Esempio n. 1
  { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }
#define NJ(name, joy_name) \
  { name, joy_name, 0, 0 }

#define KEY_COLS 21
#define KEY_ROWS 7

static virtkey_t keys[KEY_COLS * KEY_ROWS] = {
  N("Esc","ESC",27), K("F1",282),K("F2",283),K("F3",284),K("F4",285),K("F5",286),K("F6",287),K("F7",288),K("F8",289),K("F9",290),K("F10",291), KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),
  N("~`","BACKQUOTE",96),K("1",49),K("2",50), K("3",51), K("4",52), K("5",53), K("6",54), K("7",55), K("8",56), K("9",57), K("0",48), N("-","SUB",45),N("=","EQUALS",61), N("\\","KEY_BACKSLASH",92),N("BS","BACKSPACE",8),N("Del", "DELETE",127),N("Help", "HELP",277),K("LEFTPAREN",278), K("RIGHTPAREN",279),K("KP_DIVIDE",267),K("KP_MULTIPLY",268),
  N("Tab", "TAB", 9), K("Q",113), K("W",119), K("E",101), K("R",114), K("T",116), K("Y",121), K("U",117), K("I",105), K("O",111), K("P",112),N("[","LEFTBRACKET",91),N("]","RIGHTBRACKET",93),N("Ret","RETURN",13),KNL(), K("KP7",263), K("KP8",264), K("KP9",265), K("KP_MINUS",269),KNL(),KNL(),
  N("Ctrl","CTRL",306),N("Capslock","CAPSLOCK",301), K("A",97), K("S",115), K("D",100), K("F",102), K("G",103), K("H",104), K("J",106), K("K",107), K("L",108),N(";","SEMICOLON",59),N("'","SINGLEQUOTE",96),N("Ret","RETURN",13),KNL(),N("Up","CURSOR_UP",273),KNL(),K("KP4",260), K("KP5",261), K("KP6",262),K("KP_PLUS",270),
  N("Sft","SHIFT_LEFT",304),K("Z",122),K("X",120),K("C",99), K("V",118), K("B",98), K("N",110), K("M",109),N(",","COMMA",44),N(".","PERIOD",46), N("/","SLASH",47), N("Sft","SHIFT_RIGHT",303), N("Lft","CURSOR_LEFT",276), N("Dwn","CURSOR_DOWN",274),  N("Rgt", "CURSOR_RIGHT",275),K("KP1",257),K("KP2",258), K("KP3",259), N("Enter","KP_ENTERENTER",271),KNL(),KNL(),
  N("Alt","ALT_LEFT",308), N("Amg","AMIGA_LEFT",310),N("space", "SPACE",32),N("Amg","AMIGA_RIGHT",309),N("Alt","ALT_RIGHT",307),KNL(),K("KP0",256),N(".","KP_PERIOD",266),N("Enter","KP_ENTER",271),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),
  NJ("Fire","JOY_FIRE_BUTTON"),NJ("AutoFire","JOY_AUTOFIRE_BUTTON"),NJ("Joy 2nd button","JOY_2ND_BUTTON"),NJ("Joy 3rd button","JOY_3RD_BUTTON"), NJ("Joy left","JOY_LEFT"),NJ("Joy right","JOY_RIGHT"),NJ("Joy up","JOY_UP"),NJ("Joy down","JOY_DOWN"),D("None"),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL(),KNL()};

static int rows_margins[KEY_ROWS+1] = {26, 49, 74, 98, 122, 145, 172, 198};

static int buttons_margins[KEY_ROWS][KEY_COLS+1] = {
{14,80,106,132,158,184,210,236,262,288,314,340,417,449,476,515,541,567,593,620 },

extern int RATIO;

void VirtualKeyboard_init(SDL_Surface *screen)
Esempio n. 2
double FormJf(Mode* ms, Geometry geo, Vec v, Vec f, double ftol, int printnewton){
	Mode m = ms[0];
	int lasing = m->lasing, Nm;
	VecGetSize(v, &Nm); Nm /= NJ(geo);
	Mat J = m->J; // for multimode, all m share same J

		ComputeGain(geo, ms, Nm); // do this before naming scratch vectors!
	// ================== name scratch vectors ================== //
	Vec vpsisq = geo->vscratch[3], // only form this later if needed
		vIpsi = geo->vscratch[2];
	Vec dfR, dfI;
	if(Nm == 1){
		dfR = geo->vscratch[0];
		dfI = geo->vscratch[1];
		dfR = geo->vNhscratch[0];
		dfI = geo->vNhscratch[1];

	// =========== linear J to compute residual ========= //

	int ih, jh, kh, ir, jr, jc;
	for(ih=0; ih<Nm; ih++){
		m = ms[ih];
		VecSet(dfR, 0.0);	
		VecSet(dfI, 0.0);

		LinearDerivative(m, geo, dfR, dfI, ih);
	  	SetJacobian(geo, J, dfR, -2, 0, ih);
		SetJacobian(geo, J, dfI, -2, 1, ih); 

	// row derivatives already added in add placeholders!

	MatMult(J, v, f);
	for(kh = 0; kh<Nm; kh++) for(ir=0; ir<2; ir++)
		VecSetValue(f, kh*NJ(geo) + Nxyzcr(geo)+ir, 0.0, INSERT_VALUES);
	// assume psi(ifix) = something + i 0. Note we do not explicitly assume what "something" is, so in principle psi can have any normalization, as long as Im psi(ifix) =0.	

	double fnorm;
	VecNorm(f, NORM_2, &fnorm);

	if( printnewton ) PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "|f| = %1.6e;", fnorm);
	// no \n here to make room for timing printf statement immediately afterwards

	if(Nm==2) //DEBUG
		PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, " DEBUG: |yw| c = (%g, %g)", get_c(ms[0]) / cabs(gamma_w(ms[0], geo)), get_c(ms[1]) / cabs(gamma_w(ms[1], geo)) );
		// see note under "%s at D = %g:" print statement in Newton.c

	if(fnorm < ftol )
		return fnorm;   		// TODO: deleted old integral routine. Write new one here.

	// =============== column derivatives ====================

	for(jh=0; jh<Nm; jh++){
		Mode mj = ms[jh];

		VecSet(dfR, 0.0);
		VecSet(dfI, 0.0);

		if(Nm > 1)  // hack: only recompute vpsisq if ComputeGain didn't already do it, i.e. for multimode
			VecDotMedium(geo, mj->vpsi, mj->vpsi, vpsisq, geo->vMscratch[0]);

		for(ih=0; ih<Nm; ih++){
			Mode mi = ms[ih];
			TimesI(geo, mi->vpsi, vIpsi);
			ColumnDerivative(mi, mj, geo, dfR, dfI, vIpsi, vpsisq, ih);

		SetJacobian(geo, J, dfR, -1, 0, jh);
		SetJacobian(geo, J, dfI, -1, 1, jh);

	//================ tensor derivatives ================

		Vec vpsibra = vpsisq; vpsisq = 0;

		for(jh=0; jh<Nm; jh++){
			Mode mj = ms[jh];

			for(jr=0; jr<2; jr++) for(jc=0; jc< geo->gN.Nc; jc++){
				VecCopy(mj->vpsi, vpsibra);
				Stamp(geo, vpsibra, jc, jr, geo->vMscratch[0]);

				VecSet(dfR, 0.0);
				for(ih=0; ih<Nm; ih++){
					Mode mi = ms[ih];
					TimesI(geo, mi->vpsi, vIpsi);
					TensorDerivative(mi, mj, geo, dfR, vpsibra, vIpsi, ih);

				SetJacobian(geo, J, dfR, jc, jr, jh);

	if(geo->interference != 0.0 && Nm == 2){
		// column interference derivative

		for(jh=0; jh<Nm; jh++){
			Mode mj = ms[jh];

			VecSet(dfR, 0.0);
			VecSet(dfI, 0.0);

			for(ih=0; ih<Nm; ih++){
				Mode mi = ms[ih];
				TimesI(geo, mi->vpsi, vIpsi);
				// assume vscratch[6] computed above in ComputeGain
				ColumnDerivative(mi, mj, geo, dfR, dfI, vIpsi, geo->vscratch[6], ih);

			double thisc = get_c(mj), otherc = get_c(ms[1-jh]);
			AssembleVec(dfI); // hack, so VecScale can work. Usually SetJacobian does the assembling
			VecScale( dfI, otherc / thisc); // factor of two already included

			// hack; this is usually called in SetJacobian, but here we are not setting the dfR part. If we don't assemble here, then ColumnDerivative will complain the next time we try to insert values into dfR.
			SetJacobian(geo, J, dfI, -1, 1, jh);

		// tensor interference derivative

		for(jc=0; jc< geo->gN.Nc; jc++){  // shifted order of loops around for convenience, but this is actually unnecessary
			Vec vpsibra = geo->vscratch[3], 
			    vcos = geo->vscratch[4], vsin = geo->vscratch[5];

			for(jh=0; jh<Nm; jh++) for(jr=0; jr<2; jr++) {	
				VecCopy( ms[1-jh]->vpsi, vcos);
				Stamp(geo, vcos, jc, jr, geo->vMscratch[0]);
				VecCopy( ms[1-jh]->vpsi, vsin);
				Stamp(geo, vsin, jc, 1-jr, geo->vMscratch[0]);

	//d/dE1R = cos E2R - sin E2I
	//d/dE1I = cos E2I + sin E2R

	//the other two are (1 <-> 2, sin <-> -sin) 

				double sign = (jh == jr ? -1.0 : 1.0);
				double costh = cos(geo->interference), sinth = sin(geo->interference);
				VecScale( vsin, sign * sinth);
				VecWAXPY( vpsibra, costh, vcos, vsin); // this function has awkward syntax, and VecAXPBY is even worse

				VecSet(dfR, 0.0);
				for(ih=0; ih<Nm; ih++){
					Mode mi = ms[ih];
					TimesI(geo, mi->vpsi, vIpsi);
					TensorDerivative(mi, ms[0], geo, dfR, vpsibra, vIpsi, ih);
				} // will have factor of c[0]^2

				double thisc = get_c(ms[0]), otherc = get_c(ms[1]);
				AssembleVec(dfR); // same hack. see above
				VecScale( dfR, otherc / thisc); // factor of two already included				

				SetJacobian(geo, J, dfR, jc, jr, jh);



		PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "DEBUG: interference code called");

	return fnorm;