Esempio n. 1
// Parse a 'FRGM' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
// 'fragment_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
static ParseStatus ParseFragment(WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
                                 uint32_t fragment_chunk_size) {
  const int frame_num = 1;  // All fragments belong to the 1st (and only) frame.
  const int is_fragmented = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & FRAGMENTS_FLAG);
  const uint32_t frgm_payload_size = fragment_chunk_size - FRGM_CHUNK_SIZE;
  int added_fragment = 0;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status =
      NewFrame(mem, FRGM_CHUNK_SIZE, fragment_chunk_size, &frame);
  if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;

  frame->is_fragment_ = 1;
  frame->x_offset_ = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->y_offset_ = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);

  // Store a fragment only if the 'fragments' flag is set and there is some
  // data available.
  status = StoreFrame(frame_num, frgm_payload_size, mem, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR && is_fragmented && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
    added_fragment = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
    if (!added_fragment) {
      status = PARSE_ERROR;
    } else {
      dmux->num_frames_ = 1;

  if (!added_fragment) free(frame);
  return status;
Esempio n. 2
// Parse a 'TILE' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
// 'tile_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
static ParseStatus ParseTile(WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
                             uint32_t tile_chunk_size) {
  const int has_tiles = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & TILE_FLAG);
  const uint32_t min_size = tile_chunk_size + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
  int added_tile = 0;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status =
      NewFrame(mem, min_size, TILE_CHUNK_SIZE, tile_chunk_size, &frame);
  if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;

  frame->is_tile_  = 1;
  frame->x_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24s(mem);
  frame->y_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24s(mem);
  Skip(mem, tile_chunk_size - TILE_CHUNK_SIZE);  // skip any trailing data.

  // Store a (potentially partial) tile only if the tile flag is set
  // and the tile contains some data.
  status = StoreFrame(dmux->num_frames_, mem, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR && has_tiles && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
    // Note num_frames_ is incremented only when all tiles have been consumed.
    added_tile = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
    if (!added_tile) status = PARSE_ERROR;

  if (!added_tile) free(frame);
  return status;
Esempio n. 3
bool YModem::SendFile(const std::string &path, YModem::SPort &out) {
  if (path.size() == 0 ||
      not out.is_open())
    return false;
  std::fstream firm_str(path.c_str());
  if (not firm_str.is_open())
    return false;
  firm_str.seekg(0, firm_str.end);
  const size_t kFileSize = firm_str.tellg();
  firm_str.seekg(0, firm_str.beg);
  // ожидание запроса
  WaitForResponse(out, Packet::kRequest);
  Packet::Sequence seq(&out);
  // инициализация соединения
  char buf[24];
  snprintf(buf, 24, "%u", (unsigned)kFileSize);
  const std::string kMsgs[] = {path, buf};
  SendInitialPkt(seq, kMsgs, 2);
  if (not IsResponse(out, Packet::kRequest)) {
    return false;
  // передача файла
  Array frame(NewFrame());
  size_t was_send     = 0;
  size_t last_percent = 0;
  do {
    firm_str.sync();*)frame.get(), kFrameSize);
    const size_t kWasRead = firm_str.gcount();
    if (kWasRead != kFrameSize) {
      memset(frame.get() + kWasRead, 0, kFrameSize - kWasRead);
    seq.Send(Packet(Packet::kSTX, frame.get(), kFrameSize));
    was_send += kWasRead;
    if (not IsResponse(out, Packet::kACK)) {
      std::cout << "\t ! Ошибка передачи данных" << std::endl;
    const size_t kPercent = was_send * 100 / kFileSize;
    if (kPercent > last_percent) {
      ShowPercentage("\t * Прогресс", kPercent);
      last_percent = kPercent;
  } while (was_send < kFileSize);
  std::cout << std::endl;
  IsResponse(out, Packet::kACK);
  IsResponse(out, Packet::kACK);
  IsResponse(out, Packet::kRequest);
  return true;
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
	uint32_t i = 0;

	RCC_GetClocksFreq( &RCC_Clocks );



	// SysTick end of count event each 10ms
	SysTick_Config( RCC_Clocks.HCLK_Frequency / 100);

	float fv = RCC_Clocks.HCLK_Frequency / 1000000.0f;
//	We can use printf to print back through the debugging interface, but that's slow and
//  it also takes up a bunch of space.  No printf = no space wasted in printf.
//	printf( "Operating at %.3fMHz\n", fv );


	int this_samp = 0;
	int wf = 0;


		if( this_samp != last_samp_pos )
			LED_OFF; //Use led on the board to show us how much CPU we're using. (You can also probe PB15)

			PushSample32( sampbuff[this_samp]/2 ); //Can't put in full volume.

			this_samp = (this_samp+1)%CIRCBUFSIZE;

			if( wf == 128 )
				wf = 0; 
		LED_ON; //Take up a little more time to make sure we don't miss this.
Esempio n. 5
bool YModem::SendInitialPkt(Packet::Sequence &seq, const std::string *msg, size_t amount) {
  if (msg == 0 || amount == 0)
    return false;
  Array frame(NewFrame());
  size_t total = 0;
  for (size_t msg_i = 0; msg_i < amount; msg_i++) {
    size_t i = 0;
    const std::string &kMsg = msg[msg_i];
    for (; i < kMsg.size(); i++) {
      frame.get()[i] = kMsg[i];
    total += i;
    frame.get()[total] = 0;
  return (seq.Send(Packet(Packet::kSTX, frame.get(), kFrameSize)) &&
          IsResponse(*seq.get_port(), Packet::kACK));
Esempio n. 6
// Parse a 'ANMF' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
// 'frame_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
static ParseStatus ParseAnimationFrame(
    WebPDemuxer* const dmux, uint32_t frame_chunk_size) {
  const int is_animation = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
  const uint32_t anmf_payload_size = frame_chunk_size - ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE;
  int added_frame = 0;
  int bits;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status =
      NewFrame(mem, ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE, frame_chunk_size, &frame);
  if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;

  frame->x_offset_       = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->y_offset_       = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->width_          = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->height_         = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->duration_       = ReadLE24s(mem);
  bits = ReadByte(mem);
  frame->dispose_method_ =
  frame->blend_method_ = (bits & 2) ? WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND : WEBP_MUX_BLEND;
  if (frame->width_ * (uint64_t)frame->height_ >= MAX_IMAGE_AREA) {
    return PARSE_ERROR;

  // Store a frame only if the animation flag is set there is some data for
  // this frame is available.
  status = StoreFrame(dmux->num_frames_ + 1, anmf_payload_size, mem, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR && is_animation && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
    added_frame = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
    if (added_frame) {
    } else {
      status = PARSE_ERROR;

  if (!added_frame) free(frame);
  return status;
Esempio n. 7
// Parse a 'FRM ' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
// 'frame_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
static ParseStatus ParseFrame(
    WebPDemuxer* const dmux, uint32_t frame_chunk_size) {
  const int has_frames = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
  const uint32_t min_size = frame_chunk_size + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
  int added_frame = 0;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status =
      NewFrame(mem, min_size, FRAME_CHUNK_SIZE, frame_chunk_size, &frame);
  if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;

  frame->x_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24s(mem);
  frame->y_offset_ = 2 * GetLE24s(mem);
  frame->width_    = 1 + GetLE24s(mem);
  frame->height_   = 1 + GetLE24s(mem);
  frame->duration_ = 1 + GetLE24s(mem);
  Skip(mem, frame_chunk_size - FRAME_CHUNK_SIZE);  // skip any trailing data.
  if (frame->width_ * (uint64_t)frame->height_ >= MAX_IMAGE_AREA) {
    return PARSE_ERROR;

  // Store a (potentially partial) frame only if the animation flag is set
  // and there is some data in 'frame'.
  status = StoreFrame(dmux->num_frames_ + 1, mem, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR && has_frames && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
    added_frame = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
    if (added_frame) {
    } else {
      status = PARSE_ERROR;

  if (!added_frame) free(frame);
  return status;
Esempio n. 8
bool YModem::SendClosingPkt(Packet::Sequence &seq) {
  Array frame(NewFrame());
  return (seq.Send(Packet(Packet::kSTX, frame.get(), kFrameSize)) && 
          IsResponse(*seq.get_port(), Packet::kACK));