void Preferences::onChangeHedgeSelection(int) { fl::Engine* engine = Model::Default()->engine(); if (ui->ckx_any->isChecked() and not engine->hasHedge(Any().name())) engine->addHedge(new Any); else if (not ui->ckx_any->isChecked() and engine->hasHedge(Any().name())) delete engine->removeHedge(Any().name()); if (ui->ckx_extremely->isChecked() and not engine->hasHedge(Extremely().name())) engine->addHedge(new Extremely); else if (not ui->ckx_extremely->isChecked() and engine->hasHedge(Extremely().name())) delete engine->removeHedge(Extremely().name()); if (ui->ckx_not->isChecked() and not engine->hasHedge(Not().name())) engine->addHedge(new Not); else if (not ui->ckx_not->isChecked() and engine->hasHedge(Not().name())) delete engine->removeHedge(Not().name()); if (ui->ckx_seldom->isChecked() and not engine->hasHedge(Seldom().name())) engine->addHedge(new Seldom); else if (not ui->ckx_seldom->isChecked() and engine->hasHedge(Seldom().name())) delete engine->removeHedge(Seldom().name()); if (ui->ckx_somewhat->isChecked() and not engine->hasHedge(Somewhat().name())) engine->addHedge(new Somewhat); else if (not ui->ckx_somewhat->isChecked() and engine->hasHedge(Somewhat().name())) delete engine->removeHedge(Somewhat().name()); if (ui->ckx_very->isChecked() and not engine->hasHedge(Very().name())) engine->addHedge(new Very); else if (not ui->ckx_very->isChecked() and engine->hasHedge(Very().name())) delete engine->removeHedge(Very().name()); Window::mainWindow()->fixDependencies(); }
void circuits( SD sd, Signal Init, Signal Clock, Signal w, Signal x, Signal y, Signal z ) { Module( (sd, "circuits"), (Init, Clock), (w, x, y, z) ); // Insert your declarations for any auxiliary Signals here Signal W, X, Y, Z; // Insert your DFFs here Dff( SD("1b"), ( Init, W, Clock, Zero ), w ); Dff( SD("2b"), ( Zero, X, Clock, Init ), x ); Dff( SD("3b"), ( Init, Y, Clock, Zero ), y ); Dff( SD("4b"), ( Zero, Z, Clock, Init ), z ); // Insert your combinational logic here (Not, And, Or gates) Signal notx, noty, notz; Not ( SD(sd,"1d"), x, notx ); Not ( SD(sd,"2d"), y, noty ); Not ( SD(sd,"3d"), z, notz ); Signal and1, and2, and3, and4; And ( SD(sd,"1e"), (notx, noty), and1 ); And ( SD(sd,"2e"), (x, notz), and2 ); And ( SD(sd,"3e"), (w, y), and3 ); And ( SD(sd,"4e"), (noty, notz), and4 ); Or ( SD(sd,"1f"), (and1, and1), W ); Or ( SD(sd,"2f"), (and2, and3), X ); Or ( SD(sd,"3f"), (z, z), Y ); Or ( SD(sd,"4f"), (and4, and4), Z ); }
void alu(SD(sd), const Signals& A, const Signals& B, const Signal& Cin, const Signal& Ainvert, const Signal& Binvert, const Signal& Unsgn, const Signals& Op, const Signals& Res, const Signal& C, const Signal& V) { Module((sd, "32 Bit ALU"), (A,B,Cin,Ainvert,Binvert,Unsgn,Op), (Res,C,V) ); Signal Cout(NUM_BITS); Signal lessIn; Signal lessOut; Signal notV; Signal notMSB; Signal notUnsgn; Signal lessJunk(NUM_BITS-1); Signal set; Signal setIntrm(3); Signal Prod1; Signal Prod2; oneBitALU(SD(sd, "1d"), A[0], B[0], Cin, lessIn, Ainvert, Binvert, Op, Res[0], Cout[0], lessJunk[0]); for (int i = 1; i < NUM_BITS-1; ++i) oneBitALU(SD(sd,"1d"), A[i], B[i], Cout[i-1], Zero, Ainvert, Binvert, Op, Res[i], Cout[i], lessJunk[i]); oneBitALU(SD(sd,"1d"), A[NUM_BITS-1], B[NUM_BITS-1], Cout[NUM_BITS-2], Zero, Ainvert, Binvert, Op, Res[NUM_BITS-1], C, lessOut); Not(SD(sd, "1d"), V, notV); Not(SD(sd, "1d"), Res[NUM_BITS-1], notMSB); Not(SD(sd, "1d"), Unsgn, notUnsgn); And(SD(sd, "1d"), (notUnsgn, notV, Res[NUM_BITS-1]), setIntrm[0]); And(SD(sd, "1d"), (notUnsgn, V, notMSB), setIntrm[1]); And(SD(sd, "1d"), (Unsgn, V), setIntrm[2]); Or(SD(sd, "1d"), setIntrm, set); And(SD(sd, "1d"), (set, lessOut), lessIn); Iand(SD(sd, "1d"), (Res[NUM_BITS-1]), (A[NUM_BITS-1],B[NUM_BITS-1]), Prod1); Iand(SD(sd, "1d"), (A[NUM_BITS-1], B[NUM_BITS-1]), (Res[NUM_BITS-1]), Prod2); Or(SD(sd, "1d"), (Prod1, Prod2), V); }
func Flacker() { if(Not(Random(15))) And(CastObjects(SU3V,Sum(1,Random(1)),Sum(5,Random(15)),Sum(-14,Random(28)),Sum(1,Random(2))),Sound("Spark*")); if(Not(Random(2))) return(0); if(Random(6)) return(ObjectSetAction(Local(0),"Neon")&&SetAction("FlackerAn")); if(Random(6)) return(ObjectSetAction(Local(0),"Aus")&&SetAction("FlackerAus")); return(1); }
static Node * bin_minimal(Node *ptr) { if (ptr) switch (ptr->ntyp) { case IMPLIES: return tl_nn(OR, Not(ptr->lft), ptr->rgt); case EQUIV: return tl_nn(OR, tl_nn(AND,dupnode(ptr->lft),dupnode(ptr->rgt)), tl_nn(AND,Not(ptr->lft),Not(ptr->rgt))); } return ptr; }
TEST_F(VanishesBeforeTest, Dimensionless) { double const y = 3000.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); EXPECT_THAT(y, VanishesBefore(1000.0, 6)); EXPECT_THAT(2 * y, Not(VanishesBefore(1000.0, 6))); double const δy = e / 100.0; double e_accumulated = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= 100.0; ++i) { e_accumulated += δy; } EXPECT_THAT(e_accumulated, Ne(e)); EXPECT_THAT(e_accumulated - e, Not(VanishesBefore(e, 4))); EXPECT_THAT(e_accumulated - e, VanishesBefore(e, 1)); }
TEST_F(VanishesBeforeTest, Quantity) { Speed v1 = 1 * Knot; Speed const v2 = 3 * v1 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); EXPECT_THAT(v2, VanishesBefore(v1, 3)); EXPECT_THAT(2 * v2, Not(VanishesBefore(v1, 3))); Speed const δv = v1 / 100; Speed v_accumulated; for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { v_accumulated += δv; } EXPECT_THAT(v_accumulated, Ne(v1)); EXPECT_THAT(v_accumulated - v1, Not(VanishesBefore(v1, 8))); EXPECT_THAT(v_accumulated - v1, VanishesBefore(v1, 4)); }
void circuits( SD sd, Signal Init, Signal Clock, Signal w, Signal x, Signal y, Signal z ) { Module( (sd, "circuits"), (Init, Clock), (w, x, y, z) ); // Insert your declarations for any auxiliary Signals here Signal notw, notx, noty, notz, W, X, Y, Z; // Insert your DFFs here Dff (SD(sd,"2g"), (Init, W, Clock, Zero), w); Dff (SD(sd,"3g"), (Zero, X, Clock, Init), x); Dff (SD(sd,"4g"), (Init, Y, Clock, Zero), y); Dff (SD(sd,"5g"), (Zero, Z, Clock, Init), z); // Insert your combinational logic here (Not, And, Or gates) Not (SD(sd,"2b"), w, notw); Not (SD(sd,"3b"), x, notx); Not (SD(sd,"4b"), y, noty); Not (SD(sd,"5b"), z, notz); // W = wx + yz + wy' Signal wfirst, wsecond, wthird; And (SD(sd, "2c"), (w, x), wfirst); And (SD(sd, "3c"), (y, z), wsecond); And (SD(sd, "4c"), (w, noty), wthird); Or (SD(sd, "5c"), (wfirst, wsecond, wthird), W); // X = xz' + wz + wy Signal xfirst, xsecond, xthird; And (SD(sd, "2d"), (x, notz), xfirst); And (SD(sd, "3d"), (w, z), xsecond); And (SD(sd, "4d"), (w, y), xthird); Or (SD(sd, "6d"), (xfirst, xsecond, xthird), X); // Y = y'z + xy + wy' Signal yfirst, ysecond, ythird; And (SD(sd, "2e"), (noty, z), yfirst); And (SD(sd, "3e"), (x, y), ysecond); And (SD(sd, "4e"), (w, noty), ythird); Or (SD(sd, "5e"), (yfirst, ysecond, ythird), Y); // Z = wx + w'z' + x'y'z Signal zfirst, zsecond, zthird; And (SD(sd, "2f"), (w, x), zfirst); And (SD(sd, "3f"), (notw, notz), zsecond); And (SD(sd, "4f"), (notx, noty, z), zthird); Or (SD(sd, "5f"), (zfirst, zsecond, zthird), Z); }
void simnet() { Signal w, x, y, z, Present, a, b, c, d, e, f, g; Signal Strobe(1); Signal ResetA(1); Signal ResetB(1); Pulser ((SD("1a"), "r -- Reset counter"), ResetA, 'r',10000); Pulser ((SD("2a"), "s -- Strobe counter"), Strobe, 's', 10000); Not(SD("1b"), ResetA, ResetB); Counter((SD("1c-2c"), "4-bit counter"), (ResetB, Strobe), (w,x,y,z)); circuits( SD("1d-4d"), w, x, y, z, Present, a, b, c, d, e, f, g); Probe(( SD("1g"),"Present"), Present ); Probe( (SD("2f-2h"),"a"), a ); Probe( (SD("3f-4f"),"f"), f ); Probe( (SD("3h-4h"),"b"), b ); Probe( (SD("5f-5h"),"g"), g ); Probe( (SD("6f-7f"),"e"), e); Probe( (SD("6h-7h"),"c"), c); Probe( (SD("8f-8h"),"d"), d); }
TEST_F(BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest, Serialization) { serialization::DynamicFrame message; small_frame_->WriteToMessage(&message); EXPECT_TRUE(message.HasExtension( serialization::BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrame::extension)); auto const extension = message.GetExtension( serialization::BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrame::extension); EXPECT_TRUE(extension.has_centre()); EXPECT_EQ(1, extension.centre()); auto const read_small_frame = DynamicFrame<ICRS, Small>::ReadFromMessage(message, ephemeris_.get()); EXPECT_THAT(read_small_frame, Not(IsNull())); Instant const t = t0_ + period_; DegreesOfFreedom<Small> const point_dof = {Displacement<Small>({10 * Metre, 20 * Metre, 30 * Metre}) + Small::origin, Velocity<Small>({3 * Metre / Second, 2 * Metre / Second, 1 * Metre / Second})}; EXPECT_EQ(small_frame_->GeometricAcceleration(t, point_dof), read_small_frame->GeometricAcceleration(t, point_dof)); }
void circuit( SD sd, Signal a, Signal b, Signal c, Signal d, Signal F ) { Module( (sd, "circuit"), (a, b, c, d), (F) ); Signal notb, notc, notd; Signal and1, and2; // Intermediate objects Not ( SD(sd,"2a"), b, notb ); // NOT gates Not ( SD(sd,"3a"), c, notc ); Not ( SD(sd,"4a"), d, notd ); And ( SD(sd,"2c"), (a, notb), and1 ); // AND gates And ( SD(sd,"3c"), (b, notc, notd), and2 ); Or ( SD(sd,"2e"), (and1, and2), F ); // OR gate }
void simnet() { Signal w, x, y, z, Present, a, b, c, d, e, f, g; Signal Strobe (1); Signal ResetA (1); Signal ResetB (1); Signal Output (4); Pulser ((SD("1a"), "r -- Reset counter"), ResetA, 'r', 10000); Pulser ((SD("2a"), "s -- Strobe counter"), Strobe, 's', 10000); Not (SD("1b"), ResetA, ResetB); Counter ((SD("1c-2c"), "4-bit counter"), (ResetB, Strobe),(w,x,y,z)); circuits( SD("1d-4d"), w, x, y, z, Present, a, b, c, d, e, f, g); Probe((SD("0d"), "Present"), Present); Probe((SD("1f"), "a"), a); Probe((SD("2g"), "b"), b); Probe((SD("4g"), "c"), c); Probe((SD("5f"), "d"), d); Probe((SD("4e"), "e"), e); Probe((SD("2e"), "f"), f); Probe((SD("3f"), "g"), g); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ QApplication app(argc, argv); notepad Not(&app);//constroi Not.show();//mostra Not.setarTexto("texto"); janela win; welcome_window wwin; wwin.setText("OK"); wwin.show(); win.show(); QObject::connect(&wwin,SIGNAL(clicked()),&Not, SLOT(exibirTexto())); QObject::connect(&wwin,SIGNAL(clicked()),&Not, SLOT(incremContador())); QObject::connect(&wwin,SIGNAL(clicked()),&Not, SLOT(incremContador2())); QObject::connect(&wwin,SIGNAL(clicked()),&Not, SLOT(setBarra())); //QObject::connect(&wwin,SIGNAL(clicked()),&Not, SLOT(som())); return app.exec(); }
TEST_F(BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest, Serialization) { serialization::DynamicFrame message; big_frame_->WriteToMessage(&message); EXPECT_TRUE(message.HasExtension( serialization::BodySurfaceDynamicFrame::extension)); auto const extension = message.GetExtension( serialization::BodySurfaceDynamicFrame::extension); EXPECT_TRUE(extension.has_centre()); EXPECT_EQ(0, extension.centre()); auto const read_big_frame = DynamicFrame<ICRFJ2000Equator, BigSmallFrame>::ReadFromMessage( ephemeris_.get(), message); EXPECT_THAT(read_big_frame, Not(IsNull())); Instant const t = t0_ + period_; DegreesOfFreedom<BigSmallFrame> const point_dof = {Displacement<BigSmallFrame>({10 * Metre, 20 * Metre, 30 * Metre}) + BigSmallFrame::origin, Velocity<BigSmallFrame>({3 * Metre / Second, 2 * Metre / Second, 1 * Metre / Second})}; EXPECT_EQ(big_frame_->GeometricAcceleration(t, point_dof), read_big_frame->GeometricAcceleration(t, point_dof)); }
public func Advance() { // Letzten Vertex ermitteln var iLastVertex = GetVertexNum() - 1; // Einschlag im Boden if (GBackSemiSolid(GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0) - GetX(), GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1) - GetY())) return(Remove()); // Schon über fünf Schritte fortgeschritten: Schaden an Objekten verursachen if (iLastVertex > 5) BlastObjects(GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0), GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1), 3); // Neuen Schritt durchführen if (Not(AddVertex(GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0) + Local(0) + Random(Local(1)), GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1) + Local(2) + Random(Local(3)) ))) return(Remove()); // Anziehung an ein Zielobjekt prüfen var pTarget; iLastVertex = GetVertexNum() - 1; if (iLastVertex > 7) if (pTarget = FindObject( 0, GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0) - GetX() - 50, GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1) - GetY() - 50, 100, 100, OCF_AttractLightning() )) Attraction(pTarget); }
void TestQuery::constructor() { QcSqlField field1("field1"); QcSqlField field2("field2"); QcSqlField field3("field3"); check_sql(field1 == 1, "field1 = 1"); check_sql(field1 != 1, "field1 != 1"); check_sql(field1 < 1, "field1 < 1"); check_sql(field1 > 1, "field1 > 1"); check_sql(field1 <= 1, "field1 <= 1"); check_sql(field1 >= 1, "field1 >= 1"); // check_sql(not field1 == 1, "(NOT field1 = 1)"); check_sql(Not(field1 == 1), "(NOT field1 = 1)"); check_sql(field1 == 1 and field2 == 2, "(field1 = 1 AND field2 = 2)"); check_sql(field1 == 1 or field2 == 2, "(field1 = 1 OR field2 = 2)"); check_sql((field1 == 1 and field2 == 2) or field3 == 3, "((field1 = 1 AND field2 = 2) OR field3 = 3)"); QcDatabase database; // Flavour is ANSI QcDatabaseTable table(&database, "table"); check_sql(table.sql_query(), ""); check_sql(table.sql_query().all(), "SELECT * FROM table;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).all(), "SELECT field1 FROM table;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).add_column(field2).all().filter(field1 > 1), "SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE field1 > 1;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).add_column(field2).all().filter((field1 > 1 and field1 < 10) or field2 > 2), "SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE ((field1 > 1 AND field1 < 10) OR field2 > 2);"); check_sql(table.sql_query().order_by(field1).all(), "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY field1;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().order_by(field1.desc()).all(), "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY field1 DESC;"); // Fixme: ->as check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(Min(field1)->as("min_field1")).all(), "SELECT MIN(field1) AS min_field1 FROM table;"); // Fixme: INSERT INTO table VALUES (?, ...); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).insert(), "INSERT INTO table (field1) VALUES (?);"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).add_column(field2).insert(), "INSERT INTO table (field1, field2) VALUES (?, ?);"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).update().filter(field1 > 1), "UPDATE table SET field1 = ? WHERE field1 > 1;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).add_column(field2).update().filter(field1 > 1), "UPDATE table SET field1 = ?, field2 = ? WHERE field1 > 1;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().delete_().filter(field1 > 1), "DELETE FROM table WHERE field1 > 1;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(ST_AsBinary(field1)).all(), "SELECT ST_AsBinary(field1) FROM table;"); check_sql(table.sql_query().add_column(field1).add_column(field2, ST_GeomFromWKB()).insert(), "INSERT INTO table (field1, field2) VALUES (?, ST_GeomFromWKB(?));"); }
PredicateComposition::Predicate<ValueType> PredicateComposition::OrNot( const Predicate<ValueType>& func_left, const Predicate<ValueType>& func_right ) { return std::bind( std::logical_or<bool>(), std::bind(func_left,std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(Not(func_right),std::placeholders::_1) ); }
HedgeFactory::HedgeFactory() : ConstructionFactory<Hedge*>("Hedge") { registerConstructor("", fl::null); registerConstructor(Any().name(), &(Any::constructor)); registerConstructor(Extremely().name(), &(Extremely::constructor)); registerConstructor(Not().name(), &(Not::constructor)); registerConstructor(Seldom().name(), &(Seldom::constructor)); registerConstructor(Somewhat().name(), &(Somewhat::constructor)); registerConstructor(Very().name(), &(Very::constructor)); }
std::string CppExporter::toString(const Hedge * hedge) const { if (hedge->name() == Any().name()) return "new fl::Any"; if (hedge->name() == Extremely().name()) return "new fl::Extremely"; if (hedge->name() == Not().name()) return "new fl::Not"; if (hedge->name() == Seldom().name()) return "new fl::Seldom"; if (hedge->name() == Somewhat().name()) return "new fl::Somewhat"; if (hedge->name() == Very().name()) return "new fl::Very"; return hedge->name(); }
std::string CppExporter::toString(const Hedge * hedge) const { if (hedge->name() == Any().name()) return "new " + fl("Any"); if (hedge->name() == Extremely().name()) return "new " + fl("Extremely"); if (hedge->name() == Not().name()) return "new " + fl("Not"); if (hedge->name() == Seldom().name()) return "new " + fl("Seldom"); if (hedge->name() == Somewhat().name()) return "new " + fl("Somewhat"); if (hedge->name() == Very().name()) return "new " + fl("Very"); return "new " + fl(hedge->name()); }
DoSomethingDifferent() { This(); Is(); Not(); A(); Love(); Song(); }
void BBTransform::insertAssume(Value* condition, Checkpoint* cp, BB* bb, BB::Instrs::iterator& position, bool assumePositive) { position = bb->insert(position, (Instruction*)condition); auto assume = new Assume(condition, cp); if (!assumePositive) assume->Not(); position = bb->insert(position + 1, assume); position++; };
static Node *bin_minimal(Node *ptr) { Node *a, *b; if (ptr) { switch (ptr->ntyp) { case IMPLIES: return tl_nn(OR, Not(ptr->lft), ptr->rgt); case EQUIV: a = tl_nn(AND,dupnode(ptr->lft),dupnode(ptr->rgt)); b = tl_nn(AND,Not(ptr->lft),Not(ptr->rgt)); return tl_nn(OR, a, b); } } return ptr; }
Node * push_negation(Node *n) { Node *m; Assert(n->ntyp == NOT, n->ntyp); switch (n->lft->ntyp) { case TRUE: releasenode(0, n->lft); n->lft = ZN; n->ntyp = FALSE; break; case FALSE: releasenode(0, n->lft); n->lft = ZN; n->ntyp = TRUE; break; case NOT: m = n->lft->lft; releasenode(0, n->lft); n->lft = ZN; releasenode(0, n); n = m; break; case V_OPER: n->ntyp = U_OPER; goto same; case U_OPER: n->ntyp = V_OPER; goto same; #ifdef NXT case NEXT: n->ntyp = NEXT; n->lft->ntyp = NOT; n->lft = push_negation(n->lft); break; #endif case AND: n->ntyp = OR; goto same; case OR: n->ntyp = AND; same: m = n->lft->rgt; n->lft->rgt = ZN; n->rgt = Not(m); n->lft->ntyp = NOT; m = n->lft; n->lft = push_negation(m); break; } return rewrite(n); }
//击中与击不中 void HitorMiss(double *src,int width,int height,double *se1,int se1_width,int se1_height,double *se2,int se2_width,int se2_height,double *dst,Position *se1center,Position *se2center){ double *temp1=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*width*height); double *temp2=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*width*height); Erode(src, width, height, temp1, width, height, se1, se1_width, se1_height, se1center); Not(src, temp2, width, height); Erode(temp2, width, height, temp2, width, height, se2, se2_width, se2_height, se2center); And(temp1, temp2, dst, width, height); free(temp1); free(temp2); }
static Node *bin_minimal(Node *ptr, Miscellaneous *miscell, int *cnt, char *uform, int *tl_yychar) { Node *a, *b; if (ptr) { switch (ptr->ntyp) { case IMPLIES: return tl_nn(OR, Not(ptr->lft), ptr->rgt, miscell); case EQUIV: a = tl_nn(AND,dupnode(ptr->lft),dupnode(ptr->rgt), miscell); b = tl_nn(AND,Not(ptr->lft),Not(ptr->rgt), miscell); return tl_nn(OR, a, b, miscell); } } return ptr; }
TEST_F(HostapdManagerTest, RespectsHiddenSetting) { string config = HostapdManager().CreateHostapdConfig( kTestInterfaceName, cstr2vector(kTestSsidStr), true, kTestChannel, HostapdManager::EncryptionType::kOpen, vector<uint8_t>()); EXPECT_THAT(config, HasSubstr("ignore_broadcast_ssid=1\n")); EXPECT_THAT(config, Not(HasSubstr("ignore_broadcast_ssid=0\n"))); }
TEST_F(HostapdManagerTest, CorrectlyInfersHwMode) { string config = HostapdManager().CreateHostapdConfig( kTestInterfaceName, cstr2vector(kTestSsidStr), true, 44, HostapdManager::EncryptionType::kOpen, vector<uint8_t>()); EXPECT_THAT(config, HasSubstr("hw_mode=a\n")); EXPECT_THAT(config, Not(HasSubstr("hw_mode=g\n"))); }
Expression *NotExp::optimize(int result) { Expression *e; e1 = e1->optimize(result); if (e1->isConst() == 1) { e = Not(type, e1); } else e = this; return e; }
void circuits( SD sd, Signal w, Signal x, Signal y, Signal z, Signal Present, Signal a, Signal b, Signal c, Signal d, Signal e, Signal f, Signal g ) { Module( (sd, "circuits"), (w, x, y, z), (Present, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ); Signal notz, notw,notx, noty; Signal and1, and2, and3, and4, and5, and6, and7, and8, and9, and10, and11,and12, and13,and14; Not(SD(sd, "e1-f8"), z, notz); Not(SD(sd, "g1-h8"), w, notw); Not(SD(sd, "i1-j8"), x, notx); Not(SD(sd, "k1-l8"), y, noty); And(SD(sd,"ab-be"), (y, z, notw), and1); And(SD(sd,"cb-de"), (noty, notz, x, notw), and2); And(SD(sd,"eb-fe"), (w, notx, noty), and3); And(SD(sd,"gb-he"), (notw, x), and4); And(SD(sd,"ib-je"), (w,notx,noty), and5); And(SD(sd,"kb-le"), (y,z,notw), and6); And(SD(sd,"mb-ne"), (w,notx,noty), and7); And(SD(sd,"ob-pe"), (noty,notz,notw,x), and8); And(SD(sd,"qb-re"), (y,z,notw,x), and9); And(SD(sd,"sb-te"), (noty,notz,w,notx), and10); And(SD(sd,"ub-ve"), (notw, x,y,z), and11); And(SD(sd,"wb-xe"), (w,notx,noty,z),and12); Or(SD(sd,"bg-cl"), (and1, and2, and3), Present); Or(SD(sd,"dg-el"), (and4,and5),a); Or(SD(sd,"fg-gl"), (and6,and7),b); Or(SD(sd,"hg-il"), (One, One),c ); Or(SD(sd,"jg-kl"), (and8,and9,and10),d); Or(SD(sd,"lg-ml"), (and11,and12),e); Or(SD(sd,"og-pl"), (One, One), f); Or(SD(sd,"sg-tl"), (One, One), g); }