Esempio n. 1
		MeshVertex MeshAnimatedVertex::GetFinalVertex(void)
			glm::vec3 finalPosition =
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalPositionArray[3 * mIndex],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalPositionArray[3 * mIndex + 1],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalPositionArray[3 * mIndex + 2]

			glm::vec2 finalTexCoord =
				mAnimatedVertices->mTexCoordArray[2 * mIndex],
				mAnimatedVertices->mTexCoordArray[2 * mIndex + 1]

			glm::vec3 finalTangent =
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalTangentArray[3 * mIndex],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalTangentArray[3 * mIndex + 1],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalTangentArray[3 * mIndex + 2]

			glm::vec3 finalBitangent =
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalBitangentArray[3 * mIndex],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalBitangentArray[3 * mIndex + 1],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalBitangentArray[3 * mIndex + 2]

			glm::vec3 finalNormal =
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalNormalArray[3 * mIndex],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalNormalArray[3 * mIndex + 1],
				mAnimatedVertices->mFinalNormalArray[3 * mIndex + 2]

			return MeshVertex(finalPosition, finalTexCoord, finalTangent, finalBitangent, finalNormal);
Esempio n. 2
/** Constructor from vector of MeshVertex and triangles
 @param[in] vertices a list of vertices
 @param[in] the indices of the vertices that should be used, the ones that are not in this list are ignored
 @param[in] triangles a list of the triangles with indexed vertices
Mesh::Mesh(vector<glm::vec3> vertices,vector<int> usedIndices,vector<int> triangles)
: mvbo{0}, vao{0}, ibo{0}, scaleFactor{1}
    for (int i = 0; i < usedIndices.size(); i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
Esempio n. 3
/** Constructor from array of vertices, normal points, uvs and triangle indices. The arrays should contain 3 indices per vertex for the position and normal points and 2 indices per vertex for the UV. The triangles array uses 3 elements per triangle.
 @param[in] vertices the vertices, 3 elements per vertex
 @param[in] normalPoints the normals, 3 elements per vertex
 @param[in] uvs the UVs, 2 elements per vertex
 @param[in] triangles the triangles that form the Mesh
 @param[in] nVertices the vertex count
 @param[in] nTriangles the size of the triangles array
Mesh::Mesh(float* vertices, float* normalPoints, float* uv, unsigned int *triangles, int nVertices, int nTriangles)
: mvbo{0}, vao{0}, ibo{0}, scaleFactor{1}
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		meshVertices.push_back(MeshVertex(glm::vec3(vertices[i * 3], vertices[i * 3 + 1], vertices[i * 3 + 2]),
                                          glm::vec2(uv[i * 3], uv[i * 3 + 1]),
                                          glm::vec3(normalPoints[i * 3], normalPoints[i * 3 + 1], normalPoints[i * 3 + 2])));
	for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++)
Esempio n. 4
/** Adds a new vertex to the mesh
 @param[in] position the position
 @param[in] uv the UV coordinate
 @param[in] normal the normal
void Mesh::addVertex(glm::vec3 position, glm::vec2 uv, glm::vec3 normal)
    meshVertices.push_back(MeshVertex(position, uv, normal));
Esempio n. 5
namespace mimp

template<> MeshVertex VertexLess<MeshVertex>::mFind = MeshVertex();
template<> STDNAME::vector<MeshVertex > *VertexLess<MeshVertex>::mList=0;

bool VertexLess<MeshVertex>::operator()(MiI32 v1,MiI32 v2) const

	const MeshVertex& a = Get(v1);
	const MeshVertex& b = Get(v2);

	if ( a.mPos[0] < b.mPos[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mPos[0] > b.mPos[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mPos[1] < b.mPos[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mPos[1] > b.mPos[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mPos[2] < b.mPos[2] ) return true;
	if ( a.mPos[2] > b.mPos[2] ) return false;

	if ( a.mNormal[0] < b.mNormal[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mNormal[0] > b.mNormal[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mNormal[1] < b.mNormal[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mNormal[1] > b.mNormal[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mNormal[2] < b.mNormal[2] ) return true;
	if ( a.mNormal[2] > b.mNormal[2] ) return false;

  if ( a.mColor < b.mColor ) return true;
  if ( a.mColor > b.mColor ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel1[0] < b.mTexel1[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel1[0] > b.mTexel1[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel1[1] < b.mTexel1[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel1[1] > b.mTexel1[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel2[0] < b.mTexel2[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel2[0] > b.mTexel2[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel2[1] < b.mTexel2[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel2[1] > b.mTexel2[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel3[0] < b.mTexel3[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel3[0] > b.mTexel3[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel3[1] < b.mTexel3[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel3[1] > b.mTexel3[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel4[0] < b.mTexel4[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel4[0] > b.mTexel4[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTexel4[1] < b.mTexel4[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTexel4[1] > b.mTexel4[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTangent[0] < b.mTangent[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTangent[0] > b.mTangent[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTangent[1] < b.mTangent[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTangent[1] > b.mTangent[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mTangent[2] < b.mTangent[2] ) return true;
	if ( a.mTangent[2] > b.mTangent[2] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBiNormal[0] < b.mBiNormal[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBiNormal[0] > b.mBiNormal[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBiNormal[1] < b.mBiNormal[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBiNormal[1] > b.mBiNormal[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBiNormal[2] < b.mBiNormal[2] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBiNormal[2] > b.mBiNormal[2] ) return false;

	if ( a.mWeight[0] < b.mWeight[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mWeight[0] > b.mWeight[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mWeight[1] < b.mWeight[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mWeight[1] > b.mWeight[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mWeight[2] < b.mWeight[2] ) return true;
	if ( a.mWeight[2] > b.mWeight[2] ) return false;

	if ( a.mWeight[3] < b.mWeight[3] ) return true;
	if ( a.mWeight[3] > b.mWeight[3] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBone[0] < b.mBone[0] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBone[0] > b.mBone[0] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBone[1] < b.mBone[1] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBone[1] > b.mBone[1] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBone[2] < b.mBone[2] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBone[2] > b.mBone[2] ) return false;

	if ( a.mBone[3] < b.mBone[3] ) return true;
	if ( a.mBone[3] > b.mBone[3] ) return false;

  if ( a.mRadius < b.mRadius ) return true;
  if ( a.mRadius > b.mRadius ) return false;

	return false;

}; // end of name space
std::unique_ptr<Mesh> MeshUtility::MakeSphere(float radius, unsigned int subdivisions)
   if (subdivisions > ModelUtility::MAX_SPHERE_SUBDIVISIONS)
      subdivisions = ModelUtility::MAX_SPHERE_SUBDIVISIONS;

   std::unique_ptr<Mesh> octahedron = MeshUtility::MakeOctahedron(radius);

   std::vector<Triangle3D_t> initialTriangles;

   Transformation identity;

   for (std::size_t iFace = 0, numFaces = octahedron->NumFaces(); iFace < numFaces; ++iFace)
      initialTriangles.push_back(octahedron->GetFaceTriangle(iFace, identity));

   std::vector<Triangle3D_t> subdividedTriangles;

   for (const Triangle3D_t& triangle : initialTriangles)
      ModelUtility::SubdivideTriangle(triangle, subdividedTriangles, subdivisions);

   std::vector<std::vector<MeshVertex>> trianglesOnSphere;

   std::vector<MeshVertex> triangleOnSphere(3, MeshVertex(Color::White(), Locus::TextureCoordinate()));

   Plane fixSmearPlane(Vec3D::ZeroVector(), Vec3D::NegativeZAxis());

   for (const Triangle3D_t& triangle : subdividedTriangles)
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Triangle3D_t::NumPointsOnATriangle; ++i)
         triangleOnSphere[i].position = NormVector(triangle[i]) * radius;
         triangleOnSphere[i].textureCoordinate = MeshUtility::SphericalUVMapping(triangleOnSphere[i].position);

      //HACK: fixing smearing that occurs at the boundary where U = 0.0 or 1.0. The
      //spherical UV mapping algorithm always returns U = 1.0 at the boundary. Here
      //we find if the triangle that was just generated is at this boundary. The "real"
      //way to do it would be to unwrap the sphere or make a UV sphere.
      Plane::IntersectionQuery intersectionQuery = fixSmearPlane.triangleIntersectionTest(triangle);
      if ((intersectionQuery == Plane::IntersectionQuery::None) || (intersectionQuery == Plane::IntersectionQuery::Positive))
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Triangle3D_t::NumPointsOnATriangle; ++i)
            if (FEqual<float>(triangleOnSphere[i].textureCoordinate.x, 1.0f))
               triangleOnSphere[i].textureCoordinate.x = 0.0f;


   return std::make_unique<Mesh>(trianglesOnSphere);
Esempio n. 7
void MS3DToMesh::Vertex( const MS3D::Vertex & vertex ) {
	float empty [] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	vertices.push_back( MeshVertex( vertex.vertex, empty, vertex.boneId ) );