Esempio n. 1
 * Adds a control dependence from node to dep_on.
static void add_cdep(ir_node *node, ir_node *dep_on)
	ir_cdep *dep = find_cdep(node);

	if (dep == NULL) {
		ir_cdep *newdep = OALLOC(&cdep_data->obst, ir_cdep);

		newdep->node = dep_on;
		newdep->next = NULL;
		pmap_insert(cdep_data->cdep_map, node, newdep);
	} else {
		ir_cdep *newdep;

		for (;;) {
			if (get_cdep_node(dep) == dep_on)
			if (dep->next == NULL)
			dep = dep->next;
		newdep = OALLOC(&cdep_data->obst, ir_cdep);
		newdep->node = dep_on;
		newdep->next = NULL;
		dep->next = newdep;
Esempio n. 2
 * Pre-Walker called by compute_callgraph(), analyses all Call nodes.
static void ana_Call(ir_node *n, void *env)
	if (!is_Call(n))

	ir_graph *irg = get_irn_irg(n);
	for (size_t i = 0, n_callees = cg_get_call_n_callees(n); i < n_callees;
	     ++i) {
		ir_entity *callee_e = cg_get_call_callee(n, i);
		ir_graph  *callee   = get_entity_linktime_irg(callee_e);

		if (callee) {
			cg_callee_entry buf;
			buf.irg = callee;
			pset_insert((pset *)callee->callers, irg, hash_ptr(irg));
			cg_callee_entry *found = (cg_callee_entry*) pset_find((pset *)irg->callees, &buf, hash_ptr(callee));
			if (found) {  /* add Call node to list, compute new nesting. */
				ir_node **arr = found->call_list;
				ARR_APP1(ir_node *, arr, n);
				found->call_list = arr;
			} else { /* New node, add Call node and init nesting. */
				found = OALLOC(get_irg_obstack(irg), cg_callee_entry);
				found->irg = callee;
				found->call_list = NEW_ARR_F(ir_node *, 1);
				found->call_list[0] = n;
				found->max_depth = 0;
				pset_insert((pset *)irg->callees, found, hash_ptr(callee));
			unsigned depth = get_loop_depth(get_irn_loop(get_nodes_block(n)));
			found->max_depth = MAX(found->max_depth, depth);
Esempio n. 3
ir_initializer_t *create_initializer_const(ir_node *value)
	struct obstack *obst = get_irg_obstack(get_const_code_irg());

	ir_initializer_t *initializer
		= (ir_initializer_t*)OALLOC(obst, ir_initializer_const_t);
	initializer->kind         = IR_INITIALIZER_CONST;
	initializer->consti.value = value;

	return initializer;
Esempio n. 4
ir_initializer_t *create_initializer_tarval(ir_tarval *tv)
	struct obstack *obst = get_irg_obstack(get_const_code_irg());

	ir_initializer_t *initializer
		= (ir_initializer_t*)OALLOC(obst, ir_initializer_tarval_t);
	initializer->kind         = IR_INITIALIZER_TARVAL;
	initializer->tarval.value = tv;

	return initializer;
Esempio n. 5
 * emit the ROOT instruction
static instruction *emit_ROOT(mul_env *env, ir_node *root_op)
	instruction *res = OALLOC(&env->obst, instruction);
	res->kind = ROOT;
	res->in[0] = NULL;
	res->in[1] = NULL;
	res->shift_count = 0;
	res->irn = root_op;
	res->costs = 0;
	return res;
Esempio n. 6
 * emit a SUB instruction
static instruction *emit_SUB(mul_env *env, instruction *a, instruction *b)
	instruction *res = OALLOC(&env->obst, instruction);
	res->kind = SUB;
	res->in[0] = a;
	res->in[1] = b;
	res->shift_count = 0;
	res->irn = NULL;
	res->costs = -1;
	return res;
Esempio n. 7
 * emit a LEA (or an Add) instruction
static instruction *emit_LEA(mul_env *env, instruction *a, instruction *b,
                             unsigned shift)
	instruction *res = OALLOC(&env->obst, instruction);
	res->kind = shift > 0 ? LEA : ADD;
	res->in[0] = a;
	res->in[1] = b;
	res->shift_count = shift;
	res->irn = NULL;
	res->costs = -1;
	return res;
Esempio n. 8
 * Allocate a new DAG entry.
static dag_entry_t *new_dag_entry(dag_env_t *dag_env, ir_node *node)
	dag_entry_t *entry = OALLOC(&dag_env->obst, dag_entry_t);

	entry->num_nodes       = 1;
	entry->num_roots       = 1;
	entry->num_inner_nodes = 0;
	entry->root            = node;
	entry->is_dead         = 0;
	entry->is_tree         = 1;
	entry->is_ext_ref      = 0;
	entry->next            = dag_env->list_of_dags;
	entry->link            = NULL;

	dag_env->list_of_dags = entry;

	set_irn_dag_entry(node, entry);
	return entry;
Esempio n. 9
 * Process a call node.
 * @param call    A ir_node to be checked.
 * @param callee  The entity of the callee
 * @param hmap    The quadruple-set containing the calls with constant parameters
static void process_call(ir_node *call, ir_entity *callee, q_set *hmap)
	/* TODO
	 * Beware: We cannot clone variadic parameters as well as the
	 * last non-variadic one, which might be needed for the va_start()
	 * magic. */

	/* In this for loop we collect the calls, that have
	   a constant parameter. */
	size_t const n_params = get_Call_n_params(call);
	for (size_t i = n_params; i-- > 0;) {
		ir_node *const call_param = get_Call_param(call, i);
		if (is_Const(call_param)) {
			/* we have found a Call to collect and we save the information
			 * we need.*/
			if (!hmap->map)
				hmap->map = new_pset(entry_cmp, 8);

			entry_t *const key = OALLOC(&hmap->obst, entry_t);
			key->q.ent   = callee;
			key->q.pos   = i;
			key->    = get_Const_tarval(call_param);
			key->q.calls = NULL;
			key->weight  = 0.0F;
			key->next    = NULL;

			/* Insert entry or get existing equivalent entry */
			entry_t *const entry = (entry_t*)pset_insert(hmap->map, key, hash_entry(key));
			/* Free memory if entry already is in set */
			if (entry != key)
				obstack_free(&hmap->obst, key);

			/* add the call to the list */
			if (!entry->q.calls) {
				entry->q.calls = NEW_ARR_F(ir_node*, 1);
				entry->q.calls[0] = call;
			} else {
				ARR_APP1(ir_node *, entry->q.calls, call);
Esempio n. 10
 * emit a SHIFT (or an Add or a Zero) instruction
static instruction *emit_SHIFT(mul_env *env, instruction *a, unsigned shift)
	instruction *res = OALLOC(&env->obst, instruction);
	if (shift == env->bits) {
		/* a 2^bits with bits resolution is a zero */
		res->kind = ZERO;
		res->in[0] = NULL;
		res->in[1] = NULL;
		res->shift_count = 0;
	} else if (shift != 1) {
		res->kind = SHIFT;
		res->in[0] = a;
		res->in[1] = NULL;
		res->shift_count = shift;
	} else {
		res->kind = ADD;
		res->in[0] = a;
		res->in[1] = a;
		res->shift_count = 0;
	res->irn = NULL;
	res->costs = -1;
	return res;