Esempio n. 1
File: hw_tty.c Progetto: Mirppc/twin
static void stdin_Resize(dat x, dat y) {
    if (x < HW->usedX || y < HW->usedY) {
	 * can't resize the tty, just clear it so that
	 * extra size will get padded with blanks
	fprintf(stdOUT, "\033[0m%s", tc_scr_clear);
	 * flush now not to risk arriving late
	 * and clearing the screen AFTER vcsa_FlushVideo()
	NeedRedrawVideo(0, 0, x - 1, y - 1);
    HW->usedX = x;
    HW->usedY = y;
Esempio n. 2
static byte X11_InitHW(void) {
    char *arg = HW->Name;
    int xscreen;
    unsigned int xdepth;
    XSetWindowAttributes xattr;
    XColor xcolor;
    XSizeHints *xhints;
    XEvent event;
    Visual *xvisual;
    Colormap colormap;
    byte *s, *xdisplay_ = NULL, *xdisplay0 = NULL,
        *fontname = NULL, *fontname0 = NULL,
        *charset = NULL, *charset0 = NULL,
    int i, nskip;
    udat fontwidth = 8, fontheight = 16;
    byte drag = tfalse, noinput = tfalse;
    unsigned long xcreategc_mask = GCForeground|GCBackground|GCGraphicsExposures;
    if (!(HW->Private = (struct x11_data *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct x11_data)))) {
	printk("      X11_InitHW(): Out of memory!\n");
	return tfalse;
    WriteMem(HW->Private, 0, sizeof(struct x11_data));

    /* default: show the whole screen */
    xhw_view = xhw_startx = xhw_starty = xhw_endx = xhw_endy = 0;

    /* not yet opened */
    xdisplay = NULL;
    if (arg && *arg && ((nskip = check_hw_name(arg)) > 0)) {
        arg += nskip;

	if (*arg == '@') {
	    if ((s = strchr(xdisplay_ = ++arg, ','))) {
		*(xdisplay0 = s) = '\0';
		arg = s + 1;
	    } else
		arg = NULL;

	while (arg && *arg) {
	    /* parse options */
	    if (*arg == ',') {
	    if (!strncmp(arg, "font=", 5)) {
		fontname = arg += 5;
		s = strchr(arg, ',');
		if (s) *(fontname0 = s++) = '\0';
		arg = s;
            } else if (!strncmp(arg, "fontsize=", 9)) {
                int n1 = atoi(arg += 9), n2 = 0;
                byte ch;
                if (n1 > 0) {
                    while ((ch = (byte)*++arg) && ch != ',') {
                        if (ch == 'x') {
                            n2 = atoi(arg+1);
                    fontwidth  = Min2(TW_MAXUDAT, n2 > 0 ? n1 : n1 / 2);
                    fontheight = Min2(TW_MAXUDAT, n2 > 0 ? n2 : n1);
	    } else if (!strncmp(arg, "charset=", 8)) {
		charset = arg += 8;
		s = strchr(arg, ',');
		if (s) *(charset0 = s++) = '\0';
		arg = s;
	    } else if (!strncmp(arg, "view=", 5)) {
		xhw_view = 1;
		xhw_endx = strtol(arg+5, &arg, 0);
		xhw_endy = strtol(arg+1, &arg, 0);
		xhw_startx = strtol(arg+1, &arg, 0);
		xhw_starty = strtol(arg+1, &arg, 0);
		xhw_endx += xhw_startx;
		xhw_endy += xhw_starty;
	    } else if (!strncmp(arg, "drag", 4)) {
		arg += 4;
		drag = ttrue;
	    } else if (!strncmp(arg, "noinput", 7)) {
		arg += 7;
		noinput = ttrue;
	    } else
		arg = strchr(arg, ',');

    xsfont = NULL; xhints = NULL;
    xwindow = None; xgc = None;
    xReqCount = XReqCount = 0;
    HW->keyboard_slot = NOSLOT;
    if ((xdisplay = XOpenDisplay(xdisplay_))) do {

	if (!X11_CheckRemapKeys())

	xscreen = DefaultScreen(xdisplay);
	xdepth  = DefaultDepth(xdisplay, xscreen);
        xvisual = DefaultVisual(xdisplay, xscreen);
        colormap = DefaultColormap(xdisplay, xscreen);
	for (i = 0; i <= MAXCOL; i++) {   = 257 * (udat)Palette[i].Red; = 257 * (udat)Palette[i].Green;  = 257 * (udat)Palette[i].Blue;
            if (!X11_AllocColor(xdisplay, xvisual, colormap, &xcolor, &xcol[i], i)) {
                printk("      X11_InitHW() failed to allocate colors\n");
	if (i <= MAXCOL)
	xattr.background_pixel = xcol[0];
	xattr.event_mask = ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask |
	    StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask |
	    KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask;

	if (!X11_LoadFont(fontname, fontwidth, fontheight))
	if (xhw_view && xhw_startx >= 0 && xhw_starty >= 0 && xhw_endx > xhw_startx && xhw_endy > xhw_starty) {
	    /* a valid view was specified */
	    xwidth  = xwfont * (ldat)(xhw_endx - xhw_startx);
	    xheight = xhfont * (ldat)(xhw_endy - xhw_starty);
	} else {
	    xhw_view = xhw_startx = xhw_starty = 0;
	    xhw_endx = HW->X;
	    xhw_endy = HW->Y;
	if ((xwindow = XCreateWindow(xdisplay, DefaultRootWindow(xdisplay), 0, 0,
				     xwidth, xheight, 0, xdepth, InputOutput,
				     xvisual, CWBackPixel | CWEventMask, &xattr)) &&

	    (xsgc.foreground = xsgc.background = xcol[0],
	     xsgc.graphics_exposures = False,
#if HW_X_DRIVER == HW_X11
	     xsgc.font = xsfont->fid,
             xcreategc_mask = xcreategc_mask|GCFont,
             xforeground = xbackground = xftcolors[0],
	     xgc = XCreateGC(xdisplay, xwindow, xcreategc_mask, &xsgc)) &&

	    (xhints = XAllocSizeHints()))
            static XComposeStatus static_xcompose;
            xcompose = static_xcompose;

            xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(xdisplay,xwindow,xvisual,colormap);

            xim = XOpenIM(xdisplay, NULL, NULL, NULL);
            if (xim != NULL) {
                xic = XCreateIC(xim, XNInputStyle, XIMStatusNothing|XIMPreeditNothing,
                                XNClientWindow, xwindow, XNFocusWindow, xwindow, NULL);
                if (xic == NULL) {
                    xim = NULL;
            } else
                xic = NULL;
            X11_FillWindowTitle(title, sizeof(title));
	    XStoreName(xdisplay, xwindow, title);

	    if (!(xUTF_32_to_charset = X11_UTF_32_to_charset_function(charset)))
		xUTF_32_to_charset = X11_UTF_32_to_UCS_2;
	     * ask ICCCM-compliant window manager to tell us when close window
	     * has been chosen, rather than just killing us
	    xWM_PROTOCOLS = XInternAtom(xdisplay, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False);
	    xWM_DELETE_WINDOW = XInternAtom(xdisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
	    xTARGETS = XInternAtom(xdisplay, "TARGETS", False);

	    XChangeProperty(xdisplay, xwindow, xWM_PROTOCOLS, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
			    (unsigned char *) &xWM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1);

	    if (xhw_view) {
		xhints->flags = PMinSize|PMaxSize;
		xhints->min_width = xhints->max_width = xwidth;
		xhints->min_height = xhints->max_height = xheight;
	    } else {
		xhints->flags = PResizeInc;
		xhints->width_inc  = xwfont;
		xhints->height_inc = xhfont;
	    XSetWMNormalHints(xdisplay, xwindow, xhints);
	    XMapWindow(xdisplay, xwindow);
	    do {
		XNextEvent(xdisplay, &event);
	    } while (event.type != MapNotify);
	    XFree(xhints); xhints = NULL;
	    HW->mouse_slot = NOSLOT;
	    HW->keyboard_slot = RegisterRemote(i = XConnectionNumber(xdisplay), (obj)HW,
	    if (HW->keyboard_slot == NOSLOT)
	    fcntl(i, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
	    HW->FlushVideo = X11_FlushVideo;
	    HW->FlushHW = X11_FlushHW;
	    HW->KeyboardEvent = X11_KeyboardEvent;
	    HW->MouseEvent = (void *)NoOp; /* mouse events handled by X11_KeyboardEvent */
	    HW->XY[0] = HW->XY[1] = 0;
	    HW->ShowMouse = NoOp;
	    HW->HideMouse = NoOp;
	    HW->UpdateMouseAndCursor = NoOp;
	    HW->MouseState.x = HW->MouseState.y = HW->MouseState.keys = 0;
	    HW->DetectSize  = X11_DetectSize;
	    HW->CheckResize = X11_CheckResize;
	    HW->Resize      = X11_Resize;
	    HW->HWSelectionImport  = X11_SelectionImport_X11;
	    HW->HWSelectionExport  = X11_SelectionExport_X11;
	    HW->HWSelectionRequest = X11_SelectionRequest_X11;
	    HW->HWSelectionNotify  = X11_SelectionNotify_X11;
	    HW->HWSelectionPrivate = 0;
	    if (drag) {
		HW->CanDragArea = X11_CanDragArea;
		HW->DragArea    = X11_DragArea;
	    } else
		HW->CanDragArea = NULL;
	    HW->Beep = X11_Beep;
	    HW->Configure = X11_Configure;
	    HW->SetPalette = (void *)NoOp;
	    HW->ResetPalette = NoOp;
	    HW->QuitHW = X11_QuitHW;
	    HW->QuitKeyboard  = NoOp;
	    HW->QuitMouse = NoOp;
	    HW->QuitVideo = NoOp;
	    HW->DisplayIsCTTY = tfalse;
	    HW->FlagsHW &= ~FlHWSoftMouse; /* mouse pointer handled by X11 server */
	    HW->FlagsHW |= FlHWNeedOldVideo;
	    HW->FlagsHW |= FlHWExpensiveFlushVideo;
	    if (noinput)
		HW->FlagsHW |= FlHWNoInput;
	    HW->NeedHW = 0;
	    HW->CanResize = ttrue;
	    HW->merge_Threshold = 0;
	     * we must draw everything on our new shiny window
	     * without forcing all other displays
	     * to redraw everything too.
	    HW->RedrawVideo = tfalse;
	    NeedRedrawVideo(0, 0, HW->X - 1, HW->Y - 1);
	    if (xdisplay0) *xdisplay0 = ',';
	    if (fontname0) *fontname0 = ',';
	    if (charset0) *charset0 = ',';
	    return ttrue;
    } while (0); else {
	if (xdisplay_ || (xdisplay_ = getenv("DISPLAY")))
	    printk("      X11_InitHW() failed to open display %."STR(TW_SMALLBUFF)"s\n", HW->Name);
	    printk("      X11_InitHW() failed: DISPLAY is not set\n");

    if (xdisplay0) *xdisplay0 = ',';
    if (fontname0) *fontname0 = ',';
    if (charset0) *charset0 = ',';
    if (xdisplay)

    HW->Private = NULL;
    return tfalse;