Esempio n. 1
NWDSCCODE nds_login(
		NWDSContextHandle ctx,
		const NWDSChar* objectName,
		const char *objectPassword) {
	NWObjectID	objectID;
	NWObjectID	pseudoID;
	nuint8		rndseed[4];
	nuint8*		serverPublicKey;
	size_t		pwdLen;
	nuint8		pwdHash[16];
	nuint8*		privKey;
	size_t		privKeyLen;
	nuint8		logindata[8];
	NWDSCCODE	grace_err;
	wchar_t		unaliasedName[MAX_DN_CHARS + 1];
	NWDSContextHandle wctx;

	err = __NWDSGenerateObjectKeyPairStep1(ctx, objectName,
			&conn, &objectID, &pseudoID, rndseed,
	if (err)
		return err;
	err = NWDSDuplicateContextHandleInt(ctx, &wctx);
	if (err) {
		__NWDSGenerateObjectKeyPairStep3(conn, serverPublicKey);
		return err;
	err = NWDSMapIDToName(wctx, conn, objectID, (NWDSChar*)unaliasedName);
	if (err) {
		__NWDSGenerateObjectKeyPairStep3(conn, serverPublicKey);
		return err;
	/* compute key... */
	pwdLen = strlen(objectPassword);
	/* BEWARE! other NWDS*Password functions do NOT uppercase password */
	__NWDSHashPasswordUpper(objectPassword, pseudoID, pwdLen, pwdHash);
	grace_err = __NWDSGetPrivateKey(conn, serverPublicKey,
	    rndseed, objectID, pwdHash, logindata, &privKey, &privKeyLen);
	__NWDSGenerateObjectKeyPairStep3(conn, serverPublicKey);
	if (!grace_err || grace_err == NWE_PASSWORD_EXPIRED) {
		err = NWDSSetKeys(wctx, logindata, unaliasedName, privKey, privKeyLen);
		memset(privKey, 0, privKeyLen);
		if (err)
			goto err_exit;
	err = grace_err;
	memset(logindata, 0, sizeof(logindata));
	return err; 
Esempio n. 2
int TrusteeRights (NWCONN_HANDLE ConnHandle, NWDIR_HANDLE DirHandle, pnstr8 Path, nuint16 NameSpace, pnstr8 TrusteeName, pnstr8 Rights)
        nuint32         ObjectID;                       // Variable to hold the Object ID (converted from TrusteeName)
        nuint16         ObjectRights;                   // Holds the binary representation of the rights
        nuint16         FileFlag;                       // Specifies a file or folder
        NWDSCCODE       res;                            // Holds NDS Api return codes
        nuint32         IterHandle;                     // Iterator handle for internal use by NDS Api
        nuint16         NumEntries;                     // Number of entries returned by NWIntScanForTrustees
        NWET_INFO       TrusteeInfo;                    // Array of trustees and rights
        nstr8           DosPath [256];                  // String to represent DOS path
        nstr8           Trustee [MAX_DN_CHARS + 1];     // String to hold trustee
        TrusteeRightsOp RightsOp;                       // Stores which operation were carrying out for if statements
        int             i;                              // Used for iterating through trustee array

        // Get the short path name

        if ((res = GetShortPath (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NameSpace, DosPath, 256, &FileFlag)) != 0)
		return ERR_FILE_INFO;

        ObjectRights = TR_NONE;

        // Work out which operation were doing - + indicate adding, - is revoking, REM is deleting, anything else is assign

        if (Rights [0] == '+')
                RightsOp = Add;
        else if (Rights [0] == '-')
                RightsOp = Revoke;
        else if (stricmp (Rights, "REM") == 0)
                RightsOp = Delete;
                RightsOp = Set;

        // COnvert Trustee to an ObjectID

        if ((res = NWDSMapNameToID (NDSContext, ConnHandle, TrusteeName, &ObjectID)) != 0)
                return ERR_TRUSTEE_TO_NDS_OBJ;

        // If we're adding or revoking, we need to know the objects original rights

        if (RightsOp == Add || RightsOp == Revoke)
                TrusteeInfo.sequenceNumber = 0L;
                IterHandle = 0;

                // Get rights for the path

                while (NWIntScanForTrustees (ConnHandle, 0, DosPath, &IterHandle, &NumEntries, &TrusteeInfo, 0) == 0)
                        for (i=0;i<20;i++)
                                // Scan for given trustee and obtain rights

                                if (TrusteeInfo.trusteeList[i].objectID != 0L)
                                        if ((res = NWDSMapIDToName (NDSContext, ConnHandle, TrusteeInfo.trusteeList[i].objectID, Trustee)) == 0)
                                                if (ObjectID == TrusteeInfo.trusteeList[i].objectID) ObjectRights = TrusteeInfo.trusteeList[i].objectRights;

        // If we are adding rights, we can simply OR the new rights with the old
        // which will be TR_NONE in the case of Set

        if (RightsOp == Add || RightsOp == Set)
                for (i=0;i<strlen (Rights);i++)
                        if (Rights [i] == 'S' || Rights [i] == 's') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_SUPERVISOR;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'R' || Rights [i] == 'r') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_READ;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'W' || Rights [i] == 'w') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_WRITE;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'C' || Rights [i] == 'c') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_CREATE;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'E' || Rights [i] == 'e') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_DELETE;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'M' || Rights [i] == 'm') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_MODIFY;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'F' || Rights [i] == 'f') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_FILE_SCAN;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'A' || Rights [i] == 'a') ObjectRights = ObjectRights | TR_ACCESS_CTRL;
        // If we are revoking rights, we need to XOR the appropriate right with TR_ALL, and then AND it with the old rights

        if (RightsOp == Revoke)
                for (i=0;i<strlen (Rights);i++)
                        if (Rights [i] == 'S' || Rights [i] == 's') ObjectRights = (TR_SUPERVISOR       ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'R' || Rights [i] == 'r') ObjectRights = (TR_READ             ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'W' || Rights [i] == 'w') ObjectRights = (TR_WRITE            ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'C' || Rights [i] == 'c') ObjectRights = (TR_CREATE           ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'E' || Rights [i] == 'e') ObjectRights = (TR_DELETE           ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'M' || Rights [i] == 'm') ObjectRights = (TR_MODIFY           ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'F' || Rights [i] == 'f') ObjectRights = (TR_FILE_SCAN        ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;
                        if (Rights [i] == 'A' || Rights [i] == 'a') ObjectRights = (TR_ACCESS_CTRL      ^ TR_ALL) & ObjectRights;

        // Call NWAddTrustee, unless we're deleting a trustee

        if (RightsOp != Delete)
                if ((res = NWAddTrustee (ConnHandle, DirHandle, DosPath, ObjectID, ObjectRights)) != 0)
                        return SUCCESS;

        // Otherwise call NWDeleteTrustee

                if ((res = NWDeleteTrustee (ConnHandle, DirHandle, DosPath, ObjectID)) != 0)
                        return ERR_CANT_ASSIGN_RIGHTS;
                        return SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
int GetTrustees (NWCONN_HANDLE ConnHandle, NWDIR_HANDLE DirHandle, pnstr8 Path, nuint16 NameSpace, nuint16 SubDir, FILE* fh)
        int              i;                             // Used for iterating through trustee lists
        NW_ENTRY_INFO*   EntryInfo;                     // Netware structure for file / folder info
        NW_ENTRY_INFO2*  Children;                      // List of child files and folders
        NWET_INFO*       TrusteeInfo;                   // Netware structure for holding a list of trustees
        nuint16          NumEntries;                    // Pointer to the number of entries returned by NDS Api functions
        SEARCH_SEQUENCE* Seq;                           // Sequence number used by NDS Api
        NWDSCCODE        res;                           // Variable to store the result of functions - 0=Success
        nuint16          FileFlag;                      // Specifies a file or folder
        nuint32          IterHandle;                    // Iteration handle for NDS functions
        pnstr8           Trustee;                       // String to hold trustee name after its been converted from ObjectID
        pnstr8           IRights;                       // String represent the inherited rights filter
        pnstr8           Rights;                        // String to represent rights
        pnstr8           DosPath;                       // String to hold Path converted to Netware (DOS) notation
        NWDIR_HANDLE*    TempDirHandle;                 // Temporary directory handle to use for getting subfolders
        pnstr8           NextPath;                      // String to hold the name of the subfolder

        EntryInfo       = (NW_ENTRY_INFO*)      malloc (sizeof (NW_ENTRY_INFO));
        TrusteeInfo     = (NWET_INFO*)          malloc (sizeof (NWET_INFO));
        Trustee         = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * MAX_DN_CHARS+1);
        IRights         = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * 10);
        Rights          = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * 10);
        DosPath         = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * 256);
        if (EntryInfo && TrusteeInfo && Trustee && IRights && Rights && DosPath)
                // Find out whether Path is a file or folder, and get the inherited rights filter

                if ((res = NWGetNSEntryInfo (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NW_NS_LONG, NW_NS_LONG, SA_ALL, IM_ATTRIBUTES | IM_RIGHTS | IM_NAME, EntryInfo)) != 0)
                        printf ("NWGetNSEntryInfo returned: %d\n", res);

                // Print the inherited rights as a string - all the rights are ORed together to make an nuint16.
                if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_ALL) != TA_ALL)
                        strcpy (IRights, "");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_NONE)          == TA_NONE)     strcat (IRights, "S");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_READ)          == TA_READ)     strcat (IRights, "R");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_WRITE)         == TA_WRITE)    strcat (IRights, "W");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_CREATE)        == TA_CREATE)   strcat (IRights, "C");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_DELETE)        == TA_DELETE)   strcat (IRights, "E");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_MODIFY)        == TA_MODIFY)   strcat (IRights, "M");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_SEARCH)        == TA_SEARCH)   strcat (IRights, "F");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_OWNERSHIP)     == TA_OWNERSHIP)strcat (IRights, "A");

                        // printf ("%s\t%s\t/F\n", Path, IRights);
			DisplayOutput (Path, IRights, "/F", SUCCESS, NULL);
			if (fh)
				fprintf (fh,"RIGHTS \"%s\" %s /F\n", Path, IRights); 


                // Get the short path name, as NWIntScanForTrustees will only work with the default name space

                if ((res = GetShortPath (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NameSpace, DosPath, 256, &FileFlag)) != 0)
                        printf ("GetShortPath returned: %d\n", res);
                        return 1;

                IterHandle = 0;
                // Iteratively scan for trustees until there are no more

                while (NWIntScanForTrustees (ConnHandle, 0, DosPath, &IterHandle, &NumEntries, TrusteeInfo, 0) == 0)

                        // arrays of 20 trustees are returned

                        for (i=0;i<20;i++)
                                // if an entry hasn't been populated, it is set to 0L

                                if (TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectID != 0L)
                                        // An object id is returned representing a trustee, so convert to a string

                                        if ((res = NWDSMapIDToName (NDSContext, ConnHandle, TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectID, Trustee)) != 0)
                                                printf ("NWDSMapIDToName returned: %d\n", res);
                                                // Convert the rights to a string, again rights are ORed together

                                                strcpy (Rights, "");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_SUPERVISOR)  == TR_SUPERVISOR)       strcat (Rights, "S");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_READ)        == TR_READ)             strcat (Rights, "R");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_WRITE)       == TR_WRITE)            strcat (Rights, "W");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_CREATE)      == TR_CREATE)           strcat (Rights, "C");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_DELETE)      == TR_DELETE)           strcat (Rights, "E");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_MODIFY)      == TR_MODIFY)           strcat (Rights, "M");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_FILE_SCAN)   == TR_FILE_SCAN)        strcat (Rights, "F");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_ACCESS_CTRL) == TR_ACCESS_CTRL)      strcat (Rights, "A");
                                                //printf ("%s\t%s\t/NAME=%s\n", Path, Rights, Trustee);
						DisplayOutput (Path, Rights, Trustee, SUCCESS, NULL);

                                                if (fh)
                                                        fprintf (fh,"RIGHTS \"%s\" %s /NAME=\"%s\"\n", Path, Rights, Trustee); 

                // If we're examining a directory, then scan files and folder within the directory
		// NOTE: all the variable assigned here are malloc'ed so that only the pointers go on the stack
		//       in recursive calls. I changed this because I was getting some stack overflow problems
		//       on large directory structure on NW5.1

                // added a check to see if the NLM was exiting via the sig handler - if it is, stop processing and clean up
		if (((EntryInfo->attributes & A_DIRECTORY) == A_DIRECTORY) && (SubDir != 0) && (NlmExiting == FALSE))
                        Children        = (NW_ENTRY_INFO2*)     malloc (sizeof (NW_ENTRY_INFO2));
                        Seq             = (SEARCH_SEQUENCE*)    malloc (sizeof (SEARCH_SEQUENCE));
                        TempDirHandle   = (NWDIR_HANDLE*)       malloc (sizeof (NWDIR_HANDLE));
                        if (Children && Seq && TempDirHandle)

                                if ((res = NWAllocTempNSDirHandle2 (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NW_NS_LONG, TempDirHandle, NW_NS_LONG)) != 0)
                                        printf ("NWAllocTempNSDirHandle2 returned: %d\n", res);

                                Seq->searchDirNumber = -1;
                                while (NWScanNSEntryInfo2 (ConnHandle, *TempDirHandle, NW_NS_LONG, SA_ALL, Seq, "*" ,IM_NAME, Children) == 0)
                                        if ((NextPath = (char*) malloc (sizeof (char) * (strlen (Children->entryName) + strlen (Path) + 2))) == NULL)
                                                printf ("Couldn't allocate memory\n");
                                                strcpy (NextPath, Path);
                                                strcat (NextPath, "\\");
                                                strcat (NextPath, Children->entryName);

                                                // Iterativly call GetTrustees on subfolders

                                                GetTrustees (ConnHandle, 0, NextPath, NameSpace, SubDir, fh);
                                                free (NextPath);

                                NWDeallocateDirectoryHandle (ConnHandle, *TempDirHandle);
                        if (Children) free (Children);
                        if (Seq) free (Seq);
                        if (TempDirHandle) free (TempDirHandle);
	// cleanup
        if (EntryInfo)          free (EntryInfo);
        if (TrusteeInfo)        free (TrusteeInfo);
        if (Trustee)            free (Trustee);
        if (IRights)            free (IRights);
        if (Rights)             free (Rights);
        if (DosPath)            free (DosPath);

        return 0;