Esempio n. 1
void BuildSightDir(UINT32 dir, UINT32 *One, UINT32 *Two, UINT32 *Three, UINT32 *Four, UINT32 *Five)
	case NORTH	: *One	= NORTHWEST;
		*Three = NORTH;
		*Four	= WEST;
		*Five	= EAST;
	case NORTHEAST: *One = NORTH;
		*Two = EAST;
		*Three = NORTHEAST;
		*Four	= NORTHWEST;
		*Five	= SOUTHEAST;
	case EAST	: *One	= NORTHEAST;
		*Three = EAST;
		*Four = NORTH;
		*Five = SOUTH;
	case SOUTHEAST: *One = EAST;
		*Two = SOUTH;
		*Three = SOUTHEAST;
		*Four = NORTHEAST;
		*Five = SOUTHWEST;
	case SOUTH	: *One = SOUTHEAST;
		*Three = SOUTH;
		*Four = EAST;
		*Five = WEST;
	case SOUTHWEST: *One = SOUTH;
		*Two = WEST;
		*Three = SOUTHWEST;
		*Four = SOUTHEAST;
		*Five = NORTHWEST;
	case WEST	: *One = SOUTHWEST;
		*Three = WEST;
		*Four = SOUTH;
		*Five = NORTH;
	case NORTHWEST: *One = WEST;
		*Two = NORTH;
		*Three = NORTHWEST;
		*Four = SOUTHWEST;
		*Five = NORTHEAST;
	NumMessage("BuildSightDir:	Invalid 'dir' value, = ",dir);
Esempio n. 2
INT8 RandomPointPatrolAI(SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier)
	INT16 sPatrolPoint;
	INT8  bOldOrders, bPatrolIndex;
	INT8	bCnt;

	sPatrolPoint = pSoldier->usPatrolGrid[pSoldier->bNextPatrolPnt];

	// if we're already there, advance next patrol point
	if (pSoldier->sGridNo == sPatrolPoint || pSoldier->bNextPatrolPnt == 0)
		// find next valid patrol point
		// we keep a count of the # of times we are in here to make sure we don't get into an endless
		bCnt = 0;
			// usPatrolGrid[0] gets used for centre of close etc patrols, so we have to add 1 to the Random #
			bPatrolIndex = (INT8) PreRandom( pSoldier->bPatrolCnt ) + 1;
			sPatrolPoint = pSoldier->usPatrolGrid[ bPatrolIndex];
		while ( (sPatrolPoint == pSoldier->sGridNo) || ( (sPatrolPoint != NOWHERE) && (bCnt < pSoldier->bPatrolCnt) && (NewOKDestination(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,IGNOREPEOPLE, pSoldier->bLevel ) < 1)) ); 

		if (bCnt == pSoldier->bPatrolCnt)
			// ok, we tried doing this randomly, didn't work well, so now do a linear search
			pSoldier->bNextPatrolPnt = 0;
				sPatrolPoint = NextPatrolPoint(pSoldier);
			while ((sPatrolPoint != NOWHERE) && (NewOKDestination(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,IGNOREPEOPLE, pSoldier->bLevel) < 1));
		// do nothing this time around
		if (pSoldier->sGridNo == sPatrolPoint)
			return( FALSE );

	// if we don't have a legal patrol point
	if (sPatrolPoint == NOWHERE)
		NumMessage("PointPatrolAI: ERROR - no legal patrol point for %d",pSoldier->ubID);

		// over-ride orders to something safer
		pSoldier->bOrders = FARPATROL;

	// make sure we can get there from here at this time, if we can't get all
	// the way there, at least do our best to get close
	if (LegalNPCDestination(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,ENSURE_PATH,WATEROK,0))
		pSoldier->bPathStored = TRUE;	    // optimization - Ian
		pSoldier->usActionData = sPatrolPoint;
		// temporarily extend roaming range to infinity by changing orders, else
		// this won't work if the next patrol point is > 10 tiles away!
		bOldOrders					= pSoldier->bOrders;
		pSoldier->bOrders	= SEEKENEMY;

		pSoldier->usActionData = GoAsFarAsPossibleTowards(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,pSoldier->bAction);

		pSoldier->bOrders = bOldOrders;

		// if it's not possible to get any closer, that's OK, but fail this call
		if (pSoldier->usActionData == NOWHERE)

	// passed all tests - start moving towards next patrol point
	sprintf(tempstr,"%s - POINT PATROL to grid %d",pSoldier->name,pSoldier->usActionData);

Esempio n. 3
int LegalNPCDestination(SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, INT16 sGridno, UINT8 ubPathMode, UINT8 ubWaterOK, UINT8 fFlags)
	BOOLEAN fSkipTilesWithMercs;
	if ((sGridno < 0) || (sGridno >= GRIDSIZE))
   fprintf(NetDebugFile,"LegalNPC->sDestination: ERROR - rcvd invalid gridno %d",gridno);

   NumMessage("LegalNPC->sDestination: ERROR - rcvd invalid gridno ",gridno);


	// return false if gridno on different level from merc
	if ( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( pSoldier->sGridNo ) && gpWorldLevelData[ pSoldier->sGridNo ].sHeight != gpWorldLevelData[ sGridno ].sHeight )
		return( FALSE );

	// skip mercs if turnbased and adjacent AND not doing an IGNORE_PATH check (which is used almost exclusively by GoAsFarAsPossibleTowards)
	fSkipTilesWithMercs = (gfTurnBasedAI && ubPathMode != IGNORE_PATH && SpacesAway( pSoldier->sGridNo, sGridno ) == 1 );

 // if this gridno is an OK destination
 // AND the gridno is NOT in a tear-gassed tile when we have no gas mask
 // AND someone is NOT already standing there
 // AND we're NOT already standing at that gridno
 // AND the gridno hasn't been black-listed for us

 // Nov 28 98: skip people in destination tile if in turnbased
 if ( ( NewOKDestination(pSoldier, sGridno, fSkipTilesWithMercs, pSoldier->bLevel ) ) &&
				( !InGas( pSoldier, sGridno ) ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sGridNo ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sBlackList ) )
 if ( ( NewOKDestination(pSoldier, sGridno, FALSE, pSoldier->bLevel ) ) &&
				( !(gpWorldLevelData[ sGridno ].ubExtFlags[0] & (MAPELEMENT_EXT_SMOKE | MAPELEMENT_EXT_TEARGAS | MAPELEMENT_EXT_MUSTARDGAS)) || ( pSoldier->inv[ HEAD1POS ].usItem == GASMASK || pSoldier->inv[ HEAD2POS ].usItem == GASMASK ) ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sGridNo ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sBlackList ) )*/
 if ( ( NewOKDestination(pSoldier,sGridno,ALLPEOPLE, pSoldier->bLevel ) ) &&
				( !(gpWorldLevelData[ sGridno ].ubExtFlags[0] & (MAPELEMENT_EXT_SMOKE | MAPELEMENT_EXT_TEARGAS | MAPELEMENT_EXT_MUSTARDGAS)) || ( pSoldier->inv[ HEAD1POS ].usItem == GASMASK || pSoldier->inv[ HEAD2POS ].usItem == GASMASK ) ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sGridNo ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sBlackList ) )
	  // if water's a problem, and gridno is in a water tile (bridges are OK)
		if (!ubWaterOK && Water(sGridno))

    // passed all checks, now try to make sure we can get there!
    switch (ubPathMode)
      // if finding a path wasn't asked for (could have already been done,
      // for example), don't bother
      case IGNORE_PATH     :	return(TRUE);

      case ENSURE_PATH     :	if ( FindBestPath( pSoldier, sGridno, pSoldier->bLevel, WALKING, COPYROUTE, fFlags ) )
			   												return(TRUE);        // legal destination
      												else // got this far, but found no clear path,
																// so test fails
															// *** NOTE: movement mode hardcoded to WALKING !!!!!
			case ENSURE_PATH_COST:	return(PlotPath(pSoldier,sGridno,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,WALKING,FALSE,FALSE,0));

      default              :
			     NumMessage("LegalNPC->sDestination: ERROR - illegal pathMode = ",ubPathMode);
 else  // something failed - didn't even have to test path
   return(FALSE);       	// illegal destination
Esempio n. 4
INT8 PointPatrolAI(SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier)
 INT16 sPatrolPoint;
 INT8  bOldOrders;

 sPatrolPoint = pSoldier->usPatrolGrid[pSoldier->bNextPatrolPnt];

 // if we're already there, advance next patrol point
 if (pSoldier->sGridNo == sPatrolPoint || pSoldier->bNextPatrolPnt == 0)
   // find next valid patrol point
     sPatrolPoint = NextPatrolPoint(pSoldier);
   while ((sPatrolPoint != NOWHERE) && (NewOKDestination(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,IGNOREPEOPLE, pSoldier->bLevel) < 1));

   // if we're back where we started, then ALL other patrol points are junk!
   if (pSoldier->sGridNo == sPatrolPoint)
     NumMessage("PROBLEM WITH SCENARIO: All other patrol points are invalid for guynum ",pSoldier->ubID);
     // force change of orders & an abort
     sPatrolPoint = NOWHERE;

 // if we don't have a legal patrol point
 if (sPatrolPoint == NOWHERE)
   NumMessage("PointPatrolAI: ERROR - no legal patrol point for %d",pSoldier->ubID);

   // over-ride orders to something safer
   pSoldier->bOrders = FARPATROL;

 // make sure we can get there from here at this time, if we can't get all
 // the way there, at least do our best to get close
 if (LegalNPCDestination(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,ENSURE_PATH,WATEROK,0))
   pSoldier->bPathStored = TRUE;	    // optimization - Ian
   pSoldier->usActionData = sPatrolPoint;
   // temporarily extend roaming range to infinity by changing orders, else
   // this won't work if the next patrol point is > 10 tiles away!
   bOldOrders					= pSoldier->bOrders;
   pSoldier->bOrders	= ONCALL;

   pSoldier->usActionData = GoAsFarAsPossibleTowards(pSoldier,sPatrolPoint,pSoldier->bAction);

   pSoldier->bOrders = bOldOrders;

   // if it's not possible to get any closer, that's OK, but fail this call
   if (pSoldier->usActionData == NOWHERE)

 // passed all tests - start moving towards next patrol point
 sprintf(tempstr,"%s - POINT PATROL to grid %d",pSoldier->name,pSoldier->usActionData);

Esempio n. 5
void MakeClosestEnemyChosenOne()
	UINT32				cnt;
	INT16					sPathCost, sShortestPath = 1000;
	INT8					bOldKeys = -1;
	UINT8					ubClosestEnemy = NOBODY;
	SOLDIERTYPE *	pSoldier;
	INT8					bPanicTrigger;
	INT16					sPanicTriggerGridNo;

	if ( ! (gTacticalStatus.fPanicFlags & PANIC_TRIGGERS_HERE) )
		PopMessage("MakeClosestEnemyChosenOne: ERROR - Panic Trigger is NOWHERE");


	if (!NeedToRadioAboutPanicTrigger() )
		// no active panic triggers

	// consider every enemy, looking for the closest capable, unbusy one
	for (cnt = 0; cnt < guiNumMercSlots; cnt++)
		pSoldier = MercSlots[cnt];

		if (!pSoldier)	// if this merc is inactive, or not here

		// if this merc is unconscious, or dead
		if (pSoldier->bLife < OKLIFE)
			continue;  // next soldier

		// if this guy's too tired to go
		if (pSoldier->bBreath < OKBREATH)
			continue;  // next soldier

		if ( gWorldSectorX == TIXA_SECTOR_X && gWorldSectorY == TIXA_SECTOR_Y )
			if ( pSoldier->ubProfile != WARDEN )
			// only consider for army guys
			if (pSoldier->bTeam != ENEMY_TEAM )

		// if this guy is in battle with opponent(s)
		if (pSoldier->bOppCnt > 0)
			continue;  // next soldier

		// if this guy is still in serious shock
		if (pSoldier->bShock > 2)
			continue;  // next soldier

		if ( pSoldier->bLevel != 0 )
			// screw having guys on the roof go for panic triggers!
			continue;  // next soldier

		bPanicTrigger = ClosestPanicTrigger( pSoldier );
		if (bPanicTrigger == -1)
			continue; // next soldier

		sPanicTriggerGridNo = gTacticalStatus.sPanicTriggerGridNo[ bPanicTrigger ];
		if (sPanicTriggerGridNo == NOWHERE)
			// this should never happen!

		// remember whether this guy had keys before
		//bOldKeys = pSoldier->bHasKeys;

		// give him keys to see if with them he can get to the panic trigger
		pSoldier->bHasKeys = (pSoldier->bHasKeys << 1) | 1;

		// we now path directly to the panic trigger

			// if he can't get to a spot where he could get at the panic trigger
			if ( FindAdjacentGridEx( pSoldier, gTacticalStatus.sPanicTriggerGridno, &ubDirection, &sAdjSpot, FALSE, FALSE ) == -1 )
				pSoldier->bHasKeys = bOldKeys;
				continue;          // next merc

		// ok, this enemy appears to be eligible

		// FindAdjacentGrid set HandGrid for us.  If we aren't at that spot already
		if (pSoldier->sGridNo != sPanicTriggerGridNo)
			// get the AP cost for this enemy to go to target position
			sPathCost = PlotPath( pSoldier, sPanicTriggerGridNo, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, WALKING, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
			sPathCost = 0;

		// set his keys value back to what it was before this hack
		pSoldier->bHasKeys = (pSoldier->bHasKeys >> 1 );

		// if he can get there (or is already there!)
		if (sPathCost || (pSoldier->sGridNo == sPanicTriggerGridNo))
			if (sPathCost < sShortestPath)
				sShortestPath = sPathCost;
				ubClosestEnemy = pSoldier->ubID;
		//NameMessage(pSoldier,"can't get there...");

	// if we found have an eligible enemy, make him our "chosen one"
	if (ubClosestEnemy < NOBODY)
		gTacticalStatus.ubTheChosenOne = ubClosestEnemy;       // flag him as the chosen one

		NumMessage("TEST MSG: The chosen one is ",TheChosenOne);

		pSoldier = MercPtrs[gTacticalStatus.ubTheChosenOne];
		if ( pSoldier->bAlertStatus < STATUS_RED )
			pSoldier->bAlertStatus = STATUS_RED;
			CheckForChangingOrders( pSoldier );
		SetNewSituation( pSoldier );    // set new situation for the chosen one
		pSoldier->bHasKeys = (pSoldier->bHasKeys << 1) | 1; // cheat and give him keys to every door
		//pSoldier->bHasKeys = TRUE;         
		PopMessage("TEST MSG: Couldn't find anyone eligible to become TheChosenOne!");