Esempio n. 1
static void ParseResendCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet)
	// Destination cycle (time to execute).
	unsigned long n = ((GameCycle + 128) & ~0xFF) | packet.Header.Cycle;
	if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
		n -= 0x100;
	const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n;
	// FIXME: not necessary to send this packet multiple times!!!!
	// other side sends re-send until it gets an answer.
	if (n != NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index][0].Time) {
		// Asking for a cycle we haven't gotten to yet, ignore for now
	NetworkSendPacket(NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index]);
	// Check if a player quit this cycle
	for (int j = 0; j < HostsCount; ++j) {
		for (int c = 0; c < MaxNetworkCommands; ++c) {
			const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq;
			ncq = &NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][Hosts[j].PlyNr][c];
			if (ncq->Time && ncq->Type == MessageQuit) {
				CNetworkPacket np;
				np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
				np.Header.Type[0] = MessageQuit;
				np.Command[0] = ncq->Data;
				for (int k = 1; k < MaxNetworkCommands; ++k) {
					np.Header.Type[k] = MessageNone;
				NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
Esempio n. 2
static void CheckPlayerThatTimeOut(int hostIndex)
	const int playerIndex = Hosts[hostIndex].PlyNr;
	const unsigned long lastFrame = NetworkLastFrame[playerIndex];
	if (!lastFrame) {
	const int framesPerSecond = FRAMES_PER_SECOND * VideoSyncSpeed / 100;
	const int secs = (FrameCounter - lastFrame) / framesPerSecond;
	// FIXME: display a menu while we wait
	const int timeoutInS = CNetworkParameter::Instance.timeoutInS;
	if (3 <= secs && secs < timeoutInS && FrameCounter % framesPerSecond == 0) {
		SetMessage(_("Waiting for player \"%s\": %d:%02d"), Hosts[hostIndex].PlyName,
				   (timeoutInS - secs) / 60, (timeoutInS - secs) % 60);
	if (secs >= timeoutInS) {
		const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate + 1;
		CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
		nc.player = playerIndex;
		CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = &NetworkIn[nextGameNetCycle & 0xFF][playerIndex][0];
		ncq->Time = nextGameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
		ncq->Type = MessageQuit;
		PlayerQuit[playerIndex] = 1;
		SetMessage("%s", _("Timed out"));

		CNetworkPacket np;
		np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
		np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
		np.Header.Type[1] = MessageNone;

		NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
Esempio n. 3
int main( int argc, char const **argv )
   if (!NetSystemInit()) {
      printf( "Failed to initialize net system.\n" );
      return false;

   // List Addresses
   char const *hostname = AllocLocalHostName();
   ListAddressesForHost( hostname, gHostPort );

   // Host/Client Logic
   if ((argc <= 1) || (_strcmpi( argv[1], "sock" ) == 0)) {
      printf( "Hosting...\n" );
      NetworkHost( gHostPort ); 
   } else if (argc > 2) {
      char const *addr = argv[1];
      char const *msg = argv[2];
      printf( "Sending message \"%s\" to [%s]\n", msg, addr );
      NetworkClient( addr, gHostPort, msg );
   } else {
      char const *msg = argv[1];
      printf( "Broadcast message \"%s\".\n", msg );
      NetworkBroadcast( msg );


   printf( "Press any key to continue...\n" );
   return 0;
Esempio n. 4
**  Network resend commands, we have a missing packet send to all clients
**  what packet we are missing.
**  @todo
**  We need only send to the clients, that have not delivered the packet.
static void NetworkResendCommands()
#ifdef DEBUG

	const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
	const int nextGameCycle = ((GameCycle / networkUpdates) + 1) * networkUpdates;
	// Build packet
	CNetworkPacket packet;
	packet.Header.Type[0] = MessageResend;
	packet.Header.Type[1] = MessageNone;
	packet.Header.Cycle = uint8_t(nextGameCycle & 0xFF);

	NetworkBroadcast(packet, 1);
Esempio n. 5
**  Network send packet. Build it from queue and broadcast.
**  @param ncq  Outgoing network queue start.
static void NetworkSendPacket(const CNetworkCommandQueue(&ncq)[MaxNetworkCommands])
	CNetworkPacket packet;

	// Build packet of up to MaxNetworkCommands messages.
	int numcommands = 0;
	packet.Header.Cycle = ncq[0].Time & 0xFF;
	packet.Header.OrigPlayer = ThisPlayer->Index;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < MaxNetworkCommands && ncq[i].Type != MessageNone; ++i) {
		packet.Header.Type[i] = ncq[i].Type;
		packet.Command[i] = ncq[i].Data;
	for (; i < MaxNetworkCommands; ++i) {
		packet.Header.Type[i] = MessageNone;
	NetworkBroadcast(packet, numcommands);
Esempio n. 6
static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHost &host)
	CNetworkPacket packet;
	int commands;
	packet.Deserialize(buf, len, &commands);

	int player = packet.Header.OrigPlayer;
	if (player == 255) {
		const int index = FindHostIndexBy(host);
		if (index == -1 || PlayerQuit[Hosts[index].PlyNr]) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			const std::string hostStr = host.toString();
			DebugPrint("Not a host in play: %s\n" _C_ hostStr.c_str());
		player = Hosts[index].PlyNr;
	if (NetConnectType == 1) {
		if (player != 255) {
			NetworkBroadcast(packet, commands, player);
	if (commands < 0) {
		DebugPrint("Bad packet read\n");
	NetworkLastCycle[player] = packet.Header.Cycle;
	// Parse the packet commands.
	for (int i = 0; i != commands; ++i) {
		// Handle some messages.
		if (packet.Header.Type[i] == MessageQuit) {
			CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
			const int playerNum = nc.player;

			if (playerNum >= 0 && playerNum < NumPlayers) {
				PlayerQuit[playerNum] = 1;
		if (packet.Header.Type[i] == MessageResend) {
		// Receive statistic
		NetworkLastFrame[player] = FrameCounter;

		bool validCommand = IsAValidCommand(packet, i, player);
		// Place in network in
		if (validCommand) {
			// Destination cycle (time to execute).
			unsigned long n = ((GameCycle + 128) & ~0xFF) | packet.Header.Cycle;
			if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
				n -= 0x100;
			NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Time = n;
			NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Type = packet.Header.Type[i];
			NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Data = packet.Command[i];
		} else {
			SetMessage(_("%s sent bad command"), Players[player].Name.c_str());
			DebugPrint("%s sent bad command: 0x%x\n" _C_ Players[player].Name.c_str()
					   _C_ packet.Header.Type[i] & 0x7F);
	for (int i = commands; i != MaxNetworkCommands; ++i) {
		NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Time = 0;
	// Waiting for this time slot
	if (!NetworkInSync) {
		const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
		unsigned long n = ((GameCycle / networkUpdates) + 1) * networkUpdates;
		if (IsNetworkCommandReady(n) == true) {
			NetworkInSync = true;