int TListViewCtrl::GetSelStrings(tchar** strs, int maxCount, int maxChars, int subitemIndex) const { // This function is for multiselect list views only. // if (GetStyle() & LVS_SINGLESEL) return -1; // Get the index of the first selected item. // int index = static_cast<int>( SendMessage(LVM_GETNEXTITEM, TParam1(-1), MkParam2(LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED, 0))); // Loop through selected items. // int count = 0; while (index != -1) { GetItemText(index, subitemIndex, strs[count], maxChars); count++; if (count > maxCount) break; // Get the next selected item. // index = static_cast<int>( SendMessage(LVM_GETNEXTITEM, TParam1(index), MkParam2(LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED, 0))); } return count; }
int TListViewCtrl::GetSelIndexes(int* indexes, int maxCount) const { if (GetStyle() & LVS_SINGLESEL) return -1; // Get the index of the first selected item. // int index = static_cast<int>( SendMessage(LVM_GETNEXTITEM, TParam1(-1), MkParam2(LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED, 0))); // Loop while index indicates a selected item. // int count = 0; // number of selected items found while (index != -1 && count < maxCount) { indexes[count] = index; count++; // Get the next selected item. // index = static_cast<int>( SendMessage(LVM_GETNEXTITEM, TParam1(index), MkParam2(LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED, 0))); } return count; }
int TListViewCtrl::GetSelIndex() const { return (GetStyle() & LVS_SINGLESEL) ? static_cast<int>(SendMessage(LVM_GETNEXTITEM, static_cast<TParam1>(-1), MkParam2(LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED, 0))) : -1; }
bool TListViewCtrl::SetItemPosition(int index, const TPoint& pt) { PRECONDITION(GetHandle()); if (!IsRepresentable<uint16>(pt.x) || !IsRepresentable<uint16>(pt.y)) throw TXOwl(_T("TListViewCtrl:SetItemPosition: Argument is outside valid range")); return ToBool(SendMessage(LVM_SETITEMPOSITION, TParam1(index), MkParam2(pt.x, pt.y))); }
TSize TListViewCtrl::GetApproxRect(int x, int y, int count) const { PRECONDITION(GetHandle()); if (x != -1 && !IsRepresentable<uint16>(x) || y != -1 && !IsRepresentable<uint16>(y)) throw TXOwl(_T("TListViewCtrl:GetApproxRect: Argument is outside valid range")); TResult r = SendMessage(LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT, TParam1(count), MkParam2(x, y)); return TPoint(static_cast<DWORD>(r)); }
// /// Toggle the "checked" state when the mouse is clicked in the checkbox. // void TCheckList::EvLButtonDown(uint modKeys, const TPoint& point) { TListBox::EvLButtonDown(modKeys, point); TCheckListItem* item = GetItem(GetCaretIndex()); if(item && item->IsEnabled() && point.x < CheckList_BoxWidth){ item->Toggle(); Update(); // Inform parent of change with BN_CLICKED message if(GetParentO()) GetParentO()->HandleMessage(WM_COMMAND, MkParam2(Attr.Id, BN_CLICKED), TParam2(GetHandle())); } }
bool TListViewCtrl::SetColumnWidth(int index, int width) { PRECONDITION(GetHandle()); return ToBool(SendMessage(LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, TParam1(index), MkParam2(width, 0))); }
bool TListViewCtrl::Scroll(int dx, int dy) { PRECONDITION(GetHandle()); return ToBool(SendMessage(LVM_SCROLL, 0, MkParam2(dx, dy))); }
int TListViewCtrl::GetNextItem(int index, TNextItemCode code) const { PRECONDITION(GetHandle()); return static_cast<int>(SendMessage(LVM_GETNEXTITEM, TParam1(index), MkParam2(code, 0))); }
// /// If the caption bar is not enabled, returns esPartial. Otherwise, determines if /// the user released the button outside or inside a menu, and returns esComplete. // TEventStatus TTinyCaption::DoNCLButtonDown(uint hitTest, const TPoint& screenPt) { if (!TCEnabled) return esPartial; TWindowDC wdc(*this); switch (hitTest) { case HTSYSMENU: DownHit = HTSYSMENU; if (CloseBox) { IsPressed = true; SetCapture(); TRect rect(GetSysBoxRect()); PaintCloseBox(wdc, rect, IsPressed); } else { TRect sysBoxRect = GetSysBoxRect().InflatedBy(-1,-1); sysBoxRect.right += 1; wdc.PatBlt(sysBoxRect, PATINVERT); // Display sys menu on button down // Need to lock sys menu until user clicks outside // Set flag to indicate we're expecting a sys command, & then send // message to popup sys menu // WaitingForSysCmd = true; SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOUSEMENU|HTSYSMENU, MkParam2(screenPt.x,screenPt.y)); // If we didn't execute a command, user released btn outside of menu // If it was released in sys menu box, then redisplay menu as if it // were brought up with a keystroke // if (WaitingForSysCmd) { uint hitTest; TPoint pt; GetCursorPos(pt); DoNCHitTest(pt, hitTest); if (hitTest == HTSYSMENU) SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_KEYMENU|HTSYSMENU); } if (GetHandle()) wdc.PatBlt(sysBoxRect, PATINVERT); } return esComplete; case HTMINBUTTON: { DownHit = HTMINBUTTON; IsPressed = true; SetCapture(); TRect rect(GetMinBoxRect()); PaintMinBox(wdc, rect, IsPressed); return esComplete; } case HTMAXBUTTON: { DownHit = HTMAXBUTTON; IsPressed = true; SetCapture(); TRect rect(GetMaxBoxRect()); PaintMaxBox(wdc, rect, IsPressed); return esComplete; } } DownHit = HTNOWHERE; return esPartial; }
// // Sets the amount of space around each tab's icon and label in a tab // control. // void TTabControl::SetPadding(const TSize& size) { SendMessage(TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MkParam2(,; }
// // Sets the size (width/height) of tabs in a fixed-width or owner-draw // tab control. Returns a TSize object containing the old width and height. // TSize TTabControl::SetItemSize(const TSize& size) { return TSize(SendMessage(TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MkParam2(,; }