Esempio n. 1
arena::arena ( market& m, unsigned max_num_workers ) {
    __TBB_ASSERT( !my_guard, "improperly allocated arena?" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(slot[0]) % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "arena::slot size not multiple of cache line size" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( (uintptr_t)this % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "arena misaligned" );
    my_market = &m;
    my_limit = 1;
    // Two slots are mandatory: for the master, and for 1 worker (required to support starvation resistant tasks).
    my_num_slots = max(2u, max_num_workers + 1);
    my_max_num_workers = max_num_workers;
    my_num_threads_active = 1; // accounts for the master
    __TBB_ASSERT ( my_max_num_workers < my_num_slots, NULL );
    // Construct mailboxes. Mark internal synchronization elements for the tools.
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < my_num_slots; ++i ) {
        __TBB_ASSERT( !slot[i].my_scheduler && !slot[i].task_pool, NULL );
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(slot + i, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_WorkerTaskPool);
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&mailbox(i+1), SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_Mailbox);
        slot[i].my_counters = new ( NFS_Allocate(sizeof(statistics_counters), 1, NULL) ) statistics_counters;
#endif /* __TBB_STATISTICS */
    ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&my_task_stream, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_TaskStream);
    my_mandatory_concurrency = false;
    my_master_default_ctx = NULL;
Esempio n. 2
// concurrent_queue_base
concurrent_queue_base::concurrent_queue_base( size_t item_size ) {
    items_per_page = item_size<=8 ? 32 :
                     item_size<=16 ? 16 : 
                     item_size<=32 ? 8 :
                     item_size<=64 ? 4 :
                     item_size<=128 ? 2 :
    my_capacity = size_t(-1)/(item_size>1 ? item_size : 2); 
    my_rep = cache_aligned_allocator<concurrent_queue_rep>().allocate(1);
    __TBB_ASSERT( (size_t)my_rep % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "alignment error" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( (size_t)&my_rep->head_counter % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "alignment error" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( (size_t)&my_rep->tail_counter % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "alignment error" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( (size_t)&my_rep->array % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "alignment error" );
    this->item_size = item_size;
Esempio n. 3
arena& arena::allocate_arena( market& m, unsigned max_num_workers ) {
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(base_type) + sizeof(arena_slot) == sizeof(arena), "All arena data fields must go to arena_base" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(base_type) % NFS_GetLineSize() == 0, "arena slots area misaligned: wrong padding" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(mail_outbox) == NFS_MaxLineSize, "Mailbox padding is wrong" );
    size_t n = allocation_size(max_num_workers);
    unsigned char* storage = (unsigned char*)NFS_Allocate( n, 1, NULL );
    // Zero all slots to indicate that they are empty
    memset( storage, 0, n );
    return *new( storage + num_slots_to_reserve(max_num_workers) * sizeof(mail_outbox) ) arena(m, max_num_workers);
Esempio n. 4
arena* arena::allocate_arena( unsigned number_of_slots, unsigned number_of_workers, stack_size_type stack_size ) {
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(ArenaPrefix) % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "ArenaPrefix not multiple of cache line size" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(mail_outbox)==NFS_MaxLineSize, NULL );
    __TBB_ASSERT( stack_size>0, NULL );

    size_t n = sizeof(ArenaPrefix) + number_of_slots*(sizeof(mail_outbox)+sizeof(arena_slot));

    unsigned char* storage = (unsigned char*)NFS_Allocate( n, 1, NULL );
    // Zero all slots to indicate that they are empty
    memset( storage, 0, n );
    arena* a = (arena*)(storage + sizeof(ArenaPrefix)+ number_of_slots*(sizeof(mail_outbox)));
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(a->slot[0]) % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "arena::slot size not multiple of cache line size" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( (uintptr_t)a % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, NULL );
    new( &a->prefix() ) ArenaPrefix( number_of_slots, number_of_workers );

    // Allocate the worker_list
    WorkerDescriptor * w = new WorkerDescriptor[number_of_workers];
    memset( w, 0, sizeof(WorkerDescriptor)*(number_of_workers));
    a->prefix().worker_list = w;

    // Construct mailboxes.
    for( unsigned j=1; j<=number_of_slots; ++j ) 

    a->prefix().stack_size = stack_size;
    size_t k;
    // Mark each internal sync element for the tools
    for( k=0; k<number_of_workers; ++k ) {
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(a->slot + k, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_WorkerTaskPool);
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&w[k].scheduler, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_WorkerLifeCycleMgmt);
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&a->mailbox(k+1), SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_Mailbox);
    for( ; k<number_of_slots; ++k ) {
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(a->slot + k, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_MasterTaskPool);
        ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&a->mailbox(k+1), SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_Mailbox);

    return a;