  if (!IsComplete()) {
    std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** "
        << "***ERR*** Complete() not called on interface " << Id() << "\n"
        << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
    throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
  if (lcomm_ == Teuchos::null) return true;

  int mside = MortarSide();
  int sside = OtherSide(mside);

  // iterate over all nodes of the slave side and project those belonging to me
  std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::iterator
  for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr) {
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode = scurr->second;

#if 0
    std::cout << "now projecting\n " << *snode;

    if (NodePID(snode->Id()) != lcomm_->getRank()) continue;

    const double*                                         sx = snode->XCoords();
    double                                                mindist = 1.0e+20;
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> closenode =

    // find a node on the master side, that is closest to me
    std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::
        iterator mcurr;
    for (mcurr = rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr != rnode_[mside].end(); ++mcurr) {
      Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode =
      const double* mx = mnode->XCoords();

      // build distance | mnode->XCoords() - snode->XCoords() |
      double dist = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) dist += (mx[i] - sx[i]) * (mx[i] - sx[i]);
      dist = sqrt(dist);
      if (dist <= mindist) {
        mindist   = dist;
        closenode = mnode;
      // std::cout << "snode " << snode->Id() << " mnode " << mnode->Id() << "
      // mindist " << mindist  << " dist " << dist << std::endl;
    if (closenode == Teuchos::null) {
      std::stringstream oss;
      oss << "***ERR*** "
          << "***ERR*** Weired: for slave node " << snode->Id()
          << " no closest master node found\n"
          << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

    // get segments attached to closest node cnode
    int nmseg                                          = closenode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** msegs = closenode->Segments();

    // create a projection-iterator
        projector(IsOneDimensional(), OutLevel());

    // loop segments and find all projections onto them
    int nsseg                                          = snode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** ssegs = snode->Segments();
    for (int i = 0; i < nmseg; ++i) {
      // loop all segments that are adjacent to the slave node
      for (int j = 0; j < nsseg; ++j) {
        // project the slave node onto that master segment
        double xi[2];
        xi[0] = xi[1] = 0.0;
        double gap;
            *snode, *(msegs[i]), xi, gap, *(ssegs[j]));

        // check whether this projection is good
        bool ok = false;
        if (IsOneDimensional()) {
          if (abs(xi[0]) < 1.01) ok = true;
        } else {
          std::stringstream oss;
          oss << "***ERR*** "
              << "***ERR*** not impl. for 3D\n"
              << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
          throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

        if (ok)  // the projection is good
          // create a projected node and store it in snode
          MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
              new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
                  *snode, xi, msegs[i], ssegs[j]->Id());
#if 0
          std::cout << " snode id: " << pnode->Id()
               << " projects on mseg: " << msegs[i]->Id()
               << " orth to sseg " << ssegs[j]->Id() << std::endl;
      }  // for (int j=0; j<nsseg; ++j)
    }    // for (int i=0; i<nmseg; ++i)
  }  // for (scurr=rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr!=rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr)

  // loop all slave nodes again and make projections redundant
  if (lcomm_->getSize() > 1) {
    std::vector<double> bcast(10 * rnode_[sside].size());
    for (int proc = 0; proc < lcomm_->getSize(); ++proc) {
      int blength = 0;
      if (proc == lcomm_->getRank()) {
        for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end();
             ++scurr) {
          Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode =
          if (proc != NodePID(snode->Id()))
            continue;  // cannot have a projection on a node i don't own
          int npnode = 0;
              pnode = snode->GetProjectedNode(npnode);
          if (!pnode) continue;  // no projection on this one
          bcast[blength] = (double)snode->Id();
          bcast[blength] = (double)npnode;
          for (int j = 0; j < npnode; ++j) {
            bcast[blength] = (double)pnode[j]->Segment()->Id();
            const double* xi = pnode[j]->Xi();
            bcast[blength]   = xi[0];
            bcast[blength] = xi[1];
            bcast[blength] = pnode[j]->OrthoSegment();
            bcast[blength] = pnode[j]->Gap();
          if ((int)bcast.size() < blength + 20) bcast.resize(bcast.size() + 40);
        }  // for (mcurr=rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr!=rnode_[mside].end();
           // ++mcurr)
        if (blength >= (int)bcast.size()) {
          std::stringstream oss;
          oss << "***ERR*** "
              << "***ERR*** Overflow in communication buffer occured\n"
              << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
          throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
      }  // if (proc==lComm()->MyPID())

      Teuchos::broadcast<LO, int>(*lcomm_, proc, 1, &blength);
      if (proc != lcomm_->getRank()) bcast.resize(blength);
      Teuchos::broadcast<LO, double>(*lcomm_, proc, blength, &bcast[0]);

      if (proc != lcomm_->getRank()) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < blength;) {
          int nid = (int)bcast[i];
          Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode =
          int npnode = (int)bcast[i];
          for (int j = 0; j < npnode; ++j) {
            int sid = (int)bcast[i];
            double* xi = &bcast[i];
            int orthseg = (int)bcast[i];
            double gap = bcast[i];
            Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)> seg =
            MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
                new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
                    *snode, xi, seg.get(), orthseg);
        if (i != blength) {
          std::stringstream oss;
          oss << "***ERR*** "
              << "***ERR*** Mismatch in dimension of recv buffer: " << i
              << " != " << blength << "\n"
              << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
          throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
      }  // if (proc!=lComm()->MyPID())
    }    // for (int proc=0; proc<lComm()->NumProc(); ++proc)
  }  // if (lComm()->NumProc()>1)

#if 1
  // Postprocess the projections
  // The slave side of the interface might be larger then the master side
  // of the interface so not all slave nodes have a projection.
  // For those slave nodes without a projection attached to a slave segment
  // which overlaps with the master side, Lagrange multipliers have to be
  // introduced. This is done by checking all nodes without a projection
  // whether they are attached to some slave segment on which another node
  // HAS a projection. If this case is found, a pseudo ProjectedNode is
  // introduced for that node.
  for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr) {
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode = scurr->second;
    // do only my own nodes

    // don't do anything on nodes that already have a projection
    if (snode->GetProjectedNode() != Teuchos::null) continue;

    // get segments adjacent to this node
    int nseg                                          = snode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** segs = snode->Segments();
    // loop segments and check for other nodes with projection
    bool foundit = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < nseg; ++i) {
      int nnode                                       = segs[i]->Nnode();
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)** nodes = segs[i]->Nodes();
      for (int j = 0; j < nnode; ++j)
        if (nodes[j]->GetProjectedNode() != Teuchos::null)
          if (nodes[j]->GetProjectedNode()->Segment()) {
            foundit = true;
      if (foundit) break;
    if (foundit) {
#if 0
      std::cout << "Node without projection:\n" << *snode;        
      std::cout << "...get's lagrange multipliers\n\n";
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
          new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
              *snode, NULL, NULL);

  return true;
  if (!IsComplete()) {
    std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** "
        << "***ERR*** Complete() not called on interface " << Id() << "\n"
        << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
    throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
  if (lcomm_ == Teuchos::null) return true;

  int mside = MortarSide();
  int sside = OtherSide(mside);

  // iterate over all master nodes and project those belonging to me
  std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::iterator
  for (mcurr = rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr != rnode_[mside].end(); ++mcurr) {
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode = mcurr->second;
    if (NodePID(mnode->Id()) != lcomm_->getRank()) continue;

    const double*                                         mx = mnode->XCoords();
    double                                                mindist = 1.0e+20;
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> closenode =

    // find a node on the slave side that is closest to me
    std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::
        iterator scurr;
    for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr) {
      Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode =
      const double* sx = snode->XCoords();

      // build distance | snode->XCoords() - mnode->XCoords() |
      double dist = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) dist += (mx[i] - sx[i]) * (mx[i] - sx[i]);
      dist = sqrt(dist);
      if (dist < mindist) {
        mindist   = dist;
        closenode = snode;
    if (closenode == Teuchos::null) {
      std::stringstream oss;
      oss << "***ERR*** "
          << "***ERR*** Weired: for master node " << mnode->Id()
          << " no closest master node found\n"
          << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

    // get segments attached to closest node closenode
    int nseg                                          = closenode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** segs = closenode->Segments();

    // create a projection operator
        projector(IsOneDimensional(), OutLevel());

    // loop these segments and find best projection
    double bestdist[2];
    double bestgap = 0.0, gap;
    bestdist[0] = bestdist[1]                           = 1.0e+20;
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)* bestseg = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < nseg; ++i) {
      // project the master node orthogonally on the slave segment
      double xi[2];
      xi[0] = xi[1] = 0.0;
          *mnode, *(segs[i]), xi, gap);

      // check whether xi is better than previous projection
      if (IsOneDimensional()) {
        if (abs(xi[0]) < abs(bestdist[0])) {
          bestdist[0] = xi[0];
          bestdist[1] = xi[1];
          bestseg     = segs[i];
          bestgap     = gap;
      } else {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** not impl. for 3D\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

    }  // for (int i=0; i<nseg; ++i)

    // check whether this best projection is good
    bool ok = false;
    if (IsOneDimensional()) {
      if (abs(bestdist[0]) < 1.01) ok = true;
    } else {
      std::stringstream oss;
      oss << "***ERR*** "
          << "***ERR*** not impl. for 3D\n"
          << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

    if (ok)  // the projection is good
      // create a projected node and store it in mnode
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
          new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
              *mnode, bestdist, bestseg);
    } else  // this mnode does not have a valid projection
      if (OutLevel() > 6)
        std::cout << "MoertelT: ***WRN***: Node " << mnode->Id()
                  << " does not have projection\n\n";
      // mnode->SetProjectedNode(NULL);
  }  // for (mcurr=rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr!=rnode_[mside].end(); ++mcurr)

  // loop all master nodes again and make projection redundant
  int                 bsize = 4 * rnode_[mside].size();
  std::vector<double> bcast(bsize);
  for (int proc = 0; proc < lcomm_->getSize(); ++proc) {
    int blength = 0;
    if (proc == lcomm_->getRank()) {
      for (mcurr = rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr != rnode_[mside].end();
           ++mcurr) {
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode =
        if (proc != NodePID(mnode->Id()))
          continue;  // cannot have a projection on a node i don't own
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)> pnode =
        if (pnode == Teuchos::null)
          continue;  // this node does not have a projection
        const double* xi = pnode->Xi();
        bcast[blength]   = (double)pnode->Id();
        bcast[blength] = (double)pnode->Segment()->Id();
        bcast[blength] = xi[0];
        bcast[blength] = xi[1];
        bcast[blength] = pnode->Gap();
      }  // for (mcurr=rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr!=rnode_[mside].end();
         // ++mcurr)
      if (blength > bsize) {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** Overflow in communication buffer occured\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
    }  // if (proc==lComm()->MyPID())
    Teuchos::broadcast<LO, int>(*lcomm_, proc, 1, &blength);
    Teuchos::broadcast<LO, double>(*lcomm_, proc, blength, &bcast[0]);
    if (proc != lcomm_->getRank()) {
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < blength;) {
        int nid = (int)bcast[i];
        int sid = (int)bcast[i];
        double* xi = &bcast[i];
        double gap = bcast[i];
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode =
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)> seg =
        if (mnode == Teuchos::null || seg == Teuchos::null) {
          std::stringstream oss;
          oss << "***ERR*** "
              << "***ERR*** Cannot get view of node or segment\n"
              << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
          throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
        MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
            new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
                *mnode, xi, seg.get());
      if (i != blength) {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** Mismatch in dimension of recv buffer: " << i
            << " != " << blength << "\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
    }  // if (proc!=lComm()->MyPID())
  }    // for (int proc=0; proc<lComm()->NumProc(); ++proc)

  return true;
  if (!IsComplete()) {
    std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** "
        << "***ERR*** Complete() not called on interface " << Id() << "\n"
        << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
    throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
  if (lcomm_ == Teuchos::null) return true;

  int mside = MortarSide();
  int sside = OtherSide(mside);

  // iterate over all nodes of the slave side and project those belonging to me
  std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::iterator
  for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr) {
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode = scurr->second;
    if (NodePID(snode->Id()) != lcomm_->getRank()) continue;

    const double*                                         sx = snode->XCoords();
    double                                                mindist = 1.0e+20;
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> closenode =

    // find a node on the master side, that is closest to me
    std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::
        iterator mcurr;
    for (mcurr = rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr != rnode_[mside].end(); ++mcurr) {
      Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode =
      const double* mx = mnode->XCoords();

      // build distance | mnode->XCoords() - snode->XCoords() |
      double dist = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) dist += (mx[i] - sx[i]) * (mx[i] - sx[i]);
      dist = sqrt(dist);
      if (dist <= mindist) {
        mindist   = dist;
        closenode = mnode;
      std::cout << "snode " << snode->Id() << " mnode " << mnode->Id()
                << " mindist " << mindist << " dist " << dist << std::endl;
    if (closenode == Teuchos::null) {
      std::stringstream oss;
      oss << "***ERR*** "
          << "***ERR*** Weired: for slave node " << snode->Id()
          << " no closest master node found\n"
          << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

#if 0
    std::cout << "snode     " << *snode;
    std::cout << "closenode " << *closenode;

    // get segments attached to closest node cnode
    int nseg                                          = closenode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** segs = closenode->Segments();

    // create a projection-iterator
        projector(IsOneDimensional(), OutLevel());

    // finding a good geometric projection is somehow
    // critical. We work with some tolerance here and pick the 'best'
    // out of all acceptable projections made
    // loop these segments and project onto them along snode's normal vector
    double       bestdist[2];
    double       gap, bestgap = 0.0;
    const double tol = 0.2;
    bestdist[0] = bestdist[1]                           = 1.0e+20;
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)* bestseg = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < nseg; ++i) {
      // project the slave node onto that master segment
      double xi[2];
      xi[0] = xi[1] = 0.0;
      projector.ProjectNodetoSegment_NodalNormal(*snode, *(segs[i]), xi, gap);

      // check whether xi is better then previous projections
      if (IsOneDimensional())  // 2D case
        if (abs(xi[0]) < abs(bestdist[0])) {
          bestdist[0] = xi[0];
          bestdist[1] = xi[1];
          bestseg     = segs[i];
          bestgap     = gap;
      } else  // 3D case
        double third = 1. / 3.;
        // it's 'inside' with some tolerance
        if (xi[0] <= 1. + tol && xi[1] <= abs(1. - xi[0]) + tol &&
            xi[0] >= 0. - tol && xi[1] >= 0. - tol) {
          // it's better in both directions
          if (sqrt((xi[0] - third) * (xi[0] - third)) <
                  sqrt((bestdist[0] - third) * (bestdist[0] - third)) &&
              sqrt((xi[1] - third) * (xi[1] - third)) <
                  sqrt((bestdist[1] - third) * (bestdist[1] - third))) {
            bestdist[0] = xi[0];
            bestdist[1] = xi[1];
            bestseg     = segs[i];
            bestgap     = gap;
          // it's better in one direction and 'in' in the other
          else if (
              (sqrt((xi[0] - third) * (xi[0] - third)) <
                   sqrt((bestdist[0] - third) * (bestdist[0] - third)) &&
               xi[1] <= abs(1. - xi[0]) + tol && xi[1] >= 0. - tol) ||
              (sqrt((xi[1] - third) * (xi[1] - third)) <
                   sqrt((bestdist[1] - third) * (bestdist[1] - third)) &&
               xi[0] <= 1. + tol && xi[0] >= 0. - tol)) {
            bestdist[0] = xi[0];
            bestdist[1] = xi[1];
            bestseg     = segs[i];
            bestgap     = gap;
    }  // for (int i=0; i<nseg; ++i)

    // check whether the bestseg and bestdist are inside the segment
    // (with some tolerance of 20%)
    bool ok = false;
    if (IsOneDimensional()) {
      if (abs(bestdist[0]) < 1.2) ok = true;
    } else {
      if (bestdist[0] <= 1. + tol &&
          bestdist[1] <= abs(1. - bestdist[0]) + tol &&
          bestdist[0] >= 0. - tol && bestdist[1] >= 0. - tol)
        ok = true;

    if (ok)  // the projection is good
      // create a projected node and store it in snode
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
          new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
              *snode, bestdist, bestseg);
    } else {
      if (OutLevel() > 6)
        std::cout << "MoertelT: ***WRN***: Projection s->m: Node "
                  << snode->Id() << " does not have projection\n";
  }  // for (scurr=rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr!=rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr)

  // loop all slave nodes again and make the projections redundant
  std::vector<double> bcast(4 * rnode_[sside].size());
  for (int proc = 0; proc < lcomm_->getSize(); ++proc) {
    int blength = 0;
    if (proc == lcomm_->getRank()) {
      for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end();
           ++scurr) {
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode =
        if (proc != NodePID(snode->Id()))
          continue;  // I cannot have a projection on a node not owned by me
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)> pnode =
        if (pnode == Teuchos::null)
          continue;  // this node does not have a projection
        const double* xi = pnode->Xi();
        bcast[blength]   = (double)pnode->Id();
        if (pnode->Segment())
          bcast[blength] = (double)pnode->Segment()->Id();
          bcast[blength] = -0.1;  // indicating this node does not have
                                  // projection but lagrange multipliers
        bcast[blength] = xi[0];
        bcast[blength] = xi[1];
        bcast[blength] = pnode->Gap();
      if (blength > (int)(4 * rnode_[sside].size())) {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** Overflow in communication buffer occured\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
    Teuchos::broadcast<LO, int>(*lcomm_, proc, 1, &blength);
    Teuchos::broadcast<LO, double>(*lcomm_, proc, blength, &bcast[0]);
    if (proc != lcomm_->getRank()) {
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < blength;) {
        int nid = (int)bcast[i];
        double sid = bcast[i];
        double* xi = &bcast[i];
        double gap = bcast[i];
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode =
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)> seg =
        if (sid != -0.1) seg = GetSegmentView((int)sid);
        if (snode == Teuchos::null) {
          std::stringstream oss;
          oss << "***ERR*** "
              << "***ERR*** Cannot get view of node\n"
              << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
          throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
        MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
            new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
                *snode, xi, seg.get());
      if (i != blength) {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** Mismatch in dimension of recv buffer\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
  }  // for (int proc=0; proc<lComm()->NumProc(); ++proc)

#if 1
  // Postprocess the projections
  // The slave side of the interface might be larger then the master side
  // of the interface so not all slave nodes have a projection.
  // For those slave nodes without a projection attached to a slave segment
  // which overlaps with the master side, Lagrange multipliers have to be
  // introduced. This is done by checking all nodes without a projection
  // whether they are attached to some slave segment on which another node
  // HAS a projection. If this case is found, a pseudo ProjectedNode is
  // introduced for that node.
  for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr) {
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode = scurr->second;

    // don't do anything on nodes that already have a projection
    if (snode->GetProjectedNode() != Teuchos::null) continue;

    // get segments adjacent to this node
    int nseg                                          = snode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** segs = snode->Segments();

    // loop segments and check for other nodes with projection
    bool foundit = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < nseg; ++i) {
      int nnode                                       = segs[i]->Nnode();
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)** nodes = segs[i]->Nodes();
      for (int j = 0; j < nnode; ++j)
        if (nodes[j]->GetProjectedNode() != Teuchos::null)
          if (nodes[j]->GetProjectedNode()->Segment()) {
            foundit = true;
      if (foundit) break;

    if (foundit) {
#if 1
      std::cout << "Node without projection:\n" << *snode;
      std::cout << "...get's lagrange multipliers\n\n";
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
          new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
              *snode, NULL, NULL);
  }  // for (scurr=rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr!=rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr)

  return true;
  if (!IsComplete()) {
    std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** "
        << "***ERR*** Complete() not called on interface " << Id() << "\n"
        << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
    throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
  if (lcomm_ == Teuchos::null) return true;

  int mside = MortarSide();
  int sside = OtherSide(mside);

  // iterate over all nodes of the master side and project those belonging to me
  std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::iterator
  for (mcurr = rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr != rnode_[mside].end(); ++mcurr) {
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode = mcurr->second;
    if (NodePID(mnode->Id()) != lcomm_->getRank()) continue;

    const double*                   mx        = mnode->XCoords();
    double                          mindist   = 1.0e+20;
    Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::(NodeT)> closenode = Teuchos::null;

    // find a node on the slave side that is closest to me
    std::map<int, Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)>>::
        iterator scurr;
    for (scurr = rnode_[sside].begin(); scurr != rnode_[sside].end(); ++scurr) {
      Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> snode =
      const double* sx = snode->XCoords();

      // build distance | snode->XCoords() - mnode->XCoords() |
      double dist = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) dist += (mx[i] - sx[i]) * (mx[i] - sx[i]);
      dist = sqrt(dist);
      if (dist < mindist) {
        mindist   = dist;
        closenode = snode;
    if (closenode == Teuchos::null) {
      std::stringstream oss;
      oss << "***ERR*** "
          << "***ERR*** Weired: for master node " << mnode->Id()
          << " no closest master node found\n"
          << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);

#if 0
    std::cout << "snode     " << *mnode;
    std::cout << "closenode " << *closenode;

    // get segments attached to closest node closenode
    int nseg                                          = closenode->Nseg();
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)** segs = closenode->Segments();

    // create a projection operator
        projector(IsOneDimensional(), OutLevel());

    // loop these segments and find best projection
    double       bestdist[2];
    const double tol     = 0.2;
    double       bestgap = 0.0, gap;
    bestdist[0] = bestdist[1]                           = 1.0e+20;
    MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)* bestseg = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < nseg; ++i) {
      // project the master node on the slave segment along the segments
      // interpolated normal field
      double xi[2];
      xi[0] = xi[1] = 0.0;
      projector.ProjectNodetoSegment_SegmentNormal(*mnode, *(segs[i]), xi, gap);

      // check whether xi is better then previous projections
      if (IsOneDimensional()) {
        if (abs(xi[0]) < abs(bestdist[0])) {
          bestdist[0] = xi[0];
          bestdist[1] = xi[1];
          bestseg     = segs[i];
          bestgap     = gap;
      } else {
        double third = 1. / 3.;
        // it's 'inside' with some tolerance
        if (xi[0] <= 1. + tol && xi[1] <= abs(1. - xi[0]) + tol &&
            xi[0] >= 0. - tol && xi[1] >= 0. - tol) {
          // it's better in both directions
          if (sqrt((xi[0] - third) * (xi[0] - third)) <
                  sqrt((bestdist[0] - third) * (bestdist[0] - third)) &&
              sqrt((xi[1] - third) * (xi[1] - third)) <
                  sqrt((bestdist[1] - third) * (bestdist[1] - third))) {
            bestdist[0] = xi[0];
            bestdist[1] = xi[1];
            bestseg     = segs[i];
            bestgap     = gap;
          // it's better in one direction and 'in' in the other
          else if (
              (sqrt((xi[0] - third) * (xi[0] - third)) <
                   sqrt((bestdist[0] - third) * (bestdist[0] - third)) &&
               xi[1] <= abs(1. - xi[0]) + tol && xi[1] >= 0. - tol) ||
              (sqrt((xi[1] - third) * (xi[1] - third)) <
                   sqrt((bestdist[1] - third) * (bestdist[1] - third)) &&
               xi[0] <= 1. + tol && xi[0] >= 0. - tol)) {
            bestdist[0] = xi[0];
            bestdist[1] = xi[1];
            bestseg     = segs[i];
            bestgap     = gap;
    }  // for (int i=0; i<nseg; ++i)

    // check whether the bestseg/bestdist are inside that segment
    // (with some tolerance of 20%)
    bool ok = false;
    if (IsOneDimensional()) {
      if (abs(bestdist[0]) < 1.1) ok = true;
    } else {
      if (bestdist[0] <= 1. + tol &&
          bestdist[1] <= abs(1. - bestdist[0]) + tol &&
          bestdist[0] >= 0. - tol && bestdist[1] >= 0. - tol)
        ok = true;

    if (ok)  // the projection is good
      // build the interpolated normal and overwrite the mnode normal with -n
      int nsnode                                       = bestseg->Nnode();
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)** snodes = bestseg->Nodes();
      std::vector<double> val(nsnode);
      bestseg->EvaluateFunction(0, bestdist, &val[0], nsnode, NULL);
      double NN[3];
      NN[0] = NN[1] = NN[2] = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < nsnode; ++i) {
        const double* Normal = snodes[i]->Normal();
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) NN[j] -= val[i] * Normal[j];

      // create projected node and store it in mnode
      MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
          new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
              *mnode, bestdist, bestseg);
    } else  // this mnode does not have a valid projection
      if (OutLevel() > 6)
        std::cout << "MoertelT: ***WRN***: Projection m->s: Node "
                  << mnode->Id() << " does not have projection\n";
  }  // for (scurr=rnode_[mside].begin(); scurr!=rnode_[mside].end(); ++scurr)

  // loop all master nodes again and make the projection and the new normal
  // redundant
  int                 bsize = 7 * rnode_[mside].size();
  std::vector<double> bcast(bsize);
  for (int proc = 0; proc < lcomm_->getSize(); ++proc) {
    int blength = 0;
    if (proc == lcomm_->getRank()) {
      for (mcurr = rnode_[mside].begin(); mcurr != rnode_[mside].end();
           ++mcurr) {
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode =
        if (proc != NodePID(mnode->Id()))
          continue;  // cannot have a projection on a node i don't own
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)> pnode =
        if (pnode == Teuchos::null)
          continue;  // this node does not have a projection
        const double* xi     = pnode->Xi();
        const double* Normal = mnode->Normal();
        bcast[blength]       = (double)pnode->Id();
        if (pnode->Segment())
          bcast[blength] = (double)pnode->Segment()->Id();
          bcast[blength] = -0.1;
        bcast[blength] = xi[0];
        bcast[blength] = xi[1];
        bcast[blength] = Normal[0];
        bcast[blength] = Normal[1];
        bcast[blength] = Normal[2];
        bcast[blength] = pnode->Gap();
      if (blength > bsize) {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** Overflow in communication buffer occured\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
    Teuchos::broadcast<LO, int>(*lcomm_, proc, 1, &blength);
    Teuchos::broadcast<LO, double>(*lcomm_, proc, blength, &bcast[0]);
    if (proc != lcomm_->getRank()) {
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < blength;) {
        int nid = (int)bcast[i];
        double sid = bcast[i];
        double* xi = &bcast[i];
        double* n = &bcast[i];
        double gap = bcast[i];
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(NodeT)> mnode =
        Teuchos::RCP<MoertelT::SEGMENT_TEMPLATE_CLASS(SegmentT)> seg =
        if (sid != -0.1) seg = GetSegmentView((int)sid);
        if (mnode == Teuchos::null) {
          std::stringstream oss;
          oss << "***ERR*** "
              << "***ERR*** Cannot get view of node\n"
              << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
          throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
        MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)* pnode =
            new MoertelT::MOERTEL_TEMPLATE_CLASS(ProjectedNodeT)(
                *mnode, xi, seg.get());
      if (i != blength) {
        std::stringstream oss;
        oss << "***ERR*** "
            << "***ERR*** Mismatch in dimension of recv buffer\n"
            << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        throw MoertelT::ReportError(oss);
  }  // for (int proc=0; proc<lComm()->NumProc(); ++proc)

  return true;
 |  finalize construction of this interface                             |
bool MOERTEL::Interface::Complete()
  if (IsComplete())
    if (OutLevel()>0)
      std::cout << "MOERTEL: ***WRN*** MOERTEL::Interface::InterfaceComplete:\n"
           << "MOERTEL: ***WRN*** InterfaceComplete() was called before, do nothing\n"
           << "MOERTEL: ***WRN*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
    return true;
  // check for NULL entries in maps
  bool ok = true;
  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
	std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Node> >::const_iterator curr;
    for (curr=node_[i].begin(); curr!=node_[i].end(); ++curr)
      if (curr->second == Teuchos::null)
        std::cout << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
             << "***ERR*** Interface # " << Id_ << ":\n"
             << "***ERR*** found NULL entry in map of nodes\n"
             << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ok = false;
  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
	std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> >::const_iterator curr;
    for (curr=seg_[i].begin(); curr!=seg_[i].end(); ++curr)
      if (curr->second == Teuchos::null)
        std::cout << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
             << "***ERR*** Interface # " << Id_ << ":\n"
             << "***ERR*** found NULL entry in map of segments\n"
             << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ok = false;
  int lok = ok;
  int gok = 1;
  if (!gok) return false;
  // check whether all nodes for segments are present
  // (take in account that node might be on different processor)
  // this test is expensive and does not scale. It is therefore only performed
  // when user requests a high output level
#if 1
  if (OutLevel()>9)
    for (int proc=0; proc<gcomm_.NumProc(); ++proc)
      for (int side=0; side<2; ++side)
        // create length of list of all nodes adjacent to segments on proc
        int sendsize =  0;
        if (proc==gcomm_.MyPID())
		  std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> >::const_iterator curr;
          for (curr=seg_[side].begin(); curr!=seg_[side].end(); ++curr)
            sendsize += curr->second->Nnode();
        // create list of all nodes adjacent to segments on proc
		std::vector<int> ids(sendsize);
        if (proc==gcomm_.MyPID())
		  std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> >::const_iterator curr;
          int counter=0;
          for (curr=seg_[side].begin(); curr!=seg_[side].end(); ++curr)
            const int* segids = curr->second->NodeIds();
            for (int i=0; i<curr->second->Nnode(); ++i)
              ids[counter++] = segids[i];
        // check on all processors for nodes in ids
		std::vector<int> foundit(sendsize);
		std::vector<int> gfoundit(sendsize);
        for (int i=0; i<sendsize; ++i) 
          foundit[i] = 0;
          if (node_[side].find(ids[i]) != node_[side].end()) 
            foundit[i] = 1;
        for (int i=0; i<sendsize; ++i)
          if (gfoundit[i]!=1)
            if (gcomm_.MyPID()==proc)
            std::cout << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
                 << "***ERR*** cannot find segment's node # " << ids[i] << "\n"
                 << "***ERR*** in map of all nodes on all procs\n"
                 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
            return false;
        // tidy up
      } // for (int size=0; side<2; ++side)
    } // for (int proc=0; proc<gcomm_.NumProc(); ++proc)
  // find all procs that have business on this interface (own nodes/segments)
  // build a Epetra_comm that contains only those procs
  // this intra-communicator will be used to handle most stuff on this 
  // interface so the interface will not block all other procs
	std::vector<int> lin(gcomm_.NumProc());
	std::vector<int> gin(gcomm_.NumProc());
    for (int i=0; i<gcomm_.NumProc(); ++i) lin[i] = 0;
    // check ownership of any segments
    for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
      if (seg_[i].size() != 0)
        lin[gcomm_.MyPID()] = 1;
    // check ownership of any nodes
    for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
      if (node_[i].size() != 0)
        lin[gcomm_.MyPID()] = 1;
    // typecast the Epetra_Comm to Epetra_MpiComm
    Epetra_MpiComm* epetrampicomm = dynamic_cast<Epetra_MpiComm*>(&gcomm_);
    if (!epetrampicomm)
	  std::stringstream oss;
			oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
           << "***ERR*** Interface " << Id() << ": Epetra_Comm is not an Epetra_MpiComm\n"
           << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw ReportError(oss);

    // split the communicator into participating and none-participating procs
    int color;
    int key = gcomm_.MyPID();
    // I am taking part in the new comm if I have any ownership 
    if (gin[gcomm_.MyPID()]) 
      color = 0; 
    // I am not taking part in the new comm
      color = MPI_UNDEFINED;
    // tidy up

    // create the local communicator   
    MPI_Comm  mpi_global_comm = epetrampicomm->GetMpiComm();
    MPI_Comm* mpi_local_comm  = new MPI_Comm();

    // create the new Epetra_MpiComm
    if (*mpi_local_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
      lcomm_ = Teuchos::null;
      lcomm_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_MpiComm(*mpi_local_comm)); // FIXME: who destroys the MPI_Comm inside?

#if 0
    // test this stuff on the mpi level
    int grank,lrank;
    if (*mpi_local_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL)
      lrank = -1;
    for (int proc=0; proc<gcomm_.NumProc(); ++proc)
      if (proc==gcomm_.MyPID())
      std::cout << "using mpi    comms: I am global rank " << grank << " and local rank " << lrank << std::endl;
    // test this stuff on the epetra level
    if (lComm())
      for (int proc=0; proc<lcomm_->NumProc(); ++proc)
        if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
        std::cout << "using epetra comms: I am global rank " << gcomm_.MyPID() << " and local rank " << lcomm_->MyPID() << std::endl;

#else  // the easy serial case
    Epetra_SerialComm* serialcomm = dynamic_cast<Epetra_SerialComm*>(&gcomm_);
    if (!serialcomm)
	  std::stringstream oss;
			oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
           << "***ERR*** Interface " << Id() << ": Epetra_Comm is not an Epetra_SerialComm\n"
           << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      throw ReportError(oss);
    lcomm_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_SerialComm(*serialcomm));
#endif // end of #ifdef PARALLEL    
  // create a map of all nodes to there PID (process id)
  if (lComm())
    for (int proc=0; proc<lcomm_->NumProc(); ++proc)
      int lnnodes = 0;
      if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
        lnnodes = node_[0].size() + node_[1].size();
	  std::vector<int> ids(lnnodes);
      if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
		std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Node> >::const_iterator curr;
        int counter=0;
        for (int side=0; side<2; ++side)
          for (curr=node_[side].begin(); curr!=node_[side].end(); ++curr)
            ids[counter++] = curr->first;
      for (int i=0; i<lnnodes; ++i)
  // create a map of all segments to there PID (process id)
  if (lComm())
    for (int proc=0; proc<lcomm_->NumProc(); ++proc)
      int lnsegs = 0;
      if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
        lnsegs = seg_[0].size() + seg_[1].size();
	  std::vector<int> ids(lnsegs);
      if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
		std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> >::const_iterator curr;
        int counter=0;
        for (int side=0; side<2; ++side)
          for (curr=seg_[side].begin(); curr!=seg_[side].end(); ++curr)
            ids[counter++] = curr->first;
      for (int i=0; i<lnsegs; ++i)
  // set isComplete_ flag
  // we set it here already as we will be using some methods that require it
  // from now on
  isComplete_ = true;
  // make the nodes know there adjacent segments
  // find max number of nodes to a segment
  if (lComm())
    int lmaxnnode = 0;
    int gmaxnnode = 0;
    for (int side=0; side<2; ++side)
	  std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> >::const_iterator scurr;
      for (scurr=seg_[side].begin(); scurr!=seg_[side].end(); ++scurr)
        if (lmaxnnode < scurr->second->Nnode())
          lmaxnnode = scurr->second->Nnode();
    // loop all procs and broadcast their adjacency
    for (int proc=0; proc<lcomm_->NumProc(); ++proc)
      // local number of segments
      int lnseg = 0;
      if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
        lnseg = seg_[0].size() + seg_[1].size();
      // allocate vector to hold adjacency
      int offset = gmaxnnode+2;
      int size   = lnseg*offset;
	  std::vector<int> adj(size);
      // proc fills adjacency vector adj and broadcasts
      if (proc==lcomm_->MyPID())
        int count = 0;
        for (int side=0; side<2; ++side)
		  std::map<int,Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> >::const_iterator scurr;
          for (scurr=seg_[side].begin(); scurr!=seg_[side].end(); ++scurr)
			Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Segment> seg = scurr->second;
            adj[count]   = seg->Id();
            adj[count+1] = seg->Nnode();
            const int* ids = seg->NodeIds();
            for (int i=0; i<seg->Nnode(); ++i)
              adj[count+2+i] = ids[i];
            count += offset;
      // all procs read adj and add segment to the nodes they own
      int count = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<lnseg; ++i)
        int segid = adj[count];
        int nnode = adj[count+1];
        for (int j=0; j<nnode; ++j)
          int nid = adj[count+2+j];
          if (lcomm_->MyPID() == NodePID(nid))
            // I own this node, so set the segment segid in it
			Teuchos::RCP<MOERTEL::Node> node = GetNodeViewLocal(nid);
            if (node == Teuchos::null)
				std::stringstream oss;
					oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
						<< "***ERR*** cannot find node " << nid << "\n"
                   << "***ERR*** in map of all nodes on this proc\n"
                   << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
				throw ReportError(oss);
        count += offset;
    } // for (int proc=0; proc<lcomm_->NumProc(); ++proc)
  } // if (lComm())
  // build redundant segments and nodes
  if (lComm())
    int ok = 0;
    ok += RedundantSegments(0);  
    ok += RedundantSegments(1);  
    ok += RedundantNodes(0);
    ok += RedundantNodes(1);
    if (ok != 4)
		std::stringstream oss;
			oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Interface::Complete:\n"
           << "***ERR*** building of redundant information failed\n"
           << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
		throw ReportError(oss);

  // make topology segments <-> nodes for each side
  if (lComm())

  // delete distributed nodes and segments
  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)

  // we are done
  // note that there might not be any functions on the interface yet
  // they still have to be set
  return ok;