Esempio n. 1
 Point SphereShape::sample_point(float u1, float u2,
     Normal& out_n, float& out_ray_epsilon) const 
   Vec3 w = uniform_sphere_sample(u1, u2);
   out_n = Normal(w);
   out_ray_epsilon = 5e-3f * this->radius;
   return Point() + Vector(w * this->radius);
Esempio n. 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- copy constructor
SolidCylinder::SolidCylinder(const SolidCylinder& cyl) 
	:	Compound(cyl),
		box(Point3D(-1.0*radius,bottom , -1.0*radius),
			Point3D(1.0*radius,top , 1.0*radius))

{objects.push_back(new Disk(Point3D(0, bottom, 0),
						Normal(0, -1, 0),

	objects.push_back(new Disk(Point3D(0, top, 0),
						Normal(0, 1, 0),

	objects.push_back(new OpenCylinder(bottom,top,radius));}
Esempio n. 3
Vector2D Vector2D::Reflect(const Vector2D & v, const Vector2D &a) {
	Vector2D n = Normal(a);
	float co = -2 * ((float)v.Dot(n) / (n.Magnitude() * n.Magnitude()));
	Vector2D r = {};
	r.x = v.x + co * n.x;
	r.y = r.y + co * n.y;
	return r;
Esempio n. 4
D3DXVECTOR3 rotate(D3DXVECTOR3 v, Quaternion q) {
	Quaternion q_, qv;
	q = Normal(q);
	q_.w = q.w; q_.x = -q.x; q_.y = -q.y; q_.z = -q.z;
	qv.w = 0; qv.x=v.x; qv.y=v.y; qv.z=v.z;
	Quaternion aa= q_*qv*q;
	return D3DXVECTOR3(aa.x, aa.y, aa.z);
Esempio n. 5
Point Cylinder::Sample(float u1, float u2, Normal *Ns) const {
    float z = Lerp(u1, zmin, zmax);
    float t = u2 * phiMax;
    Point p = Point(radius * cosf(t), radius * sinf(t), z);
    *Ns = Normalize((*ObjectToWorld)(Normal(p.x, p.y, 0.)));
    if (ReverseOrientation) *Ns *= -1.f;
    return (*ObjectToWorld)(p);
Esempio n. 6
bool DistanceEstimator::Intersect(const Ray &r, float *tHit, float *rayEpsilon,
    DifferentialGeometry *dg) const {
  bool succeed = DoesIntersect(r, tHit);
  if (!succeed) return false;

  Ray ray;
  (*WorldToObject)(r, &ray);
  Point p = ray(*tHit);
  *rayEpsilon = DE_params.hitEpsilon * DE_params.rayEpsilonMultiplier;
  Vector n = CalculateNormal(p, DE_params.normalEpsilon);
  Vector DPDU, DPDV;
  CoordinateSystem(n, &DPDU, &DPDV);

  const Transform &o2w = *ObjectToWorld;
  *dg = DifferentialGeometry(o2w(p), o2w(DPDU), o2w(DPDV), Normal(), Normal(), 0, 0, this);
  return true;
Esempio n. 7
Point3 SContext::DP(void)

	float d = (1.0f+DFACT)*0.1f/(DFACT+(float)fabs(DotProd(Normal(),viewDir)));
	dp = Point3(d,d,d);
	return dp;
Esempio n. 8
void PtrFreeScene :: translate_geometry() {
  const uint n_vertices  = data_set->GetTotalVertexCount();
  const uint n_triangles = data_set->GetTotalTriangleCount();

  // translate mesh normals, colors and uvs
  this->vertex_count = n_vertices;
  this->normals_count = n_vertices;
  this->colors_count = n_vertices;
  this->uvs_count = n_vertices;
  this->triangles_count = n_triangles;

  reset_array(this->vertexes, this->vertex_count);
  reset_array(this->normals, this->normals_count);
  reset_array(this->colors, this->colors_count);
  reset_array(this->uvs, this->uvs_count);
  reset_array(this->triangles, this->triangles_count);
  uint index = 0;

  // aux data to later translate triangles
  uint *mesh_offsets = new uint[original_scene->objects.size()];
  uint v_index = 0;

  for (uint i = 0; i < original_scene->objects.size(); ++i) {
    const luxrays::ExtMesh* mesh = original_scene->objects[i];

    mesh_offsets[i] = v_index;
    for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalVertexCount(); ++j) {
      normals[index]  = Normal(mesh->GetNormal(j));
      colors[index]   = Spectrum(mesh->GetColor(j));
      uvs[index]      = (mesh->HasUVs()) ? mesh->GetUV(j) : UV(0.f, 0.f);
      vertexes[index] = Point(mesh->GetVertex(j));
    v_index += mesh->GetTotalVertexCount();

  // translate mesh triangles
  index = 0;
  for(uint i = 0; i < original_scene->objects.size(); ++i) {
    const luxrays::ExtMesh* mesh   = original_scene->objects[i];
    const luxrays::Triangle *mtris = mesh->GetTriangles();
    const uint moffset = mesh_offsets[i];
    for (uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalTriangleCount(); ++j) {
      triangles[index++] = Triangle(
          mtris[j].v[0] + moffset,
          mtris[j].v[1] + moffset,
          mtris[j].v[2] + moffset);

  delete[] mesh_offsets;
Esempio n. 9
File: fm.c Progetto: palmerc/lab
boolean FileGetZeroedChunk (vbntype       VbnBlk,    blkhdrtype *BlkHdr, 
                            boolean       Release,   
                            ft F,lt Z,zz *Status,    numtype    *Chunk)  
bytessize   UnitSize     = 0;
indextype   UnitCount    = 0;
bytessize   ChunkSize    = 0;
vbntype     ChunkRefVbn  = VbnBlk;
chunkstruc  ChunkRef; 
chunkstruc *ChunkRefPtr  = &ChunkRef;
addrtype    ChunkAddr    = NullPtr;

  /* Load Chunk Struc Into Core                                            */
  if (FileInBlk ((addrtype *)&ChunkRefPtr,              sizeof(chunkstruc),
                 BlkHdr,      Release,     McStat,     &ChunkRefVbn))
     UnitSize  = ChunkRefPtr->UnitSize;
     UnitCount = ChunkRefPtr->UnitCount;
     ChunkSize = UnitCount * UnitSize;

     if (!*Chunk)
        MemMakeChunk (UnitSize,  UnitCount, ChunkRef.ExtendQty,
                      DbmDbId,   McStat,    Chunk);

     if (Normal(*Status))
        MemPutStackPtr (*Chunk, ChunkRef.StackPtr, McStat);

     if (!ChunkSize)
     if (sprintf (Msg, TraceStr(43),
/* "    ZERO BLOCK [%3u] ZERO Chunk[%4u](%2u * %2u)\n" */
                  VbnBlk, *Chunk, UnitCount, UnitSize))
        TraceMsg (0, Msg);

     if (MemGetChunkAddr (*Chunk,     McStat,      &ChunkAddr))
        memset           (ChunkAddr,  NULL,    (size_t )ChunkSize);

  if (Normal(*Status))
  if (DeBug)
      MemDumpChunk   (0,                 *Chunk,         McStat);

Esempio n. 10
void CBasePoly::SaveBasePolyLTA( CLTAFile* pFile, uint32 level )
	uint32		i;

	//write out the list of face indices
	PrependTabs(pFile, level);
	pFile->WriteStr("( f ");
	for( i=0; i < m_Indices; i++ ){
		pFile->WriteStrF("%i ", m_Indices[i] );
	//write out the surface normal
	PrependTabs(pFile, level);
	pFile->WriteStrF("( n %f %f %f )", Normal().x, Normal().y, Normal().z );
	PrependTabs(pFile, level);
	pFile->WriteStrF("( dist %f )", Dist() );
Esempio n. 11
   double Student(long n)
/* =========================================== 
 * Returns a student-t distributed real number.
 * NOTE: use n > 0
 * ===========================================
  return (Normal(0.0, 1.0) / sqrt(Chisquare(n) / n));
Esempio n. 12
   double Lognormal(double a, double b)
/* ==================================================== 
 * Returns a lognormal distributed positive real number. 
 * NOTE: use b > 0.0
 * ====================================================
  return (exp(a + b * Normal(0.0, 1.0)));
Esempio n. 13
	void sampleEmissionArea(EmissionRecord &eRec, const Point2 &sample) const {
		if (eRec.type == EmissionRecord::ENormal) {
			Vector d = squareToSphere(sample);
			eRec.sRec.p = + d * m_bsphere.radius;
			eRec.sRec.n = Normal(-d);
			eRec.pdfArea = 1.0f / (4 * M_PI * m_bsphere.radius * m_bsphere.radius);
			eRec.value = Spectrum(M_PI);
		} else {
			/* Preview mode, which is more suitable for VPL-based rendering: approximate 
			   the infinitely far-away source with set of diffuse point sources */
			const Float radius = m_bsphere.radius * 1.5f;
			Vector d = squareToSphere(sample);
			eRec.sRec.p = + d * radius;
			eRec.sRec.n = Normal(-d);
			eRec.pdfArea = 1.0f / (4 * M_PI * radius * radius);
			eRec.value = Le(d) * M_PI;
Esempio n. 14
	void samplePosition(PositionSamplingRecord &pRec, const Point2 &sample) const {
		const Transform &trafo = m_objectToWorld->eval(pRec.time);
		Point2 p = warp::squareToUniformDiskConcentric(sample);

		pRec.p = trafo(Point3(p.x, p.y, 0));
		pRec.n = normalize(trafo(Normal(0, 0, 1)));
		pRec.pdf = m_invSurfaceArea;
		pRec.measure = EArea;
Esempio n. 15
	Spectrum samplePosition(PositionSamplingRecord &pRec,
			const Point2 &sample, const Point2 *extra) const {
		const Transform &trafo = m_worldTransform->eval(pRec.time);
		pRec.p = trafo(Point(0.0f));
		pRec.n = Normal(0.0f);
		pRec.pdf = 1.0f;
		pRec.measure = EDiscrete;
		return Spectrum(1.0f);
Esempio n. 16
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------  default constructor
	: 	Compound(),
		box(Point3D(-1.0*radius,bottom , -1.0*radius),
			Point3D(1.0*radius,top , 1.0*radius))
objects.push_back(new Disk(Point3D(0, bottom, 0),
						Normal(0, -1, 0),

	objects.push_back(new Disk(Point3D(0, top, 0),
						Normal(0, 1, 0),

	objects.push_back(new OpenCylinder(bottom,top,radius));
Esempio n. 17
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------  constructor
SolidCylinder::SolidCylinder(const float bot, const float t, const float r)
	:	Compound(),
		box(Point3D(-1.0*r,bot , -1.0*r),
			Point3D(1.0*r,t , 1.0*r))
	objects.push_back(new Disk(Point3D(0, bottom, 0),
						Normal(0, -1, 0),

	objects.push_back(new Disk(Point3D(0, top, 0),
						Normal(0, 1, 0),

	objects.push_back(new OpenCylinder(bottom,top,radius));
Esempio n. 18
void IntersectionPoint(const Circle& c1, const Circle& c2, Point& p1, Point& p2)
    double d = Length(c1.c - c2.c);
    double l = (c1.r*c1.r + d*d - c2.r*c2.r) / (2 * d);
    double h = sqrt(c1.r*c1.r - l*l);
    Point mid = c1.c + unit(c2.c-c1.c) * l;
    Vector t = Normal(c2.c - c1.c) * h;
    p1 = mid + t;
    p2 = mid - t;
Esempio n. 19
Point Disk::Sample(float u1, float u2, Normal *Ns) const {
    Point p;
    ConcentricSampleDisk(u1, u2, &p.x, &p.y);
    p.x *= radius;
    p.y *= radius;
    p.z = height;
    *Ns = Normalize((*ObjectToWorld)(Normal(0,0,1)));
    if (ReverseOrientation) *Ns *= -1.f;
    return (*ObjectToWorld)(p);
Esempio n. 20
int mlStrcmpEnd(char* string1, char* string2)
	int i = 0, len1 = 0, len2 = 0;
	while (string1[i] != '\r' && string1[i] != 'ý')
	int j = 0;
	while (string2[j] != '\r' && string1[i] != 'ý')

	len1 = i;
	len2 = j;
	i = 1;
	j = 1;

	if (string2[len2 - 1] >= 'A' && string2[len2 - 1] <= 'Z' && string1[len1 - 1] >= 'A' && string1[len1 - 1] <= 'Z')
		return 0;
	else while (len1 - i >= 0 && len2 - j >= 0)
		if (!Normal(string1, i))
		if (!Normal(string2, j))
		if (Normal(string1, i) && Normal(string2, j))
			if (string1[len1 - i] == string2[len2 - j])
			else if (string1[len1 - i] > string2[len2 - j])
				return 1;
			else if (string1[len1 - i] < string2[len2 - j])
				return -1;
			else return 0;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 21
 Spectrum PointLight::sample_ray_radiance(const Scene&, 
     Ray& out_ray, Normal& out_nn, float& out_pdf,
     LightRaySample sample) const
   Vec3 wi = uniform_sphere_sample(sample.uv_dir.x, sample.uv_dir.y);
   out_ray = Ray(this->pt, Vector(wi), 0.f);
   out_nn = Normal(wi);
   out_pdf = uniform_sphere_pdf();
   return this->intensity;
Esempio n. 22
bool plane_t::PlaneLineIntersection(vec3 start, vec3 end, vec3 *hitpoint)
	float d1, d2;

	d1 = Distance(start);
	d2 = Distance(end);

	if (d1 == d2)
		return false;

	if (d1 > 0.0f && d2 > 0.0f)
		return false;

	if (d1 < 0.0f && d2 < 0.0f)
		return false;

	// calculate the intersection
		float fraction;
		fraction = (d1 / (d1 - d2));

		*hitpoint = start + fraction * (start - end);
		return true;

#if 0
	// calculate a more precise intersection
		// this will only work if the normal is normalized
		vec3 n = Normal();
		fraction = (d1 / (d1 - d2));
		for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (n[i] == 1)
				hitpoint[i] = d;
			else if (n[i] == -1)
				hitpoint[i] = -d;
				hitpoint[i] = start[i] + fraction * (start[i] - end[i]);
/*     14.1.5                                                             */
boolean Is_List01Member  (tokentype    *ListTkn,   tokentype    *MemberTkn,
                          ft F,lt Z,zz *Status,    tokentype    *NodeTkn)
listheadtype *HeadObj         = NullPtr;
tokentype     NextNode        = NullToken;
listnodetype *NodeObj         = NullPtr;

  NextNode.DbId   = ListTkn->DbId;

  if (ListBug || DeBug)
  if (sprintf (Msg, "\n   Is_List01Member[%4u:%6u]:: Token=[%2u:%4u]  \n",
               ListTkn->DbId,    ListTkn->Handle,
               MemberTkn->DbId,  MemberTkn->Handle))
     TraceMsg (0, Msg);

  if (OaGetObject (ListTkn,   McStat,   (addrtype *)&HeadObj))
  for (NextNode.Handle  = HeadObj->FirstNode; 
       Normal(*Status) && NextNode.Handle;)
     if (OaGetObject (&NextNode,   McStat,   (addrtype *)&NodeObj))
     if (NodeObj->NodeObject.Handle == MemberTkn->Handle
     &&  NodeObj->NodeObject.DbId   == MemberTkn->DbId)
        if (ListBug || DeBug)
        if (sprintf (Msg, "     ...NodeTkn =[%4u:%6u]\n",
                     NodeTkn->DbId, NodeTkn->Handle))
           TraceMsg (0, Msg);

        return (True);

     } else
        NextNode.Handle = NodeObj->NextNode;
  if (ListBug || DeBug)
     TraceMsg (0, "\n   ... Not a Member.\n");

  if (Normal(*Status))
     return (False);

return (STAT);
Esempio n. 24
		This function initializes all global generators by @a seed value.

@param seed The seed value of all generators.
void srand(RandomValue seed)
	OMNI_MT_CODE(sync::AutoLock guard(g_lock()));

	g_rand() = Random(seed);
	g_unif() = Uniform(seed);
	g_norm() = Normal(seed);
	g_exp() = Exponential(seed);

	g_seed() = seed;
Esempio n. 25
bool idPlane::PlaneIntersection( const idPlane &plane, idVec3 &start, idVec3 &dir ) const {
	double n00, n01, n11, det, invDet, f0, f1;

	n00 = Normal().LengthSqr();
	n01 = Normal() * plane.Normal();
	n11 = plane.Normal().LengthSqr();
	det = n00 * n11 - n01 * n01;

	if ( idMath::Fabs(det) < 1e-6f ) {
		return false;

	invDet = 1.0f / det;
	f0 = ( n01 * plane.d - n11 * d ) * invDet;
	f1 = ( n01 * d - n00 * plane.d ) * invDet;

	dir = Normal().Cross( plane.Normal() );
	start = f0 * Normal() + f1 * plane.Normal();
	return true;
Esempio n. 26
Point CylinderShape::sample_point(float u1, float u2,
                                  Normal& out_n, float& out_ray_epsilon) const
    float z = lerp(u1, this->z_min, this->z_max);
    float phi = TWO_PI * u2;
    float cos_phi = cos(phi);
    float sin_phi = sin(phi);
    out_n = Normal(cos_phi, sin_phi, 0.f);
    out_ray_epsilon = 5e-3f;
    return Point(cos_phi * this->radius, sin_phi * this->radius, z);
Esempio n. 27
File: mem01.c Progetto: palmerc/lab
boolean MemDumpChunk  (int           MsgLevel,    numtype   Chunk,
                       ft F,lt Z,zz *Status)
  if (!Normal(*Status))
      DumpChunkChunk (0,        Chunk);
      DumpChunkChunk (MsgLevel, Chunk);
Esempio n. 28
 Spectrum DirectionalLight::sample_ray_radiance(const Scene& scene, 
     Ray& out_ray, Normal& out_nn, float& out_pdf, LightRaySample sample) const 
   Vec2 disk_p = uniform_disk_sample(sample.uv_pos.x, sample.uv_pos.y);
   Point orig = scene.centroid - Vector(scene.radius * this->direction)
     + disk_p.x * this->s + disk_p.y * this->t;
   out_ray = Ray(orig, this->direction, 0.f);
   out_nn = Normal(this->direction);
   out_pdf = uniform_disk_pdf() / (PI * square(scene.radius));
   return this->radiance;
Esempio n. 29
static inline typename PT::product_type
PointLeftOfLine(const PT &p, const PT &a, const PT &b)
  // normal vector of the line
  const PT normal = Normal(a, b);
  // vector ap
  const PT ap = p - a;

  // almost distance point from line (normal has to be normalized for that)
  return DotProduct<PT, typename PT::product_type>(normal, ap);
double StochasticLib1::NormalTrunc(double m, double s, double limit) {
   // Truncated normal distribution
   // The tails are cut off so that the output
   // is in the interval from (m-limit) to (m+limit)
   if (limit < s) FatalError("limit out of range in NormalTrunc function");
   double x;
   do {
      x = Normal(0., s);
   } while (fabs(x) > limit); // reject if beyond limit
   return x + m;