XULContentSinkImpl::ReportError(const PRUnichar* aErrorText, 
                                const PRUnichar* aSourceText,
                                nsIScriptError *aError,
                                bool *_retval)
  NS_PRECONDITION(aError && aSourceText && aErrorText, "Check arguments!!!");

  // The expat driver should report the error.
  *_retval = true;

  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  // make sure to empty the context stack so that
  // <parsererror> could become the root element.

  mState = eInProlog;

  // Clear any buffered-up text we have.  It's enough to set the length to 0.
  // The buffer itself is allocated when we're created and deleted in our
  // destructor, so don't mess with it.
  mTextLength = 0;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIXULDocument> doc = do_QueryReferent(mDocument);
  if (doc && !doc->OnDocumentParserError()) {
    // The overlay was broken.  Don't add a messy element to the master doc.
    return NS_OK;

  const PRUnichar* noAtts[] = { 0, 0 };


  nsAutoString parsererror(errorNs);
  rv = HandleStartElement(parsererror.get(), noAtts, 0, -1, 0);

  rv = HandleCharacterData(aErrorText, NS_strlen(aErrorText));
  nsAutoString sourcetext(errorNs);

  rv = HandleStartElement(sourcetext.get(), noAtts, 0, -1, 0);
  rv = HandleCharacterData(aSourceText, NS_strlen(aSourceText));
  rv = HandleEndElement(sourcetext.get());
  rv = HandleEndElement(parsererror.get());

  return rv;
Esempio n. 2
NS_strdup(const PRUnichar *aString)
  uint32_t len = NS_strlen(aString);
  return NS_strndup(aString, len);
/* void onStartLookup (in wstring searchString, in nsIAutoCompleteResults previousSearchResult, in nsIAutoCompleteListener listener); */
nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup(const PRUnichar *searchString,
        nsIAutoCompleteResults *previousSearchResult,
        nsIAutoCompleteListener *listener)
    if (!mFormatter)
        NS_WARNING("mFormatter should not be null for nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup");

    nsresult rv; // Hold return values from XPCOM calls

    // Initialize logging, if it hasn't been already.
    if (!sLDAPAutoCompleteLogModule) {
        sLDAPAutoCompleteLogModule = PR_NewLogModule("ldapautocomplete");

                          "failed to initialize ldapautocomplete log module");

    PR_LOG(sLDAPAutoCompleteLogModule, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
           ("nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup entered\n"));

    mListener = listener;

    // Ignore the empty string, strings with @ in them, and strings
    // that are too short.
    if (searchString[0] == 0 ||
            nsDependentString(searchString).FindChar(PRUnichar('@'), 0) != -1 ||
            nsDependentString(searchString).FindChar(PRUnichar(','), 0) != -1 ||
            ( !IS_CJK_CHAR_FOR_LDAP(searchString[0]) ?
              mMinStringLength && NS_strlen(searchString) < mMinStringLength :
              mCjkMinStringLength && NS_strlen(searchString) <
              mCjkMinStringLength ) ) {

        FinishAutoCompleteLookup(nsIAutoCompleteStatus::ignored, 0, mState);
        return NS_OK;
    } else {
        mSearchString = searchString;        // save it for later use

    // Make sure this was called appropriately.
    if (mState == SEARCHING || mState == BINDING) {
        NS_ERROR("nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup(): called while "
                 "search already in progress; no lookup started.");
                                 NS_ERROR_FAILURE, mState);
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // See if this is a narrow search that we could potentially do locally.
    if (previousSearchResult) {

        // Get the string representing previous search results.
        nsString prevSearchStr;

        rv = previousSearchResult->GetSearchString(
        if ( NS_FAILED(rv) ) {
            NS_ERROR("nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup(): couldn't "
                     "get search string from previousSearchResult");
                                     NS_ERROR_FAILURE, mState);
            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

        // Does the string actually contain anything?
        if ( prevSearchStr.get() && prevSearchStr.get()[0]) {

            PR_LOG(sLDAPAutoCompleteLogModule, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
                   ("nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup(): starting "
                    "narrowing search\n"));

            // XXXdmose for performance, we should really do a local,
            // synchronous search against the existing dataset instead of
            // just kicking off a new LDAP search here.  When implementing
            // this, need to be sure that only previous results which did not
            // hit the size limit and were successfully completed are used.
            mState = SEARCHING;
            return DoTask();

    // Init connection if necessary
    switch (mState) {
    case UNBOUND:

        // Initialize the connection.
        rv = InitConnection();
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {

            // InitConnection() will have already called
            // FinishAutoCompleteLookup for us as necessary
            return rv;

        return NS_OK;

    case BOUND:

        PR_LOG(sLDAPAutoCompleteLogModule, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
               ("nsLDAPAutoComplete::OnStartLookup(): subsequent search "

        // Kick off an LDAP search
        mState = SEARCHING;
        return DoTask();

        // We don't need to do anything here (for now at least), because
        // we can't really abandon the initialization. If we allowed the
        // initialization to be aborted, we could potentially lock the
        // UI thread again, since the DNS service might be stalled.
        return NS_OK;

    case BINDING:
    case SEARCHING:
        // We should never get here
        NS_ERROR("nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnStartLookup(): unexpected "
                 "value of mStatus");
        return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;

Esempio n. 4
// If aFormat is CF_DIBV5, aMIMEImageFormat must be a type for which we have
// an image encoder (e.g. image/png).
// For other values of aFormat, it is OK to pass null for aMIMEImageFormat.
nsresult nsClipboard::GetNativeDataOffClipboard(IDataObject * aDataObject, UINT aIndex, UINT aFormat, const char * aMIMEImageFormat, void ** aData, uint32_t * aLen)
  nsresult result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  *aData = nullptr;
  *aLen = 0;

  if ( !aDataObject )
    return result;

  UINT    format = aFormat;
  HRESULT hres   = S_FALSE;

  // XXX at the moment we only support global memory transfers
  // It is here where we will add support for native images 
  // and IStream
  hres = FillSTGMedium(aDataObject, format, &fe, &stm, TYMED_HGLOBAL);

  // Currently this is only handling TYMED_HGLOBAL data
  // For Text, Dibs, Files, and generic data (like HTML)
  if (S_OK == hres) {
    static CLIPFORMAT fileDescriptorFlavorA = ::RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORA ); 
    static CLIPFORMAT fileDescriptorFlavorW = ::RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORW ); 
    static CLIPFORMAT fileFlavor = ::RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_FILECONTENTS ); 
    static CLIPFORMAT preferredDropEffect = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT);

    switch (stm.tymed) {
     case TYMED_HGLOBAL: 
          switch (fe.cfFormat) {
            case CF_TEXT:
                // Get the data out of the global data handle. The size we return
                // should not include the null because the other platforms don't
                // use nulls, so just return the length we get back from strlen(),
                // since we know CF_TEXT is null terminated. Recall that GetGlobalData() 
                // returns the size of the allocated buffer, not the size of the data 
                // (on 98, these are not the same) so we can't use that.
                uint32_t allocLen = 0;
                if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, aData, &allocLen)) ) {
                  *aLen = strlen ( reinterpret_cast<char*>(*aData) );
                  result = NS_OK;
              } break;

            case CF_UNICODETEXT:
                // Get the data out of the global data handle. The size we return
                // should not include the null because the other platforms don't
                // use nulls, so just return the length we get back from strlen(),
                // since we know CF_UNICODETEXT is null terminated. Recall that GetGlobalData() 
                // returns the size of the allocated buffer, not the size of the data 
                // (on 98, these are not the same) so we can't use that.
                uint32_t allocLen = 0;
                if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, aData, &allocLen)) ) {
                  *aLen = NS_strlen(reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>(*aData)) * 2;
                  result = NS_OK;
              } break;

            case CF_DIBV5:
              if (aMIMEImageFormat)
                uint32_t allocLen = 0;
                unsigned char * clipboardData;
                if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, (void **)&clipboardData, &allocLen)))
                  nsImageFromClipboard converter;
                  nsIInputStream * inputStream;
                  converter.GetEncodedImageStream(clipboardData, aMIMEImageFormat, &inputStream);   // addrefs for us, don't release
                  if ( inputStream ) {
                    *aData = inputStream;
                    *aLen = sizeof(nsIInputStream*);
                    result = NS_OK;
              } break;

            case CF_HDROP : 
                // in the case of a file drop, multiple files are stashed within a
                // single data object. In order to match mozilla's D&D apis, we
                // just pull out the file at the requested index, pretending as
                // if there really are multiple drag items.
                HDROP dropFiles = (HDROP) GlobalLock(stm.hGlobal);

                UINT numFiles = ::DragQueryFileW(dropFiles, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);
                NS_ASSERTION ( numFiles > 0, "File drop flavor, but no files...hmmmm" );
                NS_ASSERTION ( aIndex < numFiles, "Asked for a file index out of range of list" );
                if (numFiles > 0) {
                  UINT fileNameLen = ::DragQueryFileW(dropFiles, aIndex, nullptr, 0);
                  PRUnichar* buffer = reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>(nsMemory::Alloc((fileNameLen + 1) * sizeof(PRUnichar)));
                  if ( buffer ) {
                    ::DragQueryFileW(dropFiles, aIndex, buffer, fileNameLen + 1);
                    *aData = buffer;
                    *aLen = fileNameLen * sizeof(PRUnichar);
                    result = NS_OK;
                    result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                GlobalUnlock (stm.hGlobal) ;

              } break;

            default: {
              if ( fe.cfFormat == fileDescriptorFlavorA || fe.cfFormat == fileDescriptorFlavorW || fe.cfFormat == fileFlavor ) {
                NS_WARNING ( "Mozilla doesn't yet understand how to read this type of file flavor" );
                // Get the data out of the global data handle. The size we return
                // should not include the null because the other platforms don't
                // use nulls, so just return the length we get back from strlen(),
                // since we know CF_UNICODETEXT is null terminated. Recall that GetGlobalData() 
                // returns the size of the allocated buffer, not the size of the data 
                // (on 98, these are not the same) so we can't use that.
                // NOTE: we are assuming that anything that falls into this default case
                //        is unicode. As we start to get more kinds of binary data, this
                //        may become an incorrect assumption. Stay tuned.
                uint32_t allocLen = 0;
                if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, aData, &allocLen)) ) {
                  if ( fe.cfFormat == CF_HTML ) {
                    // CF_HTML is actually UTF8, not unicode, so disregard the assumption
                    // above. We have to check the header for the actual length, and we'll
                    // do that in FindPlatformHTML(). For now, return the allocLen. This
                    // case is mostly to ensure we don't try to call strlen on the buffer.
                    *aLen = allocLen;
                  } else if (fe.cfFormat == preferredDropEffect) {
                    // As per the MSDN doc entitled: "Shell Clipboard Formats"
                    // CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT should return a DWORD
                    // Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776902(v=vs.85).aspx
                    NS_ASSERTION(allocLen == sizeof(DWORD),
                      "CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT should return a DWORD");
                    *aLen = allocLen;
                  } else {
                    *aLen = NS_strlen(reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>(*aData)) * 
                  result = NS_OK;
            } break;
          } // switch
        } break;

      case TYMED_GDI: 
#ifdef DEBUG
          PR_LOG(gWin32ClipboardLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
                 ("*********************** TYMED_GDI\n"));
        } break;

    } //switch

  return result;
Esempio n. 5
nsSaveAsCharset::DoCharsetConversion(const PRUnichar *inString, char **outString)

  *outString = nullptr;

  nsresult rv;
  int32_t inStringLength = NS_strlen(inString);       // original input string length
  int32_t bufferLength;                               // allocated buffer length
  int32_t srcLength = inStringLength;
  int32_t dstLength;
  int32_t pos1, pos2;
  nsresult saveResult = NS_OK;                         // to remember NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING

  // estimate and allocate the target buffer (reserve extra memory for fallback)
  rv = mEncoder->GetMaxLength(inString, inStringLength, &dstLength);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  bufferLength = dstLength + RESERVE_FALLBACK_BYTES; // extra bytes for fallback
  // + 1 is for the terminating NUL -- we don't add that to bufferLength so that
  // we can always write dstPtr[pos2] = '\0' even when the encoder filled the
  // buffer.
  char *dstPtr = (char *) PR_Malloc(bufferLength + 1);
  if (!dstPtr) {
  for (pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0; pos1 < inStringLength;) {
    // convert from unicode
    dstLength = bufferLength - pos2;
    NS_ASSERTION(dstLength >= 0, "out of bounds write");
    rv = mEncoder->Convert(&inString[pos1], &srcLength, &dstPtr[pos2], &dstLength);

    pos1 += srcLength ? srcLength : 1;
    pos2 += dstLength;
    dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

    // break: this is usually the case (no error) OR unrecoverable error
    if (NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING != rv) break;

    // remember this happened and reset the result
    saveResult = rv;
    rv = NS_OK;

    // finish encoder, give it a chance to write extra data like escape sequences
    dstLength = bufferLength - pos2;
    rv = mEncoder->Finish(&dstPtr[pos2], &dstLength);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      pos2 += dstLength;
      dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

    srcLength = inStringLength - pos1;

    // do the fallback
    if (!ATTR_NO_FALLBACK(mAttribute)) {
      uint32_t unMappedChar;
      if (NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(inString[pos1-1]) && 
          inStringLength > pos1 && NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(inString[pos1])) {
        unMappedChar = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(inString[pos1-1], inString[pos1]);
      } else {
        unMappedChar = inString[pos1-1];

      rv = mEncoder->GetMaxLength(inString+pos1, inStringLength-pos1, &dstLength);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) 

      rv = HandleFallBack(unMappedChar, &dstPtr, &bufferLength, &pos2, dstLength);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) 
      dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
    // finish encoder, give it a chance to write extra data like escape sequences
    dstLength = bufferLength - pos2;
    rv = mEncoder->Finish(&dstPtr[pos2], &dstLength);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      pos2 += dstLength;
      dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  *outString = dstPtr;      // set the result string

  // set error code so that the caller can do own fall back
  if (NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING == saveResult) {

  return rv;
nsSaveAsCharset::DoCharsetConversion(const PRUnichar *inString, char **outString)
  if(nullptr == outString )
  NS_ASSERTION(outString, "invalid input");

  *outString = NULL;

  nsresult rv;
  PRInt32 inStringLength = NS_strlen(inString);       // original input string length
  PRInt32 bufferLength;                               // allocated buffer length
  PRInt32 srcLength = inStringLength;
  PRInt32 dstLength;
  char *dstPtr = NULL;
  PRInt32 pos1, pos2;
  nsresult saveResult = NS_OK;                         // to remember NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING

  // estimate and allocate the target buffer (reserve extra memory for fallback)
  rv = mEncoder->GetMaxLength(inString, inStringLength, &dstLength);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  bufferLength = dstLength + 512; // reserve 512 byte for fallback.
  dstPtr = (char *) PR_Malloc(bufferLength);
  if (NULL == dstPtr) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

  for (pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0; pos1 < inStringLength;) {
    // convert from unicode
    dstLength = bufferLength - pos2;
    rv = mEncoder->Convert(&inString[pos1], &srcLength, &dstPtr[pos2], &dstLength);

    pos1 += srcLength ? srcLength : 1;
    pos2 += dstLength;
    dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

    // break: this is usually the case (no error) OR unrecoverable error
    if (NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING != rv) break;

    // remember this happened and reset the result
    saveResult = rv;
    rv = NS_OK;

    // finish encoder, give it a chance to write extra data like escape sequences
    dstLength = bufferLength - pos2;
    rv = mEncoder->Finish(&dstPtr[pos2], &dstLength);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      pos2 += dstLength;
      dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

    srcLength = inStringLength - pos1;

    // do the fallback
    if (!ATTR_NO_FALLBACK(mAttribute)) {
      PRUint32 unMappedChar;
      if (NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(inString[pos1-1]) && 
          inStringLength > pos1 && NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(inString[pos1])) {
        unMappedChar = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(inString[pos1-1], inString[pos1]);
      } else {
        unMappedChar = inString[pos1-1];

      rv = mEncoder->GetMaxLength(inString+pos1, inStringLength-pos1, &dstLength);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) 

      rv = HandleFallBack(unMappedChar, &dstPtr, &bufferLength, &pos2, dstLength);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) 
      dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
    // finish encoder, give it a chance to write extra data like escape sequences
    dstLength = bufferLength - pos2;
    rv = mEncoder->Finish(&dstPtr[pos2], &dstLength);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      pos2 += dstLength;
      dstPtr[pos2] = '\0';

  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  *outString = dstPtr;      // set the result string

  // set error code so that the caller can do own fall back
  if (NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING == saveResult) {

  return rv;
Esempio n. 7
NS_strdup(const char16_t* aString)
  uint32_t len = NS_strlen(aString);
  return NS_strndup(aString, len);
Esempio n. 8
mozTXTToHTMLConv::CiteLevelTXT(const char16_t *line,
				    uint32_t& logLineStart)
  int32_t result = 0;
  int32_t lineLength = NS_strlen(line);

  bool moreCites = true;
  while (moreCites)
    /* E.g. the following lines count as quote:

       > text
           > text
       ] text
       USER> text
       USER] text

       logLineStart is the position of "t" in this example
    uint32_t i = logLineStart;

    for (; int32_t(i) < lineLength && IsSpace(line[i]); i++)
    for (; int32_t(i) < lineLength && nsCRT::IsAsciiAlpha(line[i])
                                   && nsCRT::IsUpper(line[i])   ; i++)
    if (int32_t(i) < lineLength && (line[i] == '>' || line[i] == ']'))
    if (int32_t(i) < lineLength && line[i] == '>')
      if (int32_t(i) < lineLength && line[i] == ' ')
      // sendmail/mbox
      // Placed here for performance increase
      const char16_t * indexString = &line[logLineStart];
           // here, |logLineStart < lineLength| is always true
      uint32_t minlength = MinInt(6, NS_strlen(indexString));
      if (Substring(indexString,
                    indexString+minlength).Equals(Substring(NS_LITERAL_STRING(">From "), 0, minlength),
        //XXX RFC2646
        moreCites = false;
        logLineStart = i;
      moreCites = false;

  return result;