Esempio n. 1
bool ValveDump::setParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
    OSLM_INFO("Set " << name << " to " << value);
        if(name == "min_free_mem")
            m_minFreeMem = ::fwTools::ByteSize(value).getSize();
            return true;

        else if(name == "hysteresis_offet")
            m_hysteresisOffset = ::fwTools::ByteSize(value).getSize();
            return true;
    catch( ::fwTools::ByteSize::Exception const& )
        OSLM_ERROR("Bad value for " << name << " : " << value);
        return false;
    OSLM_ERROR("Bad parameter name " << name );
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
void SMesh::updateColorMode(std::uint8_t mode)
    switch (mode)
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
            OSLM_ERROR("mode " << mode << " is not allowed");
Esempio n. 3
void Activater::apply()
    ::boost::shared_ptr< Bundle >  bundle = Runtime::getDefault()->findBundle(m_identifier, m_version);
    OSLM_FATAL_IF("Unable to activate Bundle " << m_identifier << "_" << m_version << ". Not found.", bundle==0);

    bundle->setEnable( true );

    // Managment of parameter configuration
    for( ParameterContainer::const_iterator i = m_parameters.begin();
            i != m_parameters.end();
            ++i )
        bundle->addParameter( i->first, i->second );

    // Disable extension point for this bundle
    for( DisableExtensionPointContainer::const_iterator id = m_disableExtensionPoints.begin();
            id != m_disableExtensionPoints.end();
            ++id )
        if( bundle->hasExtensionPoint(*id) )
            bundle->setEnableExtensionPoint( *id, false );
            OSLM_ERROR("Unable to disable Extension Point " << *id << " defined in the Bundle " << m_identifier << ". Not found.");

    // Disable extension for this bundle
    for( DisableExtensionContainer::const_iterator id = m_disableExtensions.begin();
            id != m_disableExtensions.end();
            ++id )
        if( bundle->hasExtension(*id) )
            bundle->setEnableExtension( *id, false );
            OSLM_ERROR("Unable to disable Extension " << *id << " defined in the Bundle " << m_identifier << ". Not found.");
Esempio n. 4
void Stopper::apply()
    ::boost::shared_ptr< Bundle >  bundle = Runtime::getDefault()->findBundle(m_identifier);
    OSLM_FATAL_IF("Unable to stop bundle " << m_identifier << ". Not found.", bundle == 0);
        OSLM_INFO("Stopping bundle : " << m_identifier);
    catch( const std::exception & e )
        OSLM_ERROR("Unable to stop bundle " << m_identifier << ". " << e.what());
Esempio n. 5
void DicomSearch::searchRecursivelyFiles(const ::boost::filesystem::path &dirPath, std::vector<std::string>& dicomFiles)
    std::vector<std::string> vecStr;
    std::string strIgnoreFile = ".zip|.txt|.htm|.html|.xml|.exe|.gz|.dir|.gif|.jpeg|.jpg|dicomdir|.DS_Store";
    ::boost::algorithm::split( vecStr, strIgnoreFile, ::boost::algorithm::is_any_of("|"), ::boost::algorithm::token_compress_on );

    std::string lowerFilename;
    std::string filename;
    for( ::boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator it(dirPath);
            it != ::boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(); ++it)
        if(! ::boost::filesystem::is_directory(*it))
            lowerFilename = filename = it->path().string();
            lowerFilename = filename = it->string();
            std::transform ( lowerFilename.begin(), lowerFilename.end(), lowerFilename.begin(), tolower );
            if(DicomSearch::compare( lowerFilename, &vecStr) )
                    ::gdcm::Reader reader;
                    reader.SetFileName( filename.c_str() );
                    if( !reader.Read() )// with GDCM2.0.18 use !reader.CanRead()
                        OSLM_WARN("Failed to read: " << filename );
                        dicomFiles.push_back( filename.c_str() );
                catch (std::exception& e)
                    OSLM_ERROR ( "Try with another reader for this file : " << filename.c_str());
Esempio n. 6
void SStringReader::updating()

    if ( this->hasLocationDefined() )
        // Read data.txt
        std::string line;
        std::string data("");
        std::ifstream myfile( this->getFile().string().c_str() );
        if ( myfile.is_open() )
            while ( myfile.good() )
                getline( myfile, line );
                OSLM_DEBUG("Read line : " << line );
                data += line;
            OSLM_ERROR("Unable to open file : " << this->getFile() );
        OSLM_DEBUG("Loaded data : " << data );

        // Set new string value in your associated object
        auto myAssociatedData = this->getInOut< ::fwData::String >("targetString");
        SLM_ASSERT("Data not found", myAssociatedData);

        myAssociatedData->setValue( data );
        SLM_WARN("Be careful, reader failed because no file location is defined." );

    // Then, notifies listeners that the image has been modified
Esempio n. 7
Extension::Validity Extension::validate()
    // Skips the validation if already done.
    if( m_validity != UnknownValidity )
        return m_validity;

    // Retrieves the extension point.
    Runtime * rntm( Runtime::getDefault() );
     ::boost::shared_ptr< ExtensionPoint >  point( rntm->findExtensionPoint(m_point) );

    // Checks that the point exists.
    if( !point )
        throw RuntimeException(m_point + " : invalid point reference.");

    // Validates the extension.
    ::boost::shared_ptr< io::Validator >   validator( point->getExtensionValidator() );
    OSLM_ASSERT("Sorry, validator creation failed for point "<<point->getIdentifier(), validator );

    // Check extension XML Node <extension id="xxx" implements="yyy" >...</extension>
    if( validator->validate( m_xmlNode ) == true )
        m_validity = Valid;
        m_validity = Invalid;
        const std::string   identifier = m_id.empty() ? "anonymous" : m_id;
        OSLM_ERROR("In bundle " << getBundle()->getIdentifier() << ". " << identifier
                << ": invalid extension XML element node does not respect schema. Verification error log is : "
                << std::endl << validator->getErrorLog() );

    return m_validity;
void ExternalDataReaderService::updating() throw(::fwTools::Failed)

    std::string imageName;
    ::fwData::Composite::sptr dataComposite = this->getObject< ::fwData::Composite >();
    ::fwComEd::helper::Composite compositeHelper(dataComposite);
    SLM_ASSERT("dataComposite not instanced", dataComposite);
        if (this->hasLocationDefined())
            // reading of the file
            std::fstream file;
  >getFile().string().c_str(), std::fstream::in);
            if (!file.is_open())
                OSLM_ERROR( "External data file loading error for " << this->getFile());
                std::string str = "Unable to open ";
                str+= this->getFile().string();
                throw std::ios_base::failure(str);
            file >> imageName;
            int readedValue = 0;
            double value;
            ::fwData::TransformationMatrix3D::sptr transformation1 = ::fwData::TransformationMatrix3D::New();
            ::fwData::TransformationMatrix3D::sptr transformation2 = ::fwData::TransformationMatrix3D::New();
                readedValue = 0;
                while ( !file.eof() && readedValue<32 )
                    file >> value;
                    if  (readedValue<16)
                        transformation1->getRefCoefficients().push_back( value );
                        transformation2->getRefCoefficients().push_back( value );
            // TF1 contains the first and third transformations
            if(dataComposite->find("TF1") == dataComposite->end() )
                compositeHelper.add("TF1", transformation1);
                compositeHelper.swap("TF1", transformation1);
            // TF2 contains the first and third transformations
            if(dataComposite->find("TF2") == dataComposite->end() )
                compositeHelper.add("TF2", transformation2);
                compositeHelper.swap("TF2", transformation2);
            ::fwData::String::sptr imageNameStr = ::fwData::String::New(imageName);
            if(dataComposite->find("filename") == dataComposite->end() )
                compositeHelper.add("filename", imageNameStr);
                compositeHelper.swap("filename", imageNameStr);
            SLM_ASSERT("Unable to open '"+this->getFile().string()+"'.", readedValue == 32 );
    catch(std::ios_base::failure &exception)
        OSLM_ERROR( "External data file loading error for " << exception.what());
bool DicomReaderTest::checkSeriesACHGenou( const ::fwMedData::ImageSeries::sptr &series )
    bool ok = true;
    bool notReallyChecked = true;

    ::fwMedData::Patient::sptr patient = series->getPatient();
    ::fwMedData::Study::sptr study = series->getStudy();
    ::fwMedData::Equipment::sptr equipment = series->getEquipment();

    // Study, Acquisition
    ::fwData::Image::sptr img = series->getImage();

    //# Dicom-File-Format
    //# Dicom-Meta-Information-Header
    //# Used TransferSyntax:
    //(0002,0000) UL 224                                                # 4,1 File Meta Information Group Length
    //(0002,0001) OB 00\01                                              # 2,1 File Meta Information Version
    //(0002,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.]                        # 26,1 Media Storage SOP Class UID
    //(0002,0003) UI [1.2.392.200036.9116.]         # 58,1 Media Storage SOP Instance UID
    //(0002,0010) UI [1.2.840.10008.1.2.1]                              # 20,1 Transfer Syntax UID
    //(0002,0012) UI []            # 38,1 Implementation Class UID
    //(0002,0013) SH [scanplus_33 ]                                     # 12,1 Implementation Version Name
    //(0002,0016) AE [scanplus]                                         # 8,1 Source Application Entity Title
    //# Dicom-Data-Set
    //# Used TransferSyntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
    //(0008,0000) UL 426                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(0008,0008) CS [ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\AXIAL]                           # 22,2-n Image Type
    //(0008,0016) UI [1.2.840.10008.]                        # 26,1 SOP Class UID
    //(0008,0018) UI [1.2.392.200036.9116.]         # 58,1 SOP Instance UID
    //(0008,0020) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Study Date
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Date doesn't match : ", "20081028",study->getDate());
    //(0008,0021) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Series Date
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Series Modality doesn't match : ", "20081028", series->getDate() );
    //(0008,0022) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Acquisition Date
    //(0008,0023) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Content Date
    //(0008,0030) TM [174327.000]                                       # 10,1 Study Time
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Time doesn't match : ", "174327.000", study->getTime() );
    //(0008,0031) TM [180156.734]                                       # 10,1 Series Time
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Series Modality doesn't match : ", "180156.734", series->getTime() );
    //(0008,0032) TM [174446.850]                                       # 10,1 Acquisition Time
    //(0008,0033) TM [174502.095]                                       # 10,1 Content Time
    //(0008,0050) SH [12514 ]                                           # 6,1 Accession Number
    //(0008,0060) CS [CT]                                               # 2,1 Modality
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Series Modality doesn't match : ", "CT", series->getModality() );
    //(0008,0070) LO [TOSHIBA ]                                         # 8,1 Manufacturer
    //(0008,0080) LO [SCANNER DE LA MODER ]                             # 20,1 Institution Name
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Equipment's Institution Name doesn't match : ", "SCANNER DE LA MODER ", equipment->getInstitutionName() );
    //(0008,0090) PN [DR MOREL]                                         # 8,1 Referring Physician's Name
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Referring Physician's Name doesn't match : ", "DR MOREL", study->getReferringPhysicianName() );
    //(0008,1010) SH [00000000001 ]                                     # 12,1 Station Name
    //(0008,103e) LO [ OS 0.5   ]                                       # 10,1 Series Description
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Description doesn't match : ", " OS 0.5   ", series->getDescription() );
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Description doesn't match : ", "", study->getDescription() ); // 0008,1030
    //(0008,1040) LO [ID_DEPARTMENT ]                                   # 14,1 Institutional Department Name
        fwMedData::DicomValuesType physiciansName;
        ok &= (physiciansName == series->getPerformingPhysiciansName());
        OSLM_ERROR_IF ("Name of the physician(s) administering the Series doesn't match : ", (physiciansName == series->getPerformingPhysiciansName()));
    //(0008,1090) LO [Aquilion]                                         # 8,1 Manufacturer's Model Name
    //(0010,0000) UL 104                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(0010,0010) PN [CHARNOZ ARNAUD]                                   # 14,1 Patient's Name
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Patient's Name doesn't match : ", "CHARNOZ ARNAUD", patient->getName() );
    //(0010,0020) LO [12592 ARTHRO GENOU  G ]                           # 22,1 Patient ID
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Patient ID doesn't match : ", "12592 ARTHRO GENOU  G ", patient->getPatientId() );
    //(0010,0030) DA [19790618]                                         # 8,1 Patient's Birth Date
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Patient's Birth Date doesn't match : ", "19790618", patient->getBirthdate() );
    //(0010,0040) CS [M ]                                               # 2,1 Patient's Sex
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Patient's Sex doesn't match :", "M " , patient->getSex() );
    //(0010,1010) AS [029Y]                                             # 4,1 Patient's Age
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Patient's Age doesn't match :", "029Y" , study->getPatientAge() );
    //(0010,4000) LT [ARTHRO]                                           # 6,1 Patient Comments
    //(0018,0000) UL 284                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(0018,0015) CS [DR MOREL]                                         # 8,1 Body Part Examined
    //(0018,0022) CS [HELICAL_CT]                                       # 10,1-n Scan Options
    //(0018,0050) DS [0.5 ]                                             # 4,1 Slice Thickness
    //(0018,0060) DS [120 ]                                             # 4,1 KVP
    //(0018,0090) DS [400.00]                                           # 6,1 Data Collection Diameter
    //(0018,1000) LO [C4522344]                                         # 8,1 Device Serial Number
    //(0018,1020) LO [V3.20ER005]                                       # 10,1-n Software Version(s)
    //(0018,1030) LO [ARTHRO GENOU]                                     # 12,1 Protocol Name
    //(0018,1100) DS [196.875 ]                                         # 8,1 Reconstruction Diameter
    //(0018,1120) DS [+0.0]                                             # 4,1 Gantry/Detector Tilt
    //(0018,1130) DS [+90.00]                                           # 6,1 Table Height
    //(0018,1140) CS [CW]                                               # 2,1 Rotation Direction
    //(0018,1150) IS [500 ]                                             # 4,1 Exposure Time
    //(0018,1151) IS [200 ]                                             # 4,1 X-Ray Tube Current
    //(0018,1152) IS [100 ]                                             # 4,1 Exposure
    //(0018,1170) IS [24]                                               # 2,1 Generator Power
    //(0018,1190) DS [0.9\0.8 ]                                         # 8,1-n Focal Spot(s)
    //(0018,1210) SH [FC30]                                             # 4,1-n Convolution Kernel
    //(0018,5100) CS [FFS ]                                             # 4,1 Patient Position
    //(0018,9345) UN (FD) 23.1                                          # 8,1 CTDIvol
    //(0020,0000) UL 370                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(0020,000d) UI [1.2.392.200036.9116.]         # 58,1 Study Instance UID
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Study Instance UID doesn't match :", "1.2.392.200036.9116." , study->getInstanceUID() );
    //(0020,000e) UI [1.2.392.200036.9116.]         # 58,1 Series Instance UID
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Series Instance UID doesn't match :", "1.2.392.200036.9116." , series->getInstanceUID() );
    //(0020,0010) SH [12514 ]                                           # 6,1 Study ID
    //(0020,0011) IS [3 ]                                               # 2,1 Series Number
    //(0020,0012) IS [3 ]                                               # 2,1 Acquisition Number
    //(0020,0013) IS [404 ]                                             # 4,1 Instance Number
    //(0020,0020) CS [L\P ]                                             # 4,2 Patient Orientation
    //(0020,0032) DS [-36.71875\-88.28125\1350.300]                     # 28,3 Image Position (Patient)

        OSLM_ERROR( "Missing image." );
        return false;

    CHECK_VALUE_WITH_TOLERANCE(ok,"Image x origin doesn't match  :", -36.71875 , img->getOrigin()[0], 0.01);
    CHECK_VALUE_WITH_TOLERANCE(ok,"Image y origin doesn't match  :", -88.28125 , img->getOrigin()[1], 0.01);
    CHECK_VALUE_WITH_TOLERANCE(ok,"Image z origin doesn't match  :", 1350.300 , img->getOrigin()[2], 0.01);
    //(0020,0037) DS [1.00000\0.00000\0.00000\0.00000\1.00000\0.00000 ]         # 48,6 Image Orientation (Patient)
    //(0020,0052) UI [1.2.392.200036.9116.]         # 56,1 Frame of Reference UID
    //(0020,1040) LO (no value)                                         # 0,1 Position Reference Indicator
    //(0020,1041) DS [+161.20 ]                                         # 8,1 Slice Location
    //(0028,0000) UL 158                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(0028,0002) US 1                                                  # 2,1 Samples per Pixel
    //(0028,0004) CS [MONOCHROME2 ]                                     # 12,1 Photometric Interpretation
    //(0028,0010) US 512                                                # 2,1 Rows
    //(0028,0011) US 512                                                # 2,1 Columns
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Image x size doesn't match  :", 512 , img->getSize()[0] );
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Image y size doesn't match  :", 512 , img->getSize()[1] );
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Image z size doesn't match  :", 404 , img->getSize()[2] );
    //(0028,0030) DS [0.384\0.384 ]                                     # 12,2 Pixel Spacing
    CHECK_VALUE_WITH_TOLERANCE(ok,"Image x spacing doesn't match  :", 0.384 , img->getSpacing()[0], 0.001);
    CHECK_VALUE_WITH_TOLERANCE(ok,"Image y spacing doesn't match  :", 0.384 , img->getSpacing()[1], 0.001);
    CHECK_VALUE_WITH_TOLERANCE(ok,"Image z spacing doesn't match  :", 0.399 , img->getSpacing()[2], 0.001);
    //(0028,0100) US 16                                                 # 2,1 Bits Allocated
    //(0028,0101) US 16                                                 # 2,1 Bits Stored
    CHECK_VALUE(notReallyChecked,"Image Bits Allocated correspond  :", 16, img->getType().sizeOf() * 8 );
    //(0028,0102) US 15                                                 # 2,1 High Bit
    //(0028,0103) US 1                                                  # 2,1 Pixel Representation
    CHECK_VALUE(notReallyChecked,"Image Bits Allocated correspond  :", false, img->getType().isSigned() );
    //(0028,1050) DS [500 ]                                             # 4,1-n Window Center
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Image Window Center correspond  :", 500, img->getWindowCenter() );
    //(0028,1051) DS [2500]                                             # 4,1-n Window Width
    CHECK_VALUE(ok,"Image Window Width correspond  :", 2500, img->getWindowWidth() );
    //(0028,1052) DS [-1024 ]                                           # 6,1 Rescale Intercept
    //(0028,1053) DS [1 ]                                               # 2,1 Rescale Slope
    //(0040,0000) UL 116                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(0040,0002) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date
    //(0040,0003) TM [174327.000]                                       # 10,1 Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time
    //(0040,0004) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Scheduled Procedure Step End Date
    //(0040,0005) TM [181327.000]                                       # 10,1 Scheduled Procedure Step End Time
    //(0040,0244) DA [20081028]                                         # 8,1 Performed Procedure Step Start Date
    //(0040,0245) TM [174327.000]                                       # 10,1 Performed Procedure Step Start Time
    //(0040,0253) SH [12325 ]                                           # 6,1 Performed Procedure Step ID
    //(7005,0000) UL 546                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
    //(7005,0010) LO [TOSHIBA_MEC_CT3 ]                                 # 16,1 Private Creator
    //(7005,1007) UN (DS) [335\269 ]                                    # 8,2 Reconstruction Center
    //(7005,1008) UN (DS) [0.5 ]                                        # 4,1 Detector Slice Thickness in mm
    //(7005,1009) UN (LO) [1111111111111111]                            # 16,1 Number of Detector rows to Reconstruct
    //(7005,100a) UN (DS) [+5.50 ]                                      # 6,1 Table Speed in mm/rot
    //(7005,100b) UN (SH) [ORG ]                                        # 4,1 Filter
    //(7005,100d) UN (CS) [DR MOREL]                                    # 8,1 Organ
    //(7005,100e) UN (SH) [IMG ]                                        # 4,1 File Type Remarks
    //(7005,100f) UN (SH) [FF]                                          # 2,1 Direction
    //(7005,1011) UN (LT) [Vol.]                                        # 4,1 Series Comment
    //(7005,1012) UN (SH) [SU]                                          # 2,1 Position
    //(7005,1013) UN (US) 1                                             # 2,1 Expert Plan No.
    //(7005,1016) UN (UI) [1.2.392.200036.9116.]         # 58,1 Volume UID
    //(7005,1017) UN (US) 404                                           # 2,1 Total Frame Count in the Volume
    //(7005,1018) UN (US) 404                                           # 2,1 Frame No.
    //(7005,1019) UN (UL) 1642763                                       # 4,1 Frame Sort Key
    //(7005,101a) UN (US) 1                                             # 2,1 Frame Sort Order
    //(7005,101b) UN (SH) [FC30]                                        # 4,1 Convolution Kernel
    //(7005,101d) UN (UL) 9                                             # 4,1 Reconstruction Number
    //(7005,101e) UN (UL) 13                                            # 4,1 Raw Data Number
    //(7005,101f) UN (LO) [20081028180156768480]                        # 20,1 Volume Number
    //(7005,1020) UN (UL) 3                                             # 4,1 Local Series Number
    //(7005,1021) UN (LO) [BOOST ]                                      # 6,1 Decrease in Artifact Filter
    //(7005,1022) UN (DS) [0.40]                                        # 4,1 Reconstruction Interval
    //(7005,1023) UN (DS) [0.688 ]                                      # 6,1 Pitch Factor
    //(7005,1024) UN (DA) [20081024]                                    # 8,1 The Acquisition Date of NRA
    //(7005,1030) UN (CS) [CT]                                          # 2,1 Main Modality in Study
    //(7005,1040) UN (FD) 402.4                                         # 8,1 DLP Dose Length Product

    return ok;

Esempio n. 10
void ItkLogger::DisplayErrorText(const char* _txt)
    OSLM_ERROR("[ITK]: " << _txt);
Esempio n. 11
void DicomStudyReader::read() throw(::fwTools::Failed)

    ::fwData::Study::sptr       study       = this->getConcreteObject();
    SLM_ASSERT("::fwData::Study not set", study);

    //*****     Get all file names      *****//
    std::vector< std::string > studyFiles   = this->getFileNames(); // files which contain a common study
    OSLM_TRACE("Number of files for a study : " << studyFiles.size());

    //*****     Get group of file names for each series      *****//
    const ::gdcm::Tag   gTagSUID(0x0020,0x000e); // Series UID
    const ::gdcm::Tag   gTagImageType(0x0008,0x0008);  // ImageType
    gdcm::Scanner       gScanner;

    if( !gScanner.Scan( studyFiles ) )
        throw ::fwTools::Failed("No series found");

    ::gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType                    keys    = gScanner.GetKeys();
    ::gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType::const_iterator    it      = keys.begin();
    ::gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType::const_iterator    itEnd   = keys.end();

    // Create a map to associate each series with its files.
    std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > seriesMap;    // Key : series UID ; Value : filenames found
    int secondaryCaptureCounter = 0;

    for(; it != itEnd; ++it)
        const char * filename   = it->c_str();
        const char * seriesUID   = gScanner.GetValue(filename, gTagSUID);

        if (seriesUID != 0)
            std::string seriesKey(seriesUID);
            // Treatment of secondary capture dicom file.
            if(gScanner.GetValue(filename, gTagImageType))
                std::string imageType(gScanner.GetValue(filename, gTagImageType));
                std::string::size_type idx  = imageType.find("DERIVED\\SECONDARY");

                if( idx != std::string::npos)
                    std::string::size_type endIdx  = imageType.find_first_not_of("DERIVED\\SECONDARY");
                    std::string optionalInfo = imageType.substr(endIdx);
                    std::ostringstream indice;
                        indice << optionalInfo;
                        // Tag as Secondary Capture
                        indice << "_SC_" << secondaryCaptureCounter;
                    seriesKey += indice.str();
            seriesMap[seriesKey].push_back( filename );
            OSLM_ERROR ( "No study UID found in : " << filename );

    //*****     Read each patient (and so studies, series, ...)      *****//
    DicomSeriesReader  seriesReader;
    std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > >::iterator itMap     = seriesMap.begin();
    std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > >::iterator itMapEnd  = seriesMap.end();
    while (itMap != itMapEnd)
        OSLM_TRACE ( "Series map key : " << itMap->first );
        if ( itMap->second.size() > 0 )
            OSLM_TRACE ( "First series map value : " << *(itMap->second.begin()) );


            ::fwData::Acquisition::NewSptr series;
                // Read one series

                // Add a complete series
            catch (::fwTools::Failed & e)
                OSLM_ERROR ("Reading error with series : " << itMap->first);
                // Acquisition skipped

    if(study->getNumberOfAcquisitions() == 0)
        throw ::fwTools::Failed("Study has no acquisition");

    //*****     Read study      *****//
    this->setReader( seriesReader.getReader() );
Esempio n. 12
void SeriesDBReader::addSeries( const ::fwMedData::SeriesDB::sptr& seriesDB,
                                const std::vector< std::string >& filenames)
    //gdcm::Trace::SetDebug( 1 );
    //gdcm::Trace::SetWarning( 1 );
    //gdcm::Trace::SetError( 1 );

    ::gdcm::Scanner scanner;
    const ::gdcm::Tag seriesUIDTag(0x0020, 0x000e);
    const ::gdcm::Tag seriesDateTag(0x0008, 0x0021);
    const ::gdcm::Tag seriesTimeTag(0x0008, 0x0031);
    const ::gdcm::Tag seriesTypeTag(0x0008, 0x0060);
    const ::gdcm::Tag seriesDescriptionTag(0x0008, 0x103e);
    const ::gdcm::Tag seriesPhysicianNamesTag(0x0008, 0x1050);

    const ::gdcm::Tag equipmentInstitutionNameTag(0x0008, 0x0080);

    const ::gdcm::Tag patientNameTag(0x0010, 0x0010);
    const ::gdcm::Tag patientIDTag(0x0010, 0x0020);
    const ::gdcm::Tag patientBirthdateTag(0x0010, 0x0030);
    const ::gdcm::Tag patientSexTag(0x0010, 0x0040);
    const ::gdcm::Tag studyUIDTag(0x0020, 0x000d);
    const ::gdcm::Tag studyDateTag(0x0008, 0x0020);
    const ::gdcm::Tag studyTimeTag(0x0008, 0x0030);
    const ::gdcm::Tag studyReferingPhysicianNameTag(0x0008, 0x0090);
    const ::gdcm::Tag studyDescriptionTag(0x0008, 0x1030);
    const ::gdcm::Tag studyPatientAgeTag(0x0010, 0x1010);

    const ::gdcm::Tag imageTypeTag(0x0008, 0x0008);
    const ::gdcm::Tag acquisitionDateTag(0x0008, 0x0022);
    const ::gdcm::Tag acquisitionTimeTag(0x0008, 0x0032);

    scanner.AddTag( seriesUIDTag );
    scanner.AddTag( seriesDateTag );
    scanner.AddTag( seriesTimeTag );
    scanner.AddTag( seriesTypeTag );
    scanner.AddTag( seriesDescriptionTag );
    scanner.AddTag( seriesPhysicianNamesTag );
    scanner.AddTag( equipmentInstitutionNameTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyUIDTag );
    scanner.AddTag( patientNameTag );
    scanner.AddTag( patientIDTag );
    scanner.AddTag( patientBirthdateTag );
    scanner.AddTag( patientSexTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyUIDTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyDateTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyTimeTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyReferingPhysicianNameTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyDescriptionTag );
    scanner.AddTag( studyPatientAgeTag );
    scanner.AddTag( imageTypeTag );
    scanner.AddTag( acquisitionDateTag );
    scanner.AddTag( acquisitionTimeTag );

        const bool isScanned = scanner.Scan( filenames );
        if( !isScanned )
            SLM_ERROR("Scanner failed");
        const ::gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType keys = scanner.GetKeys();

        typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > MapSeriesType;
        MapSeriesType mapSeries;

        for(const std::string& filename : keys)
            SLM_ASSERT("'"+filename+"' is not a key in the mapping table", scanner.IsKey(filename.c_str()));

            const char* seriesUID = scanner.GetValue( filename.c_str(), seriesUIDTag );
            const char* acqDate   = scanner.GetValue( filename.c_str(), acquisitionDateTag );

            if (seriesUID)
                std::string fileSetId = seriesUID;

                if (acqDate)
                    fileSetId += "_";
                    fileSetId += acqDate;

                const char* imageType = scanner.GetValue(filename.c_str(), imageTypeTag);
                    // Treatment of secondary capture dicom file.
                    SLM_TRACE("Image Type : " + std::string(imageType));
                    fileSetId += "_";
                    fileSetId += imageType;
                SLM_ERROR("No series name found in : " + filename );

        for(const auto& elt : mapSeries)
            ::fwMedData::ImageSeries::sptr series  = ::fwMedData::ImageSeries::New();
            ::fwMedData::Patient::sptr patient     = series->getPatient();
            ::fwMedData::Study::sptr study         = series->getStudy();
            ::fwMedData::Equipment::sptr equipment = series->getEquipment();


            SLM_TRACE( "Processing: '" + elt.first + "' file set.");
            const MapSeriesType::mapped_type& files = elt.second;
            if ( !files.empty() )
                vtkSmartPointer< vtkStringArray > fileArray  = vtkSmartPointer< vtkStringArray >::New();
                vtkSmartPointer< vtkGDCMImageReader > reader = vtkSmartPointer< vtkGDCMImageReader >::New();

                ::gdcm::IPPSorter ippSorter;
                ippSorter.SetComputeZSpacing( true );
                ippSorter.SetZSpacingTolerance( 1e-3 );
                bool isSorted = ippSorter.Sort( files );

                std::vector<std::string> sorted;
                double zspacing = 0.;
                    sorted   = ippSorter.GetFilenames();
                    zspacing = ippSorter.GetZSpacing();
                    OSLM_TRACE("Found z-spacing:" << ippSorter.GetZSpacing());
                    //  Else an error has been encountered.
                    //  We fall back to a more trivial sorting based on the InstanceNumber DICOM tag.
                    SLM_WARN("IPP Sorting failed. Falling back to Instance Number sorting.");
                    ::gdcm::Sorter sorter;
                    isSorted = sorter.StableSort( filenames);
                        // If the custom sorted returns true, it worked
                        // and the filenames are sorted by InstanceNumber (ASC).
                        sorted = sorter.GetFilenames();
                        // There is nothing more we can do to sort DICOM files.
                        SLM_ERROR("Failed to sort '"+elt.first+"'");

                    SLM_TRACE("Success to sort '" + elt.first+"'");
                    if (!zspacing && sorted.size() > 1)
                        SLM_TRACE( "Guessing zspacing ..." );
                        if (!sorted.empty())
                            ::gdcm::Reader localReader1;
                            ::gdcm::Reader localReader2;
                            const std::string& f1 = *(sorted.begin());
                            const std::string& f2 = *(sorted.begin() + 1);
                            SLM_TRACE( "Search spacing in: '" + f1 +"'");
                            SLM_TRACE( "Search spacing in: '" + f2 +"'");

                            localReader1.SetFileName( f1.c_str() );
                            localReader2.SetFileName( f2.c_str() );
                            const bool canRead = localReader1.Read() && localReader2.Read();
                                const std::vector<double> vOrigin1 =
                                const std::vector<double> vOrigin2 =
                                zspacing = vOrigin2[2] - vOrigin1[2];
                                    "Found z-spacing:" << zspacing << " from : << " << vOrigin2[2] << " | " <<
                            SLM_ERROR_IF("Cannot read: '" + f1 + "' or: '" + f2 +"'", !canRead);

                for(const std::string& file : sorted)
                    SLM_TRACE("Add '" + file + "' to vtkGdcmReader");

                ::fwData::Image::sptr pDataImage = ::fwData::Image::New();
                bool res = false;
                if (fileArray->GetNumberOfValues() > 0)
                    reader->SetFileNames( fileArray );
                        SLM_TRACE("Read Series: '" + elt.first + "'");

                        //add progress observation
                        vtkSmartPointer< ::fwVtkIO::helper::vtkLambdaCommand > progressCallback =
                            vtkSmartPointer< ::fwVtkIO::helper::vtkLambdaCommand >::New();
                        progressCallback->SetCallback([this](vtkObject* caller, long unsigned int, void* )
                                auto filter = static_cast<vtkGDCMImageReader*>(caller);
                                m_job->doneWork( filter->GetProgress()*100 );
                        reader->AddObserver(vtkCommand::ProgressEvent, progressCallback);

                        m_job->addSimpleCancelHook( [&]()
                            } );

                            ::fwVtkIO::fromVTKImage(reader->GetOutput(), pDataImage);
                            res = true;
                        catch(std::exception& e)
                            OSLM_ERROR("VTKImage to fwData::Image failed : "<<e.what());
                    catch (std::exception& e)
                        OSLM_ERROR( "Error during conversion : " << e.what() );
                    catch (...)
                        SLM_ERROR( "Unexpected error during conversion" );

                if (res)

                    SLM_ASSERT("No file to read", !files.empty());

                    // Read medical info
                    vtkMedicalImageProperties* medprop = reader->GetMedicalImageProperties();

                    const std::string patientName      = medprop->GetPatientName(); //"0010|0010"
                    const std::string patientId        = medprop->GetPatientID();
                    const std::string patientBirthdate = medprop->GetPatientBirthDate(); //"0010|0030"
                    const std::string patientSex       = medprop->GetPatientSex(); //"0010|0040"

                    const ::gdcm::Scanner::ValuesType gdcmPhysicianNames = scanner.GetValues( seriesPhysicianNamesTag );

                    const char* seriesUIDStr  = scanner.GetValue( files[0].c_str(), seriesUIDTag );
                    const char* seriesTimeStr = scanner.GetValue( files[0].c_str(), seriesTimeTag );
                    const char* seriesDateStr = scanner.GetValue( files[0].c_str(), seriesDateTag );

                    const std::string seriesModality    = medprop->GetModality(); //"0008|0060"
                    const std::string seriesDescription = medprop->GetSeriesDescription();
                    const std::string seriesDate        = ( seriesDateStr ? seriesDateStr : "" );
                    const std::string seriesTime        = ( seriesTimeStr ? seriesTimeStr : "" );

                    ::fwMedData::DicomValuesType seriesPhysicianNames;
                    for(const std::string& name :  gdcmPhysicianNames)
                        ::fwMedData::DicomValuesType result;
                        ::boost::split( result, name, ::boost::is_any_of("\\"));
                        seriesPhysicianNames.reserve(seriesPhysicianNames.size() + result.size());
                        seriesPhysicianNames.insert(seriesPhysicianNames.end(), result.begin(), result.end());

                    const char* studyUIDStr                   = scanner.GetValue( files[0].c_str(), studyUIDTag );
                    const char* studyReferingPhysicianNameStr =
                        scanner.GetValue( files[0].c_str(), studyReferingPhysicianNameTag );

                    const std::string studyDate             = medprop->GetStudyDate();
                    const std::string studyTime             = medprop->GetStudyTime();
                    const std::string studyDescription      = medprop->GetStudyDescription();  //"0008|1030"
                    const std::string studyPatientAge       = medprop->GetPatientAge();
                    const std::string equipementInstitution = medprop->GetInstitutionName(); //"0008|0080"

                    const std::string studyReferingPhysicianName =
                        ( studyReferingPhysicianNameStr ? studyReferingPhysicianNameStr : "" );

                    const double thickness = medprop->GetSliceThicknessAsDouble();//"0018|0050"
                    double center          = 0.0;
                    double width           = 0.0;
                    if (medprop->GetNumberOfWindowLevelPresets())//FIXME : Multiple preset !!!
                        medprop->GetNthWindowLevelPreset(0, &width, &center); //0028|1050,1051

                    // Image must have 3 dimensions
                    if(pDataImage->getNumberOfDimensions() == 2)
                        ::fwData::Image::SizeType imgSize = pDataImage->getSize();
                        imgSize[2] = 1;

                        ::fwData::Image::OriginType imgOrigin = pDataImage->getOrigin();
                        imgOrigin[2] = 0.;

                    ::fwData::Image::SpacingType vPixelSpacing = pDataImage->getSpacing();
                    // assume z-spacing = 1 if not guessed
                    vPixelSpacing[2] = zspacing ? zspacing : (thickness ? thickness : 1.);

                    // Get the series instance UID.
                    SLM_ASSERT("No series UID", seriesUIDStr);
                    series->setInstanceUID(( seriesUIDStr ? seriesUIDStr : "UNKNOWN-UID" ));
                    series->setModality( seriesModality );
                    series->setDescription( seriesDescription );
                    series->setDate( seriesDate );
                    series->setTime( seriesTime );
                    series->setPerformingPhysiciansName( seriesPhysicianNames );

                    SLM_ASSERT("No study UID",  studyUIDStr);
                    study->setInstanceUID(( studyUIDStr ? studyUIDStr : "UNKNOWN-UID" ));


                } // if res
            } // if !files.empty()
    } // try
    catch (std::exception& e)
        OSLM_ERROR( "Try with another reader or retry with this reader on a specific subfolder : " << e.what() );
        for(const auto filename : filenames)
            SLM_ERROR("file error : " + filename );
Esempio n. 13
void DicomSurfaceWriter::write() throw (::fwTools::Failed)
    ::fwData::Acquisition::csptr series = this->getConcreteObject();
    SLM_ASSERT("fwData::Acquisition not instanced", series);

    //*****     Get the dictionary *****//
    // Reading of the dictionary
    ::fwData::StructureTraitsDictionary::NewSptr structDico;
    // Ready of the dictionary file.

    ::fwDataIO::reader::DictionaryReader::NewSptr dictionaryReader;
    std::string dictionaryPath("./share/fwDataIO_0-2/OrganDictionary.dic");
    catch(const std::exception & e)

    //*****     Write surface segmentations     *****//
    unsigned int    skippedSegment  = 0;    // Number of segmentation not written
    const uint32_t  nbSegmentation  = series->getNumberOfReconstructions();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbSegmentation; ++i)
            // Get the info of the struture type
            ::fwData::Reconstruction::csptr reconstruction = series->getReconstructions()[i];
            const std::string & segmentLabel    = reconstruction->getStructureType();
            ::fwData::StructureTraitsDictionary::StructureTypeNameContainer segmentLabels = structDico->getStructureTypeNames();
            ::fwData::StructureTraitsDictionary::StructureTypeNameContainer::const_iterator itr = std::find(segmentLabels.begin(), segmentLabels.end(),segmentLabel);
            ::fwData::StructureTraits::sptr structure;
            ::fwData::StructureTraits::NewSptr emptyStructure;
            if(itr != segmentLabels.end())
                structure = structDico->getStructure(segmentLabel);
                structure = emptyStructure;

            // Write segmentation
            DicomSegmentWriter::writeSurfaceSegmentation(i, structure);

            // Here, the segment is identified and its surface can be written.
        catch(::fwTools::Failed & e)

    if (skippedSegment == nbSegmentation)
        throw ::fwTools::Failed("All 3D reconstructions have been rejected");
    else if (skippedSegment > 0)
        OSLM_WARN(skippedSegment<<" 3D reconstruction(s) have been rejected");

    ::boost::shared_ptr< ::gdcm::SurfaceWriter >    gSurfaceWriter  = ::boost::static_pointer_cast< ::gdcm::SurfaceWriter >( this->getWriter() );
    ::gdcm::DataSet &                               gDsRoot         = this->getDataSet();

    // Number of Surfaces Tag(0x0066,0x0001)
    gSurfaceWriter->SetNumberOfSurfaces( nbSegmentation - skippedSegment ); // Type 1
    OSLM_TRACE("Number of Surfaces : " << nbSegmentation - skippedSegment);

    //*****     Write Enhanced General Equipement Module     *****//
    //See: PS 3.3 C.7.5.2
        DicomEquipmentWriter equipmentWriter;

    //*****     Write Content Identification Module     *****//
    //See: PS 3.3 Table 10-12

    //*****     Complete the file      *****//
    // Set the instance to surface segmentation storage
    ::boost::shared_ptr< DicomInstance > dicomInstance = this->getDicomInstance();
    const char * SOPClassUID = ::gdcm::MediaStorage::GetMSString( ::gdcm::MediaStorage::SurfaceSegmentationStorage );
    std::string SOPClassUIDStr;
    if (SOPClassUID == 0)
        SOPClassUIDStr = "1.2.840.10008.";
        SOPClassUIDStr = SOPClassUID;
    dicomInstance->setSOPClassUID( SOPClassUIDStr );

    ::gdcm::UIDGenerator gUIDgen;
    gUIDgen.SetRoot( SOPClassUIDStr.c_str() );
    dicomInstance->setSOPInstanceUID( gUIDgen.Generate() );


    //*****     Write the file      *****//
    DicomRefInstanceWriter< ::fwData::Acquisition >::write();