Esempio n. 1
int test_string_cast_vector()
	int Error = 0;

		glm::vec2 A1(1, 2);
		std::string A2 = glm::to_string(A1);
		Error += A2 != std::string("vec2(1.000000, 2.000000)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::vec3 B1(1, 2, 3);
		std::string B2 = glm::to_string(B1);
		Error += B2 != std::string("vec3(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::vec4 C1(1, 2, 3, 4);
		std::string C2 = glm::to_string(C1);
		Error += C2 != std::string("vec4(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000, 4.000000)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::dvec2 J1(1, 2);
		std::string J2 = glm::to_string(J1);
		Error += J2 != std::string("dvec2(1.000000, 2.000000)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::dvec3 K1(1, 2, 3);
		std::string K2 = glm::to_string(K1);
		Error += K2 != std::string("dvec3(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::dvec4 L1(1, 2, 3, 4);
		std::string L2 = glm::to_string(L1);
		Error += L2 != std::string("dvec4(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000, 4.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::bvec2 M1(false, true);
		std::string M2 = glm::to_string(M1);
		Error += M2 != std::string("bvec2(false, true)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::bvec3 O1(false, true, false);
		std::string O2 = glm::to_string(O1);
		Error += O2 != std::string("bvec3(false, true, false)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::bvec4 P1(false, true, false, true);
		std::string P2 = glm::to_string(P1);
		Error += P2 != std::string("bvec4(false, true, false, true)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::ivec2 D1(1, 2);
		std::string D2 = glm::to_string(D1);
		Error += D2 != std::string("ivec2(1, 2)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::ivec3 E1(1, 2, 3);
		std::string E2 = glm::to_string(E1);
		Error += E2 != std::string("ivec3(1, 2, 3)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::ivec4 F1(1, 2, 3, 4);
		std::string F2 = glm::to_string(F1);
		Error += F2 != std::string("ivec4(1, 2, 3, 4)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::i8vec2 D1(1, 2);
		std::string D2 = glm::to_string(D1);
		Error += D2 != std::string("i8vec2(1, 2)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::i8vec3 E1(1, 2, 3);
		std::string E2 = glm::to_string(E1);
		Error += E2 != std::string("i8vec3(1, 2, 3)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::i8vec4 F1(1, 2, 3, 4);
		std::string F2 = glm::to_string(F1);
		Error += F2 != std::string("i8vec4(1, 2, 3, 4)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::i16vec2 D1(1, 2);
		std::string D2 = glm::to_string(D1);
		Error += D2 != std::string("i16vec2(1, 2)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::i16vec3 E1(1, 2, 3);
		std::string E2 = glm::to_string(E1);
		Error += E2 != std::string("i16vec3(1, 2, 3)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::i16vec4 F1(1, 2, 3, 4);
		std::string F2 = glm::to_string(F1);
		Error += F2 != std::string("i16vec4(1, 2, 3, 4)") ? 1 : 0;

		glm::i64vec2 D1(1, 2);
		std::string D2 = glm::to_string(D1);
		Error += D2 != std::string("i64vec2(1, 2)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::i64vec3 E1(1, 2, 3);
		std::string E2 = glm::to_string(E1);
		Error += E2 != std::string("i64vec3(1, 2, 3)") ? 1 : 0;
		glm::i64vec4 F1(1, 2, 3, 4);
		std::string F2 = glm::to_string(F1);
		Error += F2 != std::string("i64vec4(1, 2, 3, 4)") ? 1 : 0;

	return Error;
Esempio n. 2
Molecule CO2()
    int nAtoms = 3;

    Eigen::Vector3d C1( 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000);
    Eigen::Vector3d O1( 2.1316110791, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000);
    Eigen::Vector3d O2(-2.1316110791, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000);

    Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms);
    geom.col(0) = C1.transpose();
    geom.col(1) = O1.transpose();
    geom.col(2) = O2.transpose();
    Eigen::Vector3d charges, masses;
    charges << 6.0, 8.0, 8.0;
    masses  << 12.00, 15.9949150, 15.9949150;

    std::vector<Atom> atoms;
    double radiusC = (1.70 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    double radiusO = (1.52 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(0), masses(0), radiusC, C1, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Oxygen", "O", charges(1), masses(1), radiusO, O1, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Oxygen", "O", charges(2), masses(2), radiusO, O2, 1.0) );

    std::vector<Sphere> spheres;
    Sphere sph1(C1, radiusC);
    Sphere sph2(O1, radiusO);
    Sphere sph3(O2, radiusO);

    enum pointGroup { pgC1, pgC2, pgCs, pgCi, pgD2, pgC2v, pgC2h, pgD2h };
    Symmetry pGroup;
    switch(group) {
        pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0);
        // C2 as generated by C2z
        pGroup = buildGroup(1, 3, 0, 0);
        // Cs as generated by Oyz
        pGroup = buildGroup(1, 1, 0, 0);
        // Ci as generated by i
        pGroup = buildGroup(1, 7, 0, 0);
        // D2 as generated by C2z and C2x
        pGroup = buildGroup(2, 3, 6, 0);
        // C2v as generated by Oyz and Oxz
        pGroup = buildGroup(2, 1, 2, 0);
        // C2h as generated by Oxy and i
        pGroup = buildGroup(2, 4, 7, 0);
        // D2h as generated by Oxy, Oxz and Oyz
        pGroup = buildGroup(3, 4, 2, 1);
        pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0);

    return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup);
Esempio n. 3
map<Range,vector<int> > Plink::mkBlks(int null1, int null2 )

  // First SNP, vector of SNPs (inc. first)
  map< int, vector<int> > blocks;
  // Some constants
  const double cutHighCI = 0.98;
  const double cutLowCI = 0.70;
  const double cutLowCIVar [5] = {0,0,0.80,0.50,0.50};
  const double maxDist [5] = {0,0,20000,30000,1000000};
  const double recHighCI = 0.90;
  const double informFrac = 0.95;
  const double fourGameteCutoff = 0.01;
  const double mafThresh = 0.05;
  // Set to skip SNPs with low MAFs
  // Uses genome-wide reference number: need to allocate for all SNPs here
  vector<bool> skipMarker(nl_all,false);
  for (int x = 0; x < nl_all; x++)
    skipMarker[x] = locus[x]->freq < mafThresh;
  // Consider each chromosome one at a time; skip X for now
  int startChromosome = locus[ 0 ]->chr;
  int finalChromosome = locus[ nl_all - 1 ]->chr;
  for (int chr = startChromosome ; chr <= finalChromosome; chr++)

      if ( scaffold.find(chr) == scaffold.end() )

      int fromPosition = scaffold[chr].lstart;
      int toPosition = scaffold[chr].lstop;
      int nsnps = toPosition - fromPosition + 1;

      // Make a list of marker pairs in "strong LD", sorted by distance apart 
      set<LDPair,Pair_cmp> strongPairs;
      map<int2,DPrime> dpStore;
      int numStrong = 0; 
      int numRec = 0; 
      int numInGroup = 0;
      // Each pair of markers
      for (int x = fromPosition; x < toPosition; x++)

 	  if ( ! par::silent )
	      std::cerr << "Chromosome " <<  locus[x]->chr
			<< ", position " << locus[x]->bp/1000000.0 
			<< "Mb                \r";
	  for (int y = x+1; y <= toPosition; y++)

	      if ( locus[x]->chr != locus[y]->chr ) 
	      if ( ( locus[y]->bp - locus[x]->bp ) > par::disp_r_window_kb )

	      if ( locus[x]->freq == 0 || locus[y]->freq == 0 )
	      PairwiseLinkage thisPair(x,y);
	      double lod = thisPair.lod;
	      double lowCI = thisPair.dp_lower;
	      double highCI = thisPair.dp_upper;
	      int2 t(x,y);
	      DPrime d;
	      d.dp = thisPair.dp;
	      d.dpl = lowCI;
	      d.dpu = highCI;
	      d.lod = lod;
	      dpStore.insert( make_pair( t,d ) );
	      // Is this pair in strong LD?
	      if (lod < -90) continue; //missing data
	      if (highCI < cutHighCI || lowCI < cutLowCI) 
		continue; //must pass "strong LD" test
	      // Store this pair
	      LDPair p(x,y, abs( locus[x]->bp - locus[y]->bp ) );
	      strongPairs.insert( p );


      // Now we have a list of SNPs in strong LD within this region
      // Now construct blocks based on this
      set<int> used;
      // #blocks:
      vector<vector<int> > blockArray;
      int cnt = 0;
      for ( set<LDPair>::reverse_iterator i = strongPairs.rbegin();
	    i != strongPairs.rend();
	    ++i )

	  int numStrong = 0; 
	  int numRec = 0; 
	  int numInGroup = 0;
	  vector<int> thisBlock;
	  int first = i->s1; 
	  int last = i->s2;
	  long sep = i->dist;

	  // See if this block overlaps with another:
	  if ( used.find(first) != used.end() 
	       || used.find(last)  != used.end() ) 
	  // Next, count the number of markers in the block.
	  // (nb. assume all SNPs belong)
	  for (int x = first; x <=last ; x++)
	      if( !skipMarker[x] ) 

	  // Skip it if it is too long in bases for it's size in markers
	  if (numInGroup < 4 && sep > maxDist[numInGroup]) 
	  // Add first SNP
	  thisBlock.push_back( first );

	  // Test block: requires 95% of informative markers to be "strong"

	  for (int y = first+1; y <= last; y++)
	      if (skipMarker[y]) 
	      //loop over columns in row y
	      for (int x = first; x < y; x++)
		  if (skipMarker[x]) 
		  double lod; 
		  double lowCI; 
		  double highCI;
		  map<int2,DPrime>::iterator l = dpStore.find( int2(x,y) );
		  if ( l == dpStore.end() ) 
		      // Recalculate
		      PairwiseLinkage thisPair(x,y);
		      lod = thisPair.lod;
		      lowCI = thisPair.dp_lower;
		      highCI = thisPair.dp_upper;
		      // Get the right bits
		      lod = l->second.lod;
		      lowCI = l->second.dpl;
		      highCI = l->second.dpu;
		  // Monomorphic marker error
		  if ( lod < -90)
		  // Skip bad markers
		  if ( lod == 0 && lowCI == 0 && highCI == 0)
		  // For small blocks use different CI cutoffs
		  if (numInGroup < 5)
		      if (lowCI > cutLowCIVar[numInGroup] && highCI >= cutHighCI) 
		      if (lowCI > cutLowCI &&  highCI >= cutHighCI) 
			numStrong++; //strong LD
		  if (highCI < recHighCI) 
		    numRec++; //recombination
	  // Change the definition somewhat for small blocks
	  if (numInGroup > 3)
	      if (numStrong + numRec < 6) 
	  else if (numInGroup > 2)
	      if (numStrong + numRec < 3) 
	      if (numStrong + numRec < 1) 

	  // If this qualifies as a block, add to the block list, but in
	  // order by first marker number:
	  if ( (double)numStrong/(double)(numStrong + numRec) > informFrac)
	      blocks.insert( make_pair( first , thisBlock ));  
	      // Track that these SNPs belong to a block
	      for (int u = first; u <= last; u++)
      // Next chromosome

  if ( ! par::silent )
    cerr << "\n";

  map<int,vector<int> >::iterator j = blocks.begin();

  printLOG(int2str( blocks.size() ) 
	   + " blocks called, writing list to [ " 
	   + par::output_file_name + ".blocks ]\n");
  ofstream O1( (par::output_file_name+".blocks").c_str() , ios::out );
  printLOG("Writing extra block details to [ " + 
	   par::output_file_name + ".blocks.det ]\n");
  ofstream O2( (par::output_file_name+".blocks.det").c_str() , ios::out );

  O2 << setw(4) << "CHR" << " " 
     << setw(12) << "BP1" << " "
     << setw(12) << "BP2" << " "
     << setw(12) << "KB" << " "
     << setw(6) << "NSNPS" << " "
     << setw(4) << "SNPS" << "\n";

  while ( j != blocks.end() )
      O1 << "*";
      vector<int> & b = j->second;
      for (int k=0; k<b.size(); k++)
	O1 << " " << PP->locus[b[k]]->name;
      O1 << "\n";
      O2 << setw(4) << PP->locus[b[0]]->chr << " " 
	 << setw(12) << PP->locus[b[0]]->bp << " "
	 << setw(12) << PP->locus[b[b.size()-1]]->bp << " "
	 << setw(12) << (double)(PP->locus[b[b.size()-1]]->bp - PP->locus[b[0]]->bp + 1)/1000.0 << " "
	 << setw(6) << b.size() << " ";
      for (int k=0; k<b.size(); k++)
	  if ( k>0 )
	    O2 << "|" << PP->locus[b[k]]->name;
	    O2 << PP->locus[b[k]]->name;
      O2 << "\n";




  // List of blocks created here
  // (dummy; not used)

  map<Range,vector<int> > blocks0;
  return blocks0;
Esempio n. 4
File: math.hpp Progetto: go4and/lib
inline O1 diff(const O1 & o1, const O2 & o2)
    return O1(o1.x - o2.x, o1.y - o2.y);