/* * Write a.out or ELF header. */ static void puthdr(int fd, struct hdr *hdr) { struct exec ex; struct elfh eh; switch (hdr->fmt) { case F_AOUT: memset(&ex, 0, sizeof(ex)); N_SETMAGIC(ex, ZMAGIC, MID_I386, 0); hdr->text = N_ALIGN(ex, hdr->text); ex.a_text = htole32(hdr->text); hdr->data = N_ALIGN(ex, hdr->data); ex.a_data = htole32(hdr->data); ex.a_entry = htole32(hdr->entry); writex(fd, &ex, sizeof(ex)); hdr->size = N_ALIGN(ex, sizeof(ex)); seekx(fd, hdr->size); break; case F_ELF: eh = elfhdr; eh.e.e_entry = htole32(hdr->entry); eh.p[0].p_vaddr = eh.p[0].p_paddr = htole32(hdr->org); eh.p[0].p_filesz = eh.p[0].p_memsz = htole32(hdr->text); eh.p[1].p_offset = htole32(le32toh(eh.p[0].p_offset) + le32toh(eh.p[0].p_filesz)); eh.p[1].p_vaddr = eh.p[1].p_paddr = htole32(align(le32toh(eh.p[0].p_paddr) + le32toh(eh.p[0].p_memsz), 4096)); eh.p[1].p_filesz = eh.p[1].p_memsz = htole32(hdr->data); eh.sh[2].sh_addr = eh.p[0].p_vaddr; eh.sh[2].sh_offset = eh.p[0].p_offset; eh.sh[2].sh_size = eh.p[0].p_filesz; eh.sh[3].sh_addr = eh.p[1].p_vaddr; eh.sh[3].sh_offset = eh.p[1].p_offset; eh.sh[3].sh_size = eh.p[1].p_filesz; writex(fd, &eh, sizeof(eh)); hdr->size = sizeof(eh); } }
static __initdata char *message; static void __init error(char *x) { if (!message) message = x; } /* link hash */ #define N_ALIGN(len) ((((len) + 1) & ~3) + 2) static __initdata struct hash { int ino, minor, major; mode_t mode; struct hash *next; char name[N_ALIGN(PATH_MAX)]; } *head[32]; static inline int hash(int major, int minor, int ino) { unsigned long tmp = ino + minor + (major << 3); tmp += tmp >> 5; return tmp & 31; } static char __init *find_link(int major, int minor, int ino, mode_t mode, char *name) { struct hash **p, *q; for (p = head + hash(major, minor, ino); *p; p = &(*p)->next) { if ((*p)->ino != ino)
int libusb_get_config_descriptor(libusb_device *dev, uint8_t config_index, struct libusb_config_descriptor **config) { struct libusb20_device *pdev; struct libusb20_config *pconf; struct libusb20_interface *pinf; struct libusb20_endpoint *pend; struct libusb_config_descriptor *pconfd; struct libusb_interface_descriptor *ifd; struct libusb_endpoint_descriptor *endd; uint8_t *pextra; uint16_t nextra; uint8_t nif; uint8_t nep; uint8_t nalt; uint8_t i; uint8_t j; uint8_t k; if (dev == NULL || config == NULL) return (LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); *config = NULL; pdev = dev->os_priv; pconf = libusb20_dev_alloc_config(pdev, config_index); if (pconf == NULL) return (LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); nalt = nif = pconf->num_interface; nep = 0; nextra = N_ALIGN(pconf->extra.len); for (i = 0; i < nif; i++) { pinf = pconf->interface + i; nextra += N_ALIGN(pinf->extra.len); nep += pinf->num_endpoints; k = pinf->num_endpoints; pend = pinf->endpoints; while (k--) { nextra += N_ALIGN(pend->extra.len); pend++; } j = pinf->num_altsetting; nalt += pinf->num_altsetting; pinf = pinf->altsetting; while (j--) { nextra += N_ALIGN(pinf->extra.len); nep += pinf->num_endpoints; k = pinf->num_endpoints; pend = pinf->endpoints; while (k--) { nextra += N_ALIGN(pend->extra.len); pend++; } pinf++; } } nextra = nextra + (1 * sizeof(libusb_config_descriptor)) + (nif * sizeof(libusb_interface)) + (nalt * sizeof(libusb_interface_descriptor)) + (nep * sizeof(libusb_endpoint_descriptor)); nextra = N_ALIGN(nextra); pconfd = malloc(nextra); if (pconfd == NULL) { free(pconf); return (LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM); } /* make sure memory is initialised */ memset(pconfd, 0, nextra); pconfd->interface = (libusb_interface *) (pconfd + 1); ifd = (libusb_interface_descriptor *) (pconfd->interface + nif); endd = (libusb_endpoint_descriptor *) (ifd + nalt); pextra = (uint8_t *)(endd + nep); /* fill in config descriptor */ pconfd->bLength = pconf->desc.bLength; pconfd->bDescriptorType = pconf->desc.bDescriptorType; pconfd->wTotalLength = pconf->desc.wTotalLength; pconfd->bNumInterfaces = pconf->desc.bNumInterfaces; pconfd->bConfigurationValue = pconf->desc.bConfigurationValue; pconfd->iConfiguration = pconf->desc.iConfiguration; pconfd->bmAttributes = pconf->desc.bmAttributes; pconfd->MaxPower = pconf->desc.bMaxPower; if (pconf->extra.len != 0) { pconfd->extra_length = pconf->extra.len; pconfd->extra = pextra; memcpy(pextra, pconf->extra.ptr, pconfd->extra_length); pextra += N_ALIGN(pconfd->extra_length); } /* setup all interface and endpoint pointers */ for (i = 0; i < nif; i++) { pconfd->interface[i].altsetting = ifd; ifd->endpoint = endd; endd += pconf->interface[i].num_endpoints; ifd++; for (j = 0; j < pconf->interface[i].num_altsetting; j++) { ifd->endpoint = endd; endd += pconf->interface[i].altsetting[j].num_endpoints; ifd++; } } /* fill in all interface and endpoint data */ for (i = 0; i < nif; i++) { pinf = &pconf->interface[i]; pconfd->interface[i].num_altsetting = pinf->num_altsetting + 1; for (j = 0; j < pconfd->interface[i].num_altsetting; j++) { if (j != 0) pinf = &pconf->interface[i].altsetting[j - 1]; ifd = &pconfd->interface[i].altsetting[j]; ifd->bLength = pinf->desc.bLength; ifd->bDescriptorType = pinf->desc.bDescriptorType; ifd->bInterfaceNumber = pinf->desc.bInterfaceNumber; ifd->bAlternateSetting = pinf->desc.bAlternateSetting; ifd->bNumEndpoints = pinf->desc.bNumEndpoints; ifd->bInterfaceClass = pinf->desc.bInterfaceClass; ifd->bInterfaceSubClass = pinf->desc.bInterfaceSubClass; ifd->bInterfaceProtocol = pinf->desc.bInterfaceProtocol; ifd->iInterface = pinf->desc.iInterface; if (pinf->extra.len != 0) { ifd->extra_length = pinf->extra.len; ifd->extra = pextra; memcpy(pextra, pinf->extra.ptr, pinf->extra.len); pextra += N_ALIGN(pinf->extra.len); } for (k = 0; k < pinf->num_endpoints; k++) { pend = &pinf->endpoints[k]; endd = &ifd->endpoint[k]; endd->bLength = pend->desc.bLength; endd->bDescriptorType = pend->desc.bDescriptorType; endd->bEndpointAddress = pend->desc.bEndpointAddress; endd->bmAttributes = pend->desc.bmAttributes; endd->wMaxPacketSize = pend->desc.wMaxPacketSize; endd->bInterval = pend->desc.bInterval; endd->bRefresh = pend->desc.bRefresh; endd->bSynchAddress = pend->desc.bSynchAddress; if (pend->extra.len != 0) { endd->extra_length = pend->extra.len; endd->extra = pextra; memcpy(pextra, pend->extra.ptr, pend->extra.len); pextra += N_ALIGN(pend->extra.len); } } } } free(pconf); *config = pconfd; return (0); /* success */ }