Esempio n. 1
 * Decrypts and interprets received codes
void Remote(void)
    // a frame was received and is stored in the receive buffer
    // move it to decryption Buffer, and restart receiving again

    // Copy the received data to the work buffer
    memcpy(Buffer, RX_Buffer, sizeof(RX_Buffer));
#ifdef DBG
    int i;
    Serial.print("DATA ");
    for(i = 0; i<sizeof(RX_Buffer); i++)
      Serial.print(Buffer[i], HEX);
      Serial.print(" ");
    switch (RFtype)
        case KEELOQ_PACKET: // Standard Keeloq frame detected
            NormalKeyGen(); // Compute the decryption key
            Decrypt(); // Decrypt the hopping code portion

            // Validate received packet (aka, is it a paired device?)
            if (Find(RFtype) == FALSE)
            {   // Transmitter is not paired. Are we in learn mode?
                if (FLearn)
                {   // look for new space to store record
                    if (!Insert()) 
                    {   // fail if no memory available
#ifdef DBG					
                        Serial.println("INSERT CODE FAIL");
#ifdef DBG					
							tmpSN.c[0] = SEED[0];
							tmpSN.c[1] = SEED[1];
							tmpSN.c[2] = SEED[2];
							tmpSN.c[3] = Buffer[3] & 0xF;
							keeloq_callback(KMSG_NEWPAIR, tmpSN.num, 0);

                        // ASSERT Ind is pointing to a valid memory location
                        IDWrite(); // write Serial Number in memory
                        FHopOK = TRUE; // enable updating Hopping Code
                        HopUpdate(); // Write Hoping code in memory

                        CFlash = 10; // request Led flashing to indicate successful learning
                        CTFlash = TFLASH; // load period timer
//                        LED1 = TRUE; // start with Led on
                        FLearn = FALSE; // terminate successfully Learn
                        CTLearn = 0;
                else // not in learning mode
#ifdef DBG				
                  Serial.println("Not learned");
            else if (DecCHK() == FALSE)
            {   //Transmitter is paired, but message is not valid
#ifdef DBG
				Serial.println("Not valid KLQ");
            {   // Transmitter is already paired
                // Check Hopping Code integrity; are we within the acceptable window?
                if (!HopCHK()) 
#ifdef DBG
				Serial.println("Hop check fail");

				// Visual status confirmation of success
				digitalWrite(PIN_LED_RED, LOW);
                COut = TOUT; // Init LED output timer

				/// Callback

				// hopping code incrementing properly
				HopUpdate(); // update memory

					tmpSN.c[0] = SEED[0];
					tmpSN.c[1] = SEED[1];
					tmpSN.c[2] = SEED[2];
					tmpSN.c[3] = Buffer[3] & 0xF;
					keeloq_callback(KMSG_BTN, tmpSN.num, Buffer[3] >> 4);
#ifdef DBG				 
				if (((Buffer[7] ^ FCode) & 0xf0) == 0) // check against learned function code
					Serial.println("check against");

//                tone(38, 3000, 400);
                sprintf(buffer7, "KLQ: %01X%02X%02X%02X", SEED[3], SEED[2], SEED[1], SEED[0]);
                sprintf(buffer7, "C:%01X%02X%02X%02X F:%1X", Buffer[3] & 0xF, Buffer[2], Buffer[1], Buffer[0], Buffer[3] >> 4);

#ifdef DBG
			Serial.println("AES/XTEA not supported");

    // Ready to receive a new frame
    RFFull = FALSE;
} // remote
Esempio n. 2
// Remote Routine
// Decrypts and interprets receive codes
// Does Normal Operation and Learn Mode
// INPUT:  Buffer contains the received code word
// OUTPUT: S0..S3 and LearnOut 
void Remote()
    // a frame was received and is stored in the receive buffer
    // move it to decryption Buffer, and restart receiving
    memcpy( Buffer, B, 9);
    RFFull = FALSE;                     // ready to receive a new frame

    // decoding
    NormalKeyGen();                     // compute the decryption key 
    Decrypt();                          // decrypt the hopping code portion

    if ( DecCHK() == FALSE)             // decription failed

    if ( FLearn)
        // Learn Mode

        if ( Find()== FALSE)
        // could not find the Serial Number in memory
            if ( !Insert())             // look for new space
                return;                 // fail if no memory available

        // ASSERT Ind is pointing to a valid memory location
        IDWrite();                  // write Serial Number in memory
        FHopOK = TRUE;              // enable updating Hopping Code
        HopUpdate();                // Write Hoping code in memory

        CFlash = 32;                // request Led flashing
        CTFlash = TFLASH;           // load period timer
        Led = TRUE;                 // start with Led on
        FLearn = FALSE;             // terminate successfully Learn
    } // Learn

    else // Normal Mode of operation
        if ( Find()== FALSE)
        if ( !HopCHK())                 // check Hopping code integrity

        if ( FSame)                     // identified same code as last memorized
            if ( COut >0)               // if output is still active
                COut = TOUT;            // reload timer to keep active
                return;                 // else discard

        else                            // hopping code incrementing properly
            HopUpdate();                // update memory

        // set outputs according to function code
            if ( BIT_TEST(Buffer[3],S0))
                Out0 = ON;
            if ( BIT_TEST(Buffer[3],S1))
                Out1 = ON;
            if ( BIT_TEST(Buffer[3],S2))
                Out2 = ON;
            if ( BIT_TEST(Buffer[3],S3))
                Out3 = ON;

        // set low battery flag if necessary
            if ( BIT_TEST(Buffer[8],VFlag))
                Vlow = ON;

        // check against learned function code
            if ( (( Buffer[7] ^ FCode) & 0xf0) == 0)
                Led = ON;
        // init output timer
            COut = TOUT;
        }// recognized
    } // normal mode

} // remote