONE, 0);

		espeak_SetSynthCallback (synthCallback);

		my d_events = Table_createWithColumnNames (0, U"time type type-t t-pos length a-pos sample id uniq");

		#ifdef _WIN32
                wchar_t *textW = Melder_peek32toW (text);
                espeak_Synth (textW, wcslen (textW) + 1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, synth_flags, nullptr, me);
                espeak_Synth (text, str32len (text) + 1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, synth_flags, nullptr, me);
		espeak_Terminate ();
		autoSound thee = buffer_to_Sound (my d_wav, my d_numberOfSamples, my d_internalSamplingFrequency);

		if (my d_samplingFrequency != my d_internalSamplingFrequency) {
			thee = Sound_resample (thee.get(), my d_samplingFrequency, 50);
		my d_numberOfSamples = 0; // re-use the wav-buffer
		if (tg) {
			double xmin = Table_getNumericValue_Assert (my d_events.get(), 1, 1);
			if (xmin > thy xmin) {
				xmin = thy xmin;
			double xmax = Table_getNumericValue_Assert (my d_events.get(), my d_events -> rows.size, 1);
			if (xmax < thy xmax) {
				xmax = thy xmax;
			autoTextGrid tg1 = Table_to_TextGrid (my d_events.get(), text, xmin, xmax);
			*tg = TextGrid_extractPart (tg1.get(), thy xmin, thy xmax, 0);
		if (events) {
			Table_setEventTypeString (my d_events.get());
			*events = my d_events.move();
		my d_events.reset();
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		espeak_Terminate ();
		Melder_throw (U"Text not played.");
Esempio n. 9
int64 Melder_atoi (const char32 *string) {
	return strtoll (Melder_peek32to8 (string), nullptr, 10);
Esempio n. 10
double Melder_atof (const char32 *string) {
	return Melder_a8tof (Melder_peek32to8 (string));