void App_ProbeInit (void) { #if (APP_CFG_PROBE_OS_PLUGIN_EN == DEF_ENABLED) OSProbe_Init(); OSProbe_SetCallback(App_ProbeCallback); OSProbe_SetDelay(50); #endif #if (APP_CFG_PROBE_COM_EN == DEF_ENABLED) APP_TRACE_INFO(("Initializing uC/Probe ... \n\r")); ProbeCom_Init(); /* Initialize the uC/Probe communications module */ #if (PROBE_COM_CFG_RS232_EN == DEF_ENABLED) ProbeRS232_Init(115200); ProbeRS232_RxIntEn(); #endif #if (PROBE_COM_CFG_TCPIP_EN == DEF_ENABLED) ProbeTCPIP_Init(); #endif #endif #if (APP_CFG_PROBE_DEMO_INTRO_EN == DEF_ENABLED) ProbeDemoIntro_Init(); #endif }
void AppProbeInit (void) { #if (uC_PROBE_OS_PLUGIN > 0) (void)Probe_Counts; #if (uC_PROBE_COM_MODULE > 0) && \ (PROBE_COM_STAT_EN > 0) (void)Probe_ComRxPktSpd; (void)Probe_ComTxPktSpd; (void)Probe_ComTxSymSpd; (void)Probe_ComTxSymByteSpd; #endif OSProbe_Init(); OSProbe_SetCallback(AppProbeCallback); OSProbe_SetDelay(50); #endif #if (uC_PROBE_COM_MODULE > 0) ProbeCom_Init(); /* Initialize the uC/Probe communications module */ #if (PROBE_COM_METHOD_RS232 > 0) ProbeRS232_Init(115200); ProbeRS232_RxIntEn(); #endif #if (PROBE_COM_METHOD_TCPIP > 0) ProbeTCPIP_Init(); #endif #endif }
void OSProbe_Init (void) { #if (OS_PROBE_TASK > 0) OSProbe_SetDelay(100); OSProbe_SetCallback((void (*)(void))0); /* Force terminal callback function to 'nothing'. */ OSProbe_InitOS(); #endif #if (OS_PROBE_HOOKS_EN > 0) OSProbe_TmrInit(); OSProbe_CyclesCtr = 0; OSProbe_TmrCntsPrev = 0; #endif }