bool GenericAgentCheckPolicy(GenericAgentConfig *config, bool force_validation, bool write_validated_file) { if (!MissingInputFile(config->input_file)) { { if (config->agent_type == AGENT_TYPE_SERVER || config->agent_type == AGENT_TYPE_MONITOR || config->agent_type == AGENT_TYPE_EXECUTOR) { time_t validated_at = ReadTimestampFromPolicyValidatedFile(config, NULL); config->agent_specific.daemon.last_validated_at = validated_at; } } if (IsPolicyPrecheckNeeded(config, force_validation)) { bool policy_check_ok = GenericAgentArePromisesValid(config); if (policy_check_ok && write_validated_file) { GenericAgentTagReleaseDirectory(config, NULL, // use GetAutotagDir write_validated_file, // true GetAmPolicyHub(GetWorkDir())); // write release ID? } if (config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server && !policy_check_ok) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Policy is not valid, but proceeding with bootstrap"); return true; } return policy_check_ok; } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Policy is already validated"); return true; } } return false; }
bool GenericAgentCheckPolicy(GenericAgentConfig *config, bool force_validation) { if (!MissingInputFile(config->input_file)) { if (IsPolicyPrecheckNeeded(config, force_validation)) { bool policy_check_ok = GenericAgentCheckPromises(config); if (config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server && !policy_check_ok) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Policy is not valid, but proceeding with bootstrap"); return true; } return policy_check_ok; } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Policy is already validated"); return true; } } return false; }
void GenericInitialize(int argc,char **argv,char *agents) { enum cfagenttype ag = Agent2Type(agents); char vbuff[CF_BUFSIZE]; int ok = false; #ifdef HAVE_NOVA CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST = cf_sha256; CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN = CF_SHA256_LEN; #else CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST = cf_md5; CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN = CF_MD5_LEN; #endif InitializeGA(argc,argv); SetReferenceTime(true); SetStartTime(false); SetSignals(); SanitizeEnvironment(); strcpy(THIS_AGENT,CF_AGENTTYPES[ag]); NewClass(THIS_AGENT); THIS_AGENT_TYPE = ag; // need scope sys to set vars in expiry function SetNewScope("sys"); if (EnterpriseExpiry()) { CfOut(cf_error,"","Cfengine - autonomous configuration engine. This enterprise license is invalid.\n"); exit(1); } if (AM_NOVA) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> This is CFE Nova\n"); } if (AM_CONSTELLATION) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> This is CFE Constellation\n"); } NewScope("const"); NewScope("match"); NewScope("mon"); GetNameInfo3(); CfGetInterfaceInfo(ag); if (ag != cf_know) { Get3Environment(); BuiltinClasses(); OSClasses(); } LoadPersistentContext(); LoadSystemConstants(); snprintf(vbuff,CF_BUFSIZE,"control_%s",THIS_AGENT); SetNewScope(vbuff); NewScope("this"); NewScope("match"); if (BOOTSTRAP) { CheckAutoBootstrap(); } else { if (strlen(POLICY_SERVER) > 0) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> Found a policy server (hub) on %s",POLICY_SERVER); } else { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> No policy server (hub) watch yet registered"); } } SetPolicyServer(POLICY_SERVER); if (ag != cf_keygen) { if (!MissingInputFile()) { bool check_promises = false; if (SHOWREPORTS) { check_promises = true; CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Reports mode is enabled, force-validating policy"); } if (IsFileOutsideDefaultRepository(VINPUTFILE)) { check_promises = true; CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Input file is outside default repository, validating it"); } if (NewPromiseProposals()) { check_promises = true; CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Input file is changed since last validation, validating it"); } if (check_promises) { ok = CheckPromises(ag); if (BOOTSTRAP && !ok) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Policy is not valid, but proceeding with bootstrap"); ok = true; } } else { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Policy is already validated"); ok = true; } } if (ok) { ReadPromises(ag,agents); } else { CfOut(cf_error,"","cf-agent was not able to get confirmation of promises from cf-promises, so going to failsafe\n"); snprintf(VINPUTFILE,CF_BUFSIZE-1,""); ReadPromises(ag,agents); } if (SHOWREPORTS) { CompilationReport(VINPUTFILE); } CheckLicenses(); } XML = 0; }